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IV.ACTIVITY : Choose an artwork under each category that you are familiar with. Cite n Filipino
artwork related to the category you chose and answer the question provided.

Movie,Novel,Poem,Music,Architectural Structure,Clothing

Why you chose it? Relate it to the topic has been discussed. Elaborate your answer.

•I chose Music beacuse it is a music considered to be a high aesthetic value.It typically implies advanced
structural and theoritical considertions or a written musical tradition.Like Antonio R. Buenaventura who
pursued a musical career that spanned seven decades of unwavering commitment to advancing the
frontiers of Philippine Music .He joined Reyes Aquino to conduct research on folksongs and dances that
led to ita popularization.


Answer the following questions based on your own understanding/interpretation of the lesson you
learned.5 points each.

1. If you were an artist, what kind of artist you wnt to be ?

Answer : I want to become a music artist beacause it is a way of expressing me and being able to relate to
other people . A feeling and emotion that vibrates our soul.

2. Why is art not nature ?

Answer : Art is not nature because in many ways art is not natural. It is an artificial construct created by
human. If art is nature then everything is nature.

3. Art is ageless. Explain this statement.

Answer : Art is ageless because it is come from our thoughts and our ideas from the young to very old
personcando arts because it is a fashion. As long as we are here, the desire to make and experience art
will continue.

4. Why does art involve experience ?

Answer : in my opinion, the concept of art experience implies that art is an avenue to express one
feelings, emotions, or ideas which came from one's experiences. This experiences are unique to a person
and it is something that presses an artist to produce art.

5. Cite other misconceptions about art.

Answer : Art must be perfect because its art ,everything must be well-thought out and properly executed.
It requires nothing more than perfection, and anything less is considered invalid.
•Drawing and Painting go hand in hand because painting is simply a coloured drawing one must first
learn how to draw before he/she can actually paint. Very much like not being able to run if you can't walk
, the artist must first learn how to draw a decent line, before he/she could actually paint inside it.



ACTIVITY 1 : Which is more functional ?

Directions : Browse the internet and cite for functions of statue and paintings and decide which is more


•Statues convey and perpetuate honor , •People enjoy looking at a beautiful painting. But
consequently , no matter how important their also it could be a commemortive painting of a
historical role, villains simply do not merit statues, relative that has passed away. Peole enjoy looking
nor do they merit having their names associated at the illusion , or colors . It brightens up a room ,
with lakes or streets or schools or military bases. also painting can be enjoyable and therapeutic for
the person who is doing the painting.

Which is more functional ? Explain.

Answer : For me painting is more functional becauase that functional art has regards more to usefulness
rather than beauty or ornentation . Clear quality art like drawings, paintings, plays and poems are made
with inner cause and motive to come up with taseteful artistic experiences.

ACTIVITY 2 : List atleast five examples for each of the following .

1. Personal Function Of Art

•Phychological expression . Visual images preceded written language as means of means of


•Love, sex, and marriage

•Death, morbidity and illness

•Spiritual concern

•Aesthetic expression

2.Social Function of Art

•Languages of praise and celebration





3.Physical Function of Art





•interior design

ACTIVITY 3 : Give your own perception of beauty ? What is beauty to you ? Do you have standard to
consider art as beautiful ? Explain.

• Beauty is the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses of
mind or spirit.

•Beauty is whatever aspect of that or anything else that makes an individual feel positive or grateful.

•Yes I consider art as beautiful because the fundamental difference between art and beauty is that art is
about who as produced it, whereas beauty depends on who's looking.

ACTIVITY 4 : Do you have any artworks in your house ? Choose only one and give its history and

Answer : Jewelry , it is often weighted down by religious and cultural association and treated as a
ethnological objects rather than art. It can make looks beautiful whenever wear it. It can also make
women feel confident and beautiful.


Answer the following questions based on your own understanding / intetpretation of the lesson you

1. Do arts always have function ? Why ? Provide your own example.

Answer : Arts always have a functionbut they cannot be assigned since the function of n art form depends
on its context. Art will always function until the object is not considered as art anymore.

2. If an artwork has no function is still considered as art ?

ANSWER : Yes it would still remain art, because art is a medium of expressing your thoughts and

3. Why perception of beauty is subjective ? Support your answer by providing your own example.

Answer : Beauty is subjective to each individual but there are overacting themes in what most people find
beautiful. For example the saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" suggest subjective. The word
"beauty" can be used to make subjective claims.

4. What kind of artwork you are capable of doing that can showcase your emotions ?

Answer : Nature Artwork. It feels natural to experience joy, pleasure and shivers down the spine, awe in
sight of grandiose artworks or somethimes even negative emotions of fear , anger, or disgust infront of
visually challenging stimuli.

5. If there is an artwork that changed your perspective in life . Wat is iy and show it inspired you ?

Answer : Painting , through this arts open my hearts and feeds my mind. It express my feelings and
emotions. Painting is incredibly relaxing and can help reduce my stress levels.

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