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J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2001;71:161–168 161

Functional magnetic resonance imaging of

working memory impairment after traumatic brain
C Christodoulou, J DeLuca, J H Ricker, N K Madigan, B M Bly, G Lange, A J Kalnin,
W-C Liu, J SteVener, B J Diamond, A C Ni

Abstract cognitive manipulations on the information

Objectives—To examine patterns of brain (for example, remembering the address of
activation while performing a working where you are going while deciding which
memory task in persons with moderate to route to take).7 It is important for a wide vari-
severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and ety of cognitive skills, such as problem solving,
healthy controls. It is well established that planning, and active listening, and plays a key
working memory is an area of cognition part in many everyday activities that are essen-
that is especially vulnerable to disruption tial for return to work (for example, engaging in
after TBI. Although much has been a telephone conversation while taking notes)
Neuropsychology and learned about the system of cerebral and return to school (for example, mental
Neuroscience representation of working memory in arithmetic). As such, compromised working
Laboratory, Kessler healthy people, little is known about how memory can have significant eVects on every-
Medical Rehabilitation this system is disrupted by TBI. day life.
Research and Methods—Functional magnetic resonance Working memory normally relies on process-
imaging (fMRI) was used to assess brain ing in brain regions that are often selectively
Corporation, 1199
Pleasant Valley Way, activation during a working memory task damaged by TBI. One key region subserving
West Orange, NJ, (a modified version of the paced auditory working memory is the prefrontal cortex.8 9 It is
07052, USA serial addition test) in nine patients with well established that in persons with severe
C Christodoulou TBI and seven healthy controls. TBI, the frontal cortices tend to be damaged,
J DeLuca Results—Patients with TBI were able to both structurally10 11 and functionally.12 13 For
J H Ricker
N K Madigan
perform the task, but made significantly instance, PET scanning studies of persons with
B J Diamond more errors than healthy controls. Cer- severe TBI at rest have documented that
A C Ni ebral activation in both groups was found cerebral hypometabolism, which typically in-
in similar regions of the frontal, parietal, volves the prefrontal cortex, is a frequent
Department of and temporal lobes, and resembled pat- outcome.13 14 It must be noted, however, that
Physical Medicine and terns of activation found in previous neu-
Rehabilitation, physiological and neurobehavioural eVects
UMDNJ-New Jersey roimaging studies of working memory in may be widespread beyond the anatomical
Medical School, USA healthy persons. However, compared with region suggested by a focal contusion.13 14
C Christodoulou the healthy controls, the TBI group dis- Much has been learned about the cerebral
J DeLuca played a pattern of cerebral activation that organisation of working memory in healthy
J H Ricker was more regionally dispersed and more
B J Diamond
people, most recently through the use of func-
lateralised to the right hemisphere. Dif- tional neuroimaging techniques. Among the
Department of ferences in lateralisation were particularly most common findings across various studies
Radiology evident in the frontal lobes. involving both verbal and visuospatial stimuli,
G Lange Conclusions—Impairment of working is activation of the prefrontal and premotor
A J Kalnin memory in TBI seems to be associated regions of the frontal lobes (for example,
B M Bly with alterations in functional cerebral
W-C Liu involving the middle frontal gyrus or inferior
activity. frontal gyrus).8 9 15 Parietal activation is also
Department of (J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2001;71:161–168) often reported in such studies.9 15 16 Temporal
Neuroscience activation has also been identified, although
J DeLuca Keywords: traumatic brain injury; working memory;
functional magnetic resonance imaging less commonly.16–18
Department of Only one neuroimaging study of working
Psychiatry memory in TBI has been published to our
G Lange Traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the United knowledge, a study of persons with mild TBI
J SteVener States has been estimated to result in over studied within 1 month of injury.19 Behaviour-
70 000 new cases of disability each year, with a ally, these patients with TBI did not perform
Department of
Psychology at Rutgers disproportionately large number of teenagers more poorly on the task than the healthy
University, USA and young adults.1 It is well known that cogni- controls. However, relative to controls, the
B M Bly tive impairment is a major predictor for patients with TBI did show increased cerebral
disability among survivors of TBI,2 3 and a activation during tasks that required higher
Correspondence to: source of frustration and concern for patients cognitive load, as opposed to tasks with a lesser
Dr J DeLuca and their families. It is also known that working load, particularly in the right dorsolateral fron-
memory is particularly vulnerable to disruption tal cortex and right parietal lobe. The patients
Received 19 June 2000 and after TBI.4–6 Working memory has been defined with TBI also demonstrated more widespread
in revised form
10 January 2001 as the maintenance of information in a limited (dispersed) regions of activation. Although
Accepted 23 January 2001 capacity temporary storage while performing compelling, it is unclear whether the findings
162 Christodoulou, DeLuca, Ricker, et al

