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FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev.

0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE 9 - Ethics Module No. 2

Jessa U. Delos Santos






Read “The Challenge of Cultural Relativism” by James Rachels. Consider the following
study questions after reading:
 Knowing that there are (cultural) differences even among persons in one
society, what should be the most proper thing to do?

In a world where different cultures emerge, we must appreciate the importance of

understanding that each individual in society has and continues to have different beliefs,
values, and culture. In order to properly comprehend, we must first enhance awareness
of what cultures are and what the contrasts between them are. Second, we must
cultivate the mindset of accepting cultural diversity.

 Would a cultural relativist be correct in maintaining that nobody has the moral
basis to complain about his/her actions because he/she was just following
what he/she believed was right?

Yes. A cultural relativist may be justified in asserting that no one has a moral basis to
criticize his or her behavior because they were simply doing what they thought was right.
Because we were molded and raised with such views, and because of these beliefs, many
other people have other beliefs and cultures. Due to that, conflicts may arise.


Reflection Question:
Read “Universal Values” by Gallinero uploaded in your MS Teams. Consider the following
study question after reading:
In the Philippines, one moral argument against the RH Law is that it violates universal
human rights and values such as the right to life and health of children. On the other hand,
proponents of the Law assert that family planning and sexual education consistent with
one’s own beliefs and moral convictions is exercising one’s freedom to choose.
 If the basis of universal values is true and, taking into consideration our social
problems due to overpopulation, what is your moral stand on the debate about
having a comprehensive reproductive health program in the Philippines?

I believe that in order for our country, the Philippines, to have a comprehensive
reproductive health program, it must be advocated and implemented. Why? Because,
regardless of norms, beliefs, or culture, the expanding population is alarming, and clinging


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE 9 - Ethics Module No. 2

to cultural beliefs isn't helping. Apart from that, the prevalence of adolescent pregnancy has
risen and may continue to rise if youngsters are unaware of the consequences of sexual


Short-Films Online Viewing

You will be watching (synchronously or asynchronously) the following short films about
Filipino ways and moral behavior:
 Chris Cahilig “Pitaka”: Shortfilm
 “An Open Door” Shortfilm
 Nestle Philippines “Cooking Mo, Cooking Ko” Kasambuhay Habambuhay Short Film
Short Film Analysis:
Write a short film analysis to be submitted through MS Teams or email. As an output of
your assigned reading “The Filipino Way”, answer the guide questions about the three short
films that you have watched:
 Short narrative of the story - facts/details of the film (brief, 2-3 sentences only).
 What Filipino value/s are evident in the film? Cite same personal experience about
these values.
 Is the value/are the values considered strength or weakness of the Filipino
character? Explain.
 Based on what you have learned from the short-films, evaluate and discuss your
own personal values that you think is needed to be changed.

Please follow this format of the short film analysis:

Name: Jessa U. Delos Santos

Course, Year, Section: BSE-ENGLISH 1-2

Title of the Film: Pitaka (by Chris Cahilig)

Short Narrative of the Film:

A dedicated older brother who will go to any length to see his younger brother
succeed in the future. In exchange, his younger brother returns all of his older brother’s
struggles, then graduates and finds a successful career. The film depicts Filipino values.

Filipino Value/s in Personal Strength or Retain or Change

the Film Experience about Weakness of the the said Filipino
the value/s Filipino Character Value (briefly
1. Care/Love for My brother serves This is considered Retain the Value.
the Family as the role model to as strength of the This kind of value
me. He sacrifices all Filipino character. must be retained for
his time to work in Because it is the the reason that
order for us to pay love for the Family Love for the Family
all the living that keep us going is the greatest
expenses. He cares despite the power you’ll ever
so much to all of us. hardships. had.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE 9 - Ethics Module No. 2

