Evolution of Gene Families

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Evolution of Gene Families

T Ohta, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Japan

© 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

This article is a revision of the previous edition article by L Silver, volume 2, pp 666–669, © 2001, Elsevier Inc.

Glossary MADS-box genes A family of genes that contain

Hox genes A family of genes that contain homeobox MADS-box sequence encoding 60 amino acids. This
sequence of 180 nucleotides. Homeobox encodes 60­ domain binds to DNA and is highly conserved.
amino acid homeodomain, which is known to bind DNA Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) The region of
and is essential for transcriptional regulation. mammalian genome that contains various genes relating
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) HLA genes locate in to immune response. This region is widely known because
major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region of of extraordinary polymorphisms, which have significant
human genome. They contain immunoglobulin domain effects on disease susceptibility and tissue transplantation.
and belong to the immunoglobulin superfamily. Class I Regulatory element A DNA region that regulates
and class II families of HLA are best studied and known to expression of genes. The region contains binding sites of
be responsible to antigen presentation. transcription factors and other regulatory proteins.

Genomic Complexity Increases by Gene Duplication 2. Duplication by unequal crossing-over. The second broad
class of duplication events results from unequal
As compared with primitive prokaryotes, eukaryotes generally crossing-over. Normal crossing-over, or recombination,
have complex genomes, and the complexity evolved through a can occur between equivalent sequences on homologous
repeated process of duplication and divergence. Duplication chromatids present in a synaptonemal complex that
events can occur essentially at random throughout the genome forms during the pachytene stage of meiosis in both
and the size of the duplication unit can vary from as little as a male and female mammals. Unequal crossing-over –
few nucleotides to large subchromosomal sections that are also referred to as illegitimate recombination – refers to
tens, or even hundreds, of megabases in length. When the crossover events that occur between nonequivalent
duplicated segment contains one or more genes, either the sequences. Unequal crossing-over can be initiated by the
original or duplicated copy of each is set free to accumulate presence of related sequences – such as highly repeated
mutations without harm to the organism since the other good retroposon-dispersed selfish elements – located nearby in
copy with an original function will still be present. the genome. Although the event is unequal, in this case, it
Duplicated regions, like all other genetic novelties, must is still mediated by the homology that exists at the two
originate in the genome of a single individual and their initial nonequivalent sites. Nonhomologous unequal crossovers
survival in each subsequent generation of a population is, most can also occur, although they are much rarer than homo­
often, a simple matter of chance. This is because the addition of logous events. The initial duplication event that produces
one extra copy of most genes – to the two already present in a a two-gene cluster may be either homologous or nonho­
diploid genome – is usually tolerated without significant harm mologous, but once two units of related sequence are
to the individual animal. present in tandem, further rounds of homologous
unequal crossing-over can be easily initiated between
nonequivalent members of the pair as illustrated in
Figure 1. Thus, it is easy to see how clusters can expand
Three Main Ways of Gene Duplication
to contain three, four, and many more copies of an origi­
nal DNA sequence. In all cases, unequal crossing-over
1. Whole-genome duplication (polyploidization). Whole- between homologs results in two reciprocal chromosomal
genome duplication has been important for formation products: one will have a duplication of the region located
of new species. Autopolyploid that originates by duplica­ between the two sites and the other will have a deletion
tion of the same genome in an individual is thought to be that covers the same exact region (Figure 1). Their survival
important for species with undifferentiated sex. This is in evolution is dependent upon natural selection and
because, when sex is differentiated, gametes with unba­ genetic drift. Duplicates having hundreds of kilobases
lanced chromosome sets are formed from a hybrid are called segmental duplications.
between polyploid and diploid individuals, and elimi­ 3. Duplication by transposition. Transposition is responsible
nated by natural selection. Allopolyploid that originates for the dispersion and duplication of DNA sequences.
by duplication of closely related genomes of a hybrid Transposition refers to a process in which one region of
individual is commonly found in cultivated plant species the genome relocates to a new chromosomal location.
such as wheat and cotton. Transposition can occur either through the direct

Brenner’s Encyclopedia of Genetics, 2nd edition, Volume 2 doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-374984-0.00497-6 563

564 Evolution of Gene Families

Initial duplication of single-copy region Further expansion from a two-repeat cluster

A B� B C
exchange B C
sites Region of
A� B� pairing Crossover

A B� B/B� B C

Reciprocal products
Deleted chromosome
A C�
A B1 B2 B3 C
A� B� B C
Three-member gene family cluster
Duplicated segments

Figure 1 Unequal crossing-over generates gene families. The left side illustrates an unequal crossing-over event and the two products that are
generated. One product is deleted and the other is duplicated for the same region. In this example, the duplicated region contains a second complete copy
of a single gene (B). The right side illustrates a second round of unequal crossing-over that can occur in a genome that is homozygous for the original or
duplicated chromosome. In this case, the crossover event has occurred between the two copies of the original gene. Only the duplicated product generated
by this event is shown. Over time, the three copies of the B gene can diverge into three distinct functional units of a gene family cluster.

