Fundamental of Drilling Engineering: Amir Sabah Khalid 23/11/2021

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Fundamental of Drilling Engineering

Name: Amir Sabah Khalid

Date: 23/11/2021

A. Mud weight or density test
B. Mud viscosity
C. Hydrogen ion concentration (PH)

Supervisor: Sarkar M. Hama

Table of contain

 Mud weight or density test

Introduction to experiment……………………………………………………………….3
Aim of experiment…………………………………………………………………………….4
The important of experiment……………………………………………………………5
Test equipment………………………………………………………………………………..6
Result and Discussion……………………………………………………………………….8

 Mud viscosity
Introduction to experiment…………………………………………………………….10
Aim of experiment………………………………………………………………………….11
The important of experiment………………………………………………………….11
Test equipment……………………………………………………………………………….12
Result and Discussion……………………………………………………………………..14

 Hydrogen ion concentration (PH)
Introduction to experiment…………………………………………………………….16
Aim of the experiment……………………………………………………………………17
Important of the experiment………………………………………………………….17
Test equipment………………………………………………………………………………18

Introduction to experiment:

Mud weight or mud density is a weight of mud per unit volume. It is

one of the most important drilling fluid properties because it
controls formation pressure and it also helps wellbore stability. Mud
weight is measured and reported in pounds per gallon (PPG),
pounds per cubic feet (lb/ft3), or grams per milliliter (b/ml).
Mud weight is normally measured by a conventional mud balance;
however, if you have some air inside a fluid phase, reading from the
conventional mud balance will give you an inaccurate number.
Therefore, the most accurate method to measure the mud weight is
with a pressurized mud balance.


A. Mud weight or density test
Mud balance: is one of the most sensitive and accurate field
instruments available for determining density or weight-per-unit-
volume (specific gravity) of drilling fluids.
The pressurized mud balance looks like the convention one, but it
has a pressurized sample cup. When you press a mud sample into
the cup, any gas in a fluid phase is compressed to a very small
volume so the mud weight measurement is more accurate.

Aim of experiment:
The aim of this experiment is to prepare a typical mud with known
density and then modify its physical properties (density) by adding
a limited amount of barite to it and increase the muds density.
These determine and prepare a mud and find a density by mud
balance also to know the relationship between weight and density:

And this procedure is called Mud weighting.

A. Mud weight or density test
The important of experiment:

Mud has many functions including:

 Transporting cutting
 Serves as a medium for formation logging
 Transmitting power to bit nozzles or turbines
 Cooling and lubrication of bit and drill string
 Reducing formation damages
 Protecting cutting
 Supports the weight of pipe and casing
One of its most important functions is to provide the hydrostatic
pressure to balance formation pressure.
This is why the mud density is so important.

A. Mud weight or density test
Test equipment:
A device to measure density (weight) of mud, cement, or other
liquid or slurry. A mud balance consists of a fixed-volume mud cup
with a lid on one end of a graduated beam and a counterweight on
the other end. A slider-weight can be moved along the beam, and a
bubble indicates when the beam is level. Density is read at the point
where the slider-weight sits on the beam at level. Accuracy of mud
weight should be within ± 0.1 lbm/galUS (± 0.01 g/cm3). A mud
balance can calibrated with water or other liquid of known density
by adjusting the counter weight. Most balances are not pressurized,
but a pressurized mud balance operates in the same manner.

The Baroid Mud Balance as shown below is used to determine

density of the drilling fluid. The instrument consists of a constant
volume cup with a lever arm and rider calibrated to read directly the
density of the fluid in ppg (water 8.33), pcf (water 62.4), specific
gravity (water = 1.0) and pressure gradient in psi/1000 ft. (water
433 psi/1000 ft.)

A. Mud weight or density test

1. Remove the lid from the cup, and completely fill the cup with the
mud to be tested.
2. Replace the lid and rotate until firmly seated, ensuring some mud
is expelled through the outlet within the cup.
3. Wash or wipe the mud from the skin of the cup.
4. Place the balance arm on the bottom, with the knife-edge resting
on the fulcrum.
5. Move the rider until the graduated arm is level, as indicated by the
amount vial on the beam.
6. At the left-hand fringe of the rider, read the density on either side
of the lever all told desired units without disturbing the rider.