obtained in this mild TBI sample would gener- Table 1 Demographic characteristics of the subject groups
alise to more severely injured patients. In addi-
Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
tion, it is unclear whether the altered pattern of Group Age Education Male (%)
activation found by McAllister et al19 in patients
1 month after injury would continue to be evi- TBI 32.67 (10.86) 13.89 (1.69) 56
Control 29.71 (7.04) 16.17 (1.83)* 57
dent in a more chronic TBI sample.
The purpose of this exploratory study was to *p<0.05. TBI=Traumatic brain injury.
examine whether decreased working memory
performance in patients with moderate to than 56 years, previous psychiatric or neuro-
severe TBI is associated with alterations in logical history (other than TBI for the brain
functional cerebral activity relative to healthy injury group), and pregnancy.
controls. Because of the exploratory nature of
this study, it focused on two broadly recognised BEHAVIOURAL TASKS
patterns of cerebral reorganisation in the The working memory task consisted of a
patients with TBI, patterns that have been modified version of the paced auditory serial
found in earlier studies of neurological popula- addition task (PASAT),24 a challenging task
tions20: specifically, we hypothesised that pa- with significant working memory demands.
tients with TBI would show: During the modified PASAT (mPASAT), sub-
(1) Recruitment of remote regions in the jects heard a sequence of numbers, ranging
contralateral hemisphere, resulting in an altera- from one to nine, at a rate of one number every
tion in the lateralisation of cerebral activation. 2 seconds. Subjects were instructed to add the
(2) locally expanded recruitment of areas first number to the second, the second to the
adjacent to those that are active in healthy per- third, and so on, so that they were always
sons leading to more dispersed cerebral calculating the sum of the last two numbers
representation. that had been presented. Instead of answering
It has been proposed that these two hypoth- aloud, subjects were told to silently add the
eses represent the main forms of reorganisation numbers, and to lift their right index finger
that occur during recovery from brain injury.20 whenever the sum equalled 10.25 This modifi-
Evidence for both these forms of reorganisa- cation to the standard PASAT procedure was
tion have been found in various clinical popu- designed to limit head movement artifacts dur-
lations, including stroke,21 Alzheimer’s dis- ing image acquisition. Response accuracy was
ease,22 and mild TBI.19 recorded by an observer during image acquisi-
tion. In addition to the working memory task, a
control task was used in which subjects were
asked to imagine that they were brushing their
Methods teeth. This control task was designed to
SUBJECTS demand some degree of attention on the part of
Subjects consisted of nine patients who had the subject, without requiring a significant
sustained a moderate or severe TBI and seven working memory load. The working memory
healthy controls. The level of injury in the TBI and control tasks were administered in a fixed
sample ranged from moderate to severe based sequence that consisted of four sets of alternat-
on scores on the Glasgow coma scale (GCS),23 ing 32 second blocks (the experimental task
when available, or on other confirmatory data came first in each set). Before the administra-
(for example, positive anatomical neuroimag- tion of the two tasks, there was one 32 second
ing findings, focal neurological signs, loss of baseline period. Subjects received task instruc-
consciousness of 30 minutes or more). The tions and engaged in practice before entering
mean GCS score for the patient group was the magnet.
5.71 (SD 2.14; data unavailable for three
patients), and the mean time since injury was FUNCTIONAL IMAGING PROCEDURE
51.33 (SD 41.07) months. Structural MR All neuroimaging was performed on a General
images of the subjects were taken at the time of Electric Signa Horizon Echo-speed (1.5 Tesla)
testing and examined by a board certified neu- MR scanner. Before functional imaging, sagit-
roradiologist who was blind to group member- tal T1 weighted localiser images were obtained,
ship. Three of the patients with TBI displayed followed by whole brain axial T1 weighted
clear positive findings. One displayed encepha- conventional spin echo images for anatomical
lomalacia in the left posterior temporal lobe. overlays (TR=450, TE=14, contiguous 5 mm,
Another showed encephalomalacia in the left 256×256 matrix, FOV=24, NEX=1), yielding
temporal, left parietal, left medial frontal, and an in plane resolution of 0.94 mm2.
bilateral inferior frontal regions. The third dis- Functional imaging consisted of multislice
played dark T2 signal consistent with haemosi- gradient echo images that were acquired with
derin in the right dorsal frontal region. echoplanar imaging (EPI) methods (TE (echo
Demographic data for the two groups are time)=60 ms; TR (repetition time)=4000 ms;
presented in table 1. All were right handed with FOV (field of view)=24 cm; flip angle=90°;
the exception of one control subject who was slice thickness=5 mm contiguous). This
ambidextrous. All subjects gave informed con- yielded a 64×64 matrix with an in plane resolu-
sent, as approved by the institutional review tion of 3.75 mm2. A total of 28 images in the
boards of both UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical axial plane were acquired, providing coverage
School and Kessler Medical Rehabilitation of the entire brain. A set of coplanar T2
Research and Education Corporation (KMR- weighted EPI images with identical parameters
REC). Exclusion criteria consisted of age older was also obtained without a task paradigm to
Functional MRI of working memory impairment after traumatic brain injury 163

