Curriculum Vitae 2. Photocopy of Diploma 3. Photocopy of Family Card 4. Photocopy of Residence Indentification Card. 5. Latest 3×4 Photograph

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July 20, 2022

HR Department
Head Of Griyacom
Jl. Teuku Umar No. 55 Kedaton
Bandar Lampung

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you to ask about the possibility of working in your company that is informed by
your website. I am interested in a position as a Staff It. I believe that positionis fit with my
speciality from my education background as System Information

My name is Fery Ferdhiansyah, and I’m 18 years old. I’m fresh graduate from SMKN 1
Dlanggu. My exemplary programming skills along with my dedication and professionalism make
me a well-suited candidate for your Computer Programmer position. I’ve good motivayion I can
work together with the team, and may English excellent both written and spoken

I really confident can be able to contribute to the Company. Herewith I enclose my:

1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Photocopy of Diploma
3. Photocopy of Family Card
4. Photocopy of Residence Indentification Card.
5. Latest 3×4 photograph

I would really appreciate it if you could organize a meeting as per your convenience. You can
reach me through my email at or call me at 089685440722.
thank you for devoting your most valuable time to read my resume and job application.
I wish you a very wonderful day..

Best regards,

Fery Ferdhiansyah

I. Personal Data :
1. Name : Fery Ferdhiansyah
2. Place and Date of Birth : Mojokerto, 23 Oktober 2003
3. Gender : Male
4. Religion : Islam
5. Marital Status : Not Married Yet
6. Nationality : Indonesian
7. Address : Dsn. Sambiroto, Ds. Mlaten,
RT/RW.04/05, Puri, Mojokerto.
8. Telephone : 089685440722
9. Postal Code : 61363

II. Formal education :

2. SMP PGRI 1 PURI 2017-2019
3. SMKN 1 DLANGGU 2019-2022

III. Work Experience History

1. Fresh Graduate

Thus this curriculum vitae I made with truth - true, and if in the future there is a personal data
that is not true, then I am able to take responsibility.

Yours faithfully

Fery Ferdhiansyah

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