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Subject Specific Knowledge-

Digital Design

“To write a Blog on “how to plan
your vacations” which would help
adults who frequently plan vacations
or travel as many people have
trouble planning their vacations.
This will also help me improve my
english skills”
Global context 
Personal and 
cultural Expression 
exploration - ​The ways in 
which we discover and express 
ideas, feelings, nature, culture, 
beliefs and values” and “The ways 
in which we reflect on, extend and 
enjoy our creativity” 
# Specification Rating
Form The blog is made on 4 / 5 because I have most of these specifications.
(Aesthetics, Wix blogs or My blog is made on, I have more than 3
Theme) WordPress as these are
the 2 main and very entries in my blog and the theme of the blog is
famous blog making travelling. This is not a 5 because there are some
websites little things which are not that good in the blog.

There are at least 2-3

entries in my blog
which are related to
the topic “how to
plan your vacations”
and each of them will
have at least 800

The theme of the

blog will be based on

Function 3 / 5, Because the purpose of my blog is clear and

The purpose of the the message is also being portrayed and I have
blog is clear which is tried using new vocabulary but it is not used
to help and guide my extensively
audience on “how to
plan your vacation”

My objective is to use
various new
vocaburaly in the
blog as this will make
the blog more
meaning full because
It will be hard to
portray using simple

Language skills As I am writing a blog I

will use some language

An extensive
vocabulary is used in
the blog

The blog is starting

with an engaging and
catchy hook

Spelling and
grammar have no

Blogs are organized

(Intro, thesis, 2-3
body, conclusion)

Cost The blog will be free to 5/5 the blog is free to use
read for everyone

Target audience The target audience of 5/5

my blog is 18+ adults
who often do bookings
for vacations

Others 4 / 5 I have used dark color scheme instead of light

The light colour color scheme because I found the dark scheme
scheme is used in the more appealing than the light scheme. Also the
blog blog has photos but there are no videos in the blog.
The blog includes
photos and video to
make the audience
more connected


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