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TENDER DOCOMENT (International)


Digitalization and Automation of Sub-station

Metering System (DASMS) on Turnkey Basis.



Invitation for Tender No: Date:

Table of Contents
Section 1. Instructions to Tenderers ................................................................... 1
A. General ....................................................................................................................... 3
1. Scope of Tender ........................................................................................................... 3
2. Interpretation ................................................................................................................ 3
3. Source of Funds ........................................................................................................... 3
4. Corrupt, Fraudulent, Collusive or Coercive Practices ............................................. 4
5. Eligible Tenderers ........................................................................................................ 5
6. Eligible Goods and Related Services ......................................................................... 6
7. Site Visit ........................................................................................................................ 6
B. Tender Document ...................................................................................................... 7
8. Tender Document: General ......................................................................................... 7
9. Clarification of Tender Documents ............................................................................ 7
10. Pre-Tender Meeting ...................................................................................................... 7
11. Addendum to Tender Documents .............................................................................. 8
C. Qualification Criteria ................................................................................................. 9
12. General Criteria ............................................................................................................ 9
13. Litigation History .......................................................................................................... 9
14. Experience Criteria ....................................................................................................... 9
15. Financial Criteria .......................................................................................................... 9
16. Appointment of Subcontractor ........................................................................................ 9
D. Tender Preparation ................................................................................................. 10
17. Only One Tender ........................................................................................................ 10
18. Cost of Tendering ....................................................................................................... 10
19. Issuance and Sale of Tender Document .................................................................. 10
20. Language of Tender ................................................................................................... 10
21. Contents of Tender .................................................................................................... 11
22. Alternatives ................................................................................................................. 12
23. Tender Prices, Discounts............................................................................................... 12
24. Tender Currency ......................................................................................................... 15
25. Documents Establishing the Conformity of the Goods and Related services .... 15
26. Documents Establishing Qualifications of the Tenderer ....................................... 15
27. Validity Period of Tender .......................................................................................... 16
28. Extension of Tender Validity and Tender Security ................................................. 16
29. Tender Security .......................................................................................................... 16
30. Form of Tender security ............................................................................................ 16
31. Authenticity of Tender Security ................................................................................ 17
32. Return of Tender Security ......................................................................................... 17
33. Forfeiture of Tender Security ......................................................................................... 17
34. Format and Signing of Tender .................................................................................. 18
E. Tender Submission ................................................................................................. 18
35. Sealing, Marking and Submission of Tender .......................................................... 18
36. Deadline for Submission of tenders ......................................................................... 19
37. Late tender .................................................................................................................. 19
38. Modification, Substitution or Withdrawal of Tenders ............................................ 19
39. Tender Modification ................................................................................................... 19
40. Tender Substitution ................................................................................................... 20
41. Withdrawal of Tender ................................................................................................. 20
F. Tender Opening and Evaluation ............................................................................. 20
42. Tender Opening .......................................................................................................... 20
43. Evaluation of Tenders ................................................................................................ 22
44. Evaluation process .................................................................................................... 22
45. Preliminary Examination ........................................................................................... 22
46. Technical Examinations &Responsiveness ................................................................ 23

47. Clarification on Tender .............................................................................................. 24
48. Restrictions on the Disclosure of Information Relating to the Procurement
Process ....................................................................................................................... 24
49. Correction of Arithmetical Errors ............................................................................. 25
50. Conversion to Single Currency................................................................................. 25
51. Domestic Preference .................................................................................................. 25
52. Financial Evaluation ................................................................................................... 26
53. Assessing the Price of Unpriced Items ................................................................... 27
54. Evaluation of Domestic Preference .......................................................................... 27
55. Price Comparison ....................................................................................................... 28
56. Negotiation .................................................................................................................. 28
57. Post-qualification ....................................................................................................... 28
58. Rejection of All Tenders ............................................................................................ 29
59. Informing Reasons for Rejection .............................................................................. 29
G. Contract Award........................................................................................................ 30
60. Award Criteria ............................................................................................................. 30
61. Purchaser’s Right to Vary Quantities ....................................................................... 30
62. Notification of Award ................................................................................................. 30
63. Performance Security ................................................................................................ 30
64. Form and Time Limit for furnishing of Performance security ............................... 31
65. Validity of Performance Security .............................................................................. 31
66. Authenticity of performance Security ...................................................................... 31
67. Contract Signing ........................................................................................................ 31
68. Publication of Notification of Award of Contract .................................................... 31
69. Debriefing of Tenderers ............................................................................................. 32
70. Right to Complain ...................................................................................................... 32
Section 2. Tender Data Sheet ............................................................................. 33
A. General ..................................................................................................................... 35
B. Tender Document .................................................................................................... 36
C. Qualification Criteria ............................................................................................... 36
D. Preparation of Tender ............................................................................................. 39
E. Submission of Tender ............................................................................................. 43
F. Opening and Evaluation of Tenders ...................................................................... 43
G. Award of Contract ................................................................................................... 44
Section 3. General Conditions of Contract ....................................................... 47
1. Definitions ................................................................................................................... 49
2. Contract Documents .................................................................................................. 50
3. Corrupt, Fraudulent, Collusive or Coercive Practices ........................................... 50
4. Interpretation .............................................................................................................. 51
5. Documents Forming the Contract in order of precedence .................................... 52
6. Eligibility...................................................................................................................... 52
7. Governing Language ................................................................................................. 52
8. Governing Law ........................................................................................................... 53
9. No fees/Gratuities ....................................................................................................... 53
10. Use of Contract Documents & Information ............................................................. 53
11. Communications & Notices ........................................................................................... 53
12. Trademark, Patent and Intellectual Property Rights .............................................. 53
13. Copyright..................................................................................................................... 53
14. Assignment ................................................................................................................. 53
15. Sub-contracting .......................................................................................................... 53
16. Supplier’s Responsibilities ............................................................................................ 54
17. Purchaser’s Responsibilities ......................................................................................... 54
18. Scope of Supply ......................................................................................................... 54

19. Amendment to Order ................................................................................................. 54
20. Instances When Amendment to Order May be Issued ........................................... 55
21. Adjustments in Contract Price and/or Delivery Schedule in Amendment to Order
..................................................................................................................................... 55
22. Packing and Documents ............................................................................................ 56
23. Delivery and Documents ........................................................................................... 56
24. Acceptance ................................................................................................................. 56
25. Contract Price ............................................................................................................. 57
26. Transportation ............................................................................................................... 57
27. Terms of Payment ...................................................................................................... 57
28. Insurance..................................................................................................................... 58
29. Taxes and Duties ........................................................................................................ 58
30. Performance Security ................................................................................................ 58
31. Specifications and Standards ................................................................................... 58
32. Inspections and Tests ................................................................................................ 59
33. Warranty ...................................................................................................................... 60
34. Delays in Delivery and Extensions of Time ............................................................. 61
35. Liquidated Damages .................................................................................................. 61
36. Limitation of Liability ................................................................................................. 62
37. Change in Laws and Regulations ............................................................................. 62
38. Definition of Force Majeure ....................................................................................... 62
39. Notice of Force Majeure ............................................................................................. 63
40. Duty to Minimise Delay .............................................................................................. 63
41. Consequences of Force Majeure ................................................................................... 63
42. Termination for Default .............................................................................................. 63
43. Termination for insolvency ....................................................................................... 64
44. Termination for Convenience.................................................................................... 65
45. Procedures for Termination of Contracts ................................................................ 66
46. Contract Amendment ................................................................................................. 67
47. Settlement of Disputes .............................................................................................. 67
Section 4. Particular Conditions of Contract .................................................... 69
Section 5. Tender and Contract Forms ............................................................. 83
Tender Submission Letter (Form PG4 – 1) ................................................................. 86
Tenderer Information Sheet (Form PG4-2) ................................................................. 89
Price Schedule for Goods ............................................................................................ 91
Price Schedule for Goods (Form PG4-3A) .................................................................. 93
Price Schedule for Goods (Form PG4-3B) .................................................................. 94
Price Schedule for Goods (Form PG4-3C) .................................................................. 96
Price and Completion Schedule - Related Services (Form PG4-3D) ......................... 97
Specifications Submission and Compliance Sheet (Form PG4-4) .......................... 100
Manufacturer’s Authorisation Letter (Form PG4 - 5)................................................ 101
Bank Guarantee for Tender Security (Form PG4 – 6) .............................................. 102
Notification of Award (Form PG4 - 7) ........................................................................ 103
Contract Agreement (Form PG4 - 8) .......................................................................... 104
Bank Guarantee for Performance Security (Form PG4 – 9)..................................... 105
Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment (Form PG4 – 10) ......................................... 106
Section 6. Schedule of Requirements ............................................................. 107
A. List of Goods and Delivery Schedule .................................................................. 109

B. List of Related Services and Completion Schedule ............................................ 111
Section 7. Technical Specifications ................................................................. 113
A. ENERGY METER: .................................................................................................. 115
CLIMATIC CONDITION .................................................................................................... 115
Documents: ...................................................................................................................... 123
TESTS AT MANUFACTURERS WORKS ........................................................................ 124
PACKING: ......................................................................................................................... 125
DEMONSTRATION ON SAMPLES .................................................................................. 126
B. COMMUNICATION : .............................................................................................. 127
Data Concentrator Unit (DCU) ................................................................................... 127
General ............................................................................................................................. 127
Configuration of the DCU ............................................................................................... 127
System concept of the DCU ........................................................................................... 127
System architecture ........................................................................................................ 128
Communication ............................................................................................................... 129
Data storage ..................................................................................................................... 129
DCU Configuration Tool.................................................................................................. 131
DCU Service and Maintenance Tool .............................................................................. 132
Rugged VPN Router with optical fiber converter: .................................................... 139
General Specification & Standards: .............................................................................. 139
Documents: ...................................................................................................................... 140
TESTS AT M ANUFACTURERS WORKS .................................................................................... 140
PACKING: ......................................................................................................................... 141
DEMONSTRATION ON SAMPLES .................................................................................. 142
Patch Cable................................................................................................................. 142
General Specification: ..................................................................................................... 142
RJ 45 Connector (industrial Grade) .......................................................................... 143
General Specification: ..................................................................................................... 143
Armored communication cable (Modbus) ................................................................ 143
General Specification: ..................................................................................................... 143
GPS for Time Sync ..................................................................................................... 143
General Description: ....................................................................................................... 143
C. SOFTWARE: .......................................................................................................... 145
Web-based Central server software .......................................................................... 145
Scope: ............................................................................................................................... 145
System Topology: ........................................................................................................... 147
General Specification: ..................................................................................................... 148
Monitoring: ....................................................................................................................... 149
Reporting .......................................................................................................................... 149
Data Collection & Storage .............................................................................................. 150
Engagement ..................................................................................................................... 150
DEMONSTRATION ON SAMPLES .................................................................................. 151
Installation and commissioning of Web-based Central server software: ................. 151
Automation software for Workstations ..................................................................... 152
Scope: ............................................................................................................................... 152
System Topology: ........................................................................................................... 154
General Specification: ..................................................................................................... 155
Monitoring: ....................................................................................................................... 156
Reporting .......................................................................................................................... 156
Data Collection & Storage .............................................................................................. 157
Engagement ..................................................................................................................... 157
DEMONSTRATION ON SAMPLES .................................................................................. 158

Installation and commissioning of Automation software for Workstations: ............ 158
D. Server & Hardware:............................................................................................... 159
Rack Mounted Server Computer with Original OS ................................................... 159
General Specification: ..................................................................................................... 159
Database (SQL or equivalent) .................................................................................... 162
General Specification: ..................................................................................................... 162
Rack Mounted Storage (8 TeraByte)(RAID-1) ........................................................... 162
General Specification: ..................................................................................................... 162
Sever rack with UPS and PDU ................................................................................... 162
General Specification: ..................................................................................................... 162
Smart UPS 2KVA (in built) online .............................................................................. 163
General Specification: ..................................................................................................... 163
E. Sub-Station Monitoring Unit:................................................................................ 164
Workstation (Brand computer) with Original OS: .................................................... 164
General Specification: ..................................................................................................... 164
Computer Table & Chair ............................................................................................ 165
General Specification: ..................................................................................................... 165
Laser Printer Black and White: .................................................................................. 165
General Specification: ..................................................................................................... 165
Power Cable (3 X 10 rm) ............................................................................................. 166
General Specification: ..................................................................................................... 166
F. Central Monitoring Unit: ....................................................................................... 166
Remote Work Station includes 55 Inch Display: ...................................................... 166
General Specification: ..................................................................................................... 166
DEMONSTRATION ON SAMPLES .................................................................................. 167
SUBMISSION OF SAMPLE .............................................................................................. 167
REPORTING FORMAT ..................................................................................................... 167
DEMONSTRATION ........................................................................................................... 167
APPROVAL OF DISPLAY FORMAT/ENERGY PARAMETERS: .................................... 167
Laser Printer Color: .................................................................................................... 168
General Specification: ..................................................................................................... 168
G. Portable Data Collection: ...................................................................................... 169
Laptop Core i7 with original OS: ............................................................................... 169
General Specification: ..................................................................................................... 169
Configuration Software (unlimited License):............................................................ 170
Scope: ............................................................................................................................... 170
Reporting .......................................................................................................................... 172
Engagement ..................................................................................................................... 172
Miscellaneous Cost: ........................................................................................................ 173
H. TRAINING:.............................................................................................................. 173
Foreign Training (Software, Hardware & Meter): ...................................................... 173
SCOPE: ............................................................................................................................. 173
Cost Related to Training: ................................................................................................ 173
Local Training (Operation)/Work shop: .................................................................... 173
SCOPE: ............................................................................................................................. 173
I. OPERATION & MAINTENANCE: ........................................................................... 174
SCOPE: ............................................................................................................................. 174

TOR: .................................................................................................................................. 174
J. INSPECTION AND TESTING.................................................................................. 175
A. Stage Inspection ....................................................................................................... 175
B. Pre-Shipment inspection ......................................................................................... 176
C. Post Landing Inspection (PLI): ............................................................................... 177
Cost Related to Inspection and Testing ........................................................................ 177
K. OTHERS: ............................................................................................................... 177
Transport Micro Bus: ................................................................................................. 177
Installation, testing and commissioning: ................................................................. 177
Section 8. Technical requirement and guaranteed schedule ........................ 179
Multi-function Energy Meter ........................................................................................... 181
Data Acquisition & Controller device ............................................................................ 190
Rugged VPN Router with optical fiber converter ......................................................... 192
RJ 45 Connector (Industrial Grade) ............................................................................... 194
GPS for Time Sync .......................................................................................................... 195
Rack Mounted Server Computer with Original OS ...................................................... 197
Server rack with Power Distribution Unit (PDU) .......................................................... 200
Smart UPS 2000VA (online) ............................................................................................ 202
55 Inch Display ................................................................................................................ 204
Laptop Core i7 and 64 bit with original OS ................................................................... 206
Laser Printer Black and White: ...................................................................................... 207
Laser Printer Color: ......................................................................................................... 209
Rack Mounted Storage (8 Tera Byte) (RAID-1): ............................................................ 210
Workstation ...................................................................................................................... 211
Database ........................................................................................................................... 212
Section 9. Drawings .......................................................................................... 213

Section 1. Instructions to Tenderers

Section 1. Instructions to Tenderers
A. General

1. Scope of Tender 1.1 The Purchaser named in the Tender Data Sheet (TDS) (hereinafter
referred to as the ―Purchaser‖) wishes to issues these Tender
Documents for the supply of Goods, and Related Services incidental
thereto, as specified in the TDS and as detailed in Section 6:
Schedule of Requirements.

1.2 The name of the Tender and the number and identification of its
constituent lot(s) are stated in the TDS.

1.3 The successful Tenderer will be required to complete the delivery of

the goods and related services (when applicable) as specified in the
GCC Clause 18.

2. Interpretation 2.1 Throughout this Tender Document

(a) the term ―in writing‖ means communication written by hand or
machine duly signed and includes properly authenticated
messages by facsimile or electronic mail;
(b) if the context so requires, singular means plural and vice versa;
(c) ―day‖ means calendar days unless otherwise specified as working
(d) "Tender Document ", means the Document provided by a
Purchaser to a Tenderer as a basis for preparation of its Tender;
(e) "Tender ", depending on the context, means a Tender submitted by
a Tenderer for delivery of Goods and Related Services to a
Purchaser in response to an Invitation for Tender ;
3. Source of Funds 3.1 The Purchaser has been allocated public funds from the source as
indicated in the TDS and intends to apply a portion of the funds to
eligible payments under the contract for which this Tender Document
is issued.

3.2 For the purpose of this provision, ―public funds‖ means any funds
allocated to a Purchaser under Government budget, or loan, grants
and credits placed at the disposal of a Purchaser through the
Government by the development partners or foreign states or

3.3 Payments by the development partner, if so indicated in the TDS, will

be made only at the request of the Government and upon approval by
the development partner in accordance with the applicable
Loan/Credit/Grant Agreement, and will be subject in all respects to the
terms and conditions of that Agreement.

4. Corrupt, 4.1 The Government requires that Procuring Entities, as well as
Fraudulent, Tenderers shall observe the highest standard of ethics during
Collusive or implementation of procurement proceedings and the execution of
Coercive Contracts under public funds.
4.2 The Government requires that Procuring Entities, as well as
Tenderers and Suppliers shall, during the Procurement proceedings
and the execution of Contracts under public funds, ensure-
(a) strict compliance with the provisions of Section 64 of the Public
Procurement Act 2006 (Act 24 of 2006);
(b) abiding by the code of ethics as mentioned in the Rule127 of the
Public Procurement Rules, 2008;
(c) that neither it‘s any officer nor any staff or any other agents or
intermediaries working on its behalf engages in any practice as
detailed in ITT Sub Clause 4.3.

4.3 For the purposes of ITT Sub-clause 4.2 the terms set forth as bellows:
(a) corrupt practice means offering, giving or promising to give,
receiving, or soliciting, either directly or indirectly, to any officer or
employee of a Purchaser or other public or private authority or
individual, a gratuity in any form; employment or any other thing
or service of value as an inducement with respect to an act. or
decision or method followed by a Purchaser in connection with a
Procurement proceeding or contract execution;
(b) fraudulent practice means the misrepresentation or omission of
facts in order to influence a decision to be taken in a Procurement
proceeding or Contract execution;
(c) collusive practice means a scheme or arrangement between two
(2) or more Persons, with or without the knowledge of the
Purchaser, that is designed to arbitrarily reduce the number of
Tenders submitted or fix Tender prices at artificial,
noncompetitive levels, thereby denying a Purchaser the benefits
of competitive price arising from genuine and open competition;
(d) coercive practice means harming or threatening to harm, directly
or indirectly, Persons or their property to influence a decision to
be taken in a Procurement proceeding or the execution of a
Contract, and this will include creating obstructions in the normal
submission process used for Tenders.
4.4 Should any corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practice of any
kind come to the knowledge of the Purchaser, it will, in the first place,
allow the Tenderer to provide an explanation and shall, take actions
only when a satisfactory explanation is not received. Such exclusion
and the reasons thereof, shall be recorded in the record of the
procurement proceedings and promptly communicated to the
Tenderer concerned. Any communications between the Tenderer and
the Purchaser related to matters of alleged fraud or corruption shall be
in writing.

4.5 If corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices of any kind
determined by the Purchaser against any Tenderer alleged to have
carried out such practices, the Purchaser shall -
(a) exclude the concerned Tenderer from further participation in the
particular Procurement proceeding; or
(b) reject any recommendation for award that had been proposed for
that concerned Tenderer or;
(c) Declare, at its discretion, the concerned Tenderer to be ineligible to
participate in further Procurement proceedings, either indefinitely
or for a specific period of time.

4.6 The Tenderer shall be aware of the provisions on corruption,

fraudulence, collusion and coercion in Section 64 of the Public
Procurement Act, 2006 and Rule 127 of the Public Procurement
Rules, 2008 and others as stated in GCC Clause 3.

5. Eligible 5.1 This Invitation for Tenders is open to eligible Tenderers from all
Tenderers countries, except for any specified in the TDS. A Tenderer will be
eligible if it is a citizen, or is constituted, registered and operates in
conformity with the provisions of the laws of that country.

5.2 A Tenderer may be a physical or juridical individual or body of

individuals, or company, association invited to take part in public
procurement or seeking to be so invited or submitting a Tender in
response to an Invitation for Tenders.

5.3 Government-owned enterprises in Bangladesh shall be eligible only if

they can establish that they (i) are legally and financially autonomous,
(ii) operate under commercial law, and (iii) are not a dependent
agency of the Purchaser.

5.4 Tenderers shall have the legal capacity to enter into the Contract. A
Tenderer that is under a declaration of ineligibility by the Government
of Bangladesh in accordance with applicable laws at the date of the
deadline for Tender submission or thereafter shall be disqualified.

5.5 Tenderers and all parties constituting the Tenderer shall not have a
conflict of interest pursuant to Rule 55 of the Public Procurement
Rules, 2008.

5.6 Tenderers in its own name or its other names or also in the case of its
Persons in different names shall not be under a declaration of
ineligibility for corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices as
stated under ITT Sub Clause 4.3.

5.7 Tenderers are not restrained or barred from participating in public

Procurement on grounds of execution of defective supply in the past
under any Contract.

5.8 Tenderers are not under a declaration of ineligibility by an international

financing agency such as World Bank, Asian Development Bank or
any other international agency.

5.9 Tenderers shall not be insolvent, be in receivership, be bankrupt, be in
the process of bankruptcy, be not temporarily barred from undertaking
business and it shall not be the subject of legal proceedings for any of
the foregoing.

5.10 Tenderers shall have fulfilled its obligations to pay taxes and social
security contributions under the provisions of laws and regulations of
the country of its origin. In the case of foreign Tenderers, a certificate
of competent authority in that country of which the Tenderer is citizen
shall be provided.

5.11 Tenderers shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility

satisfactory to the Purchaser, as the Purchaser will reasonably

5.12 These requirements for eligibility will extend, as applicable, to Sub-

contractor proposed by the Tenderer.

6. Eligible Goods 6.1 All goods and related services to be supplied under the contract are
and Related eligible, unless their origin is from a country specified in the TDS.
6.2 For purposes of this Clause, the term ―goods‖ includes commodities, raw
material, machinery, equipment, and industrial plants; and ―related
services‖ includes services such as insurance, transportation, installation,
and commissioning, training, and initial maintenance.

6.3 For purposes of this clause, ―origin‖ means the country where the goods
have been mined, grown, cultivated, produced, manufactured or
processed; or through manufacture, processing, or assembly, another
commercially recognized article results that differs substantially in its
basic characteristics from its components.

6.4 The origin of goods and services is distinct from the nationality of the
Tenderer. The nationality of the firm that produces, assembles,
distributes, or sells the goods shall not determine their origin.

7. Site Visit 7.1 For goods contracts requiring installation/ commissioning/ networking
or similar services at site, the Tenderer, at the Tenderer‘s own
responsibility and risk, is encouraged to visit and examine the Site and
obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the Tender
and entering into a contract for the supply of goods and related

7.2 The Tenderer should ensure that the Purchaser is informed of the visit
in adequate time to allow it to make appropriate arrangements.

7.3 The costs of visiting the Site shall be at the Tenderer‘s own expense.

B. Tender Document
8. Tender 8.1 The Sections comprising the Tender Document are listed below and
Document: should be read in conjunction with any addendum issued under ITT
General Clause 11.
 Section 1 Instructions to Tenderers (ITT)
 Section 2 Tender Data Sheet (TDS)
 Section 3 General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
 Section 4 Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC)
 Section 5 Tender and Contract Forms
 Section 6 Schedule of Requirements
 Section 7 Technical Specifications
 Section 8 Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP)
 Section 9 Drawings

8.2 The Purchaser shall reject any tender if the Tender Document was not
purchased directly from the Purchaser or through its agent as stated
in the TDS.
8.3 The Tenderer is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and
specifications in the Tender Document as well as addendum to Tender

9. Clarification of 9.1 A prospective Tenderer requiring any clarification of the Tender

Tender Document shall contact the Purchaser in writing at the Purchasers
Documents address indicated in the TDS before two-third of time allowed for
preparation and submission of Tender elapses.

9.2 A Purchaser is not obliged to answer any clarification received after that
date requested under ITT Sub-Clause 9.1.

9.3 The Purchaser shall respond in writing within five (5) working days of
receipt of any such request for clarification received under ITT Sub-
Clause 9.1

9.4 The Purchaser shall forward copies of its response to all those who have
purchased the Tender Document, including a description of the enquiry
but without identifying its source.

9.5 Should the Purchaser deem it necessary to amend the Tender Document
as a result of a clarification, it shall do so following the procedure under
ITT Clause 11.

10. Pre-Tender 10.1 To clarify issues and to answer questions on any matter arising in the
Meeting Tender Document, the Purchaser may, if stated in the TDS, hold a Pre-
Tender Meeting at the place, date and time as specified in the TDS. All
Potential Tenderers are encouraged to attend the meeting, if it is held.

10.2 Minutes of the pre-Tender meeting, including the text of the questions

raised and the responses given, together with any responses prepared
after the meeting, will be transmitted within one week (7 days) after
holding the meeting to all those who purchased the Tender Document
and even those who did not attend the meeting.

10.3 Any amendment to the Tender Document listed in ITT Sub-Clause 8.1
that may become necessary as a result of the pre-Tender meeting shall
be made by the Purchaser exclusively through the issue of an
Addendum as stated under ITT Sub-Clause 11 and not through the
minutes of the pre-Tender meeting.

10.4 Non-attendance at the pre-Tender meeting will not be a cause for

disqualification of a Tenderer.

11. Addendum to 11.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Tenders, the
Tender Purchaser on its own initiative or in response to a clarification request in
Documents writing from a Tenderer, having purchased the Tender Document or as a
result of a Pre-Tender meeting, may revise the Tender Document by
issuing an addendum pursuant to Rule 95 of the Public Procurement
Rules, 2008.

11.2 The addendum issued under ITT Sub-Clause 11.1 shall become an
integral part of the Tender Document and shall have a date and an
issue number and shall be circulated by fax, mail or e-mail, to
Tenderers who have purchased the Tender Documents within five (5)
working days of issuance of such addendum, to enable Tenderers to
take appropriate action.

11.3 The Tenderer shall acknowledge receipt of an addendum.

11.4 Tenderers who have purchased the Tender Documents but have not
received any addendum issued under ITT Sub-clause 11.1 shall inform
the Purchaser of the fact by fax, mail or e-mail before two-third of the
time allowed for the submission of Tenders has elapsed.

11.5 Procuring Entities shall also ensure posting of relevant addenda with
the reference number and date on their website.

11.6 To give a prospective Tenderer reasonable time in which to take an

amendment into account in preparing its Tender, the Purchaser may,
at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of Tenders,
pursuant to Rule 95(6) of the Public Procurement Rule, 2008 and
under ITT Clause 36.

11.7 If an addendum is issued when time remaining is less than one-third

of the time allowed for the preparation of Tenders, a Purchaser shall
extend the deadline by an appropriate number of days for the
submission of Tenders, depending upon the nature of the
Procurement requirement and the addendum. The minimum time for
such extension shall not be less than seven (7) days.

C. Qualification Criteria

12. General Criteria 12.1 The Purchaser requires the Tenderer to be qualified by meeting
predefined, precise minimum requirements, which entails setting
pass/fail criteria, which if not met by the Tenderer, will result in
rejection of its Tender.

12.2 In addition to meeting the eligibility criteria, as stated in ITT Clause 5,

the Tenderer must satisfy the other criteria stated in ITT Clauses 13 to
15 inclusive.

12.3 To qualify for a multiple number of lots in a package for which tenders
are invited in the Invitation for Tenders, The Tenderer shall
demonstrate having resources and experience sufficient to meet the
aggregate of the qualifying criteria for the individual lot. The
requirement of overall experience and specific experience under ITT
Sub-Clause 14.1 (a) and 14.1 (b) shall not be separately applicable for
individual lot.

13. Litigation History 13.1 The maximum number of arbitration awards against the Tenderer over
a period shall be as specified in the TDS.

14. Experience 14.1 Tenderers shall have the following minimum level of supply experience
Criteria to qualify for supplying the Goods and Related Services under the
(a) A minimum number of years of overall experience in the supply
of goods and related services as specified in the TDS; and
(b) Specific experience of satisfactory completion of supply of
similar goods of minimum value stated in the TDS under
maximum number of contracts stated in TDS within the period
stated in TDS; and
(c) A minimum supply and/or production capacity of Goods as
specified in the TDS.

15. Financial 15.1 Tenderers shall have the following minimum level of financial capacity
Criteria of qualify for the supply of goods under the contract:

(a) Availability of minimum liquid assets or working capital or credit

facilities from a Bank, as specified in the TDS.

16. Appointment of 16.1 Tenderer, pursuant to Rule 53 of the PPR2008, is allowed to sub-
Subcontractor contract a portion of the Supply.

16.2 The Tenderer shall specify in its Tender all portion of the Goods that
will be Subcontracted, if any, including the entity(ies) to whom each
portion will be subcontracted to, subject to the maximum allowable limit
for subcontracting of Goods specified in the TDS.

16.3 All subcontracting arrangement must be disclosed at the time of

Tendering, and subcontractors must be identified in the Tender
submitted by Tenderer.

16.4 A Subcontractor may participate in more than one Tender, but only in
that capacity.

16.5 Subcontractors must comply with the provision of ITT Clause 5. For
this purpose contractor shall complete the Subcontractor‘s information
in FormPG4-1 for submission with tender.

16.6 If the Purchaser determines that a subcontractor is ineligible, the

subcontracting of such portion of the Goods assigned to the ineligible
subcontractor shall be disallowed.

D. Tender Preparation
17. Only One 17.1 If a Tender for Goods is invited on ‗lot-by-lot‘ basis, each lot shall
Tender constitute a Tender. A Tenderer shall submit only one (1) Tender for
each lot, A Tenderer who submits or participates in more than one (1)
Tender for each lot will cause all the Tenders with that Tenderer‘s
participation to be rejected.
18. Cost of 18.1 Tenderers shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
Tendering submission of its Tender, and the Purchaser shall not be responsible
or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
Tendering process.

19. Issuance and 19.1 A Purchaser, pursuant to Rule 94 of the Public Procurement Rules,2008
Sale of Tender shall make Tender Documents available immediately to the potential
Document Tenderers, requesting and willing to purchase at the corresponding
price if the advertisement has been published in the newspaper pursuant
to Rule 90 of the Public Procurement Rules,2008.
19.2 Full contact details with mailing address, telephone and facsimile
numbers and electronic mail address, as applicable, of those to whom
Tender Documents have been issued shall be recorded with a
reference number by the Purchaser or its agent.
19.3 There shall not be any pre-conditions whatsoever, for sale of Tender
Document and the sale of such Document shall be permitted up to the
day prior to the day of deadline for the submission of Tender.

20. Language of 20.1 Tenders shall be written in English language. Supporting documents and
Tender printed literature furnished by the Tenderer may be in another language
provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant
passages into the English language, in which case, for purposes of
interpretation of the Tender, such translation shall govern.

20.2 Tenderers shall bear all costs of translation to the governing language
and all risks of the accuracy of such translation.

21. Contents of
Tender 21.1 The Tender prepared by the Tenderer shall comprise the following:

(a) Tender Submission Letter (Form PG4-1) as furnished in Section

5: Tender and Contract Forms;
(b) Tenderer information sheet (Form PG4-2) as furnished in
Section 5: Tender and Contract Forms;
(c) The completed Price Schedule for Goods and Related Services
(Form PG4-3A, 3B, 3C and PG4-3D) as furnished in Section 5:
Tender and Contract Forms as stated under ITT Clauses 23 and
(d) Tender Security as stated under ITT Clause 29,30 and 31;
(e) The completed Specifications Submission and Compliance
Sheet (Form PG4-4) as furnished in Section 5: Tender and
Contract Forms as stated under ITT clause 25.2;
(f) Alternatives, if permitted, as stated under with ITT Clause 22;
(g) Written confirmation authorising the signatory of the Tender to
commit the Tenderer, as stated under ITT Sub-Clause 34.3;
(h) The completed eligibility declarations, to establish its eligibility as
stated under ITT Clause 5, in the Tender Submission Sheet (Form
PG4-1), as furnished in section 5: Tender and Contract Forms;
(i) An affidavit confirming the legal capacity stating that there are no
existing orders of any judicial court that prevents either the
Tenderer or employees of a Tenderer entering into or signing a
Contract with the Purchaser as stated under ITT clause 5;
(j) An affidavit confirming that the Tenderer is not insolvent, in
receivership or not bankrupt or not in the process of bankruptcy,
not temporarily barred from undertaking their business for
financial reasons and shall not be the subject of legal
proceedings for any of the foregoing as stated under ITT Clause
(k) A certificate issued by the competent authority stating that the
Tenderer is a Tax payer having valid Tax identification Number
(TIN) and VAT registration number or in lieu any other document
acceptable to the Purchaser demonstrating that the Tenderer is
a genuine Tax payer and has a VAT registration number as a
proof of fulfillment of taxation obligations as stated under ITT
Clause 5. In the case of foreign Tenderers, a certificate of
competent authority in that country of which the Tenderer is
citizen shall be provided ;
(l) Documentary evidence demonstrating that they are enrolled in
the relevant professional or trade organizations registered in
Bangladesh or in case of foreign tenderer in their country of
origin or a certificate concerning their competency issued by a
professional institution in accordance with the law of the country
of their origin, as stated under ITT Clause 5;
(m) The country of origin declarations, to establish the eligibility of
the Goods and Related Services as stated under ITT Clause 6,

in the Price Schedule for Goods and Related Services (Form
PG4-3B, 3C and PG4-3D) as, applicable, furnished in Section 5:
Tender and Contract Forms;
(n) Documentary evidence as stated under ITT Clauses 25, that the
Goods and Related Services conform to the Tender Documents;
(o) Documentary evidence as stated under ITT Clause 26 that the
Tenderer‘s qualifications conform to the Tender Documents;
(p) Documents establishing legal and financial autonomy and
compliance with commercial law, as stated under ITT Sub-clause
5.3 in case of government owned entity; and
(q) Any other document as specified in the TDS.

21.2 The Tenderer shall submit the Tender Submission Letter (Form PG4-1)
as furnished in Section 5: Tender and Contract Forms. This form must be
completed without any alterations to its format, and no substitutes shall
be accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled in with the information

21.3 The Tenderer shall submit the completed Price Schedule for Goods and
Related Services (Form PG4-3A, 3B, 3C and PG4-3D), according to their
origin as appropriate as furnished in section 5: Tender and Contract

22. Alternatives
22.1 Unless otherwise stated in the TDS, alternatives shall not be considered.

23. Tender Prices, 23.1 The prices and discounts quoted by the Tenderer in the Tender
Discounts Submission Letter (Form PG4-1) and in the Price Schedule (Form
PG4-3A, 3B, 3C and PG4-3D) shall conform to the requirements
specified below.

23.2 All lots or items as listed in Section 6: Schedule of Requirements must

be listed and priced separately on the Price Schedule following the
Form PG4-3A, 3B, 3C and PG4-3D as applicable.

23.3 Tenders are being invited either for a single lot or for a number of lots
on ‗lot-by-lot‘ basis, as specified in the TDS.

23.4 Each lot shall constitute a Tender, If Tenders for Goods are invited on
‗lot-by-lot‘ basis.

23.5 Tenders being invited for a single lot or for a number of lots on ‗lot-by-
lot‘ basis, price quoted shall correspond to 100% of the items
specified for each lot and to 100% of the quantities specified for each
item of that particular lot and shall correspond to100% of the total
offered lot value, unless otherwise stated in the TDS

23.6 A Lot Tender not offering minimum number of itemsof those being
priced based on percentage of the total number of items, and, the
corresponding minimum value based on percentage of the total lot
value, as specified in the ITT Sub-Clause 23.5shall also be
considered non-responsive.

23.7 Subject to ITT Sub-Clause 23.5, a Lot tender not offering a particular
item which represents more than fifty percent (50%) of the estimated
lot value identified by the Purchaser and specified in the TDS, even if
it complies with the requirement of minimum number of items based
on percentage of the total number of items as stated under ITT Sub
Clause 23.5, shall be considered non-responsive.

23.8 The price to be quoted in Tender Submission Letter (Form PG4-1)

shall be the total price of the Tender, excluding any discounts offered,
only in case of being awarded more than one lot, by the Tenderer

23.9 The Tenderer wishing to offer any discount shall indicate the
methodology for their application in the Tender Submission Letter
(Form PG4-1) for being awarded of more than one lot.

23.10 Prices shall be quoted as specified in each Price Schedule (Form

PG4-3A, 3B, 3C and PG4-3D) as applicable. The dis-aggregation of
price components is required solely for the purpose of facilitating the
comparison of tenders by the Purchaser. This shall not in any way
limit the Purchaser‘s right to contract on any of the terms offered. In
quoting prices, the Tenderer shall be free to use transportation
through carriers registered in any eligible Countries. Similarly, the
Tenderer may obtain insurance services from any eligible country.
Prices shall be entered in the following manner:

23.11 For Goods, manufactured within Bangladesh, the prices in the Price
schedule (Form PG4-3A) shall be entered separately in the following
(a) the price of the Goods quoted EXW (ex works, ex factory, ex
warehouse, ex showroom, or off-the-shelf, as applicable),
including all customs duties andimport vat and other taxes already
paid or payable on the components and raw material used in the
manufacture or assembly of the Goods;
(b) VAT payable on account of supplier, if the contract is awarded ;
(c) The price for inland transportation, insurance, and other local
costs for the delivery of the Goods to their final destination
(Project Site) specified in the TDS.

23.12 For Goods, manufactured outside Bangladesh, to be imported, the prices
in the Price schedule (Form PG4-3B) shall be entered separately in the
following manner:
(a) the price of the Goods, quoted CIP (named place of destination,
in the Bangladesh)or CIF (named port of destination, in
Bangladesh) as specified in the TDS;

(b) VAT payable on account of supplier, if the contract is awarded;


(c) the price for inland transportation, insurance, and other local costs
for the delivery of the Goods to their final destination (Project Site)
specified in the TDS;

(d) in addition to the CIP/CIF prices specified in 23.12(a) above, the

price of the Goods to be imported may be quoted in other
INCOTERM and shall be governed by the rules prescribed in the
current edition of INCOTERM published by the International
Chamber of Commerce, Paris, if so specified in the TDS;

23.13 For Goods, manufactured outside Bangladesh, already imported, the

prices in the Price schedule (Form PG4-3C) shall be entered separately
in the following manner:
(a) the price of the Goods, including the original import value of the
Goods; plus any mark-up ; plus any other related local cost, and
custom duties, import VAT and other import taxes already paid on
the Goods already imported.

(b) the custom duties, import VAT and other import taxes already
paid (need to be supported with documentary evidence) on the
Goods already imported;

(c) the price of the Goods, obtained as the difference between (a)
and (b) above;

(d) VAT payable on account of supplier, if the contract is awarded;


(e) the price for inland transportation, insurance, and other local
costs for the delivery of the Goods to their final destination
(Project Site) specified in the TDS.

[For previously imported Goods, the quoted price shall be distinguishable

from the original import value of these Goods declared to customs and shall
include any rebate or mark-up of the local agent or representative and all
local costs except import duties and taxes, which have been paid. For
clarity the tenderers are asked to quote the price including import duties,
and additionally to provide the import duties and the price net of import
duties which is the difference of those values.]

23.14 for Related Services, other than inland transportation and other services
required to convey the Goods to their final destination, whenever such
Related Services are specified in the Schedule of Requirements, the
prices in the price schedule (Form PG4-3D) shall be entered in the

following manner :
(a) The price of each item comprising the Related Services (inclusive
of any applicable taxes).

24. Tender Currency 24.1 For expenditures that will be incurred in Bangladesh, the Tenderer
shall quote the prices in Bangladesh Taka.

24.2 Suppliers offering Goods manufactured or assembled in Bangladesh

are permitted to submit their Tender in a combination of local and
foreign currencies.

24.3 For expenditures that will be incurred outside Bangladesh, the

Tenderer may quote the prices in USD or GBP or EUR or JPY as
specified in TDS.

25. Documents 25.1 To establish the conformity of the Goods and Related Services to the
Establishing the Tender Documents, the Tenderer shall furnish as part of its Tender the
Conformity of the documentary evidence that the Goods and Related services conform to
Goods and the technical specifications and standards in Section 7, Technical
Related services Specifications.
25.2 Documentary evidence of conformity of the Goods and services to the
Tender Documents may be in the form of literature, drawings, and data,
and shall consist of:

(a) a detailed description of the essential technical and performance

characteristics of the Goods;

(b) if so required in TDS, tenderer shall also furnish a list giving full
particulars, including available sources and current prices of spare
parts, special tools, etc., necessary for the proper and continuing
functioning of the Goods during the period specified in the TDS,
following commencement of the use of the Goods by the
Purchaser ; and

(c) an item-by-item commentary on the Purchaser‘s Technical

Specifications demonstrating substantial responsiveness of the
Goods and Related services to those specifications, or a
statement of deviations and exceptions to the provisions of
Section 7. Technical Specifications.

26. Documents 26.1 The documentary evidence of the Tenderer‘s qualifications to perform the
Establishing contract if its Tender is accepted shall establish to the Purchaser‘s
Qualifications of satisfaction:
the Tenderer
(a) that the Tenderer meets each of the qualification criterion specified
in Sub-Section C, Qualification Criteria of the ITT;
(b) that, if required in the TDS, a Tenderer that does not manufacture
or produce the Goods it offers to supply shall submit the
Manufacturer‘s Authorization Letter (Form PG4-5) furnished in
Section 5: Tender and Contract Forms, to demonstrate that it has
been duly authorized by the manufacturer or producer of the
Goods to supply the Goods to Bangladesh.; and
(c) that, if required in the TDS, in case of a Tenderer not doing
business within Bangladesh, the Tenderer is or will be (if
awarded the contract) represented by an Agent in the country
equipped and able to carry out the Supplier‘s maintenance.

27. Validity Period of 27.1 Tender validities shall be determined on the basis of the complexity of the
Tender Tender and the time needed for its examination, evaluation, approval of
the Tender and issuance of the Notification of Award pursuant to Rule 19
and 20 of the Public Procurement Rules, 2008.

27.2 Tenders shall remain valid for the period specified in the TDS after the
date of Tender submission deadline prescribed by the Purchaser, as
stated under ITT Clause 36. A Tender valid for a period shorter than that
specified will be rejected by the Purchaser as non- responsive.

28. Extension of 28.1 In justified exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the
Tender Validity Tender validity period, the Purchaser following Rule 21 of the Public
and Tender Procurement Rules,2008 may solicit, not later than ten (10) days before
Security the expiry date of the Tender validity, compulsorily all the Tenderers‘
consent to an extension of the period of validity of their Tenders.

28.2 The request for extension of Tender validity period shall state the new
date of the validity of the Tender.

28.3 The request from the Purchaser and the responses from the Tenderers
will be made in writing.

28.4 Tenderers consenting in writing to the request made by the Purchaser

under ITT Sub-Clause 28.1 shall also correspondingly extend the validity
of its Tender Security for twenty-eight (28) days beyond the new date for
the expiry of Tender validity.

28.5 Tenderers consenting in writing to the request under ITT Sub-Clause

28.1 shall not be required or permitted to modify its Tender in any

28.6 If the Tenderers are not consenting in writing to the request made by the
Purchaser under ITT Sub-Clause 28.1, its Tender will not be considered
for subsequent evaluation.

29. Tender Security 29.1 The Tender Security and its amount shall be determined sufficient to
discourage the submission of frivolous and irresponsible tenders
pursuant to Rule 22 of the Public Procurement Rule, 2008 and shall be
expressed as a rounded fixed amount and, shall not be stated as a
precise percentage of the estimated total Contract value.

29.2 The Tenderer shall furnish as part of its Tender, in favour of the
Purchaser or as otherwise directed on account of the Tenderer as
specified in TDS.

29.3 Amount of the Tender security may be determined on the basis of

different percentages for each lot, but the amount in fixed and currency
as specified in TDS, if so indicated that the Tenders are invited on lot-by-
lot basis under ITT Sub Clause 23.3

30. Form of Tender 30.1 The Tender Security shall be in the form of an irrevocable bank
security guarantee issued by an internationally reputable bank and shall require

to be endorsed by its any correspondent bank located in Bangladesh, to
make it enforceable, in the format (Form PG4-6) furnished in Section 5:
Tender and Contract Forms;
30.2 be payable promptly upon written demand by the Purchaser in the case
of the conditions listed in ITT Clause 33 being invoked; and
30.3 Remain valid for at least twenty eight (28) days beyond the expiry date of
the Tender Validity in order to make a claim in due course against a
Tenderer in the circumstances detailed under ITT Clause 33 and
pursuant to Rule 25 of the Public Procurement Rules, 2008.

