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Understanding Culture, Society and Politics-11

Name: _____________________________ Date: ___________________Score: _______

Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer and write it on the space provided.
1. It is the idea that all living organisms come from ancestors that were different in some way.
a. evolution b. genetics c. creationism d. catastrophism
2. The first book of the Bible, commonly accepted explanation for the origin of species.
a. Exudos b. John c. Genesis d. Matthew
3. According to ______, biological similarities and differences originated at the Creation.
a. genetics b. evolution c. interaction d. creationism
4. Social interaction in this kind of relationship is more intense.
a. dyad b. triad c. quad d. all of the above
5. He was influenced by earlier scholars, including his own grandfather. He became the best known evolutionist.
a. James Ussher b. John Lightfoot c. Charles Darwin d. Sir Charles
6. He is the father of Geology.
a. Sir Charles Lyell’s b. Charles Darwin c. Carolus Linnaeus d. James Ussher
7. He stated that “the present is the key to the past”.
a. creationism b. uniformitarianism c. evolution d. interaction
8. The bigger the size of a group ______________.
a. the more the interaction c. there is no interaction
b. the lesser the interaction d. moderate interaction
9. A set of ideas formulated to explain something and to promote new understanding is what we called ________.
a. theory b. concept c. interaction d. organizations
10. A scientist who developed the first comprehensive and still influential classification, or taxonomy of plants and animals.
a. Sir Charles Lyell’s b. Charles Darwin c. Carolus Linnaeus d. James Ussher
___11. The process by which the life forms most fit to survive and reproduce in a given environment do so in greater numbers than others in the same
a. natural selection b. genetics c. evolution d. theory
___12. What is the alternative to creationism and catastrophism?
a. transformism b. creationism c. catastrophism d.uniformitarianism
13. Bureaucracy
a. is a form of organizational structure
b. creates inflexibility that can lead to inefficiency
c. stifles initiative, imagination, and acceptance of responsibility
d. all of the above
14. What is the name of the book published in 1794, proclaimed the common ancestry of all
animal species?
a. origin of species b. zoonomia c. theory d. bible
15. A Science that emerged after Darwin, helps us understand the cause of biological variation.
a. evolution b. genetics c. hierarchy d. personality
16. The earliest widely accepted hominin genus, indicates a capacity an imperfect one for upright bipedal locomotion.
a. hominins b. afarensis c. ardipithecus d. all of the above
17. Famous early hominin whose remains recently have toured museums in the United States.
a. elephants b. crocodiles c. lucy d. antelopes
18. When was the world’s oldest known child has been discovered in East Africa?
a. Jan. 15, 1981 b. Sept. 07, 1914 c. Jul. 22, 1950 d. Sept. 20,2006
19. It refers to the taxonomic family that includes humans and the African apes and their immediate ancestors.
a. afarensis b. ardipithecus c. group d. hominid
20. Also known as “toumai” a local name meaning “hope of life”.
a. teeth b. tools c. fossil d. apes
21. The big hole through which the spinal cord joins the brain.
a. homo b. foramen magnum c. primates d. mammals
22. The first proof of a more widespread distribution of early hominins in Chad.
a. Discovery of Sahelanthropus c. discovery of afarensis
b. Discovery of toumai d. all of the above
23 The only caveman to appear on a VH1 list of the “200 Greatest Pop Culture Icons” .
a. Martha Stewart b. Cher c. Fred Flirtstone d. Lucy
24. The first find of an H. habilis skull with a significant amount of skeletal material.
a. KNM-ER 1813 b. OH62 c. KNM-ER 1470 d.OH24
25. From the Greek word roots meaning “old” and “stones”.
a. H. erectus b. H. sapiens c. acheulian d. paleolithic
26. Named after the French village of St. Acheul, where it was first identified
a. H. erectus b. H. sapiens c. acheulian d. paleolithic
27. Core tools with a straight edge at one end were used for heavy chopping and hacking at the
of larger animals.
a. knife b. cleavers c. stone d. swords
28. The center stage during the australopithecine period, is joined by Asia and Europe during the
H. erectus and H. sapiens periods of hominin evolution.
a. Africa b. Asia c. Europe d. Australia
29. Traditionally and correctly, the geological epoch known as the _____________ is what?
a. Early Homo b. Pleistocene c. Sister species d. Neandertals
30. ____________ where first discovered in Western Europe.
a. Early Homo b. Pleistocene c. Sister species d. Neandertals
Write the correct answer from the box in the space provided.

Kapitbahay Maturation Personal Kindred Takahashi

Child Compadre System Pulo/Island
Nuclear Family Local Kin Group 300

31. In the Philippines, the ______________________________ is the basic form of household.

32. According to Murray, a ___________________________ is formed in such a case. When
relatives live in the same neighborhood or group together in one place.
33. These groups of people who have face-to-face contacts are called ____________________.
34. _____________________, who conducted a survey in Bulacan in Central Luzon, points out
the importance to daily life of a neighboring household group.
35. In various places in the paddy fields, there are several slightly raised plots of land, called ____________.
36. _______________________ is a leisurely process, not to be accelerated by parental encouragement or too deliberate training.
37. A _______________ is a blessing from God and is considered proof that the family is living in the grace of God.
38. According to the calculations of one sociologist, one Filipino person will have ___________ relatives during his lifetime.
39. The _______________________ is a social category consisting of an individual’s circle of relatives or that range of a person’s relatives accorded
special cultural recognition.
40. Another important factor in the development and social relations of the Filipino child is the ritual kinship called ________________________.


Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong, then
underlined the word that makes the statement wrong.
_____41. Tal is a German word for a valley.
_____42. German valley is called Neander.
_____43. In 1891, the Indonesian island of Java yielded the first H. Erectus fossil find, popularly called as the
_____44. The Dmanisi fossils are the most ancient undisputed human fossils outside Asia.
_____45. Mousterian improved considerably during the Wurm glacial in Neandertal Technology.
_____46.The Principle of contingency is the kindred of the parents or the circle of relatives plays an extremely
important role in the growing up and socialization of the child.
_____47. Pakikisama is also known as a debt inside oneself.
_____48. Utang na loob means concession, giving in, following the lead or suggestion of others.
_____49. Hiya is the uncomfortable feeling that accompanies awareness of being in a socially unacceptable position,
performing a socially unacceptable action.
______50. Kapitbahay are those living within a stone’s throw.

“Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success”.

- Shiv Khera

Good luck and God Bless!

Prepared by:
Ronelia C. Lafuente

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