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Research Design

Instrument for data collection

First we have collected the data by creating a sample questionnaire. Then I made a Google
form of it and circulated it in my friend circle and social media and collected data. And we
have tried to understand who the target audience of Ayurvedic medicines is? And what
exactly is their opinion about Ayurvedic medicines? Do they find Ayurvedic medicines more
effective than other medicines at all? And Ayurvedic medicines did not come within their

Types of Research
Research can be classified in many different ways on the basis of the methodology of
research, the knowledge it creates, the user group, the research problem it investigates etc.

1. Basic Research:
The Ayurvedic Medicine research which is done for Knowledge enhancement, collect
customer reviews and does not have immediate commercial potential. The research which is
done for human welfare, animal welfare and plant kingdom welfare. It is called basic, pure or
fundamental research.

2. Applied Research:
Applied research is designed to solve practical problem of the modern world, rather than to
acquire knowledge for knowledge sake. The goal of applied research is to improve the
customer requirement. It focuses on analysis and solving social and real life problems of
Ayurvedic Medicines.

3. Empirical Research:
Empirical Research is undertaken to study certain situations or events based on experiments,
observations and survey. So through empirical research it was observed who actually the
target audience of our Ayurvedic Medicines is and who is relying on it. And those who are
reluctant to use Ayurvedic Medicines, and their problems have become easier to identify.

4. Descriptive Research:
It explains the state of affairs which involves non controllable variables through survey and
fact finding. Frequency of buying Ayurvedic Medicine.

5. Case Analysis :
It is an in-depth contextual analysis which helps to solve problems. The type of research
which I have undertaken is case analysis.
Objectives of the Research
Objectives means the purpose. No study is undertaken without any objective. It is the purpose
which he researcher wants to achieve. Following are the objectives of the current study.
1. To understand the uses of Ayurveda.
2. To review promotional activities of Ayurveda.
3. To understand the demand for Ayurveda medicines.
4. To understand the benefits of Ayurveda.
5. To understand the increasing awareness about the use of Ayurveda medicines.
6. To understand the level of customer satisfaction by the use of Ayurveda medicines.

Data Sources
Collection of Data:
The answers of the questionnaires given by the us were collected and taken as the data for
analysis during the study. They are taken as Primary Data and their means are taken as the
secondary data. The data thus obtained are tabulated and represented in a google form under
the following headings:

1. Ranking on preferences of the companies

2. Ayurvedic Medicine preference form age, gender and profession wise etc.
3. Customers are rated they are used Ayurvedic Medicines for common or major
diseases and Ayurvedic medicine have side effect on their body.
4. They were commented advertisement or budget had any impact on their life.
 There are two sources are mention below:

Primary Data:
Primary data refers to the information obtained first hand by the researcher on the variables
of interest for the specific purpose of the study. It is the data which is collected afresh and for
the first time, and therefore it happens to be original in character. I have collected this data by
circulating questionnaire and I have circulated the questionnaire to 85 people.

Secondary Data:
Secondary data refers to second hand information gathered from the existing is the
data which has already been collected by someone else and which has already been passed
through the statistical process. The secondary data is readily available data from published or
printed sources. I have collected this data from google form.

Ranking on preferences of the companies

Sample Size
Sample size is the act of choosing the number of observation or replicates to include in a
statistical sample. The sample size is an important feature of any empirical study in which the
goal is to make inferences about a population from a sample. In practice, the sample size used
in a study a determined based on the expense of data collection, and the need to have
sufficient statistical power. The sample size that I have selected for my study is 85
Sampling Frame:
To analyse and determine the objectives of the study, the survey of customers of Ayurvedic
Medicines belonging to various companies and also to assess the influence of marketing in
the sale of Ayurvedic medicines, we were made questionnaire having 18 questions in
Annexure to find target audience of Ayurvedic Medicines. A sample size of 85 people which
are referred to have their business in the resign were taken for the study is as mentioned
This study found that Dabur used 26 people, Patanjali 18 people, Himalaya 27 people,
Medimix 6 people and 8 people using Ayurvedic medicines from other companies. After
analysing the data, it was found that most people use Himalaya's product and medicine.
Himalaya's target audience is the highest.

