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In Pakistan, System Test Engineering is in preliminary stage, so to make them competent with other

countries ,electronics testing has become a necessity. The need for sustainable and high-quality
electronics testing with limited resources is one of the priorities of any developing nation. To ensure
effective utilization of these limited resources, I believe, it is very important for an electrical engineer to
have up-to-date testing expertise to complement the existing technical abilities. I believe, to make a
project successful, the project team must deliver two basic things i.e., Timely delivery and high quality.
This compels me to pursue MSc System Test Engineering at FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences

Armed with a Electrical engineering degree from renowned University of Pakistan; I will apply my
knowledge on electronics sector, project planning and Engineering economy in the modules like
“Electronics & Measurement ”. I aspire to learn the modules “Software Development & Test Automation”
to make certain design and analysis of both automation and software development in addition, to
consolidate and extend knowledge in testing applications are done to ensure the project is feasible to
carry out, in the best interests of the people.

Having worked in the LESCO, as an internee engineer in the projects “Embedded Systems”; I learnt about
overhauling of testing. Having worked with ‘High Power Grids in Pakistan, one of my duties was to check
the lines coming from the main grid station ,solve the issue in it and then carry out the operation.Which
made me familiar with the practical use of Modem labor.

Having assisted in my professor’s PHD topic “drowsiness Detection ”, which was also our Final year
project; helped me understand mathematical modeling, Micro controllers, signal and system from
experiments. I have command over the software Matlab and C++ , Python which are key tools used in
system test engineering. This technical knowledge along with the advance test system knowledge I will
gain from the program at FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences , will help me facilitate the
ongoing development in my country along with doing other projects to ensure sustainable development.

Coalescing the technical and programming (Python ) knowledge I will gain from the MSc System Test
Engineering at FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences , I will start my own electronics testing
related company to play my role in the development of my country and create jobs as a by-product. In
addition I will start my own company as the government has already made policies regarding electronics
companies to make sure the development process speeds up and create jobs and i want to give a hand
in order to ensure the aforementioned objectives are achieved for the larger interests of the public.

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