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Nice Stories

That Make Me
I was talking to my 8 years
old little sister about the
recent divorce my parents
went through. I asked her
if it made her sad that they
didn't love each other
anymore. To which she
responded, "I think maybe
they just love each other
more when they're apart."
Today, I asked my 6
years old son what
he wants to be when
he grows up. He said,
"Mommy, all I want to
be is happy."
My father told me, "Just go for it and give it a try! You don't have to be
a professional to build a successful product. Amateurs started Google
and Apple. Professionals built the Titanic."
I interviewed a woman who is terminally ill. "So," I tried to delicately
ask, "What is it like to wake up every morning and know that you are
dying?" "Well," she responded, "What is it like to wake up every
morning and pretend that you are not?"
Everyone skating was
young, except one guy in
his mid-70’s. He kept
falling down and smiling.
And all the kids kept
laughing along with him.
I asked him why he
decided to skate today.
He said, "I was at work
earlier and realized I had
never been skating. So
here I am."
My neighbor's house burned
to the ground. I told him
that I couldn't even begin to
imagine what it would be
like to have my whole life
burn to the ground. He
looked at me, smiled and
said, "My life didn’t burn to
the ground. If it did, I
wouldn’t be standing here."
Today, when my dad
came home from work,
he kissed my baby sister
on the forehead and then
came over and did the
same to me. He said, “I
know I don’t say it often,
but you two are my
world. I love you both
with all my being.” I’ve
been smiling ever since.
I had no idea words
could be so powerful.
My grandpa died. As I
was crying and telling
my grandma how sorry
I was, she said, “Let’s
stop being so sad and
instead celebrate the
80 wonderful years he
was alive... 60 of which
he spent with me.”
After 30 years, my husband quit smoking cigarettes. When
I asked him why he decided to quit, he said, "I want to
grow old with you."
I turned 25. I met a guy who
asked me if it was the best
day of my life. I said it was
and he said, "Me too!" When
I asked why, he said,
"Because yesterday is the
past and tomorrow isn't
guaranteed, that's why this
very moment is the best
moment of my life."
My grandfather
told me, "Stop
worrying so
much. Worry
is using your
imagination to
create things
you don't want."
My teacher told me to
"make a good day." I
replied, "Don't you mean
'have a good day?'" She
smiled and said, "No, you
can't have a good day,
you need to make it a
good day."
I was giving campus tours and had a student in a wheel chair in the group.
We talked all day and he never stopped smiling. I found out that he had a
scholarship to play basketball before his accident left him paralyzed. He
told me, "It didn't ruin my life, it just changed my circumstances."
My father told me, "Sometimes, you have to let
go of the good things to catch the great ones."
I was smiling to myself as
I was walking home and
enjoying the fresh air.
Some random stranger
smiled back at me and
said, “Nice to see you!” I
quickly replied, “I’m sorry.
Do we know each other?”
“No,” she replied. “I just
enjoy your smile.”

Thank You Very Much

Sompong Yusoontorn

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