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HRF Assignment

Disclaimer – The below is a list of what I covered in my assignment and whilst it received a pass, it does not
necessarily guarantee that you will also get a pass by simply doing the same (as that depends on whether
you’ve demonstrated you meet the learning criteria through your writing). This list is purely designed to help
others write their assignments more succinctly and cover the key areas.


As I did my own organisation, I opened with a couple of lines on the need for this paper (conveniently,
we’ve been undergoing a change in site-wide direction over the last 18 months).

Organisational objectives
Identify major organisational objectives that the HR function is responsible for delivering and explain how
these are evolving in the contemporary environment. (1.1) c. 600 words

● I gave three org objectives - Talent Management, D&I and Change Management (arguably these are
broad and I’ve heard others be more specific)
● For each - I gave a very short sentence on what they are/mean. Followed by traditional
approaches/tactics to practising them and then what current trends/approaches where.
● And then the relevance to my org and/or what the risks would be if we didn’t address them. I
backed all of this with sources from the likes of Personnel Today, CIPD, Harvard Business and reports
from the likes of CBI and McKinsey&Co.

Feedback: Thank you for letting me know the type of organisation you are writing about. You have been
able to give a good summary of major organisational objectives that HR are responsible for delivering. You
show a clear understanding of how these are evolving. I was pleased you have included a rationale on why
you have selected these areas as a focus for HR. A good use of academic underpinning in this section that
has strengthened your discussion – well done.

Explain the different ways HR delivers its objectives giving an example from a large and small organisation.
(2.1, 2.2) c. 300 words

● I explained Ulrich’s Three-Legged Model, describing Shared Services, Centres of Expertise and the
HRBP’s roles. I used East Cheshire NHS Trust as an example of this.
● I described Outsourcing as an alternative and briefly described how a large organisation might use
these against how a SME might.

Feedback: You explain different ways HR can physically deliver its objectives. You have shown a good
understanding around the different models by discussing the Three-Legged Stool Model, Centres of
Excellence, HR Business Partnering and Shared Services. You also consider the possibility of outsourcing. You
have given examples comparing larger organisations against smaller ones. You also consider what is being
used across the different sectors. This shows how HR functions can vary depending on the size and sector of
an organisation.

Managing Change
Explain the major theories of effective change management and how these are  implemented and
evaluated. (1.2) c. 450 words

● Described Kotter’s 8 Steps and Lewin’s Change (Freeze/Unfreeze) Model – I did this in a table with
chronological bullet points. I only gave an example for Kotter (PepsiCo)
● I wrote a paragraph describing how the success of implementation can be evaluated/measured.
Feedback:A clear analysis of different change management theories. You have been able to describe Lewin’s
Change Model and show how this would relate to change implementation within an organisation. A good
evaluation of Kotter’s 8 Step Model that showed what is included in the model. You have given an overview
on how the models can be implemented and evaluated. You have given some good ideas here.

Evaluate the business case for managing HR in a professional, ethical and just  manner. (1.3) c. 350 words

● I explained the relevance of professional and ethical practice to my organisation/industry and HR

● What the risks were in behaving unethically – gave Sports Direct as an example
● A sentence underlining how keeping HR in-house is generally good for organisation in relation to
ethics and then explained how this can be incorporated more specifically into each objective (e.g.
how I would address it in the recruitment process when addressing D&I).

Feedback: You have evaluated a clear business case around the reasons a company needs to ensure HR is
managed in a professional, ethical and just manner. You linked this to the HR objectives you identified
earlier in your report and showed some good ways HR could ensure they are acting in a professional, ethical
and just manner.

Evaluating HR
Identify and justify some appropriate criteria to measure the HR contribution in delivering each of the
objectives you have identified. (3.1) c. 350 words

● I chose KPIs in general so gave a brief overview of why they are justified.
● I then listed 3 specific objectives (each relating back to my earlier objectives) with a tad more detail
and explained more specifically why each was appropriate.
● I closed with a paragraph on the limitations and how these could be overcome with the use of
additional measures and gave examples of these.

Feedback: You have given various ways an organisation can measure the HR contribution in delivering
organisational objectives. You have shown a good understanding of KPIs. I was pleased you thought about
giving employees a voice and offering employee surveys.

Identify and evaluate research linking HR practices (HRPs) with positive organisational outcomes. (4.1) c.
250 words

● Talked about Purcell’s AMO model and how HRPs work towards that and general positive org
outcomes. Then a couple of paragraphs dissecting the model and Purcell’s thinking in order to
evaluate it.
● Gave Nationwide as an example

Explain the meaning of high performance working and (investment) in human capital and the way they
impact on organisational performance. (4.2) c. 600 words

● Short sentence defining HPW and then the three areas of it

● Define human capital and relationship with human capital management
● Used a lot of research to explain how the two produce various outcomes to then impact org
● Used Pffefer’s 7 Practices and other similar research to explain the “way” they impact (i.e. how to
approach it effectively)
● A paragraph on the benefits of HPWPs as some of these were relevant to my earlier objectives.
● Closed with a sentence reiterating the importance of an in-house HR team delivering this.
Feedback: The research quoted shows that HR practices are linked to positive organisational outcomes. This
was clearly strengthened by evaluating Purcell’s AMO Model. I was pleased to see you showing the meaning
of high performance working and human capital. You have shown a good understanding of how they impact
on organisational performance.

I removed several sections from my first draft due to word count and put them in the appendix. They
haven’t been acknowledged so perhaps not needed as the briefing video suggests… something to think
about. They were:

● A table of pros/cons of Three-Legged Model vs Outsourcing for 2.1 and 2.2

● A case study example of Lewin’s Change Model for 1.2 (Carols Ghosn/Nissan)
● A case study example for High Performance Working Practices (Quest Diagnostics)

Although the template only mentions a Bibliography, make sure you put a Reference list in as well. This was
my only negative feedback because I stupidly thought I didn’t need to have separate lists because the
template didn’t specify.

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