31. Authenticity of 31.1 The authenticity of the Tender security submitted by a Tenderer shall be
Tender Security examined and verified by the Purchaser in writing from the Bank issuing
the security, prior to finalization of the Evaluation Report pursuant to Rule
24 of the Public Procurement Rule, 2008.

31.2 If a Tender Security is found to be not authentic, the Tender which it

covers shall not be considered for subsequent evaluation and in such
case the Purchaser shall proceed to take punitive measures against that
Tenderer as stated under ITT Sub-Clause 4.6, pursuant to Rule 127 of
the Public Procurement Rules, 2008 and in accordance with Section
64(5) of the Public Procurement Act, 2006.

31.3 Tender not accompanied by a valid Tender Security as stated under Sub-
Clause 29, 30 and 31, shall be considered as non-responsive.

32. Return of Tender 32.1 No Tender security shall be returned by the Tender Opening Committee
Security (TOC) during and after the opening of the Tenders pursuant to Rule 26 of
the Public Procurement Rules 2008.

32.2 No Tender security shall be returned to the Tenderers before contract

signing, except to those who are found non-responsive.

32.3 Tender securities of the non-responsive Tenders shall be returned

immediately after the Evaluation Report has been approved by the

32.4 Tender securities of the responsive Tenderers shall be returned only after
the lowest evaluated responsive Tenderer has submitted the
performance security and signed the contract, that being even before the
expiration of the validity period specified in Clause 27.

32.5 Tender Securities of the Tenderers not consenting within the specified date
in writing to the request made by the Purchaser under ITT Sub-Clause 28.1
in regard to extension of its Tender validity shall be discharged or returned

33. Forfeiture of 33.1 The Tender security pursuant to Rule 25 of the Public Procurement
Tender Security Rules,2008 may be forfeited if a Tenderer:
(a) withdraws its Tender after opening of Tenders but within the
validity of the Tender as stated under ITT Clauses27,and 28,
pursuant to Rule 19 of the Public Procurement Rules 2008; or
(b) refuses to accept a Notification of Award as stated under ITT Sub-
Clause 62.3, pursuant to Rule 102 of the Public Procurement

Rules 2008; or
(c) fails to furnish performance security as stated under ITT Sub-
Clause 63.2,pursuant to Rule 102 of the Public Procurement
Rules 2008; or
(d) refuses to sign the Contract as stated under ITT Sub-Clause 67.2
pursuant to Rule 102 of the Public Procurement Rules 2008; or
(e) does not accept the correction of the Tender price following the
correction of arithmetic errors as stated under ITT Clause
49,pursuant to Rule 98(11) of the Public Procurement Rules 2008

34. Format and 34.1 The Tenderer shall prepare one (1) original of the documents comprising the
Signing of Tender as described in ITTClause21and clearly mark it ―ORIGINAL‖. In
Tender addition, the Tenderer shall prepare the number of copies of the Tender, as
specified in the TDS and clearly mark each of them ―COPY‖. In the event of
any discrepancy between the original and the copies, the original shall

34.2 Alternatives, if permitted under ITT Clause22, shall be clearly marked


34.3 The original and each copy of the Tender shall be typed or written in indelible
ink and shall be signed by a person duly authorised to sign on behalf of the
Tenderer. This authorisation shall consist of a written authorisation and shall
be attached to the Tender Submission Letter (Form PG4-1).

34.4 The name and position held by each person signing the authorisation must
be typed or printed below the signature.

34.5 All pages of the original and of each copy of the Tender, except for un-
amended printed literature, shall be numbered sequentially and signed or
initialled by the person signing the Tender.

34.6 Any interlineations, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid only if they are
signed or initialled by the person(s) signing the Tender.

34.7 Person(s) signing the Tender shall describe his or her name, address,

E. Tender Submission
35. Sealing, Marking 35.1 The Tenderer shall enclose the original in one (1) envelope and all the
and Submission copies of the Tender, including the alternative , if permitted under ITT Clause
of Tender 22in another envelope, duly marking the envelopes as ―ORIGINAL‖
―ALTERNATIVE‖ (if permitted) and ―COPY.‖ These sealed envelopes will
then be enclosed and sealed in one (1) single outer envelope.

35.2 Tenders shall be properly marked by Tenderers in order not be confused
with other types of correspondence which may also be hand-delivered or
posted by mail or courier service. The inner and outer envelopes shall:
(a) bear the name and address of the Tenderer ;
(b) be addressed to the Purchaser as stated under ITT Sub-Clause
(c) bear the specific identification of this tendering process indicated in
ITT Sub-Clause1.2 and any additional identification marks as
specified in the TDS; and
(d) bear a statement ―DO NOT OPEN BEFORE…‖ the time and
date for Tender opening, as stated under ITT Sub- Clause 42.2

35.3 The Tenderer is solely and entirely responsible for pre-disclosure of

Tender information if the envelope(s) are not properly sealed and
35.4 Tenders shall be delivered by hand or by mail, including courier services
to location as designated in the ITT Sub-Clause 36.1.
35.5 Tenders shall be submitted on the basis of this Tender Document issued
by the Purchaser.
35.6 The Purchaser will, on request, provide the Tenderer with a receipt
showing the date and time when it‘s Tender was received.

35.7 When so specified in the TDS, tenderers shall have the option of submitting
their tenders electronically.

35.8 Tenderers submitting tenders electronically shall follow the electronic tender
submission procedures specified in the TDS.

36. Deadline for 36.1 Tenders shall be delivered to the Purchaser at the address specified in the
Submission of TDS and no later than the date and time specified in the TDS.

36.2 The Purchaser may, at its discretion on justifiably acceptable grounds duly
recorded, extend the deadline for submission of Tender as stated under ITT
Sub Clause 36.1, in which case all rights and obligations of the Purchaser
and Tenderers previously subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to
the new deadline as extended.

37. Late tender 37.1 Any Tender received by the Purchaser after the deadline for submission of
Tenders as stated under ITT Sub-Clause 36.1, shall be declared LATE,
rejected, returned unopened to the Tenderer.

38. Modification, 38.1 A Tenderer may modify, substitute or withdraw its Tender after it has been
Substitution or submitted by sending a written notice duly signed by the authorised signatory
Withdrawal of properly sealed, and shall include a copy of the authorisation (the power of
Tenders attorney), confirmed by an affidavit duly authenticated as stated under ITT
Clause 34.3, provided that such written notice including the affidavit is
received by the Purchaser prior to the deadline for submission of Tenders as
stated under ITT Sub-Clause 36.1.

39. Tender 39.1 The Tenderer shall not be allowed to retrieve its original Tender, but shall
Modification be allowed to submit corresponding modification to its original Tender

marked as ―MODIFICATION‖.

40. Tender 40.1 The Tenderer shall not be allowed to retrieve its original Tender, but shall
Substitution be allowed to submit another Tender marked as ―SUBSTITUTION‖.

41. Withdrawal of 41.1 The Tenderer shall be allowed to withdraw its Tender by a Letter of
Tender Withdrawal marked as ―WITHDRAWAL‖.

F. Tender Opening and Evaluation

42. Tender Opening 42.1 Tenders shall be opened pursuant to Rule 97following steps in Part D of
Schedule IV of The Public Procurement Rule, 2008.

42.2 Tenders shall be opened in public immediately after the deadline for
submission of Tenders at the place, date and time as specified in the TDS
but no later than ONE HOUR after expiry of the submission deadline. Tender
opening shall not be delayed on the plea of absence of Tenderers or his or
her representatives.

42.3 Any specific electronic Tender opening procedures required if electronic

tendering is permitted under ITT Sub-Clause 35.7, shall be as specified in
the TDS.

42.4 Persons not associated with the Tender may not be allowed to attend the
public opening of Tenders.

42.5 The Tenderers‘ representatives shall be duly authorised by the Tenderer.

Tenderers or their authorised representatives will be allowed to attend and
witness the opening of Tenders, and will sign a register evidencing their

42.6 The authenticity of withdrawal or substitution of, or modifications to original

Tender, if any made by a Tenderer in specified manner, shall be examined
and verified by the Tender Opening Committee based on documents
submitted under ITT Sub Clause 38.1.

42.7 Tenders will be opened in the following manner:

(a) firstly, envelopes marked ―Withdrawal‖ shall be opened and
―Withdrawal‖ notices read aloud and recorded, and the envelope
with the corresponding Tender shall not be opened, but returned
unopened to the Tenderer by the Purchaser at a later time
immediately after preliminary examination by the Tender
Evaluation Committee (TEC) as stated under ITT Sub-Clause
45.1.No Tender withdrawal shall be permitted unless the
corresponding withdrawal notice contains a valid authorization to
request the withdrawal and in such case the Tender shall be read
aloud at the Tender opening ;
(b) secondly, the remaining Tenders will be sorted out and those
marked ―substitutes‖ or ―modified‖ will be linked with their
corresponding ―original‖(O) Tender;
(c) Next, envelopes marked ―Substitution‖(S) shall be opened and
read aloud and recorded, and exchanged with the corresponding
Tender being substituted, and the substituted Tender shall not be
opened, but returned unopened to the Tenderer by the Purchaser
at a later time immediately after preliminary examination by the
Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC) as stated under ITT Sub-
Clause 45.1 . No Tender substitution shall be permitted unless the
corresponding substitution notice contains a valid authorization to
request the substitution and in such case the Tender shall be read
aloud at the Tender opening.
(d) Next envelopes marked ―Modification‖ (M) shall be opened and
read aloud with the corresponding Tender and recorded. No
Tender modification shall be permitted unless the corresponding
modification notice contains a valid authorization to request the
modification and in such case the Tender shall be read aloud at
the Tender opening.
(e) Thirdly, if so specified in this Tender Document, the envelopes
marked ―Alternative‖(A) shall be opened and read aloud with the
corresponding Tender and recorded.

42.8 Ensuring that only the correct (M), (S), (A),(O) envelopes are opened, details
of each Tender will be dealt with as follows:
(a) the Chairperson of the Tender Opening Committee will read aloud
each Tender and record in the Tender Opening Sheet (TOS)
(i) the name and address of the Tenderer;
(ii) state if it is a withdrawn, modified, substituted , or original
(iii) the Tender price;
(iv) the number of initialled corrections;
(v) any discounts;
(vi) any alternatives;
(vii) the presence or absence of any requisite Tender Security;
(viii) Such other details as the Purchaser, at its discretion, may
consider appropriate.
(b) only discounts and alternative read aloud at the Tender opening
will be considered in evaluation;
(c) All pages of the original version of the Tender, except for un-
amended printed literature, will be initialled by members of the
Tender Opening Committee.
42.9 Upon completion of Tender opening, all members of the Tender Opening
Committee and the Tenderers or Tenderer‘s duly authorised representatives
attending the Tender opening shall sign by name, address, designation and
their national Identification Numbers the Tender Opening Sheet, copies of
which shall be issued to the Head of the Purchaser or an officer authorised
by him or her and also to the members of the Tender Opening Committee
and any authorised Consultants and, to the Tenderers immediately.

42.10The omission of a Tenderer‘s signature on the record shall not invalidate

the contents and effect of the record under ITT Sub-Clause 42.8.

42.11No Tender will be rejected at the Tender opening stage except the LATE
Tenders. .

42.12A copy of the record shall be distributed to all Tenderers who submitted
tenders in time, and posted online when electronic tendering is permitted.

43. Evaluation of 43.1 Purchaser‘s Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC) shall examine, evaluate
Tenders and compare Tenders that are responsive to the mandatory requirements
of Tender Documents in order to identify the successful Tenderer.

43.2 Tenders shall be examined and evaluated only on the basis of the criteria
specified in the Tender Document.

44. Evaluation 44.1 The TEC may consider a Tender as responsive in the Evaluation, only if it
process is submitted in compliance with the mandatory requirements set out in the
Tender Document. The evaluation process should begin immediately
after tender opening following four steps:
(a) Preliminary Examination;
(b) Technical Examinations and Responsiveness;
(c) Financial evaluation and price comparison;
(d) Post-qualification of the lowest evaluated responsive Tenders.

45. Preliminary 45.1 Compliance, adequacy and authenticity of the documentary evidences for
Examination meeting the qualification criterion specified in the corresponding section of
the Tender document shall have to be preliminarily examined and verified.

45.2 The TEC shall firstly examine the Tenders to confirm that all documentation
requested in ITT Clause 21has been provided. Examination of the
compliance, adequacy and authenticity of the documentary evidence may
follow the order below:
(a) Verification of the completeness of the eligibility declaration in the
Tender Submission Letter (Form PG4-1), to determine the eligibility of
the tenderer as stated under ITT Sub-Clause 21(h). Any alterations
to its format, filling in all blank spaces with the information
requested, failing which the tender may lead to rejection of the
(b) verification of that the Tenderer is enrolled in the relevant
professional or trade organisations as stated under ITT Clause
(c) verification of the eligibility in terms of legal capacity and fulfilment of
taxation obligation by the tenderer in accordance as stated under ITT
Sub-Clause 21(i) and 21(k);
(d) verification of eligibility that the tenderer is not insolvent, in
receivership, bankrupt, not in the process of bankruptcy, not
temporarily barred as stated under ITT Sub-Clause 21(j);
(e) verification of eligibility of Tenderer‘s country of origin as stated under
ITT Sub-Clause 21(b);
(f) verification of the written authorization confirming the signatory of the
Tenderer to commit the Tender has been attached with Tender
Submission Letter (Form PG4-1) as stated under ITT Sub-Clause
21(g);in order to check the authenticity of Tender and Tenderer itself ;
(g) verification of the Tender Security as stated under ITT Sub-Clause
21(d); and
(h) Verification of that the written notice for ‗WITHDRAWL‘ and
‗SUBSTITUTION of‘ or MODIFICATION to, the corresponding Tender

is proper and authentic, if the tender is ―WITHDRAWN‖,
―SUBSTITUTION‖ or ―MODIFICATION‖, as stated under ITT Sub-
Clause 38.1

45.3 The TEC shall confirm that the above documents and information have been
provided in the Tender and the completeness of the documents and
compliance of instructions given in corresponding ITT Clauses shall be
verified, failing which the tender shall be considered as non-responsive.

46. Technical 46.1 Only those Tenders surviving preliminary examination need to be examined
Examinations in this phase.
46.2 Secondly, the TEC will examine the adequacy and authenticity of the
documentary evidence which may follow the order below:
(a) Verification of the completeness of the country of origin declaration in
the Price Schedule for Goods and Related Services (Form PG4-
3B, 3C and PG4-3D) as furnished in Section 5: Tender and
Contract Forms to determine the eligibility of the Goods and Related
Services as stated under ITT Sub Clause 21(m).
(b) Verification and examination of the documentary evidence and
completed Specification Submission Sheet (Form PG4-4) as
furnished in Section 5: Tender and Contract Forms to establish the
conformity of the Goods and Related Services to the Tender
Documents as stated under ITT Sub Clause 21(e) and 21(n).
(c) Verification and examination of the documentary evidence that the
Tenderer‘s qualifications conform to the Tender Documents and
the Tenderer meets each of the qualification criterion specified in
Sub-Section C, Qualification Criteria as stated under ITT Sub
Clause 21(o).
(d) Verification and examination of the documentary evidence that
Tenderer has metal the requirements in regards to scope of
Supply as stated under Section 6, Schedule of Requirements,
without any material deviation or reservation.

46.3 TEC may consider a Tender as responsive in the evaluation, only if comply
with the mandatory requirements as stated under Clause 46.2.

46.4 The TEC‘s determination of a Tender‘s responsiveness is to be based on the

documentary evidence as requested in Clause 46.2 without recourse to
extrinsic evidence.

46.5 Information contained in a Tender, that was not requested in the Tender
Document shall not be considered in evaluation of the Tender.

46.6 If a Tender is not responsive to the mandatory requirements set out in the
Tender Document it shall be rejected by the TEC and shall not subsequently
is made responsive by the Tenderer by correction of the material deviation,

46.7 A material deviation or reservation is one-

(a) Which affects in any substantial way the scope, quality, or
performance of the Goods and Related Services and Tenderer‘s
qualifications mentioned in the Tender Document.
(b) which limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Tender

Documents, the Purchaser ‘s rights or the Tenderer‘s obligations
under the Contract; or
(c) Whose rectification would anyway affect unfairly the competitive
position of other Tenderers presenting responsive Tenders.
46.8 During the evaluation of Tender, the following definitions apply:
(a) ―Deviation‖ is a departure from the requirements specified in the
Tender Document;
(b) ―Reservation‖ is the setting of limiting conditions or withholding
from complete acceptance of the requirements specified in the
Tender Document;
46.9 A TEC may regard a Tender as responsive, even if it contains-
(a) minor or insignificant deviations, which do not meaningfully alter
or depart from the technical specifications, characteristics and
commercial terms and conditions or other requirements set out in
the Tender Document;
(b) Errors or oversights, which if corrected, would not alter the key
aspects of the Tender.

47. Clarification on 47.1 The TEC may ask Tenderers for clarifications of their Tenders,including
Tender breakdowns of unit rates, in order to assist the examination and
evaluation of the Tenders, provided that, Tender clarifications which may
lead to a change in the substance of the Tender or in any of the key
elements of the Tender as stated under ITT Sub-Clause 46.7, shall
neither be sought nor permitted by the TEC.

47.2 Change in the tender price shall not be sought or permitted, except to
confirm correction of arithmetical errors discovered by the Purchaser in
the evaluation of the Tender, as sated under ITT Clause 49.

47.3 Any request for clarifications by the TEC shall not be directed towards
making an apparently non-responsive Tender responsive and reciprocally
the response from the concerned Tenderer shall not be articulated
towards any addition, alteration or modification to its Tender.

47.4 If a Tenderer does not provide clarifications of its Tender by the date and
time set in the TEC‘s written request for clarification, its Tender shall not
be considered in the evaluation.
47.5 Requests for clarification shall be in writing and shall be signed only by
the Chairperson of the TEC.

48. Restrictions on 48.1 Following the opening of Tenders until issuance of Notification of Award
the Disclosure of no Tenderer shall, unless requested to provide clarification to its Tender
Information or unless necessary for submission of a complaint, communicate with the
Relating to the concerned Purchaser pursuant to Rule 31 of the Public Procurement
Procurement Rule, 2008.
48.2 Tenderers shall not seek to influence in anyway, the examination and
evaluation of the Tenders.

48.3 Any effort by a Tenderer to influence a Purchaser in its decision

concerning the evaluation of Tenders, Contract awards may result in the
rejection of its Tender as well as further action in accordance with Section

64 (5) of the Public Procurement Act 2006.

48.4 All clarification requests shall remind Tenderers of the need for
confidentiality and that any breach of confidentiality on the part of the
Tenderer may result in their Tender being disqualified.

48.5 Information relating to the examination, evaluation, comparison, and post

qualification of the tender or contract award shall not be disclosed to
tenderers or any other persons not officially concerned with such

49. Correction of 49.1 The TEC shall correct any arithmetic errors that are discovered during the
Arithmetical examination of Tenders, and shall promptly notify the concerned
Errors Tenderer(s) of any such correction(s) pursuant to Rule 98(11) of the
Public Procurement Rule, 2008.

49.2 Provided that the Tender is responsive, TEC shall correct arithmetical
errors on the following basis:
(a) If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the line item total
that is obtained by multiplying the unit price by the quantity, the unit
price shall prevail and the line item total shall be corrected, unless in
the opinion of the TEC there is an obvious misplacement of the
decimal point in the unit price, in which case the total price as quoted
will govern and the unit price will be corrected;
(b) If there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or
subtraction of subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total shall
be corrected.

49.3 Any Tenderer that does not accept the correction of the Tender amount
following correction of arithmetic errors as determined by the application
of ITT Sub-Clause 49.2 shall be considered as non-responsive.

50. Conversion to 50.1 For evaluation and comparison purpose, TEC shall convert all Tender prices
Single Currency expressed in the amounts in various currencies into an amount in
Bangladeshi Taka currency, using the selling exchange rates established
by the Bangladesh Bank, on the date of Tender opening.

51. Domestic 51.1 Domestic preference shall be a factor in tender evaluation, unless
Preference otherwise specified in the TDS

51.2 If domestic preference shall be a tender-evaluation factor, the Purchaser

will grant a margin of fifteen percent (15%) domestic preference to Goods
manufactured in Bangladesh during the evaluation of its Tender while
comparing the same with those of other Tenderers under the classification
set out in ITT Sub-Clause 51.3. The evaluation will be carried out in
accordance with the provisions set out in ITT Clause 54.

51.3 Tenders will be classified in one of two groups, as follows:

(a) Group A: Tender offering goods manufactured in Bangladesh, for
(i) labour, raw materials, and components from within the
Bangladesh account for more than thirty (30) percent of the
EXW price; and
(ii) The production facility in which they will be manufactured or

assembled has been engaged in manufacturing or
assembling such goods at least since the date of tender
(b) Group B: Tenders offering Goods manufactured outside Bangladesh
that have been already imported or that will be imported.

51.4 To facilitate this classification by the Tenderer, the Tenderer shall complete
whichever Form of the Price Schedule furnished in the Tender Document is

51.5 Completion of an inappropriate Form of the Price Schedule by the Tenderer

shall not result in rejection of its tender, but merely in the Purchaser‘s
reclassification of the tenderer into its appropriate tender group.

52. Financial 52.1 Thirdly the TEC, pursuant to Rule 98 of the Public Procurement Rules, 2008
Evaluation shall evaluate each Tender that has been determined, up to this stage of the
evaluation, to be responsive to the mandatory requirements in the Tender

52.2 To evaluate a Tender in this stage , the Purchaser shall consider the

(a) Verification and examination of the Price Schedule for Goods and
Related Services (Form PG4-3A, 3B, 3C and PG4-3D) as
furnished by the Tenderer and checking the compliance with the
instructions provided under ITT Clause 23;
(b) Evaluation will be done for Items or lot by lot as stated under ITT
Clause 23 and the Total Tender Price as quoted in accordance
with Clause 23 ;
(c) Adjustment for correction of arithmetical errors as stated under ITT
Sub-Clause 49.2;
(d) Adjustment for price modification offered as stated under ITT
Clause 38;
(e) Adjustment due to discount as stated under ITT Sub-Clauses23.8
,23.9 and 52.3;
(f) Adjustment due to the application of economic factors of
evaluation as stated under ITT Sub-Clause 52.5 if any;
(g) Adjustment due to the assessment of the price of unpriced items
as stated under ITT Clause 53if any;
(h) Adjustment due to the application of a margin of preference
(domestic preference), in accordance with ITT Clause 54 if

52.3 If Tenders are invited for a single lot or for a number of lots as stated under
ITT Sub-clauses 23.3, TEC shall evaluate only lots that that have included at
least the percentage of items per lot as stated under ITT Sub-Clause 23.5
and 23.6. The TEC shall evaluate and compare the Tenders taking into
(a) Lowest evaluated tender for each lot;
(b) The price discount/reduction per lot;
(c) Least cost combination for the Purchaser, considering discounts and

the methodology for its application as stated under ITT Sub-clauses
23.8 and 23.9 offered by the Tenderer in its Tender.

52.4 Only those spare parts and tools which are specified as a item in the List of
Goods and Related Services in Section 6, Schedule of Requirement or
adjustment as stated under ITT Sub-clause 52.5, shall be taken into account
in the Tender evaluation. Supplier-recommended spare parts for a specified
operating requirement as stated under ITT Sub-clause 25.2(b) shall not be
considered in Tender evaluation.

52.5 The Purchaser‘s evaluation of a tender may require the consideration of

other factors, in addition to the Tender Price quoted as stated under ITT
Clause 23. The effect of the factors selected, if any, shall be expressed in
monetary terms to facilitate comparison of tenders. The factors,
methodologies and criteria to be used shall be as specified in TDS. The
applicable economic factors, for the purposes of evaluation of Tenders shall
(a) Adjustment for Deviations in the Delivery and Completion Schedule
(b) Cost of major replacement components, mandatory spare parts, and

52.6 Variations, deviations, and alternatives and other factors which are in
excess of the requirements of the Tender Document or otherwise result
in unsolicited benefits for the Purchaser will not be taken into account in
Tender evaluation.

53. Assessing the 53.1 If it is so permitted under ITT Clause 23, any Tenderer offered only eighty
Price of Unpriced percent (80%) or minimum percent of the items of a lot as stated under ITT
Items Sub-Clause 23.5, the TEC shall calculate the total lot value by adding up the
average prices offered by other responsive Tenderers for the missing items
to the lot value to establish the winning lot Tender. If the Tenderer offered
less than the specified, the Tender shall be evaluated as sated under ITT
Clause 23.

53.2 If the winning lot is missing some items as stated under ITT Sub Clause
53.1, comprising less than twenty percent (20%), the Purchaser may procure
the missing items from the Tenderer offering the least cost for those
remaining items.

54. Evaluation of 54.1 If the Tender document so specifies, the Tenderer will grant a margin
Domestic preference to goods manufactured in Bangladesh as stated in ITT Clause 51
Preference for the purpose of Tender comparison, in accordance with the procedure
outlined below:

54.2 The Purchaser will first review the tenders to confirm the appropriateness of,
and to modify as necessary, the tenderer group classification to which
Tenderers assigned their tenders in preparing their Tender Forms and Price

54.3 All evaluated tenders in each group will then be compared to determine the
lowest evaluated tender of each group. Such lowest evaluated tenders shall
be compared with each other and if as a result of this comparison a tenderer
from Group A and the Tenders offering Goods manufactured in Bangladesh
is the lowest, it shall be selected for the award.

54.4 If, as a result of the preceding comparison, the lowest evaluated tender is
from Group B,
(a) all Group B tenders will then be further compared with the lowest
evaluated tender from Group A, after adding to the evaluated tender
price of goods offered in the tender for Group B, for the purpose of
further comparison only an amount equal to fifteen (15) percent of
the CIF/CIP (named place of destination or named port of
destination) tender price.
(b) The lowest-evaluated tender determined from this last comparison
shall be selected for the award.

55. Price 55.1 The TEC shall compare all responsive Tenders to determine the lowest-
Comparison evaluated Tender, as stated under ITT Clause 54.

55.2 In the extremely unlikely event that there is a tie for the lowest evaluated
price, the Tenderer with the superior past performance with the Purchaser
shall be selected, whereby factors such as delivery period, quality of Goods
delivered, complaints history and performance indicators could be taken into

55.3 In the event that there is a tie for the lowest price and none of the Tenderers
has the record of past performance with the Purchaser, then the Tenderer
shall be selected, subject to firm confirmation through the Post-qualification
process described in ITT Clause 57, after consideration as to whether the
quality of Goods that is considered more advantageous by the end-users.

55.4 The successful Tenderer as stated under ITT Sub Clauses 55.1,55.2 and
55.3 shall not be selected through lottery under any circumstances.

56. Negotiation 56.1 No negotiations shall be held during the Tender evaluation or award with the
lowest or any other Tenderer pursuant to Rule 99 of the Public Procurement
Rules, 2008.

57. Post-qualification 57.1 After determining the lowest-evaluated responsive tender as sated under ITT
Sub-Clause 55.1, the Purchaser‘s TEC pursuant to Rule 100 of the Public
Procurement Rules, 2008, shall carry out the Post-Qualification of the
Tenderer, using only the requirements specified in Sub-Section C,
Qualification Criteria.
57.2 The TEC shall contact the references given by Tenderers about their
previous Supply experiences to verify, if necessary, statements made by
them in their Tender and to obtain the most up-to-date information
concerning the Tenderers.
57.3 The TEC may visit the premises of the Tenderer as a part of the post-
qualification process, if practical and appropriate, to verify information
contained in its Tender.
57.4 The TEC shall determine to its satisfaction whether the Tenderer that is
selected as having submitted the lowest evaluated responsive Tender is
qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.

57.5 The objective of any visit under ITT Sub-Clause 57.3 shall be limited to a
general and visual inspection of the Tenderer‘s facilities and its plant and
equipment, and there shall be no discussion concerning the Tender or its
evaluation with the Tenderer during such visit(s).

57.6 In the event that the Tenderer with lowest evaluated cost fails the post-
qualification, the TEC shall make a similar determination for the Tenderer
offering the next lowest evaluated cost and so on from the remaining
responsive Tenders, provided that,
(a) such action shall only be taken if the evaluated costs of the Tenders
under consideration are acceptable to the Purchaser;
(b) when the point is reached whereby the evaluated costs of the
remaining responsive Tenders are significantly higher than that of
the official estimate, or the market price, the Purchaser may take
action pursuant to Rule 33 and may proceed for re-Tendering,
using a revised Tender Document designed to achieve a more
successful result.

58. Rejection of All 58.1 The Purchaser may, in the circumstances as stated under ITT Sub-Clause
Tenders 58.2 and pursuant to Rule 33 of the Public Procurement Rules 2008, reject
all Tenders following recommendations from the Evaluation Committee only
after the approval of such recommendations by the Head of the Purchaser.

58.2 All Tenders can be rejected, if -

(a) the price of the lowest evaluated Tender exceeds the official
estimate, provided the estimate is realistic; or
(b) there is evidence of lack of effective competition; such as non-
participation by a number of potential Tenderers; or
(c) the Tenderers are unable to propose completion of the delivery
within the stipulated time in its offer, though the stipulated time is
reasonable and realistic; or
(d) all Tenders are non-responsive; or
(e) Evidence of professional misconduct, affecting seriously the
Procurement process, is established pursuant to Rule 127 of the
Public Procurement Rules, 2008.
58.3 Notwithstanding anything contained in ITT Sub-Clause 58.2 Tenders may
not be rejected if the lowest evaluated price is in conformity with the market
58.4 A Purchaser may pursuant to Rule 35 of the Public Procurement Rules,
2008, on justifiable grounds, annul the Procurement proceedings prior to the
deadline for the submission of Tenders.
58.5 All Tenders received by the Purchaser shall be returned unopened to the
Tenderers in the event Procurement proceedings are annulled under ITT
Sub-Clause 58.4.
59. Informing 59.1 Notice of the rejection, pursuant to Rule 35of the Public Procurement Rules,
Reasons for 2008, will be given promptly within seven (7) days of decision taken by the
Rejection Purchaser to all Tenderers and, the Purchaser will, upon receipt of a written
request, communicate to any Tenderer the reason(s) for its rejection but is
not required to justify those reason(s).

G. Contract Award
60. Award Criteria 60.1 The Purchaser shall award the Contract to the Tenderer whose offer is
responsive to the Tender Document and that has been determined to be the
lowest evaluated Tender, provided further that the Tenderer is determined to
be Post-Qualified as stated under ITT Clause 57.

60.2 A Tenderer shall not be required, as a condition for award of contract, to

undertake obligations not stipulated in the Tender Document, to change its
price, or otherwise to modify its Tender.

61. Purchaser‘s 61.1 The Purchaser reserves the right at the time of Contract Award to increase
Right to Vary or decrease the quantity, per item, of Goods and Related Services originally
Quantities specified in Section 6: Schedule of Requirements, provided this does not
exceed the percentages indicated in the TDS, and without any change in the
unit prices or other terms and conditions of the Tender and the Tender

62. Notification of 62.1 Prior to the expiry of the Tender validity period and within seven (7) working
Award days of receipt of the approval of the award by the Approving Authority, the
Purchaser pursuant to Rule 102 of the Public procurement Rules, 2008, shall
issue the Notification of Award (NOA) to the successful Tenderer

62.2 The Notification of Award, attaching the contract as per the sample (Form
PG4-7) to be signed, shall state:
(a) the acceptance of the Tender by the Purchaser;
(b) the price at which the contract is awarded;
(c) the amount of the Performance Security and its format;
(d) the date and time within which the Performance Security shall
be submitted; and
(e) the date and time within which the contract shall be signed.

62.3 The Notification of Award shall be accepted in writing by the successful

Tenderer within seven (7) working days from the date of issuance of NOA.

62.4 Until a formal contract is signed, the Notification of Award shall constitute
a Contract, which shall become binding upon the furnishing of a
Performance Security and the signing of the Contract by both parties.

62.5 The Notification of Award establishes a Contract between the Purchaser

and the successful Tenderer and the existence of a Contract is confirmed
through the signature of the Contract Document that includes all
agreements between the Purchaser and the successful Tenderer.

63. Performance 63.1 The Performance Security shall be determined sufficient to protect the
Security performance of the Contract pursuant to Rule 27 of the Public Procurement
Rules, 2008.

63.2 Performance Security shall be furnished by the successful Tenderer in

the amount specified in the TDS and denominated in the currencies in
which the Contract Price is payablepursuant to Rule 102 (8) of the Public
Procurement Rules, 2008.

63.3 The proceeds of the Performance Security shall be payable to the
Purchaser unconditionally upon first written demand as compensation for
any loss resulting from the Supplier‘s failure to complete its obligations
under the Contract.
64. Form and Time 64.1 The Performance Security shall be in the form of irrevocable Bank
Limit for Guarantee in the format (Form PG4-9) as stated under ITT Clause 63,
furnishing of shall be issued by an internationally reputable bank and it shall
Performance have correspondent bank located in Bangladesh, to make it
security enforceablepursuant to Rule 27(4) of the Public Procurement Rules,

64.2 Within twenty-eight (28) days from issue of the Notification of Award, the
successful Tenderer shall furnish the Performance Security for the due
performance of the Contract in the amount specified under ITT Sub
Clause 63.2.

65. Validity of 65.1 The Performance Security shall be required to be valid until a date
Performance twenty-eight (28) days beyond the date of completion of the Supplier‘s
Security performance obligations under the Contract, including any warranty

65.2 If under any circumstances date of completion of the Supplier‘s

performance obligations under the Contract, including any warranty
obligations is to be extended, the Performance Security shall
correspondingly be extended for the extended period.

66. Authenticity of 66.1 The Purchaser shall verify the authenticity of the Performance Security
performance submitted by the successful Tenderer by sending a written request to the
Security branch of the bank issuing irrevocable Bank Guarantee in specified

66.2 If the Performance Security submitted under ITT Sub Clause 63.2 is not
found to be authentic, the Purchaser shall proceed to take measures
against the Tenderer in accordance with Section 64 of the Act and
pursuant to Rule 127 of the Public Procurement Rules,2008.

67. Contract Signing 67.1 At the same time as the Purchaser issues the Notification of Award, the
Purchaser shall send the draft Contract Agreement and all documents
forming the Contract pursuant to Rule 102 of the Public Procurement Rule,
2008, to the successful Tenderer.

67.2 Within twenty-eight (28) days of the issuance of Notification of Award, the
successful Tenderer and the Purchaser shall sign the contract provided
that the Performance Security submitted by the Tenderer is found to be

67.3 If the successful Tenderer fails to provide the required Performance

Security, as stated under ITT Clause 63or to sign the Contract , as stated
under ITT Sub-Clause 67.2, Purchaser shall proceed to award the
Contract to the next lowest evaluated Tenderer, and so on, by order of
ranking pursuant to Rule 102 of the Public Procurement Rules,2008.

68. Publication of 68.1 Notification of Awards for Contracts of Taka 10(ten) million and above
Notification of shall be notified by the Purchaser to the Central Procurement

Award of Technical Unit within 7(seven) days of issuance of the NOA for
Contract publication in their website, and that notice shall be kept posted for
not less than a month pursuant to Rule 37 of the Public Procurement
Rules, 2008.

68.2 Notification of Award for Contracts below Taka 10(ten) million, shall
be published by the Purchaser on its Notice Board and where
applicable on the website of the Purchaser and that notice shall be
kept posted for not less than a month pursuant to Rule 37 of the
Public Procurement Rules, 2008..

69. Debriefing of 69.1 Debriefing of Tenderers by Purchaser shall outline the relative status
Tenderers and weakness only of his or her Tender requesting to be informed of
the grounds for not accepting the Tender submitted by him or her
pursuant to Rule 37 of the Public Procurement Rule, 2008, without
disclosing information about any other Tenderer.

69.2 In the case of debriefing confidentiality of the evaluation process shall

be maintained.

70. Right to 70.1 Any Tenderer has the right to complain if it has suffered or likely to suffer
Complain loss or damage due to a failure of a duty imposed on the Purchaser to fulfil
its obligations in accordance with Section 29 of the Public Procurement Act
2006 and pursuant to Part 12 of Chapter Three of the Public Procurement
Rules, 2008.

70.2 Circumstances in which a formal complaint may be lodged in sequence by a

potential Tenderer against a Purchaser pursuant to Rule 56 of the Public
Procurement Rules, 2008, and the complaints, if any, be also processed
pursuant to Rule 57 of the Public Procurement Rules 2008 .

70.3 The potential Tenderer shall submit his or her complaint in writing within
seven (7) calendar days of becoming aware of the circumstances giving rise
to the complaint.

70.4 In the first instance, the potential Tenderer shall submit his or her complaint
to the Purchaser who issued the Tender Document.

70.5 The place and address for the first stage in the submission of complaints to
the Administrative Authority is provided in the TDS.

70.6 The Tenderer may appeal to a Review Panel only if the Tenderer has
exhausted all his or her options of complaints to the administrative authority
as stated under ITT Sub-Clause 70.2.

Section 2. Tender Data Sheet

Section 2. Tender Data Sheet
Instructions for completing the Tender Data Sheet are provided, as needed, in the notes in
italics and under lined mentioned for the relevant ITT clauses.

Amendments of, and Supplements to, Clauses in the Instruction to

ITT Clause

A. General
The Purchaser (Procurement Entity) is :
ITT 1.1
Project Director
Digitalization & Automation of Substation Metering System
Superintending Engineer
System Control & SCADA
Dhaka Power Distribution Company Ltd (DPDC), Dhaka.
Address: SCADA Bhabon, Ground Floor, 3, Sonargoan Road, Katabon,
Office: +88-02-9670733 Mobile: +88-01730335187

The Name and identification number of Tender are :

Name: Digitalization and Automation of Sub-station Metering System

(DASMS) on Turn-key Basis.
ID number:

ITT 1.2 The number, identification and name of lots comprising the Tender are:
Single Lot
[state number, list the lots and related Goods with identification]
[Note: if there is more than one lot, individual lots are to be identified in
conformity with Section 6: Schedule of Requirements].

ITT3.1 The source of public fund is Own fund

ITT3.3 The name of the Development Partner is N/A

ITT5.1 Tenderers from the following countries are not eligible: Israel

ITT6.1 Goods and Related Services from the following counties are eligible:
Countries of European Union, UK, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Japan,
Australia, and Singapore.

B. Tender Document
ITT8.2 The following are the offices of the Purchaser or authorised agents for the
purpose of providing the Tender Document:
Project Director
Digitalization & Automation of Substation Metering System
Superintending Engineer
System Control & SCADA
Dhaka Power Distribution Company Ltd (DPDC), Dhaka.
Address: SCADA Bhabon, Ground Floor, 3, Sonargoan Road, Katabon,
Office: +88-02-9670733 Mobile: +88-01730335187
ITT 9.1 For clarification of Tender purposes only, the Purchaser‘s address is:
Name: Mohammad Tariqul Hoque
Designation: Superintending Engineer
Superintending Engineer
System Control & SCADA
Dhaka Power Distribution Company Ltd (DPDC), Dhaka.
Address: SCADA Bhabon, Ground Floor,
3, Sonargoan Road, Katabon, Dhaka.
Telephone: Office: +88-02-9670733 Mobile: +88-01730335187
Facsimile number:
Electronic mail

ITT10.1 The Pre- Tender meeting shall be held at

Superintending Engineer
System Control & SCADA
Dhaka Power Distribution Company Ltd (DPDC), Dhaka.
Address: SCADA Bhabon, Ground Floor,
3, Sonargoan Road, Katabon, Dhaka.
Time & Date:

C. Qualification Criteria
ITT 13.1 i. The maximum 3 number of arbitration against the Tenderer over a period
last 5 years.

ITT 14.1(a) Bidders must have project management experience to demonstrate
their management capability in at least 1(one) turnkey project (total
contract amount should not be less than US$ 1.0 (one) (million) outside
their own country or in the case of Bangladeshi bidder, in Bangladesh or
elsewhere, within the last 10 (ten) years as on the date of opening of
technical proposal.

Such evidence shall be in user‘s respective letterhead stationary indicating

address, telephone and fax numbers of the user(s) and shall include name of
the project, name of the employers, description of the work, commissioning
date and contract amount.
The qualification criteria against this requirement for single entity or for each
partner in case of JV shall be following:

Single Joint Venture Documentation

All Submission
Partners Each One Requirements
Combine Partner Partner
must not must meet not Form EXP – 1 in
meet applicable requirement applicable annex A
requireme 100%
nt 100%

ITT 14.1(b) Completion of contracts as contractor, management contractor in at least one
(1) contracts within the last ten (10) years for the Design, Supply, Installation,
Testing, Commissioning and Operation of Digitalization and Automation of
Sub-Station Metering System or similar type on turnkey basis, having a total
value of at least US$1.5 (One and a half) (million) and that are similar to
the proposed Digitalization and Automation of Sub-station metering system.
The similarity shall be based on the physical size, complexity, methods,
technology or other characteristics as described in Section 6 (Employer‘s
Requirements).Above one (1) contract shall be in successful operation for
minimum of one (1) year as on the date of opening of technical bids.‖
The above experience shall be supported by user‘s certificate in their
letterhead indicating their address, telephone & fax number and details of
project (i.e. name, address & nationality of customer, details of contract,
voltage & equipment, completion period, commissioning date/ commercial
operation, contract value).
The qualification criteria against this requirement for single entity or for each
partner in case of JV shall be following:

Single Joint Venture Documentation

All Each Submission
Combined Partner Partner Requirements

must must meet Not must meet Form EXP – 2 in annex A

meet requireme applicable requireme
require nt nt in
ment amount
100% and
ITT 14.1(c) The minimum supply and/or production capacity of Goods is/ are:
i. For Energy Meter: 5,000 nos. annum

ITT 15.1(a) i. The minimum amount of liquid asset or working capital or credit facility is
Tk. 30 crore or USD 375,000.
[Note: usually the required liquid asset is equivalent to 1 to 1.5 times the
estimated cost of this particular procurement.]
The qualification criteria against this requirement for single entity or for each
partner in case of JV shall be following:

Single Joint Venture Documentation


All Partners Each One Submission Requirements

Combined Partner Partner
must meet must meet Must meet Must meet Form EXP – 1 in annex A
requireme requirement at least at least
nt 100% 100% 25% of the 40% of the
specified specified
amount amount

ii. Minimum average annual turnover of US$3.50 (Three and half) million
calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or
completed, within the last 3 (three) years.
The qualification criteria against this requirement for single entity or for each
partner in case of JV shall be following:

Single Joint Venture Documentation


All Partners Each One Submission Requirements

Combined Partner Partner
must meet must meet Must meet Must meet Form EXP – 1 in annex A
requireme requirement at least at least
nt 100% 100% 25% of the 40% of the
specified specified
amount amount

Single Joint Venture Documentation


All Partners Each One Submission Requirements

Combined Partner Partner
must meet not must meet not Form EXP – 1 in annex A
requireme applicable requirement applicable

ITT 16.2 The maximum of percentage[ state percentage ] of Goods allowed to be

[Note: Maximum percentage is recommended 15% to 20% of the Contract

D. Preparation of Tender
ITT21.1(q) The Tenderer shall submit with its Tender the following additional

i) Provide satisfactory evidence to the employer of their financial
capacity and technical capability and adequacy of resources to
carry out the contract effectively.
ii) Transcript of registration of the incorporation of the Bidder‘s
company (with English translation, if applicable) defining the
constitution or legal status, scope of business, place of
registration and principal place of business.
iii) Audited financial statement of the bidder for last 3(three) years
(All partners in case of JV) as per Evaluation and Qualification
iv) Authority to seek reference from the Bidder‘s Bank (Applicable for
Bidders and all partners in case of JV).
v) Bank Solvency Certificate from the Bidder‘s Bank.
vi) Documentary evidence to have capability to work in medium and
high voltage substation.
vii) Letter of Authorization to the effect that the tenderer is authorized
to submit the tender on behalf of the representative manufacturer
as per Manufacturer‘s Authorization Letter in Manufacturer‘s
Letterhead as in Section-4 for the following items:
a. 0.2s class Energy Meter
b. Software for Automatic Metering System of sub-station meters
c. Rugged VPN router
d. Data Concentrator Unit/ Data Collector Unit

viii) Printed technical catalogue/brochure (original to be submitted

with the ORIGINAL) from the proposed manufacturers of
a) 0.2s class Energy Meter
b) Rugged VPN router
c) Data concentrator unit/ Data Collector Unit

ix) Bidders shall furnish copies of valid ISO 9001/ISO 9002 or

equivalent certificates on manufacturing process of proposed
manufacturers of
a) 0.2s class Energy Meter
b) Rugged VPN router
c) Data concentrator unit/ Data Collector Unit

x) Supply Record for last 5 years for the following item:

a) 0.2s class Energy Meter

xi) Evidence from any utility for a minimum of 3 (three) years of

satisfactory service within the last 10(ten) years in humid tropical
climate of similar or higher specifications required by this bid for
the following equipment
a) 0.2s class Energy Meter

Evidence of satisfactory service shall be in utility‘s respective

letterhead stationery indicating valid web address, telephone,
email and fax numbers of the users.

xii) Evidence from utility for minimum 1(one) year satisfactory service
of Automatic Metering system of Substation meter within the last
10 (ten) years. Evidence of satisfactory service shall be in utility‘s

respective letterhead stationery indicating address, telephone,
email and fax numbers of the users.

xiii) Drawings and Documents as per requirement of the Bidding


Bids may be rejected if the above information/ documents are not submitted
or the submitted information/documents are found to be unsatisfactory.

