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Submitted by: Sana Hafeez (S17DPT30)
Explain medical emergencies and its management with
diagram in detail
• Sudden cardiac death
• Exercise-induced anaphylaxis
• Pulmonary issues
• Diabetic emergencies
• Mononucleosis and sickle cell trait
• Hypertension
• Sudden cardiac death is defined as death within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms,
although some authors have used 1 hour as a definition.
• The majority of cases of sudden death are related to undiagnosed cardiac conditions,
but pulmonary problems, hyperthermia, drug abuse, blunt chest trauma, sarcoidosis,
and exercise-induced anaphylaxis, among others are some of the major causes.
Immediate CPR is crucial for treating sudden cardiac arrest. By maintaining a flow of
oxygen-rich blood to the body's vital organs, CPR can provide a vital link until more-
advanced emergency care is available.
• Exercise-induced anaphylaxis is a rare form of physical allergy that occurs during
physical activity.
Three major types of the condition are described:

1. Cholinergic urticaria
Cholinergic urticaria is a skin condition manifested by small (2–5 mm) punctate papules
surrounded by an erythematous base usually occurring about 6 minutes into exercise.

2. Classic exercise induced anaphylaxis

Exercise-induced anaphylaxis is most commonly precipitated by running, but a variety of
activities have been associated with its occurrence. Symptoms last from 30 minutes to 4
hours after cessation of activity.

3. Variant type exercise-induced anaphylaxis

Variant type exercise-induced anaphylaxis is the least common form of exercise-induced

anaphylaxis. It is characterized by punctuate urticaria (2–4 mm) associated with exercise-
induced vascular collapse.
• Subcutaneous epinephrine, intravenous (IV) fluid, oxygen,antihistamines, and airway
• Once the person is stabilized, prophylactic use of antihistamines and anticholinergic
medications and a search for precipitating causes should be initiated.

• Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways associated with hyper-
responsiveness of the inflammatory system, reversible airflow limitation, and
respiratory symptoms.
• It is the most common chronic lung disease in both the developed and developing
• Therapy with albuterol delivered via MDI and spacer. The usual dosing is 2 to 4
puffs delivered every 15 to 20 minutes for a total maximum of 3 doses.
• Nebulizers turn a liquid beta-2 agonist into an easily inhaled aerosol using
pressurized oxygen. This is helpful for patients with asthma who have difficulty using
an MDI.

Diabetes: A metabolic disorder that primarily results from absent or diminished
insulin secretion by the pancreas or from defects of insulin receptors in the body. This
causes an inability for the body to utilize glucose properly.
1) Hyperglycemia without obvious acidosis: Increased glucose in the blood, typically
linked to diabetes.
2) Hypoglycemia: Decreased glucose in the blood, usually caused by excessive
insulin or low food intake.
3) Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA): The presence of excessive amounts of organic acid
and an increase of ketones in the blood, often occurring as a complication of diabetes.
Symptoms are hyperventilation, a fruity odor of the breath, altered levels of
consciousness, nausea, vomiting and dehydration.
Mononucleosis (mono) is a contagious infection caused by a herpes virus called
Epstein-Barr. Other viruses can also cause mono. The infection is common among
teenagers and young adults. People with mono experience extreme fatigue, fever and
body aches.
There's no specific therapy available to treat infectious mononucleosis. Antibiotics
don't work against viral infections such as mono. Treatment mainly involves taking
care of yourself, such as getting enough rest, eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty
of fluids.
Hypertensive emergency means blood pressure is so high that organ damage can
occur. Blood pressure must be reduced immediately to prevent imminent organ
damage. Organ damage associated with hypertensive emergency may include:
Changes in mental status, such as confusion. Bleeding into the brain (stroke)

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