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Smart City &

Town Project

Organizational Communication

Sir Muhammad Abdul Rahman

Authored by: Shahzada Hamza Bin Ejaz

What is Smart City?
 A smart city has
 Basic infrastructure
 Uses “smart” solutions to make infrastructure and services better and
 Relay on area-based development

Cultural Change is the Difficult Part

“Cultural change is the first thing you need to deal with when you Want to
implement something different in the public sector, Technology is the easy
CHEN-YU LEE (director Smart Taipei)

 Provide basic infrastructure
 Quality of life
 Clean and sustainable environment
 Apply Smart solutions
 Set examples to be replicated both within and outside the Smart City and catalyze the creation
of similar Smart Cities.

As more people surge into urban areas around the world. Global cities now account for more than half
of the world’s population, and the United Nations projects the number to balloon to 68 percent by
mid-century. How will all of these residents move through and around cities, and how will cities
provide energy, water, sanitation and other basic needs? By leveraging technology based on the
Internet of Things (IoT) and integrating an online population into new systems that make a city work—
a new and evolving smart city.

So, in order to overcome all these problems which are caused due to increasing urbanization on the
world our solution is in the smart cities.

What makes a city smart?

Generally, it requires intelligent IoT solutions that optimize infrastructure and government to better
engage citizens in the management of services. Sensors, networks, and applications collect data on
energy usage, traffic volume and patterns, pollution levels, and other topics which are then analyzed
and used to correct and predict usage and patterns. Making that data available to everyone through
open-access systems allow citizens and businesses to leverage that information for their own

Requirements Smart cities require leaders with a long-term vision and people
committed to collaboration. Multiple agencies, consultants, and private firms track the
development of smart cities, and there are eight generally recognized subjects that combine
to make a city smart:

 Mobility

 Healthcare

 Security

 Water Energy

 Engagement and Community

 Economic

 Development and Housing

 Waste

Three layers of a Smart City Work

Within each of those subjects, three layers work together to make a smart city operate. The first layer
is a technology base that includes a critical mass of smartphones and sensors connected by high-speed
communication networks.

A second layer of specific applications translates the constant stream of raw data into alerts, insights,
and action.

The third application may be the most important: getting buy-in and participation from the public.
Apps that show traffic volume in real time, for instance, allow drivers and pedestrians to better plan
travel routes and adapt at a moment’s notice.

That capability speeds everyone along and, hopefully, prevents further backup in the congested area.

Dozens of applications are already available in each of the developing areas. Real-time crime mapping,
for instance, helps in policing Telemedicine brings health practitioners into patients’ homes. Digital
tracking of waste receptacles tells a garbage hauler when a can is full; Open databases allow business
owners to adapt based on traffic or pedestrian flow online connection platforms provide internet
access or battery charging for personal devices. The list goes on.

Some cities are further along in developing these services than others, with those in Asia and Europe
leading the pack. Dubai and Singapore, for instance, have large, signature infrastructure and building
projects carved into their plans. All are embracing IoT.

Leading Smart cities of the world

1. Singapore
The southeast Asia city-state is the world’s second most densely populated, with some 8,000
people per square kilometer. The government is looking to digital advancements to raise
productivity in an already advanced economy. Its Smart Nation vision aims to digitally collect
information from throughout the city using sensors linked to aggregation boxes. Data collected on
traffic volume or pedestrian activity is sent to appropriate agencies for analysis and action in
delivering services. Almost 95 percent of homes have broadband access and open sourcing brings
the information to citizens and the private sector to leverage the data for personal or business
reasons. For planning, the National Research Foundation is leading the development of Virtual
Singapore, a dynamic 3D city model and collaborative data platform. It has been made available to
public and private firms to develop tools for testing concepts and services, such as simulating crowd
dispersions from future sport venues. Because 80 percent of residents live in public housing,
government agencies are working with private firms to test smart home technologies, such as home
energy and water management systems and monitoring systems for the elderly.
Smart technologies are integrated into housing through a framework that considers planning,
environment, buildings, and living. By 2022, the government plans to implement intelligent,
energy-efficient lighting for all public roads, and have solar panels installed on rooftops of 6,000

2. Dubai
The emirate is in the middle of a seven-year Dubai 2021 plan to digitalize all government services,
including some 100 initiatives encompassing transport, communications, infrastructure, electricity,
economic services, and urban planning. Almost 90 government services now are digitalized,
accessible through the Dubai Now app. Residency services is one area, where one can apply for an
entry permit or sponsor a family.
City officials say they will save 900 million UAE dirhams ($245 million) in eliminating paper
transactions when the project is complete. A monitoring system for bus drivers using artificial
intelligence has greatly reduced traffic accidents caused by fatigue, according to the Road and
Transit Authority. Already the city has three autonomous police stations where people can pay
fines or report incidences without talking to a person.
A fourth, floating autonomous station was recently announced for the World Islands, a man-made
archipelago designed to look like the Earth’s surface from above. The development is expected to be
built out quickly. Dubai is betting on a host of high-tech projects using innovative technology to
bolster its status. Contractors recently built a 31-foot-tall, 6,889-square-foot concrete building using
a 3D printer, an example of how the emirate plans to build future developments. Perhaps the best-
known project is the Dubai-Abu Dhabi hyperloop. It could cost $6 billion when the 151-kilometer-
long system is completed. A 10-kilometer section is nearing completion.

