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We would like to thank GOD for giving us strength and health to complete this project. And
also, grateful to our advisor Mr. Girmay T. for his motivate and constructive guidance as of
the beginning of problem formulation to the completion of the project. We would also
thanks Ato Abayeneh and DU Facility Management workers devoting their golden time by
explaining and provide information and giving written documents. Finally, want to extend
thanks to my parents and friends for their encouragement, Motivation and support
throughout my study.


Table of content
List of Table...........................................................................................................................IV
List of Figure..........................................................................................................................IV
List of Acronym.......................................................................................................................V
CHAPTER ONE.......................................................................................................................1
1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of facility management..........................................................................1
1.2 Introduction about the project....................................................................................1
1.3 Statements of the problem.........................................................................................2
1.4 Objectives of the Project............................................................................................3
1.4.1 General objectives..............................................................................................3
1.4.2 Specific objectives..............................................................................................3
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Project..........................................................................4
1.5.1 Scope of the project............................................................................................4
1.5.2 Limitation............................................................................................................5
1.6 Methodology..............................................................................................................5
1.6.1 Data gathering methodology.............................................................................5
1.6.2 Design methodology...........................................................................................6
1.6.1 Implementation methodology.............................................................................7
1.6.2 Testing methodology..........................................................................................7
1.6.3 Development Environment and programming Tool...........................................8
1.7 Feasibility Analysis....................................................................................................8
1.7.1 Operational feasibility........................................................................................8
1.7.2 Technical feasibility...........................................................................................9
1.7.1 Economic feasibility...........................................................................................9
1.7.2 Behavioral Feasibility..........................................................................................9
1.7.3 Schedule Feasibility............................................................................................9
1.8 Benefits of the project................................................................................................9
1.9 Project schedule (using Gantt chart)........................................................................12


CHAPTER TWO....................................................................................................................13
2 Existing System...............................................................................................................13
2.1 Introduction of Existing System..............................................................................13
2.2 Description of existing system.................................................................................14
2.3 Limitation of the existing system.............................................................................14
2.4 Model of existing system.........................................................................................15
2.4.1 Actor.................................................................................................................15
2.1.1. Essential Use Case............................................................................................15
2.5 Business rules in the Existing System.....................................................................16
CHAPTER THREE................................................................................................................17
3 Proposed System.............................................................................................................17
3.1 Over View of the Proposed System.........................................................................17
3.2 Requirement specification.......................................................................................17
3.2.1 Functional Requirement...................................................................................17
3.2.2 Non-Functional Requirements..........................................................................19
3.2.3 System Requirement.........................................................................................20
3.3 User Interface Specification.....................................................................................21
Chapter FOUR........................................................................................................................22
4 System modeling.............................................................................................................22
4.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................22
4.2 Use case diagram and description............................................................................22
4.3 Sequence Diagram...................................................................................................34
4.4 Activity diagram......................................................................................................37
4.5 Class diagram...........................................................................................................42
4.6 Database Specification.............................................................................................43
4.6.1 ER-diagram.......................................................................................................45
5 References.......................................................................................................................46
6 Appendix.........................................................................................................................47


List of Table
table1. 1: Hardware cost.........................................................................................................11
Table1. 2: software cost..........................................................................................................12
Table1. 3: Project schedule.....................................................................................................12

Table4. 1: log In…………………………………………………………………………….23

Table4. 2: Add Item................................................................................................................24
Table4. 3: log out....................................................................................................................24
Table4. 4: View Request........................................................................................................25
Table4. 5: Approve Request...................................................................................................25
Table4. 6: Update Item information.......................................................................................26
Table4. 7: View user comment..............................................................................................27
Table4. 8: Request facility.....................................................................................................27
Table4. 9: View item..............................................................................................................28
Table4. 10: Register User.......................................................................................................29
Table4. 11: Search for item....................................................................................................30
Table4. 12: Delete User..........................................................................................................31
Table4. 13: View Report........................................................................................................31
Table4. 14: Manage user........................................................................................................32
Table4. 15: Registration of facility.........................................................................................32
Table4. 16 manager table......................................................................................................43
Table4. 17: Employer table....................................................................................................43
Table4. 18 Secretary table......................................................................................................44
Table4. 19: User table.............................................................................................................44

Table7. 1: List of appendixes……………………………………………………………….47

List of Figure
figure2. 1: Essential Use Case diagram..................................................................................15

figure3. 1: user interface speciation diagram……………………………………………………..


figure4. 1: use case

figure4. 2: login sequence diagram.......................................................................................34
Figure4. 3: register sequence diagram....................................................................................34
figure4. 4: delete user sequence diagram................................................................................35
figure4. 5: generate report sequence diagram........................................................................35
Figure4. 6: search facility diagram.........................................................................................36