provide an additional set of T2 weighted struc- (2) increased dispersion—locally expanded

tural images. recruitment of areas adjacent to those that are
Subjects performed the working memory active in healthy persons (more dispersed
and control tasks while lying supine in the cerebral representation).20 A standard “laterali-
scanner. Foam cushioning and tape were used sation index” was constructed to test for the
to immobilise the head within the coil to mini- presence of altered lateralisation in the TBI
mise motion degradation. Auditory stimuli group, involving greater right lateralised activa-
were presented to subjects through MRI com- tion on a normally left lateralising type of ver-
patible headphones designed in our laboratory. bal working memory task. A separate laterality
Sound volume was adjusted so that each index score was calculated for each subject.
participant could adequately hear the stimuli. The laterality index consisted of the number of
activated voxels in clusters in the left cerebral
hemisphere minus those in the right hemi-
sphere, divided by the total number of
Functional MRI data were initially analyzed on
activated voxels within clusters, and then mul-
a voxel by voxel basis with a general linear
tiplied by 100 ((left−right)/ (total)×100).
model approach, using statistical parametric
Scores ranged from –94 to 100. Positive scores
mapping (SPM96) software. All raw scan data
on the laterality index indicate greater left
underwent spatial realignment using the
hemispheric activation whereas negative scores
SPM96 six parameter model to remove minor
reflect greater right hemispheric activation. It is
(subvoxel) motion related signal change. All
important to note that the calculation of each
scans were spatially normalised to approximate
subject’s laterality index is dependent on that
the neuroanatomical atlas of Talairach and
person’s particular level of total cerebral
Tournoux26 using a 12 parameter aYne ap-
activation. Therefore, the use of the laterality
proach and a T2* weighted template image.
index has the benefit of controlling for
Scans were then spatially smoothed to 8×8×10
individual diVerences in overall activation that
mm. The SPM maps were thresholded to a
are generally present in studies of neuroimag-
stringent á level of 0.001 for assessing specific
search regions such as premotor and prefrontal
The presence of increased dispersion of acti-
cortex8 9 15 as well as lateral parietal9 15 16 and
vation in the TBI group was tested by use of a
lateral temporal regions16–18 identified in previ-
“dispersion index,” similar to the laterality
ous working memory studies. The threshold
index described above. This dispersion index
method found in SPM96 simultaneously ac-
indicates the relative proportion of activation in
counts for peak amplitude and spatial extent of
each subject that extended beyond the nor-
clusters to control for type 1 error across mul-
mally activated areas. The cerebral regions that
tiple comparisons. Spatial extent refers to clus-
were most consistently activated by healthy
ter size (k), the number of adjacent activated
controls in this study were considered to be the
voxels that exceed the specified threshold.
normally activated areas (middle frontal gyrus
Talairach labels of activated clusters entailed
and middle temporal gyrus), in the sense that
the use of the Talairach Daemon, a high speed
such activation seemed necessary for healthy
database server for querying and retrieving
persons under the present task demands.
data about human brain structure over the
Specifically, the dispersion index equalled the
number of activated voxels in clusters that were
outside the consistently activated regions (rep-
Data analysis resenting “diVuse” activation that was dis-
The random eVects procedure developed by persed beyond the areas activated by healthy
Holmes and Friston28 was used to identify neu- controls) minus those that were within the
roanatomical regions of significant activation in consistently activated regions, divided by the
each group. This procedure was also used to total number of activated voxels, and then
identify regions that were significantly more multiplied by 100. Scores on the dispersion
activated in one group versus the other. The index ranged from –100 to 100. Using this
random eVects procedure eliminates highly index, positive scores indicate that most of the
discrepant variances between and within sub- activation in that subject was dispersed. By
jects in constructing an appropriate error term contrast, negative scores indicate that most of
for hypothesis testing and generalisation to the the activation was not dispersed.
population. The random eVects procedure Group diVerences for the laterality and
assumes one scan per subject per condition. dispersion indices were tested by one tailed t
Each subject provided two mean images, one tests comparing the two groups on each index.
from the mPASAT condition and another that Levene’s test for the equality of variances was
combined control and baseline activation. The used to determine whether the t tests to be cal-
mean images were oVset by two TR (8 culated should assume equal variances in the
seconds) to account for the delay in haemody- two groups. In addition to tests of significance,
namic response. eVect sizes (d) were calculated to quantify the
Additional analyses were performed to magnitude of group diVerences.
further evaluate the two broad general forms of
cerebral reorganisation discussed in the intro- Results
(1) altered lateralisation—remote activation Patients with TBI made significantly more
of the contralateral hemisphere signifying an errors on the mPASAT (mean 6.67 (SD 6.26))
alteration in the lateralisation of activation. than did controls (mean 1.43 (SD 2.57)
164 Christodoulou, DeLuca, Ricker, et al