3. Oslo
The Norwegian capital is regularly featured on global lists of smart cities. Its efforts to address
climate change are part of the reason. Buildings account for some 40 percent of energy
consumption globally, and Oslo is embracing a wide use of sensors to control lighting, heating, and
The city’s goal to cut emissions by 36 percent by 2020 and as much as 95 percent by 2030 is
creating opportunity in developing electric vehicles, a smart grid, and EV-charging technology.
Already, there are more than 2,000 charging stations for electric vehicles, whose owners do not
have to pay sales tax and are entitled free parking, charging, and transport on ferries. Norway has
announced plans to build a sustainable smart city on 260 acres near Oslo’s airport to develop
technology-driven communities. It is designed to be powered only with renewable energy, with
excess being sold back into the grid.
Sensor-based systems will operate automatic street and building lighting along with waste
management and security. Only electric vehicles will be permitted, but planners eventually want
self-driving vehicles.

4. Copenhagen
The Danish capital is moving toward smart development integrated with its own aggressive
environmental policies. The incubator Copenhagen Solutions Lab received an award in 2017 for a
system that monitors traffic, air quality, waste management, energy use, and other items and
compares operations in real time. It connects parking systems, traffic lights, buildings, smart
metering, and charging systems for electric vehicles to direct traffic in real time, and optimize
energy use according to fuel prices, traffic movement, and weather. The ability to analyze, measure,
and compare all of this data is meant to drive better efficiency in delivering services.
Cyclists—and there are many in Copenhagen, as half of city residents’ bike to work—are using an
app developed from all of this data that guides them through city streets and tells them how fast
they need to pedal to make the next green light. Other plans routes, using feedback from users to
improve recommendations. It also measures distance cycled and calories burned. Another online
group warns of bicycle-related police activity, information cyclists can use to avoid fines

5. Boston
Boston is the city in the state if USA which is Massachusetts. The city was one of the first to
experiment with smart initiatives.
Boston opened its Innovation District at its seaport in an effort to be a public catalyst for innovation,
and it is credited with helping create over 200 startups. Its masterplan centers on citizen
participation, or “participatory urbanism,” using a collection of apps for citizens to receive parking
information, report service issues, or communicate with each other.
Users can report potholes or graffiti from anywhere in the city or track a child’s school bus.
Participatory Chinatown is a video game simulation to help engage the community in planning and
development. Boston’s traffic snarls are famous, and a campaign to ease mobility is beginning based
on mobility micro hubs.
A digital kiosk, it will provide real-time information on buses and trains as well as bike-shares, car-
shares, and other services. Smart sensors will link the micro hubs with networked traffic signals in
known congested districts.

6. Amsterdam
The Dutch city has enthusiastically embraced smart concepts and technology, creating an open
database with 12,000 datasets garnered from every urban district. Through its IoT Living Lab, a
3,700-square-meter area fitted with IoT-enabled beacons, users can access data using Bluetooth
devices. The beacons use Lora Wan, a machine-to-machine protocol, to send data packets to
distances reaching three kilometers. Many residents use bicycles but car-sharing platforms pair
drivers and passengers, and autonomous vehicles shuttle drivers through five intersections between
a subway station and an office park.
A public-private project is building a small smart grid in a housing development, where power is
distributed and stored based on demand. Another smart grid project under development uses
carbon dioxide to generate electricity. Amsterdam also sports smart lighting with dimmable LED
lights. Pedestrians and cyclists, however, can use an app to increase the light when passing by and
the lights dim after they pass.

7. New York
The city launched a pilot program that placed hundreds of smart sensors and a low-power wide
area network throughout several business districts. Collected data will help manage trash pickup;
waste containers fitted with sensors monitor when the cans are full and relay that information to
disposal crews.

Throughout the city, online charging kiosks are replacing public phone booths to enable internet
connectivity. The police department has tested web-based software from Hunch Lab that uses
historical crime data, terrain modeling, and other information to predict and respond to crime.
The test produced a marked decrease in violent crime, and now other city agencies are interested.

