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Let´s practice some listening with Oprah and Gayle speaking about
their long friendship!

Oprah: I’m so glad to be able to say Happy Sunday to you with my bestest
of friends, Gayle King, who is here visiting.

Gayle: Aloha! In Hawaii.

Oprah: A little vacation in Hawaii. And we’re going to talk about friendship just
for a few minutes, because this week we’re talking about friends. And you know
Gayle and I have been friends since we were 21 and 22. Now we’re 66
and 67.

Gayle: She’s older.

Oprah: Yes, I’m definitely older. And I have to say that one of the reasons
we’ve remained friends is the same thing that I tell people: Surround
yourself with somebody who is as happy for your happiness as you are for your
happiness. Over the years, Gayle has always been happier, I would have
to say, for my happiness.

Gayle: I do think that’s true.

Oprah: And you know, we became friends not knowing, of course, that it was
going to last all of these years. But what do you think is the thing?

Gayle: Why it’s lasted all these years? I think it’s lasted all of these
years because we’re very similar. We really are. From the first time we
met, we liked the same people.

Oprah: We’re similar and then we’re really not.

Gayle: But I think we’re more similar than we’re not.

Oprah: We’re similar in terms of values.

Gayle: Yes, yes.

Oprah: When we first met, Gayle said, “I’ve never met another Black girl
like you...”
Gayle: ...that was similar to me.

Oprah: And I said, “I have never met another Black girl like you
either.” So, we’re similar, but we’re very different.

Gayle: Because we have similar life philosophies. I think that’s a better way to
put it.

Oprah: Like working hard and treating people kindly and doing unto others as
you would have them do unto you.

Gayle: We’re opposite though in that Oprah is not a people person. I am a

people person. She could go for weeks and never turn on a TV.

Oprah: And Gayle has to have a TV on all the time.

Gayle: Immediately.

Oprah: Not only one, but multiple TVs on all the time. It drives me nuts. You
have FOMO.

Gayle: Fear of Missing Out.

Oprah: And I have JOMO, which is the Joy of Missing Out. I have the joy of
"I’m so glad I don’t have to go to that thing or be at that place or do that so and

Gayle: And I have the joy of "I can’t wait for a great party. I love a good party."

Oprah: I love a great party. I also love a great party.

Gayle: But Oprah, you would stay home rather than go to a great party.

Oprah: Well, it depends on how great of a great party it is. But I have turned
down some great parties.

Gayle: That’s what I’m talking about.

Oprah: Just to be with myself and my thoughts. And so, as we’re talking about
these friendships that are lasting and meaningful, we’re both wishing that for
everybody who is a viewer, a listener, a supporter of Oprah Daily. Because in
order to have really great friends, you’ve got to have really great trust. And I
think first and foremost, you’ve got to be happy with yourself. I think, you know,
during all of those years of The Oprah Show when I was rising and being known
by lots of people, Gayle was always, always cheering me on. I would have to say,
never a moment’s jealousy. I remember one friend said to me once, we were in a
store and I was buying a dress and she goes, "Another black dress?"

Gayle: I remember that.

Oprah: Remember that? And you remember who said that. "Another black
dress?" Like, don’t you have enough? Even like a little hint of "another black
dress," don’t have that person as a friend anymore. So, you don’t want anybody
who is saying that to you. You want somebody who is excited for every black
dress that you can get.

Gayle: But the reason why I think that we can be friends is that I was always
happy with my own life.

Oprah: Yes.

Gayle: I was always happy whether I was married, not married, children.

Oprah: Yeah, I actually thought the friendship would wane with children but
no. But it didn’t happen.

Gayle: You thought the friendship would wane with husband.

Oprah: I did, I did. And I was prepared for that because I thought…

Gayle: Right after I had Kirby, Oprah comes to my house, Oprah Daily people,
she has a tee shirt that says: “Husbands come and go. Friends last forever.”

Oprah: Did I actually wear that?

Gayle: Yes, you did. I thought that was an interesting choice of shirts.

Oprah: To your house?

Gayle: Yes!

Oprah: And your husband was there?

Gayle: Yes, yes. I thought, that was an interesting choice. Maybe you were
sending something. But I mean I was always, always happy in my own life.

Oprah: I was suspicious. So, you need friends who are happy in their own lives
so that they can actually be authentically happy for you.

Gayle: I did have one time when I thought, "God I wish I could do that." Do
you know what that is?

Oprah: Yes, I know. The only time that I have ever sensed a hint of "God, I
wish that was me was…"

Gayle: And that wasn’t even jealousy. It was just that I wished I could do it, too.

Oprah: And that was when I was singing on stage with…

Oprah and Gayle: Tina Turner.

Gayle: And you got to come down those steps and dance with her.

Oprah: Gayle said, "I wish I could do that." But you can’t sing.

Gayle: Can you? And you can’t either!

Oprah: I can’t either.

Gayle: But that wasn’t the point. But you sound better than me. I’ll give you
that. The point was you got to do it with Tina Turner.

Oprah: That still is one of the highlights of my life. OK, so the bottom line is,
find a friend that is as happy for your happiness.

Gayle: And we’re never bored with each other. We have a great time. People
always say, “What do you guys do?” Nothing! This is kind of it. Nothing. We’re
sitting right here at the table.

Oprah: We’re getting ready to watch the sunset. It’s a big show in Hawaii. The
sunset. It’s like the big light show.

Gayle: Doesn’t that sound like fun?

Oprah: It’s like going out to a concert; it’s like watching all the different colors.
So, here’s to you, hoping you all have a wonderful week with friends that make
you laugh, friends that you can trust.

Gayle: Friends who tell you the truth. Friends who tell you the truth.

Oprah: Oh, I remember that time…

Gayle: Oprah’s very good at telling you the truth, even when you don’t want to
hear it.

Oprah: And so are you.

Gayle: And friends you can trust.

Oprah: Friends you can trust.

Oprah: Have a great week everybody.

Gayle: Aloha!

Oprah: Aloha!

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