Alternative tender shall not be permitted.

In case a Bidder proposes any equipment from more than one manufacturer,
only one price must be quoted for all of the equipment offered in the
technical proposal. The bid shall be rejected if the bidder quotes different
prices for particular equipment, which have been proposed from different
manufacturers, and/or for a particular item.

In case the bidder has proposed more than one manufacturer for a particular
item, the offered equipment shall be evaluated and the technical bid shall be
declared substantially responsive only if at least one offered manufacturer
for that particular item meets the requirements of the bidding documents. In
case more than one of the offered equipment meets the requirements, the
Employer shall have the sole right to choose the manufacturer(s) for that

ITT23.3 Tenders are being invited for single lot.

ITT 23.5 Price quoted for each lot shall correspond at least to [insert figure %] of the
items specified for each lot and correspond at least to [insert figure %] of the
total lot value.
Not Applicable.

ITT 23.7 The following particular item represents more than fifty percent (50%) of the
estimated lot value is: None

ITT 23.11(c)
ITT 23.12 (c) ―Final destination (Project Site)‖:
Different Substation of DPDC at Dhaka and Narayangonj
ITT 23.13 (e)

ITT 23.12 (a) Place of Destination: After completion of the turnkey project remaining goods
shall be stored to DPDC Store.

ITT 23.12 (d) In addition to the CIF/CIP price specified in ITT 23.12(a), the price of the
Goods manufactured outside Bangladesh shall be quoted: CIF

ITT 24.3 Name of the foreign currency: USD

ITT 25.2(b) Spare parts are: Not required

Period of time the Goods are expected to be functioning (for the purpose of
spare parts): N/A
[Note: Such spare parts as the Purchaser may elect to purchase from the
supplier ,provided that this election shall not relieve the supplier of any
warranty obligations under the contract;Such spare parts that the Purchaser
may be able to purchase from other supplier/manufacturers but are
compatible with the goods procured ]

ITT26.1(b) Manufacturer‘s authorization is: required

A Manufacturer‘s Authorisation Letter is required for [State all the items listed
in Section 6: Schedule of Requirements.]
A Manufacturer‘s Authorisation Letter is only required for [the following items
listed in Section 6: Schedule of Requirements.]
[delete as appropriate]

ITT 26.1(C) After sales service is: 5 years after completion of project

ITT 27.2 The Tender validity period shall be 180 days.

Tender Security is to be submitted in favour of

ITT 29.2
Project Director
Digitalization & Automation of Substation Metering System
Superintending Engineer
System Control & SCADA
Dhaka Power Distribution Company Ltd (DPDC), Dhaka.

The amount of the Tender security shall be: US$ 81000 (USD: Eighty One
Thousand) or equivalent BDT 63,00,000.00 (Tk. Sixty Three Lakh).

Original Tender Security must be furnished with the Technical

Proposal, not with the Financial Proposal.

ITT 34.1 In addition to the original of the Tender, the number of copies is: 02(two).

E. Submission of Tender
The inner and outer envelopes shall bear the following additional
ITT 35.2(c)
identification marks : outer envelopers: proposal for ―Digitalization &
Automation of Substation Metering System on turnkey basis‖
Two separate Inner Envelopes shall be submitted where one named
―Technical Proposal‖ and another named ―Financial proposal‖.

ITT 35.7 Tenderer “shall not― have the option of submitting their tender electronically.

ITT 35.8 If bidders shall have the option of submitting their bids electronically, the
electronic bidding submission procedures shall be: Not applicable

ITT36.1 For Tender submission purposes, the Purchaser‘s address is:

For Primary place the deadline for submission of tender is:
Project Director
Digitalization & Automation of Substation Metering System on turn-key basis.
Superintending Engineer, System Control & SCADA
Dhaka Power Distribution Company Ltd (DPDC), Dhaka.

Address: SCADA Bhaban (Ground Floor)

3 Sonargaon Road , Katabon , Dhaka, Bangladesh

For secondary place the deadline for submission of Tender is:

Office of Chief Engineer ( Development)
Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited ( DPDC)
Address: House No 47, Road No 135, Gulshan-1,
Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
[Note: important to avoid delays or misplacement of tenders]

The deadline for submission of Tenders is 12.00 noon..... .... ..... .... .,2017

F. Opening and Evaluation of Tenders

ITT42.2 The Tender opening shall take place at (always the primary place):
Project Director
Digitalization & Automation of Substation Metering System on turn-key basis.
Superintending Engineer, System Control & SCADA
Dhaka Power Distribution Company Ltd (DPDC), Dhaka.

Address: SCADA Bhaban (Ground Floor)

3 Sonargaon Road , Katabon , Dhaka, Bangladesh
The time and date of tender opening is03.00 p.m on ..... .... ..... .... . ,2017

ITT 42.3 If electronic tender submission is permitted as sated under ITT sub-clause

34.8, the specific tender opening procedures shall be: Not Applicable

ITT 51.1 Domestic preference shall be a tender evaluation factor

ITT 52.5 The applicable economic factors, for the purposes of evaluation of Tenders
shall be: Not applicable
(a) Adjustment for Deviations in the Delivery and Completion
“The Goods covered by this Tendering process are required to be
delivered in accordance with, and completed within, the Delivery and
Completion Schedule specified in Section 6, Schedule of
Requirements. No credit will be given for earlier completion. Tender
offering late contract performance schedules within acceptable period
will be accepted but the tenders shall be Adjusted in the evaluation by
adding to the Tender Price at the rate of 0.05 percentage of the
Tender Price for each day of delay. Tender offering delivery schedules
beyond 90 days of the date specified in Section 6, Schedule of
Requirement, shall be rejected.”
(b) Cost of major replacement components, mandatory spare parts,
and service
The Procuring will draw up a list of high-usage and high-value items of
components and spare parts [specify (spare parts, tools, major
assemblies, estimated quantities]of usage in the initial
period[specify period] of operation. The total cost of these items and
quantities will be computed from spare parts unit prices submitted by
the Tenderer and added to the tender price, for evaluation purposes

G. Award of Contract
ITT61.1 The maximum percentage by which quantities per item may be increased is
20 percentage
The maximum percentage by which quantities per item may be decreased is
20 percentage

ITT63.2 The amount of Performance Security shall be 10% percent of the Contract
Price for Goods and related Services

ITT70.5 The name and address of the office where complaints to the Purchaser are
to be submitted is:
Project Director
Digitalization & Automation of Substation Metering System
Superintending Engineer, System Control & SCADA
Dhaka Power Distribution Company Ltd (DPDC), Dhaka.

Address: SCADA Bhaban (Ground Floor)

3 Sonargaon Road , Katabon , Dhaka, Bangladesh

Section 3. General Conditions of Contract

Section 3. General Conditions of Contract
1. Definitions 1.1 The following words and expressions shall have the meaning
hereby assigned to them. Boldface type is used to identify the
defined term:
(a) Completion Schedule means the fulfilment of the Related
Services by the Supplier in accordance with the terms and
conditions set forth in the Contract;
(b) Contract Agreement means the Agreement entered into
between the Purchaser and the Supplier, together with the
Contract Documents referred to therein, including all
attachments, appendices, and all documents incorporated
by reference therein;
(c) Contract Documents means the documents listed in the
Contract Agreement, including any amendments thereto;
(d) Contract Pricemeans the price stated in the Notification of
Award and thereafter as adjusted in accordance with the
provisions of the Contract;;
(e) Daymeans calendar days unless otherwise specified as
working days;
(f) Delivery means the transfer of ownership of the Goods
from the Supplier to the Purchaser in accordance with the
terms and conditions set forth in the Contract;
(g) GCC mean the General Conditions of Contract;
(h) Goodsmeans raw materials, products and equipment and
objects in solid, liquid or gaseous form, electricity, and
related Services if the value of such Services does not
exceed that of the Goods themselves;
(i) Government means the Government of the People‘s
Republic of Bangladesh;
(j) Procuring Entity/Purchaser meansa Entity having
administrative and financial powers to undertake
Procurement of Goods, Works or Services using public
funds, as specified in the PCC;
(k) Related Servicesmeans Services linked to the supply of
Goods contracts.
(l) PCC means the Particular Conditions of Contract;
(m) Subcontractormeans any natural person, private or
government entity, or a combination of the above, to whom
any part of the Goods to be supplied or execution of any
part of the Related Services is subcontracted by the
(n) Suppliermeans a Person under contract with a Purchaser
for the supply of Goods and related Services under the
(o) Site means the point(s) of delivery named in the PCC
(p) Writing means communication written by hand or machine
duly signed and includes properly authenticated messages

by facsimile or electronic mail.
(q) Verified Report means the report submitted by the
Purchaser to the Head of the Purchaser setting forth its
findings as to the existence of grounds or causes for
termination and explicitly stating its recommendation for
the issuance of a Notice to Terminate.

2. Contract 2.1 Subject to the order of precedence set forth in the GCC Sub-Clause
Documents 5.1, all documents forming the Contract (and all parts thereof) are
intended to be correlative, complementary, and mutually
explanatory. The Contract Agreement shall be read as a whole.

3. Corrupt, 3.1 The Government requires that Purchaser, as well as Suppliers, shall
Fraudulent, observe the highest standard of ethics during the implementation of
Collusive or procurement proceedings and the execution of contracts under
Coercive public funds.
3.2 The Government requires that Procuring Entities, as well as
Suppliers shall, during the execution of Contracts under public
funds, ensure-
(a) strict compliance with the provisions of Section 64 of the
Public Procurement Act 2006 (Act 24 of 2006);
(b) abiding by the code of ethics as mentioned in the
Rule127 of the Public Procurement Rules, 2008;
(c) that neither it nor any other member of its staff or any other
agents or intermediaries working on its behalf engages in
any practice as detailed in GCC Sub -Clause 3.3
3.3 For the purpose of GCC Sub-clause 3.2 the terms –
(a) corrupt practice means offering, giving or promising to
give, receiving, or soliciting, either directly or indirectly, to
any officer or employee of a Purchaser or other public or
private authority or individual, a gratuity in any form;
employment or any other thing or service of value as an
inducement with respect to an act. or decision or method
followed by a Purchaser in connection with a
Procurement proceeding or contract execution;
(b) fraudulent practice means the misrepresentation or
omission of facts in order to influence a decision to be
taken in a Procurement proceeding or Contract
(c) collusive practice means a scheme or arrangement
between two (2) or more Persons, with or without the
knowledge of the Purchaser, that is designed to arbitrarily
reduce the number of Tenders submitted or fix Tender
prices at artificial, noncompetitive levels, thereby denying
a Purchaser the benefits of competitive price arising from
genuine and open competition; or
(d) coercive practice means harming or threatening to
harm, directly or indirectly, Persons or their property to
influence a decision to be taken in a Procurement
proceeding or the execution of a Contract, and this will

include creating obstructions in the normal submission
process used for Tenders.
3.4 Should any corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practice of any
kind come to the knowledge of the Purchaser, it will, in the first
place, allow the Supplier to provide an explanation and shall, take
actions only when a satisfactory explanation is not received. Such
exclusion and the reasons thereof, shall be recorded in the record
of the procurement proceedings and promptly communicated to the
Supplier concerned. Any communications between the Supplier and
the Purchaser related to matters of alleged fraud or corruption shall
be in writing.

3.5 If corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices of any kind

determined by the Purchaser against the Supplier alleged to have
carried out such practices, the Purchaser shall proceed under GCC
Clause 42.4
3.6 The Supplier shall permit the Purchaser to inspect the Supplier‘s
accounts and records and other documents relating to the
submission of the Tender and Contract performance.
4. Interpretation 4.1 In interpreting the GCC, singular also means plural, male also
means female or neuter, and the other way around. Headings in
the GCC shall not be deemed part thereof or be taken into
consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof or of the
Contract. Words have their normal meaning under the English
language unless specifically defined.

4.2 Entire Agreement

(a) The Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the
Purchaser and the Supplier and supersedes all
communications, negotiations and agreements (whether
written or oral) of parties with respect thereto made prior to
the date of Contract Agreement; except those stated under
GCC Sub Clause 5.1(i) .
4.3 Amendment
(a) No amendment or other variation of the Contract shall be
valid unless it is in writing, is dated, expressly refers to the
Contract, and is signed by a duly authorised representative of
each party thereto.
4.4 Non-waiver
(a) Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 4.4(b), no relaxation,
forbearance, delay, or indulgence by either party in
enforcing any of the terms and conditions of the Contract
or the granting of time by either party to the other shall
prejudice, affect, or restrict the rights of that party under
the Contract, neither shall any waiver by either party of any
breach of Contract operate as waiver of any subsequent or
continuing breach of Contract.
(b) Any waiver of a party‘s rights, powers, or remedies under
the Contract must be in writing, dated, and signed by an

authorised representative of the party granting such
waiver, and must specify the right and the extent to which
it is being waived.

4.5 Severability
(a) If any provision or condition of the Contract is prohibited or
rendered invalid or unenforceable, such prohibition, invalidity
or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforceability
of any other provisions and conditions of the Contract.

5. Documents 5.1 The following documents forming the Contract shall be in the
Forming the following order of precedence, namely :
Contract in order
(a) the signed Contract Agreement;
of precedence
(b) the Notification of Award;
(c) The Tender and the appendices to the Tender;
(d) Particular Conditions of Contract;
(e) General Conditions of Contract;
(f) Technical Specifications;
(g) Drawings;
(h) Priced Schedule and schedule of requirements and ;
(i) Other Documents including correspondences listed in the
PCC forming part of the Contract.

6. Eligibility 6.1 The Supplier and its Subcontractors shall have the nationality of an
eligible country. A Supplier or Subcontractor shall be deemed to
have the nationality of a country if it is a citizen or constituted,
incorporated, or registered, and operates in conformity with the
provisions of the laws of that country.

6.2 All Goods and Related Services to be supplied under the Contract
shall have their origin in Eligible Countries.

6.3 For the purpose of the GCC Clause 6.2, origin means the country
where the goods have been grown, mined, cultivated, produced,
manufactured, or processed; or through manufacture, processing,
or assembly, another commercially recognized article results that
differs substantially in its basic characteristics from its components.

7. Governing 7.1 The Contract shall be written in English language. Correspondence

Language and documents relating to the Contract exchanged by the Supplier
and the Purchaser shall be written in English. Supporting
documents and printed literature that are part of the Contract may
be in another language provided they are accompanied by an
accurate translation of the relevant passages in English language,
in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Contract, this
translation shall govern.

7.2 The Supplier shall bear all costs of translation to the governing
language and all risks of the accuracy of such translation.

8. Governing Law 8.1 The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance
with the laws of the People‘s Republic of Bangladesh.
9. No 9.1 No fees, gratuities, rebates, gifts, commissions or other
fees/Gratuities payments, other than those shown in the Tender or the contract,
shall be given or received in connection with the procurement
process or in the contract execution.
10. Use of Contract 10.1 The Supplier shall not, except for purposes of performing the
Documents & obligations in this Contract, without the Purchaser‘s prior written
Information consent, disclose this Contract, or any provision thereof, or any
specification, plan, drawing, pattern, sample, or information
furnished by or on behalf of the Purchaser. Any such disclosure
shall be made in confidence and shall extend only as far as may be
necessary for purposes of such performance.

10.2 Any document, other than this Contract itself, enumerated in GCC
Clause 10.1 shall remain the property of the Purchaser and shall be
returned (all copies) to the Purchaser on completion of the
Supplier‘s performance under this Contract if so required by the

11. Communications & 11.1 Communications between Parties (notice, request or consent
Notices required or permitted to be given or made by one party to the
other) pursuant to the Contract shall be in writing to the
addresses specified in the PCC.

11.2 A notice shall be effective when delivered or on the notice‘s

effective date, whichever is later.

11.3 A Party may change its address for notice hereunder by giving
the other Party notice of such change to the address.

12. Trademark, 12.1 The Purchaser should not be liable for any infringement of
Patent and intellectual property rights arising from use of the goods procured.
Intellectual In case there are third-party claims of such infringement of patent,
Property Rights trademark, or industrial design rights, the supplier must indemnify
and hold the Purchaser free and harmless against such claims and
shall not be in contravention of The Trademark Act, 2009 and The
Patents and Designs Act, 1911.

13. Copyright 13.1 The copyright in all drawings, documents, and other materials
containing data and information furnished to the Purchaser by the
Supplier herein shall remain vested in the Supplier, or, if they are
furnished to the Purchaser directly or through the Supplier by any
third party, including suppliers of materials, the copyright in such
materials shall remain vested in such third party.

14. Assignment 14.1 The Supplier shall not assign his rights or obligations under the
Contract, in whole or in part, except with the Purchaser‘s prior
written consent.

15. Sub-contracting 16.1 Any subcontracting arrangements made during contract

implementation and not disclosed at the time of the Tendering shall

not be allowed.

16.2 Subcontracting of any portion of the Goods shall not relieve the
Tenderer from any liability or obligations that may arise from its

16.3 Supplier shall retain full responsibility for the contract and cannot
pass any contractual obligations to the subcontractor and under no
circumstances assignment of the contract to the subcontractor be

16.4 Subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of GCC Clause 3

and 6.

16. Supplier‘s 16.5 The Supplier shall supply all the Goods and Related Services
Responsibilities specified in the Scope of Supply as stated under GCC Clause 18
and the Delivery and Completion schedule, as stated under GCC
Clauses 23 and 24 in conformity with the provisions of the Contract

17. Purchaser‘s 17.1 Whenever the performance of the obligations in this Contract
Responsibilities requires that the Supplier obtain permits, approvals and other
license from local public authorities, the Purchaser may, if so
needed by the Supplier, make its best effort to assist the Supplier in
complying with such requirements in a timely and expeditious
manner.However, the supplier shall bear the costs of such permits
and/or licenses. On the other hand, the Purchaser shall pay all
costs involved in the performance of its responsibilities, in
accordance with the contract.
17.2 The Purchaser shall pay the Supplier, in consideration of the
provision of Goods and Related Services, the Contract Price under
the provisions of the Contract at the times and manner prescribed in
the Contract Agreement.

18. Scope of Supply 18.1 Subject to the PCC, the Goods and Related Services to be supplied
shall be as specified in Section 6: Schedule of Requirements.
18.2 Unless otherwise stipulated in the Contract, the Scope of Supply
shall include all such items not specifically mentioned in the
Contract but that can be reasonably inferred from the Contract as
being required for attaining Delivery and Completion of the Goods
and Related Services as if such items were expressly mentioned in
the Contract.

19. Amendment to 19.1 The Purchaser may make an amendment to Order for necessary
Order adjustment within the general scope of the contract in any one or
more of the following aspects in order to fully meet the requirement
of the Contract:
(a) Drawing, design or specifications of the goods, provided that:
i. The goods to be furnished are to be specifically
manufactured for the government in accordance
ii. The change is an improvement of the goods and
advantageous to the Government;

iii. It is done at no extra cost; and
iv. It is not prejudicial to the losing Tenderers in the sense
that such change/s could not have been foreseen
during the conduct of the tendering and would have
significantly affected the other tenderer‘s tender;
(b) The place of delivery;
(c) The place of performance of the services;
(d) Additional items needed and necessary for the protection of
the goods procured, which were not included in the original
19.2 Such amendment may or may not result to an increase or a
decrease of the contract price, and/or an extension or reduction of
the delivery period. However, the amendment should not have the
result of changing the subject matter of the contract or the
specifications of the goods or services, in any material aspect and
to such an extent that, if introduced during the Tendering stage,
may have had a significant effect on other Tenderer‘s tender,
because this situation would actually require another tendering

20. Instances When 20.1 The Purchaser may issue amendments order at any time during
Amendment to contract implementation, through a notice as stated under GCC
Order May be Clause 11, provided that such adjustment is required to fully meet
Issued the requirements of the contract. Any of the following circumstances
may serve as basis for such amendment/s:
(a) Emergency cases, fortuitous events or unforeseen
contingencies arising during contract implementation, and
such contingencies have an impact on the procurement at
hand, such as:
i. Changes in the conditions affecting the contract, e.g.,
a change in the place of delivery;
ii. Time is of the essence in the implementation of the
contract, and any changes require immediate
implementation; and
iii. Additional requirements have been identified as
necessary for the protection of the goods procured,
such as changes in the packaging of the goods, or
additional items have become necessary to ensure
that the goods are sufficiently protected from the

(b) When the contract does not reflect the real intention of the
parties due to mistake or accident, and the amendment is
necessary to reflect the party‘s intention; and

(c) Other analogous circumstances that could affect the

conditions of the procurement at hand
21. Adjustments in 21.1 If an amendment to order increases or decreases the cost of ,or the
Contract Price time required for executing any part of the delivery under the

and/or Delivery original contract, an equitable adjustment in contract price and/or
Schedule in delivery schedule should be mutually agreed upon between parties
Amendment to concerned, and the contract should be modified as stated under
Order GCC Clause 46
21.2 If the amendment to order consists of additional items, the price
adjustment shall be based on the unit price in the original contract
for items of goods similar to those in the original contract. If the
contract does not contain any rate applicable to the additional items,
then suitable prices shall be mutually agreed upon between the
parties, based on prevailing market prices.
21.3 It is required, however, that any increase in contract price must not
exceed ten percent (10%) of the original contract price.

22. Packing and 22.1 The Supplier shall provide such packing of the goods as is required
Documents to prevent their damage or deterioration during transit to their final
destination, as indicated in the Contract and in accordance with
existing industry standards. The packing shall be sufficient to
withstand, without limitation, rough handling and exposure to
extreme temperatures, salt and precipitation, and open storage.
Packing case size and weights shall take into consideration, where
appropriate, the remoteness of the goods‘ final destination and the
absence of heavy handling facilities at all points in transit.

22.2 The packing, marking, and documentation within and outside the
packages shall comply strictly with such special requirements as
shall be expressly provided for in the Contract as stated under GCC
Clause 22.1, including additional requirements, if any, specified in
the PCC, and in any subsequent instructions ordered by the

22.3 The outer packaging must contain a ―Packing List‖ which must
reflect the actual contents of the package.

23. Delivery and 23.1 Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 19, the Delivery of the Goods and
Documents completion of the Related Services shall be in accordance with the
Delivery and Completion Schedule specified in the Section 6:
Schedule of Requirements.

23.2 The details of shipping and other documents to be furnished by the

Supplier shall be specified in the PCC, and shall be received by the
Purchaser at least one week before arrival of the Goods and, if not
received the Supplier shall be responsible for consequent

24. Acceptance 24.1 Acceptance by the Purchaser shall be completed not later than
fourteen (14) days from receipt of the goods at final destination in
the form of an Acceptance Certificate, unless any defects in the
supply, any damage during transportation or any failure to meet the
required performance criteria of the supply are identified and
reported to the Supplier as stated under GCC Clause 31and GCC
Clause 32. In such cases the Acceptance Certificate will be issued
only for those parts of the contract supplies which are accepted.
The Acceptance Certificate for the remaining supplies will only be
issued after the Supplier has remedied the defects and/or any non-

conformity under GCC Clause 31and GCC Clause 32.

24.2 The appropriate Technical Inspection and Acceptance Committee

of the Purchaser must commence the inspection and acceptance
process within two (2) days from delivery of the goods, and shall
complete the same as soon as practicable.

25. Contract Price 25.1 The Contract Price shall be specified in the PCC.

25.2 During evaluation, tender has excluded and not taken into account:
(a) In the case of Goods manufactured in Bangladesh, VAT
payable on account of Supplier, which will be payable on
the goods if a contract is awarded to the Tenderer;

(b) in the case of Goods manufactured outside the

Bangladesh, already imported or to be imported, customs
duties, import VAT and other import taxes levied on the
imported Good, VAT, which will be payable on the Goods if
the contract is awarded to the Tenderer.

25.3 The Contract price will include all the costs paid or payable as
stated under GCC Clause 25.2.

25.4 Prices charged by the Supplier for the Goods delivered and the
Related Services performed under the Contract shall not vary from
the price as stated under GCC Sub-Clause 25.1, with the exception
of any change in price resulting from a Change Order issued under
GCC Clause 19.

26. Transportation 26.1 The Supplier is required under the Contract to transport the
Goods to a specified place of destination as specified in Section
6: Schedule of Requirements, defined as the Site, transport to
such place of destination, including insurance, other incidental
costs, and temporary storage, if any. These costs shall be
included in the Contract Price.

26.2 If not in accordance GCC Clause 26.1, responsibility for

transportation of the Goods shall be as specified in the
INCOTERM indicated in the Price Schedule or any other trade
terms specify the responsibilities of the Purchaser and Supplier
as specified in PCC.

27. Terms of 27.1 The Contract Price, including any Advance Payments, if applicable,
Payment shall be paid in the manner as specified in the PCC.
27.2 The Supplier‘s request for payment shall be made to the Purchaser
in writing, accompanied by an invoice describing, as appropriate,
the Goods delivered and Related Services performed, and
accompanied by the documents as stated under GCC Clause 23
and 24and upon fulfilment of any other obligations stipulated in the

27.3 Payments shall be made promptly by the Purchaser, but in no case
later than the days indicated in the PCC after submission of an
invoice or request for payment by the Supplier, and after the
Purchaser has accepted it.
27.4 The currencies in which payments shall be made to the Supplier
under this Contract shall be those in which the tender price is
27.5 In the event that the Purchaser fails to pay the Supplier any
payment by its respective due date or within the period set forth in
the PCC, the Purchaser shall pay to the Supplier interest on the
amount of such delayed payment at the rate shown in the PCC, for
the period of delay until payment has been made in full, whether
before or after judgment or arbitrage award.

28. Insurance 28.1 The Goods supplied under this Contract shall be fully insured by the
Supplier in a freely convertible currency against loss or damage
incidental to manufacture or acquisition, transportation, storage, and
delivery. The Goods remain at the risk and title of the Supplier until
their final acceptance by the Purchaser.
28.2 If not in accordance GCC Clause 28.1, the insurance coverage
shall be as specified in the INCOTERM indicated in the Price
Schedule or any other insurance provisions as specified in PCC.

29. Taxes and Duties 29.1 For Goods Manufactured within Bangladesh, the Supplier shall be
entirely responsible for all taxes, duties, VAT, license fees, and
other such levies imposed or incurred until delivery of the
contracted goods to the Purchaser.
29.2 For Goods manufactured outside Bangladesh, the Supplier shall be
entirely responsible for all taxes, duties and other such levies
imposed outside Bangladesh.
29.3 If any tax exemptions, reductions, allowances or privileges may be
available to the Supplier in Bangladesh, the Purchaser shall use its
best efforts to enable the Supplier to benefit from any such tax
savings to the maximum allowable extent.

30. Performance 30.1 The proceeds of the Performance Security shall be payable to the
Security Purchaser as compensation for any loss resulting from the
Supplier‘s failure to complete its obligations under the Contract.
30.2 The Performance Security shall be discharged by the Purchaser
and returned to the Supplier not later than Thirty (30) days following
the date of Completion of the Supplier‘s performance obligations
under the Contract and the issuance of certification to that effect by
the Purchaser, including any warranty obligations as stated under
GCC Clause 33, provided that there are no claims field against the

31. Specifications 31.1 The Goods and Related Services supplied under this Contract shall
and Standards conform to the technical specifications and standards mentioned in
Section 7, Technical Specification and in Section 8, Drawings, if

31.2 If there is no applicable standard, the goods must conform to the
authoritative standards appropriate to the good‘s country of origin.
Such standards must be the latest issued by the concerned
31.3 Subject to the GCC Clause 19, the Supplier shall be entitled to
disclaim responsibility for any design, data, drawing, specification or
other document, or any modification thereof provided or designed
by or on behalf of the Purchaser, by giving a notice of such
disclaimer to the Purchaser.
31.4 Wherever references are made in the Contract to codes and
standards in accordance with which it shall be executed, the edition
or the revised version of such codes and standards shall be those
specified in the Technical Specification. During Contract execution,
any changes in any such codes and standards shall be applied only
after approval by the Purchaser and shall be treated under GCC
Clause 19.

32. Inspections and 32.1 The Purchaser shall have the right to test the Goods to confirm their
Tests conformity to the Contract specifications. The PCC and Technical
specifications shall specify what tests the Purchaser requires and
where they are to be conducted. The supplier shall at its own
expense and at no cost to the Purchaser, carry out all such tests of
the Goods and related services as are specified in the Contract.

32.2 The Supplier shall provide the Purchaser with a report of the results
of any such test.

32.3 The Purchaser may engage external agents for the purpose of
conducting inspection or pre-shipment inspection of Goods,
provided that the Purchaser shall bear all of its costs and expenses.

32.4 The Purchaser or its designated representative as specified shall be

entitled to attend the tests and/or inspections under GCC Clause
32.1, provided that the Contractor shall bear all of its own costs and
expenses incurred in connection with such attendance.

32.5 Whenever the Supplier is ready to carry out any such test and
inspection, it shall give a reasonable advance notice, including the
place and time, to the Purchaser. The Supplier shall obtain from
any relevant third party or manufacturer any necessary permission
or consent to enable the Purchaser or its designated representative
to attend the test and/or inspection.

32.6 The Purchaser may require the Supplier to carry out any test and/or
inspection not required by the Contract, but deemed necessary to
verify that the characteristics and performance of the Goods comply
with the technical specifications, codes and standards under the
Contract, provided that the Supplier‘s reasonable costs and
expenses incurred in the carrying out of such test and/or inspection
shall be added to the Contract Price. Further, if such test and/or
inspection impede the progress of manufacturing and/or the
Supplier‘s performance of its other obligations under the Contract,
due allowance will be made in respect of the Delivery Dates and

Completion Dates and the other obligations so affected.

32.7 The Purchaser may reject any Goods or any part thereof that fail to
pass any test and/or inspection or do not conform to the
specifications. The Supplier shall either rectify or replace such
rejected Goods or parts thereof or make alterations necessary to
meet the specifications at no cost to the Purchaser, and shall repeat
the test and/or inspection, at no cost to the Purchaser, upon giving
a notice under GCC Sub-Clause 32.5.

32.8 The Supplier agrees that neither the execution of a test and/or
inspection of the Goods or any part thereof, nor the attendance by
the Purchaser or its representative, nor the issue of any report as
stated under GCC Sub-Clause 32.2, shall relieve the Supplier from
any warranties or other obligations under the Contract.

33. Warranty 33.1 The Supplier warrants that all the Goods supplied under the
Contract are new, unused, and of the most recent or current
models, and that they incorporate all recent improvements in design
and materials, except when the design and/or material required by
the Purchaser provides otherwise under GCC Clause 19.

33.2 The Supplier further warrants that the all Goods supplied under this
Contract shall have no defect, arising from design, materials, or
workmanship or from any act or omission of the Supplier that may
develop under normal use of the supplied Goods in the conditions
prevailing in Bangladesh.
33.3 In order to assure that manufacturing defects shall be corrected by
the Supplier, manufacturer, or distributor, as the case may be, a
warranty shall be required from the Supplier for a minimum period
of three (3) months in the case of supplies, and one (1) year in the
case of equipment, or other such period as may be specified in the
PCC, after the Goods, or any portion thereof as the case may be,
have been delivered to and accepted in the form of an Acceptance
Certificate as indicated in the GCC Clause 24.1 at the final
destination indicated in the PCC
33.4 The warranty periods may vary among the various items and lots.
The warranty for Goods delivered ahead will lapse earlier than the
succeeding deliveries.
33.5 The Purchaser shall promptly notify the Supplier in writing of any
claims arising under this warranty.
33.6 Upon receipt of such notice, the Supplier shall, within the period
specified in the PCC, expeditiously repair or replace the defective
Goods or parts thereof, at no cost to the Purchaser.
33.7 If the Supplier, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s)
within the period as stated under GCC Sub Clause 33.6, the
Purchaser may proceed to call upon the Performance security
without prejudice to any other rights which the Purchaser may have
against the Supplier under the Contract and under the applicable

33.8 Performance Security under GCC Clause no 30 shall only be
released after the lapse of the warranty period, provided that the
goods supplied are free from patent and latent defects and all the
conditions imposed under the contract have been fully met.
(a) A patent defect, which is one that is apparent to the buyer on
normal observation. It is an apparent or obvious defect.
i. For example, a ball pen that does not write is patently
(b) A latent defect, which is one that is not apparent to the buyer
by reasonable observation. A latent defect is ―hidden‖ or one
that is not immediately determinable.
i. For example, a ball pen that writes .75 kilometres
instead of the expected 1.5kilometers has a latent
34. Delays in 34.1 The Supplier must deliver the Goods or perform the services
Delivery and procured within the period prescribed by the Purchaser, as
Extensions of specified in the Contract.
34.2 If at any time during performance of the Contract, the Supplier or its
subcontractors should encounter conditions impeding timely
delivery of the Goods or completion of Related Services as stated
under GCC Clause 23, the Supplier shall promptly notify the
Purchaser in writing. It must state therein the cause/s and duration
of the expected delay. The Purchaser shall decide whether and by
how much to extend the time. In all cases, the request for extension
should be submitted before the lapse of the original delivery date.
34.3 Within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of the Supplier‘s notice, the
Purchaser shall evaluate the situation and may grant time
extensions, if based on justifiable grounds, without liquidated
34.4 The Procuring may extend up to twenty percent (20%) of the
original contract time, above 20% of the original contract time
approval of Head of Purchaser (HOPE) shall be required, in which
case the extension shall be ratified by the Parties by amendment of
the Contract as stated under GCC Clause 46.
34.5 Except in the case of Force Majeure, as provided under GCC
Clause 38, a delay by the Supplier in the performance of its Delivery
and Completion obligations shall render the Supplier liable to the
imposition of liquidated damages as stated under GCC Clause 35,
unless an extension of time is agreed upon, under GCC Sub-
Clause 34.3.

35. Liquidated 1. Subject to GCC Clause 34 and 38, if the , if the Supplier fails to
Damages deliver any or all of the Goods by the Date(s) of delivery and/or
perform the Related Services within the period specified in the
Contract as stated under GCC Clause 23, the Purchaser shall,
without prejudice to all its other remedies under the Contract,
deduct from the Contract Price, as liquidated damages, a sum
equivalent to the percentage specified in the PCC of the Contract
price of the delayed Goods or unperformed / Related Services for

each week or part thereof of delay until actual delivery or
performance, up to a maximum deduction of the percentage
specified in those PCC. Once the maximum is reached, the
Purchaser may terminate the Contract as stated under GCC Clause

36. Limitation of 36.1 Except in cases of criminal negligence or wilful misconduct, and
Liability in the case of infringement of patent and intellectual property
rights, if applicable, the Supplier shall not be liable to the
Purchaser, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, for any indirect
or consequential loss or damage, loss of use, loss of production,
or loss of profits or interest costs, the aggregate liability of the
Supplier to the Purchaser shall not exceed the total Contract
Price, provided that this limitation shall not apply, to the cost of
repairing or replacing defective equipment or, to any obligation of
the Supplier to pay liquidated damages to the Purchaser.

37. Change in Laws 37.1 Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, if after the Contract, any
and Regulations law, regulation, ordinance, order or bylaw having the force of law is
enacted, promulgated, abrogated, or changed in Bangladesh
(which shall be deemed to include any change in interpretation or
application by the competent authorities) that subsequently affects
the Delivery Date and/or the Contract Price, then such Delivery
Date and/or Contract Price shall be correspondingly increased or
decreased, to the extent that the Supplier has thereby been
affected in the performance of any of its obligations under the

38. Definition of 38.1 In this Clause, ―Force Majeure‖ means an exceptional event or
Force Majeure circumstance:

(a) which is beyond a Party‘s control;

(b) which such Party could not reasonably have provided
against before entering into the Contract;
(c) which, having arisen, such Party could not reasonably have
avoided or overcome; and
(d) Which is not substantially attributable to the other Party.
38.2 Force Majeure may include, but is not limited to, exceptional events
or circumstances of the kind listed below, so long as conditions (a)
to (d) above are satisfied:

(i) war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion,

act of foreign enemies;
(ii) rebellion, terrorism, sabotage by persons other than the
Contractor‘s Personnel, revolution, insurrection, military or
usurped power, or civil war;
(iii) riot, commotion, disorder, strike or lockout by persons other
than the Contractor‘s Personnel;
(iv) munitions of war, explosive materials, ionising radiation or
contamination by radio-activity, except as may be
attributable to the Contractor‘s use of such munitions,
explosives, radiation or radio-activity, and

(v) natural catastrophes such as cyclone, hurricane, typhoon,
tsunami, storm surge, floods, earthquake , landslides, fires,
epidemics, quarantine restrictions, or volcanic activity;
(vi) freight embargoes;
(vii) acts of the Government in its sovereign capacity.

39. Notice of Force 39.1 If a Party is or will be prevented from performing its substantial
Majeure obligations under the Contract by Force Majeure, then it shall give
notice to the other Party of the event or circumstances constituting
the Force Majeure and shall specify the obligations, the
performance of which is or will be prevented. The notice shall be
given within 14 days after the Party became aware, or should have
become aware, of the relevant event or circumstance constituting
Force Majeure.
39.2 The Party shall, having given notice, be excused performance of its
obligations for so long as such Force Majeure prevents it from
performing them.
39.3 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Clause, Force Majeure
shall not apply to obligations of either Party to make payments to
the other Party under the Contract.

40. Duty to Minimise 40.1 Each Party shall at all times use all reasonable endeavours to
Delay minimise any delay in the performance of the Contract as a result of
Force Majeure.

40.2 A Party shall give notice to the other Party when it ceases to be
affected by the Force Majeure.

41. Consequences of 41.1 The Supplier shall not be liable for forfeiture of its Performance
Force Majeure Security, liquidated damages, or termination for default if and to
the extent that it‘s delay in performance or other failure to
perform its obligations under the Contract is the result of an
event of Force Majeure.

41.2 The Purchaser may suspend the delivery or contract

implementation, wholly or partly, by written order for a certain
period of time, as it deems necessary due to force majeure as
defined in the contract.

41.3 Delivery made either upon the lifting or the expiration of the
suspension order. However, if the Purchaser terminates the
contract as stated under GCC clause 42, resumption of delivery
cannot be done.

41.4 Head of Purchaser determines the existence of a force majeure

that will be basis of the issuance of suspension of order.

41.5 Adjustments in the delivery or contract schedule and/or contract

price, including any need to modify contract under GCC Clause

42. Termination for 42.1 The Purchaser shall terminate this Contract for default when any of
Default the following conditions attends its implementation:

(a) Outside of force majeure, the Supplier fails to deliver or
perform any or all of the GOODS within the period(s)
specified in the contract, or within any extension thereof
granted by the Purchaser pursuant to a request made by the
Supplier prior to the delay;
(b) As a result of force majeure, the Supplier is unable to deliver
or perform any or all of the GOODS, amounting to at least
ten percent (10%) of the contract price, for a period of not
less than sixty (60) calendar days after receipt of the notice
from the Purchaser stating that the circumstance of force
majeure is deemed to have ceased; or
(c) The Supplier fails to perform any other obligation under the
(d) If the Supplier, in the judgment of the Purchaser has
engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive
practices, as stated under GCC Clause 3, in competing for
or in executing the Contract;
(e) When deductible amount due to liquidated damage
reaches its maximum as stated under GCC Clause 35.
42.2 Termination of a contract for default is without prejudice to other
remedies available to the Purchaser for breach of contract, such
as payment of liquidated and other damages, if there are
grounds for the latter.
42.3 In the event the Purchaser terminates the Contract in whole or in
part, as stated under GCC Clause 42.1, the Purchaser may
procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it deems
appropriate, Goods or Related Services similar to those undelivered
or not performed, and the Supplier shall be liable to the Purchaser
for any additional costs for such similar Goods or Related Services.
However, the Supplier shall continue performance of the Contract to
the extent not terminated.
42.4 In the event as stated under GCC Clause 42.1(d),the Purchaser
(a) terminate the Supplier's employment under the Contract
and cancel the contract, after giving 14 days‘ notice to the
Supplier and the provisions of Clause 42shall apply as if
such expulsion had been made under Sub-Clause 42.1
(b) Declare, at its discretion, the concerned Person to be
ineligible to participate in further Procurement
proceedings, either indefinitely or for a specific period of

43. Termination for 43.1 The Purchaser shall terminate this Contract if the Supplier is
insolvency declared bankrupt or insolvent as determined with finality by a court
of competent jurisdiction. In this event, termination will be without
compensation to the Supplier, provided that such termination will
not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy which has
accrued or will accrue thereafter to the Purchaser and/or the

44. Termination for 44.1 The Purchaser, by written notice sent to the supplier, may terminate
Convenience this Contract, in whole or in part, at any time for its convenience.
The notice of termination shall specify that the termination is for the
Purchaser‘s convenience, the extent to which performance of the
supplier under the contract is terminated, and the date upon which
such termination becomes effective.
44.2 Any of the following circumstances may constitute sufficient
grounds to terminate a contract for conveniences :
(a) If Physical and economic conditions have significantly
changed so as to render the contract no longer economically,
financially or technically feasible, as determined by the Head
of Purchaser;
(b) The Head of Purchaser has determined the existences of
conditions that make contract implementation impractical
and/or unnecessary, such as, but not limited to , fortuitous
event/s, change in laws and government policies;
(c) Funding for the contract has been withheld or reduced;
(d) Any circumstances analogous to the foregoing.

44.3 The GOODS that have been delivered and/or performed or are
ready for delivery or performance within thirty (30) calendar days
after the Supplier‘s receipt of Notice to Terminate shall be accepted
by the Purchaser at the contract terms and prices. For GOODS not
yet performed and/or ready for delivery, the Purchaser may elect:

(a) to have any portion delivered and/or performed and paid at

the contract terms and prices; and/or
(b) to cancel the remainder and pay to the Supplier an agreed
amount for partially completed and/or performed goods and
for materials and parts previously procured by the Supplier.

45. Procedures for 45.1 The following provisions shall govern the procedures for termination
Termination of of this Contract as stated under GCC Clauses 42,43 and 44:
(a) Upon receipt of a written report of acts or causes which
may constitute ground(s) for termination as
aforementioned, or upon its own initiative, the Purchaser
shall, within a period of seven (7) calendar days, verify the
existence of such ground(s) and cause the execution of a
Verified Report, with all relevant evidence attached;
(b) Upon recommendation by the Purchaser, the Head of the
Purchaser shall terminate this Contract only by a written
notice to the Supplier conveying the termination of this
Contract. The notice shall state:
i. that this Contract is being terminated for any of the
ground(s) afore-mentioned, and a statement of the
acts that constitute the ground(s) constituting the
ii. the extent of termination, whether in whole or in part;
iii. an instruction to the Supplier to show cause as to why
this Contract should not be terminated; and
iv. Special instructions of the Purchaser, if any.

(c) The Notice to Terminate shall be accompanied by a copy of

the Verified Report;

(d) Within a period of seven (7) calendar days from receipt of

the Notice of Termination, the Supplier shall submit to the
Head of the Purchaser a verified position paper stating why
this Contract should not be terminated. If the Supplier fails
to show cause after the lapse of the seven (7) day period,
either by inaction or by default, the Head of the Purchaser
shall issue an order terminating this Contract;

(e) The Purchaser may, at any time before receipt of the

Supplier‘s verified position paper, withdraw the Notice to
Terminate if it is determined that certain items or works
subject of the notice had been completed, delivered, or
performed before the Supplier‘s receipt of the notice;

(f) Within a non-extendible period of ten (10) calendar days

from receipt of the verified position paper, the Head of the
Purchaser shall decide whether or not to terminate this
Contract. It shall serve a written notice to the Supplier of its
decision and, unless otherwise provided, this Contract is
deemed terminated from receipt of the Supplier of the
notice of decision. The termination shall only be based on
the ground(s) stated in the Notice to Terminate; and

(g) The Head of the Purchaser may create a Contract
Termination Review Committee (CTRC) to assist him in the
discharge of this function. All decisions recommended by
the CTRC shall be subject to the approval of the Head of
the Purchaser.

46. Contract 46.1 Subject to applicable laws, no variation in or modification of the

Amendment terms of this Contract shall be made except by written
amendment signed by the parties.