movement of original sequences from one site to another family that is most important in animal development.
or through an RNA intermediate. The latter is most com­ MADS-box genes are also members of another transcription
mon, and occurs by means of an intermediate RNA factor family, which participates in flower development.
transcript that is reverse-transcribed into DNA and then Duplicated genes may also acquire new functions by differ­
inserted randomly into the genome. This process is referred entiation of coding region sequences (neofunctionalization).
to as retrotransposition. The size of the retrotransposition An interesting example is the globin gene family where differ­
unit – called a retroposon – cannot be larger than the size entiation of both coding and regulatory regions is important.
of the intermediate RNA transcript. Retrotransposition has However, some gene families like those of cytochrome
been exploited by various families of selfish genetic ele­ P450 and olfactory receptor acquire neofunctions without
ments, some of which have been copied into 100 000 or subfunctionalization.
more locations dispersed throughout the genome with a
self-encoded reverse transcriptase. But, examples of func­
tional, intronless retroposons – such as Pgk2 and Pdha2 –
Concerted Evolution via Genetic Exchange between
have also been identified. In such cases, functionality is
Duplicated Gene Copies
absolutely dependent upon novel regulatory elements
either present at the site of insertion or created by subse­
There are many examples in the genome where genetic
quent mutations in these sequences.
information appears to flow from one DNA element to other
related – but nonallelic – elements (duplicate genes) located
nearby or even on different chromosomes. In some special
How Duplicated Genes Diverge? cases, the flow of information is so extreme as to allow all
members of a gene family to coevolve with near-identity as in
Many extra genes attained by duplication degenerate and the case of ribosomal RNA genes. The information flow is
become pseudogenes, but some may diverge to have new func­ sometimes called homogenization. The resultant phenomenon
tions. Degeneration can occur at one of the duplicate gene such that gene members show higher identity when compared
copies because the other gene retains the original function in the same species than when compared between the species is
that is needed for the organisms. Duplicated genes may called concerted evolution. Gene conversion and unequal
differentiate with respect to expression pattern (subfunctiona­ crossing-over are thought to contribute to the concerted evolu­
lization). Modification of expression pattern is mainly due to tion. Note that duplication and deletion of gene members by
changes of regulatory elements. There are many examples of unequal crossing-over results in chance fluctuation of copy
genes that arose by duplication followed by differentiation of number of gene members within a family. In theory, repeated
expression patterns. The examples include very important gene duplication and deletion of gene members of a family have
families for evolution of complexity, such as Hox genes, similar effects on increasing gene identity within a family just as
MADS-box family genes, and immunoglobulin family genes. random genetic drift has the effect on alleles within a finite
Note that Hox genes are members of a transcription factor population.
Evolution of Gene Families 565

Interplay between Gene Conversion and Natural medicine and evolutionary biology. Here, the interplay of
Selection diversity enhancing selection and generation of new alleles by
gene conversion is thought to be responsible for the high
While concerted evolution is beneficial for gene families when polymorphisms.
large amount of gene products with uniform function is
needed, it may bring different effects in other occasions. In
principle, gene conversion between gene members of a family See also: Concerted Evolution; Crossing-Over; Gene
is a kind of mutation whose effects are either deleterious or Conversion; Gene Duplication; Gene Family; Genetic
advantageous. Harmful effects of gene conversion have been Recombination; Illegitimate Recombination; Immunoglobin
studied in relation to human diseases. Various cases have been Superfamily; Pseudogene; Retrotransposons; Unequal
reported that occur by gene conversion, such as congenital Crossing Over.
adrenal hyperplasia or neural tube defects.
Gene conversion also generates useful variations. Examples
are found in gene families with diverse functions of gene pro­ Further Reading
ducts, such as those found in the major histocompatibility
complex (MHC) and those of immunoglobulins, proteolytic Eickbush TH and Eickbush DG (2007) Finely orchestrated movements: Evolution of
enzymes, and their inhibitors. These proteins are often charac­ the ribosomal RNA genes. Genetics 175: 477–485. doi:10.1534/
terized by high variability at the active sites, where functional
Innan H and Kondrashov F (2010) The evolution of gene duplications: Classifying and
diversity is needed as compared with the remaining regions. distinguishing between models. Nature Reviews Genetics 11: 97–108. doi:10.1038/
This high variability is important for the organisms and is nrg2689.
thought to be attained by the interplay between diversity Lynch M and Force A (2000) The probability of duplicate gene preservation by
enhancing selection and gene conversion. In case of human subfunctionalization. Genetics 154: 459–473.
Ohta T (1983) On the evolution of multigene families. Theoretical Population Biology 23:
leukocyte antigen families at the MHC, the active sites are the 216–240.
antigen recognition sites, where unusually high polymorph­ Ohta T (2010) Gene conversion and evolution of gene families: An overview. Genes 1:
isms have been much of interest from the standpoint of both 349–356. doi:10.3390/genes1030349.

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