A Report On Develop A Strong Brand by Following Branding Strategy For Our Product

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A report on develop a strong brand by

following branding strategy for our

“Develop a strong brand by following branding strategy for our

Submitted to

Afruza Haque

Lecturer, Department of HSS,

Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur

Submitted by

Name Student Id

Md. Abu Asad ID: 165046

Md. Raihan Kabir ID: 165047

Swapna Parvin ID: 165048

Minara khatun ID: 165049

Masum Mia ID: 165050

Department of Textile Engineering,

Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur

Date: 15/02/2022

First, we would like to express our deepest thankfulness to Almighty Allah for giving us the
strength and ability to complete the task on time. This report has allowed us to gain practical
knowledge that will be useful in the future.

In particular, we would like to thank our class teacher Afruza Haque, Lecturer, Department of
HSS, DUET, for serving us to complete our report and for giving us appropriate directions on
how to make the report.

We would also like to thank all the teachers and administration of DUET for arranging our
online classes on this Corona epidemic.

At this similar time, we are thankful to all online writers and contributors, where we are taken
the information and knowledge for formatting the report.

Finally, we would like to inform all our classmates and groupmates that our report has been
completed in teamwork with each other.

Table of Contents

Executive summery....................................................................................................................5

1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................6

2.0 Objective of the report.........................................................................................................6

3.0 Discussion............................................................................................................................7

3.1 Brand positioning.............................................................................................................7

3.2 Brand name selection.......................................................................................................8

3.3 Brand sponsorship............................................................................................................9

3.4 Brand development........................................................................................................10

4.0 Findings & recommendation..............................................................................................11

5.0 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................12

6.0 References..........................................................................................................................12

Executive summery
A brand can be identified as a set of palpable and imperceptible qualities considered to make
responsiveness and individuality and to build the standing of a product, service, individual,
place, or association. The purpose of brand strategy is to make strong brands that are different
from participants, so decreasing the number of supposed substitutes in the market, growing
price, and growing profits. Brand strategies are founded on the dependent principles of
inexpensive brand locating, value chain improvement, and strong brand rate managing.
Inexpensive brand putting requires the definition of a clear marketplace interplanetary and
reasoning location in consumer perception. The development of the value chain is chiefly
based on product growth and market growth. Our “Goldwin” T-shirt product development
includes strategic creativities for design, innovation, and the capability to present new
product outlines and category growths. Market development rotates around assessing
strategy, delivery strategy, and marketing announcement. Brand impartiality is all of the
resources and obligations related to a brand. The tendency in branding goes outside the
consumer consciousness of a brand to assessable indicators of customer fulfillment across the
value chain. In this report, we are explained by introduction, objective, discussion, finally
findings & recommendation with the conclusion, considering of our selected product.

1.0 Introduction
Product branding is the application of branding strategy principles to a specific item or
product. It’s the associating of a symbol, name, and design with a product to create a
recognizable identity for that item. Product branding can be deeply complex, with focus
groups, multiple rounds of designs, and so forth. But it doesn’t have to be. It can be as
simple as designing a logo and choosing a name and packaging color. Branding is process of
giving identity and image to the product as to create an impression in the mind of consumer.
Branding is a long process involves lots of investments in terms of money and time from the
company. Brand which reaches a high level of awareness and enjoys the loyalty from
customer develops brand equity. Packaging of the products also forms part of branding
strategy. Creating a unique product identity and branding strategy is important in formulating
success of the company (Fahmi Al-Zyoud, 2018). Customer’s purchase decision will be
based on attractive product and branding strategy. In this report, we have selected a product
of T-shirt, which name is “Goldwin”. We will turn the Goldwin T-shirt into a strong band by
following the product branding strategy.

About our product

High-quality T-shirts that is made by hollow polyester. Hollow polyester provides high
strength as well as high moisture absorbency. we follow that new technology, that is eco
friendly and recycle product. It is fancy, washable color and crease resistant that means no
shrinking or shape-changing after wash.

Tagline/ Slogans: “Stylish look 24/7”

2.0 Objective of the report

To develop a strong brand (Goldwin) of T-shirt.

To know the business, values, and culture of the Goldwin T-shirt.

To develop a marketing strategy for this product.

To align our brand with a global corporate brand.

To ensure that management practices support the brand.

To grow and use metrics to measure and track the brand's success.

3.0 Discussion
The brand presents the seller with difficult decisions. Key brand strategy decisions include
brand positioning, brand name selection, brand sponsorship, and brand development.