Figure4. 7: manage employee sequence diagram...................................................................36

Figure4. 8: login activity diagram..........................................................................................37
Figure4. 9: delete item activity diagram.................................................................................38
Figure4. 10: order facility activity diagram............................................................................39
Figure4. 11: register user activity diagram.............................................................................40
Figure4. 12: view facility item activity diagram....................................................................41
Figure4. 13: class diagram......................................................................................................42
Figure4. 14: ER-diagram........................................................................................................45

List of Acronym
BR: - Business Rule
CFM:-Center for Facility Management
CSS:-Cascade Style Sheet
DU:-Dilla University
ER;-Entity Relation
FM:-Facility Management
GUI:-Graphical User Interface
HTML:-Hypertext Markup Language
OO:-Object Oriented
OOA:-Object Oriented Analysis
OOD:-Object Oriented Design
OOP:-Object Oriented Programming
PHP:-Hyper Per Process
SQL:-Standard Query Language
UML:-Unified Model Language


The project which is the team aim to build is an online bus
reservation system for Bus Line Share which is a web based
application that allows customer to check availability of ticket online
at any time at any place and enable there customer to reserve a seat
online without going to the office physically. After the finishing of
this project the company will get many advantages such as it will
provide a good service to their customer this will lead the company
to be profitable and it makes the data handling of the company
organized. In recent year all projects are done by using an object
oriented method because of its convince to build a good and reliable
system so we choose this method for our project to be successful. As
we used object oriented system development methodology under this
methodology there are three development methodologies from those
iterative system development methodology is convenient to do our
project successfully.



As there are many problems face human being throughout their
life it is obvious to solve many of the problems using computers.
When saying this as the computer is the modern technology
problem solver any one can solve his/her problem by developing
the software that make its work computerized. So we have
prepared a project as a precondition for solving many of the
problems of bus ticket System that is implemented manually.
Therefore, this work that manually performed needs to be
automated to reduce the problem happened.
The project includes the background of the company and also the
systems performed are described. In addition, the conditions like
the problems in the company, our objective, scope of the project
and cost are clearly specified.

Background of online bus ticket reservation

Imo Transport Company, Owerri, a viable investment owned by the
state government whose primary objectives are: to spread comfort and
hospitality to passengers away from their home, to make profit, will
definitely appreciate a system which can automate its manual operations in
the area of bus ticket reservation in order to meet customers increasing
demand during peak and off peak seasons.
The ultimate expectation is to inspire a feasibility study aimed at
providing proper guidance and awareness to any future potential investors,
particularly those in the bus industry, to consider utilizing the Imo transport,
as a gateway to the fertile soil of unlimited opportunities in the south-east
Currently, staff at the bus ticket counter is using an internal system to sell
tickets at
the counter and customers who are unable to buy bus ticket online at this


would have to go to the counter to a buy bus ticket. Sometimes, customers’

to queue up a long queue to buy bus ticket and ask for information and this
brings a
lot of inconveniences to customers.
However, Online Bus Ticket Reservation System enables the customer to
buy bus
ticket, make payment, and ask for information online easily. Furthermore,
staff can

1.1 Introduction about the project

As education plays an important role in the development of a country one of the

objectives that the Ethiopian ministry of education targeted is quality education
development DU, one of the universities in Ethiopia is also working on quality education
in order to attain its mission. so, it is unquestionable to get better computerized based
application in order to achieve fast and highly quality facility management. a big
academic institution having a large number of employees, still has a manual facility
management system. So, it is unable to serve the university employees effectively.

1.2 Statements of the problem


1.3 Objectives of the Project

1.3.1 General objectives

1.3.2 Specific objectives

1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Project

1.4.1 Scope of the project

1.4.2 Limitation

1.5 Methodology
1.5.1 Data gathering methodology
Data collection methods are the most important part of our project to find the main
requirements of system and how to understand the system is does. To gather the
information, we used data collection methods that mentioned as follow: -
 Interview: to gather information from representatives of the facility managements in
order to get crucial information we need for the project and also from direct users
regarding the procedures of facility registration and distribution system
 Questionnaires’: We prepare questionnaires for DU facility directorate office and
we get enough information about the existing system.
 Observation: to understand system process we have been see the store of facility
recourse and we have been asked the manger the way how the have been done to the


1.5.2 Design methodology

Analysis and design the system using object oriented approach. We need a method for
analyzing a problem to be solved, a plan for the design of the solution and a construction
method that minimizes the risk of error. We have chosen the object-oriented approach
(OO) to follow for our proposed system. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is an
approach to designing modular reusable software systems. A module is a component of a
larger system that interacts with the rest of the system in a simple and well-defined
manner. The object –oriented approach is a logical extension of structured programming,
module containing data and subroutines. An object is a kind of self –sufficient entity that
has an internal state (the data it contains) and that can respond to messages (call to its
subroutines). We select object-oriented programming because it produces solutions that
 Easier to write.