46.2 The Purchaser, in accordance with their Delegation of Financial

Powers, as required, may amend the Contract to reflect the
changes introduced to the Original terms and Conditions of the

47. Settlement of 47.1 Amicable Settlement:

(a) The Purchaser and the Supplier shall use their best efforts
to settle amicably all disputes arising out of or in
connection with this Contract or its interpretation.

47.2 Adjudication
(a) If the Supplier /Purchaser believe that amicable settlement
of dispute is not possible between the two parties, the
dispute shall be referred to the Adjudicator within fourteen
(14) days of first written correspondence on the matter of
(b) The Adjudicator named in the PCC is jointly appointed by
the parties. In case of disagreement between the parties,
the Appointing Authority designated in the PCC shall
appoint the Adjudicator within fourteen (14) days of receipt
of a request from either party;
(c) The Adjudicator shall give its decision in writing to both
parties within twenty-eight (28) days of a dispute being
referred to it;
(d) The supplier shall make all payments (fees and
reimbursable expenses) to the Adjudicator, and the
Purchaser shall reimburse half of these fees through the
regular progress payments;
(e) Should the Adjudicator resign or die, or should the Purchaser
and the Supplier agree that the Adjudicator is not
functioning in accordance with the provisions of the
Contract; a new Adjudicator will be jointly appointed by the
Purchaser and the Supplier. In case of disagreement
between the Purchaser and the Supplier the Adjudicator
shall be designated by the Appointing Authority
designated in the PCC at the request of either party, within
fourteen (14) days of receipt of a request from either party.
47.3 Arbitration
(a) If the Parties are unable to reach a settlement under GCC
Clause 47.1(a) within twenty-eight (28) days of the first

written correspondence on the matter of disagreement,
then either Party may give notice to the other party of its
intention to commence arbitration in accordance with GCC
Sub-Clause 47.3(b);
(b) The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the
rules of procedure specified in the PCC.

Section 4. Particular Conditions of Contract

Section 4. Particular Conditions of Contract
Instructions for completing the Particular Conditions of contract are provided, as needed, in the
notes in italics mentioned for the relevant GCC clauses.

GCC Clause Amendments of, and Supplements to, Clauses in the General Conditions of

The Purchaser is
GCC 1.1(j)
Project Director
Digitalization & Automation of Substation Metering System on turn-key basis
Superintending Engineer, System Control & SCADA
Dhaka Power Distribution Company Ltd (DPDC), Dhaka.

Address: SCADA Bhaban (Ground Floor)

3, Sonargaon Road , Katabon , Dhaka, Bangladesh
Completion schedule: The project shall be effective from the date of contract
GCC 1.1(a)
signing and all items/ goods shall be supplied within 4 months from contract
signing date. Installation, testing, and commissioning of all items and services
(except 5 years O&M period) shall be completed within 12 months from date of
contract signing.

5 years O&M period shall commence from date of issuance of Provisional

Acceptance Certificate (PAC) and shall continue for 5 years onward.
GCC 1.1(o) The site(s)/point(s) of delivery is/are: project sites at Dhaka , Narayangonj and
detailed information on the location(s) of the site(s) : Different Sub-stations under
DPDC area

GCC 5.1(i) The following documents shall also be part of the Contract: all sort of

GCC 11.1 For notices, the Purchaser‘s contact details shall be:
Mohammad Tariqul Haque
Project Director
Digitalization & Automation of Substation Metering System on turn-key basis
Superintending Engineer, System Control & SCADA
Dhaka Power Distribution Company Ltd (DPDC), Dhaka.
Address: SCADA Bhaban (Ground Floor)
3 Sonargaon Road , Katabon , Dhaka, Bangladesh

Telephone: Office: +88-02-9670733 Mobile: +88-01730335187

Facsimile number:
Electronic mail address:

For notices, the Supplier‘s contact details shall be:
Facsimile number:
Electronic mail address:

GCC 18.1 The scope of Supply shall be defined in: section 6

GCC 22.2 The packing, marking and documentation within and outside the packages shall
be:[insert in detail the type of packing required, the markings in the packing and
all documentation required]

The outer packing may be clearly marked on at least four slides as follows:
Name and address of Purchaser
Name of the Supplier
Contract Description
Final Destination/Delivery Point
Gross weight
Package number of total number of packages
Brief description of the content
Any special lifting instructions
Any special handling instructions
[Note: The above requirements should be reviewed by a Purchaser on a case-
by-case basis, with amendments being made as necessary.]

GCC 23.2 Details of shipping and documents to be furnished by the Supplier shall be:
Tenderer Shall Indicate the Tender delivery schedule in the schedule of
requirements of section-6. The Contracted delivery period shall be within 120
(one twenty) days counted from the date of the qualified commitment to the
letters of credit and specified accordingly in the final contract agreement
1.Upon shipment of goods, the Supplier notify the Purchaser and the Insurance
Company by Cable of fax of telex: the full details of the shipment including
Contract number, description of Goods, quantity, the bill of landing number and
date, port of loading , date of shipment, port of discharge, etc. The Supplier shall
mail the following documents to the Purchaser, with a copy to the Insurance
Company as applicable.
2. Copies of the Supplier‘s invoice showing goods description, quantity, and unit
price. Total amount.
I. 1 (one) original and 8 (eight) copies of the negotiable, Clean, on-board
bill of lading marked freight prepaid and 8 (eight) copies of non-
negotiable bill of lading, where applicable.
II. 1 original plus 3 copies of invoices endorsed by the contractor;
III. 8 (Eight) copies of packing list identify contents of each package;
IV. 1 negotiable plus 3 copies of Insurance Certificate.
V. 3 copies of Insurance Invoice.
VI. 1 negotiable plus 3 copies of Certificate of Origin.
VII. Manufacturer‘s/supplier‘s Warranty certificate.
VIII. 3 copies of pre shipment Inspection certificate, issued by the nominated
inspection agency or Purchaser‘s Inspection Team and the Supplier‘s
factory inspection report (if any)
IX. Shipping advice issued by the Purchaser;
X. 3 copies of Freight Memo/Truck Chalan;
XI. 3 copies of Application for payment;
3.The Purchaser Shall receive the above documents at least one week before
arrival of Goods at the port and, if not received, the Supplier will be responsible
for any consequent expenses.
4.The negotiable sets of document shall be originals signed by the Tenderer.
The Commercial Invoice is to show material value plus freight and insurance, as
Documentary evidence of accepted and taken over of the goods by the
Purchaser at the final destination in accordance to clause GCC 22.2 of Particular
Conditions of Contract.
The Purchaser shall receive the shipping documents described in clause GCC
22.2 of Particular conditions of Contract at the latest one-week before arrival of
cargoes at the airport of Dhaka or any sea port of entry in Bangladesh.

The shipping documents shall be supplied to as follows:
DPDC Office
A. (One set)
To the Company Secretary, Dhaka Power Distribution Company
Limited, 1 Abdul Gani road, Biddut Bhaban (2nd floor), Dhaka
(One set)
Project Director
Digitalization & Automation of Substation Metering System on turn-key basis
Superintending Engineer
System Control & SCADA
Dhaka Power Distribution Company Ltd (DPDC), Dhaka.
Address: SCADA Bhabon, Ground Floor,
3, Sonargoan Road, Katabon, Dhaka.
Office: +88-02-9670733 Mobile: +88-01730335187
Total: 2(Two) sets
No goods should be shipped or delivered without prior instruction (shipping
advice) from the Purchaser.[Note 2: The above requirements should be reviewed
by a Purchaser on a case-by-case basis, with amendments being made as
For Goods from within the Purchaser’s country as per INCOTERM EXW:
Upon delivery of the Goods to the transporter, the Supplier shall notify the
Purchaser and send the following documents to the Purchaser:
(a) Two copies of the Supplier‘s invoice showing the description of
the Goods, quantity, unit price, and total amount;
(b) delivery note, railway receipt, or truck receipt;
(c) Manufacturer‘s or Supplier‘s warranty certificate;
(d) inspection certificate issued by the nominated inspection
agency, and the Supplier‘s factory inspection report; and
(e) Certificate of origin.
The Purchaser shall receive the above documents before the arrival of the
Goods and, if not received, the Supplier will be responsible for any consequent
The Supplier shall ensure that the documents to be sent are free from any
discrepancy. In case of any discrepancy in the document, the supplier shall be
responsible for any consequent expense, such as additional bank charges,
additional demurrage at port owing to delayed clearance of goods etc. The
negotiable sets of documents shall be original, signed by the
Contractor/Supplier. The Commercial invoice is to show material values plus
GCC 25.1 The Contract price is:

GCC 26.2 Responsibility of the Purchaser and Supplier is : [ specify the responsibilities]

GCC 27.1 Payment for Digitalization and Automation of Sub-station Metering System
(DASMS) on Turnkey Basis

1) Payment for Goods supplied from abroad:(applicable for Form PG4-3B)

a) Payment shall be made in USD through an irrevocable confirmed letter of

credit (L/C) opened in favour of the contractor in a scheduled bank of
Bangladesh. All sort of charges related to L/C shall be borne by the
Contractor. L/C shall be opened as soon as possible after signing of
contract agreement.
Payment of foreign currency portion shall be made in the following
I. 50% (fifty percent) Payment of the CIF Price (US$ Portion) of each
individual Shipment/Consignment shall be paid against submission of
original shipping document which includes.
a) Supplier‘s Invoice b) Freight Memo/Truck Receipt c) Bill of
Lading d) Bill of Exchange e) Packing List f) Certificate of origin g)
Insurance Certificate h) Shipping Advice i) Warranty Certificate j)
Test Certificate from the Manufacture k) Inspection Certificate, issued
by the nominated inspection agency (or Purchaser‘s Inspection Team)
and the Supplier‘s factory inspection report ( if any); l) And any other
document as specified in GCC Clause 23.2.
II. 10% (Ten Percent) Bill of the CIF Price (US$ Portion) of each individual
Consignment/Shipment shall be made upon submission of Claim bill to
the purchaser supported by PLI Report and Payment Advice from the
III. 20% (Twenty Percent) of the CIF Price (US$ Portion) of the goods on
submission of bill claimed and certified by consignee supported by
Provisional Acceptance Certificate (PAC) issued by the consignee and
Payment Advice from the Purchaser. PAC shall be issued within 30 days
from the date of Completion of installation and commissioning of
delivered Goods.
b) 80%Payment shall be made in BDT for the cost (quoted price) of Inland
transportation, Insurance and other local costs for the delivery of the
Goods to their final destination upon submission of Claim bill to the
purchaser supported by PLI Report and Payment Advice from the
Above all Payments shall be made sequentially as (i) then (ii)&b) finally (iii).

2) Payment for Goods and Services supplied from within the Bangladesh:
(applicable for Form PG4-3B&Form PG4-3C)

Payment for Goods and Services supplied from within the Purchaser‘s country
shall be made in BDTas follows:

(a) Advance Payment: NO advance Payment will be given

(b) On Delivery and Acceptance: Eighty percent (80%) of the Total Price
for the items mentioned in Form PG4-3B&PG4-3C of the Goods
delivered shall be paid after submission of following documents ( as
I. Delivery Challan (Duly Receiver‘s Signature & Seal)
II. Certificate of Origin
III. Delivery Order against Pre-delivery Inspection Report.
IV. Warranty Certificate
V. Test Certificate from the Manufacturer
VI. Receiving & Inspection (R&I) Report and test certificate.
VII. Invoice/Bill duly certified by the Purchaser.
VIII. CD/VAT payment invoice ( where applicable)
Please note that GCC Clause 23.1 supported by the Acceptance Certificate
issued by the Purchaser as per GCC Clause 24 shall be complied.
3) Related Services ( applicable for Form PG4-3D)

I. Training: Payment for Training shall be made in BDT as follows:

Eighty percent (80%) of the quoted price of the training (foreign training) shall be
paid after submission of documents on completion of the foreign training.
Eighty percent (80%) of the quoted price of the training (local training) shall be
paid after submission of documents on completion of the local training.
II. Payment for Installation, Testing and Commissioning of all items and
supply of software shall be made in BDT as follows:
a. Eighty percent (80%) of the quoted price of the Installation, testing
and commissioning shall be paid after submission of documents
on completion of the Installation, testing and commissioning and
submission of PAC and invoice.
b. Eighty percent (80%) Payment for supply of software (central,
workstation and configuration) shall be paid after submission of
invoice and software acceptance certificate issued by DPDC on
successful operation of the software.

III. Payment for Operation and Maintenance of the DASMS: Payment

shall be made in BDT as follows:
Payment shall be made equally on quarterly basis during five years Operation
and Maintenance period on submission of invoice and providing satisfactory
performance as required by the employer. Five years Operation and
Maintenance period shall commence from the date of issuance of PAC.

IV. Payment for Transport support cost during project implementation :

Payment shall be made in BDT as follows:
Payment shall be made equally on quarterly basis during project implementation
period upon providing satisfactory transport facility as required by the employer
and submission of invoice.

4) Final Payment of the DASMS:
10% (USD and BDT portion) of the Contract Value(except Operation and
Maintenance) of the each individual Consignment will be made against claim bill
to be submitted to the purchaser. The bill shall be submitted not before 90 days
after issuance of PAC.
The Performance Security/ Performance Guarantee shall be released not before
28 days after issuance of PAC.
5) Final acceptance certificate (FAC): FAC shall be issued within 30 days
after successful completion of 5 years O&M support period.
Remaining 10% (USD and BDT portion) of the Contract Value (except
Operation and Maintenance) of the each individual Consignment will be made
against claim bill to be submitted to the purchaser.
GCC 27.3 Payments shall be made in no case later than the 45 days after submission of an
invoice or request for payment by the Supplier, and after the Purchaser has
accepted it.

GCC 27.5 The payment-delay period after which the Purchaser shall pay interest to the
supplier shall be [Indicate the days] days after submission of an invoice or
request for payment by the Supplier, and after the Purchaser has accepted it.
[ Note: may be 30,45,60 etc]
The interest rate that shall be applied is [ %] percent

GCC 28.2 The insurance coverage shall be: ―All risks including war risks, riots, and / or
strikes” shall be acquired for 110% of the delivered cost of the goods on
warehouse to warehouse basis from Bangladesh Shadaran Bima Corporation.

GCC.29.1(a) Income tax, surcharge and all taxes of similar nature and vat levied on the
contractor for quoted price in local currency which is deductible on
payment of bill as tax deducted at source (TDS) in Bangladesh in
connection with the execution of this contract, shall be paid by the
contractor. All taxes, VAT (if any) levied on the contractor for quoted price
in foreign currency shall be borne by the employer. The Contractor will
deduct income tax as per law from salary or remuneration paid to
expatriate and local personnel as well as payment to sub-contractors and
deposit to the government ex-chequer within the stipulated time as per
Bidders may acquire information regarding taxes and duties from the
National Board of Revenue (NBR) of Bangladesh.
To facilitate payment of such taxes, the contractor shall submit to the
income tax authorities through the employer all statutory statements and
returns with necessary documents and information well before the dates
fixed for submission of such returns and the contractor shall also comply
with all requirements in the course of the proceedings before the tax
authorities. If for the contractor‘s failure to submit such statement/returns
in time, any interest, penalty or any other levy is imposed by the tax
authorities, the Employer shall not be liable to pay such amount which will
be the liability of the contractor. The employer will not be liable for
payment of tax, which will be the liability of the contractor. The employer
will not be liable for payment of tax, VAT etc., if an arbitrary assessment is
made for the failure of submission of proper documents by the contractor.

GCC.29.1(b) The contractor shall, at his cost and expense, any work permits, labour
permits, tax clearances, tax exemption certificate and any other
authorization which may be required by the Government of Bangladesh to
permit imported personnel of contractor and its sub-contractors to perform
their work at site. The contractor shall withhold from the pay roll of all local
employees and remit to appropriate authorities such taxes or
assessments as may be required by Bangladesh Law.
The contractor shall be liable to the employer for customs duties and
taxes, paid by the employer and for the other lawful tax which may be or
may become payable, on the contractor‘s equipment tools and supplies
imported for the works and subsequently sold within Bangladesh, to a
party, or parties other than the employer. For the selling of anything by the
contractor, permission of the employer shall be obtained by the

GCC.29.1(c) In order for the employer to obtain the necessary import permits and
satisfy the requirements of the customs authorities for the imported plant
required for this contract. The following documentation is required.
Within 60 days of the signing of the contract the contractor shall submit a
detailed delivery schedule of plant he is to provide under the contract
indicating the type of equipment and the name of the manufacturer. 6 (six)
copies of the schedule are to be submitted to the employer.
On behalf of the Government of Bangladesh the Ministry of commerce
annually issue a schedule of import protected items. The contractor shall
be responsible for advising the employer of any plant the contractor
intends to ship under the contract which is import protected. This advice is
to be received by the project manager at least 4 (four) months before the
contractor reaches Bangladesh in order to permit the employer to obtain
the necessary import permissions.
Import license and permits for the plant shall be obtained by the employer
at no cost to the contract, no import and export customs duties levied on
food of any sort or personal effects imported for consumption by the
contractor‘s personnel shall be paid by the employer.
If However, after payment of customs and import duties by the employer,
goods are discovered to have arrived into Bangladesh in such a badly
damaged condition due to the contractor‘s negligence that they have to be
replaced, the contractor will be responsible for the payment of the
customs and import duties levied on all replacement portion/parts of the
imported plant.
The contractor will be responsible for payment of all costs, with the
exception of those costs that are specifically to the account of the

GCC 29.2 The employer will be responsible for the payment of all Customs and import
duties, vat and AIT levied on the imported all items. All Bid prices shall be
exclusive of customs and import duties and VAT on the imported plant required
for the project.
For Goods manufactured outside Bangladesh, the Supplier shall be entirely
responsible for all taxes, duties and other such levies imposed outside

GCC 32.1 The inspections and tests shall be conducted at the premises of the
manufacturer. The purchaser right to inspect test and where appropriate reject
goods after delivery shall in no way be limited or waiver by the reason of goods
having previously been inspected , tested or passed by the purchaser or its
representative prior the goods shipment.
a) Energy Meter
b)DCU(Data Concentrating Unit
c)Rugged VPN Router
Type of test: As required by the Employer
Time or milestone: Before Shipment and After shipment
Place: Manufacturer premises
[Note: Depending on the type of Goods to be procured, there may be a need to
provide for special inspections and/or tests to be carried out. In particular, this
will be the case when the Goods are designed specifically for the purpose of the
Project in question or where due to the nature of the Goods, there is a need to
ensure compliance with certain technical specifications and requirements at an
early stage. If there is a need for such special inspections and/or tests, the PCC
should mention specific testing methods and the timing or milestones and places
where the tests and/or inspections are to be carried out. ]

GCC 33.3 The period of validity of the Warranty shall be according to section 6 for
individual item.
All delivered goods shall have minimum 2 (Two) years warranty period. Warranty
period shall commence from the date of issuance of PAC.

For purpose of the Warranty, the place(s) of final destination(s) for the remaining
goods after completion of turnkey project shall be:
Store Management(Dev/Rev) DPDC, Tongi, Gazipur
GCC 33.6 The Supplier shall correct any defects covered by the Warranty within 60 days of
being notified by the Purchaser of the occurrence of such defects.

GCC 35.1 The applicable rate for liquidated damages for delay shall be :0.5 (one half of
One) percent of the contract price of the delayed Goods or unperformed Related
services for each week of delay until actual delivery or performance

The maximum amount of liquidated damages shall be: Ten (10%) percent of the
Contract Price.

GCC 47.2(b) The name of the Adjudicator:

Chief Engineer (Development)
House #47,Road #135
First Floor,Gulshan-1,Dhaka, Bangladesh

The name of the appointing authority of the Adjudicator: Executive Director


GCC 47.3(b) The rules of procedure for arbitration proceedings shall be as follows:

(i) Contract with foreign Supplier:

GCC 47.3 (b)—Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or

relating to this Contract, or breach, termination or invalidity thereof,
shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL
Arbitration Rules as at present in force.

(II) Contracts with Supplier national of the Purchaser’s country:

In the case of a dispute between the Purchaser and a Supplier who is a

national of the Bangladesh, the dispute shall be referred to adjudication or
arbitration in accordance with the laws of the Bangladesh i,e Arbitration Act
( Act No 1 of 2001) of Bangladesh as at present in force.

Arbitration shall be taken place at Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Section 5. Tender and Contract Forms

Section 5. Tender and Contract Forms

Form Title

Tender Forms

PG4 – 1 Tender Submission Letter

PG4 – 2 Tenderer Information Sheet

PG4– 3A,3B & 3C Price Schedule for Goods

PG4– 3D Price Schedule for Related Services

PG4 – 4 Specifications Submission and Compliance Sheet

PG4 – 5 Manufacturer‘s Authorisation Letter

PG4 – 6 Bank Guarantee for Tender Security

Contract Forms

PG4 – 7 Notification of Award

PG4 – 8 Contract Agreement

PG4 – 9 Bank Guarantee for Performance Security

PG4 – 10 Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment

Forms PG4-1 to PG4-6 comprises part of the Tender and should be completed as stated in
ITT Clause 21.

Forms PG4-7 to PG4-10 comprises part of the Contract as stated in GCC Clause 5.

Tender Submission Letter (Form PG4 – 1)
[This letter shall be completed and signed by the Authorised Signatory
Preferably on the Letter-Head pad of the Tenderer].

To: Date:
[Contact Person]
[Name of Purchaser]
[Address of Purchaser]

Invitation for Tender No: [indicate IFT No]

Tender Package No: [indicate Package No]

Lot No: [indicate number of Lots]

We, the undersigned, offer to supply in conformity with the Tender Document the
following Goods and related Services:

In accordance with ITT Clauses 22 and 23, the following prices and discounts apply to
our Tender:

The Tender Price is: Taka [state amount in figures]

(ITT Sub-Clause 23.1) and Taka[state amount in words]
Mandatory Spare parts Price Taka [state amount in figures]
(If economic Factor is applicable) and Taka[state amount in words]
(ITT Sub-Clause 52.2 (f)& 52.5 (b)
The unconditional discount for being Taka [state amount in figures]
awarded more than one lot in this and Taka[state amount in words]
package is:
(ITT Sub-Clause 23.8)
The methodology for Application of the [state the methodology]
discount is:
(ITT Sub-Clause 23.9)
The advance payment is: [state the amount based on
(GCC Sub-Clause 27.1) percentage of the Tender Price]

and we shall accordingly submit an Advance Payment Guarantee in the

format shown in Form PG4 - 10.

In signing this letter, and in submitting our Tender, we also confirm that:

a) our Tender shall be valid for the period stated in the Tender Data Sheet (ITT Sub-
Clause 27.2) and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time
before the expiration of that period;

b) a Tender Security is attached in the form of a bank guarantee] in the amount stated

in the Tender Data Sheet (ITT Clause 29) and valid for a period of 28 days beyond
the Tender validity date;

c) if our Tender is accepted, we commit to furnishing a Performance Security in the

amount stated in the Tender Data Sheet (ITT Sub-Clause 63.2) in the form stated in
Tender Data Sheet (ITT Sub-Clause 64.1) and valid for a period of 28 days beyond
the date of completion of our performance obligations;

d) we have examined and have no reservations to the Tender Document, issued by you
on [insert date];

Including Addendum to Tender Documents No(s) [state numbers], issued in

accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers (ITT Clause 11). [Insert the number
and issuing date of each addendum; or delete this sentence if no Addendum has
been issued];

e) we, including as applicable, subcontractor for any part of the contract resulting from
this Tender process, have nationalities from eligible countries, in accordance with ITT
Sub-Clause 5.1;

f) we are submitting this Tender as a sole Tenderer

g) we are not a Government owned entity as defined in ITT Sub-Clause 5.3

We are a Government owned entity, and we meet the requirements of ITT Sub-
Clause 5.3];
(Delete one of the above as appropriate)

h) we, declare that we are not associated, nor have been associated in the past, directly
or indirectly, with a consultant or any other entity that has prepared the design,
specifications and other documents, in accordance with ITT Sub-Clause 5.5;

i) we, including as applicable subcontractor have not been declared ineligible by the
Government of Bangladesh on charges of engaging in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive
or coercive practices, in accordance with ITT Sub-Clause 5.6;

j) furthermore, we are aware of ITT Sub Clause 4.3 concerning such practices and
pledge not to indulge in such practices in competing for or in executing the Contract;

k) we intend to subcontract an activity or part of the Supply, in accordance with ITT

Sub-Clause 16.1 to the following Subcontractor(s);

Nature of the Supply or related Name and address of Subcontractor


l) we, confirm that we do not have a record of poor performance, such as abandoning
the Supply, not properly completing contracts, inordinate delays, or financial failure
as stated in ITT Sub-Clause 5.8, and that we do not have, or have had, any litigation
against us, other than that stated in the Tenderer Information Sheet(Form PG4-2);

m) We are not participating as Tenderers in more than one Tender in this Tendering
process. We understand that your written Notification of Award shall become a
binding Contract between us, until a formal Contract is prepared and executed;

n) We understand that you reserve the right to accept or reject any Tender, to cancel
the Tender proceedings, or to reject all Tenders, without incurring any liability to
Tenderers, in accordance with ITT Clause 58.1.

Signature: [insert signature of authorised representative

of the Tenderer]
Name: [insert full name of signatory with National ID]
In the capacity of: [insert designation of signatory]
Duly authorised to sign the Tender for and on behalf of the Tenderer

[If there is more than one (1) signatory add other boxes and sign accordingly].

Attachment 1: Written confirmation authorising the above signatory (ies) to commit the
Tenderer, in accordance with ITT Sub-Clause 34.3;

Tenderer Information Sheet (Form PG4-2)

[The Tenderer shall fill in this Form in accordance with the instructions indicated below. No
alterations to its format shall be permitted and no substitutions shall be accepted]

Invitation for Tender No: [Indicate IFT No] Date [Insert date of
Tender Package No: [Indicate Package No]

A. Individual Tenderers

1. Eligibility Information of the Tenderer [ITT Clauses 5 & 21]

1.1 Tenderer‘s Legal Name:

1.2 Tenderer‘s legal address in

Country of Registration

1.4 Tenderer‘s Year of Registration

1.5 Tenderer‘s Authorised

Representative Information

National ID number


Telephone / Fax Numbers

e-mail address
1.6 Attached are copies of original documents of : [check box(es) of the attached
original documents]
 Articles of Incorporation or Registration of firm named in 1.1, in accordance
with ITT sub-Clause 5.1and 5.2]
 In case of government owned entity, documents establishing legal and
financial autonomy and compliance with commercial law, in accordance
with ITT Sub-Clause 5.3
 An affidavit confirming the legal capacity stating that there are no existing
orders of any judicial court that prevents either the tenderer or employees
of a tenderer entering into or signing a Contract with the Purchaser in
accordance with ITT clause 5
 An affidavit confirming that the tenderer is not insolvent, in receivership or
not bankrupt or not in the process of bankruptcy, not temporarily barred
from undertaking their business for financial reasons and shall not be the
subject of legal proceedings for any of the foregoing in accordance with ITT
Clause 5.

 A certificate issued by the competent authority of Bangladesh stating that
the Tenderer is a Tax payer having valid Tax identification Number (TIN)
and VAT registration number or in lieu any other document acceptable to
the Purchaser demonstrating that the Tenderer is a genuine Tax payer and
has a VAT registration number as a proof of fulfilment of taxation
obligations in accordance with ITT Clause 5 .
 Documentary evidence demonstrating that they are enrolled in the relevant
professional or trade organizations registered in Bangladesh in accordance
with ITT Clause 5.

2. Litigation History: [Number of arbitration awards against the tenderer over the period
in accordance the ITT Clause 13.1] if no [state “None”]

3. Qualification Information of the Tenderer:

3.1 Number of years of overall experience of

the Tenderer in the supply of goods and
related services as stated under ITT Sub-

3.2 Number of completed supply contracts in

the supply of similar goods and related
services of required value within the period
mentioned in TDS as stated under ITT
Sub-Clause 14.1(b):
 Number of Contracts:
 Value of the Contracts:
 Period of the Contract:

3.3 The supply and/or production capacity of

Goods, if applicable, as stated under ITT
Sub-Clause 14.(c)

3.4 Available liquid assets or working capital or

credit facility in accordance with ITT Clause

Price Schedule for Goods
List of Goods and serves to be supplied and performed by the bidders:

Item Description of Item Unit of Quantity

No. Measurement
1 Energy Meter:
1.1 Supply of Multi-function Energy Meter (0.2S Class) with Communication Like
No. 1200
Modbus and others.
1.2 Meter Installation , Testing and Commissioning with required cable No. 1200
2 Communication :
2.1 Supply of Data Acquisition & Controller device (PLC + RS485 MODULE + 16x No. 70
DI/DO MODULE +Analog MODULE+ MODEM MODULE+4GB Memory card + 24v
dc power supply) with Steel Box
2.2 Supply of Rugged VPN Router with optical fiber converter No. 74
2.3 Supply of Patch Cable Meter 1500
2.4 Supply of RJ 45 Connector (industrial Grade ) No. 140
2.5 Supply of Armored communication cable (Modbus) Meter 30000
2.6 Supply of GPS for Time Sync No. 71
3 Software:
3.1 Supply of Web-based Central server software that includes metering, breaker status
No. 1
monitoring (Unlimited License) with Database Table Structure
3.2 Supply of Web-based Automation software for Workstations (that includes metering, No. 70
breaker status monitoring) (Unlimited License)
4 Server & Hardware:
4.1 Supply of Rack Mounted Server Computer with Original OS No. 2
4.2 Supply of Database (SQL) or Equivalent No. 1
4.3 Supply of Rack Mounted Storage (8 Tera Byte )(RAID-1) No. 1
4.4 No.
Supply of Sever rack with UPS and Power Distribution Unit (PDU) 2

5 Sub-Station Monitoring Unit (Workstation):
5.1 Supply of Workstation (Brand computer) with Original OS ( All in one computer/ No.
Tower Type)
5.2 Supply of Computer Table & Chair set 70
5.3 Supply of Laser Printer Black and White No. 70
5.4 Supply of Smart UPS 2KVA (in built) (online) No. 70
5.5 Supply of Power Distribution Unit (PDU) No. 70
5.6 Supply of Power Cable (3 X 10 rm) meter 1500
6 Central Monitoring Unit:
6.1 Supply of Remote Work Station includes 55 Inch Display with Automation Software, No. 5
Table/Steel Rack, Chair.
6.2 Supply of Laser Printer Colour set 5
7 Portable Data Collection
7.1 Supply of Laptop (Core i7 and 64 bit) with license for OS No. 5
7.2 Configuration Software (unlimited License for minimum 20 users) with at least 40
Lot 5
nos. Optical Data cable
8 Training:
8.1 Team 1 (Foreign Training (Software, Hardware & Meter) MM 5
8.2 Team 2 (Local Training (Operation)/Work shop) MM 20
9 Operation & maintenance :
9.1 Operation & maintenance of the whole system for five years after successful
completion of installation, testing and commissioning work of the project Year 5
10 Installation, testing, commissioning and Transportation cost:
10.1 Micro Bus Including driver, fuel, maintenance etc. on monthly rental basis 1 Year 1(one)
10.2 Installation, testing and commissioning of all type of software and system including Lot
1 (one)
VPN connectivity

Price Schedule for Goods (Form PG4-3A)
[Group A Tenders: Goods Manufactured in Bangladesh]
Invitation for Tender No: Date:
Tender Package No: Package Description: [enter description as specified in Section 6]
Tender Lot No: Lot Description: [enter description as specified in Section 6]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Line Item Description of Item Unit Quant Unit price EXW price Inland transportation, Cost of local VAT Payable on Total Price per
No. of ity EXW per Line Insurance and other local labour, raw account of line item
Meas Item costs for the delivery of materials and Supplier if the
ureme the Goods to their final components from Contract is (Col. 6+7)
nt (Col. 4  5) destination with origin in awarded
[Taka.] [Taka.] [Taka] Bangladesh Taka
[Insert [Insert name of Goods] [Insert[Insert [Insert [Insert total [Insert corresponding price [Insert cost of local [Insert Supplier’s [Insert total price
number of name numbe EXW unit EXW price per line item] labour, raw material VAT if Contract is per line item]
the item] of the r of price, also per line item] and components as awarded ]
Unit] Unit to indicate a % of the Col 5]
be Currency]
Please quote price for items manufactured in Bangladesh in the above rows and add or delete rows as required.
Note : Price offered in Bangladesh Taka Total Price for Lot
Point of Delivery as per Schedule of Requirement: Period of Delivery as per Schedule of Requirement:

Name: [insert full name of signatory] Signature with Date and Seal
In the capacity of: [insert designation of signatory] [ Sign]
Duly authorized to sign the Tender for and on behalf of the Tenderer

Note: VAT, IT etc. shall be deducted as per Govt. policy.

Price Schedule for Goods (Form PG4-3B)
[Group B Tenders: Goods Manufactured outside Bangladesh, to be imported]
Invitation for Tender No: Date:
Tender Package No: Package Description: [enter description as specified in Section 6]
Tender Lot No: Lot Description: [enter description as specified in Section 6]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Line Description of Item Country Unit of Quantity Unit price CIF price per Inland transportation, VAT Payable on Total Price per
Item of Measure CIF Line Item Insurance and other account of Supplier if line item
No . Origin ment local costs for the the Contract is (Col. 7+ Col. 8)
delivery of the Goods awarded
(Col.56) to their final destination
USD Taka
[Taka] [Taka]

[Insert [Insert name of Goods] [insert [Insert [Insert [Insert unit price in [Insert total [Insert corresponding [Insert Supplier’s VAT if [Insert total price
number country of name of number CIP, also indicate price per line price per line item] Contract is awarded ] per line item ]
of the origin of the Unit] of Unit to currency ] item]
item] the Good] be (If applicable as per
supplied] VAT Act )

1 Energy Meter:
1.1 Supply of Multi-
function Energy
Meter (0.2S Class)
with No. 1200
Like Modbus and
2 Server & Hardware:
2.1 Supply of
Database (SQL) No. 1
or Equivalent

Add row/ rows if bidders want to supply any other goods from abroad ( not mentioned in this table)

Note : Price offered in foreign currency (FC) &Bangladesh Taka Total Price for Lot
Point of Delivery as per Schedule of Requirement: Period of Delivery as per Schedule of Requirement:

[Note: The Purchaser may also use other INCOTERMs, if deemed necessary, In such case Form PG4-3B, will require to be customized by the Purchaser]

Name: [insert full name of signatory] Signature with Date and Seal
In the capacity of: [insert designation of signatory] [ Sign]
Duly authorized to sign the Tender for and on behalf of the Tenderer

Note: a. For evaluation, applicable exchange rate will be the rate as per Bangladesh Bank as on date of tender opening.
b. CD, VAT etc. will be paid by the purchaser upon submission of necessary documents.

Price Schedule for Goods (Form PG4-3C)
[Group B Tenders: Goods Manufactured outside Bangladesh, already imported]
Invitation for Tender No: Date:
Tender Package No: Package Description: [enter description as specified in Section 6]
Tender Lot No: Lot Description: [enter description as specified in Section 6]

1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Line Description of Item Country Unit of Quantity Unit price Custom Unit Price per line Price per line Inland VAT Payable Total Price per
Item of Measur Including Custom Duties, import item net of item net of transportation, on account of line item
No . Origin ement Duties, import VAT & other Custom Duties, Custom Duties, Insurance and Supplier if the (Col.8+ Col.9)
VAT & other import taxes import VAT & import VAT & other local costs Contract is
import taxes already paid other import taxes other import for the delivery of awarded
already paid per unit already paid taxes already the Goods to their
[Taka] [Taka] paid final destination
[Taka] [Taka] [Taka]
(Col. 5 – Col.6) [Taka]
(Col.4X Col. 7) [Taka]

[Insert [Insert name of Goods] [insert [Insert [Insert [Insert unit price [Insert [insert unit price [ insert price [Insert [Insert [Insert total
numb country name of number including CD & all CD,VAT & net of CD,VAT per line item net corresponding Supplier’s VAT price per line
er of of origin the of Unit import taxes] import taxes and import taxes] of CD,VAT and price per line item] if Contract is item ]
the of the Unit] to be paid per unit] import taxes] awarded ]
item] Good] supplied to be
] supported by

Note : Price offered in Bangladesh Taka, add row/rows as required. Total Price for Lot
Point of Delivery as per Schedule of Requirement: Period of Delivery as per Schedule of Requirement:

Note: VAT, IT etc. shall be deducted as per Govt. policy.

Name: [insert full name of signatory] Signature with Date and Seal
In the capacity of: [insert designation of signatory] [ Sign]
Duly authorised to sign the Tender for and on behalf of the Tenderer

Price and Completion Schedule - Related Services (Form PG4-3D)
Invitation for Tender No: Date:
Tender Package No: Package Description: [enter description as specified in Section 6]
Tender Lot No: Lot Description: [enter description as specified in Section 6]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Service Description of Services Country of Unit of Quantity Unit price Price per line VAT Payable on Total Price per line
No. (excludes inland transportation Origin Measurement of service item of service account of Supplier if item of service
and other services required in the Contract is (Col. 7)
Bangladesh to convey the [Taka] (Col. 5 X Col. 6) awarded
goods to their final destination) [Taka] [Taka]
[insert [insert name of Services] [insert [Insert name of [Insert [Insert unit [Insert price per [Insert Supplier’s VAT if [Insert total price per
number ] country of the Unit] number of price] line item of service] Contract is awarded ] line item of service ]
origin of the Unit to be
Service] supplied]
1 Training:
1.1 Team 1 (Foreign Training
MM 5
(Software, Hardware & Meter)
1.2 Team 2 (Local Training
MM 20
(Operation)/Work shop)
2 Operation & maintenance :
2.1 Operation & maintenance of
the whole system for five
years after successful
completion of installation, Year 5
testing and commissioning
work of the project
3 Transport support cost for project implementation :

3.1 Micro Bus Including driver,
fuel, maintenance etc. on
monthly rental basis Per month 12

4 Software
in section 7

Web-based Central server
software that includes
metering, breaker status Nos 1
monitoring (Unlimited License)
with Database Table Structure

4.2 Web-based Automation

software for Workstations
(that includes metering,
Nos 70
breaker status monitoring)
(Unlimited License)

4.3 Configuration Software

(unlimited License for
minimum 20 users) with
minimum 40 nos. Optical Data
cable Nos 5

5 Installation, testing and
commissioning cost:

5.1 All type of software and other

items including VPN Lot 1
connectivity except meters
5.2 Meter Installation, Testing and
Commissioning with required Nos. 1200

Note Price offered in foreign currency (FC) &Bangladesh Taka Total Price for Lot

Point of Delivery as per Schedule of Requirement: Period of Delivery as per Schedule of Requirement:

Note: VAT, IT etc. shall be deducted as per Govt. policy.

Name: [insert full name of signatory] Signature with Date and Seal
In the capacity of: [insert designation of signatory] [ Sign]
Duly authorised to sign the Tender for and on behalf of the Tenderer

Specifications Submission and Compliance Sheet (Form PG4-4)

Invitation for Tender No: Date:

Tender Package No: Package [enter description as
Description: specified in Section 6]
Tender Lot No: Lot [enter description as
Description: specified in Section 6]

Item No. Name of Goods Country of Make and Model Full Technical
Origin (when applicable) Specifications and
or Related

1 2 3 4 5



[The Tenderer should complete all the columns as required]

Signature: [insert signature of authorised representative

of the Tenderer]
Name: [insert full name of signatory]
In the capacity of: [insert designation of signatory]

Duly authorised to sign the Tender for and on behalf of the Tenderer

Manufacturer’s Authorisation Letter (Form PG4 - 5)
[The Tenderer shall require the Manufacturer to fill in this Form in accordance with the instructions
indicated. Thisletter of authorization should be on the letterhead of the Manufacturer and should be
signed by a person with the proper authority to sign documents that are binding on the
Manufacturer. The Tenderer shall include it in its tender, if so indicated in the TDS as stated under
ITT Sub-Clause26.1(b)]

Invitation for Tender No: Date:

Tender Package No:

Tender Lot No:

Name and address of Purchaser]


We [insert complete name of Manufacturer],

who are official manufacturers of[insert type of goods manufactured], having factories at
[insert full address of Manufacturer’s factories], do hereby

authorize [insert complete name of Tenderer] to supply the following Goods, manufactured
by us [insert name and or brief description of the Goods].

We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty as stated under GCC Clause 33 of the
General Conditions of Contract, with respect to the Goods offered by the above Tenderer.

Signed: [insert signature(s) of authorized representative(s) of the Manufacturer]

Name: [insert complete name(s) of authorized representative(s) of the Manufacturer]

Address: [insert full address including Fax and e-mail]
Title: [insert title]

Date: [insert date of signing]

Bank Guarantee for Tender Security (Form PG4 – 6)
[this is the format for the Tender Security to be issued by a scheduled bank
of Bangladesh as stated under ITT Clauses29 and 30]

Invitation for Tender No: Date:

Tender Package No:

Tender Lot No:

[Name and address of Purchaser]


We have been informed that [insert name of Tenderer] (hereinafter called ―the Tenderer‖) intends to
submit to you its Tender dated [insert date of Tender] (hereinafter called ―the Tender‖) for the
supply of [description of goods and related services] under the above Invitation for Tenders
(hereinafter called ―the IFT‖).

Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, Tenders must be supported by a

Bank Guarantee for Tender Security.

At the request of the Tenderer, we [insert name of bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you,
without cavil or argument, any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of Tk[insert amount in
figures and in words] upon receipt by us of your first written demand accompanied by a written
statement that the Tenderer is in breach of its obligation(s) under the Tender conditions, because
the Tenderer:

a. has withdrawn its Tender after opening of Tenders but within the validity of the Tender
Security ; or
b. refused to accept the Notification of Award (NOA) within the period as stated under
Instructions to Tenderers (ITT) ; or
c. failed to furnish Performance Security within the period as stipulated in the NOA; or
d. refused to sign the Contract Agreement by the time specified in the NOA; or
e. did not accept the correction of the Tender price following the correction of the arithmetic
errors in accordance with the ITT; or

This guarantee will expire:

(a) if the Tenderer is the successful Tenderer, upon our receipt of a copies of the contract
signed by the Tenderer and the Performance Security issued to you in accordance with
the ITT; or

(b) if the Tenderer is not the successful Tenderer, twenty eight (28) days after the expiration
of the Tenderer‘s Tender validity period, being [date of expiration of the Tender validity
plus twenty eight(28) days]

Consequently, we must receive at the above-mentioned office any demand for payment under this
guarantee on or before that date.

Signature Seal

Notification of Award (Form PG4 - 7)
Contract No: Date:

[Name of Contractor]

This is to notify you that your Tender dated [insert date] for the supply of Goods and related
Services for [name of contract] for the Contract Price of Tk[state amount in figures and in
words] as corrected and modified in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers, has been
approved by [name of Purchaser].

You are thus requested to take following actions:

i. accept in writing the Notification of Award within seven (7) working days of its
issuance pursuant to ITT Sub-Clause 62.3
ii. furnish a Performance Security in the specified format and in the amount of Tk[state
amount in figures and words] ,within Twenty-eight (28) days from issue of this
Notification of Award but not later than (specify date), in accordance with ITT Clause
iii. sign the Contract within twenty eight (28 ) days of issuance of this Notification of
Award but not later than (specify date), in accordance with ITT Clause 67.2

You may proceed with the execution of the supply of Goods and related Services only upon
completion of the above tasks. You may also please note that this Notification of Award shall
constitute the formation of this Contract, which shall become binding upon you.

We attach the draft Contract and all other documents for your perusal and signature.


Duly authorised to sign for and on

behalf of [name of Purchaser]


Contract Agreement (Form PG4 - 8)
THIS AGREEMENT made the [day] day of [month][year] between [name and address of Purchaser]
(hereinafter called ―the Purchaser‖) of the one part and [name and address of Supplier] (hereinafter
called ―the Supplier‖) of the other part:

WHEREAS the Purchaser invited Tenders for certain goods and related services, viz, [brief
description of goods and related services] and has accepted a Tender by the Supplier for the supply
of those goods and related services in the sum of Taka [Contract Price in figures and in words]
(hereinafter called ―the Contract Price‖).


1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively
assigned to them in the General Conditions of Contract hereafter referred to.
2. The following documents forming the Contract shall be in the following order of precedence,
namely :
(a) the signed Form of Contract Agreement;
(b) the Notification of Award
(c) The Tender and the appendices to the Tender
(d) Particular Conditions of Contract;
(e) General Conditions of Contract;
(f) Technical Specifications;
(g) Drawings;
(h) Price Schedules and Schedule of Requirements and;
(i) other document including correspondences listed in the PCC forming part of
the Contract

3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Supplier as hereinafter

mentioned, the Supplier hereby covenants with the Purchaser to provide the goods and
related services and to remedy any defects therein in conformity in all respects with the
provisions of the Contract.