3.1 Brand positioning

The “GoldWin” T-shirt brand positioning strategy is about discovering the exact place for the
brand in the marketplace and in the mind of the consumer. The customer must be able to
simply determine that this is a brand for a particular need or desire. If the brand doesn't do
this, it just develops another invention or item on the supermarket or mall projection. Thus,
for the positive positioning of the “GoldWin” T-shirt, the subsequent points are extremely
significant; target consumer, main participants, ideas of comparison with participants, and
points of modification with participants.

So, to define the target customer, we need to refine the target marketplace. A market is made
up of a group of people with comparable behaviors, called segments. These segments can be
definitely based on an individual consumption outline that comprises of product
consumption, product usage percentage, and product expectations (Shahid, 2019). The other
is demographic and includes age, gender, salary level, competition, and family. Additional
segmentation can be done locally if a consumer i.e. if they are local or worldwide. Further
segmentation can be done based on an expressive profile, counting personal opinions and
values, selected lifestyle, religious trust, etc. Finally, segmentation is completed based on the
profile of the corporation, which comprises economic strength and physical location.

Knowing our participant is very important to endure in the marketplace

SWOT analysis is certainly a decent initial point. The rivalry may not come from the similar
class of products, but from alternates. The point here isn't to cut down on the rivalry so much
that will lose attention.

The opinion of alteration can be distinct in terms of how clients feel about our “GoldWin” T-

This is what sets a brand apart from its participants. A point of modification is like an
exclusive sales proposal, and that alteration can be in the form of arrival, expectable
performance, quality, improved customer facility.

Promises are important agreements to confirm that the consumer appreciates the
“GoldWin” T-shirt

This helps to implement a simple product identifier in the product class. This becomes
especially important if the brand is in expansion mode and wants to enter another category
(Kovalchuk, 2021). This is most common in the consumer products industry, such as Old
Spice, which previously focused on shaving products, but later shifted to personal care
products such as deodorants.

Brand positioning is a very significant step in establishing brand equity

Target market, knowing competitors, point of difference and Point of similarity together add
to strategic branding process.

3.2 Brand name selection

A few steps for choosing a T-shirt brand name.

Developing our strategy and messaging

The initial step is evolving our plan and messaging. Direction, communication, and placing
help us circumnavigate the meeting. If the tag doesn't match any of these characteristics, we
can discard it (Petty, 2016). For our T-shirt brand, we need to define our price proposal and
control what makes it exclusive associated with others in the market.

Market research

Before our brainstorming, we can do some market research. Market research will benefit us
classify potential problems with a name (such as whether it's already a registered trademark)
and we can give an idea of our opposition, audience, and what categories of names will be
effective. Once we can fully understand our marketplace, then we can make an active brand.
One policy is to classify gaps and chances in our arena and develop a brand to fill those gaps.

Brainstorming our T-shirt brand name

Now we should be prepared to start thinking, involve everyone to exploit brain power and
inspiration. It seems that a preposterous impression could become the correct name.

When we think of names, we can focus on the brand from all angles and think of all
audiences. If we can, petition our ideas from clients or third gatherings who recognize our

Look for Trademark Accessibility

Shortlist each name and do a trademark search for that name (Srivastava, 2009). In addition
to checking for a trademark, we should also do a quick search online for a name to see what
derives up. Also, check if there is a domain name obtainable for each name

Making a Decision

Check out the closing list of names and create decision. An attractive logo has to be designed
and packaging should also be attractive. Once we have made our final choice, make definite
to use the new name, symbol, wrapping, etc.

3.3 Brand sponsorship

The “GoldWin” T-shirt brand sponsorship is an exact, experience-based marketing policy
where a company endorses and provisions an event, association, or event. The purpose of this
assembly and collaboration is to raise awareness and interest in new fans. And lastly, we can
make strong networks with our ideal consumers.

However, as with all empirical marketing policies, there are many issues that determine an
effective branding and sponsorship policy (Papadimitriou & Dounis, 2014). From the
activities our partner with to marketing tools to attitude out from the mass, brand backing is
as exclusive as any other business and event. One of the attractive features of brand
sponsorship is that it can be integrated with a wide diversity of events: festivals, sports-, aid,
physical actions, and illustration and it can be adapted to the size, economic, and end goals of
our business.

Making our brand sponsorship successful

The best way to get the most out of a potential brand sponsorship is to enlist the help of
experienced marketing experts.

On a larger level, there are a few important guiding principles to retain in mind when
initiation a Sponsored Marketing movement:

To make sure there is the assembly

Sponsorship should not be arbitrary and must be related to the happening or action we are
sponsoring our business. This way we can confirm that reach our target group.