Table 2 Summary of activated regions during (t=2.274, p=0.044)). This diVerence in errors
performance on the mPASAT task resulting from random between the two groups amounted to a large
eVects analyses thresholded to an á value of 0.001
(Talairach coordinates, cluster size, magnitude)* eVect size (d=0.79). Despite their diYculty
with the task, the overall accuracy of the
Cluster patients with TBI (72.21% v 94.05% for con-
Region x, y, z ( mm) size Z Score
trols) indicated that they were able to engage
(A) control: working memory processes in response to the
Frontal lobe task demands. The errors of both the healthy
Left MFG −44, 4, 42 64 5.14
Left MFG −22, −2, 56 20 3.86 and TBI groups were almost exclusively omis-
Left MFG −46, 32, 24 9 3.50 sions. Two of the nine patients with TBI each
Left MFG −38, 44, 34 1 3.15
Left MeFG −16, 10, 48 4 3.45
made a single commission error, whereas the
Temporal lobe controls did not exhibit any commission errors.
Left MTG −48, −20, −6 93 4.85
Left STG −64, −44, 12 85 4.10
Right STG 52, −36, 12 37 4.53 RANDOM EFFECTS ANALYSES
Right STG 58, −54, 28 1 3.81 Significant activation in healthy controls was
Right STG 56, −20, 0 1 3.14 principally located in the left frontal and left
Left TTG −34, −32, 12 1 3.10
Parietal lobe temporal lobes, with additional bilateral pari-
Left IPL −40, −46, 38 2 3.13 etal activation also evident (fig 1, table 2 A).
Right IPL 56, −38, 28 1 3.70 Frontal lobe activation occurred predomi-
Right IPL 44, −28, 22 1 3.38
Right IPL 48, −32, 30 3 3.32 nantly in the middle frontal gyrus. Temporal
Right SmG 36, −48, 34 2 3.12 lobe activation was localised primarily in the
Other regions
Left sublobar −50, −22, 16 4 3.34
middle temporal gyrus) and superior temporal
Right sublobar 30, −26, 8 1 3.43 gyrus. Parietal activation occurred primarily in
Right sublobar 16, −2, 14 2 3.12 the inferior parietal lobule. Activation among
Left thalamus −8, −12, 12 22 3.38
Right thalamus 4, −4, 2 20 3.75
patients with TBI was similar to that of
Right thalamus 18, −10, 10 9 3.56 controls, with major foci again displayed in the
Right brainstem 12, −20, −6 3 3.26 frontal (for example, middle frontal gyrus) and
Right cerebellum PL 16, −72, −38 4 3.19
temporal (for example, middle temporal gyrus,
superior temporal gyrus) lobes (fig 1, table 2
(B) TBI: B).
Frontal lobe
Left IFG −48, 8, 26 3 3.18
Right MFG 44, 0, 52 34 4.20
Right MFG 54, 34, 20 3 3.80
Right MFG 38, 34, 20 20 3.54 Activation was more right lateralised in both
Left SFG −2, 6, 54 7 3.47 the frontal and temporal lobes of the TBI
Right MeFG 4, 0, 60 31 3.59
Temporal lobe group, whereas the healthy group showed more
Left MTG −64, −34, 0 14 3.32 left lateralised cerebral activation (fig 1; table 2
