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Course Name:- Executive Post Graduate Diploma in Management Name:- Waseeq Ahmed

Subject:- Business Communication Ref:- EPG43/AUGUST21/1076

43rd Batch

Write a brief report on the communication process in your organisation. You can start with defining the role of business
Question:-1 communication in your organisation. Also write about the role of Kinesthetics in bringing effectiveness in communication in your

Breif introdcution about my company:-

Puravankara Limited:- It is one of the leading real estate company in India, involved in development, construction and selling of flats.
It's projects are mainly in Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Maharashtra and Goa.

Communication plays a vital role in selling of a product and the success of company depends upon good communication, as good
communication will lead to generating more revenue for company by selling more flats.
Below mentioned are the few mode of communication used to attract the new customers in my organization:-

Answer To I. Advertising:- A series of related, well-timed, carefully placed television ads coupled with print advertising in selected magazines
Question:-1 and newspapers, providing the information about projects and new luanches and various scheme of sales.
Merits of advertising:- Advertising creates a sense of credibility or legitimacy when an organization invests in presenting itself and its
products in a public forum. Ads can convey a sense of quality and permanence.
Demerit of advertising:- The primary disadvantage of advertising is cost.

II. Digital marketing:- Various promotional information about projects and offers are displayed on company web site, Facebook,
Twitter, Google, Youtube and other social media.
Merits of Digital Marketing:-Digital marketing is an umbrella term for using digital tools to promote and market products, services,
organizations and brands. As consumers and businesses become more reliant on digital communications.
Demerit of Digital Marketing:- Too few hands to help means the burden of content creation is high on a single individual. However,
too many people often results in duplication of efforts or conflicting content.

III. Direct marketing:- Is a method of directly communicating with individual customer based on that person needs, interest,
behaviours, and preferences. Traditional direct marketing activities include mail, catalogs, and telemarketing.Telemarketing
contacts prospective customers via the telephone to pitch offers and collect information.
Merits of direct marketing:- Direct marketing can offer significant value to consumers by tailoring their experience in the market to
things that most align with their needs and interests
Demerit of direct Marketing:- Leading disadvantages of direct marketing are, not surprisingly, customer concerns about privacy and
information security.

IV. Sales promotion:- Sales promotion displays the same messages and design as the ads, emphasizing point-of-sale impact.
Merits of sales promotion:- Sales promotions can also be a valuable–and sometimes sneaky–way to acquire contact information for
current and prospective customers.
Demerits of sales promotion:- It temporary boost in short term sales may be attributed to highly price-sensitive consumers looking
for a deal, rather than the long-term loyal customers a company wants to cultivate.

V. Personal selling:- Preparation and training for customer sales representatives about the campaign to equip them to explain and
demonstrate the product benefits stressed in advertising. Personal sellings involves lot of Kinesthetic communication as they interact
directly with customers where their body movements, person's character and emotions are important.
Merits of personal selling:- The most significant strength of personal selling is its flexibility. Salespeople can tailor their presentations
to fit the needs, motives, and behavior of individual customers
Demerits of personal selling:- High cost is the primary disadvantage of personal selling with increased competition.

Below mentioned are the few mode of communication used to attract the existing customers in my organozition:-
Customer Privilage:- Offering attractive compensation scheme to refer new customers.
Customer Engagement:- Periodically organizing events at projects to keep customer engaged.
As a customer service manager write a letter responding to a customer complaint regarding poor customer service in the Big Bazaar
Super Center in M.G.Road

Date:- 2nd October 2021.

The Esteemed customer of Big Bazaar,

From Customer Service Manager,

Big Bazaar Super Center,
M G Road,

Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub:- Response to the complaint regarding poor customer service in Big Bazaar Super Center, M. G. Roaod.

Hope this letter finds you well. we have received a letter from you regarding a complaint of poor customer service provided to you
at Big Bazaar Super Center at M G Road. On behalf of Big Bazaar Super Center, I extend my sincere apologies for the negeative
Answer To
experience you had with our customer service.
At Big Bazaar Super Center we try our best to give our 100% every day to ensure our customer needs and demands are met. I know
that we have let you down and for that we are sorry.
We do our best to train each of our customer representative on how to handle our esteemed customer's concern and issues,
including to escalate any issues with their seniors which they are unable to handle at their end.
Your concern was not handled properly, and we assure you that every right steps are taken to ensure that this situation does not
repeat in future.
I thank you for bringing the issue to our attention. we are always looking for ways to better our customer services, hence customers
feedback are valuable part of that.
Thank you for your patience and hope to see you soon.

Customer Service Manager.
Big Bazaar Super Center.
M G Road,

Many new recruits are joining your company, which is on an expansion path. This growth means that several officials have to travel
to introduce the company to the new batch of employees. You feel that a video about the company would do the job. Write a letter
to your manager about the advantages and disadvantages of using a video to showcase the company to the new employees and how
it can help reduce the cost.
Dear Sir,
As you are aware that due to new project luanches, we are hiring new employees in sales and marketing team. We need to give them
the necessary training so that they are able to achieve the target given to them.