1. Dab
ur 24
2. Pat
ali 24
3. Hi
aya 27
4. Me
ix 6
5. Oth
ers 4

Company Preference

4; 5% 1.       Dabur
6; 7% 2.       Patanjali
24; 28% 3.       Himalaya
4.       Medimix
5.       Others
27; 32%

24; 28%

A sample size of 85 people belonging to the use of Ayurveda was taken to the study. They
were individually to give their opinions in the form of answers to the questionnaire which
was developed in such a way that they have to rank each company along with give data of
their amount of purchase of number of goods taken with respect to the company. This
questionnaire also leads to the analysis of the business and the opinion of the customer the
performance and promotion of the companies’ medicines and product.

Sampling Method
Sampling methods are classified as either probability or non-probability. In probability
samples, each member of the population has a known non-zero probability of being
selected.0robability methods include simple random sampling, systematic sampling, and
stratified sampling and cluster sampling. In nonprobability sampling, members are selected
from the population in some non-random manner. These include convenience sampling,
judgment sampling, quota sampling, and accidental sampling.

I. Probability Methods:
Probability sampling is also known random sampling. Probability means possible chance.
Therefore, each element of the population has known chance or opportunity of being selected
or included in the sample.

1. Simple Random Sampling:

This is the purest form of probability sampling.-ach member of the population has an equal
and known chance of being selected. When there are very large populations, it is often
difficult or impossible to identify every member of the population, so the pool of available
subjects becomes biased. There are two sub-methods which include Lottery method and
Random tables.

2. Systematic Sampling:
It is often used instead of random sampling. It is also called a 9th name selection technique.
After the required sample size has been calculated, every 9th record is selected from a list of
population members. As long as the list does not contain any hidden order, this sampling
method is as good as the random sampling method. Its only advantage over the random
sampling technique is simplicity. Systematic sampling is frequently used to select a specified
number of records from a computer file.

3. Stratified Sampling:
This is commonly used probability method that is superior to random sampling because it
reduces sampling error. A stratum is a subset of the population that shares at least one
common characteristic. Examples of stratums might be males and females, or others. We are
a researcher first identifies the relevant stratums and their actual representation in the
population. Random sampling is then used to select a sufficient number of subjects from each
stratum. Sufficient refers to a sample size large enough for us to be reasonably confident that
the stratum represents the population. Stratified sampling is often used when one or more of
the stratums in the population have a low incidence relative to the other stratums.
4. Cluster Sampling:
Cluster sampling is also called as ‘area sampling’. Under this method, instead of selecting
individual units, the researcher divides the population into clusters or groups and accordingly
sample is selected.

Series1 Linear (Series1)

Customer Reference



4 3
Strong Agree Agree Netural Disagree Strong disgree

Age Preference
100 100 95.3 100
85 83.5 83.5 83.5

10 4 11.8 4.7 11.8 4.7

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid 15-26 years Linear (Valid 15-26 years) Valid 26-45 years
Valid 45-80 years Valid Total
95.3 97.6 98.8 100 100
80 94.1
60 70.6
70.6 74.1
student 33.53.5
house 11.21.2
wife employee teenager 22.452.4 11.261.2 11.271.2 Total

Frequency Linear (Frequency) Percent

Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Literature Review:
The Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine (J-AIM) is internationally circulated open
access official publication of World Ayurveda Foundation and Trans-Disciplinary University,
Bengaluru. As a trans-disciplinary platform for integrative health sciences, J-AIM aims to
explore the relationships between Ayurveda, traditional medicine, biomedicine and other
contemporary health sciences, encouraging meaningful collaboration to promote effective,
safe and affordable global health.
Articles explaining and exploring principles of Ayurveda and traditional medicine; theoretical,
experimental, and clinical research; ; evidence based clinical practice promoting trans-
disciplinary research culture and mainstreaming traditional medicine using advances in
biomedicine, basic sciences and technology as well as articles envisioning future scope,
research areas and priorities will be considered.