4. The Purchaser hereby covenants to pay the Supplier in consideration of the provision of the
goods and related services and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or such
other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in
the manner prescribed by the Contract.

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance
with the laws of Bangladesh on the day, month and year first written above.

For the Purchaser: For the Supplier:


Print Name


In the presence of

Bank Guarantee for Performance Security (Form PG4 – 9)

[This is the format for the Performance Security to be issued by an internationally reputable
bank and it shall have correspondent bank located in Bangladesh, to make it enforceablein
accordance with ITT Sub-Clause 64.1pursuant to Rule 27(4) of the Public Procurement Rules,

Contract No: Date:


[Name and address of Purchaser]

PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE No: [insert Performance Guarantee number]

We have been informed that [name of supplier] (hereinafter called ―the Supplier‖) has
undertaken, pursuant to Contract No [reference number of Contract] dated [date of
Contract] (hereinafter called ―the Contract‖) for the supply of [description of goods and
related services] under the Contract.

Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, Contracts must be

supported by a performance guarantee.

At the request of the Supplier, we [name of bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you,
without cavil or argument, any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of Tk[insert
amount in figures and in words] upon receipt by us of your first written demand
accompanied by a written statement that the Supplier is in breach of its obligation(s) under
the Contract conditions, without you needing to prove or show grounds or reasons for your
demand of the sum specified therein.

This guarantee is valid until [date of validity of guarantee], consequently, we must receive
at the above-mentioned office any demand for payment under this guarantee on or before
that date.

[Signatures of authorized representatives of the bank]

Signature Seal

Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment (Form PG4 – 10)

[this is the format for the Advance Payment Security to be issued by an internationally
reputable bank and it shall have correspondent bank located in Bangladesh, to make it
enforceable in accordance with GCC Clause 27.1]

Contract No: Date:


[Name and address of Purchaser]


We have been informed that [name of supplier] (hereinafter called ―the Supplier‖) has undertaken,
pursuant to Contract No [reference number of Contract] dated [date of Contract] (hereinafter called
―the Contract‖) for the supply of [description of goods and related services] under the Contract.

Furthermore, we understand that, according to your Particular Conditions of Contract Clause 26.1,
Advance Payment(s) on Contracts must be supported by a bank guarantee.

At the request of the Supplier, we [name of bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you, without
cavil or argument, any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of Tk[insert amount in figures
and in words] upon receipt by us of your first written demand accompanied by a written statement
that the Supplier is in breach of its obligation(s) under the Contract conditions, without you needing
to prove or show grounds or reasons for your demand of the sum specified therein.

We further agree that no change, addition or other modification of the terms of the Contract to be
performed, or of any of the Contract documents which may be made between the Purchaser and
the Supplier, shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby
waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.

This guarantee is valid until [date of validity of guarantee], consequently, we must receive at the
above-mentioned office any demand for payment under this guarantee on or before that date.

[Signatures of authorized representatives of the bank]

Signature Seal

Section 6. Schedule of Requirements

Section 6. Schedule of Requirements



The location of the proposed work regarding Design, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning
and Operation of Digitalization and Automation of Sub-Station Metering System on Turnkey Basis
under DPDC area as per following Scope of Works


The scope of works include design, manufacture, quality assurance, inspection & testing, packing
for export, insurance & shipment to site and installation including testing & commissioning etc. and
operation as per Bill of Materials and complete the work in all respect up to the commercial
The requirement is stated in the specification and as well as in the technical particulars and
guarantee schedules.
The contractor is responsible for ensuring that all and any items of work required for the safe,
efficient and satisfactory completion and functioning of the works are to be included in the tender
price whether they are described in the specification or not.
The proposed Digitalization and Automation of Sub-Station Metering System on Turnkey Basis shall
be equipped with but not limited to the following main equipment:

A. List of Goods and Delivery Schedule

When completing Form PG4-3A, 3B & 3C the Tenderer shall quote prices and contract delivery dates
for each lot separately, as specified in the List of Goods and Delivery Schedule.

Line Description of Item Unit of Quanti Point of Delivery Date

Item Measureme ty delivery Required (in
No. nt Period weeks)
Earliest Latest
Delivery Delivery
Date Date
1 Energy Meter:
1.1 Supply of Multi-function Energy Meter (0.2S No. 1200 Within 4
2 Class) with Communication Like Modbus :
Communication months
and others. a) Goods from the
2.1 Supply of Data Acquisition & Controller No. 70 which will be date of
device (PLC + RS485 MODULE + 16x installed at contract
DI/DO MODULE + 4GB Memory card + 24v different signing
dc power supply + analog/modem module) Substations
with Steel Box and sites.
2.2 Supply of Rugged VPN Router with optical No. 74
fiber connection facility

2.3 Supply of Patch Cable Meter 1500 b)
2.4 Supply of RJ 45 Connector (industrial No. 140 Remaining
Grade ) Goods shall
Supply of Armored communication cable Meter 30000 be stored to
2.5 (Modbus) DPDC
2.6 Supply of GPS for Time Sync No. 71 Store.
3 Software:
3.1 Supply of Web-based Central server
software that includes metering, breaker
No. 1
status monitoring (Unlimited License) with
Database Table Structure
3.2 Supply of Web-based Automation software No. 70
for Workstations (that includes metering,
breaker status monitoring) (Unlimited
4 Server & Hardware:
4.1 Supply of Rack Mounted Server Computer
with Original OS No.
4.2 Supply of Database (SQL) or Equivalent 1
4.3 Supply of Rack Mounted Storage (8 Tera No.
Byte )(RAID-1) No. 1
4.4 Supply of Sever rack with UPS and Power
No. 2
Distribution Unit (PDU)
5 Sub-Station Monitoring Unit (Workstation):
5.1 Supply of Workstation (Brand computer) No.
with Original OS ( All in one computer/ 70
Tower Type)
5.2 Supply of Computer Table & Chair set 70
5.3 Supply of Laser Printer Black and White No. 70
5.4 Supply of Smart UPS 2KVA (in built) No.
(online) 70
5.5 Supply of Power Distribution Unit (PDU) No. 70
5.6 Supply of Power Cable (3 X 10 rm) meter 1500
6 Central Monitoring Unit:
6.1 Supply of Remote Work Station includes 55 No. 5
Inch Display with Automation Software
(Unlimited License, Table/Steel Rack,
6.2 Supply of Laser Printer Colour set 5
7 Portable Data Collection
7.1 Supply of Laptop (Core i7 and 64 bit) with No. 5
license for OS
7.2 Supply of Configuration Software (unlimited
License for minimum 20 users) with Lot 5
minimum 40 nos. Optical Data cable

B. List of Related Services and Completion Schedule

When completing Form PG4-3D, the Tenderer shall quote prices and Completion date for services for
each item against each lot

Item Description of Item Unit of Quantity Place where Final Completion

No. Measurement Services shall be Date(s) of Services

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Training
1.1 At Shall be completed
Team 1 (Foreign before installation work
manufacturer’ commences
Training (Software, MM 5
Hardware & Meter) s factory
1.2 Team 2 (Local To be decided Shall be completed
Training during installation work
MM 20 later
2 Operation & maintenance
2.1 Operation & At project Shall commence from
maintenance of the date of issuance of
sites PAC and shall continue
whole system for for 5 years onward.
Five years after
successful Year 5
completion of
installation, testing
and commissioning
work of the project
3 Installation, Testing and
Commissioning and Transportation

3.1 Installation, Testing Lot At project Shall be completed

and Commissioning before completion of
sites installation and
of all types of commissioning work
software and other 1
items including
VPN connectivity
except meter
3.2 Installation, Testing Nos. 1200 At project sites Shall be completed
and Commissioning before completion of
installation and
of meters with commissioning work
required cable
3.3 Micro Bus Including 1 Year Shall be provided
driver, fuel, during installation work
maintenance etc. 1(one)
on monthly rental

Please note that number of year for Operation and maintenance (O&M) support period is
kept as 5 years to be commenced from the date of issuance of PAC and the bidder shall
quote price for 5 years against this service in Form PG4-3D. However, O&M period may be
reduced to any value (year) by the employer and in that case, contract price will be on pro
rata basis for this O&M service.

Requirement for foreign training is 5 MM which means 10 people will attend the training for
15 days excluding travel time.

Requirement for local training is 20 MM which means 300 people will attend the training for
2 days. Local training may need to be conducted in at least 10 groups.

Bidder shall provide Substation-wise as build drawing to PD, DASMS, DPDC.

Bidder shall also provide Operation manual and basic troubleshooting guideline for
operation maintenance of meter, router, DCU, all types of Software etc.

Section 7. Technical Specifications

Section 7. Technical Specifications
The Goods and Related Services shall comply with following Technical Specifications:




This section covers the specification, manufacture, design, testing and inspection of 110V, 3X5
PROTOCOL) as specified.


The Three Phase Socket/Base Type Energy Meter to be supplied under this tender shall be
suitable for satisfactory use under the following tropical conditions:

Maximum Relative Humidity : 100%

Annual mean Relative Humidity : 75%
Minimum ambient temperature : 5C
Maximum Ambient Temperature : 55C
Average temperature : 40C
Mean annual rainfall : 1500-3000 mm
Maximum wind pressure : 150Kg/Sq.m
Maximum Altitude above the sea level : 300 meters
Average isokeraunic level : 80 days/year
Pollution of ambient air : dust, salt, chemical.

The climate is humid and tropical.

Maximum humidity and temperature occur simultaneously.


Rated voltage &

110V/√3 (p-n) from PT secondary, 50 Hz.
-/- and Basic current 1 to 5 amps in steps of 1 and Imax =
Rated current(In) and 200% of In
maximum current(Imax)

Meter connection shall be suitable for (i) 3phase 3 wires (two

Connection element measuring capability)) and (ii) 3phase 4 wires (
three element measuring capability)
Accuracy class KWh: 0.2s and KVARh: 0 .5 or Higher accuracy

THD measurement facility Shall be provided
Large data storage, with  Suitable for energy accounting, billing and settlement
independent buffers that  Independent logging of quality of supply (QoS) and billing
support different data
integration periods
 RS-485 for Modbus communication
Independent  Ethernet communication port
communications ports  Optical port

 DLMS and COSEM (open communication protocol)

 Supports IEC 62056-21 open protocol for integration with
Open communications data collection systems
protocols  Provision for Modbus, for integration with substation
SCADA applications

Meter reading and

Meter reading and communication with meter shall be
communication during
available in case of main line power failure.
main line power off
 Easy diagnosis of wiring faults during installation
Graphical display with
 User-friendly display of electrical parameters
vector diagrams,
 User-defined text for meter display, such as details
harmonics, user-defined
specific to a site or project
text and OBIS codes
Up to 50 channels and 2 independent surveys
Intervals programmable from 1 minute to 1 month
Over 81,000 days storage
(1 channel, 30 minute intervals)
Over 27,000 days storage
Load Survey/Profile
(2 channels , 15 minute intervals)
Over 16,000 days storage
( 4 channels, 15 minute intervals)
Energy, instantaneous readings, pulsing inputs as
channel sources.
 Data suitable for energy auditing
 Base data for monitoring system health and theft analysis
Load Survey Parameters :
The following parameters for load survey purpose and shall
be logged with a block period of 15 minutes. The data
storage required for the load survey parameters shall be 90
days in nonvolatile memory with life time of the meter.
1. Average Frequency
Load profiling & Load 2. Average Power factor (Export)
Survey Parameters 3. Average Power factor (Import)
4. Net active energy
5. Per Phase Active and Reactive Energy
6. Active Load &Energy (KW &kwh) Import
7. Active Load & Energy (KW&kwh) Export
8. Apparent Load &Energy (KVA &kvah) import
9. Apparent Load & Energy (KVA&kvah) export
10. Kvar&Kvarh Lag Export
11. Kvar&Kvarh Lead Export

12. Kvar&Kvarh Lag Import
13. Kvar&Kvarh Lead Import
14. Percentage Voltage unbalance
15. Total harmonic distortion of voltage in percentage of
16. Total harmonic distortion of current in percentage of
17. Phase wise voltages and currents also shall be made
18. Date and time shall also be included
Add any other necessary parameters for energy auditing. The
load survey data format shall be finalized during project
implementation stage.

 Utility revenue protection

 Power outage management
Event logging with time
 Logging system condition helps load balancing in order to
maintain quality of supply

 Helps ensure 'first-time right' installation

Installation diagnosis  Accurate energy registration

 Multi-utility application
 Energy data aggregation using external pulse counter
 The meter shall have a test output (pulses) accessible
from the front and be capable of being monitored with
suitable testing equipment. The operation indictor must
Pulse input/output & be visible from the front. The resolution of the test output
Visual indication of shall be
operation sufficient to conduct satisfactorily accuracy test at the
lowest load in less than 5
minutes and starting current test in less than 10 minutes.
Test outputs are required for both kwh, and kvarh.
 Pulse indicator on the front of meter as per meter
Type Solid state
The Multiplication factor shall be programmable inside the
Multiplication factor meter by the following formula:
Dial reading X CT ratio X PT ratio = Actual reading in MWh
Data memory Non-volatile 10 MB or higher
Total digit shall be minimum 8. Number of integer and
Number of digit
decimal digit shall be programmable type.
Solid-state LCD/LED display
Type of Display
Display digit size minimum 7mm x 4mm
160 x 80 grescale graphic (with backlight) 17 characters by 2
lines alphanumeric display, displays graphs, tables and
LCD/LED display
vector diagrams , programmable units, multipliers and
leading zeros graphical display of load survey, phasor
diagram and others.
Real time clock Precision clock accuracy < 5 ppm at 23 degree C
Power frequency
Power Quality indication
Magnitude of supply voltage

Supply voltage sag and swell
Voltage interruption
Transient voltages
Unbalance supply voltage
Voltage harmonics
Voltage inter-harmonics
Main signaling voltage on supply voltage
Measurement of under deviation and over deviation

 The time switch shall be built-in type and shall be

designed to perform a present cycle of operation. Time
switch shall reset MDI at the end of every month (billing
period) automatically. In the event of failure of power
supply and battery, at the same time set memory shall
Time switch & Calendar
not be lost i.e. the set program shall be recorded in non-
volatile memory. The maximum error shall be kept within
 1 (one) second per day. Time error adjustment facility
shall be provided.
 30-years calendar with automatic leap year adjustment.
Each time switch must be provided with lithium battery which
allow the switch to function for a period of not less than 10
(ten) years. The guaranteed life of the battery should not be
less than 10 (ten) years and shall have provision for easy
Battery reserve
replacement. The shelf life of the battery should be minimum
15(fifteen) years or more.
External lithium thionyl chloride battery ( 3.6 V , 1200mAh),
internal super capacitor (5V)
Bottom entry, front connection, and connection type with
extended terminal cover: Minimum 10 Terminals to
accommodate up to 06 sq. mm size of cable. The terminal
Terminal cover for the offered energy meter shall be extended type,
and which can be sealed independently. There shall be free
space between bottom of the terminal and the bottom of the
terminal cover.
Service life of meter Shall be minimum 10 (ten) years.
a) The factory calibration conforms to relevant IEC or
equivalent international standard. LCD display shall be
shown consecutively and continuously one after another.
The display shall be automated i.e. no external means
Special condition shall be required to see the display. Each display shall
last for at least 8 (eight) sec.
b) Meter Electronic Circuit biasing voltage shall have to be
ensured from each phase to phase and each phase to
neutral and minimum basing voltage 40V.
The Energy meter body will be ultrasonically welded to avoid
Meter Sealing unauthorized opening of meter cover.Sealing provision shall
be made available to the Meter terminal cover.
The meter shall be provided with two ports for communication
Communication of the measured / collected data, i.e. hardware ports. The
Capability & Remote meter shall have a galvanically isolated optical
Communication communication port as per IEC 1107/ANSI and additional
communication port RS 485 should be provided for remote
meter reading purpose with open standard protocols. Both
the ports shall communicate simultaneously.
The meters shall display the following parameters on demand
(by pressing the push button) and automatically. In automatic
display each parameter shall be displayed for at least 10 sec.
Both forward and backward scroll provision shall be available
in on demand display.

1. Unique identification number of the meter
2. Date
3. Time
4. Current – IR
5. Current – IY
6. Current – IB
7. Voltage - VRN for 3 Ф / 4W
8. Voltage – VYN for 3 Ф / 4W
9. Voltage – VBN for 3 Ф / 4W
10. Signed Power Factor – R phase
11. Signed Power Factor – Y phase
12. Signed Power Factor – B phase
13. System Power Factor – PF
14. Frequency
15. Signed Active Power – kW (+ Forward, - backward)
16. Signed Reactive Power – kVAr (+ Lag, - Lead)
Instantaneous parameters 17. Apparent Power – kVA
18. Cumulative Energy export – kWh
19. Cumulative Energy Import – kWh
20. Cumulative Energy – kVAh – export
21. Cumulative Energy – kVAh – import
22. Kvarh – Quadrant 1
23. Kvarh – Quadrant 2
24. Kvarh – Quadrant 3
25. Kvarh – Quadrant 4
26. Maximum demand – (kVA)export
27. Maximum demand – (kVA)import
28. Cumulative MD (MVA)export
29. Cumulative MD (MVA)import
30. Date and Time of Last MD reset
31. Cumulative MD reset count
32. Rising demand(KW) and elapsed time
33. Average frequency of the previous 15-minute block
34. Net Wh transmittal in the previous 15-minute block,
with +/-sign
35. Average percentage voltage
36. Voltage-high VArh register reading
37. Voltage-low VArh register reading.
38. Cumulative Power Down Time in DD:HH:MM

39. Total Voltage Harmonic Distortion VTHD
40. Total Current Harmonic Distortion ITHD
41. Cumulative tamper count
42. Cumulative programming count
43. Demand Integration Period
44. Programmed external CT and PT ratios set in the
The maximum demand is to be monitored during each
demand interval set with 15 minutes integration and the
maximum of these in a month shall be stored. Whenever MD
is reset the maximum demand value so registered shall be
stored along with date and time. Under the current integration
period, the rising demand should be displayed continuously
along with the elapsed time. The registered demand and the
number of times the MD is reset up to 10 shall be stored in
the memory.

Maximum Demand(MD) MD Reset:

Recording: The meter shall have the following provisions regarding MD
a) Manually by operation of a button,
b) Resetting shall also be possible through a hand held
common meter reading instrument (CMRI), Widows
based Laptop capable of communicating with the
c) Provision for automatic resetting at the end of certain
period may be made available and it should be
possible to invoke this through CMRI, Widows based
Laptop with date and time.
1. Real time clock
2. Demand integration Period
3. Block Capture Time
4. Billing Date/MD reset date
5. Time Zones (1 to 8)
6. External CT/PT ratios.
7. events/tampers
8. OMF

The meter shall have the following minimum features to

prevent/detect tamper and fraud:
 Phase Sequence Reversal: The meter should work
accurately irrespective of phase sequence of supply.

Tamper and fraud  Missing Potentials: The meter shall be capable of

protection feature: detection occurrence of missing potential of one phase or
two phase(s), which can happen due to
intentional/accidental disconnection of potential link(s).
 Terminal cover and Front Cover (meter body) must
have micro-switch provision to monitor unauthorized
opening. Opening of terminal cover and Front Cover
(meter body) shall trigger an event to be recorded in the
event log memory.

Minimum 100 events (occurrences and restoration) with date

and time of event shall be recorded. The Information shall be
logged on first in first out basis and total number of tamper
Tamper Information events during the period. All these information should be
available in simple and easily understandable format i.e. slot
wise (i). Voltage tampers (ii). Current tampers (iii) Other
Provision for sealing with conventional wire or plastic seals
Reverse current detection
Tamper Detection and Advanced tamper detection and logging
Alarms Preprogrammed alarms for meter self-check
Alarms trigger LEDs and/or communication event
Alarms are stored in event logs
Multi-level security ( user name and password including
encrypted log-in)
Up to 7 independent levels
Up to 6 individual users
 The meter shall be provided with connection diagram.
 The meter shall have provision of phase to phase and
each phase to neutral biasing.
 The meter shall have minimum biasing voltage of 40V
 Meter must operate and accurately register demand and
energy when service voltage is applied across any two of
the three input terminals or when service voltage is
applied from any input terminal to neutral. Meter will
continue to operate even the neutral is missing.
 The registration of KWh (Peak & off-peak) on 3-phase,
3/4-wire supply for balanced & unbalanced load will be
unidirectional. i.e. if one, two or three phase supply is/are
reversed, it will take the absolute (kWh-del) + absolute
(kWh-rev) and will add them together as total 3-phase
Technical feature KWh.
 The meter shall have permanently print nameplate
distinctly marked with the following in addition to all
standard data:

1. Voltage and current rating.

2. The word ―DPDC‖ and logo of DPDC.
3. Frequency.
4. Number of element, number of wire and
multiplication factor.
5. Accuracy class.
6. Year of manufacture.
7. Serial number.
8. Name of manufacturer.
9. Meter constant.
Self-Diagnostics Features The meters shall have indications for unsatisfactory/non-
functioning of the following.

1. Time and calendar
2. Real Time clock (RTC)
3. RTC battery
4. Non-Volatile Memory
5. All display segments
 The Sequence of LCD/LED display should be user
 The contrast setting of LCD/LED display should be visible
in different lighting environment and distinctly visible in
broad daylight.
 The meter should be of displaying time and date, the
direction of energy i.e. as import/export or +/-, active tariff
and internal fault indicators.
 There should be up to three groups of display to priorities
the display. Each showing a programmable function
 The meter shall have a display of liquid crystal display
(LCD) or light emitting diode (LED) for measured values
with one digit indicating legend. The characters shall be
clearly visible. Provision shall be made to read
consumption in either whole units or decimal multiples or
Display of measured submultiples of one unit. The display shall be
values/ Meter Display continuously with backlight digital type and with non-
destructive read out. In case of multiple values presented
by a single display it must be possible to display the
contents of all relevant memories. When displaying the
memory, identifications of each tariff/parameter shall be
 The register shall be able to record and display starting
from zero, for a minimum of 1500 h, the energy
corresponding to rated maximum current at reference
voltage and unity power – factor. Register should not
rollover in between this duration.

1. Voltage = 0.1V
2. Current = 0.001A
3. P.F. = 0.001
4. Energy = 0.001 MWH
5. Demand = 0.1 KVA / KW=0.001 MVA/MW.
Duration of phase wise PT and CT failure with date and time
Fault Detection
shall be recorded month-wise.
IEC 62052-11
Standard IEC 62053-22
IEC 62053-23
Terminal Size 4.8mm to 5 mm


The following documents shall be submitted along with the tender:

Original Printed Catalogues with detail technical information, Constructional diagram and
dimensions of the Meters, Socket, connection diagram and others.

The following documents must be submitted along with the tender, without which the tender
shall be considered as non-responsive:

A. Commercial

Tenderer shall be eligible as per ITT Clause No. 5 and they should submit Tender validity, Tender
Security, Tender Security validity, Price Schedule, Delivery Schedule, Authorisation of the
signatory, Tender Submission Sheet/Letter, Tenderer Information Sheet & Documentary evidence
for establishing the Tenderer‘s Qualifications, etc. and all other documents including information
related to rejection clause as per Tender Document.

B. Technical

1. Letter of authorisation from the Manufacturers, in case, the Tenderer is not the manufacturer, in
prescribed Form.

2. 2 (two) nos. of manufacturer's supply record of same voltage level (110V) of offered type meters
within the last 5 (five) calendar years from the date of opening in the following format (The
supply record covering at least 25% of the tendered quantity in a single tender will be
considered only).

Sl. Name, Address, Phone Contract No. Contract Description of Date of

No. No., e-mail & Fax No. & Date Value Material with Completion of
of the Purchaser Quantity Supply
3. Satisfactory Performance certificate from at least 2 (two) end users (Electricity utility) for the
offered type meter of same voltage level(110v) from outside manufacturer‘s country within the
last 5 (five) calendar years from the date of opening.
4. Minimum 2 thousand productions per annum except from the country of origin.
6) Type Test report as per IEC 62052-11,62053-22 and 62053-23 or ANSIC 12.16,12.10 (latest
publication) or corresponding relevant UN standard in English along with test results of the
offered type energy meter from anyone of the following Independent testing laboratory.
a. KEMA, Holland
b. European Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) recognized labs.
c. Office of the Gas and Electricity Market, UK /S G S UK
d. Under Writer‘s Laboratory, USA
e. MET Laboratories Inc. USA
The bidder shall also submit the type test reference number and contact person from the
independent test laboratory to verify the test report.
7) One sample of each offered model/ type of meter is to be submitted for demonstration and as per
tender document. Sample meter is not returnable
8) Manufacturers will ensure unconditional warranty as described in Section-06 Manufacturer‘s
Authorisation Letter (Form PG4-7) & Section-8 Guaranteed Technical Particulars.

Functional electrical, material, mechanical and hydraulic tests shall be carried out at
manufacturers‘ premises. The extent and method of recording the results shall be agreed by
the Purchaser in ample time to enable the tests to be satisfactorily witnessed or to make any
changes to the proposed program of tests.

Material Tests
The supplier shall provide test pieces free of charge as required to enable the quality of the
material to be determined at the supplier‘s expense. Purchaser may at its own discretion
and by specific arrangement accept certified particulars of tests carried out in the absence of
his authorized representative.

Type Test
Type tests are required to prove the general design of the offered equipment/ materials. The
Tenderer shall submit the type test reports of the offered equipment/ materials from
internationally reputed independent testing laboratory as per latest version of relevant ANSI/
IEC or equivalent international standards as mentioned in the contract.

Routine Tests
All equipment/ materials shall be subjected to routine tests as per latest version of relevant
ANSI/ IEC or equivalent international standards as mentioned in the contract at the
manufacturers works and shall include, but not be limited to, an operational test.
The purchaser shall have the right to inspect / test the goods to confirm their conformity
to the specification.
The routine test shall be carried out as per latest version of respective ANSI/ IEC
standard at the manufacturer premises at the supplier‘s cost.

Routine test:

Materials will be tested at the manufacturer‘s factory and all cost of the test shall be borne
by the supplier. All the meters (body cover) must be sealed by the manufacturer after
completion of tests. The test and survey report shall have to be sent to the purchaser
before shipment. Shipment will be effected after the purchaser has accepted the test and
survey report and has informed the supplier to this effect.

In case any of the equipment found not conforming with the specification at the time of
inspection, the supplier will in no way be relieved to the responsibility of replacing those
or making those goods at their own cost, even if the equipment where found good at the
time of pre-shipment.


Meters must be export packed and properly protected for shipment, rough transportation
and storage. Specific care shall be taken for protection in store and reference is made to
the climatic condition prevailing in Bangladesh.
Each unit shall be sealed in waterproof polyethylene bag having a silica gel packet placed
inside the unit and then packed in polystyrene foam gasket closed by self-adhesive tape
rating of the meter shall be marked by marker pen or label on the form for easy
Maximum 10 (ten) nos. of complete metering units are allowed to pack into a wooden
packaging box lined with heavy gauge polyethylene. Between metering units a suitable
packing material for protection and preventing their movement should be used. Silica gel
should be provided inside each polyethylene wrapper. The packing case should be able
to withstand accidental direct exposure to weather for reasonable period.
The supplier shall be responsible for damages due to inadequate packing. A packing list
showing the contents of each packing shall be enclosed in a waterproof envelope
secured outside of the packing case. A copy of the packing list shall also be enclosed
inside the package.
All packages imported are liable to be opened for customs examination at the port of
landing and packing shall therefore be designed to facilitate opening and repackaging
A red band (20 cm wide) shall be painted all around each package. Each package shall
have the following information printed on it bold letters.

Name of supplier.
Port of loading.
Port of destination.
Name of consignee.
Contract number.
Brief description of stores.
Number of packages. (Total quantity)
Gross and net weight.
In addition each package shall be clearly marked or stenciled in red on two sides, the
shipping mark DPDC, BANGLADESH inscribed within a triangle marked shown below:
The shipping mark


On the other two sides, arrow marking with words ―THIS SIDE UP‖ and ―FRAGILE‖ shall be clearly
marked or stenciled to indicate the face of the package to keep upward.




Bidder shall submit Meter (duly programmed) as samples of offered each model/type meter along
with their bid at time of bid submission, which will be returned upon completion of the bid
evaluation. Late submission of sample is not acceptable. If the bidder fails to submit the samples
during bid submission, the bid shall be rejected and will not be considered for further evaluation.

The bidder may be asked to demonstrate the performance of the sample meter submitted along
with the bid as per technical requirement of tender document. Especially meter should be
compatible with DLMS/COSEM (Open Protocol) software to be shown in the demonstration. For
this demonstration DPDC will not bear any expenses. If the bidder fails to conduct demonstration as
per DPDC‘s requirement or to demonstrate the meter performance as per technical requirement the
bid will not be considered for awarding the contract.
Approval of Drawings:
The successful bidder have to submit 5 (five) sets of drawings and other technical particulars for all
types of Meters within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of signing of the contract agreement to the
Project Director, Digitalization and Automation of Substation Metering System, DPDC, Dhaka.
SE, Design circle will approve the drawings. The contractor shall be required to demonstrate on
their design and drawing before approval.
No work shall be performed in connection with the fabrication and manufacturing of the meter until
the drawings and technical particulars have been approved.
The cost of supplying drawings shall be borne by the supplier.
At the time of delivery of the Meters, and the supplier shall supply 10 (ten) sets of all approved
technical data and drawings in bound book form along with manufacturer‘s catalogue & manual of
the components.


Data Acquisition & Controller device (PLC + RS485 MODULE + 16x DI/DO MODULE + 4GB
Memory card + 24v dc power supply) with Steel Box:

Data Concentrator Unit (DCU)

The offered DCU‘s shall be designed for a wide field of applications, such as e.g.
 Classical DCU applications with meter and IED integration
 Local control systems with centralized or distributed I/O, etc….
By means of an "intelligent terminal" concept, the DCU shall provide a very fine granularity
of I/O modules and shall offer the benefits of directly connecting to the process by
means of 24-60V DC in- and outputs. The process connection shall be provided by means
of disconnectable screw terminals on the front of the I/O modules.
The parameter storage shall be provided on a flash memory card. By this means it
shall be possible to replace components without parameter and/or firmware loading via
PC's. Comprehensive remote diagnostics functions with clear text fault indication down to
board and signal level shall be provided.
The DCU shall utilize different media for local and remote communication. The consequent
use of IEC standards mast guarantee consistent addressing from acquisition to output. The
DCU must support other non-standard protocols in order to ensure the seamless
integration into existing automation networks.
Open-loop and closed-loop control functions shall be supported by the DCU according to
IEC 61131-3. The engineering tool must allow to carry out all engineering activities, from
system diagnostics to online testing, also from remote location.
The DCU must present an open, expandable and future-proof system, by taking into
account latest standards, such as e.g. Flash card technology, integrated PLC functionality;
modular system concept, etc.
Configuration of the DCU
The DCU design shall be based on Terminal Modules, which can be mounted on
35mm, DIN rails.
The DCU shall consist of a Master Control Unit and the Peripheral Elements, which
can be expanded by adding modules and arranged in distributed locations.
The Peripheral Elements can be a number of Input and Output Modules (binary or
analogue) which communicate with a speed of minimum 16 MBit/s with the Master
Control Unit.
The interface between the Peripheral Elements and the Master Control Unit is to be
provided electrically by a standard cable in order to allow distributed arrangement of
the I/O modules. The length of these cables shall be up to 3 meters in order to
arrangement the modules in the DCU cubicle.
The DCU shall provide integrated serial or LAN interfaces according to the below
given specification.
System concept of the DCU
The offered DCU product shall be part of an integrated automation system based on long-
term experiences in SCADA and DCU applications, and shall be designed especially for
easy installation and powerful application.

The DCU shall provide the following features:

 modular, open and technology-independent system structure

 multi-processor system
 direct periphery-coupling without intermediate terminals
 parameter setting by powerful engineering software
 online parameter modification without interruption of DCU function
 LED's for all process- and operating conditions
 Simplified connection handling by „intelligent terminals―
 35mm international standard profile rails
 secured internal communication over bus systems
 little training needed
 Data storage via Memory Card
The configuration of an DCU (firmware and parameters) shall be stored centrally on an
exchangeable, non-volatile storage card. When the DCU is restarted, and also when
individual modules are restarted, all necessary data are to be automatically transmitted
from the storage card to all CPUs and modules
 Periodical processing of automation functions shall be integrated according to IEC
 Spontaneous processing shall support the processing- and communication-orientated
telecontrol functions and include:
 Parameterizeable telecontrol processing of the I/O modules
 change monitoring, signal creation and time-stamping (min. 1ms resolution) of the event
data of the periodical processing
 timely decoupling of the signal and prioritized transfer with the aid of a deterministic
priority algorithm
 Prioritization of Messages
 Energy Metering value collection
 Extended temperature range (-25C to +65C)
 High EMC (electromagnetic compatibility)
 Increased electric strength (class 2)

System architecture

The mechanical design of the DCU shall follow the idea of the simplest installation and
maintenance. Consequently, all components of the DCU have been conceived for the fitting
on a 35-mm standard profile rail.

The DCU shall support efficient and simple interfacing possibilities of the process signals.
This is to be effected by the I/O-modules, which due to a robust housing provide secure
contact as well as solid electronics.

The I/O-modules are to be arranged in rows and connected on the periphery controller.
This controller shall communicate via fiber optic or electrical cables with the Master Control
Unit. When the modules are mounted together the communication bus contact shall close
without any further manipulation. Each I/O-module shall remain individually exchangeable.
If one I/O module has to be replaced by a new one, only the corresponding peripheral line
shall be affected.

Direct sensor-/ actuator cabling without additional interposing relays must be possible.
LED‘s must support the easy maintenance and service access.

The local I/O-modules shall be concentrated in so-called periphery islands. A minimum of

16 such island shall be supported by the DCU.

It shall be possible to mount up to 8 I/O-modules in any combination for each periphery

 16 channel digital-input (input range 24-60VDC)

 16 channel digital-input (input range 110/220VDC)
 16 channel digital-output (output range 24-60VDC)
 8 channel digital-output (output range 24-220VDC/230VAC)
 4 channel analogue input (input range +/-10V, +/-10mA, +/-20mA)
 4 channel analogue output (output range +/-10V, +/-10mA, +/-20mA)
A minimum number of Digital has to be provided to check the switch states of S/s equipment.


A minimum of Three interface modules shall support versatile communication (e.g.

V24/V28, V11, Ethernet), for serial communication the following traffic - methods must be
available as standard protocols (point-to-point traffic, multi-point traffic, multi-point traffic
with relay operation, dialup traffic). The protocols must be according to IEC 60870-5-103
standard for IED integration, Modbus for Meter integration and IEC 60870-5-104 for control
center integration.
A maximum of 20 IEDs can only be connected per IEC 60870-5-103 loop and FIVE meters
per Modbus loop. Data updating should be real time.

Data storage

The configuration of the DCU (firmware and parameters) shall store centrally on an
exchangeable, non-volatile storage card. Battery backup is not allowed.
When the DCU is restarted, and also when individual modules are restarted, all necessary
data are automatically transmitted from the storage card to all CPUs and modules.
Renewed loading after module exchange shall not be necessary. The new modules shall
receive all configuration information from the storage card. This means, that with the
exchange of spare parts, "Plug ´n Play" must be possible and no tool or further loading is
Periodical processing
Periodical processing must provide freely definable automation functions with guaranteed
reaction time (e.g. telecontrol- and process-data processing, monitoring, logic's, control,
regulation and interlocking). The reaction time must be independent from the number of
altering signals. This must be achieved through the general periodical concept for data
acquisition, function execution and data transfer.
The creation of automation functions shall be carried out with a powerful engineering tool in
graphical function plan according to IEC 61131-3, which shall be part of the DCU
configuration tool.
Spontaneous processing
Spontaneous processing must support the processing- and communication-orientated
telecontrol functions and comprise:
 Parameterize able telecontrol processing of the periphery elements
 change monitoring, signal creation and time-stamping (1ms resolution) of the event
data of the periodical processing
 Timely decoupling of the signal and prioritized transfer with the aid of a
deterministic priority algorithm

Prioritization of Messages
Data types shall be prioritized (messages e.g. more important than measured values) in the
DCU individually per signal type if necessary to provide supervisory control systems also in
case of high load situations with all essential data.
Energy metering value collection
The DCU shall support Meter pulse acquisition. Absolute counter as well as relative values
shall be acquired by the DCU.
Service functions
The common system concepts shall support service functions for all automation
components in one communication network (e.g.):
 address concept for the network-wide clear device- and data point addressing
 general interrogation for update of all process- and system information after a fault
 time management (management, setting and synchronization) of all real-time clocks
 Failure-handling for data-point-selective marking of information affected by a failure.
 engineering functions (engineering, diagnosis and testing) with engineering tool
Environmental conditions
The DCU shall satisfy different demands of environmental conditions:

 Extended temperature range (-25C to +65C)

 High EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) according to IEC
All hardware cards for DCU shall comply with the following tests in the final installed state:
Isolation: IEC 60255-5
─ 2,5 kV AC over 1 min for power supply, 1,5 kV AC over 1 min for I/O
─ Surge voltage 5 kV with pulse 1.2/50µs for power supply,
2 and 1 kV with pulse 1.2/50µs for I/O

HF disturbance test:
IEC 61000-4-12,
IEC 60255-22-1
─ 2,5 kV (longitudinal) at 1 MHz damped for power supply
1 kV (longitudinal) at 1 MHz damped for I/O,
1 kV (transverse) at 1 MHz damped for power supply,
0,5 kV (transverse) at 1 MHz damped for I/O,
repeated values 400/S

Transient disturbances:
IEC 61000-4-4
─ Pulse 5/50 ns, burst duration 15 ms at 5 kHz
─ 2 kV for I/O, 4 kV for power supply

Electromagnetic fields:
IEC 61000-4-3
IEC 60255-22-3
─ Field strength 10 V/m

Static discharge (ESD test):

IEC 61000-4-2
IEC 60255-22-3, Class 3
─ Pulse 5/30 ns with 4 kV/8kV (transverse/longitudinal)

Spark disturbance: CISPR 22

─ Limit class A

Magnetic fields (50 Hz):

IEC 61000-4-8,
IEC 60870-2-1, Class 4
─ 30 A/m

DCU Configuration Tool

The DCU configuration tool shall be based on Object-oriented data modeling and shall
hence make possible the free definition of objects by the user. Drag & drop and paste & cut
are the preferred way of working.
Setting of parameters shall be supported without influencing continuous operation of the
DCU (on-line parameter setting and diagnosis except for configuration parameters).
Routine system tasks such as regular archiving shall be able to be completed by the
Client's staff. Multiple entries shall be avoided and plausibility checks shall be performed at
several levels.
Shared-work project engineering in workgroups shall be performed for greater productivity,
greater data integrity. The utilization of shared resources (e.g. printers) by network support
and use of client/server architecture shall also apply.
The Engineering tool shall be based on ORACLE industry-standard database system.
The Engineering tool shall be a uniform tool for the DCU as well as for SCADA/HMI System
(engineering of process data) and shall ensure an integrated engineering process.
The Engineering tool for the DCU shall be provided with minimum functions as follows:
 Configuration tools to set and configure substation object-oriented database that
shall produce automatic documentation of data point lists
 Programming tool with IEC 1131-3 compliant programming environment for logic
programming of functions
 Simulation tool to test all logic programming before putting them online
 Maintenance tool such as diagnostic and online monitoring tool
 Communication configuration tool for network management system
 The process data management shall be integrated part of the common
engineering tool.
 Single terminal working as well as distributed working (parallel working on the
same project)
shall be possible. WEB solutions (Internet/Intranet) are desirable.
 Remote maintenance by using standard communication (preferably via
TCP/IP and the owners INTRANET but also Telephone, Modem, ISDN, etc.)
is required.
 The DCU firmware shall be selected from a library of standard modules,
designed to operate under control of the operating system and interface
efficiently with the database. It shall be written in a standard high level
language, suitable for the implementation of real-time systems.

 The Engineering tool shall be able to integrate a personal help function. This
shall ensure, that own defined contents in usual formats (e.g. HTML, PDF,
TXT or DOC) can be included in the online help (expand online help
specifically for the project).
 The latest release of software shall be supplied and tested at FAT.
Consideration to updating the software packages shall be given before the
expiry of warranty. This shall include associated testing.

It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain any licenses required for the
operation of the software. The Contractor shall indemnify the Client against all claims of
infringement of any patent, registered design, copyright, trademark or trade name or other
intellectual property right.

DCU Service and Maintenance Tool

The system shall provide full service and maintenance support (preferably via TCP/IP and
the owner's INTRANET but also via Telephone, Modem, ISDN, etc.) by the means of an
easy to operate service tool. The following basic functions shall be provided:
 Mask and menu oriented parameter selection and entry

 Off-line and on-line test and data flow reporting functions

 Off-line and on-line test for graphical logics

This tool shall also provide information of faulty parts and cards of the DCU in clear English
text and shall allow also changing and testing of parameters and control programs. The
service tool shall also support remote parameter setting and diagnosis by the means of a
telephone modem or a router.

General technical specifications:

Model SIMATIC S71215c or equivalent

Tested with IEC 68,
Part 2-6: 10 ... 57 Hz;

Constant amplitude 0.3 mm;

58 ... 150 Hz;

Constant acceleration: 1 g (mounted on DIN rail) or 2 g (mounted in

Vibration switchboard);

Mode of vibration: frequency sweeps with a sweep rate of 1


Duration of vibration: 10 frequency sweeps per axis in each direction

of the three mutually perpendicular axes.

Capacity to Tested with IEC 68,

withstand Part 2-27/half-sine: magnitude of shock 15 g (peak value), duration
magnitude of 11 ms, 6 shocks in each of the three mutually perpendicular axes

The Data Acquisition & Controller device meets national and
international standards:
• UL 508
• CSA C22.2 No. 142
standards: • FM Class I, div. 2, group A, B, C, D; T4A Class I, Zone 2, IIC, T4
• VDE 0160
• EN 61131-2
• Requirements of the EMC directive in accordance with
EN 50081-1, 50081-2 and 50082-2

Degree of
IP20 acc. to IEC 529
• Operation (95% humidity)
- horizontal installation 0 ... 55 °C
Ambient - vertical installation 0 ... 45 °C
temperature • Transportation and storage -40 ... +70 °C
- with 95% humidity 25 ... 55 °C

• 5/24 V DC circuits 500 V AC test voltage

• 115/230 V AC circuits to ground 1500 V AC test voltage
• 115/230 V AC circuits to 115/230 V AC circuits
1500 V AC test voltage
• 230 V AC circuits to 5/24 V DC circuits
1500 V AC test voltage
• 115 V AC circuits to 5/24 V DC circuits
1500 V AC test voltage
• Noise immunity acc. to
EN 50082-2
Test acc. to:
IEC 801-2, IEC 801-3, IEC 801-4,
EN 50141, EN 50204, IEC 801-5,
Requirements of
VDE 0160
the EMC
• Emitted interference acc. to
EN 50081-1 and EN 50081-2
Test according to
EN 55011, Class A, Group 1
SIPLUS extreme
Ambient temperature range -25 to +60/+70 °C1)
Relative humidity 100% Dewing, condensation and icing permissible

A wide range of operations facilitate programming:

- basic operations such as binary logic operations, result allocation,
save, count, create times, load, transfer, compare, shift, rotate, create
complement, call subprogram (with local variables)
- integral communication commands (e.g. USS protocol, Modbus
Comprehensive DCU, S7 communication "T-Send/T-Receive" or Freeport)
instruction set: - user-friendly functions such as pulse-width modulation, pulse
sequence function, arithmetic functions, floating point arithmetic, PID
closed-loop control, jump functions, loop functions and code
- mathematical functions, e.g. SIN, COS, TAN, LN, EXP

Others • Password protection

• Motion Control in accordance with PLCopen for simple movements
• Library functionality

• Status LEDs for indicating ―Send‖, ―Receive‖ and ―Error‖

Design • Communication interfaces:
Available for the RS485 physical transmission media

For communication according to the MODBUS protocol with
DCU format:

- MODBUS master:
Master-slave interfacing with SIMATIC S7 as master.
- MODBUS slave:
Master-slave interfacing with SIMATIC S7 as slave;

• USS drive protocol:

Instructions for connection of USS protocol drives are especially
supported. In this case, drives exchange data over RS485.