A. Mud weight or density test
Result and Discussion:

We must be clean the whole device before our works because if

they're dirty, they'll be cause error in our experiment.
If the water isn't clean (dirty) to organize this mud we've got some
error to equilibrium this balance, you need to balanced this mud
balance with the water (standard solution) in first stage and at the
moment you balanced the bentonite mud with reference to density
of the water and that we put this mud (barite) to extend the density
of the mud (to controlled the formation).
In this experiment we wish to recalculate the density of the mud,
first we weight of the bentonite within the weight balance and
mixed it with water, then we put it within the mixture tool, after all
we couldn't make the mud balance our bentonite within the lab was
bad ,so our result was mistake.
If the mud was mixed didn't bad, we must find the mud density by
the mud balance. After the mixture we must weight of barite and put
in to the mixture of the bentonite and water (mud) within the
mixture tool, after this mixture we discover its density by the mud
balance too. From that we all know the difference between both

A. Mud weight or density test

The most significant, yet simple measurement the driller can make
is that of mud weight or density. Density must be measured by
weighing a known volume. Density can be stated in any convenient
units. To prevent the flow of formation fluids into the hole, the
drilling mud must exert a greater pressure than that of the fluids in
porous rocks that are penetrated by the bit. The pressure exerted by
the drilling mud at any depth is related directly to its density. in this
lab we putted the mud in to the mud balance to balance the mud and
ready the weight of the mud and then to measure the density of

Q/Why are we increasing density of this mud?

In this test we are weighting this mud by adding the barite (high
density) to increase the density of mud (bentonite mud), the useful
of this increasing mud to controlling the adequate hydrostatic head
to prevent influx of formation fluids.

Q/why the density is 8.77 ppg ?

Due to the experiment was not result for the mud we prepared was
approximately 8.7 Ppg may be the machine was not completely
dried or we as students are new users of the machine so maybe we
were not accurate so many thing affect no the result.

A. Mud weight or density test
Introduction to experiment:

The funnel devised by Marsh1 in the late 1920's is the classical

method of defining the viscosity of drilling mud in day to day use. It
consists of an inverted cone, to the vertex of which a standard orifice
tube is fixed (Fig. 1). The operator holds it vertically and covers the
orifice with a finger. It is filled with the fluid to be tested. The
operator releases the orifice and the time taken for a set volume of
liquid (usually a quart or a liter) to be discharged is recorded as the
Marsh funnel time. Its great advantage is its simplicity and reliability
under field conditions. There is, however, no recognized method of
converting Marsh funnel times to viscosity in conventional units.
Moreover, since drilling muds are generally highly non-Newtonian
in character, their flow characteristics cannot be defined by a single
viscosity. Marsh himself said, "Its readings, however, are only
comparative….this is really a combination measure of yield value
and plasticity that gives only a practical indication of fluidity."1
More complex instruments (rheometers) provide multiple
measurements of shear stress at a set of shear rates, i.e., rheograms.

Fig.1 Marsh funnel

10 | P a g e
B.Mud viscosity
It has therefore been usual to regard the Marsh funnel as a purely
empirical measurement of no fundamental significance. However,
generations of mud engineers have adjusted and controlled drilling
muds with this device, and the author's own experience of using the
funnel led him to feel that there was a genuine pattern, probably the
recognized intuitively by experts in the field.

Aim of experiment:
The aim of this experiment is to determine the change in the
viscosity of drilling fluid.
Marsh Funnel viscosity is used to indicate relative mud consistency.

The important of experiment:

Marsh funnel is the quickest way to find viscosity and the
alternation happened in the muds viscosity during the circulation.
The viscosity is very important because it has direct effects on
circulation speed drill pipe rotation and rate of penetration.
 Quick, on-the-spot measurements for periodically reporting
mud consistency.
 Simple, low-maintenance.
 Transports easily for use in the lab, field, or on drilling rig.
 Rugged, break-resistant plastic that holds shape with
temperature changes.

