ANG, Justine Vincent E. DEET 1-1 Long Quiz UTS

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Course: DEET

Year and Section: 1-1

I. True/False

Write if the statement is True or False. If False, please underline the incorrect word/s.

False 1. The study of philosophy acquired knowledge through superficial belief.

False 2. Identity is only formed and influenced by the self.

True 3. Eastern thought is pluralistic.

False 4. Self-schema is also another term of self.

False 5. A man with a small penis can never sex have or satisfy a woman.

False 6. According to Carl Rogers, the “I Self” refers to what you think or feel about yourself

while the “Me Self” talks reflect what people see or perceive themselves doing in the physical


False 7. There is separation between philosophy and religion in Eastern thought.

True 8. A man has to lie on top of a woman to do sex.

True 9. St. Augustine relates our existence to God being modelled in his likeness though being

alive means that we are still far from God and has yet to be truly with him.

False 10. The primary source of knowledge in Western philosophy is faith.

True 11. If a boy is excited and doesn’t have sex, he will be sick.

False 12. Eastern thought emphasizes Individualism

True 13. The ideal of Filipino thought is self-actualization through personal growth

True 14. The Western concept of individual freedom is seen as a double-edged sword.

True 15. It is good to have sex up the anus because it cannot cause pregnancy.

True 16. Self-concept in simpler terms refers to what comes to your mind when asked about

who you are?

True 17. A woman has as much right to pleasure as a man.

True 18. A woman must feel sexy so that her vagina is wet before the man puts his penis inside


True 19. The Eastern way of thinking is analytic-deductive.

False 20. If a boy doesn’t have sex, his penis will become flat.

False 21. If a girl doesn’t have sex, her vagina will close.

False 22. Plato philosophy underlies in the importance of the notion "knowing oneself".

True 23. Psychologically literally means “study of the souls” but it is now known as study of the


True 24. A woman needs time to reach orgasm.

False 25. The Collectivist thought assumes that the self is the measure of all things.

True 26. Touching a woman’s clitoris helps her to have an orgasm.

True 27. An individual’s identity is not the product of the unconscious, but instead is the result

of modeling oneself in response to the expectations of others

False 28. Spencer insisted on the necessity of new and positive reorganization of society

True 29. A person may feel alienated by his work by not feeling like he has meaning to his work,

therefore, losing their sense of self at the workplace

True 30. Capitalism developed out of a Protestant ethic.

II. Multiple Choice

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

___b___1. The person everyone sees you as.

a. Self-concept c. Self-identity

b. Self image d. Self awareness

___a___2. A general term used to refer to how someone thinks about, evaluates or perceives


a. Self-concept c. Self-identity

b. Self image d. Self awareness

___c__3. Refers to the global understanding a person has of themselves.

a. Self-concept c. Self-identity
b. Self image d. Self awareness

___d___4. Having a clear perception of your personality, including strengths, weaknesses,

thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and emotions.

a. Self-concept c. Self-identity

b. Self image d. Self awareness

___a___ 5. Psychological condition which impels the organism to become active.

a. Motivation c. Drive

b. Goal d. Need

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