Input 120/230 V AC,

Output 24 V DC/2.5 A;
Power supplies
Deratixng from +55°C ... +70 °C
to 1.5 A output current

Central processing units:

• Comprehensive instruction set:
A wide range of operations facilitate programming:
- basic operations such as binary logic operations, result allocation, save, count, create
times, load, transfer, compare, shift, rotate, create complement, call subprogram (with local
- integral communication commands (e.g. USS protocol, Modbus DCU, S7 communication
"T-Send/T-Receive" or Freeport)
- user-friendly functions such as pulse-width modulation, pulse sequence function, arithmetic
functions, floating point arithmetic, PID closed-loop control, jump functions, loop functions
and code conversions
- mathematical functions, e.g. SIN, COS, TAN, LN, EXP
• Counting:
User-friendly counting functions in conjunction with the integrated counters and special
commands for high-speed counters open up new application areas for the user
• Interrupt processing:
- edge-triggered interrupts (activated by rising or falling edges of process signals on interrupt
inputs) support a rapid response to process events
- time-triggered interrupts
- counter interrupts can be triggered when a set point is reached or when the direction of
counting changes
- communication interrupts allow the rapid and easy exchange of information with peripheral
devices such as printers or bar code readers
• Password protection
• Test and diagnostics functions:
Easy-to-use functions support testing and diagnostics, e.g. online/offline diagnostics

• "Forcing" of inputs and outputs during testing and diagnostics:
Inputs and outputs can be set independently of cycle and thus permanently, for example, to
test the user program
• Motion Control in accordance with PLCopen for simple movements
• Library functionality
Digital modules:
Digital input/output modules permit:
• Connection of the controller to digital signals of the process
• Output of digital signals from the controller to the process
This provides users with the following advantages:
• Optimum adaptation:
With signal modules which can be mixed as desired, users can adapt their controllers
exactly to the relevant task. This avoids superfluous investments. Modules with 8, 16, and 32
input/output channels are available.
• Flexibility:
If the task is expanded subsequently, the controller can be upgraded. Updating of the user
program is extremely simple

The SM 1223 digital input/output signal modules convert
• the level of the external digital signals from the process into the internal signal level of the
Data Acquisition & Controller device and
• the internal signal level of the Data Acquisition & Controller device into the external signal
level required by the process. Digital inputs and outputs as supplement to the integral I/O of
the CPUs
• For flexible adaptation of the controller to the relevant task
• For subsequent expansion of the system with additional inputs and outputs

Analog modules:
SM 1234 analog input/outputs permit the use of analog inputs/outputs.
This provides users with the following advantages:
• Optimal adaptation:
With analog and digital expansion modules, users can optimally match their controllers even
to more complex tasks
• Direct connection of sensors and actuators:
Up to 14 bit resolution plus sign and different input/output ranges permit the connection of
sensors and actuators without an additional amplifier
• Flexibility:
If the task is expanded subsequently, the controller can be upgraded. Updating of the user
program is extremely simple

The SM 1234 analog input/output signal modules
• convert analog signals from the process into digital signals for internal processing by the
Data Acquisition & Controller device.
• convert digital signals of the Data Acquisition & Controller device into signals for
controlling the respective process

The CM 1241 communication modules have the same design features as the basic devices.

• Installation on DIN rails:
The modules are snapped onto the rail next to the CPU on the right and are electrically and
mechanically connected to each other and to the CPU by the integral slide mechanism.
• Direct installation:
Horizontal or vertical mounting on DIN rail or direct mounting in the cabinet using integral
The communication modules are equipped with the following:
• Status LEDs for indicating ―Send‖, ―Receive‖ and ―Error‖
• Communication interfaces:
Available for the RS232 and RS485 physical transmission media

The following standard protocols are available on the CM 1241 communication modules:
For interfacing to third-party systems with simple transmission protocols, e.g. protocols with
start and end characters or with block check characters. The interface handshake signals
can be called and controlled via the user program.
For communication according to the MODBUS protocol with DCU format:
- MODBUS master:
Master-slave interfacing with DCU as master.
- MODBUS slave:
Master-slave interfacing with DCU as slave; message frame traffic from slave to slave not
• USS drive protocol:
Instructions for connection of USS protocol drives are especially supported. In this case,
drives exchange data over RS485. It is then possible to control these drives, and to read
and write parameters.


The following documents shall be submitted along with the tender:

Original Printed Catalogues with detail technical information, Constructional diagram and
dimensions of the DCU, connection diagram and others.

The following documents must be submitted along with the tender, without which the tender
shall be considered as non-responsive:

A. Commercial

Tenderer shall be eligible as per ITT Clause No. 5 and they should submit Tender validity, Tender
Security, Tender Security validity, Price Schedule, Delivery Schedule, Authorisation of the
signatory, Tender Submission Sheet/Letter, Tenderer Information Sheet & Documentary evidence
for establishing the Tenderer‘s Qualifications, etc. and all other documents including information
related to rejection clause as per Tender Document.

B. Technical

5. Letter of authorisation from the Manufacturers, in case, the Tenderer is not the manufacturer, in
prescribed Form.
6. Satisfactory Performance certificate from at least 2 (two) end users (Electricity utility or Others)
for the offered type DCU from outside manufacturer‘s country within the last 5 (five) calendar
years from the date of opening.

7) One sample of each offered model/ type of DCU is to be submitted for demonstration and as per
tender document. Sample DCU is returnable.
8) Manufacturers will ensure unconditional warranty as described in Section-06 Manufacturer‘s
Authorisation Letter (Form PG4-7) & Section-8 Guaranteed Technical Particulars.



Functional electrical, material, mechanical and hydraulic tests shall be carried out at
manufacturers‘ premises. The extent and method of recording the results shall be agreed by
the Purchaser in ample time to enable the tests to be satisfactorily witnessed or to make any
changes to the proposed program of tests.
Routine Tests

All equipment/ materials shall be subjected to routine tests as per latest version of relevant
ANSI/ IEC or equivalent international standards as mentioned in the contract at the
manufacturers works and shall include, but not be limited to, an operational test.
The purchaser shall have the right to inspect / test the goods to confirm their conformity
to the specification.
The routine test shall be carried out as per latest version of respective ANSI/ IEC
standard at the manufacturer premises at the supplier‘s cost.

In case any of the equipment found not conforming with the specification at the time of
inspection, the supplier will in no way be relieved to the responsibility of replacing those
or making those goods at their own cost, even if the equipment where found good at the
time of pre-shipment.


DCUs must be export packed and properly protected for shipment, rough transportation
and storage. Specific care shall be taken for protection in store and reference is made to
the climatic condition prevailing in Bangladesh.
Each unit shall be sealed in waterproof polyethylene bag having a silica gel packet placed
inside the unit and then packed in polystyrene foam gasket closed by self-adhesive tape
rating of the meter shall be marked by marker pen or label on the form for easy
The supplier shall be responsible for damages due to inadequate packing. A packing list
showing the contents of each packing shall be enclosed in a waterproof envelope
secured outside of the packing case. A copy of the packing list shall also be enclosed
inside the package.
All packages imported are liable to be opened for customs examination at the port of
landing and packing shall therefore be designed to facilitate opening and repackaging
A red band (20 cm wide) shall be painted all around each package. Each package shall
have the following information printed on it bold letters.
Name of supplier.
Port of loading.
Port of destination.
Name of consignee.
Contract number.
Brief description of stores.
Number of packages. (Total quantity)
Gross and net weight.
In addition each package shall be clearly marked or stenciled in red on two sides, the
shipping mark DPDC, BANGLADESH inscribed within a triangle marked shown below:
The shipping mark


On the other two sides, arrow marking with words ―THIS SIDE UP‖ and ―FRAGILE‖ shall be clearly
marked or stenciled to indicate the face of the package to keep upward.





Bidder shall submit DCU (duly programmed) as samples of offered each model/type DCU along
with their bid at time of bid submission, which will be returned upon completion of the bid
evaluation. Late submission of sample is not acceptable. If the bidder fails to submit the samples
during bid submission, the bid shall be rejected and will not be considered for further evaluation.

The bidder may be asked to demonstrate the performance of the sample DCU submitted along with
the bid as per technical requirement of tender document. For this demonstration DPDC will not bear
any expenses. If the bidder fails to conduct demonstration as per DPDC‘s requirement or to
demonstrate the DCU performance as per technical requirement the bid will not be considered for
awarding the contract.
Approval of Drawings:
The successful bidder have to submit 5 (five) sets of drawings and other technical particulars for all
types of DCUs within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of signing of the contract agreement to the
Project Director, Digitalization and Automation of Substation Metering System, DPDC, Dhaka.
SE, Design circle will approve the drawings. The contractor shall be required to demonstrate on
their design and drawing before approval.
No work shall be performed in connection with the fabrication and manufacturing of the DCU until
the drawings and technical particulars have been approved.
The cost of supplying drawings shall be borne by the supplier.

At the time of delivery of the DCUs, and the supplier shall supply 10 (ten) sets of all approved
technical data and drawings in bound book form along with manufacturer‘s catalogue & manual of
the components.
The successful bidder has to supply all required accessories (additional such as flash memory card,
Sim slot etc.) with the DCU unit for successful operation as per employer requirement.

DCU must have ability to collect data from meter as per employer requirement.

Rugged VPN Router with optical fiber converter:

General Specification & Standards:

Model RUGGEDCOM RX1400 or equivalent

Transfer rate 10 Mbit/s, 100 Mbit/s, 1000 Mbit/s
Interfaces / for communication /
To be mentioned
pluggable / maximum
Operating voltage / of the
250 V
signaling contacts AC
Operating voltage / of the
125 V
signaling contacts DC
Operating current / of the
signaling contacts AC
Operating current / of the
signaling contacts DC
Ambient temperature -40 ... +85 °C
Protection class IP IP40
Design, dimensions and weight To be mentioned

Switch latency period 7 µs

Transfer rate / of the switch 10 Gbit/s

Number of priority channels 4
Protocol / is supported To be mentioned
loopback diagnostics Yes
Laser protection class Complies with 21 CFR chapter 1, subchapter J

Standard for safety / from CSA cCSAus (Compliant with CSA C22.2 No. 60950,
and UL UL60950, EN60950)

Certificate of suitability IEC 61850-3, IEEE 1613

Zero Packet Loss

The proliferation of IP networking technology from the office to industrial environments, for use in
real-time, mission critical, control applications requires a level of immunity to electromagnetic
interference (EMI) well beyond what is currently delivered by commercial grade networking
products. In fact, even the EMI immunity requirements prescribed by IEC 61000-6-2 (Generic
Standards – Immunity for Industrial Environments) are inadequate for many environments.

One such environment is the electric utility substation, where EMI levels can be significantly higher
than those of the generic industrial environment defined in IEC 61000-6-2. In order to address this
risk, both the IEC and IEEE have developed and issued new standards addressing EMI immunity
requirements for communications networking equipment in electric utility substations.
In response to these requirements, Siemens RUGGEDCOM technology withstands all of the EMI
type tests required by IEC 61850-3 without experiencing any communications loss or delays.
Products featuring this technology also qualify as IEEE 1613 class 2 error-free devices.
This innovation is known as Zero Packet Loss technology and it is designed to provide the same
level of EMI immunity, performance relaying, and reliability as protective relaying devices.


The following documents shall be submitted along with the tender:

Original Printed Catalogues with detail technical information, Constructional diagram and
dimensions of the RUGGED VPN ROUTER, connection diagram and others.

The following documents must be submitted along with the tender, without which the tender
shall be considered as non-responsive:

A. Commercial

Tenderer shall be eligible as per ITT Clause No. 5 and they should submit Tender validity, Tender
Security, Tender Security validity, Price Schedule, Delivery Schedule, Authorisation of the
signatory, Tender Submission Sheet/Letter, Tenderer Information Sheet & Documentary evidence
for establishing the Tenderer‘s Qualifications, etc. and all other documents including information
related to rejection clause as per Tender Document.

B. Technical

7. Letter of authorisation from the Manufacturers, in case, the Tenderer is not the manufacturer, in
prescribed Form.
8. Satisfactory Performance certificate from at least 2 (two) end users (Electricity utility or Others)
for the offered type RUGGED VPN ROUTER from outside manufacturer‘s country within the last
5 (five) calendar years from the date of opening.
7) One sample of each offered model/ type of RUGGED VPN ROUTER is to be submitted for
demonstration and as per tender document. Sample RUGGED VPN ROUTER is returnable.
8) Manufacturers will ensure unconditional warranty as described in Section-06 Manufacturer‘s
Authorisation Letter (Form PG4-7) & Section-8 Guaranteed Technical Particulars.


Functional electrical, material, mechanical and hydraulic tests shall be carried out at
manufacturers‘ premises. The extent and method of recording the results shall be agreed by
the Purchaser in ample time to enable the tests to be satisfactorily witnessed or to make any
changes to the proposed program of tests.
Routine Tests
All equipment/ materials shall be subjected to routine tests as per latest version of relevant
ANSI/ IEC or equivalent international standards as mentioned in the contract at the
manufacturers works and shall include, but not be limited to, an operational test.
The purchaser shall have the right to inspect / test the goods to confirm their conformity
to the specification.

The routine test shall be carried out as per latest version of respective ANSI/ IEC
standard at the manufacturer premises at the supplier‘s cost.

In case any of the equipment found not conforming with the specification at the time of
inspection, the supplier will in no way be relieved to the responsibility of replacing those
or making those goods at their own cost, even if the equipment where found good at the
time of pre-shipment.


RUGGED VPN ROUTERs must be export packed and properly protected for shipment,
rough transportation and storage. Specific care shall be taken for protection in store and
reference is made to the climatic condition prevailing in Bangladesh.
Each unit shall be sealed in waterproof polyethylene bag having a silica gel packet placed
inside the unit and then packed in polystyrene foam gasket closed by self-adhesive tape
rating of the meter shall be marked by marker pen or label on the form for easy
The supplier shall be responsible for damages due to inadequate packing. A packing list
showing the contents of each packing shall be enclosed in a waterproof envelope
secured outside of the packing case. A copy of the packing list shall also be enclosed
inside the package.
All packages imported are liable to be opened for customs examination at the port of
landing and packing shall therefore be designed to facilitate opening and repackaging
A red band (20 cm wide) shall be painted all around each package. Each package shall
have the following information printed on it bold letters.
Name of supplier.
Port of loading.
Port of destination.
Name of consignee.
Contract number.
Brief description of stores.
Number of packages. (total quantity)
Gross and net weight.
In addition each package shall be clearly marked or stenciled in red on two sides, the
shipping mark DPDC, BANGLADESH inscribed within a triangle marked shown below:
The shipping mark


On the other two sides, arrow marking with words ―THIS SIDE UP‖ and ―FRAGILE‖ shall be clearly
marked or stenciled to indicate the face of the package to keep upward.





Bidder shall submit RUGGED VPN ROUTER (duly programmed) as samples of offered each
model/type RUGGED VPN ROUTER along with their bid at time of bid submission, which will be
returned upon completion of the bid evaluation. Late submission of sample is not acceptable. If the
bidder fails to submit the samples during bid submission, the bid shall be rejected and will not be
considered for further evaluation.

The bidder may be asked to demonstrate the performance of the sample RUGGED VPN ROUTER
submitted along with the bid as per technical requirement of tender document. For this
demonstration DPDC will not bear any expenses. If the bidder fails to conduct demonstration as per
DPDC‘s requirement or to demonstrate the RUGGED VPN ROUTER performance as per technical
requirement the bid will not be considered for awarding the contract.
Approval of Drawings:
The successful bidder have to submit 5 (five) sets of drawings and other technical particulars for all
types of RUGGED VPN ROUTERs within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of signing of the contract
agreement to the Project Director, Digitalization and Automation of Substation Metering System,
DPDC, Dhaka.
SE, Design circle will approve the drawings. The contractor shall be required to demonstrate on
their design and drawing before approval.
No work shall be performed in connection with the fabrication and manufacturing of the RUGGED
VPN ROUTER until the drawings and technical particulars have been approved.
The cost of supplying drawings shall be borne by the supplier.
At the time of delivery of the RUGGED VPN ROUTERs, and the supplier shall supply 10 (ten) sets
of all approved technical data and drawings in bound book form along with manufacturer‘s
catalogue & manual of the components.

Router must have the ability to route data through VPN network using optical fiber
communication as per employer requirement.

Patch Cable

General Specification:
 High transmission speeds due to operating frequency with up to 250 MHz (in comparison to
Cat.5/Cat.5e cable bandwidth of 100 MHz)
 High quality copper inner conductor / zero-halogen insulation / ROHS conform / 100% over-
moulded strain relief | bend protection mantle (very solid thanks to sharpened bend protection
 Configuration as EIA/TIA 568B | guaranteed downwards and upwards compatibility to
Cat.5e/CAT.5/CAT.7/ UTP / EIA/TIA 568B standard
 Suitable for Gigabit-networks 10/100/1000 MBit | to connect computers, games consoles, DSL-
modem, switch, router, network sockets or patch panels within a 10/100/1000 Mbit-networks

Patch Cable must have the ability to communicate properly for successful operation as per
employer requirement.

RJ 45 Connector (industrial Grade)
General Specification:
 Industry-compatible design (rugged metal enclosure, parts can‘t be lost)
 Excellent EMC shielding and deflection (metal enclosure)
 Additional strain and bending relief of plug connector possible through latching of plug on device
 Compatible with the EN 50173 (RJ45) / ISO IEC 11801 standard
 Connector can be used with rigid and flexible cores
 Industrial Ethernet FC RJ45 Plugs are available in: IP20 (With 180°, 145° and 90° (angled)
cable outlet)
 IE RJ45 Port Lock

RJ 45 Connector must have the ability to work properly for successful operation as per
employer requirement.

Armored communication cable (Modbus)

General Specification:

 Half Duplex. Maximum serial Data Rate - 3Mbps Baud rate

 No dip switch required for Baud rate selection.
 Operating Temperature ranging from -40C to +85C.
 Capacitance@ 1hz:Core to core: 42pF/m, Core to shield: 75.5pF/m

Armored communication cable must have the ability to communicate properly for successful
operation as per employer requirement.

GPS for Time Sync

General Description:

The Time Machines GPS Network Time Server is a simple to use GPS based time server that will
supply accurate time for all computers and time keeping devices on the network. By placing a time
server on the local network, SNTP time packets are provided without requiring systems to go to the
Internet to get Stratum 1 time synchronization. The system uses an active GPS antenna to maintain
the current time as broadcast by United States GPS satellites. With this device installed on your
local network, there is no longer the worry that if the Internet connection goes down, time
synchronization is lost across the network. The unit is small and can be placed anywhere within the
network layout. The built in high sensitivity GPS receiver is able to lock multiple satellites from
within many buildings or from a window location, removing the requirement that outdoor antenna be
installed. Setup and use of this time server is straightforward. Simply connect both the included
power supply and the GPS antenna to the base unit and then connect the base unit to the local
network. Go to a computer on the network and browse to the device at its default address to enter
the software setup within the control box. Set parameters to match your network and the system will
start to send out time packets to any device on the system that asks for an update from it. When
paired with our digital Power over Ethernet (PoE) clocks, synchronized time is assured no matter
the state of your network, or the state of the internet time server the clocks are pointed to. Accuracy
is also improved because the network delay of the internet is highly variable, while the local LAN
connection is likely sub-millisecond delay. Time Machine GPS based time servers are suited to any
application where coordination of events at multiple locations is required. Used by Education,
industrial facilities, military installations, public safety command rooms, government, broadcasting,
and hospitals.
Model Meinberg LANTIME M300 time server or equivalent

Surge arrester To be provided

Frequency outputs 10 MHz via female BNC connector, TTL into 50 Ohm

Pulse outputs Pulse Per Second (PPS), TTL level, pulse width:

Accuracy of pulse Depends on oscillator option: < ±50ns (OCXO MQ,

outputs OCXO HQ, OCXO DHQ)

Network Interface Standard: 2 x 10/100 MBit with RJ45 connector

Available Options: * 2 or 4 x additional 10/100 MBit
with RJ45 * 1 x 10/100 MBit and 1 x 10/100/1000
MBit (1GE) with RJ45 or 1 x 10/100 MBit and 3 x
10/100/1000 MBit (3GE) with RJ45 jack

Power supply Standard: 100-240 V AC (50/60 Hz) available DC

variants: 100-240 V DC, 12 V DC and 19 - 72 V DC


Network protocols TCP, UDP
OSI (transport layer)
Network protocols TELNET, FTP, SSH (incl. SFTP, SCP), HTTP,
OSI (application HTTPS, SYSLOG, SNMP
Internet Protocol (IP) IP v4, IP v6
Network Auto IPv4: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - DHCP
configuration Support (RFC 2131) IPv6: Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol - DHCPv6 (RFC 3315) and Auto
configuration Networking - AUTOCONF (RFC 2462)
Network Time NTP v2 (RFC 1119), NTP v3 (RFC 1305), NTP v4
Protocol (NTP) (RFC 5905) SNTP v3 (RFC 1769), SNTP v4 (RFC
2030) MD5 Authentication and Auto key Key
Time Protocol (TIME) Time Protocol (RFC 868)
Daytime Protocol Daytime Protocol (RFC 867)
IEC 61850 Synchronization of IEC 61850 compliant devices by
using SNTP
Hypertext Transfer HTTP/HTTPS (RC 2616)
Protocol (HTTP)
Simple Network SNMPv1 (RFC 1157), SNMPv2c (RFC 1901-1908),
Management SNMP v3 (RFC 3411-3418)
Protocol (SNMP)
GPS Antennas and To be mentioned

GPS must have the ability to synchronize time properly for successful operation as per
employer requirement.

Web-based Central server software
Web-based Central server software that includes metering, breaker status monitoring
(Unlimited License) with Database Table Structure and API (Application Programmable

Web-based Central server software is a class of software that deals specifically with reducing
energy costs and consumption for buildings or communities. Web-based Central server software
collects energy data from a variety of sources and uses it for their purposes as Energy Monitoring,
Reporting, Balancing, Data Collection & Storage and Engagement.
The Online Energy Monitoring system should help to perform following functions:
a) Energy Auditing at Different Voltage Level
b) Automatic Energy Balancing (Voltage Level wise for individual and all Substation)
c) Energy Accounting
d) Energy Conservation
e) System Management (Total Instantaneous Load at 132 KV Level, 33 KV Level and 11
KV Level)
f) Data Logging
g) Trending
h) Checking the consumption of tariff meters receiving point (Individual feeder, total,
customized duration)
i) Reporting and analysis
j) Number of feeders (shut-down)
k) SMS Server facility
l) Accessibility through Internet and mobile apps
m) Breaker Status
n) Duration of Load Shedding from Breaker Status
o) API (Application Programmable Interface) for future expansion
p) NOCS (Network Operation & Customer Service) wise Import (11 KV OR 11 KV + 33 KV
OR 11 KV + 33 KV + 132 KV)
q) SAIDI & SAIFI reporting (Breaker-wise for individual NOCS)
r) Reporting folder (Year-wise, Month-Wise, Feeder meter-Wise) and file (excel format with
date & time), having all energy parameters generating automatically as specified by the
employers of DPDC.
s) Facility of automatic collection and store data such as (Voltage, Current, Power Factor,
KWH, KVARH, Apparent power) Hourly, Daily, Monthly, yearly basic on the Central
t) Capable of sending data to Remote workstation with 55 inch display.

Software for data acquisition, online monitoring and analysis requirements are
detailed below:

i. Data acquisition software must be able to support data from all types of
existing feeder meters (viz. instantaneous, energy, load survey, event etc.)
with time stamping read using MODBUS/DLMS protocol min at a 1/15/30/60
min. reading frequency (user configurable).

ii. Software should have the facility to fill the non read meter data via some auto
fill/other supported mechanism so that 100% 15min. SIP meter data for
billing/energy accounting can be acquired from all meters.

iii. Software should be able to give the facility to user to select the monitoring
locations and views to view the acquired meter data. Meter parameters
should also be selective for viewing purpose against each meter.

iv. Historical meter data should be available for the user to view by selecting the
date/time, parameters & meter option.

v. Software should have a facility to configure the online dashboard as per

customer requirements to monitor online meter data in graphical and tabular
format to view different type of feeder meter data acquired from substations
at pre-defined frequency. All views with parameter level selection should be
user configurable.

vi. Data acquisition software should be able to generate daily/weekly reports for
the substation wise/area wise/overall system based on acquired meter data.

vii. User configurable alarms and notifications for all meter parameters
1. Alarms can be on meter raw parameters and network parameters
2. Can be send through SMS/emails
3. Visual on screen display of all alarms with history
4. Software should be able to maintain all generated alarm history which
can be seen by user based on the selection criteria.

viii. Software architecture should be able to consider the configuration changes

like CT/PT ratios. Meter change etc. for accurate analysis reports.

ix. Provide a role-based security platform so that authorized users are granted
access to view and/or change. And, enable DPDC to configure the
presentation of data to specific groups of end users based on

x. Provide web-based, contextual online help with a fully searchable index, and,
easily allow users to add customized help documentation linked directly to the
user interface dialogue in context.

xi. Software should have a capability to group the selected meters to calculate
the overall consumption and other parameters for an area/location.

xii. Alternatively, software should also capture/import the meter data read
through CMRI for non-read meter cases for complete reporting & billing data.
xiii. Reporting can be generated on daily/weekly/monthly basis. Some of the
reports are
 Utility & station-wise Interval data for a given date & interval
 Daily midnight reading report
 Energy consumption report
 Average and maximum demand report
 Event Report
 Alarm report
 Meter information
 Missing data report

1.1 All reports shall be in soft format in PDF and shall be handed over to utility on CD/DVD.
1.2 The bidder shall note that quality of the reports is the essence of the requirement and not
quantity. The bidder is expected to process the data read from the meters and derive the
actionable MIS information from the meter data without much need of assumptions. The
reports are expected to give quick information on various system parameters and
abnormalities triggering corrective action. Mere submission of tabulated sheets of meter
data shall not be acceptable.
For this purpose, the bidder shall explain the methodology by which the above reports
would be generated by using the data logged by the meters and this shall be considered
as one of the main evaluation criteria

System Topology:
System Features:

 The data which should be required to be viewed / logged can be configured by the USER,
as per his need.
 The ON-LINE data should be viewed from the various workstations (PCs) in Tabular,
Graphical, Mimic and Gauge View.
 The software should also allow the user to define upper and lower limit to various
parameters in the individual meters. Any violation or deviation from the defined limits should
be promptly reported by the ALARM MODULE.
 The collected data should also archive in an in built data base for future access, queries and
report generation.
 The software should also allow for the data related to the production, in the unit to be
entered so as to relate it to the data logged by the system, while generating reports.
 A library of report formats should be available for the USER to choose from, while reporting
so as to meet the function requirements of the various hierarchical levels of its management.
 The software should also provide for a USER overview, Training, Trouble shooting and help
 Database of the system should be secure to support crystal report. No programming / Macro
should be required / done by the user to get the reports.
 Facility to Export the data should be available.
 Facility to purge, store and back up of the desired data should also be provided.
 Data should be collected in a fast, stable rugged and dynamic data base for future access,
queries & producing various reports.
 Online software should have a facility to online trends view with multiple parameters on
single screens.
 It should be possible to view multiple parameters of a single meter on single screen.
 It should be possible to see Main online parameters i.e. (Voltages, Currents, Power factors,
Frequency) in graphical view with indicators and all main energies should be available in
Text mode on single screen.
 Separate indication for alarm; which should indicate when limits defined by user deviate.
 All Online screen should have provision to take a print out for reference and record.
 It should be possible to see on-line parameters in gauge view.
 Online Monitoring software should have a facility to generate polling data reports.
 Software should have a feature to define the shift.
 Software should have a support of define the meters in groups and generates the report
group wise.
 It should be possible to see the historical data in trends as selectable user selectable time
 It should be possible to generate an alarm.

 Software should be able to acquire real time data over MODBUS from energy meters with
baud rate of 19.2 KBPS
 EMS software should be flexible to support up to 500 nos. metering points for meeting all
type of future energy management requirements of the complete plant.
 EMS software should preferably have a web based design (works on Intranet) so that on-
line monitoring & report generation can be done from multiple locations over any existing
intranet by simply using the web browser.
 EMS software should have a Carbon Viewer module which is required for carbon emission
check and carbon management and also to prepare carbon appraisal to provide
comprehensive assessment, identify current major emission sources and opportunities for
saving in future.
 EMS software should have facility to monitor & analyze multiple locations under single view
using Virtual Meter concept. Easy drawing tool for creating single line diagrams to monitor
online status of electrical network with drill down facility.
 EMS software should allow user to enter electricity tariff and production data so that
efficiency analysis can be done.
 EMS should also have facility to support multi-fuel like gas, heat and water meter support
through pulse output.
 EMS should also have capability to generate bills and reports of multi-fuel meters.

General Specification:
 Web Server Facility
 Supports Windows 7 or updated platform
 Support for Multiple Document Interface on Studio Mobile Access
 Native OPC interfaces, such as OPC DA (Server/Client), OPC HDA(Server), UA (Client) and
OPC .NET 3.0 (Client). Also supports OPC XML.
 Native redundancy for OPC UA and OPC XML/DA interfaces (Hot/Stand-by swap)
 Supports Web thin client
 Capability to compare any configuration file, merge changes from multiple application engineers
and support for Revision Control and also interact with the Team Foundation Server, allowing
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM).
 Native support for debugging tools integrated in the development environment
 Support for group and user accounts, e-signatures, and traceability, as well as support for the
ADAM Server, in addition to standard LDAP Servers Integrate your project to the Active
Directory (Users and Groups).
 Facility to create clear, concise reports in plain text, RTF, XML, PDF, HTML, and CSV or
integrate with Microsoft Office programs such as Excel.
 Send Alarms, Reports, or any file (including .doc or .txt) to a production supervisor, quality
manager, or maintenance staff using the included PDF writer.
 Support Real-time and Historical trends, and SPC (Statistical Process Control) functionality.
 Log data in binary format or to any local or remote SQL database.
 Color or fill trends with graphic elements to enhance clarity of data. Provision of Date/Time
based or numeric (X/Y plot) trends and vertical and horizontal trending.
 Optimized trend history module designed to load millions of data from SQL relational databases
with high performance.
 Native support for Security Socket Layer (SSL), made it easier and securer to send email.
 Integrate the project with Microsoft Active Directory -Domain- security system using the LDAP
 Studio Mobile Access allows browsers in any web enabled mobile device to access alarms and
process variables.
 Web base software can run as a windows service which virtually eliminates accidental shutdown
of critical applications by operators. Because increased uptime is mandatory in today's facilities,
running as service also allows software to start even before user log on which is perfect for
remote installations or after power failure.

 Must have option for communication with Third Party Controllers and Meters in all possible
communication protocol including MODBUS, PROFINET, PROFIBUS, CANBUS

 Server-Client Architecture supports: Monitoring of data from remote multi-location plants
etc. to view energy data of all plants.
 Gauge View: Load points/ virtual load points can be defined in Gauge view to view the
voltage, current, power factor etc. phase wise with color coding.
 Mimic diagram: User can design mimic as per their requirement to view online data as well
as display user configurable real time parameters and facilitate configuration of different
view levels to display/monitor at different level/location.
 Alarms: Configure different thresholds to generate alarm/ notification. Define
priority/criticality of alarms and shall support different dispatch schedule based on that.
Notify alarm through annunciate (beep, horn), send email, display on screen etc. System
shall allow single alarm/notification to multiple recipients.
 Carbon Footprint: Carbon footprint provide the information about the carbon emission as
well as the energy cost with different tariffs based on different energy supply source i.e.
Captive power & Utility Power.
 System Health: Self-explanatory system about the online system health at Centre location,
show details like communication status, system hardware status, system loading, and
database health status helps to provide information about the whole system. Perform
remote diagnosis and remote expert services to identify the problems of system. Perform
remote configuration and firmware upgrading.
 Self-Clean Up: Identify problem and recommend solution, Software by itself be able to
perform data cleanup, log file generation etc., COM port auto-configuration
 User Management: User management provides help to control on the access of the system
by defining various users with their access rights and roles, and change password facility.
 Display in monitor ( 55’’ display):
a. power failure/ shutdown taken All Line / Feeder list ( scroll view) Example : table will
show as Date , time , feeder name, closing time, starting time, duration , Remarks
b. power failure/ shutdown taken for VIP Line / Feeder list ( scroll view) Example : table
will show as Date , time , feeder name, closing time, starting time, duration , Remarks
c. Substation wise Capacity , supply and Load Shedding ( scroll view)

 Event Report: Reports create an event list consisting of all the events that occurred in
chronological order with date and time of occurrence.
 Data Export: Reports data can be exported to the format as pdf, xls, doc and rtf.
 Configurable Reports: All report formats should be configurable & user defined. User has
provision for report template definition, publishing report and report data synchronization.
 Billing Report: User has provision to generate bill report based on bill component line TOD,
MD, Energy consumption etc.
 Trend Report: Trend reports of various parameters like energy consumption, temperature,
production cost/ quantity etc. for selected duration of selected load points/group (i.e. cost
centers, business units, locations, buildings, infrastructure etc.)
 Graphical Report: Graphical reports of load survey and instantaneous data for selected
duration for various parameters e.g. Voltage, Current, Active Power, Frequency, Power
factor, Reactive Power, temperature, pressure etc.
Energy balancing report-
a. Substation wise monthly / customize duration ( date and time)
b. Loss Calculation between multiple metering points (maximum 15 points) (with customize
duration (date and time) selecting substation name and feeder/line meter no.

c. Line/Feeder reading (KWH,PF and KVARH) and consumption for customize duration (
date and time)
Meter Reading –
a. Summation of Phase wise active, reactive and apparent power reading must be same
with the respective total reading.
b. Duration of CT, PT and Breaker Failure/ off for customize duration ( date and time)
c. Numerical and graphical presentation of CT / PT connection, phase association , vector
diagram, power flow etc
d. Numerical and graphical presentation of PF vs f , PF vs V , PF vs I for instantaneous and
customize duration ( date and time)
e. SMS sending option due to power failure / interruption for VIP/VVIP or customize feeder
( instantaneously)
f. SMS sending option due to power failure / interruption of All/ customize feeder after
specific duration ( example SMS will be send if power failure / interruption become 30 or
40 or 15 minutes)
Data Collection & Storage
Automation Software collects real-time interval data, with intervals as short as one minute. The data
are collected from meters, directly from utilities, or other sources as:
 Real time energy parameter: Acquire real time energy parameter like phase wise voltage,
power factor & line current, neutral current, active, reactive & apparent power /energy -
(import/export) helps to analyze instantaneous parameters.
 Data on Modbus: Acquire meter logged events & load profile data on Modbus helps to
acquire data from distant locations as well as Modbus communication serves other
manufacture data reading.
 Polling Frequency: Configure polling frequency from 1 sec to 60 minutes helps to acquire
real time data and provide each minute historical graph representation.
 Data Package type: Allow selection of data package type (floating point/ hex based /both)
should be user configurable.
 Common Format Output: Facilitate transferring of data to central location either directly or
through csv files.
 Configurable Parameters: User has option to configurable store parameters in database.
Parameter set can be defined to be stored in different interval.
 Configurable Logging: Configurable option of frequency/interval for storing of all
parameter / set of parameters.
 Database
a. Should be Oracle/SQL
b. Front end will be web based
c. Instantaneous data polling system
 Data collection
a. Direct data downloading system (WiFi/Optical port/hand hold device etc) should be
b. In case of computer turned off / software hanged / operating system hanged /
communication failure / device out of order etc at least 100 days. This software should have
capability to collect the meter stored data automatically when all the aforementioned
problems are resolved.
 Monitor your users at any instance of time
 Collect, analyze, and communicate your energy information
 Track energy consumption in real time
 View energy consumption through multiple clients
 Manage individual and multiple systems with one interface
 Compare actual against projected consumption for long term optimization
 Detect anomalies and generate specific alarms to alert facility managers
 Dramatically improve your energy productivity through various intelligent features
 Save time and money through efficient energy management
The bidder must provide the database table structure for customize reporting within 30 (thirty) days
from the date of signing of the contract agreement.



Bidder shall submit reporting format of Web-based Central server software as samples along with
their bid at time of bid submission, which will be returned upon completion of the bid evaluation.
Late submission of sample is not acceptable. If the bidder fails to submit the samples during bid
submission, the bid shall be rejected and will not be considered for further evaluation.

The bidder may be asked to demonstrate the performance of the sample Web-based Central server
software submitted along with the bid as per technical requirement of tender document. For this
demonstration DPDC will not bear any expenses. If the bidder fails to conduct demonstration as per
DPDC‘s requirement or to demonstrate the Web-based Central server software performance as per
technical requirement the bid will not be considered for awarding the contract.
The successful bidder have to submit 5 (five) sets of drawings and other technical particulars for all
types of RUGGED VPN ROUTERs within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of signing of the contract
agreement to the Project Director, Digitalization and Automation of Substation Metering System,
DPDC, Dhaka.
SE, Design circle will approve the drawings. The contractor shall be required to demonstrate on
their design and drawing before approval.
No work shall be performed of the Web-based Central server software until the reporting formats for
automatic energy balancing have been approved.
The cost of supplying reporting formats shall be borne by the supplier.
At the time of delivery of the Web-based Central server software the supplier shall supply 10 (ten)
sets of all approved reporting formats in bound book form along with operation manual of the Web-
based Central server software.

Web-based Central server software must have the ability to pull data from meters to Central
Server through network, Automatic Energy Balancing, Reporting and others as per employer

Installation and commissioning of Web-based Central server software:

 Central server software has to have the facility for making any type of report by the structure
table which will be provided by the supplier.
 Automatic file generation and storing of meter data on the work station computer as
specified by the employers of DPDC.
 Facility of automatic collection and storing data such as (Voltage, Current, Power Factor,
KWH, KVARH, Apparent power) Hourly, Daily, Monthly, yearly basic on the work station
 In case of computer turned off / software hanged / operating system hanged /
communication failure / device out of order etc at least 100 days, this software should have
capability to collect the meter stored data automatically when all the aforementioned
problems are resolved.
Automation software for Workstations

Automation software for Workstations (that includes metering, breaker status monitoring):

Automation software for Workstations is a class of software that deals specifically with reducing
energy costs and consumption for buildings or communities. Automation software for Workstations
collects energy data from a variety of sources and uses it for their purposes as Energy Monitoring,
Reporting, Balancing, Data Collection & Storage and Engagement.
The Online Energy Monitoring system should help to perform following functions:
a) Energy Auditing at Different Voltage Level
b) Automatic Energy Balancing (Voltage Level wise for individual and all Substation)
c) Energy Accounting
d) Energy Conservation
e) System Management (Total Instantaneous Load at 132 KV Level, 33 KV Level and 11
KV Level)
f) Data Logging
g) Trending
h) Checking the consumption of tariff meters receiving point (Individual feeder, total,
customized duration)
i) Reporting and analysis
j) Number of feeders (shut-down)
k) Accessibility through Internet and mobile apps
l) Breaker Status
m) Duration of Load Shedding from Breaker Status
n) API (Application Programmable Interface) for future expansion
o) SAIDI & SAIFI reporting (Breaker-wise)
p) Reporting folder (Year-wise, Month-Wise, Feeder meter-Wise) and file (excel format with
date & time), having all energy parameters generating automatically as specified by the
employers of DPDC.
q) Facility of automatic collection and store data such as (Voltage, Current, Power Factor,
KWH, KVARH, Apparent power) Hourly, Daily, Monthly, yearly basic on the Central

Software for data acquisition, online monitoring and analysis requirements are
detailed below:

i. Data acquisition software must be able to support data from all types of
existing feeder meters (viz. instantaneous, energy, load survey, event etc.)
with time stamping read using MODBUS/DLMS protocol min at a
1/15/30/60 min. reading frequency (user configurable).

ii. Software should have the facility to fill the non read meter data via some
auto fill/other supported mechanism so that 100% 15min. SIP meter data
for billing/energy accounting can be acquired from all meters.

iii. Software should be able to give the facility to user to select the monitoring
locations and views to view the acquired meter data. Meter parameters
should also be selective for viewing purpose against each meter.

iv. Historical meter data should be available for the user to view by selecting
the date/time, parameters & meter option.

v. Software should have a facility to configure the online dashboard as per
customer requirements to monitor online meter data in graphical and
tabular format to view different type of feeder meter data acquired from
substations at pre-defined frequency. All views with parameter level
selection should be user configurable.

vi. Data acquisition software should be able to generate daily/weekly reports

for the substation wise/area wise/overall system based on acquired meter

vii. User configurable alarms and notifications for all meter parameters
1. Alarms can be on meter raw parameters and network parameters
2. Can be send through SMS/emails
3. Visual on screen display of all alarms with history
4. Software should be able to maintain all generated alarm history which
can be seen by user based on the selection criteria.

viii. Software architecture should be able to consider the configuration changes

like CT/PT ratios. Meter change etc. for accurate analysis reports.

ix. Provide a role-based security platform so that authorized users are granted
access to view and/or change. And, enable DPDC to configure the
presentation of data to specific groups of end users based on

x. Provide web-based, contextual online help with a fully searchable index,

and, easily allow users to add customized help documentation linked
directly to the user interface dialogue in context.

xi. Software should have a capability to group the selected meters to calculate
the overall consumption and other parameters for an area/location.

xii. Alternatively, software should also capture/import the meter data read
through CMRI for non-read meter cases for complete reporting & billing
xiii. Reporting can be generated on daily/weekly/monthly basis. Some of the
reports are
 Utility & station-wise Interval data for a given date & interval
 Daily midnight reading report
 Energy consumption report
 Average and maximum demand report
 Event Report
 Alarm report
 Meter information
 Missing data report
1.3 All reports shall be in soft format in PDF and shall be handed over to utility on CD/DVD.
1.4 The bidder shall note that quality of the reports is the essence of the requirement and not
quantity. The bidder is expected to process the data read from the meters and derive the
actionable MIS information from the meter data without much need of assumptions. The
reports are expected to give quick information on various system parameters and
abnormalities triggering corrective action. Mere submission of tabulated sheets of meter
data shall not be acceptable.
For this purpose, the bidder shall explain the methodology by which the above reports
would be generated by using the data logged by the meters and this shall be considered
as one of the main evaluation criteria

System Topology:
System Features:

 The data which should be required to be viewed / logged can be configured by the USER,
as per his need.
 The ON-LINE data should be viewed from the various workstations (PCs) in Tabular,
Graphical, Mimic and Gauge View.
 The software should also allow the user to define upper and lower limit to various
parameters in the individual meters. Any violation or deviation from the defined limits should
be promptly reported by the ALARM MODULE.
 The collected data should also archive in an in built data base for future access, queries and
report generation.
 The software should also allow for the data related to the production, in the unit to be
entered so as to relate it to the data logged by the system, while generating reports.
 A library of report formats should be available for the USER to choose from, while reporting
so as to meet the function requirements of the various hierarchical levels of its management.
 The software should also provide for a USER overview, Training, Trouble shooting and help
 Database of the system should be secure to support crystal report. No programming / Macro
should be required / done by the user to get the reports.
 Facility to Export the data should be available.
 Facility to purge, store and back up of the desired data should also be provided.
 Data should be collected in a fast, stable rugged and dynamic data base for future access,
queries & producing various reports.
 Online software should have a facility to online trends view with multiple parameters on
single screens.
 It should be possible to view multiple parameters of a single meter on single screen.
 It should be possible to see Main online parameters i.e. (Voltages, Currents, Power factors,
Frequency) in graphical view with indicators and all main energies should be available in
Text mode on single screen.
 Separate indication for alarm; which should indicate when limits defined by user deviate. All
Online screen should have provision to take a print out for reference and record.
 It should be possible to see on-line parameters in gauge view.
 Online Monitoring software should have a facility to generate polling data reports.
 Software should have a feature to define the shift.
 Software should have a support of define the meters in groups and generates the report
group wise.
 It should be possible to see the historical data in trends as selectable user selectable time
 It should be possible to generate an alarm.
 Software should be able to acquire real time data over MODBUS from energy meters with
baud rate of 19.2 KBPS
 EMS software should be flexible to support up to 500 nos. metering points for meeting all
type of future energy management requirements of the complete plant.

 EMS software should preferably have a web based design (works on Intranet) so that on-
line monitoring & report generation can be done from multiple locations over any existing
intranet by simply using the web browser.
 EMS software should have a Carbon Viewer module which is required for carbon emission
check and carbon management and also to prepare carbon appraisal to provide
comprehensive assessment, identify current major emission sources and opportunities for
saving in future.
 EMS software should have facility to monitor & analyze multiple locations under single view
using Virtual Meter concept. Easy drawing tool for creating single line diagrams to monitor
online status of electrical network with drill down facility.
 EMS software should allow user to enter electricity tariff and production data so that
efficiency analysis can be done.
 EMS should also have facility to support multi-fuel like gas, heat and water meter support
through pulse output.
 EMS should also have capability to generate bills and reports of multi-fuel meters.