Right MTG 66, −36, −2 423 4.70 C and D). Specifically, the TBI group dis-
Left STG −64, −44, 10 8 3.82
Left STG −48, −26, 4 24 3.70 played greater activation in regions of the right
Left STG −54, −30, 12 9 3.46 frontal lobe (superior frontal gyrus, middle
Right STG 66, −44, 18 35 3.69 frontal gyrus), whereas healthy controls dis-
Right SubGyral 42, −28, −8 39 4.38
Parietal lobe played greater left hemispheric activation in
Right SMG 46, −46, 26 6 3.60 these same regions. In the temporal lobe, con-
Other regions trols displayed greater activation, predomi-
Right pons 2, −24, −22 4 3.87
Left sublobar −32, −38, 20 13 3.99 nately in the left hemisphere, especially in
Right cingulate gyrus 10, 20, 42 1 3.10 superior temporal gyrus. No clear pattern of
lateralisation emerged from the activation pat-
(C) TBI minus control: terns in the other lobes.
Frontal lobe
Right SFG 8, 2, 62 16 3.68
Right Subgyral 10, 34, 0 1 3.17 DISPERSION
Parietal lobe Activation foci in the frontal lobes of the
Right PSCG 64, −18, 36 3 3.32
Occipital lobe healthy control group were primarily limited to
Left cuneus −12, −78, 6 6 3.40 the left middle frontal gyrus (fig 1, table 2 A).
Other regions In the TBI group, left frontal activation was not
Left cerebellum AL −4, −46, −14 10 3.36
found in the middle frontal gyrus, but activa-
tion was recruited from the inferior frontal
(D) Control minus TBI:
Frontal lobe
Left SFG −16, 60, 26 2 3.34 *Section A of the table lists regions of activation that represent
Left MFG −46, 36, 32 1 3.19 the simple eVects of the working memory task for the healthy
Temporal lobe control group; section B presents those simple eVects for the
Left STG −42, 8, −12 11 3.52 TBI group; section C presents those areas that were significantly
Right STG 60, −18, 8 2 3.17 more activated in the TBI group than in the healthy controls;
Left FG −52, −44, −16 3 3.21 section D presents those areas that were significantly more acti-
Parietal lobe vated in the controls than in the TBI group.
Right IPL 64, −34, 24 7 3.51 MFG=Middle frontal gyrus; MeFG=medial frontal gyrus;
Right IPL 44, −28, 26 8 3.48 IFG=inferior frontal gyrus; TTG=transverse temporal gyrus;
Occipital lobe PCG=precentral gyrus; IPL=inferior parietal lobule;
Right LG 34, −70, −8 39 3.49 SPL=superior parietal lobule; VLN=ventral lateral nucleus;
Left cuneus −14, −74, 22 2 3.20 SMG=supramarginal gyrus; WhM=white matter; AL=anterior
Other regions lobe of cerebellum; PL=posterior lobe of cerebellum;
Left sublobar −20, −12, 8 25 3.62 PSCG=postcentral gyrus; LG=lingual gyrus; FG=fusiform
Left thalamus MDN −6, −10, 10 5 3.31 gyrus; MDN=medial dorsal nucleus.
Functional MRI of working memory impairment after traumatic brain injury 165




