Health Monitoring Gadget For Cattle and Livestock

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Well, from morning tea to night coffee, we use milk in everything. But we don’t think where
this milk comes from or the Dairy farm it came from was it from a healthy cow or not. All of
us have a special relationship with our pets. Similarly, I have a relationship with my cow in
our village. The cow’s name was Gauri. Gowri fell ill one day suddenly. My family was
confused about what to do so. But we didn’t do anything and at last, we lost power that night.
The doctor told me on that day which I’ve remembered till now. He said if we knew about
the illness before, we could have saved gowri. Then I decided to make something which, like
my family, all the dairy farmers who make their living on dairy will help them.

For that we have created a gadget, We made WeStock in our app which is an IoT Device. An
IoT ear tag is put on the cow’s ear and it monitors the cow’s health and reproductive cycle
which shows on the farmer’s mobile application. So that they can have all the information at
their fingertips.


As our gadget can monitor the health and major changes that is happening internally in a
cattle like insemination time, reproductive cycle etc. So, Our product can be of very good use
of farmers and people who own livestock, so they don’t have to worry about their cattle any
more and can relax on our gadget and app. It also can remove customer’s doubt about the
thing they are consuming is coming from safe place or not. And as our product is completely
digital and based on IoT, AI, ML, so farmers also can use their time on other things without
any anxiety. As, In India, milk production has touched the figure of almost 180 million
tonnes so this product can be of utmost importance. Besides, it will also help farmers and
cattle owners to ensure proper and timely medication.

Our Target audience mainly includes farmers and cattle owners ranging from small scale to
big Dairy Farm owners, so they can improve their productivity and management regarding
these cattles which will also help them to facilitate customers about the product they are
providing to them.



In our product, Besides “Internet of Things”, we also used Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning, and we assign a veterinary doctor to each farmer so that through the
app they can test all the live stock in their farm and give advice to farmers, We are proud
to say we have made the world’s most affordable livestock health monitoring system.
There have been some previous gadgets similar to this, but they were mainly limited to
Insemination cycle and normal health aspects but our app has offered more than this like
various type of agitations going on inside a cattle’s body, their possible causes, also about
the various activities like eating, roaming because it can track the movement of jaw etc.
So our product is a one step solution to variety of problems, cattle owners had to face. We
will be providing our app with every Indian vernacular language, so it reduce farmers
trouble to use our app. We will also be providing voice facility to facilitate the
communication between farmers and our product.


As there are some products available already of similar purpose, we are trying our best to
resolve all the issues that previous product had, so there are not much in weakness, but if we
encounter with them in upcoming time, we will make sure that we resolve them soon.

We can communicate with the government and can use our product on a mass scale,
that can give us a good image as well as a big starter also, After setting it up in India,
we have a vision that we will make our product go global like we can have a very
good market in countries like Australia, Africa etc. where some owners posess even
more than 100000 cows etc. As our one product making will cost us around Rs. 1800
and if we sell it even at the price of around 5000 thats almost 3 times the production
price and similar type of products cost around more than 160 dollars i.e roughly
11000, so by selling it there in half the price they are being provided right now, we
can capture the market there.


As there are few similar products already available in the market and they are also trying
to evolve, so they can match our product’s specifications in few years, but we also know
that to survive or to create something big we have to follow consistent innovation. Also
our product’s one limitation is its target audience. As this product is not useful for
everyone, so it can give us a tough time to scale our product on mass level. Another
problem is technology. Yeah it sounds ambigouous, that the product which is made
solely on the basis of technology has a threat from the technology itself. But its right,
because as our farmers are not much handy in technology, apps, gadgets etc. so we have
to train farmers for the same.


As we have made our product, and to sustain this we also have our own app, we can
proudly say that our product is the best solution regarding cattle health monitoring so
firstly we will make sure that every farmer and cattle owner in our nearby villages, towns
and dairy farms in our city try our product. Then after their usage of our product, though
there will be feedback option on our app itself, but still we will be taking their feedbacks
in person, so we can remove any type of shortcomings in our product. We will also be
applying for a patent of our product. After this task, we can create some advertisements
about this, and right now we are only a team of engineers, so will be hiring some
marketing experts so we can scale our product efficiently. We definitely will try to get in
touch with the government and will try to convince them about our product and the
motive behind it. So, they can help us a mass scale order from every farmer in the district,
state itself. We are quite sure that our product will be loved by every farmer who used it,
so for their troubles and if they need consulting sometimes, we will be setting up our
short branch in every town to help them regarding our product. Besides these small
offices for consultancy, we will be having our big offices in metro cities like Delhi,
Mumbai, Chennai etc. to let our product transformation to a brand.

And we have decided that we will be launching our application in India with every
possible vernacular language, so there should be minimum problems faced by farmers
and we are also going to assign a veterinary doctor to farmers, so if our product has
detected some kind of irregularities in cattle, there must be an immediate treatment
available. We are also in discussion of giving 1 year warranty of our product to gain trust
of audience. After launching in India, we will be making our product available in foreign
countries like Australia, Africa, China etc. and our product will be well relevant there as
they have many farms with more than millions of cattles.


I reckon we all are aware that India has the highest cattle population in world followed by
Brazil, China. According to a survey, India’s cattle inventory amounted to over 305
million in 2021. So, if we can make even half of them use our product in next 5-10 years,
and as cost price of our product is around 1800 and if we sell it for 3000 in India, we will
be having around 67% margin, so we are hoping that we can touch sales of more than 30
million products in next two year, and for that we have to gather an huge amount of
engineers, product designers etc. as we have to match our product’s availability with the
demand. And after gaining trust of many small-scale farmers and big dairy farm owners,
we will be raising our product prices as it will become farmer’s essentiality. We will be
signing deals with government also, so at a instant we can get orders in amount of
millions. After our product becomes a farmer’s household name, we will be trying to
cover different aspects of livestock like sheep, goat etc. So, In this way we will be helping
us to become our product a global success.


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