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INSTRUCTION. Answer ALL questions.

[Total : 30 Marks]

Question 1

Discuss how to overcome problem in internet security. Give FIVE (5) examples in your


Internet security is a catchall term for a wide range of issues relating to the security of online
transactions. Browser security, data entered through a Web form security, and overall
authentication and protection of data sent via Internet Protocol are all covered by Internet

Users of computers and smartphones should employ a mix of security measures, including both
technological and training-based approaches. Here are five ways to deal with cyber /internet
security concerns:

I. Anti-virus software’s

Anti-virus software should be a no-brainer as one of the oldest methods for combating
cyber security issues. Many computer users, on the other hand, either fail to install it or
fail to update the software they already have. Installing reputable, effective anti-virus
software on each laptop and desktop computer should be the first step.

We should not just ignore the prompt from your antivirus program to download an
update. Antivirus software must be updated on a regular basis to keep up with the rapid
evolution of viruses, spyware, and malware. To ensure that you are protected from the
latest cyber security threats, download each update as soon as possible.

II. Two factor authentication

Users can access an account or information online by simply entering a username and
password with single-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication, on the other hand,
effectively doubles the level of security you have when accessing an online account. This
secure format requires additional information that only the user knows or has access to,
rather than the standard username and password combination.

In addition to a password, the second level of authentication may require a user to enter
a Personal Identification Number (PIN). It may also request an item in the user's
possession, such as a smartphone or a credit card. Otherwise, biometric data, such as a
fingerprint, may be required.

III. VPN security

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) service is the best way to protect data in motion from
such attacks. A VPN establishes a secure and encrypted connection between you and
the intended recipient of your data. No information (including passwords) is sent in clear
text. There is a plethora of low-cost and simple-to-use VPN services available.

If you use the Internet in coffee shops or hotels/airports, you should protect yourself by
using a VPN. The Wi-Fi security at these public locations can be shoddy. A VPN secures
your internet connection by encrypting data traveling in and out of your computer.

IV. Data training

Many organizations and institutions entrust large amounts of security-related

responsibility to entry-level employees. While the majority of these employees are
unlikely to do anything malicious on purpose, many may do so unintentionally.
Unpleasant outcomes can occur when employees in charge of data security do not
receive the necessary training to show them how to handle information securely.

Make a point of establishing more elaborate protocols for entry-level employees rather
than providing only basic training. Allowing only mid-level employees access to sensitive
information is a good idea. Employees who work with sensitive data should be required
to attend a series of training sessions to demonstrate that they understand how to handle
information discreetly. Conduct regular checks to ensure that data is secure and that
employees are properly distributing it.

V. Firewall

Protect your network and computers from outside attackers by installing a firewall in your
home or business. These devices are available in both hardware and software formats,
and both are capable of filtering out unwanted traffic. Firewalls in the form of hardware
can be installed between your computer and your modem to keep malicious code and
viruses out. Software-based firewalls can be installed on almost any operating system
and can effectively block cyber security threats from infiltrating your computer or network.
Given the rising number of cyber-attacks on personal information, it is likely that
everyone will fall victim to hackers at some point. We can implement all above mentioned
cyber security measures to protect our self as much as possible. Take on the individual
methods yourself, and encourage the companies with whom you do business to provide
the best possible training to their employees. You can only prevent cyber security
breaches from wreaking havoc on your online life by combining methods.

[15 Marks]

Question 2

Viruses are malicious code that could be self-reproduced and spread across a computer system
or network.

a) Discuss FOUR (4) types of viruses.


A computer virus is a malicious program or software framework that is designed to cause harm
to a device or a local network. The malicious activity of the code could harm the local file system,
steal data, disrupt services, download additional malware, or perform any other actions that the
malware author has programmed into the program.

I. Boot sector virus

A sector on your computer drive is dedicated to pointing to the operating system so that it
can boot into the interface. The boot sector on the drive is damaged or controlled by a
boot sector virus rendering the machine unusable. The most common way for attackers
to spread this virus is through a malicious USB device. When users boot their computers
after plugging in a USB device, the virus is activated.

II. Resident virus

A resident virus loads its replication module into memory rather than executing it in order
to infect other files; instead, it activates whenever the operating system loads or performs
a specific function. This virus is potentially one of the worst because it can infect the
entire system, even attaching itself to anti-virus software, allowing it to infect any file
scanned by the program.

III. Polymorphic virus

A polymorphic virus is a complex computer virus that changes the types and functions of
data. A scanner cannot detect a self-encrypting virus.

In computing terms, polymorphism means that a single definition can be applied to

varying amounts of data. The polymorphic virus replicates itself after infection by
producing usable, albeit slightly modified, copies of itself.

IV. Direct action virus

A resident virus or a direct action virus can both infect files. A resident virus will install
itself in your computer's memory and hide there. It looks for other files or programs to
infect after being executed. The direct action virus is a "non-resident" virus that works by
picking one or more files to infect each time the code is run.

When the code is executed, the primary goals of a direct action virus are replication and
infection spread.

Installing anti-virus software is the most effective way to keep your computer virus-free.
Such software assists in the removal of viruses from a computer and can be downloaded
online or purchased as part of an Antivirus package.

[12 Marks]

b) How to protect your system form hackers/crackers?


Hackers and crackers are people who have a deep understanding of systems, how they
work, programming, and coding, among other things Here are some measures which you
can implement to protect your system from hackers/crackers.

 Activate the auto-update feature.

People are rarely specifically targeted; instead, they are frequently hacked by automated
bots. If you enable auto-update for your operating system and services such as Flash,
you will be relatively safe from bots.

 Use different passwords for different services.

People frequently use the same password for their email and their online banking. This
means that if someone hacks your email, they will have access to your online banking
services as well. Make sure you use different passwords for different websites.

 Make use of a firewall.

Although a semi-skilled hacker will have no trouble circumventing it, this is also effective
against bots and viruses.

 Do not open email attachments or links that appear to be suspicious.

This is most likely the most common method of hacking.

 Make use of antivirus software.

Again, this is useful against automated systems, but a semi-skilled hacker will be able to
avoid it. It is also useful for removing malware that manages to find its way onto your
computer, as well as preventing malware from accessing your computer.

[3 Marks]


 Techopedia. (2012, June 25). What is internet security? - definition from Techopedia. Retrieved February 24, 2022, from
 Admin. (2022, January 28). What is computer virus?: Types of  computer virus. BYJUS.
Retrieved February 24, 2022, from

[Total : 15 Marks]


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