Figure 1 Group activation patterns on the working memory task for the TBI (n=9) and healthy control (n=7) groups. Maximum intensity projections in
the three orthogonal views of the brain (sagittal, coronal, and axial) depict areas of significant activation.

gyrus, superior frontal gyrus, and precentral regions of the brain, laterality indices were cre-
gyrus (fig 1, table 2 A). However, in direct ated to examine activation in each cerebral lobe
comparison of the activation in the two groups separately (using the same basic formula: L−R/
(table 2 C and D), the above distinctions did L+R×100). As seen in figure 2, each lobe
not reach significance. In the temporal lobes, tended to display the same trend, though only
both groups tended to display activation the laterality index for the frontal lobe reached
primarily in the middle temporal gyrus and significance (t=−1.866, p=0.042). None the
superior temporal gyrus. There was no system- less, the eVect sizes for all of the diVerences
atic pattern of increased dispersion of activa- were moderate (temporal lobe d=0.53, parietal
tion in other lobes. lobe d=0.55, occipital lobe d=0.51) to large
(frontal lobe d = 0.88).
In addition to the random eVects analyses DISPERSION INDEX
above, group diVerences in laterality of activa- In constructing the dispersion index (see defi-
tion were also assessed by means of the lateral- nition above), two neuroanatomical areas—
ity index (see definition above). The TBI group middle frontal gyrus and middle temporal
was found to display activation that was signifi- gyrus—were identified as representing “focal”
cantly more lateralised to the right hemisphere activation because they were found to be
than in the healthy controls across all four lobes consistently activated in the healthy controls.
combined (t=−2.041, p=0.031). The TBI The middle frontal gyrus was activated in all six
group had a negative mean (−17.53(SD of the controls with significant activation
45.60)), indicating greater right hemispheric during scanning (one control failed to show
activation in this group, whereas the healthy activation at the stringent, conservatively cho-
controls displayed a positive mean (41.78 (SD sen threshold of 0.001), whereas five of the six
70.61)), indicative of greater left hemispheric controls displayed significant activation in the
activation in these persons. The diVerence in middle temporal gyrus. No other areas were as
means between the groups represented a large consistently activated in the healthy control
eVect size (d=0.96). Stated another way, five of subjects. For the purposes of computing the
the six with right lateralised activation (nega- dispersion index, activation outside the middle
tive laterality index scores) were from the TBI frontal gyrus and middle temporal gyrus was
group, whereas five of the seven with left later- considered dispersed.
alised activation were healthy controls. Based on the dispersion index, patients with
TBI were found to display significantly more
LATERALITY INDEX FOR EACH LOBE dispersed activation than the healthy controls
To determine whether the overall cerebral (t=1.969, p=0.035). The TBI group displayed
laterality eVect was specific to particular a positive mean (46.37 (SD 45.09)), indicating
166 Christodoulou, DeLuca, Ricker, et al

50 figure 3, these two areas displayed the same

Middle frontal gyrus general lateralisation trend as found above for
40 Middle temporal gyrus the larger regions (activation in the TBI group
All four lobes was more right lateralised than in healthy con-
trols), though the diVerences did not reach sig-
nificance. The eVect sizes of these diVerences

Mean laterality index

were small (for middle frontal gyrus, d=0.35)
20 to medium (for middle temporal gyrus,