Annexure: Questionnaire

Title: Business Research Method

Description: Evaluation study of assess the usage of Ayurvedic system by Customer's
(views of Ayurvedic customers)
Q.1. Full Name:
Q.2. Email ID:
o Male
o Female
o Others

Q.4. Age:
o 15-26 Years
o 26-45 Years
o 45-80 Years
o Student
o House Wife
o Employee
o Teen-agers
o Others

Q.6. According to you which medication is better?

o Ayurvedic
o Allopathic
o Homeopathic
o Others:

Q.7.Which is your favourite brand/company?

o Dabur

o Patanjali

o Himalaya

o Medimix

o Othres:
Q.8. Do you consume some Ayurvedic health/food supplements or Rejuvenating Ayurvedic
o Yes
o No

Q.9..Does patients overall satisfy with Ayurvedic medicines?

o Yes
o No
Q.10. Do you ever say anyone to use Ayurvedic medicine instead of allopathy?
o Yes
o No

Q.11. Do you think Ayurvedic medicines have some side effects on your body/health?
o Yes
o No

Q.12. Are advertisement of Ayurvedic medicines/products have some impact on you?

o Yes
o No

Q.13. Ayurvedic medicines is more effective as compared to Allopathy Medicine?

o Yes
o No

Q.14.Do you think Ayurvedic medicines in your budget?

o Yes
o No

 Rate the following questions in scale of 1 to 5 (1- Strongly disagree, 2- disagree, 3-
neutral, 4- agree, 5- strongly agree)
Q.1. Do you consume Ayurvedic medicines without doctor's prescription.
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5

Q.2. Do you use Ayurvedic medicine for treatment of common diseases like common cold,
cough, allergy etc.
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5

Q.3.Do you use Ayurvedic medicine for treatment of major diseases like diabetes, arthritis,
bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and depression etc.
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5

Q.4.Ayurvedic medicines have some side effect on your health/body.