8. London
The mayor’s Civic Innovation Challenge is an incubator platform for startups to develop solutions for
a wide range of urban issues. It dovetails with the policy initiative to make public data as open as
possible, encouraging collaboration between public, tech, and academia sectors.
Connected London is the city’s program to provide 5G connectivity to the entire city, requiring
new developments to provide full fiber-optic coverage. To make it work, officials say 5G cells must
be placed 200 meters apart. One idea is to use drones to spot unused space where cellular
antennas can be installed. Another initiative aims to provide open access to Wi-Fi in public buildings
and on the streets.
London’s iconic lampposts also are being fitted with a collection of sensors and charging points for
electric vehicles.

9. Barcelona
The Catalonian city consistently draws praise for embracing smart technology, which is credited with
invigorating an economy that deteriorated in the 1980s after its textile and other industries
shriveled. In 2011, the city hosted the first Smart City Expo and World Congress to promote “a
self-sufficient city of productive neighborhoods at human speed, inside a hyper-connected zero
emissions metropolitan area.”
Spain’s second-largest city now is saturated with LED light pole mounted sensors that monitor
traffic, air quality, pedestrian activity, and noise, and which can dim or switch off lights as needed.
Smart bins fitted with vacuums suck waste into underground storage, reducing foul odors and
decreasing the number of trips from collection trucks. They also provide city managers with data on
waste levels and where it accumulates faster or slower, leading to greater operational efficiencies.
The city’s bike-sharing system was one of the first, aimed at reducing the number of cars, especially
in the densely populated and heavily trafficked city center.

10. Hong Kong

At the beginning of 2019, Hong Kong’s secretary for innovation and technology announced a major
government push to speed smart city services.
More than 70 initiatives were launched in 2017, and the newest push covers what the office calls
“smart government” and “smart economy.” One is ubiquitous to smart city development:
lampposts fitted with sensors. They are cheap and provide a perfect base for fitting out technology.
Hong Kong is going a step further, marking them for 5G development. The 55-kilometer-long Hong
Kong-Shuhai-Macao bridge connects mainland China with Hong Kong and Macao. Opened in
2018, it is fitted with 4G service and is being readied for 5G. In Hong Kong itself, 400 smart
lampposts will host a 5G test rollout in four neighborhoods.

One attractive feature is a new mobile-friendly city dashboard screen. It uses data gleaned from
various government departments to show real-time images, maps, icons, and charts of
information such as average traffic speed in different districts and tunnels, as well as temperature,
rainfall, or parking availability.
As it develops, more data from buses and trains will be added. Observers say more needs to be
done to bring small businesses and individuals into the mix and develop a digital economy. Hong
Kongers are slow to adopt online banking and other services. One program attack this by beefing up
digital security with biometric measures such as face or voice recognition.

◦ China is creating more than 500 smart cities testing ground
◦ India has also launched it smart city (PAN city) plan which include more than 100 cities in the initial
◦ Pakistan 1st Smart city is starting the Capital smart city in Islamabad.
◦ We need to work more on this make Gwadar a smart city and also start smart city plans in small
cities of Pakistan at least 4 to 5 in every province and interconnect them

Solutions are complex

◦ Smart city solution eco system
◦ Which cases
◦ Which technologies
◦ Which vendors

Components of Smart City:
6 Dimensions and 28 characteristics of IM Smart city are


Growth & ENVIRONMENT Social and Human
Competitiveness Natural resources Capital
Economic growth and Clean environment Caring community
value creation Environmental Racial Harmony
innovative economic protection Skilled and talented
growth Green development Human capital
Equtable Wealth Green infrastructure
Distribution Smart Growth
Entrepreneurship Green Economy

Smart Mobility SMART LIVING
Efficient &
Connectivity & ICT Quality of Life
Public Participation Efficient road Saftey and security
Efficient Public and accessibility Low carbon lifestyle
social services Efficient Public Housing quality
Private Public transportation Health Conditions
partnership Non motorized Cultural facalities
Transparent accessibility Tourist & recreational
governance Availability of ICT attractiveness

The major contributors in the smart city are
1. Smart people
2. Smart economy
3. Smart governance
4. Smart mobility
5. Smart environment
6. Smart Living

All these areas when work together will make a smart city most efficiently and effectively.

level of qualification, flexibility to get more opportunities, knowledge about

the policies and schemes launches by the government would be the first step
Smart People of each and every individual, public particapation.

Indicators like entrepreneurship, productivit, self-employment, GDP per

person, flexibility of labour market, reliability, smart infrastructure which is
Economy directly proportional to the per capita income.

Efficient goverment services such as E-government portal service, e-learning

project, e-passport, public participation in decision making.
Governance Smart energy: smart grid, energy storage, smart meters.

