Answer All Questions in This Section Indicate The Correct Answer On The Multiple-Choice Answer Sheet

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Section A [15 marks]

Answer all questions in this section

Indicate the correct answer on the Multiple-choice Answer Sheet.

1. A student uses a milliammeter to measure the current in a circuit. After a series of

measurements, the results obtains are as follows :
Minimum current = 1.34 mA
Mean current = 1.37 mA
Maximum current = 1.39 mA
It is known that the actual current in the circuit is 1.37 mA. Which of the following
causes the value of the mean current to deviate from the value fo the actual current ?

A. The number of readings taken by the student is not sufficient.

B. There are parallaxs errors in the readings taken.
C. The milliammeter used is not sensitive enough.
D. The milliammeter has zero error.

2. Which of the following could be the correct expression for the velocity v of ocean
waves in terms of the density of sea water, g the acceleration of free fall, h the depth of
the ocean and  the wavelength?

g g
A g B C gh D
h 

3. The variation of acceleration a with time t for a car which is initially at rest is shown in
the graph below.

The maximum velocity that can be reached by the car is

A 32.0 ms-1 B 35.0 ms-1 C 36.0 ms-1 D 37.0 ms-1

4. Two bodies P and Q ( of equal mass), travelling towards one another on a level
frictionless track at speed u and v respectively, making an elastic collision. At some
instant during the collision, P is brought momentarily to rest. What is the speed of Q at
that instant?

A (v – u) B 2 ( v – u) C
( v – u) D uv 

5. A car of mass 900 kg moving up a hill which is inclined at 10 o to the horizontal. A drag
force F acts on the car is given as F  200  v 2 where v is the speed of the car in meter
per second and F is in Newton. If v is 30 ms , the power required by the car is

A 20 Kw B 46 kW C 65 kW D 280 kW

6. A spring with original length l and force constant k is placed on a smooth horizontal
surface. One end of the spring is fixed at the point O and the other end is tied to a body
of mass m . If the body moves in a horizontal circle about the point O with constant
angular velocity ω , the radius of the circle can be expressed as

k  m 2 k  m 2 kl kl
kl kl k  m 2 k  m 2

7. The diagram shows two points X and Y at distance L and 2L from the centre of the
Earth. The gravitational potential at X is -8 kJ kg-1.


What is the gain in potential energy of a 1 kg mass when it is moved from X to Y ?

A -4 kJ B -2 kJ C +2 kJ D +4 kJ
8. Two stars P and Q of mass 3m and m respectively which rotate about the mass point of
a system is shown in the diagram below.


What is the ratio of speed P to speed Q?


9. A light rod is hinged at an angle of 600 to the horizontal and is kept at equilibrium by
the force Fx and Fy is shown in the diagram below.


If Fy is 200 N, what is Fx ?

A 100 N B 115 N C 173 N D 346 N

10. The variation of stress with strain for materials P and Q until their breaking points are
shown in the graph below.

Which is true about the materials P and Q ?

A Material Q is stiffer than material P.
B Material P is ductile but material Q is brittle
C Material Q is more difficult to break compared to material P.
D Material P needs more work to break compared to material Q.

11. Which statement is not about an assumption in kinetic theory for an ideal gas?

A The loss of kinetic energy during collisions is negligible.

B The change of momentum during collision with the wall is negligible.
C The time of collisions is negligible compared to the time between collisions.
D The volume of molecules is negligible compared to the volume of the container.

12. The atom of a monoatomic ideal gas at absolute temperature, T, has an average kinetic
energy, E. What is the average kinetic energy of an atom of a diatomic ideal gas at
temperature 2T ?

13. A gas of fixed mass which undergoes changes of pressure and volume is shown in the
diagram below.

What is the net work done by the gas during the process P→Q→R→S→P ?
A 400 J B 1200 J C 1600 J D 2800 J

14. A refrigerator door is 150.0 cm high, 80.0 cm wide and 6.0 cm thick. The temperatures
of the inner and outer surface of the door are 0.0 0C and 30.0 0C respectively. What is the
rate of heat flow through the door ?

[The thermal conductivity of the door is 0.21 W m-1 K-1]

2 3 4 5
A 1.26 x 10 J B 7.56 x 10 J C 1.27 x 10 J D 7.64 x 10 J

15. A blackened aluminium sphere of radius 3.00 cm is cooled to −73 oC and placed inside
an enclosure at a temperature of 27oC. What is the initial rate of heat absorbed assuming
that the sphere is a black body?

[Stefan-Boltzmann constant = 5.7 × 10−8 W m−2 K−4]

A 0.0645 W B 1.03 W C 4.19 W D 5.22 W

Section B [15 marks]
Answer all questions in this section.

16. (a) State two SΙ base quantities other than mass, length and time. [2 mark]

(b) A beam is clamped at one end and an object X is attached to the other end of the
beam, as shown in the diagram below.