The present study examined two general
patterns of cerebral reorganisation after mod-
–10 erate and severe TBI, based on findings in
other clinical populations20:
–20 (1) recruitment of remote regions in the
contralateral hemisphere resulting in an altera-
–30 tion in the lateralisation of activation).
TBI Healthy (2) Locally expanded recruitment of areas
Subject group adjacent to those that are active in healthy per-
Figure 3 Mean laterality index scores for each subject sons resulting in more dispersed cerebral
group in the middle frontal gyrus and middle temporal representation.
gyrus during performance of the mPASAT (positive scores The present study provides the first pub-
indicate relatively more left hemispheric activation, negative
scores represent relatively more right sided activation). lished evidence to our knowledge that persons
with moderate and severe TBI show altered
relatively more dispersed activation in this cerebral activation during the processing of
group, whereas the healthy controls displayed a working memory tasks, relative to healthy con-
negative mean (−10.69 (SD 70.74)) indicative trols. The fact that cerebral activation was
of relatively more focal activation in these sub- present in the patients with TBI, despite their
jects. This diVerence represented a large eVect diYculty in performing the task, suggests that
size (d=1.00). Stated another way, six of the fMRI can play an important part in character-
nine with more dispersed activation (positive ising the neurofunctional correlates of cogni-
dispersion index scores) were from the TBI tive impairment in this patient population.
group, whereas three of the four with less The results of the present study show that, in
dispersed activation (negative dispersion index general, the same distributed network was acti-
scores) were healthy controls. vated in the brain during a working memory
task in patients with TBI as that found in the
LATERALITY INDEX FOR ACTIVATION IN AREAS OF healthy control group. Both the TBI and
FOCAL ACTIVATION healthy control groups showed cerebral activa-
To determine whether lateralisation was par- tion in regions of the frontal, temporal, and
ticularly evident in the areas of consistent acti- parietal lobes of the brain. Previous neuroim-
vation in healthy controls, separate laterality aging studies of working memory performance
indices were created for the middle frontal in healthy subjects have identified similar
gyrus and middle temporal gyrus. As seen in regions as crucial components in this distrib-
uted network. In particular, middle frontal
50 gyrus activation displayed by both groups in
Frontal lobe the present study is one of the most common
40 Temporal lobe findings in previous verbal working memory
Parietal lobe studies of healthy persons,8 9 29 including a
30 Occipital lobe working memory study involving arithmetical
Mean laterality index

All four lobes

calculations.30 Patients with mild TBI who
20 were examined within 1 month of injury have
also been found to display activation of the
10 middle frontal gyrus during working memory.19
Parietal activation in areas such as the inferior
0 parietal lobule9 and supramarginal gyrus9 16 has
also been commonly reported in the literature.
–10 Little parietal activation was seen in the present
study, but this may be related to the tasks
–20 selected. Temporal lobe activation, in areas
such as the superior temporal gyrus, is less
common in working memory paradigms with
TBI Healthy healthy subjects.16–18 Some researchers have
Subject group interpreted such temporal activation as reflect-
Figure 2 Mean laterality index scores for each subject ing part of the articulatory loop of verbal work-
group separated by lobe, indicating the degree to which ing memory.16 17 The relatively large clusters of
cerebral activation was lateralised during performance of temporal activation in middle temporal gyrus
the mPASAT (positive scores indicate relatively more left
hemispheric activation, negative scores represent relatively and superior temporal gyrus displayed by both
more right sided activation). groups in the present study may, in part, be
Functional MRI of working memory impairment after traumatic brain injury 167