General Specification:

 Web Server Facility

 Supports Windows 7 or updated platform
 Support for Multiple Document Interface on Studio Mobile Access
 Native OPC interfaces, such as OPC DA (Server/Client), OPC HDA(Server), UA (Client) and
OPC .NET 3.0 (Client). Also supports OPC XML.
 Native redundancy for OPC UA and OPC XML/DA interfaces (Hot/Stand-by swap)
 Supports Web thin client
 Capability to compare any configuration file, merge changes from multiple application engineers
and support for Revision Control and also interact with the Team Foundation Server, allowing
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM).
 Native support for debugging tools integrated in the development environment
 Support for group and user accounts, e-signatures, and traceability, as well as support for the
ADAM Server, in addition to standard LDAP Servers Integrate your project to the Active
Directory (Users and Groups).
 Facility to create clear, concise reports in plain text, RTF, XML, PDF, HTML, and CSV or
integrate with Microsoft Office programs such as Excel.
 Send Alarms, Reports, or any file (including .doc or .txt) to a production supervisor, quality
manager, or maintenance staff using the included PDF writer.
 Support Real-time and Historical trends, and SPC (Statistical Process Control) functionality.
 Log data in binary format or to any local or remote SQL database.
 Color or fill trends with graphic elements to enhance clarity of data. Provision of Date/Time
based or numeric (X/Y plot) trends and vertical and horizontal trending.
 Optimized trend history module designed to load millions of data from SQL relational databases
with high performance.
 Native support for Security Socket Layer (SSL), made it easier and securer to send email.
 Integrate the project with Microsoft Active Directory -Domain- security system using the LDAP
 Studio Mobile Access allows browsers in any web enabled mobile device to access alarms and
process variables.
 Automation software can run as a windows service which virtually eliminates accidental
shutdown of critical applications by operators. Because increased uptime is mandatory in
today's facilities, running as service also allows software to start even before user log on which
is perfect for remote installations or after power failure.
 Must have option for communication with Third Party Controllers and Meters in all possible
communication protocol including MODBUS, PROFINET, PROFIBUS, CANBUS


 Server-Client Architecture supports: Monitoring of data from remote multi-location plants

etc. to view energy data of all plants.
 Gauge View: Load points/ virtual load points can be defined in Gauge view to view the
voltage, current, power factor etc. phase wise with color coding.
 Mimic diagram: User can design mimic as per their requirement to view online data as well
as display user configurable real time parameters and facilitate configuration of different
view levels to display/monitor at different level/location.
 Alarms: Configure different thresholds to generate alarm/ notification. Define
priority/criticality of alarms and shall support different dispatch schedule based on that.
Notify alarm through annunciate (beep, horn), send email, display on screen etc. System
shall allow single alarm/notification to multiple recipients.
 Carbon Footprint: Carbon footprint provide the information about the carbon emission as
well as the energy cost with different tariffs based on different energy supply source i.e.
Captive power & Utility Power.
 System Health: Self-explanatory system about the online system health at Centre location,
show details like communication status, system hardware status, system loading, and
database health status helps to provide information about the whole system. Perform
remote diagnosis and remote expert services to identify the problems of system. Perform
remote configuration and firmware upgrading.
 Self-Clean Up: Identify problem and recommend solution, Software by itself be able to
perform data cleanup, log file generation etc., COM port auto-configuration
 User Management: User management provides help to control on the access of the system
by defining various users with their access rights and roles, and change password facility.
 Display in monitor ( 55’’ display):
d. power failure/ shutdown taken All Line / Feeder list ( scroll view) Example : table will
show as Date , time , feeder name, closing time, starting time, duration , Remarks
e. power failure/ shutdown taken for VIP Line / Feeder list ( scroll view) Example : table
will show as Date , time , feeder name, closing time, starting time, duration , Remarks
f. Substation wise Capacity , supply and Load Shedding ( scroll view)

 Event Report: Reports create an event list consisting of all the events that occurred in
chronological order with date and time of occurrence.
 Data Export: Reports data can be exported to the format as pdf, xls, doc and rtf.
 Configurable Reports: All report formats should be configurable & user defined. User has
provision for report template definition, publishing report and report data synchronization.
 Billing Report: User has provision to generate bill report based on bill component line TOD,
MD, Energy consumption etc.
 Trend Report: Trend reports of various parameters like energy consumption, temperature,
production cost/ quantity etc. for selected duration of selected load points/group (i.e. cost
centers, business units, locations, buildings, infrastructure etc.)
 Graphical Report: Graphical reports of load survey and instantaneous data for selected
duration for various parameters e.g. Voltage, Current, Active Power, Frequency, Power
factor, Reactive Power, temperature, pressure etc.
 Energy balancing report-
d. Substation wise monthly / customize duration ( date and time)
e. Loss Calculation between multiple metering points (maximum 15 points) (with customize
duration (date and time) selecting substation name and feeder/line meter no.
f. Line/Feeder reading (KWH,PF and KVARH) and consumption for customize duration (
date and time)

Meter Reading –
g. Summation of Phase wise active, reactive and apparent power reading must be same
with the respective total reading.
h. Duration of CT, PT and Breaker Failure/ off for customize duration ( date and time)
i. Numerical and graphical presentation of CT / PT connection, phase association , vector
diagram, power flow etc
j. Numerical and graphical presentation of PF vs f , PF vs V , PF vs I for instantaneous and
customize duration ( date and time)
k. SMS sending option due to power failure / interruption for VIP/VVIP or customize feeder
( instantaneously)
l. SMS sending option due to power failure / interruption of All/ customize feeder after
specific duration ( example SMS will be send if power failure / interruption become 30 or
40 or 15 minutes)
Data Collection & Storage

Automation Software collects real-time interval data, with intervals as short as one minute. The data
are collected from meters, directly from utilities, or other sources as:

 Real time energy parameter: Acquire real time energy parameter like phase wise voltage,
power factor & line current, neutral current, active, reactive & apparent power /energy -
(import/export) helps to analyze instantaneous parameters.
 Data on Modbus: Acquire meter logged events & load profile data on Modbus helps to
acquire data from distant locations as well as Modbus communication serves other
manufacture data reading.
 Polling Frequency: Configure polling frequency from 1 sec to 60 minutes helps to acquire
real time data and provide each minute historical graph representation.
 Data Package type: Allow selection of data package type (floating point/ hex based /both)
should be user configurable.
 Common Format Output: Facilitate transferring of data to central location either directly or
through csv files.
 Configurable Parameters: User has option to configurable store parameters in database.
Parameter set can be defined to be stored in different interval.
 Configurable Logging: Configurable option of frequency/interval for storing of all
parameter / set of parameters.
 Database
d. Should be Oracle/SQL
e. Front end will be web based
f. Instantaneous data polling system
 Data collection
c. Direct data downloading system (WiFi/Optical port/hand hold device etc) should be
d. In case of computer turned off / software hanged / operating system hanged /
communication failure / device out of order etc at least 100 days.this software should have
capability to collect the meter stored data automatically when all the aforementioned
problems are resolved.
 Monitor your users at any instance of time
 Collect, analyze, and communicate your energy information
 Track energy consumption in real time
 View energy consumption through multiple clients
 Manage individual and multiple systems with one interface
 Compare actual against projected consumption for long term optimization
 Detect anomalies and generate specific alarms to alert facility managers

 Dramatically improve your energy productivity through various intelligent features
 Save time and money through efficient energy management

The bidder must provide the database table structure for customize reporting within 30 (thirty) days
from the date of signing of the contract agreement.



Bidder shall submit reporting format of Automation software for Workstations as samples along with
their bid at time of bid submission, which will be returned upon completion of the bid evaluation.
Late submission of sample is not acceptable. If the bidder fails to submit the samples during bid
submission, the bid shall be rejected and will not be considered for further evaluation.

The bidder may be asked to demonstrate the performance of the sample Automation software for
Workstations submitted along with the bid as per technical requirement of tender document. For this
demonstration DPDC will not bear any expenses. If the bidder fails to conduct demonstration as per
DPDC‘s requirement or to demonstrate the Automation software for Workstations performance as
per technical requirement the bid will not be considered for awarding the contract.
The successful bidder have to submit 3 (three) sets of reporting formats of Automation software for
Workstations within 30 (thirty) days from the date of signing of the contract agreement for approval
to the Project Director, Digitalization and Automation of Substation Metering System, DPDC,
No work shall be performed of the Automation software for Workstations until the reporting formats
for automatic energy balancing have been approved.
The cost of supplying reporting formats shall be borne by the supplier.
At the time of delivery of the Automation software for Workstations the supplier shall supply 10 (ten)
sets of all approved reporting formats in bound book form along with operation manual of the
Automation software for Workstations.
Automation software for Workstations must have the ability to pull data from meters to Local
Station through network, Automatic Energy Balancing, Reporting and others as per
employer requirement.

Installation and commissioning of Automation software for Workstations:

 Workstations software has to have the facility for making any type of report by the structure
table which will be provided by the supplier.
 Automatic file generation and storing of meter data on the work station computer as
specified by the employers of DPDC.
 Facility of automatic collection and storing data such as (Voltage, Current, Power Factor,
KWH, KVARH, Apparent power) Hourly, Daily, Monthly, yearly basic on the work station
 In case of computer turned off / software hanged / operating system hanged /
communication failure / device out of order etc at least 100 days, this software should have
capability to collect the meter stored data automatically when all the aforementioned
problems are resolved.

D. Server & Hardware:
Rack Mounted Server Computer with Original OS

The function of a computer server is to store, retrieve and send computer files and data to other
computers on a network.
Servers have more processing power, memory and storage than their client computers. The client
is the computer that is not acting as the server and is requesting information from the server. When
computers are connected in some physical or wireless way and sharing services or information, this
is referred to as a computer network. A computer network requires at least two participants, with at
least one of them acting as a client and at least one acting as a server.

Hardware requirements for servers vary depending on the server applications and the number of
clients. Servers run for long periods without interruption, so hardware reliability and durability are
extremely important. Servers are noisy and need a stable power supply, good Internet access and
increased security, so they are usually stored in a dedicated server room or center.

General Specification:

Brand Dell or equivalent

Model Dell PE R730 or equivalent
Chassis 2U Rack
Processor Min. 8(Eight) Core Intel Xeon E5-2600 v4
No of Processor Two (2)
Clock speed To be mentioned
Cache Memory Min. 25Mor higher
Type of Chipset Intel C610 series or Higher
Memory Up to 1.5TB (24 DIMM slots):
4GB/8GB/16GB/32GB/64GB DDR4 up to
I/O slots Up to 7 x PCIe 3.0 plus dedicated PERC slot
Maximum internal HDD: SAS, SATA, nearline SAS SSD: SAS,
storage SATA
16 x 2.5‖ – up to 29TB via 1.8TB hot-plug
SAS hard drives
8 x 3.5‖ – up to 64TB via 8TB hot-plug NL
SAS hard drives
Drive Bays internal hard drive bay and hot-plug
Up to 16 x 2.5‖ HDD: SAS, SATA, nearline
Up to 8 x 3.5‖ HDD: SAS, SATA, nearline
RAID Controller Internal controllers: PERC S130 (SW RAID),
PERC H330, PERC H730, PERC H730P
External HBAs (RAID): PERC H830
External HBAs (non-RAID): 12Gbps SAS
Optical Drive DVD+/-RW, SATA, Internal

PCIe Riser Min. six x8 PCIe Slots and one xl6 PCIe Slot
Embedded NIC 4 x 1GbE, 2 x 10+2GbE, 4 x 10GbE NDC
Keyboard USB Standard Keyboard (same brand as
system unit)
USB Optical Mouse (same brand
as system unit)
Ready Rails Sliding Rails with Cable
Rack Mount Kit
Management Arms
21.5-inch LCD monitor with LED backlit
Monitor (same brand as server unit) with power cord
(3-pin flat type plug)
Titanium efficiency 750W AC power supply;
1100W DC power supply; Platinum efficiency
Power Supply
495W, 750W, 1100W AC
power supply
02 Nos. of PDU Style, Min. 12 AMP, Min. 10
Power Cord Feet. Two extra power cord with 3-pin flat
type plug.
Bezel Yes
Preloaded Microsoft Windows Server® 2012
Operating System SP2, x64 includes Hyper-V®), Standard
Edition and Media Kit
ECC memory, hot-plug hard drives, hot-plug
redundant cooling, hot-plug redundant power,
internal dual SD
module, single device data correction
Availability (SDDC), spare rank, tool-less chassis,
support for high availability clustering
and virtualization, proactive systems
management alerts, iDRAC8 with Lifecycle
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Operating system support Microsoft® Windows Server® 2016
Novell® SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux
VMware® ESX®
iDRAC8 with Lifecycle Controller, iDRAC8
Express (default), iDRAC8 Enterprise
Remote management (upgrade)
8GB vFlash media (upgrade), 16GB vFlash
media (upgrade)
ReadyRails™ II sliding rails for tool-less
mounting in 4-post racks with square or
unthreaded round holes or tooled
Rack support
mounting in 4-post threaded hole racks, with
support for optional tool-less cable
management arm
The supplier must assemble the server in the
rack and configure RAID
3 (Three) years full warranty including
Warranty replacement of parts, repairing and service
for every kind of equipment Warranty service

shall be provided at the client location.
The PowerEdge R730 excels at a wide range of demanding workloads for midsize and large
enterprises, such as data warehouses, e-commerce, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), databases
and high-performance computing HPC) as a data node. When configured with 3.5‖ drives, the R730
provides up to 64TB of rapidly accessed storage for databases, business intelligence and HPC

Deliver peak performance

Drive peak compute performance across a variety of workloads with the Intel® Xeon® processor
E5-2600 v4 product family and state-of-the-art DDR4 memory. Boost data access for applications
with up to 16 x 12Gbps SAS drives and high-performance dual RAID. Take advantage of advanced
accelerators and GPUs to maximize performance in HPC, VDI and imaging environments.

Discover greater versatility

With 24 DIMMs of high-capacity, low-power DDR4 memory, seven PCI Express® (PCIe) 3.0
expansion slots and highly scalable local storage, the R730 is extremely flexible. Create a dense,
resource-rich virtualization environment with up to 16 x 2.5‖ drives. Combine that with the R730‘s
GPU capability to save infrastructure costs and consolidate management operations in a scalable
and centralized virtual desktop environment. The GPU option also makes the R730 an excellent
choice as a midrange medical imaging solution.

Maximize operational efficiency

PowerEdge servers let you construct and manage highly efficient infrastructures for data centers
and small businesses. Accelerate time-to-production with automated deployment processes that
use fewer manual steps and reduce the potential for error. Improve IT productivity with innovative
atthe-server management tools like iDRAC Direct and iDRAC Quick Sync to deliver in-depth system
health status and speed deployment, Optimize data center energy usage with improved
performance-per-watt and more granular control of power and cooling.

Innovative management with intelligent automation

The Dell OpenManage systems management portfolio includes innovative solutions that simplify
and automate essential server lifecycle management tasks – making IT operations more efficient
and Dell servers the most productive, reliable and cost effective. Leveraging the incomparable
agent-free capabilities of the PowerEdge embedded integrated Dell Remote Access Controller
(iDRAC) with Lifecycle Controller technology, server deployment, configuration and updates are
streamlined across the OpenManage portfolio and through integration with third-party management
solutions. Monitoring and control of Dell and third-party data center hardware is provided by
OpenManage Essentials and with anytime, anywhere mobile access, through OpenManage Mobile.
OpenManage Essentials now also delivers Server Configuration Management capabilities that
automate one-many PowerEdge bare-metal server and OS deployments, quick and consistent
replication of configurations and ensure compliance to a predefined baseline with automated drift

The successful bidder has to supply all required accessories (Power cord, Switch etc.) with the
Rack Mounted Server Computer for successful operation as per employer requirement.

Rack Mounted Server Computer must have ability to collect data from meter as per employer

Database (SQL or equivalent)
General Specification:

Brand Microsoft/Oracle or equivalent

Model Microsoft SQL Server 2016 or equivalent
Core 8 or higher
License Unlimited
Database must have ability to perform all the operation as per employer requirement.

Rack Mounted Storage (8 TeraByte)(RAID-1)

General Specification:

Brand To be mentioned by the bidder.

Model Seagate Business Storage NAS 8-Bay Rack mount 8TB
Network Attached Storage (STDP12000100) or Equivalent
Rack The only 1U rack with eight hot-swappable 3.5-inch drives
doubles your storage capacity in the same footprint
Processor 2.3GHz dual-core Intel processor or Higher
File transfer up to 200MB/s
Storage Type Seagate Business Storage 8-bay Rack mount NAS 8TB
includes 4 x 3TB HDD and is a "half-populated" drive and
ships with 4 empty bays.

Rack Mounted Storage must have ability to perform all the operation as per employer requirement.

Sever rack with UPS and PDU

General Specification:
Brand DELL or equivalent
Model DELL APC Netshelter 42u or equivalent
Rack Material Steel
Rack Height 42U
Width 600 mm
Depth 1070 mm
Side Panel Standard removable lockable side panels
Rear Door Lockable perforated rear doors
Front Door Lockable perforated front doors
Cabinet Accessories (Kits) Set of 4 fans for 42U, 230V kit
2x fixed rack equipment shelf with 2/4-post static rails 1U
Shelf and Tray
PDU Metered, Full-Height, 1ph 63A 220-240V,
In(IEC309-63A & 3M cord) Out(20*C13+6*C19)
PDU Input Cords •3.7M PDU Input Power Cord (Wall to 16A lph PDU)
IEC309-16A plug to IEC320C19 socket, 250V
• 3.7M PDU Power Cord (UPS to l0A lph PDU) C13toCl4,
1U KMM (Touchpad, English Keyboard and Widescreen
Rack mount KMM Console
18.5" LED) with Ready Rails and 1U KVM mounting kit
Additional Accessories • 2U Horizontal Crossover Panel
• Vertical Cable Manager with cover
• Metal Cable Rings, Quantity 10
• Hook & Loop Straps, Quantity 10
• Grounding Kit for Dell racks
Cable Management Arm
for sliding rails Yes
Top Cable Exit Yes
Bottom Cable Exit Yes
Casters and leveling feet Yes
Stabilizer feet Yes
Side stabilizer kit Yes
Static Load Rating 2500 lbs
Rear Caster Rotating rear caster
Warranty 1 (One) years warranty including replacement of parts,
repairing and service for every kind of equipment
Additional Accessories Dell UPS 2700W Rack
Dell 3U Rack/Tower UPS,
2700W, 230V, Incl. Cable Pack
Base warranty:
3Yr Parts Only Warranty
Support Services:
3Yr Parts Only Warranty
UPS Accessories:
Dell UPS Network
UPS Features
Management Card,
compatible with all current
Dell UPS
External Cables and Cords (Kits):
2x Rack Power Cord (C19/C20, 16A, 250V, 3.5M), Also
for connecting UPS to PDU - Kit Power Distribution Units
2x PDU Basic, FH, lph 16A 220-240V, In(C20)
Out(21*C13 + 6*C19)

Rack Mounted Storage must have ability to perform all the operation as per employer requirement.

Smart UPS 2KVA (in built) online

General Specification:
Brand APC or equivalent
Model Smart-UPS RC On-Line or equivalent
Output Power Capacity 2000 VA
Nominal Output Voltage 230 V
Output Voltage Less than 3%
Output Frequency (sync
to mains) 50 Hz +/- 3 Hz user adjustable +/- 0.1
Topology Online
Waveform Type Sine wave
Crest Factor 3:01
Input voltage adjustable 100 - 280V
range :
Input Frequency 50 Hz +/- 5% Hz

Input voltage range for
main operations 160 - 280V
Battery Type Maintenance-free sealed Lead-Acid battery : leak proof
Included Battery 02 (No External Battery Pock)
Back up time min. 15 Minutes at Full Load
Typical recharge time max. 3 hour(s)
Cord Length min. 2.0 m
Energy efficiency at 89%
100% load
Interface Port(s) To be mentioned
Available Smart Slot
Minimum one
Interface Quantity
LED status display with load and battery bar-graphs and
Control panel On Line : On Battery : Replace Battery : Overload and
Bypass Indicators
Alarm when on battery : distinctive low battery alarm :
Audible Alarm
overload continuous tone alarm
Surge energy rating min. 450 Joules
Emergency Power Off
Operating Environment 0-60ºC
Includes software must be provided for unattended graceful
shutdown of network operating systems, CO with software,
Rack Mounting support rails, User Manual
Warranty 3 (Three) years warranty including replacement of parts,
repairing and service for every kind of equipment

Smart UPS must have ability to perform all the operation as per employer requirement.

E. Sub-Station Monitoring Unit:

Workstation (Brand computer) with Original OS:
Workstation (Brand computer) with Original OS (All in one computer/ Tower Type):

General Specification:
Brand DELL or equivalent
Model To be mentioned by the bidder.
Chipset Intel
Processor 6th Generation or Higher Intel® Core™ i7 processor
Processor‘s Speed 2.7GHz or Higher
Processor‘ Cache 4 MB or Higher
Operating System To be mentioned
Graphics To be mentioned
Hard Drive 1TB 7200 rpm
DVD R/W shall be provided
RAM 8GB, 2133MHz, DDR4 up to 64GB
Monitor: 21.5‖, Borderless
Mouse & Keyboard Mouse included with Keyboard

Computer Table & Chair
General Specification:

Tables& Chairs will be used at every Substation for setting up Workstation and other equipments.
Tables & Chairs are to be provided as per employer requirements.

 World‘s best quality imported melamine faced chip board is used in making this product.
 Finest quality imported screws and other accessories ensure the strong structure.
 Best quality smooth laminated paper is joined by heat pressed machine which enhance the
longevity of the laminated paper as well as board.
 Knocked down flat box packaging for easy and damage free transportation.
 Free assembly service at Substation by expert technician.
 One Year Free Service warranty for any manufacturing fault.

Laser Printer Black and White:

General Specification:
Brand HP or equivalent
Model To be mentioned by the bidder.
Print technology Laser
Print speed Black (letter): Up to 19 ppm or higher
Black (A4): Up to 18 ppm or higher
Print resolution Black (best): Up to 600 x 600 x 2 dpi (1200 dpi effective output);
Black (normal): Up to 400 x 600 x 2 dpi (600 dpi effective
output) or Higher
Number of print 1 (black)
Standard connectivity Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port, WiFi 802.11 b/g
Wireless capability Yes, WiFi 802.11 b/g
memory 8 MB or higher
Monthly page volume 250 to 1,500 or Higher
Compatible operating Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32-bit/64-bit), Windows Vista® (32-
systems bit/64-bit), Windows® XP (32-bit/64-bit), Windows® Server 2008
(32-bit/64-bit), Windows® Server 2003 (32-bit/64-bit), Mac OS X
v 10.4, v 10.5, v 10.6, Linux
Operating Operating Humidity Range: 10 to 80% RH; Recommended
environment Humidity Operating Range: 30 to 70% RH; Operating
Temperature Range: 15 to 32.5º C; Recommended Operating
Temperature Range: 63.5 to 77º F (17.5 to 25º C); Maximum
Operating Temperature Range: 59 to 90.5º F; Storage
Temperature Range: -4 to 104º F (-20 to 40º C); Non-Operating
Humidity: 10 to 90% RH
Power Power Requirements: Input voltage 115 to 127 VAC (+/- 10%),
60 Hz (+/- 2 Hz), 12 amp; 220 to 240 VAC (+/- 10%), 50 Hz (+/-
2 Hz), 6.0 amp; Power Supply Type: Internal; Power
Consumption4 : 370 watts active, 0.6 watts off, 2.0 watts (Auto-
Off) power save, 2.7 watts standby
Warranty Three-years warranty

Laser Printer Black and White will be used at every Substation for Printing Purpose. Laser Printer
Black and White must be capable of printing reports as per employer requirements.
Power Cable (3 X 10 rm)

General Specification:
Material: Copper
Conductor Nominal cross-section area (mm2) 3x10 rm
No. and Nominal diameters of wires No./mm 7/1.35
Max. DC Resistance of Conductor at 20 Ohm/km 1.83
Nominal Thickness of Insulation mm 1.0
Nominal Thickness of Sheath 1.8
Approx. Weight of Cable Kg/km 650
Approx. overall diameter mm 19
Current Rating
Underground at 30 degree Celsius amps 64
In air at 35 degree Celsius amps 56

Power Cable must be capable of performing its function as per employer requirements.

F. Central Monitoring Unit:

Remote Work Station includes 55 Inch Display:
Remote Work Station includes 55 Inch Display with Automation Software, Table/Steel Rack,
and Chair.

General Specification:

Product Description Samsung 55‖ MEC or Equivalent

Product Type Upgrade LED Technology.
Power Max 176 Watt
Consumption Operational
Diagonal Size 55"
Targeting Commercial usage
H-Scanning Frequency 30 ~ 81kHZ

Maximum Pixel Frequency 148.5MHz

V-Scanning Frequency 48 ~ 75HZ
Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.21 (H) x 0.63 (V)
Active Display Area 1209.6 (H) x 680.4 (V)
Colour Gamut 72%
Resolution 1,920 x 1,080
Display Format min. 1080p (Full HD)
Video Interface HDMI1, HDMI2(except KR, NA) Component(CVBS
HDMI Port 2 port(s)
PC Interface Analog D-SUB, DVI-D(HDMI® Common), Display Port® 1.2
DVI, VGA(HD-15), Display Port
HDCP Compatible Yes
Image Aspect Ratio 16:09
Speaker System 2 speakers
Storage Drive Capacity 8GB

USB Port Yes 1 port(s)
Remote Control Remote control
Power AC 100 - 240 V~ (+/- 10 %), 50/60 Hz
Manufacturer Warranty 3 years warranty
Combined with Built-in PC
Color Depth 10bit Dithering - 1.07Billion
Contrast Ratio (Dynamic) 10000:1

Contrast Ratio 5000:1

Brightness 450nit
Viewing Angle 178 degrees
Viewing Angle (Vertical) 178 degrees
Response Time (G-to-G) 8ms
USB Port 1 port(s)
PC Configuration Default
Stands & Mounts
Stand Yes
Flat Panel Mount Interface Yes
Cables Included Display Port cable, HDMI Cable (min. 20m of each Cable)
Service & Support 3 years warranty




Bidder shall submit Display format/energy parameters of 55 inch display (Monitor) for Workstations
as samples along with their bid at time of bid submission. Late submission of sample is not
acceptable. If the bidder fails to submit the samples during bid submission, the bid shall be rejected
and will not be considered for further evaluation.

The bidder may be asked to demonstrate the sample display parameter for 55 inch display at
Workstations submitted along with the bid as per technical requirement of tender document. For this
demonstration DPDC will not bear any expenses. If the bidder fails to conduct demonstration as per
DPDC‘s requirement or to demonstrate the sample the bid will not be considered for awarding the
The successful bidder have to submit 5 (five) sets of drawings and other technical particulars for all
types of RUGGED VPN ROUTERs within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of signing of the contract
agreement to the Project Director, Digitalization and Automation of Substation Metering System,
DPDC, Dhaka.
SE, Design circle will approve the drawings. The contractor shall be required to demonstrate on
their design and drawing before approval.
No work shall be performed of the Software until display format/energy parameters for 55 inch
Display have been approved. The cost of supplying display format/energy parameters shall be
borne by the supplier.

The successful bidder has to supply Remote Work Station (Computer) includes 55 Inch Display with
Automation Software, Table/Steel Rack, and Chair. The successful bidder also has to supply all
other required accessories (Power cord, Switch etc.) for successful operation as per employer

Remote Work Station must have ability to collect data from central Server for successful operation
as per employer requirement.

Automation Software must have ability to collect data from central Server and should be capable to
Display required parameters on 55 Inch Display. There should be option to customize ―Display
parameters‖ as per employer requirement.

Table/Steel Rack and Chair is to be provided as per employer requirements.

Laser Printer Color:

General Specification:

Brand HP or equivalent
Model To be mentioned by the bidder.
Print technology Laser
Print speed Black (normal, A4): Up to 18 ppm;
Black (normal, letter): Up to 19 ppm;
Number of print 4 (red, green, blue and black)
Print resolution To be mentioned
Processor: 800 MHz or Higher
First Page Out Time: Black (A4, ready): As fast as 11.5 sec or lower
Colour (A4, ready): As fast as 13 sec or lower
Duplex print Automatic
Duty Cycle (monthly) Up to 30,000 pages
Memory 256 MB or higher
Feeding capacity : 150 sheet input tray or higher
Ports 1 Hi-Speed USB 2.0
1 Fast Ethernet 10/100Base-TX
1 Host USB
Network protocols, TCP/IP, IPv4, IPv6
supported Print: TCP-IP port 9100 Direct Mode, LPD (raw queue support
only), Web Services Printing
Wireless capability Yes, built-in Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n. Authentication via WEP, WPA, or
802.11x. Encryption via AES or TKIP. NFC
Power Input voltage: 220 to 240 VAC (+/- 10%), 50 Hz (+/- 3 Hz)
Warranty Three-years warranty.
Laser Printer color will be used at the Central Monitoring Unit for Printing Purpose. Laser Printer
color must be capable of printing reports as per employer requirements.

G. Portable Data Collection:

Laptop Core i7 with original OS:

General Specification:

Brand DELL or equivalent

Model DELL Latitude 5550 or equivalent
Processor 5th gen Intel Core i7 Processor or Higher
Processor Clock 2.6GHz or Higher
Processor Cache 4MB cache or Higher
Chipset Intel
Memory 16GB DDR-3,1600 MHz
Hard Disk 500GB 7200 rpm
Video Card Integrated Intel HD Graphics
Optical Drive DVD+/-RW
Network Adapter Wi-Fi a/b/g/n + BT 4.0, LAN adapter
Sound Card Integrated High Definition Audio; Internal Speakers
I/O Ports Stereo global headset jack Memory card reader.
VGA, HDMI, USB3.0 (3), Network connector (RJ-45)
Display 15.6" HD Non-Touch display
Battery 4-cell (65Wh) Lithium Ion battery
Adapter 65W A/C Adapter (3-pin)
Power Supply Energy Efficient Power Supply
Operating System Windows 7 Professional 64 bit License OS with
Installation CD/DVD for each unit device
Webcam Yes
Warranty 3 (Three) years warranty including replacement of
parts, repairing and service for every kind of

These Laptops will be used for downloading data from meter and other purposes through optical
port. The successful bidder has to supply all other required accessories (Optical data cable,
software etc.) for successful operation as per employer requirement.

Laser Printer color must be capable of printing reports as per employer requirements.

Configuration Software (unlimited License):

Configuration Software (unlimited License) with Data cable (Optical/pulse detector)

This configuration software will be used for collecting Energy meter data through optical port at
Sub-station end. The configuration software will also have the provision to generate a common data
file which will be inserted at central server so that central server can update meter data if meter
communication failed.

The Online Energy Monitoring system should help to perform following functions:
r) Energy Auditing at Different Voltage Level
s) Automatic Energy Balancing (Voltage Level wise for individual and all Substation)
t) Energy Accounting
u) Energy Conservation
v) System Management (Total Instantaneous Load at 132 KV Level, 33 KV Level and 11
KV Level)
w) Data Logging
x) Trending
y) Checking the consumption of tariff meters receiving point (Individual feeder, total,
customized duration)
z) Reporting and analysis
aa) Number of feeders (shut-down)
bb) Accessibility through Internet and mobile apps
cc) Breaker Status
dd) Duration of Load Shedding from Breaker Status
ee) API (Application Programmable Interface) for future expansion
ff) SAIDI & SAIFI reporting (Breaker-wise)
gg) Reporting folder (Year-wise, Month-Wise, Feeder meter-Wise) and file (excel format with
date & time), having all energy parameters generating automatically as specified by the
employers of DPDC.
hh) Facility of automatic collection and store data such as (Voltage, Current, Power Factor,
KWH, KVARH, Apparent power) Hourly, Daily, Monthly, yearly basic on the Central

Software for data acquisition, online monitoring and analysis requirements are
detailed below:
i. Data acquisition software must be able to support data from all types of
existing feeder meters (viz. instantaneous, energy, load survey, event etc.)
with time stamping read using MODBUS/DLMS protocol min at a
1/15/30/60 min. reading frequency (user configurable).
ii. Software should have the facility to fill the non read meter data via some
auto fill/other supported mechanism so that 100% 15min. SIP meter data
for billing/energy accounting can be acquired from all meters.
iii. Software should be able to give the facility to user to select the monitoring
locations and views to view the acquired meter data. Meter parameters
should also be selective for viewing purpose against each meter.
iv. Historical meter data should be available for the user to view by selecting
the date/time, parameters & meter option.

v. Software should have a facility to configure the online dashboard as per
customer requirements to monitor online meter data in graphical and
tabular format to view different type of feeder meter data acquired from
substations at pre-defined frequency. All views with parameter level
selection should be user configurable.
vi. Data acquisition software should be able to generate daily/weekly reports
for the substation wise/area wise/overall system based on acquired meter
vii. User configurable alarms and notifications for all meter parameters
5. Alarms can be on meter raw parameters and network parameters
6. Can be send through SMS/emails
7. Visual on screen display of all alarms with history
8. Software should be able to maintain all generated alarm history which
can be seen by user based on the selection criteria.

viii. Software architecture should be able to consider the configuration changes

like CT/PT ratios. Meter change etc. for accurate analysis reports.

ix. Provide a role-based security platform so that authorized users are granted
access to view and/or change. And, enable DPDC to configure the
presentation of data to specific groups of end users based on
x. Provide web-based, contextual online help with a fully searchable index,
and, easily allow users to add customized help documentation linked
directly to the user interface dialogue in context.

xi. Software should have a capability to group the selected meters to calculate
the overall consumption and other parameters for an area/location.
xii. Alternatively, software should also capture/import the meter data read
through CMRI for non-read meter cases for complete reporting & billing
xiii. Reporting can be generated on daily/weekly/monthly basis. Some of the
reports are
 Utility & station-wise Interval data for a given date & interval
 Daily midnight reading report
 Energy consumption report
 Average and maximum demand report
 Event Report
 Alarm report
 Meter information
 Missing data report
All reports shall be in soft format in PDF and shall be handed over to utility on CD/DVD.
The bidder shall note that quality of the reports is the essence of the requirement and not
quantity. The bidder is expected to process the data read from the meters and derive the
actionable MIS information from the meter data without much need of assumptions. The
reports are expected to give quick information on various system parameters and

abnormalities triggering corrective action. Mere submission of tabulated sheets of meter
data shall not be acceptable.
For this purpose, the bidder shall explain the methodology by which the above reports
would be generated by using the data logged by the meters and this shall be considered
as one of the main evaluation criteria
 Event Report: Reports create an event list consisting of all the events that occurred in
chronological order with date and time of occurrence.
 Data Export: Reports data can be exported to the format as pdf, xls, doc and rtf.
 Configurable Reports: All report formats should be configurable & user defined. User has
provision for report template definition, publishing report and report data synchronization.
 Billing Report: User has provision to generate bill report based on bill component line TOD,
MD, Energy consumption etc.
 Trend Report: Trend reports of various parameters like energy consumption, temperature,
production cost/ quantity etc. for selected duration of selected load points/group (i.e. cost
centers, business units, locations, buildings, infrastructure etc.)
 Graphical Report: Graphical reports of load survey and instantaneous data for selected
duration for various parameters e.g. Voltage, Current, Active Power, Frequency, Power
factor, Reactive Power, temperature, pressure etc.
 Energy balancing report-
a. Substation wise monthly / customize duration ( date and time)
b. Loss Calculation between multiple metering points (maximum 15 points) (with customize
duration (date and time) selecting substation name and feeder/line meter no .
c. Line/Feeder reading (KWH,PF and KVARH) and consumption for customize duration (
date and time)
 Meter Reading –
a. Summation of Phase wise active, reactive and apparent power reading must be same
with the respective total reading.
b. Duration of CT, PT and Breaker Failure/ off for customize duration ( date and time)
c. Numerical and graphical presentation of CT / PT connection, phase association , vector
diagram, power flow etc
d. Numerical and graphical presentation of PF vs f , PF vs V , PF vs I for instantaneous and
customize duration ( date and time)
e. SMS sending option due to power failure / interruption for VIP/VVIP or customize feeder
( instantaneously)
f. SMS sending option due to power failure / interruption of All/ customize feeder after
specific duration ( example SMS will be send if power failure / interruption become 30 or
40 or 15 minutes)
 Monitor your users at any instance of time
 Collect, analyze, and communicate your energy information
 Track energy consumption in real time
 View energy consumption through multiple clients
 Manage individual and multiple systems with one interface
 Compare actual against projected consumption for long term optimization
 Detect anomalies and generate specific alarms to alert facility managers
 Dramatically improve your energy productivity through various intelligent features
 Save time and money through efficient energy management

Automation software for Workstations must have the ability to pull data from meters to Local Station
through network, Automatic Energy Balancing, Reporting and others as per employer requirement.

Miscellaneous Cost:
Any items which are not mentioned in employer‘s requirement and price schedule but necessary for
successful implementation for the project shall have to be provided by the contractor. The cost for
such items shall be deemed to have been included in the financial offer of the contractor.

Foreign Training (Software, Hardware & Meter):

The contractor shall submit the training schedule (Trainer name mentioning professional
experience, date and time, place, subject etc) to PD for approval 15 days before training.
The duration of the training will be 15 days for 10 (ten) engineers excluding travel time.

a) Learning of Energy Meter hardware.
b) Learning of Energy Meter Firmware.
c) Learning of Energy Meter testing.
d) Learning the principle of measuring energy parameters.
e) Learning the conversion of electric power measurement to digital output.
f) Learning of different type of meter connection.
g) Learning of data collection procedure from Meter and software.
h) Learning the advanced level troubleshooting of Energy meter.
i) Learning of Central, configuration and workstation software‘s‘ working principle.
j) Learning of Basic coding and database (table structure).
k) Learning of basic function and troubleshooting of communication equipment.
l) Learning of PLC.
m) Learning of working principle of Sub-station metering automation system and network
n) Learning of API (application Programmable interface) for future expansion.
Cost Related to Training:

Where the supplier provides training on software, hardware, meter and so on at training center of
manufacturer. The Contractor shall be responsible for bearing all costs regarding training for the engineers
including all training materials, the return air fare, hotel charges, travelling expenses, food, laundry, visa fees
and health insurance to cover all medical costs that may be required during visit etc. The Contractor shall pay
together with a per diem allowance of USD 200 (Two Hundred) including travel time for each of the
Employer‘s Engineer. All costs for the above visits are deemed to be included in the contract price.

Local Training (Operation)/Work shop:

The local training shall be conducted by the expert trainer(s) of the system software provider. The
contractor shall submit the training schedule (Trainer name, date and time, place, subject etc) to PD
for approval 15 days before training. The Contractor shall be responsible for bearing all costs
regarding training for all trainees including all training materials, food, and daily allowance of 500 (
Five Hundred) BDT per person per day.
The duration of the training will be 2 days for 300 (three hundred) trainees.
a) Learning of Energy Meter Parameter.
b) Learning of Energy Meter‘s Data collection procedure.
c) Learning of Energy Meter‘s Data collection procedure through workstation software.
d) Learning the basic troubleshooting of Energy meter connection.
e) Learning of basic troubleshooting of communication equipment.
f) Learning of basic reporting procedure mainly Energy Balancing.


The contractor shall provide 2 nos. motorcycle and one double cab pickup along with driver, fuel
and maintenance cost during office day of the 5 years operation and maintenance period.

Operation & maintenance cost for Five years (Five people): All type of data collection and
maintaining all type of communication of the network for successful operation. Sub-station
automation for energy reading collection and required energy balancing of DPDC network.

a) Operation and Maintenance of All sub-station energy meters.
b) Operation and Maintenance of All communication equipment.
c) Operation and Maintenance of Central server.
d) Operation and Maintenance of workstation.
e) Troubleshooting whole system if required.
f) Reporting and Data Collection.
g) Operation and Maintenance of Central Display and Laptop Software.
h) Provide monthly all necessary reports to DPDC.
i) Provide any information and report as and when required by DPDC
j) Must provide all necessary tools for successful operation and maintenance of the system.

Energy Meters Operation and Maintenance:
a) Find out the faulty Energy meter.
b) Solve problems related to Energy Meter, CT/PT connection or others.
c) Replacement of Energy Meter if necessary.
d) Establishment of Modbus communication Connection.
All communication equipment Operation and Maintenance:
a) Find the faulty area of communication
b) Solve the communication problem
c) Fixation or replacement of Router/ Data concentrator unit/ Switch if necessary.
d) Make sure the Modbus communication is healthy.
e) Make sure the Ethernet communication is healthy.
Central server Operation and Maintenance:
a) Make sure the Data stored in right location.
b) Make sure all the application services run properly.
c) Monitor the main application software runs properly.
d) Ability to fix the server problem from backend.
e) Ability to take data backup manually.
f) Ability to find out any error in the whole solution.
g) Ability to fix up any problem.
h) Make sure the web based communication runs properly.
Workstation Operation and Maintenance:
a) Monitor main application software runs properly.
b) Ability to fix the local server problem from backend.
c) Ability to take data backup manually.
d) Ability to find out the any error.
e) Ability to fix up any problem.
f) Make sure the Data communication from Energy meter and Local Station is healthy.

g) Make sure all the application services run properly.

Reporting and Data Collection:

a) Monthly Energy Meter Data Collection.
b) Making report as required by DPDC.
c) Providing data as per required format.

Central Display and Laptop Software:

a) Operation and maintenance of Central Display
b) Laptop Configuration software troubleshooting.

The Contractor shall provide the list of eligible employees for operation and maintenance period
along with their CVs to the Project Director, DASMS, DPDC. Selection of operation and
maintenance team will be finalized by Project Director, DASMS, DPDC.

The Project Director, DASMS, DPDC will reserve the right for terminating any employee of
operation and maintenance team if necessary.


A. Stage Inspection

A Team consisting of 3 (three) engineers of DPDC for each item mentioned below shall
conduct technical orientation and quality witness test at stage during manufacturing process at
manufacturer‘s factory premises. This Stage Inspection period will be 7 (seven) days but excluding
travel time.

Inspection team shall carry out Stage Inspection during manufacturing of the following goods at the
manufacturing plant(s):

Sl. Name of Item Scope of test/check

1 Multi-function Energy Meter (0.2S (i) Manufacturing Process
Class) with Communication Like (ii) Quality Control System
Modbus and others. (iii) Quality of Goods or raw materials
and request for the purchase/
import/ shipping documents and
shall check in accordance with
tender document.
(iv) Specification as per bid document
(v) Test according to clause no. and of Employers
requirement, Section-6
(vi) Sample test as per IEC standard
Representatives(s) of the Purchaser shall visit the manufacturing plant prior to commencement of
mass production. The purpose of the visit is to ensure that the manufacturing process is followed as
per the offer made by the successful tenderer. The contractor shall notify the purchaser in due time
so as to enable the purchaser‘s representative(s) to attend to the stage inspection.

B. Pre-Shipment inspection

1. 2The Purchaser shall have the right to inspect/test the goods/materials to confirm their
.conformity to the specification. This Pre-Shipment inspection period will be 7 (seven)
3days but excluding travel time.
2. 2The Purchaser shall appoint its own 3 (three) engineers as Inspector (s) for each item
.and they shall be entitled at all reasonable time during manufacture and/or pre-
3delivery/pre-shipment to inspect and test the following goods/materials, to confirm their
.conformity to the specification, at the manufacturers‘ premises:
Sl. Name of Item
1 Multi-function Energy Meter (0.2S Class) with Communication Like
Modbus and others.
2 Data Acquisition & Controller device (PLC + RS485 MODULE + 16x
DI/DO MODULE + 4GB Memory card + 24v dc power supply)
3 a. Web-based Central server software
b. Web-based Local server software
3. 2The Supplier shall, after consulting the purchaser, give the Purchaser reasonable
.notice in writing of the date on and the place at which any material or equipment will be
3ready for testing as provided in the contract and unless the purchaser shall attend at
.the place so named on date, which the supplier has stated in his notice, the supplier
3may proceed with the tests, which shall be deemed to have been made in the
purchaser's presence, and shall forthwith forward to the purchaser duly certified copies
of test readings.

4. 2When the purchaser intends to attend the test he shall promptly inform the supplier
.accordingly in writing, so the supplier can take action. The purchaser shall give the
3supplier timely notice in writing of his intention to attend the test.
5. 2Where the supplier provides for tests on the premises of the supplier or of any
.manufacturer of the supplier, except where otherwise specified, shall provide free of
3charge such assistance, labor, materials, electricity, fuel, stores, apparatus and
.instruments as may be requisite and as may be reasonably demanded to carry out
6such test efficiently. This test shall be performed as per relevant IEC/BS Standard or
equivalent and routine tests as agreed upon.

6. 2As and when the purchaser is satisfied that any materials/equipment shall have passed
.the tests referred to in this clause, purchaser shall notify the contractor in writing to that
7. 2Should any inspected/tested goods fail to conform to the specification, the Purchaser
.shall have the right to reject any of the items or complete batch if necessary. In that
3case Supplier has to replace the Equipment and to make good of them without any
.financial involvement to the Purchaser.