It is that much important to give proper introduction and training to the new employees to be known and educated about the
organization,which adds difficulty for officials to travel much for the same.Here new methodology of having an visual merchandising
about the company to the employees will surely help them in introducing our concern more efficiently.Our ideas will give the following

1. It's Accessibility:- It is very difficult for all the employees to gather at the same time at same place, but a video will eliminate this
problem, as every new joinees can learn about the company and the process by watching at their own pace until they understand the
Answer To 2. It Keeps cost down:- When we are going with regular mode of training we need to spend on instructor and travel cost.
Question:-3 3. Better Engagement:- If we want our employees to engage in training, we need to make it interesting, and videos are much more
likely to keep their attention than basic text documents or classroom lectures.
4. Every One Gets Same Experience:- One of the best ways to ensure that everyone gets the same training experience is to create a
video that covers all of the appropriate training and development topics that you want to go over.
5. Complicated Information is communucated in easy way:- Video is a great tool for breaking down complex information and ideas
and explaining them with the use of simple, easy to understand, visuals.
6. It’s Measurable:- When we hold classroom training for our team or hand them written training and development materials, we are
not sure that they actually read and/or digested the information, where as If we create an interactive video, we can also measure our
employees’ level of engagement with our training.

*All candidates must have access to a computer or internet
*Connectivity problems can arise, making it difficult to communicate easily or to hear what the employees are trying to communicate.
*Delays can occur in transmission across the internet, causing you to "step on" the candidates' responses, or vice versa.

There has been a lot of negative news floating around in the media about your company. When you contact the PR team, it blames
the marketing department, mentioning that the latter does not pass on information in time. The marketing department says it lacks
the time and resources to be more proactive. In addition, employees are using every possible avenue to write blogs, bringing
disrepute to the company. What are the corrective measures that you will take?

Before analysing corrective measures, let us understand the the term PR Team,
PR Team:- Public Relation team is who maintains goodwill and mutual understanding between an organization and the piublic.
Henmce PR is an art of managing communication between the organization and the public.

Below corrective measures I would take to handle the negative news floating around media about my company:-

1. Control of emotions:- Before I take any steps, I will take a deep breath and analyze the reasons or causes of negative news about
my comapny.

2. Reaching out to PR team and marketing team:- Will try to reach out to our PR representative and marketing team representative
to understand the reasons for the same.
Also I would try getting all staffs on the same page before responding to press, depending of the severity of the matter, I would
request comments are channelled through senior member of team.

3. Acknowledging the mistake:- Once the mistake is identified based on discussion with PR team & marketing team, it is better to
Answer To
accept the same and acknowledge it. It will help in business to grow more stonger.
4. Continue to monitor the news:- It is always better to monitor the company reputation in news and on social media. Also make
sure necessary corrective steps are taken that the same is not repeated in future.

5. Community Events:- To clear the negative news about company, it is better to organize community events to show people that the
society is also important along with growth of business, this will help us to convert the negetive news into positive news.

6. Company internal policy:- Company should have policies how they approch the media or how they represent the company to the
public as not only the PR team or marketing team is representing the company, it's all the employees who are the spoke persons of
the company.

7. Turn your existing customers into brand ambassadors:- By recruiting loyal clients to act as brand ambassadors for your company.
The public is more receptive to remarks from fellow customers than brands. Include their positive reviews in your advertising and
social media content. As you do so, continue to ensure that your messaging is timely and connects with your audience.
2. Reaching out to PR team and marketing team:- Will try to reach out to our PR representative and marketing team representative
to understand the reasons for the same.
Also I would try getting all staffs on the same page before responding to press, depending of the severity of the matter, I would
request comments are channelled through senior member of team.

3. Acknowledging the mistake:- Once the mistake is identified based on discussion with PR team & marketing team, it is better to
Answer To
accept the same and acknowledge it. It will help in business to grow more stonger.
4. Continue to monitor the news:- It is always better to monitor the company reputation in news and on social media. Also make
sure necessary corrective steps are taken that the same is not repeated in future.

5. Community Events:- To clear the negative news about company, it is better to organize community events to show people that the
society is also important along with growth of business, this will help us to convert the negetive news into positive news.

6. Company internal policy:- Company should have policies how they approch the media or how they represent the company to the
public as not only the PR team or marketing team is representing the company, it's all the employees who are the spoke persons of
the company.

7. Turn your existing customers into brand ambassadors:- By recruiting loyal clients to act as brand ambassadors for your company.
The public is more receptive to remarks from fellow customers than brands. Include their positive reviews in your advertising and
social media content. As you do so, continue to ensure that your messaging is timely and connects with your audience.

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