associated with the phonological processing of TBI argues against drawing strong parallels
auditory stimuli in the working memory task. between the two sets of findings, it does seem
Despite general similarities between groups that the patients with TBI in the present study
in regional brain activity, important diVerences required the recruitment of the right hemi-
were also found between the TBI and healthy spheric regions in an eVort to process a
groups. The cerebral activation in the TBI working memory task that is normally left
group was lateralised more towards the right lateralised. It is unclear, however, if such
hemisphere and away from the left in compari- patients would display similar recruitment of
son with the healthy controls. This lateralised the left hemisphere in the performance of a
diVerence was especially evident within the working memory task that is normally right
frontal lobes. The reason for the relative lateralised. Among the possible hypotheses
increase in right hemispheric activation in the regarding the impact of TBI on the pattern of
TBI group is unclear, although it is possible cerebral activation during working memory are
that it resulted from decreased eYciency in the (1) recruitment of the contralateral
neural regions normally responsible for task hemisphere—that is, brain activation becomes
processing or that the two groups diVered in lateralised toward the hemisphere not normally
their approach to processing the task, or both. activated in healthy subjects by such a task; (2)
The results of previous studies of both recruitment of the right hemisphere—that is,
healthy patients and patients with mild TBI brain activation becomes lateralised toward the
suggest that the diYculty displayed by the TBI right hemisphere regardless of the task. Future
group in performing the task may have played a studies can be designed to help to diVerentiate
part in the lateralised diVerence. Two neuroim- between these two potential patterns.
aging studies have found that better perform- The results of the analysis examining
ance on verbal working memory tasks is associ- whether patients with TBI would display a
ated with increased left hemispheric activation more dispersed pattern of cerebral activation
in frontal18 19 and parietal sites.18 By contrast, were mixed, depending on the analysis con-
poorer performance was found to be associated ducted. The dispersion index analysis showed
with increased activation in right frontal and that the TBI group did indeed display a more
parietal sites.18 In the present study, group dif- dispersed activation in regions immediately
ferences in lateralised activation were clearly surrounding the area of interest (middle frontal
evident in the frontal lobes, but less obvious gyrus and middle temporal gyrus). This finding
within the parietal lobes. may represent an attempt by the brain to
One variable that may impact on perform- engage additional regional cerebral resources
ance of working memory tasks is working to complete the task, similar to the increased
memory load. The literature generally supports cerebral representation seen using motor
a model of brain activation in which there is an tasks.35 By contrast, the results of the random
increased haemodynamic response in relation eVects analysis did not show a significant
to increasing task diYculty. In the present increase in more dispersed or widespread
study, it is possible that performance of the task cerebral activation, although the analysis ap-
required more cognitive “eVort” for the TBI proached significance. It is likely that with an
group than for healthy persons because of increased sample size, this analysis would have
damage to the underlying neural substrate that become significant with the random eVects
maintains and manipulates information in the analysis.
working memory system. Some previous stud- The present study is properly regarded as
ies of healthy subjects and one study of patients exploratory and interpretation of the findings
with mild TBI have found that increased verbal requires the consideration of several issues.
working memory load is associated with The TBI population as a whole is by no means
increased right hemispheric activation in re- homogenous, and individual diVerences
gions of the frontal19 31 32 or parietal lobes.17 19 among patients (as well as the controls) could
Yet some of the studies that have examined the certainly account for some of the variability in
relation between working memory load and task performance, brain organisation, and
activation have found that not all positive cor- brain reorganisation. Assessment of cognitive
relations were with regions of the right functioning was limited to the measurement of
hemisphere.9 15 17 However, even the findings of working memory task performance while in the
many of these studies suggest that on the scanner. Although the TBI sample was clearly
whole, right hemispheric clusters encompassed impaired on that task, further characterisation
a greater volume9 17 or were more common15 of their cognitive functioning with “out of
than those on the left. Taken together, the scanner” measures should be incorporated into
results of the present study, in conjunction with future studies. It is possible that the relatively
data from healthy subjects in previous studies, high error rate of the TBI group on the working
suggest that altered cerebral activation is a memory task complicates interpretation of
“normal” response to increased working their activation results. However, it should be
memory load or decreased perfomance, or noted that another study found that patients
both. with mild TBI activated cerebral regions simi-
Another neuroimaging finding that may be lar to those found in the present study, while
relevant to the present verbal working memory performing working memory tasks on which
results is that aphasic patients show increased they displayed no behavioural deficits com-
activation of right hemispheric regions during pared with healthy controls.19 The vast majority
language testing.33 34 Although the relatively of the errors exhibited by the subjects in the
diVuse and multifocal nature of damage after present study were omissions. The presence of
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