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Decision making - Justin Caballero 

(You may include some interactions sa inyong questions, and
asking them if they agree/disagree)

(Provide a transition to Common challenges of decision making )

7 steps of the decision making process

(You may include some interactions sa inyong questions, and
asking them if they agree/disagree)

#1 - Geeray Ladica – PROB VIDEO

#2 - Laurence Sabanal - VIDEO

#3 - May Añora Gales –

Identify Alternatives
 Once you have a clear understanding of the issue, it’s time to
identify the various solutions at your disposal. It’s likely that you
have many different options when it comes to making your
decision. So it is important to come up with a range of options. This
helps you determine which course of action is the best way to
achieve your objective.

#4 -  Lucas Asuncion - VIDEO

#5 - Stephanie Jane Dangallo
#6 - Vince Jefferson
#7 - Brent Nino O Cafe (Provide a transition to Common challenges of
decision making )

Common challenges of decision making

(You may include some interactions sa inyong questions, and
asking them if they agree/disagree)

1. Having too much or not enough information.-Christine Seno PROB VIDEO

2. Misidentifying the problem. - May Añora Gales
 Misidentifying the problem.
In many cases, the issues surrounding your decision will be
obvious. However, there will be times when the decision is complex
and you aren’t sure where the main issue lies. So we tend to believe
the problem without any research conducted or without digging up
more information to clarify. Conduct thorough research and speak
with internal experts who experience the problem firsthand in order
to mitigate this. It will save you time and resources in the long
run, Corporate Wellness Magazine says. Since you don’t have
enough knowledge for this issue you need to ask someone who have
experience this certain issue to understand more and to avoid
misundertanding and sharing the wrong info. ( magpataka og yawit)
Have you experience this kind of challenge of decision making?
And what did you realized or reflect on?

3. Overconfidence in the outcome. - Stephanie Jane Dangallo

(Announce that we’ll have a 10 min break)

---------------- 10 Min Break ------------------

Involvement in decision making

(You may include some interactions sa inyong questions, and
asking them if they agree/disagree)

1. The Plop  - Justin Caballero

2. The One-Person Decision - Geeray Ladica
3. Topic Jumping - Laurence Sabanal VIDEO
4. The Handclasp - May Añora Gales
5. The Handclasp
When a person makes a suggestion. Another says, “What a
marvelous idea!” “Wow! That’s really great suggestion!” and
without further discussion, the matter is decided. We really know
the disadvantage about deciding a decision without dicussing the
idea or without explaining it. It might lead us to misunderstanding
and confusion . These decisions are more frequent than one thinks,
and other pass unnoticed at the time but resentment comes to the
surface later. Nasa huli talaga ang pagsisisi. Do you think this
kind of involvement in decision making must be prevented?

6. The Clique - Lucas Asuncion VIDEO

7. Minority - Stephanie Jane Dangallo
8. Majority Vote - Vince Jefferson
9. Silent Consensus - Brent Nino O Cafe
10. Consensus - Christine Seno (Provide a transition to
Involvement in decision making) PROB VIDEO

Difficulties in decision making

(You may include some interactions sa inyong questions, and
asking them if they agree/disagree)

1. Fear of Consequences - Christine Seno PROB VIDEO

2. Conflicting Loyalties - May Añora Gales
Conflicting Loyalties
When one person is a member of a number of groups, this
frequently leads to divided loyalties about decisions.
When a person belongs to multiple groups, it is common for them
to have conflicting loyalties when it comes to making judgments or
decisions. A certain group of people will be affected by disruption.
Example for this is what my sister experienced in her group. So
someone invited my sister to join her group and leader tong nag
invite sakong ate. Minutes later, nag leave kay naa diay siyay gi
saaran nga friend to make a group with that person. The conflicting
loyalties will affect not only the other group, but both groups,
therefore we should be cautious when it comes to this. Do you
agree Ms/Mr.?
3. Interpersonal Conflict - Stephanie Jane Dangallo
4. Hidden Agenda - Lucas Asuncion VIDEO
5. Blundering Methods - Laurence Sabanal VIDEO
6. Inadequate Leadership - Geeray Ladica PROB VIDEO
7. Clash of Interest - Justin Caballero (End Credits)

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