8. 2Nothing in this clause shall in any way release the supplier from any warranty or other
.obligations under the contract.

C. Post Landing Inspection (PLI):

Post landing inspection of all items/ goods shall be done by a PLI committee of DPDC
immediately after arrival of the goods/items at bidders‘ premises. The program of such
inspection shall be intimated to the representative of Supplier. The PLI committee in its
report shall mention the exact/assessed quantity of goods. The Post Landing Inspection of
goods shall generally cover the following, but not limited to it.:

(i) Visual Inspection of goods;

(ii) Conformance with approved drawings with respect to dimensions/type/size.
(iii) Quantity of supplied goods

Cost Related to Inspection and Testing

Where the supplier provides for inspection/tests on the premises of the supplier or of any
manufacturer of the supplier, except where otherwise specified, shall provide free of charge such
assistance, labor, materials, electricity, fuel, stores, apparatus and instruments as may be requisite
and as may be reasonably demanded to carry out such test efficiently.

The Contractor shall be responsible for bearing all costs for the above Engineers including the
return air fare, hotel charges, travelling expenses, food, laundry, visa fees and health insurance to
cover all medical costs that may be required during visit etc. The Contractor shall pay together with
a per diem allowance of USD 200 (Two Hundred) including travel time for each of the Employer‘s
Engineer. All costs for the above visits are deemed to be included in the contract price.

Transport Micro Bus:
Transport facility for site work during installation of meter and build-up the communication network
for data collection under DPDC area. Transport facility has to be provided all time (24*7 or as per
employer requirement) by latest model (2010 or later) 7 seats micro bus with AC facility.

Installation, testing and commissioning:

1. Data Concentrator Unit (DCU) Installation

a. Mechanical and civil Works
b. Still box Setup
c. Wiring for communication (Meter DCU)
d. DCU Configure and caned installation and communication
2. Workstation Communication
3. Router Configuration and installation
4. Other necessary Communication works
5. All Other necessary equipment (not mention here) installation, testing and commissioning shall
be done to complete the project for successful running.

Section 8. Technical requirement and guaranteed schedule

The Goods and Related Services shall comply with following Technical Specifications:

Multi-function Energy Meter
Multi-function Energy Meter (0.2S Class) with Communication like Modbus and others

(To be filled up appropriately, then to be signed and sealed by both tenderer and Manufacturer in
Manufacturer‘s Letterhead Pad, otherwise the bid will be rejected)
Sl. Description Unit EMPLOYER Manufacturer's
No. Requirement guaranteed
1. Manufacturer’s To be mentioned
2. Manufacturer’s To be mentioned
3. EU, UK, USA, Canada, Japan, Singapore,
Country of Origin Switzerland
4. Country of EU, UK, USA, Canada, Japan, Singapore,
Manufacture Switzerland
5. Manufacturer’s
To be mentioned
Model No.
6. Rated voltage &
110V/√3 (p-n) from PT secondary, 50 Hz.
7. Rated current(In) and -/- and Basic current 1 to 5 amps in steps of 1
maximum and Imax = 200% of In
8. Meter connection shall be suitable for (i) 3phase 3
wires (two element measuring capability)) and (ii)
3phase 4 wires ( three element measuring
9. Accuracy class KWh: 0.2s and KVARh: 0 .5s or Higher accuracy
10. THD measurement
Shall be provided
11. Large data storage,  Suitable for energy accounting, billing and
with independent settlement
buffers that support  Independent logging of quality of supply (QoS)
different integration and billing data
12.  RS-485 for Modbus communication
 Ethernet communication port
 Optical port
13.  DLMS and COSEM (open communication
Open  Supports IEC 62056-21 open protocol for
communications integration with data collection systems
protocols  Provision for Modbus, for integration with
substation SCADA applications

14. Meter reading and Meter reading and communication with meter
communication shall be available in case of main line power
during main line failure.
power off condition
15. Graphical display  Easy diagnosis of wiring faults during
Sl. Description Unit EMPLOYER Manufacturer's
No. Requirement guaranteed
with vector installation
diagrams,  User-friendly display of electrical parameters
harmonics, user-  User-defined text for meter display, such as
defined text and details specific to a site or project
OBIS codes
16. Up to 50 channels and 2 independent surveys
Intervals programmable from 1 minute to 1
Over 81,000 days storage
(1 channel, 30 minute intervals)
Load Survey/Profile Over 27,000 days storage
(2 channels , 15 minute intervals)
Over 16,000 days storage
( 4 channels, 15 minute intervals)
Energy, instantaneous readings, pulsing
inputs as channel sources.
17.  Data suitable for energy auditing
 Base data for monitoring system health and
theft analysis
Load Survey Parameters :
The following parameters for load survey purpose
and shall be logged with a block period of 15
minutes. The data storage required for the load
survey parameters shall be 90 days in nonvolatile
memory with life time of the meter.
19. Average Frequency
20. Average Power factor (Export)
21. Average Power factor (Import)
22. Net active energy
23. Per Phase Active and Reactive Energy
24. Active Load &Energy (KW &kwh) Import
Load profiling &
25. Active Load & Energy (KW&kwh) Export
Load Survey
Parameters 26. Apparent Load &Energy (KVA &kvah)
27. Apparent Load & Energy (KVA&kvah)
28. Kvar&Kvarh Lag Export
29. Kvar&Kvarh Lead Export
30. Kvar&Kvarh Lag Import
31. Kvar&Kvarh Lead Import
32. Percentage Voltage unbalance
33. Total harmonic distortion of voltage in
percentage of fundamental
34. Total harmonic distortion of current in
percentage of fundamental
35. Phase wise voltages and currents also
shall be made available.
36. Date and time shall also be included

Sl. Description Unit EMPLOYER Manufacturer's
No. Requirement guaranteed
Add any other necessary parameters for energy
auditing.The load survey data format shall be
finalized during project implementation stage.

18.  Utility revenue protection

 Power outage management
Event logging with
 Logging system condition helps load balancing
time stamps
in order to maintain quality of supply

19.  Helps ensure 'first-time right' installation

 Accurate energy registration
20.  Multi-utility application
 Energy data aggregation using external pulse
 The meter shall have a test output (pulses)
accessible from the front and be capable of
being monitored with suitable testing
equipment. The operation indictor must be
Pulse input/output &
visible from the front. The resolution of the test
Visual indication of
output shall be
sufficient to conduct satisfactorily accuracy
test at the lowest load in less than 5
minutes and starting current test in less than
10 minutes. Test outputs are required for both
kwh, and kvarh.
 Pulse indicator on the front of meter as per
meter constant.
21. Type Solid state
22. The Multiplication factorshall be programmable
inside the meter by the following formula:
Multiplication factor
Dial reading X CT ratio X PT ratio = Actual
reading in MWh
23. Data memory MB Non-volatile 10 MB or higher
24. Number of digit Total digit shall be minimum 8. Number of integer
(integer + decimal) and decimal digit shall be programmable type
25. Type of Display Solid-state LCD/LED display
26. Display digit size 7mm x 4mm
160 x 80 grescale graphic (with backlight) 17
characters by 2 lines alphanumeric display,
LCD/LED display displays graphs, tables and vector diagrams ,
programmable units, multipliers and leading zeros
graphical display of load survey, phasor diagram
and others.
27. Real time clock Precision clock accuracy < 5 ppm at 23 degree C
28. Power frequency
Magnitude of supply voltage
Power Quality
Supply voltage sag and swell
Voltage interruption

Sl. Description Unit EMPLOYER Manufacturer's
No. Requirement guaranteed
Transient voltages
Unbalance supply voltage
Voltage harmonics
Voltage inter-harmonics
Main signaling voltage on supply voltage
Measurement of under deviation and over
deviation parameters.

29.  The time switch shall be built-in type and shall

be designed to perform a present cycle of
operation. Time switch shall reset MDI at the
end of every month (billing period)
automatically. In the event of failure of power
supply and battery, at the same time set
Time switch &
memory shall not be lost i.e. the set program
shall be recorded in non-volatile memory. The
maximum error shall be kept within  1 (one)
second per day. Time error adjustment facility
shall be provided.
 30-years calendar with automatic leap year
30. Each time switch must be provided with lithium
battery which allow the switch to function for a
period of not less than 10 (ten) years. The
guaranteed life of the battery should not be less
Battery reserve than 10 (ten) years and shall have provision for
easy replacement. The shelf life of the battery
should be minimum 15(fifteen) years or more.
External lithium thionyl chloride battery ( 3.6 V ,
1200mAh), internal super capacitor (5V)
31. Bottom entry, front connection, and connection
type with extended terminal cover: Minimum 10
Terminals to accommodate up to 06 sq. mm size
of cable. The terminal cover for the offered energy
meter shall be extended type, and which can be
sealed independently. There shall be free space
between bottom of the terminal and the bottom of
the terminal cover.
32. Service life of meter Shall be minimum 10 (ten) years.
33. c) The factory calibration conforms to relevant
IEC or equivalent international standard. LCD
display shall be shown consecutively and
continuously one after another. The display
shall be automated i.e. no external means
Special condition shall be required to see the display. Each
display shall last for at least 8 (eight) sec.
d) Meter Electronic Circuit biasing voltage shall
have to be ensured from each phase to phase
and each phase to neutral and minimum
basing voltage 40V.

Sl. Description Unit EMPLOYER Manufacturer's
No. Requirement guaranteed
34. The Energy meter body will be ultrasonically
welded to avoid unauthorized opening of meter
Meter Sealing
cover.Sealing provision shall be made available to
the Meter terminal cover.
35. The meter shall be provided with two ports for
communication of the measured / collected data,
i.e. hardware ports. The meter shall have a
Communication galvanically isolated optical communication port
Capability & Remote as per IEC 1107/ANSI and additional
Communication communication port RS 485 should be provided
for remote meter reading purpose with open
standard protocols. Both the ports shall
communicate simultaneously.
36. The meters shall display the following parameters
on demand (by pressing the push
button) and automatically. In automatic display
each parameter shall be displayed for at least 10
sec. Both forward and backward scroll provision
shall be available in on demand display.

45. Unique identification number of the meter
46. Date
47. Time
48. Current – IR
49. Current – IY
50. Current – IB
51. Voltage - VRN for 3 Ф / 4W
52. Voltage – VYN for 3 Ф / 4W
53. Voltage – VBN for 3 Ф / 4W
parameters 54. Signed Power Factor – R phase
55. Signed Power Factor – Y phase
56. Signed Power Factor – B phase
57. System Power Factor – PF
58. Frequency
59. Signed Active Power – kW (+ Forward, -
60. Signed Reactive Power – kVAr (+ Lag, -
61. Apparent Power – kVA
62. Cumulative Energy export – kWh
63. Cumulative Energy Import – kWh
64. Cumulative Energy – kVAh – export
65. Cumulative Energy – kVAh – import
66. Kvarh – Quadrant 1
67. Kvarh – Quadrant 2
68. Kvarh – Quadrant 3

Sl. Description Unit EMPLOYER Manufacturer's
No. Requirement guaranteed
69. Kvarh – Quadrant 4
70. Maximum demand – (kVA)export
71. Maximum demand – (kVA)import
72. Cumulative MD (MVA)export
73. Cumulative MD (MVA)import
74. Date and Time of Last MD reset
75. Cumulative MD reset count
76. Rising demand(KW) and elapsed time
77. Average frequency of the previous 15-
minute block
78. Net Wh transmittal in the previous 15-
minute block, with +/-sign
79. Average percentage voltage
80. Voltage-high VArh register reading
81. Voltage-low VArh register reading.
82. Cumulative Power Down Time in
83. Total Voltage Harmonic Distortion VTHD
84. Total Current Harmonic Distortion ITHD
85. Cumulative tamper count
86. Cumulative programming count
87. Demand Integration Period
88. Programmed external CT and PT ratios set
in the meter
37. The maximum demand is to be monitored during
each demand interval set with 15 minutes
integration and the maximum of these in a month
shall be stored. Whenever MD is reset the
maximum demand value so registered shall be
stored along with date and time. Under the current
integration period, the rising demand should be
displayed continuously along with the elapsed
time. The registered demand and the number of
times the MD is reset up to 10 shall be stored in
the memory.
Recording: MD Reset:
The meter shall have the following provisions
regarding MD reset.
d) Manually by operation of a button,
e) Resetting shall also be possible through a
hand held common meter reading
instrument (CMRI), Widows based Laptop
capable of communicating with the meter.
f) Provision for automatic resetting at the end
of certain period may be made available
and it should be possible to invoke this

Sl. Description Unit EMPLOYER Manufacturer's
No. Requirement guaranteed
through CMRI, Widows based Laptop with
date and time.
38. 9. Real time clock
10. Demand integration Period
11. Block Capture Time
Programmable 12. Billing Date/MD reset date
parameters 13. Time Zones (1 to 8)
14. External CT/PT ratios.
15. events/tampers
16. OMF
39. The meter shall have the following minimum
features to prevent/detect tamper and fraud:
 Phase Sequence Reversal: The meter
should work accurately irrespective of phase
sequence of supply.
 Missing Potentials: The meter shall be
Tamper and fraud capable of detection occurrence of missing
protection feature: potential of one phase or two phase(s), which
can happen due to intentional/accidental
disconnection of potential link(s).
 Terminal cover and Front Cover (meter
body) must have micro-switch provision to
monitor unauthorized opening. Opening of
terminal cover and Front Cover (meter body)
shall trigger an event to be recorded in the
event log memory.
40. Minimum 100 events (occurrences and
restoration) with date and time of event shall be
recorded. The Information shall be logged on first
in first out basis and total number of tamper
Tamper Information
events during the period. All these information
should be available in simple and easily
understandable format i.e. slot wise (i). Voltage
tampers (ii). Current tampers (iii) Other tampers.
41. Provision for sealing with conventional wire or
plastic seals
Reverse current detection
Tamper Detection
Advanced tamper detection and logging
and Alarms
Pre programmed alarms for meter self-check
Alarms trigger LEDs and/or communication event
Alarms are stored in event logs
42. Multi-level security ( user name and password
including encrypted log-in)
Up to 7 independent levels
Up to 6 individual users
43.  The meter shall be provided with connection
Technical feature diagram.
 The meter shall have provision of phase to
Sl. Description Unit EMPLOYER Manufacturer's
No. Requirement guaranteed
phase and each phase to neutral biasing.
 The meter shall have minimum biasing voltage
of 40V
 Meter must operate and accurately register
demand and energy when service voltage is
applied across any two of the three input
terminals or when service voltage is applied
from any input terminal to neutral. Meter will
continue to operate even the neutral is
 The registration of KWh (Peak & off-peak) on
3-phase, 3/4-wire supply for balanced &
unbalanced load will be unidirectional. i.e. if
one, two or three phase supply is/are
reversed, it will take the absolute (kWh-del) +
absolute (kWh-rev) and will add them together
as total 3-phase KWh.
 The meter shall have permanently print
nameplate distinctly marked with the following
in addition to all standard data:

10. Voltage and current rating.

11. The word ―DPDC‖ and logo of DPDC.
12. Frequency.
13. Number of element, number of wire
and multiplication factor.
14. Accuracy class.
15. Year of manufacture.
16. Serial number.
17. Name of manufacturer.
18. Meter constant.
44. The meters shall have indications for
unsatisfactory/non-functioning of the following.
Self-Diagnostics 6. Time and calendar
Features 7. Real Time clock (RTC)
8. RTC battery
9. Non-Volatile Memory
10. All display segments
45.  The Sequence of LCD/LED display should be
user programmable.
 The contrast setting of LCD/LED display
Display of measured should be visible in different lighting
values/ Meter environment and distinctly visible in broad
Display daylight.
 The meter should be of displaying time and
date, the direction of energy i.e. as
import/export or +/-, active tariff and internal
fault indicators.
Sl. Description Unit EMPLOYER Manufacturer's
No. Requirement guaranteed
 There should be up to three groups of display
to priorities the display. Each showing a
programmable function group.
 The meter shall have a display of liquid crystal
display (LCD) or light emitting diode (LED) for
measured values with one digit indicating
legend. The characters shall be clearly visible.
Provision shall be made to read consumption
in either whole units or decimal multiples or
submultiples of one unit. The display shall be
continuously with backlight digital type and
with non-destructive read out. In case of
multiple values presented by a single display it
must be possible to display the contents of all
relevant memories. When displaying the
memory, identifications of each
tariff/parameter shall be available.
 The register shall be able to record and
display starting from zero, for a minimum of
1500 h, the energy corresponding to rated
maximum current at reference voltage and
unity power – factor. Register should not
rollover in between this duration.

6. Voltage = 0.1V
7. Current = 0.001A
8. P.F. = 0.001
9. Energy = 0.001 MWH
10. Demand = 0.1 KVA / KW=0.001
46. Duration of phase wise PT and CT failure with
Fault Detection
date and time shall be recorded month-wise.
47. IEC 62052-11
Standard IEC 62053-22
IEC 62053-23
48. Terminal Size 4.8mm to 5 mm

Seal & signature of tenderer Seal & signature of Manufacturer

Data Acquisition & Controller device
(To be filled up appropriately, then to be signed and sealed by both tenderer and Manufacturer in
Manufacturer‘s Letterhead Pad)

Sl. Description Unit EMPLOYER Manufacturer's

No. Requirement guaranteed
1. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
2. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
3. Country of USA/UK/Canada/Japan/Germany/
origin Switzerland
4. Country of USA/UK/Canada/Japan/Germany/
manufacture Switzerland/China
5. Model SIMATIC S7 1200 (1214c) or
6. Vibration Tested with IEC 68
7. Analog Module To be mentioned
8. Digital Module To be mentioned
9. Communication
To be mentioned
10. Modem Module To be mentioned
11. Memory Card 4 GB or higher
12. Power Supply To be mentioned
13. Capacity to
Tested with IEC 68
magnitude of
14. The Data Acquisition & Controller
device meets national and
international standards:
• UL 508
• CSA C22.2 No. 142
Standards: • FM Class I, div. 2, group A, B, C, D;
T4A Class I, Zone 2, IIC, T4
• VDE 0160
• EN 61131-2
• Requirements of the EMC directive
in accordance with
EN 50081-1, 50081-2 and 50082-2
15. Degree of
IP20 acc. to IEC 529
16. • Operation (95% humidity)
- horizontal installation 0 ... 55 °C
- vertical installation 0 ... 45 °C
• Transportation and storage -40 ...
+70 °C
- with 95% humidity 25 ... 55 °C

17. • 5/24 V DC circuits 500 V AC test


Sl. Description Unit EMPLOYER Manufacturer's
No. Requirement guaranteed
• 115/230 V AC circuits to ground
1500 V AC test voltage
• 115/230 V AC circuits to 115/230 V
AC circuits
1500 V AC test voltage
• 230 V AC circuits to 5/24 V DC
1500 V AC test voltage
• 115 V AC circuits to 5/24 V DC
1500 V AC test voltage
18. • Noise immunity acc. to
EN 50082-2
Test acc. to:
IEC 801-2, IEC 801-3, IEC 801-4,
EN 50141, EN 50204, IEC 801-5,
VDE 0160
of the EMC
• Emitted interference acc. to
EN 50081-1 and EN 50081-2
Test according to
EN 55011, Class A, Group 1
19. SIPLUS extreme
Ambient temperature range -25 to
+60/+70 °C1)
Relative humidity 100% Dewing,
condensation and icing permissible
20. • Password protection
• Motion Control in accordance with
PLCopen for simple movements
• Library functionality
21. • Status LEDs for indicating ―Send‖,
―Receive‖ and ―Error‖
• Communication interfaces:
Available for the RS485 physical
transmission media
22. Input 120/230 V AC,
Power Output 24 V DC/2.5 A;
supplies Deratixng from +55°C ... +70 °C
to 1.5 A output current

Seal & signature of tenderer Seal & signature of Manufacturer

Rugged VPN Router with optical fiber converter
(To be filled up appropriately, then to be signed and sealed by both tenderer and Manufacturer in
Manufacturer‘s Letterhead Pad)
Sl. Description Unit EMPLOYER Manufacturer's
No. Requirement guaranteed
1. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
2. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
3. Country of USA/UK/Canada/Japan/Germany/
origin Switzerland
4. Country of USA/UK/Canada/Japan/Germany/
manufacture Switzerland/China
5. Model RUGGEDCOM RX1400 or equivalent
6. Optical fiber To be mentioned
7. Transfer rate 10 Mbit/s, 100 Mbit/s, 1000 Mbit/s
8. Interfaces / for
To be mentioned
/ pluggable /
9. Operating
voltage / of the
V 250
contacts AC
10. Operating
voltage / of the
V 125
contacts DC
11. Operating
current / of the
A 8
contacts AC
12. Operating
current / of the
A 5
contacts DC
13. Ambient
°C -40 ... +85
14. Protection class IP40
15. Design,
dimensions and To be mentioned
16. Switch latency
7 µs
17. Transfer rate /
10 Gbit/s
of the switch
18. Number of

Sl. Description Unit EMPLOYER Manufacturer's
No. Requirement guaranteed
19. Protocol / is
To be mentioned
20. loopback
21. Laser protection Complies with 21 CFR chapter 1,
class subchapter J
22. Standard for
cCSAus (Compliant with CSA C22.2
safety / from
No. 60950, UL60950, EN60950)
CSA and UL
23. Certificate of
IEC 61850-3, IEEE 1613

Seal & signature of tenderer Seal & signature of Manufacturer

RJ 45 Connector (Industrial Grade)
(To be filled up appropriately, then to be signed and sealed by both tenderer and Manufacturer in
Manufacturer‘s Letterhead Pad)

Sl. Description Unit EMPLOYER Manufacturer's

No. Requirement guaranteed
1 Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
2 Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
3 Design Industry-compatible design (rugged metal
enclosure, parts can‘t be lost
4 Shielding and Excellent EMC shielding and deflection
deflection (metal enclosure)
5 Strain and Additional strain and bending relief of
bending plug connector possible through latching
of plug on device enclosure.
6 Compatible Compatible with the EN 50173 (RJ45) /
ISO IEC 11801 standard
7 Connector Connector can be used with rigid and
flexible cores
8 Industrial Industrial Ethernet FC RJ45 Plugs are
Ethernet FC available in: IP20 (With 180°, 145° and
RJ45 Plugs 90° (angled) cable outlet)
9 Port Lock IE RJ45 Port Lock

Seal & signature of bidder Seal & signature of Manufacturer

GPS for Time Sync
(To be filled up appropriately, then to be signed and sealed by both tenderer and Manufacturer in
Manufacturer‘s Letterhead Pad)

Sl. Description Unit EMPLOYER Manufacturer's

No. Requirement guaranteed
1 Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
2 Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
3 Country of USA/UK/Canada/Japan/Germany/
manufacture Switzerland
4 Model Meinberg LANTIME M300 time server or
5 Surge arrester To be provided
6 Frequency 10 MHz via female BNC connector, TTL
outputs into 50 Ohm
Pulse outputs Pulse Per Second (PPS), TTL level, pulse
width: 200ms
Accuracy of Depends on oscillator option: < ±50ns
pulse outputs (OCXO MQ, OCXO HQ, OCXO DHQ)
Network Standard: 2 x 10/100 MBit with RJ45
Interface connector Available Options: * 2 or 4 x
additional 10/100 MBit with RJ45 * 1 x
10/100 MBit and 1 x 10/100/1000 MBit
(1GE) with RJ45 or 1 x 10/100 MBit and 3
x 10/100/1000 MBit (3GE) with RJ45 jack
Power supply Standard: 100-240 V AC (50/60 Hz)
available DC variants: 100-240 V DC, 12 V
DC and 19 - 72 V DC
Network TCP, UDP
protocols OSI
Network TELNET, FTP, SSH (incl. SFTP, SCP),
Internet IP v4, IP v6
Protocol (IP)
Network Auto IPv4: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
configuration - DHCP (RFC 2131) IPv6: Dynamic Host
Support Configuration Protocol - DHCPv6 (RFC
3315) and Auto configuration Networking -
Network Time NTP v2 (RFC 1119), NTP v3 (RFC 1305),
Protocol (NTP) NTP v4 (RFC 5905) SNTP v3 (RFC 1769),
SNTP v4 (RFC 2030) MD5 Authentication
and Auto key Key Management
Time Protocol Time Protocol (RFC 868)

Sl. Description Unit EMPLOYER Manufacturer's
No. Requirement guaranteed
Daytime Daytime Protocol (RFC 867)
IEC 61850 Synchronization of IEC 61850 compliant
devices by using SNTP
Hypertext HTTP/HTTPS (RC 2616)
Simple SNMPv1 (RFC 1157), SNMPv2c (RFC
Network 1901-1908), SNMP v3 (RFC 3411-3418)
GPS Antennas To be mentioned

Seal & signature of bidder Seal & signature of Manufacturer

Rack Mounted Server Computer with Original OS
(To be filled up appropriately, then to be signed and sealed by both tenderer and Manufacturer in
Manufacturer‘s Letterhead Pad)

Sl. Employer’s
Description Unit Guaranteed
No Requirement
1. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
2. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
3. EU, UK, USA, Canada, Japan,
Country of Origin Switzerland
4. Country of EU, UK, USA, Japan, Switzerland,
Manufacture China, Malaysia , Singapore
5. Brand Dell or equivalent
6. Model Dell PE R730 or equivalent
7. Chassis 2U Rack
8. Processor Min. 8(Eight) Core Intel Xeon E5-2600
v4 Series
No of Processor Two (2)
10. Clock speed GHz To be mentioned
11. Cache Memory M Min. 25Mor higher
12. Type of Chipset Intel C610 series or Higher
13. Memory Up to 1.5TB (24 DIMM slots):
4GB/8GB/16GB/32GB/64GB DDR4 up
to 2400MT/s
14. Up to 7 x PCIe 3.0 plus dedicated
I/O slots PERC slot
15. Maximum internal HDD: SAS, SATA, nearline SAS SSD:
storage SAS, SATA
16 x 2.5‖ – up to 29TB via 1.8TB hot-
plug SAS hard drives
8 x 3.5‖ – up to 64TB via 8TB hot-plug
NL SAS hard drives
16. Drive Bays internal hard drive bay and hot-plug
Up to 16 x 2.5‖ HDD: SAS, SATA,
nearline SAS SSD: SAS, SATA
Up to 8 x 3.5‖ HDD: SAS, SATA,
nearline SAS SSD: SAS, SATA
17. RAID Controller Internal controllers: PERC S130 (SW
RAID), PERC H330, PERC H730,
External HBAs (RAID): PERC H830
External HBAs (non-RAID): 12Gbps
18. Optical Drive DVD+/-RW, SATA, Internal

Sl. Employer’s
Description Unit Guaranteed
No Requirement
19. PCIe Riser Min. six x8 PCIe Slots and one xl6 PCIe
20. Embedded NIC 4 x 1GbE, 2 x 10+2GbE, 4 x 10GbE
21. Keyboard USB Standard Keyboard (same brand
as system unit)
22. USB Optical Mouse (same brand
as system unit)
23. Ready Rails Sliding Rails with Cable
Rack Mount Kit
Management Arms
24. 21.5-inch LCD monitor with LED backlit
Monitor (same brand as server unit) with power
cord (3-pin flat type plug)
25. Titanium efficiency 750W AC power
supply; 1100W DC power supply;
Power Supply Platinum efficiency 495W, 750W,
1100W AC
power supply
26. 02 Nos. of PDU Style, Min. 12 AMP,
Power Cord Min. 10 Feet. Two extra power cord with
3-pin flat type plug.
27. Bezel Yes
28. Preloaded Microsoft Windows Server®
Operating System 2012 SP2, x64 includes Hyper-V®),
Standard Edition and Media Kit
29. ECC memory, hot-plug hard drives, hot-
plug redundant cooling, hot-plug
redundant power, internal dual SD
module, single device data correction
Availability (SDDC), spare rank, tool-less chassis,
support for high availability clustering
and virtualization, proactive systems
management alerts, iDRAC8 with
Lifecycle Controller
30. Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Operating system Microsoft® Windows Server® 2016
support Novell® SUSE® Linux Enterprise
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux
VMware® ESX®
31. iDRAC8 with Lifecycle Controller,
iDRAC8 Express (default), iDRAC8
Enterprise (upgrade)
8GB vFlash media (upgrade), 16GB
vFlash media (upgrade)
32. ReadyRails™ II sliding rails for tool-less
mounting in 4-post racks with square or
Rack support
unthreaded round holes or tooled
mounting in 4-post threaded hole racks,
Sl. Employer’s
Description Unit Guaranteed
No Requirement
with support for optional tool-less cable
management arm
33. The supplier must assemble the server
in the rack and configure RAID
34. 3 (Three) years full warranty including
replacement of parts, repairing and
Warranty service for every kind of equipment
Warranty service shall be provided at
the client location.

Seal & Signature of the manufacturer: Seal & Signature of the tenderer

Server rack with Power Distribution Unit (PDU)
(To be filled up appropriately, then to be signed and sealed by both tenderer and Manufacturer in
Manufacturer‘s Letterhead Pad)
Sl. Employer’s
Description Unit guaranteed
No Requirement
1. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
2. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
3. EU, UK, USA, Canada, Japan,
Country of Origin Switzerland
4. Country of EU, UK, USA, Japan, Switzerland,
Manufacture China, Malaysia , Singapore
5. Brand DELL or equivalent
6. Model DELL APC Netshelter 42u or equivalent
7. Rack Material Steel
8. Rack Height 42U
9. Width mm 600 mm
10. Depth mm 1070 mm
11. Standard removable lockable side
Side Panel
12. Rear Door Lockable perforated rear doors
13. Front Door Lockable perforated front doors
14. Cabinet Set of 4 fans for 42U, 230V kit
Accessories (Kits)
15. 2x fixed rack equipment shelf with 2/4-
Shelf and Tray
post static rails 1U kit
16. PDU Metered, Full-Height, 1ph 63A 220-
PDU 240V, In(IEC309-63A & 3M cord)
17. PDU Input Cords •3.7M PDU Input Power Cord (Wall to
16A lph PDU) IEC309-16A plug to
IEC320C19 socket, 250V
• 3.7M PDU Power Cord (UPS to l0A lph
PDU) C13toCl4, 250V
18. 1U KMM (Touchpad, English Keyboard
Rack mount KMM
and Widescreen 18.5" LED) with Ready
Rails and 1U KVM mounting kit
19. Additional • 2U Horizontal Crossover Panel
Accessories • Vertical Cable Manager with cover
• Metal Cable Rings, Quantity 10
• Hook & Loop Straps, Quantity 10
• Grounding Kit for Dell racks
20. Cable
Management Arm Yes
for sliding rails
21. Top Cable Exit Yes
22. Bottom Cable Exit Yes

Sl. Employer’s
Description Unit guaranteed
No Requirement
23. Casters and Yes
leveling feet
24. Stabilizer feet Yes
25. Side stabilizer kit Yes
26. Static Load lbs 2500 lbs
27. Rear Caster Rotating rear caster
28. Warranty years 1 (One) years warranty including
replacement of parts, repairing and
service for every kind of equipment
29. Additional Dell UPS 2700W Rack
30. Base:
Dell 3U Rack/Tower UPS,
2700W, 230V, Incl. Cable Pack
Base warranty:
3Yr Parts Only Warranty
Support Services:
3Yr Parts Only Warranty
UPS Accessories:
Dell UPS Network
UPS Features
Management Card,
compatible with all current
Dell UPS
External Cables and Cords (Kits):
2x Rack Power Cord (C19/C20, 16A,
250V, 3.5M), Also for connecting UPS to
PDU - Kit Power Distribution Units (Kits):
2x PDU Basic, FH, lph 16A 220-240V,
In(C20) Out(21*C13 + 6*C19)

Seal & Signature of the manufacturer: Seal & Signature of the tenderer

Smart UPS 2000VA (online)
(To be filled up appropriately, then to be signed and sealed by both tenderer and Manufacturer in
Manufacturer‘s Letterhead Pad)
Sl. Employer’s
Description Unit guaranteed
No Requirement
1. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
2. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
3. Country of Origin EU, UK, USA, Japan, Switzerland
4. Country of EU, UK, USA, Japan, Switzerland, China,
Manufacture South Korea, Malaysia , Singapore
5. Brand APC or equivalent
6. Model Smart-UPS RC On-Line or equivalent
7. Output Power 2000 VA
8. Nominal Output 230 V
9. Output Voltage Less than 3%
10. Output Frequency
(sync to mains) 50 Hz +/- 3 Hz user adjustable +/- 0.1
11. Topology Online
12. Waveform Type Sine wave
13. Crest Factor 3:01
14. Input voltage 100 - 280V
adjustable range :
15. Input Frequency 50 Hz +/- 5% Hz
16. Input voltage
range for main
operations 160 - 280V
17. Battery Type Maintenance-free sealed Lead-Acid
battery : leak proof
18. Included Battery 02 (No External Battery Pock)
19. Back up time min. 15 Minutes at Full Load
20. Typical recharge max. 3 hour(s)
21. Cord Length min. 2.0 m
22. Energy efficiency 89%
at 100% load
23. Interface Port(s) To be mentioned
24. Available Smart
Slot Interface Minimum one
25. LED status display with load and battery
Control panel bar-graphs and On Line : On Battery :
Replace Battery : Overload and Bypass

Sl. Employer’s
Description Unit guaranteed
No Requirement
26. Alarm when on battery : distinctive low
Audible Alarm battery alarm : overload continuous tone
27. Surge energy min. 450 Joules
28. Emergency
Power Off (EPO)
29. Operating 0-60ºC
30. Includes software must be provided for unattended
graceful shutdown of network operating
systems, CO with software, Rack
Mounting support rails, User Manual
31. Warranty 3 (Three) years warranty including
replacement of parts, repairing and
service for every kind of equipment

Seal & Signature of the manufacturer: Seal & Signature of the tenderer

55 Inch Display
(To be filled up appropriately, then to be signed and sealed by both tenderer and Manufacturer in
Manufacturer‘s Letterhead Pad)

Sl. Employer’s
Description Unit guaranteed
No Requirement
1. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
2. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
3. EU, UK, USA, Canada, Japan,
Country of Origin Switzerland, South Korea
4. EU, UK, USA, Japan, Switzerland,
Country of China, South Korea, Malaysia ,
Manufacture Singapore
5. Product Samsung 55‖ MEC or Equivalent
6. Product Type Upgrade LED Technology.
7. Power Max 176 Watt
8. Diagonal Size 55"
9. Targeting Commercial usage
10. H-Scanning 30 ~ 81kHZ
11. Maximum Pixel 148.5MHz
12. V-Scanning 48 ~ 75HZ
13. Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.21 (H) x 0.63 (V)
14. Active Display 1209.6 (H) x 680.4 (V)
15. Colour Gamut 72%
16. Resolution 1,920 x 1,080
17. Display Format min. 1080p (Full HD)
18. Video Interface HDMI1, HDMI2(except KR, NA)
Component(CVBS Common)
19. HDMI Port 2 port(s)
20. PC Interface Analog D-SUB, DVI-D(HDMI®
Common), Display Port® 1.2 DVI,
VGA(HD-15), Display Port
21. HDCP Yes
22. Image Aspect 16:09
23. Speaker System 2 speakers
24. Storage Drive 8GB

Sl. Employer’s
Description Unit guaranteed
No Requirement
25. USB Port Yes 1 port(s)
26. Remote Control Remote control
27. Power AC 100 - 240 V~ (+/- 10 %), 50/60 Hz
28. Manufacturer 3 years warranty
29. Combined with Built-in PC
30. Color Depth 10bit Dithering - 1.07Billion
31. Contrast Ratio 10000:1

32. Contrast Ratio 5000:1

33. Brightness 450nit

34. Viewing Angle 178 degrees

35. Viewing Angle 178 degrees
36. Response 8ms
Time (G-to-G)
37. USB Port 1 port(s)
38. PC Configuration Default
39. Stands & Mounts
40. Stand Yes
41. Flat Panel Mount Yes
42. Cables Included Display Port cable, HDMI Cable (min.
20m of each Cable)
43. Service & 3 years warranty

Seal & Signature of the manufacturer: Seal & Signature of the tenderer

Laptop Core i7 and 64 bit with original OS
(To be filled up appropriately, then to be signed and sealed by both tenderer and Manufacturer in
Manufacturer‘s Letterhead Pad)
Sl. Employer’s
Description Unit guaranteed
No Requirement
1. Manufacturer‘s Name To be mentioned
2. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
3. Country of Origin EU, UK, USA, Canada, Japan, Switzerland
4. Country of EU, UK, USA, Canada, Japan, Switzerland,
Manufacture China
5. Brand DELL or equivalent

6. Model DELL Latitude 5550 or equivalent

7. Processor 5th gen Intel Core i7 Processor or Higher
8. Processor Clock 2.6GHz or Higher
9. Processor Cache 4MB cache or Higher
10. Chipset Intel
11. Memory 16GB DDR-3,1600 MHz
12. Hard Disk 500GB 7200 rpm
13. Video Card Integrated Intel HD Graphics
14. Optical Drive DVD+/-RW
15. Network Adapter Wi-Fi a/b/g/n + BT 4.0, LAN adapter
16. Sound Card Integrated High Definition Audio; Internal
17. I/O Ports Stereo global headset jack Memory card
reader. VGA, HDMI, USB3.0 (3), Network
connector (RJ-45)
18. Display 15.6" HD Non-Touch display

19. Battery 4-cell (65Wh) Lithium Ion battery

20. Adapter 65W A/C Adapter (3-pin)
21. Power Supply Energy Efficient Power Supply
22. Operating System Windows 7 Professional 64 bit License OS
with Installation CD/DVD for each unit
23. Webcam Yes
24. Warranty 3 (Three) years warranty including
replacement of parts, repairing and service
for every kind of equipment

Seal & Signature of the manufacturer: Seal & Signature of the tenderer

Laser Printer Black and White:
(To be filled up appropriately, then to be signed and sealed by both tenderer and Manufacturer in
Manufacturer‘s Letterhead Pad)

Sl. Employer’s
Description Unit guaranteed
No Requirement
1. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
2. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
3. Country of Origin EU, UK, USA, Canada, Japan, Switzerland
4. Country of EU, UK, USA, Canada, Japan,
Manufacture Switzerland, China
5. Brand HP or equivalent
6. Model To be mentioned by the bidder.
7. Print technology Laser
8. Print speed Black (letter): Up to 19 ppm or higher
Black (A4): Up to 18 ppm or higher
9. Print resolution Black (best): Up to 600 x 600 x 2 dpi (1200
dpi effective output); Black (normal): Up to
400 x 600 x 2 dpi (600 dpi effective output)
or Higher
10. Number of print 1 (black)
11. Standard Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port, WiFi 802.11 b/g
12. Wireless Yes, WiFi 802.11 b/g
13. memory 8 MB or higher
14. Monthly page 250 to 1,500 or Higher
15. Compatible Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32-bit/64-bit),
operating Windows Vista® (32-bit/64-bit), Windows®
systems XP (32-bit/64-bit), Windows® Server 2008
(32-bit/64-bit), Windows® Server 2003
(32-bit/64-bit), Mac OS X v 10.4, v 10.5, v
10.6, Linux
16. Operating Operating Humidity Range: 10 to 80% RH;
environment Recommended Humidity Operating
Range: 30 to 70% RH; Operating
Temperature Range: 15 to 32.5º C;
Recommended Operating Temperature
Range: 63.5 to 77º F (17.5 to 25º C);
Maximum Operating Temperature Range:
59 to 90.5º F; Storage Temperature
Range: -4 to 104º F (-20 to 40º C); Non-
Operating Humidity: 10 to 90% RH
17. Power Power Requirements: Input voltage 115 to
127 VAC (+/- 10%), 60 Hz (+/- 2 Hz), 12
amp; 220 to 240 VAC (+/- 10%), 50 Hz (+/-

Sl. Employer’s
Description Unit guaranteed
No Requirement
2 Hz), 6.0 amp; Power Supply Type:
Internal; Power Consumption4 : 370 watts
active, 0.6 watts off, 2.0 watts (Auto-Off)
power save, 2.7 watts standby
18. Warranty Three-years warranty

Seal & Signature of the manufacturer: Seal & Signature of the tenderer

Laser Printer Color:
(To be filled up appropriately, then to be signed and sealed by both tenderer and Manufacturer in
Manufacturer‘s Letterhead Pad)
Sl. Employer’s
Description Unit guaranteed
No Requirement
1. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
2. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
3. Country of Origin EU, UK, USA, Canada, Japan, Switzerland
4. Country of EU, UK, USA, Canada, Japan, Switzerland,
Manufacture China
5. Brand HP or equivalent
6. Model To be mentioned by the bidder.
7. Print technology Laser
8. Print speed Black (normal, A4): Up to 18 ppm;
Black (normal, letter): Up to 19 ppm;
9. Number of print 4 (red, green, blue and black)
10. Print resolution To be mentioned
11. Processor: 800 MHz or Higher
12. First Page Out Black (A4, ready): As fast as 11.5 sec or lower
Time: Colour (A4, ready): As fast as 13 sec or lower
13. Duplex print Automatic
14. Duty Cycle Up to 30,000 pages
15. Memory 256 MB or higher
16. Feeding capacity : 150 sheet input tray or higher
14. Ports 1 Hi-Speed USB 2.0
1 Fast Ethernet 10/100Base-TX
1 Host USB
15. Network protocols, TCP/IP, IPv4, IPv6
supported Print: TCP-IP port 9100 Direct Mode, LPD
(raw queue support only), Web Services
16. Wireless capability Yes, built-in Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n. Authentication
via WEP, WPA, or 802.11x. Encryption via
17. Power Input voltage: 220 to 240 VAC (+/- 10%), 50
Hz (+/- 3 Hz)
18. Warranty Three-years warranty.

Seal & Signature of the manufacturer: Seal & Signature of the tenderer

Rack Mounted Storage (8 Tera Byte) (RAID-1):
(To be filled up appropriately, then to be signed and sealed by both tenderer and Manufacturer in
Manufacturer‘s Letterhead Pad)
Sl. Employer’s
Description Unit s guaranteed
No Requirement
1. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
2. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
3. EU, UK, USA, Canada, Japan,
Country of Origin Switzerland
4. Country of EU, UK, USA, Canada, Japan,
Manufacture Switzerland, China
5. Brand To be mentioned by the bidder.
6. Model Seagate Business Storage NAS 8-Bay
Rack mount 8TB Network Attached
Storage (STDP12000100) or Equivalent
7. Rack The only 1U rack with eight hot-
swappable 3.5-inch drives doubles your
storage capacity in the same footprint
8. Processor 2.3GHz dual-core Intel processor or
9. File transfer up to 200MB/s
10. Storage Type Seagate Business Storage 8-bay Rack
mount NAS 8TB includes 4 x 3TB HDD
and is a "half-populated" drive and ships
with 4 empty bays.

Seal & Signature of the manufacturer: Seal & Signature of the tenderer

Workstation (Brand computer) with Original OS (All in one computer/Tower Type):
(To be filled up appropriately, then to be signed and sealed by both tenderer and Manufacturer in
Manufacturer‘s Letterhead Pad)

Sl. Employer’s
Description Unit s guaranteed
No Requirement
1. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
2. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
3. EU, UK, USA, Canada, Japan,
Country of Origin Switzerland
4. Country of EU, UK, USA, Canada, Japan,
Manufacture Switzerland, China
5. Brand DELL or equivalent
6. Model To be mentioned by the bidder.
7. Chipset Intel
8. Processor 6th Generation or Higher Intel® Core™
i7 processor
9. Processor‘s 2.7GHz or Higher
10. Processor‘ Cache 4 MB or Higher
11. Operating System To be mentioned
12. Graphics To be mentioned
13. Hard Drive 1TB 7200 rpm
14. DVD R/W shall be provided
15. RAM 8GB, 2133MHz, DDR4 up to 64GB
16. Monitor: 21.5‖, Borderless
17. Mouse & Mouse included with Keyboard

Seal & Signature of the manufacturer: Seal & Signature of the tenderer

(To be filled up appropriately, then to be signed and sealed by both tenderer and Manufacturer in
Manufacturer‘s Letterhead Pad)
Sl. Employer’s
Description Unit s guaranteed
No Requirement
1. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
2. Manufacturer‘s To be mentioned
3. Brand Microsoft/Oracle or equivalent

4. Model Microsoft SQL Server 2016 or equivalent

5. Country of Origin To be mentioned by the bidder.

6. Database Engine To be mentioned

7. Data Quality To be mentioned

8. Integration To be mentioned
9. Master Data To be mentioned
10. Analysis Services To be mentioned

11. Replication To be mentioned

12. Reporting To be mentioned

13. Core
8 or higher
14. Unlimited

Seal & Signature of the manufacturer: Seal & Signature of the tenderer

Section 9. Drawings


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