Finding our chances to build long-term relationships

The “GoldWin” T-shirt band offers sponsorship chances also offers conducts to engage with
attendees through email slopes, social media links, and individual client appointment options.

3.4 Brand development

Having a strong brand of “GoldWin” T-shirts will help us stand out from the opposition and
make us more familiar as a person to both clients and potential customers. Technology
permits clients to compare products from dissimilar corporations (Silver & Berggren, 2015).
If we are in an industry where there's not considerable change between our competitors, the
only object that can take us to the next level is the power of our T-shirt brand.

To follow the customer's attention

In this world where our clienteles are bombed with marketing resources from many players
like us, getting our customers' attention is a whole new inclination. Having a strong brand
creates it much informal to get that attention. Patrons love the whole knowledge that comes
with the T-shirt brand.

Wining customer faithfulness

When clients can connect with us on a demonstrative level, we can imagine them staying
with us for a long period. The full idea of a brand is to stretch our clienteles an impression of
how we poverty them to expression at us. With a strong brand, we succeed in the moods of
our clients.

Price increase

Customers are further than happy to spend their currency on an Apple product instead of
another popular brand's product, even they can agree to buy high-quality product of
“GoldWin” T-shirt.

Keeping our employees focused

Having brand-building plan not only helps our customers choose us, it also helps our
employees stay focused (Silver & Berggren, 2015). With a brand strategy, our employees will
aware of many things that will help them better understand our company's motivations.
Employees feel involved, empowered and will actively participate in all business actions.

Easy to introduce new products

If we have a strong brand of “GoldWin” T-shirts, it is very easy to present new products into
a current offering. Because clients are always looking for something new from us and
because of the power of our brand they are excited to try what we have to offer. In fact, with
a massive following, we will have a multitude of clients who are always looking forward to
our product appearance.

4.0 Findings & recommendation

This report offers guidance to wholesalers, retailers, buyers, and clients of tradable
“GoldWin” T-shirt products in the main market.

Brands are more than just names and symbols. They are a key element in the GoldWin T-
shirt business’s relations with consumers’

A powerful brand has high brand equity. A brand with high brand equity is very valuable
asset which enjoys a high level of consumer brand awareness and loyalty.

In building brands, companies need to make decisions about brand positioning, brand name
selection, brand sponsorship and brand development.


(i) We should focus on good and attractive packaging when introducing any new product in
the market.

(ii) We need to progress product wrapping. The results of the survey presented that
consumers are not pleased with the packaging of several products sold on the mass market.
Shops need to use good-looking packaging to grab shoppers' consideration and increase
customer fulfillment.

(iii) Similarly, marketers are advised not to think that wrapping is the least significant issue
in a product's success. They must remember that wrapping is the first implement to entice the
customer and shape insight in their mind, so it must be extremely focused.

Another recommendation is advised that when taking packaging as a research topic, they
should also focus on other factors and aspects of marketing. In addition, researchers
conducting research in the future should also focus on the various packaging elements.

5.0 Conclusion
Brands are powerful assets that must be carefully developed and managed. Products are made
in the factory, but brands are created in the mind. Branding is about building consumer trust
in the “GoldWin” T-shirt administration’s products. Globalization and communication
mediums are making a wider target audience possible. As a result, investing heavily in
marketing campaigns by these T-shirt businesses can enhance the quality of our brand.

6.0 References
Fahmi Al-Zyoud, M. (2018). Social media marketing, functional branding strategy and
intentional branding. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 16(3), 102–116.


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Papadimitriou, D., & Dounis, T. (2014). Event sponsorship as a value creating strategy for
brands. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 17(4), 212–222.

Petty, R. D. (2016). Naming names: Trademark strategy and beyond: Part one—Selecting a
brand name. Journal of Brand Management, 15(3), 190–197.

Shahid, S. (2019). Does the Choice of Brand Positioning Strategy Matter in the Creation of
Brand Love? The Mediating Role of Brand Positioning Effectiveness. Lahore Journal of
Business, 8(1), 107–144. https://doi.org/10.35536/ljb.2019.v8.i1.a6

Silver, L., & Berggren, B. (2015). The Close Relationship Strategy – Corporate brand
development in banking. Journal of Brand Management, 17(4), 289–300.

Srivastava, R. K. (2009). Measuring brand strategy: can brand equity and brand score be a
tool to measure the effectiveness of strategy? Journal of Strategic Marketing, 17(6), 487–
497. https://doi.org/10.1080/09652540903371737


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