11 | P a g e
B.Mud viscosity
Test equipment:
 Electronic Balance: Is used to measure mass in gm(s). (Figure
 Cylinder: Measures water volume in (ml). (Figure 5)
 Electronic mud mixer: Is a device used to mix liquid with solid
particles. (Figure 1)
 Lab Spatula: Used to mix mud and water manually. (Figure 6)
 Marsh Funnel Viscometer set: Is device used to measure a fluid
viscosity especially drilling fluid. (Figure 3)
 Beaker: is a cylindrical container used to measure volume of a
liquid. (Figure 7)
 Mud balance: is a device used to measure mud density. (figure
 Bentonite: Is a martial used to mix with water to create a
drilling mud. (Figure 2)
 Water

12 | P a g e
B.Mud viscosity
1. First the volume of water must be calculated then regarding to
the calculation, the amount of water should be measured.
2. As the Bentonite has calculated in the calculations, Bentonite
should measure using an electronic balance.
3. Then take off all water inside the cup of electronic mixer and
carefully turn it on.
4. Now while the mixer is working, add the Bentonite a little by
little into the water to avoid stacking of mixture.
5. After putting a Bentonite inside water while its mixing
together, wait about 3-4 min till it fully get mixed.
6. Now remove a cup from the mixer and take it to a clean beaker
and put all mud into it then clean the cup and do the same
procedure about 5 more times to be sure that you get 1500 ml
of drilling mud.
7. Now bring a funnel viscometer and fill it with the mud, be sure
that you pour it from a filter that fixed at the top of funnel to
remove the impurities.
8. A figure should be put against the funnel outlet then pour the
mud till you fill it until 1500 ml.
9. Now set a timer to 00:00 and start when the finger removed
from the outlet instantly.
10. Let the mud fill the cup until 946 cc. When it gets to 946
ml stop the timer and record it.
11. Clean all used apparatus

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B.Mud viscosity
Result and Discussion:

The error of this experiment:

 Done the experiment without calibration.
 If the funnel is not vertical (liquid level doesn't horizontal).
 If time measurement is not precise.
 if temperature is not standard temperature.
 If the marsh funnel is not very clean.
 If finger doesn't move quickly.
 If the marsh doesn't fill with determined level or fill more than
determined level.
 And the cup as well as.
The advantages of this experiment:
 Carries out with a few minutes.
 Doesn't need electric current.
 Easy to utilize.
 Easy to calculate.
The disadvantages of this experiment:
 Doesn't calculate direct viscosity.
 Doesn't display detailed results.
 Works with specific conditions. iv. Includes some errors.
 Can run on rig.

14 | P a g e
B.Mud viscosity
Performing this kind of experiment's make students engage more
and gain ability to generate drilling mud as recommended and be
able to measure its viscosity by a simple technique using funnel
viscometer and an equation for finding effective viscosity.

15 | P a g e
B.Mud viscosity
Introduction to experiment:
pH is a unit of measure which describes the degree of acidity or
alkalinity of a solution. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 14. The term
pH is derived from “p,” the mathematical symbol for negative
logarithm, and “H,” the chemical symbol for Hydrogen. The formal
definition of pH is: the negative logarithm of Hydrogen ion activity.
pH = -log[H+]
pH provides needed quantitative information by expressing the
degree of activity of an acid or base in terms of its hydrogen ion
The pH value of a substance is directly related to the ratio of
hydrogen ion [H+] and hydroxyl ion [OH-] concentrations. If the H+
concentration is greater than the OH-, the material is acidic; i.e.,
the pH value is less than 7. If the OH- concentration is greater than
its H+, the material is basic, with a pH value greater than 7. If equal
numbers of H+ and OH- ions are present, the material is neutral,
with a pH of 7.
Acids and bases have free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, respectively.
Since the relationship between hydrogen ions and hydroxyl ions in a
given solution is constant for a given set of conditions, either one
can be determined by knowing the other. Thus, pH is a
measurement of both acidity and alkalinity, even though by
definition it is a selective measurement of hydrogen ion activity.
Since pH is a logarithmic function, a change of one unit of pH
represents a ten-fold change in hydrogen ion concentration.