o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5

 Please give your suggestions for


The analysis of the data was done and tested statistically as illustrated in Spss . We
standard deviation of age wise .51395, profession wise 1.25379, Recommended
medicines.79600 favourite brand/company 1.10423 and gender wise
preference .47692. It is to be noted that the tables containing the data of Ranking on
preferences of the companies, Ayurvedic Medicine preference form age, gender and
profession wise etc. Customers are rated they are used Ayurvedic Medicines for common
or major diseases and Ayurvedic medicine have side effect on their body. They were
commented advertisement or budget had any impact on their life were used as the raw
data of the variables for the tests. This is because among the variables representing the
sale of Ayurvedic Medicine bought, while the other variables namely Rate on High Price
Variations, Rate on least quality of Products, Rate on least Promotion, Rate on easy
availability and Overall rate on Marketing mix are representing the Marketing part of the
study. Thus, a comparison was done on the either side , with the variable of Sale of
Ayurvedic Drugs with that of Marketing and tests were conducted statistically on
them for the Testing the Hypothesis. The results that are obtained from the observations
and tests that were conducted on the data are as follows:
1. The result of the Chi-Square test with respect to the hypothesis is that the alternate
Hypothesis (Ha) is significant on the basis of the data obtained. Hypothesis means
assumptions. In every study for one research problem, researcher will have some
assumptions. My assumptions relating to my topic are as follows:
 Ayurvedic Medicines has no side effects.
 Lack of scientific knowledge has hurdled the acceptance of Ayurvedic products.
 Use of Ayurvedic Medicines differ according to the age groups.
 Adults prefer Ayurvedic Medicines more as compared to youths.
2. Further the Results of Normality test represent that there is a relationship
between the marketing and sales of Ayurvedic drugs with the former having the
considerable influence on the latter. Also the normality test has shown that maximum people
use Ayurvedic Medicines. But if they have any major diseases, they prefer Allopathic
Medicine. But if they are common diseases then Ayurvedic Medicines and Allopathy are
preferred. Due to the influence of Allopathic Medicine, the market for Ayurvedic drugs is
3. The Annova test is basically the overall satisfaction of the patient with Ayurvedic
Medicines. The students who use Ayurvedic Medicines the most. Then the customers of 26-
45 years and the customers of 45-80 years old use the least. From the initial observations of
the data it is seen that the company ‘Himalaya’ has the highest sales while the company
‘Medimix’ has the lowest sales in the region.
4. The overall rating of their marketing strategy suggests that the company
‘Himalaya’ is rated to have the best strategy compared to others which goes in line with its
sales. But the company with the lowest sales is not rated to have the worst strategy of
5. The comparison of uses of Ayurvedic Medicine namely the
Budget, Advertisement Influence, Side effect cause, age and gender wise have clearly
indicated that the least 85 response.
Selling company ‘Dabur’ and ‘Patanjali’ is only rated same to have the lowest quality of
Products when compared to others.
6. Gender wise Frequency table represent male 55% and 30% female. Male have
responded more to this survey form than female. Also age and profession wise in 15-26 old
and students are use Ayurvedic drugs.
7. The comparison also indicates that the company with the highest selling activity
‘Himalaya’ is rated to have the highest quality of products and has highest Promotional
activity when compared to others.
8. From the comparison it can be noted that the products of the company
‘Himalaya Drug Company’ are rated to be the most easily available and it is also the second
best selling company among the other companies.
9. The comparison brings forth the observation that the company rated least for overall
marketing mix and most infrequently available is the lowest selling company namely
‘Medimix ’.
10. The company rated for lowest promotion activity name ‘Dabur’ and ‘Patanjali’ is the
third best selling company. It is rated the third company on the context of easy availability.
But it is one among the lower end of ratings on its other variables.

Hypothesis means assumptions. In every study for one research problem, researcher will have
some assumptions. My assumptions relating to my topic are as follows:
Ayurvedic Medicines has no side effects.
Lack of scientific knowledge has hurdled the acceptance of Ayurvedic products.
Use of Ayurvedic Medicines differ according to the age groups.
Adults prefer Ayurvedic Medicines more as compared to youths.
Limitation in research is the lack of adequate information on a given subject due to variables.
Limitation in research most often applies to academic research, however, there is limitation to
all forms of research because it is impossible to control all variables. The limitations of my
study are as follows:
6. Problem of selection of right information available from various sources.
7. The sample size in this study is 85 respondents only. So it is difficult to generalise.
8. Lack of prior research studies on the topic.
9. Lack of time horizon.

From the above results of the study and on the basis of discussion the following Conclusions
is drawn –
There is a considerable influence of Marketing on the Sales of Ayurvedic Medicines. Gender
wise Frequency table represent male 55% and 30% female. Male have responded more to this
survey form than female. Also age and profession wise in 15-26 old and students are use
Ayurvedic drugs.
 There is a considerable influence of Marketing on the Sales of AyurvedicDrugs.
 Marketing of Ayurvedic drugs have been neglected by most of the

Marketing of Ayurvedic
drugs have been neglected
by most of the
Ayurvedic drugs have been neglected by most customer but some Ayurvedic Medicine
company make attracting advertisement for gain customer attention.
 Among the various elements of Marketing, the elements namely the
Product with respect to its quality and Promotional strategies play a very important role to
create customer good review determining the of the Drugs.
 Pricing and Place or availability do have their own influence but with a low
Age and gender or profession do have their own influence but with a low intensity when
compared to other two on the sales of the Drugs.
 Present study is just a first step and based on this one can go for further for
Present study is just a first step and based on this one can go for further for more detail and
precise analysis.

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