The object X is made to oscillate vertically. The time period T of the oscillations is
given by

where M is the mass of X,

l is the length between the clamp and X,
E is the Young modulus of the material of the beam with dimensions M L–1 T–2.
and K is a constant.
(i) Determine the dimensions of K. [2 marks]

( )
[ ]

[ ]
(ii) Data for the oscillations of X are shown in the table below.

Quantity Values Uncertainty

T 0.45 s 0.01 s
l 89.2 cm 0.1 cm
M 206.8 g 0.1 g
K 1.48 x 105 0.02 x 105

Calculate E and its uncertainty. Hence write the value of E and its uncertainty
in the form E ± E together with its SI units. [3 marks]
17. (a) Explain what is meant by stress and strain in a wire. Hence define Young modulus of
the wire. [3 marks]

Stress = Tension/Force per unit cross-sectional area of the wire

Strain = extension per unit original length of of the wire.
Young modulus ,

(b) The Young modulus of the material of a wire can be determined using the
apparatus shown in the diagram below.

One end of the wire is clamped at C and a marker is attached to the wire above a scale S. A
force to extend the wire is applied by attaching masses to the other end of the wire.
The reading X of the marker on the scale S is determined for different forces F applied to the
end of the wire. The variation with X of F is shown in the graph below.

The length of the wire from C to the marker for F = 0 is 3.50 m. The diameter of the wire is
0.38 mm. Use the gradient of the line in Fig. 3.2 to determine the Young modulus E of the
material of the wire. [4 marks]

(c) The experiment is repeated with a thicker wire of the same material and length.
State how the range of the force F must be changed to obtain the same range of extension
scale readings as in the graph above. [1 mark]
Section C [ 30 marks ]
Answer two questions only

18. (a) Define acceleration [1 mark]

(b) Derive an equation of motion with the initial velocity u, the final velocity v and
the displacement s at a constant acceleration a. [2 marks]
(c) A ball of mass 0.45 kg leaves the edge of a table with a horizontal velocity v, as
shown in the diagram below.

The height of the table is 1.25 m. The ball travels a distance of 1.50 m horizontally
before hitting the floor. Neglecting air resistance, calculate for the ball
(i) the horizontal velocity v as it leaves the table. [3 marks]
(ii) the velocity just as it hits the floor,
[both its magnitude and the angle made with the horizontal] [4 marks]
(iii) the kinetic energy just as it hits the floor [2 marks]
(iv) the loss in gravitational potential energy as it falls from the table to the floor.
[2 marks]
(c) Explain why the kinetic energy of the ball in (b)(iii) does not equal the loss of
gravitational potential energy in (b)(iv). [1 mark]
19. (a) What do you understand by
(i) the mass of a body
(ii) the weight of a body
Give an example
(iii) of an object that has no mass
(iv) a situation where object that has mass but has no weight. [4 marks]

(b) A toy rocket consists of a plastic bottle which is partially filled with water. The space
above the water contains compressed air, as shown in the diagram below.

Compressed air



At one instant during the flight of the rocket, water of density ρ is forced through the
nozzle of radius r at speed v relative to the nozzle. Determine in terms of ρ , r and v,
(i) the mass of water ejected per unit time from the nozzle.
(ii) The rate of change of momentum of water.
Hence show that the accelerating force F acting on the rocket is given by the

expression F   r 2  v 2  mg
where m is the mass of the rocket and its contents at the instant considered.
[6 marks]
(c) The toy manufacturer recommends that the rocket should contain about 550 cm 3 of
water before take-off. If the initial air pressure is 1.6 x 10 5 Pa, all of this water will be
expelled and the pressure is just reduced to atmospheric pressure as the last of the water is
expelled. However, on one flight, the initial volume of water was 750 cm 3 but the initial
air pressure in the rocket was still 1.6 x 10 5 Pa. State , without calculation but with a
reason, the effect of this increased volume of water on
(i) the initial thrust
(ii) the initial resultant accelerating force
(iii) the initial acceleration
(iv) the final mass of the rocket and its contents,
(v) the maximum height reached.
[5 marks]

20. (a) The diagram below shows an aluminium rod 1.0 m and 1.0 cm in diameter with
their ends connected to two blocks B and C. Blocks B and C are maintained at 100 oC
and 0 oC respectively. The side of the rod is perfectly insulated. The system reaches

(i) Calculate the rate of heat flow in the rod. [3 marks]

(ii) Calculate the temperature at a point 25 cm from block C [2 marks]

(b) If block C is instantaneously replaced by a huge block of ice, calculate the amount of
ice melt in 10 minutes. [3 marks]
(c) Half of the aluminium rod is then replaced with a brass rod of equal dimensions, with
its free end connected to block C as shown in the diagram below. The system reaches

(i) Calculate the temperature at the aluminium-brass junction. [3 marks]

(ii) Calculate the rate of heat flow through the aluminium-brass junction.
[2 marks]
(d) Calculate the length of a copper rod that has the same conducting ability as the 1.0 m
aluminium rod. [2 marks]