16 | P a g e
C.Hydrogen ion concentration (pH)
Aim of the experiment:
To identify the acidity of the fluid.

Important of the experiment:

The pH is a very important parameter and it can be acid or alkaline
depending on our objectives. It helps to prevent the corrosion of the
downhole materials. The reason for this is that the tools and tubular
used in drilling process, casing and completing a well can be
subjected to corrosion by the action of the drilling mud left in the
annulus after cementation. What makes the pH decrease below 7 the
formation of H2S it forms acid and damages the equipment,
however, to keep the value alkaline between 9 and 10 it is
recommended to used hydroxyl and other hydroxide substances
because under high temperature they are very active and they react
against the clay.

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C.Hydrogen ion concentration (pH)
Test equipment:
pH meter:
pH meter, electric device used to measure hydrogen-ion activity
(acidity or alkalinity) in solution. Fundamentally, a pH meter
consists of a voltmeter attached to a pH-responsive electrode and a
reference (unvarying) electrode. The pH-responsive electrode is
usually glass, and the reference is usually a silver–silver chloride
electrode, although a mercury–mercurous chloride (calomel)
electrode is sometimes used. When the two electrodes are
immersed in a solution, they act as a battery. The glass electrode
develops an electric potential (charge) that is directly related to the
hydrogen-ion activity in the solution (59.2 millivolts per pH unit at
25 °C [77 °F]), and the voltmeter measures the potential difference
between the glass and reference electrodes.

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C.Hydrogen ion concentration (pH)
pH paper:
pH paper is used to determine if a solution is acidic, basic or neutral.
This is determined, by dipping part of the pH paper into a solution of
interest, and watching the color change.
The packages that pH paper comes in, often includes a colour-coded
scale indicating the pH that, something has when the paper turns a
certain color.
The pH paper changes color in different pH solutions is because of
the chemical Flavin.
This molecule, which is an anthocyanin, is soluble in water and
changes color in the presence of various types of solutions.
The pH paper is coated with this chemical, gives the property of
changing color at different pH solutions.
In the presence of an acidic solution, it turns red. In the presence of
a basic solution, it turns greenish-Blue. In the presence of a neutral
solution, it turns light green.

19 | P a g e
C.Hydrogen ion concentration (pH)
Procedure of measuring pH by pH meter:

 Place about 30 mL of each buffer solution and also of the

sample in separate 50 mL beakers.
 Place the electrode(s) from the pH meter into each of the
buffer solutions in turn. If necessary, adjust the instrument to
the pH of the particular solution.
 Place the electrode(s) into the sample and record the pH
shown on the meter.

There is an effect that takes the error in this test after temperature
has water (if the water is not pure (not standard, PH=7) the device
recorded wrong value and then takes the PH of the mud wrong
After circulating this mud must be measured the PH, because that's
important to the equipment and drill string and the other
equipment and the well, because if do not known the PH of this mud
there are make a lot of error and problem to the well bore, because
the acidity has an effect to the corrosion and erosion and takes an
effect to the pipes and take fracture to the mud cake and that's bad
then must the drillers known the properties of the mud to control
this problem.

20 | P a g e
C.Hydrogen ion concentration (pH)

A pH meter is an electronic instrument used for measuring

substances. We exploited the properties of this indicator to
determine with precision the acidity or alkalinity of various
substances. pH meter is more useful than the other pH
indicators because it gives accurate reading (e.g. , for
detection of blood pH ) and can measure the ph of a liquid as
well as a semi-solid substance. the pH of a liquid/semi-solid.

21 | P a g e
C.Hydrogen ion concentration (pH)

Mud weight or density test:

Mud viscosity:

Hydrogen ion concentration (PH):

22 | P a g e

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