Stremlined transportation in order to optimise traffic flow and increase

Smart conncetivity

Renewal of energy, waste water managment and provide proper sanitation to

Smart citizens

Build intelliget building managment systems, which will belp save up to 30%
of water usage, 40% of energy usage and reduction of building maintenance
Smart Living cost by 10 to 30%, smart cooling, smart heating.

We can achieve anything we set our mind and hearth too provided we put in the required
amount of effort and mind into it.


Solutions and Recommendations:
Some of the recommended solutions are as follows:
Using the following technologies in the areas to be developed.

Starting Small:
Our goal is to start small with towns and colonies so that our government don’t get such a burden of
expense all togather on it. Further more we have given an area based developmental model which can be
followed easily in case of redevelopment and futher enhancing the project. This is how we can attain smart
sustainabality all togather by going through these procedures.
The major problem is the cultural problem i-e how to inculcate the
smart culture in the society?
The answer to that is in our model that we will take it step by step, slowly we will introduce the smart
culture in the upper-class societies which will eventually trickle down to the middle and lower socio-
economic classes as a popular culture by itself.
The aspect of values and customs to be taken care in a sense that rules to be made to avoid any disputes.
The ideology of smart city will be introduced to the social influencers and popular individuals of the
society. We will enter every province simultaneously engaging each society with the developmental
process through this the idea will eventually be accepted by the radical minds as well, many people of our
society take innovation as a threat but once they get to see the advantages of the smart towns and city in
front of them with their own eyes I am sure they wont stand against it.

Area Based Development Models:
1. Retrofitting:
Development of an existing built area greater tan 500 acres as to achieve the objective of Smart cities
mision to make it more efficient and livablle.

2. Re-development:
Replace existing built enviroment in an area of more than 50 acres and enable co-creation of a new layout,
especially enhanced infrastructure, mixed land use and increased density.

3. Greenfield:
Develop a previously vacant area of more than 250 acres using innovative planning, plan financing and plan
implementation tools with provision for affordable housing, especially for the poor.

 The smart cities mission requires smart people who actively participate in governance and reforms
 The participation of smart people will be enabled by the IOT through increased use of ICT,
especially mobile -based tools.
 Energy efficient system
 Trying to involve the public to help determine the order of development has been difficult and time
 The multiple permits require by various levels of government are slowing down the process of
creating the city.

The emergency of the idea of the smart city ought to be seen in the backdrop of the need to contain
corruption and meet the requirements of the adequate and efficient service delivery in urban areas using
information and digital technologies. The success of the programs will be judged by its power to transform
the life of the people, and their ability to reduce growing inequality in our society.

The smart cities discourse is a contemporary expression of urban matters, covering a wide area of scientific
approaches. A general perception in smartness focuses on the technological developments that refer to city
management and operations, often supported by corporations that act as service providers to cities and to
individuals, as customers. This thesis, which views smartness through the liveability lens, re-examines the role of
the smart city, providing evidence to assess the processes adopted in becoming smart. This thesis argues that
current terminologies for ‘smart’ do not clearly define what ‘smart’ needs to contain if cities are to become more
sustainable, resilient and liveable; that is, if ‘smart’ is to realise its full value. Notably the smart cities literature
reveals that smartness can be perceived differently by different stakeholders, and sometimes with a strong focus
on the economic pillar of sustainability. For this reason, it is argued that liveability should be a central feature of
smartness if smartness is to realise its full potential in providing benefits to the population of a smart city. The term
‘truly smart’ is used herein to include considerations of people and the planet alongside economic and system
efficiency and effectiveness. Consequently, it is argued that cities should adopt initiatives according to what is
truly smart, that is assessed according to their liveability value. This thesis describes the development of the Smart
Model Assessment Resilient Tool (SMART) to assess whether cities are taking actions (i.e. adopting initiatives) that
will move them towards ‘true smartness’. It was found that CityLIFE, developed within the multidisciplinary EPSRC-
funded research project ‘Liveable Cities’, is the most appropriate tool for an assessment of liveability in cities and
this is accordingly included as part of the SMART to assess the liveability potential of the smart city initiatives.
SMART is trialled in four case studies (Birmingham, London, Copenhagen, and Singapore) and, in the case of the
two UK cities (Birmingham and London), the results are compared against qualitative research involving local
smart city experts to understand better their local needs and priorities. This process included in a SMART analysis
can be deployed via group discussions to support decision making in cities, and more generally enable city
decision-makers to assess current smart cities policies and initiatives and prioritise proposed initiatives. This will
help to ensure that cities become more liveable, enhancing city living for the individual and supporting planetary
well-being in cities now and in the future


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