[Thermal conductivity of aluminium = 205 W m -1 K-1

Thermal conductivity of brass = 109 W m-1 K-1
Thermal conductivity of copper = 385 W m-1 K-1.
Specific latent heat of fusion of water = 3.4 x 105 J kg-1]
Values of constants (Nilai Pemalar)

Acceleration of free fall

(Pecutan jatuh bebas)
Avogadro constant
(Pemalar Avogadro) mol-1
Boltzmann constant
(Pemalar Boltzmann) JK-1
Gravitational constant
(Pemalar gravity) G = 6.67 × 10-11 Nm2kg-2
e = 1.60 × 10-19 C
Magnitude of e cas electron (Magnitud cas electron)
Mass of the Earth
(Jisim Bumi) ME = 5.97 × 1024 kg
Mass of the Sun
(Jisim Matahari) Ms = 1.99 × 1030 kg
Molar gas constant
(Pemalar gas molar) R = 8.31 JK-1mol-1
Permeability of free space
(Ketelapan ruang bebas) Hm-1
Permittivity of free space Fm-1
(Ketelusan ruang bebas)
=( ) Fm-1
h = 6.63 10-34 Js
Planck’s constant (Pemalar Planck)
Radius of the Earth
(Jejari Bumi) RE = 6.38 106 m
Radius of the Sun
(Jejari Matahari) RS = 6.96 108 m
(Jisim rehat electron)
Rest mass of electron me = 9.11 10-31 kg
Rest mass of proton
(Jisim rehat proton) Mp = 1.67 10-27 kg
Speed of light in free space
(Laju cahaya dalam ruang bebas) c = 3.00 108 ms-1
5.67 10-8 Wm-2K-4
Stefan –Boltzmann constant (Pemalar Stefan-Boltzmann)
u = 1.66 10-27 kg
Unified atomic mass unit (Unit jisim atom bersatu)
Section A

Question Key Question Key Question Key

1 B 6 D 11 B
2 A 7 D 12 D
3 C 8 B 13 A
4 A 9 B 14 A
5 C 10 C 15 C

Section B

16 a) Temperature 1 mark

Current (Electric) 1 mark

Accept also Amount of Substance and/or Luminous Intensity
b) i 1 mark

( )
[ ]

[ ] 1 mark

1 mark

1 mark

10 10
E = 0.12 x 10 = 0.1 x 10
10 -1 -2
E = (1.6 ± 0.1) x 10 kg m s 1 mark

Total marks 7 marks

17 a Stress = Tension/Force per unit cross-sectional area of the wire 1 mark

Strain = extension per unit original length of of the wire.
1 mark
Young modulus , 1 mark

1 mark

1 mark

1 mark

E = 1.3 x 10 Pa
1 mark

c A larger range of F is required or F must be larger than 35 N 1 mark

Total 8 marks

18 a) rate of change of velocity or change in velocity / time taken 1 mark

1 mark
( )

( )( )
1 mark

c) i
1 mark

1 mark

1 mark
ii 1 mark

1 mark

1 mark

1 mark

iii 1 mark

1 mark

iv 1 mark

1 mark

1 mark

Total Marks 15 marks

19 a) The mass is the amount of matter in a given body 1 mark

The weight of a given body is the gravitational force exerted on it when 1 mark
it is placed in a gravitational field set up by another body.

Light is an object that is known to have no mass 1 mark

When any object is isolated (situated far away from other other 1 mark
objects) , it experiences no weight.

b)i dV 1 mark
Volume of water ejected per unit time,   r2 v…
dm 1 mark
Mass of water ejected per unit time,   r2 v

ii dp dm 1 mark
Rate of change of momentum of water, v    r 2 v2 )
dt dt
According to Newton’s Third Law,
Upward thrust on rocket generated due to escaping water 1 mark
= downward force exerted on water
= rate of change of momentum of water    r 2 v 2 1 mark

 The accelerating force F = Net upward force    r 2 v 2 - mg

1 mark
c)i There is no change in the initial thrust as the rate of change of
momentum of the water forced through the nozzle remains the same as 1 mark
the initial pressure difference is the same.

ii The initial resultant accelerating force is smaller as the mass, m is larger 1 mark
and the initial thrust remains the same

iii The initial acceleration is smaller as the mass is larger and the initial 1 mark
resultant accelerating force is smaller.

1v The final mass of the rocket and its content will be larger as not all the 1 mark
water will be expelled by the time the air pressure equalizes the external
atmospheric pressure.

v The maximum height reached will be lower as the rocket has a larger 1 mark

Total Marks 15 marks

20 a)i
The rate of of heat flow, 1 mark

=( ) ( ) ( ) 1 mark

= 1.61 W 1 mark

Ii 1 mark

1 mark

b Heat transfer in 10 minute, 1 mark

= (1.61) x (10 x60)
= 966 J
1 mark
Mass of ice melted =

1 mark

1 mark

1 mark

1 mark
F 1 mark
A 1 mark
d) 1mark

1 mark

1 mark

Total Marks 15 marks

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