 Easier to understand

 Contain fewer errors

 Reduction of development time

 Reduction of time and resources required to maintain existing systems

Object oriented design methodology has two phases: -

1. Object Oriented Analysis (OOA):
During this phase the team will look at the problem domain and with the aim of
producing a conceptual model of the information that exists in the area which will be
analyzed. And this model the functions of the system (use case modeling), identifying
the business objects, organize the objects and also the relationship between them and
finally model the behavior of the objects.
2. Object Oriented Design (OOD):
During this phase the model interactions and behaviors that support the use case
scenario, and finally update object model to reflect the Implementation environment. And
also transforms the conceptual model produced in object-oriented analysis to take


account of the constraints imposed to our system format, so that we will use this phase to
refine the use case model to reflect the implementation environment.

1.5.1 Implementation methodology

To implement our system, we will use different tools such as hypertext markup language
(HTML) for client-side scripting, Java Script for validation, MySQL for database server,
Apache for web server, hypertext pre-processor (PHP) for server-side scripting, and
Macromedia Dream weaver and Notepad++ for writing source codes.

1.5.2 Testing methodology

Before directly deploying this system, the team will perform different testing for its
functionality. First the team tests each unit at each phase. So, if each if a problem is
encountered it will immediately fixed. Then the team will perform an integration testing
to check whether the system address all the functional requirements. System will be
tested using the following system.
Alpha testing:-In this testing method, the system is tested by giving the correct input.
Beta testing: -In this testing method, team force the system to be tested for incorrect data
input. If any failures occurred while testing the system in all the above testing methods,
the team will take immediate correction beginning where this fault occurred before
jumping to next work so that it will meet the goal. If all the above testing methods are
carried out and find to be valid the system will directly deploy.
Unit testing: -After developing an individual program module or component it would
test it to ensure that it works according to the specification, operates within acceptable
parameters, and meets the appropriate standards.
Integration Testing: -When a number of components are complete; it will test to ensure
that they integrate well with each other, the operating system, and other components.


Quality Assurance (system) testing: -After preceded the above testing strategies the
whole system will test.

1.5.3 Development Environment and programming Tool

Programming languages, tools and techniques will used for the development of the facility
 Notepad ++
 PHP (We use PHP language for the system development, and our system (software)
will be compatable on all hardware platforms such as windows & linux)
 MySql server
 Apache server
 HTML, CSS, JavaScript, markup language for front end
 WAMPP server for back end
 PHP framework
 Microsoft SQL for back end
 Sniping tools Image capture to help users how to use the system
 Microsoft office to write document

1.6 Feasibility Analysis

1.6.1 Operational feasibility
The services of new system that we are going to develop are flexible and expandable. By looking
this flexibility and expandability, the management supports this system. Additionally, the new
system is also supported by employers and jobseekers, because it makes them well informed
about facility. Therefore, the system will be designed to be operationally feasible. This means,
the system will operate in any kind of platforms without any mal functionalities.

1.6.2 Technical feasibility

Our system will be technical feasible. The proposed platforms have sufficient capacity for future
needs regarding to the facility recourse. The user of is easily develops, distribute, share, or
operate the system by using technical facility distribution resources. User uses our system

without any difficulty.

1.6.1 Economic feasibility

Since the system is developed as part of project work, there is no manual cost to spend for the
proposed system. Also, all the resources are already available, it gives an indication of the
system is economically possible for development.
The facility seekers also need not to waste their money as travel expenditure to find the facility it
can help easily to get simply by report method to the facility mangers so the proposed system is
economically feasible.

1.6.2 Behavioral Feasibility

Our system is behaviorally feasible, because both employers and jobseekers are open minded
towards the acceptance of this new system, and there is no specialized training needed for the
users. Disregarding the initial expenses, the candidate system was assessed to be feasible in all
ways. Our system is free from any political and environments difficulty.

1.6.3 Schedule Feasibility

All the team members expect that the project will be completed within the time frame stated, so
that the system will be feasible regarding schedule project proposal four weeks, requirement
analysis 5-7 weeks, system and object design 8-12 weeks, implemention13-19 weeks and
documentation and submission 20-22weeks.
Saturday, February 26, 2022


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