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Class: 11

Unit: 8

Time: 45 minutes

I. General aims:
1. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

_ practice reading for gist/specific information.

_ learn new words about related to the topic movie review
_ know how to write a short movie review

2. Language:
- Vocabulary: leading role, survival, clever, terrible, shipwreck, mysteriously, fierce,
realistic, remarkable, shoot.
3. Skills:
- Main skill: reading; sub-skills: listening, speaking, writing.
II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative.
III. Teaching aids: PowerPoint, textbook, and pictures for teaching vocabulary
IV. Procedure

Teacher’s activities Content Student’s activities

1. Warm-up (5mns.) “Quick interview”

- T guides students to - Students will answer the - Ss take part in

do a short interview teacher’s questions about the activity in
in pairs about their their favorite movie in pair. pair.
favorite movie. 1. What is the title of the film? - Ss present their
- T ask random pairs 2. What genre is it? answers in form
to demonstrate in of a short
3. Who is the director of the film?
front of the class. interview in
4. Is it based on a book?
- T ask the whole front of the
5. Who plays the main role(s)?
class some questions class.
6. What is it about?
about the activity to
lead in the lesson. 7. What is so special about this
1. T asks Ss to guess 10. What kind of person would like
the topic of the this film?
lesson & leads in the
lesson by asking - µAnswers: may vary
- Then, some students will role
- T has Ss fill in the 2. Ss guess the
play a short interview in front
table KWL to topic of the
of whole class.
activate Ss lesson based on
knowledge about the Questions: the answers
reading. from the lead-in
- Where can you read the
information about a
1. Ss fill in the
- Do you usually read movie
KWL table
2. Pre-reading individually.
- Have you watched the movie
“Life of Pi”?
- T shows pictures,
- What do you know/want to
gifs, and short
know about the movie
videos. Then T gives
reviews of “Life of Pi”?
examples and asks
some brief questions 2. Ss answer T’s
to teach new questions as a
vocabulary. whole class.

- T reads each new - Ss guess the

1. Leading role (adj): main part in a
word and has Ss meaning of new
film words.
read it chorally and
individually. Questions:
- Ss repeat the
- Who is he in the picture?
- T has Ss take notes new words
- Is the movie about him? chorally and
on the new words.
example: Pi Patel is the individually.
leading role of the movie.
- T helps Ss to
reinforce the - Ss note down
2. Clever (a): having or showing the the new words.
vocabulary words in
ability to learn and understand things
students’ minds by
quickly and easily
doing a small
activity in Padlet.
1. What is Pi doing in the
- T asks Ss to choose picture?
5-6 words in the 2. From this scene, what do
vocabulary list, then you think about him?
include an image or example: Pi Patel is a clever
a GIF and to use the boy; he could remember all the
word in a sentence numbers of Pi.
that explains the
image. 3. Fierce (adj): violent and
frightening, wild

1. Do you think he is a
friendly tiger?
2. How would you feel when
you see the tiger?
example: Richard Parker
is a fierce tiger.

4. Shipwreck (n): an accident in

which a ship is destroyed or sunk at
- What kind of transportation is
- What is happening to it?
example: He lost his family
in the shipwreck.

5. Terrible (adj)

1. What is the weather like in
the picture?
2. Is it good or bad?
example: The ship sank
because of the terrible storm.

6. Survival (n) the fact of a person,

organization, etc. continuing to live
or exist
→Survive(v): to still live after
something bad happened.
- What can you see?
- Are they alive or dead? Did
they survive the shipwreck?
example: Pi and Richard
Parker survived the shipwreck.
They are the only survivals.

7. Mysteriously (adv): in a way that

is strange, not known

- What does he feel when he
sees the hyena?
- Does he know how the
hyena got onto the boat?
example: The hyena went
on the boat mysteriously.

8. Remarkable (adj): unusual,

special, and worth mentioning

- What do you think about
the story of the movie? Is it
usual or unusual?
- Do you think this movie has
left an unforgettable
impression on the viewers?
example: Life of Pi has a
remarkable storyline.

9. Realistic (adj): seeming to exist

or be happening in real life

1. Did they film the movie in
real ocean?
2. Do the scenes in the movies
seem real to you?
example: Richard Parker
is a fierce tiger.

10. shoot (v): to make a film

1. What are they doing?
example: They will shoot
the movie in the upcoming July.
Concept checking: Choose 5-6
words in the vocabulary list then
create a post with a picture/gif and a
sentence explain the relation between
the meaning of the chosen word and
the picture.

Look at the picture. Which of these

sentences are true about this movie?


1,2 and 5 are true.

Match the paragraphs to the

heading. One is extra.

Can you survive?

- There will be 2 Ss from 2
teams for each question.

- To answer, the student must

quickly turn on the mic and
say his/her team’s name.
- They also need to justify their
answers by choosing the
main ideas that helped them
in finding the answers.

1. If one student got the wrong

answer, the student from the
other team could have the
chance to answer.


1. D (based on the prize-
winning novel)
2. A (whole paragraph)
3. B (3D images, computerized

Answer the questions.

1. How is the film related to Yann

2. What problem does the main

character face in the film?

3. Why is this film a must-see?

1. Yan Martel wrote the novel of the
same name (Para 1/line 1)

2. Pi has to find out how to stay alive

at sea after he survives a shipwreck.
He shares a lifeboat with some
animals, including a tiger. (Para
2/line 4 -7)

3. It has an interesting storyline and

brilliant special effects. (Para3/line

Title – Genre – Director – What
based on – Actors – Plot – Special
effects – Recommendation.
3. While-reading
(18mns.) 1. Ss work in pairs
Task 1/P.102: to find the right
- T asks Ss to work in sentences.
pairs to choose 2. Some Ss
which sentences are answers in front
true. of the class.
- T plays the audio for 3. Ss correct the
Ss to listen and
practice reading for
specific information.
- T has Ss check their
answers in pairs
before calling
random Ss to give
their answers
- T check the answers
with the whole class.

- 2 Ss will answer
for one
Task 2 /P102:
- T lets Ss read the - Ss choose the
text again and answer by
answers the - Complete vocabulary list in running and slap
questions. After that, Padlet and learn by heart the board and
T lets them check all the vocabulary. read it aloud.
their answers in - Finish the presentation and
groups. present it in the next lesson.
- T divides the class - Preview the relative
into 2 teams, boys, pronouns, emphatic
and girls, then let Ss pronouns (8b. Grammar in
answers the use/P.104)
questions by playing
a mini game “Can
you survive?”.
- T asks Ss why they
choose this answer
and ask them to say
the sentence(s) in
the text.

Task 3/P117:
- Ss read the
- T continues to let
passage again
Ss answer the
and answer the
questions by
questions and
playing the game
take note the
“Can you
line they find the
survive?” information.

4. Post-reading (12mns.)
- T asks Ss what they
have learned about
from the text in pairs
and have them write
it down in the KWL

1. T asks Ss to look at
questions from the
“Short interview”
activity and the
reading to produce
the layout of the
1. Ss recall what
movie review (what
they have
information included
learned and
in a movie review)
share it with
their partner,
- T instructs Ss to
then they write it
write a movie
in the KWL
review and create a
poster based on their
favorite movie in
- Ss work in
groups to
- T observes Ss and brainstorm
answers questions together and
from the Ss (if any). come up with
the layout of
- Then, T calls the review.
groups to come up
and do a short - Ss write a movie
presentation on their review and draw
work. (If threesome a poster in
time left) groups.

- T gives comments.

1. T assigns
homework. (2mns.)

2. Ss take notes.

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