2. Hardworking Due to the This is a strength Retain the Value.

environment, we that made Filipino is This value must be
grew up in, Me and known for. retained. Because
my brothers are all Hardworking. To this is one of the
hard working. We justify this, look at major factors that
provide our own how many Filipino people need to
needs. people are in survive in daily life.
countryside just to
provide their families

Name: Jessa U. Delos Santos

Course, Year, Section: BSE-ENGLISH 1-2

Title of the Film: An Open Door (by Paul Soriano)

Short Narrative of the Film:

The film pays tribute to the true story of how President Manuel L. Quezon saved
over 1300 Jews from the Holocaust by bringing them to the Philippines and giving them a
home. The film tells a story of a person who’s willingly helping another people, even if
they never know each other well. People who are always willing to lend a helping hand to
someone in need.

Filipino Value/s in Personal Strength or Retain or Change

the Film Experience about Weakness of the the said Filipino
the value/s Filipino Character Value (briefly
1. Hospitable When my cousin Hospitable is what
and I visited Baguio Filipinos are known
City, something for. This kind of
occurred to us. We value is a strength
were heading to the as it was
hotel she had
reserved when it
began to rain. We
didn’t have time to
call a tricycle or a
jeep, but one of the
local store owners
asked us to let us
take cover so we
wouldn’t be


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE 9 - Ethics Module No. 2

Name: Jessa U. Delos Santos

Course, Year, Section: BSE-ENGLISH 1-2

Title of the Film:

Short Narrative of the Film:

Filipino Value/s in Personal Experience Strength or Retain or Change

the Film about the value/s Weakness of the the said Filipino
Filipino Character Value (briefly
1. Your answer here Your answer here Your answer here


Etcetera, if there are



Graphic Organizer

Before making your graphic organizer, consider first the following study question:
 What are the things that you consider as contributory elements to your moral

As a homework, develop a simple graphic organizer (chart) illustrating the circularity

between your own actions and the moral character that you possess. Make sure that there
are more graphics (visuals/illustrations/photos/etc.) than texts in your organizer. An
example of the circular relation between acts and character is given above (under sub-topic
2.1). Your graphic organizer will be sent as an image file (jpeg) via MS Teams.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE 9 - Ethics Module No. 2

LEARNING CONTENTS (Stages of Moral Development and Conscience…)



Read/review “Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development” by McLeod. Consider the following

study questions after reading:

 How did you develop a sense of right and wrong?

According to “Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development,” we develop a sense of

right and wrong through the following stages: 1) preconventional level, in which a child’s
sense of morality is externally controlled, in which the child accepts and believes the
rules of authority figures such as parents and teachers, and they judge an action based
on its consequences. 2)  conventional level, At the most basic level, an individual’s
morality is linked to personal and societal relationships because they believe it is vital to
maintain positive relationships and societal order. 3) At the postconventional level, a
person’s morality is now defined in terms of more abstract concepts, and universal
ideals have been assimilated. Furthermore, our perception of right and wrong is formed
by the environment in which we live in.

 Where are you now in your moral development based on Kohlberg’s Stages of
Moral Development?

I think I am in a conventional level of development, which is marked by value of

social conventions about what is right and wrong. By making decisions, we begin to learn
the standards of morality but as I grew older, I learned it hard that in every decision I make,
I must constantly consider the people around me, particularly my family, friends, and loved
ones. Perhaps the choices I’ve made are perceived to be on a conventional level. For
example, letting go of someone who has been a part of your life for years, in order for that
someone to achieve or pursue the career distined to that person. In this situation, I made a
decision after considering the potential ramifications for myself and those around me. And it
appears that, this choice is the best for everyone, as it was deemed the best option and the
right decision for everyone’s sake. However, the factor that continues pulling me back to
the pre-conventional level is attached to that specific decision. Because of the pain I felt
after making that decision, I isolated myself. I ignored everyone’s feelings and opinions,
focusing solely on the pain I’ve been through, which has led in misunderstanding and left
some scars on others, as well as my ugly demeanor, behaviors, and decisions that I keep
on doing every now and then.


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