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Stiffness Method

Pin Jointed Frame & Simple Beam

The Stiffness Method of frame analysis can be applied to any structure, theoretically
without limit on size or complexity. it is an incredibly powerful method,
particularly when the mathematics involved is solved by a computer.

It is the basis of the finite element method, and the basis of all frame analysis

These following presentations consider 2 special cases that account for most of the
problems encountered.

Structures E2 1
Stiffness Method
Pin jointed frames (axial load only) (4x4 element matrix)

Beam members (bending and shear without axial load) (4x4 element matrix)

The governing matrix for a beam member (no axial force, inclination = 0) is:

Structures E2 2
Simple Beams

Consider the beam below:

150 kN 200 kN
25 kN/m
3.0m 3.0m 3.0m 3.0m

6.0m 7.0m 6.0m

Structures E2 3
Simple Beams
Step 1 is to divide the beam up into ‘suitable’ elements.

The most obvious division is into 3 members, with 4 nodes, as below:

1 2 3 4

However, if you are interested in mid span moments, shears and deflections,
another possibility is to divide the structure into 6 elements and 7 nodes:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Structures E2 4
Simple Beams

Let’s consider the second alternative (simply as an example). For each

of the 6 elements we can create a [4 x 4] stiffness matrix.

We can then combine these matrices into a general [14 x 14] matrix
that we will eventually use to find the 14 unknown displacements (we
have not inserted boundary conditions/supports yet so there is a
possible deflection and rotation at all nodes) These unknowns are
vertical deflection and rotation at nodes 1 – 7.

Structures E2 5
Simple Beams

We can also create column matrix of nodal loads this matrix will have a
size of [1 x 14].

Note that loads can only be applied at nodes. For point loads this
problem can be overcome by putting a node at the load point, but for
UDL’s this approach is not possible, so we must idealize the applied
loads into equivalent nodal loads.

Structures E2 6
Simple Beams
Point Loads

Actual Load Equivalent Nodal Load

P/2 P/2

L +PL/8 -PL/8

Structures E2 7
Simple Beams


Actual Load Equivalent Nodal Load

W per m WL/2 WL/2

+WL2/12 -WL2/12

Structures E2 8
Simple Beams

The moments generated for the equivalent nodal loads are actually
simply the reverse of the fixed end moments on the beam.

We then insert the boundary conditions by deleting the rows and

columns of the stiffness matrix relating to the KNOWN displacements.
In our example these will be deflection at 1, 3, 5 and 7.

This will reduce the stiffness matrix to a [10 x 10] and the load matrix to
a [1 x 10].

Structures E2 9
Simple Beams

The next step is to solve the series of equations to find the unknown displacements. Remember that
this is simply a set of 10 simultaneous equations.

For this step, in the example we are looking at we would definitely have to resort to some form of
computer program to invert the stiffness matrix, multiply this inverted matrix with the load matrix
and hence find the unknown displacements. Excel is an obvious choice.

Once the displacements are found we can back substitute to find the bending moments and shear
forces in all elements.

Structures E2 10
Simple Beams

Note that EXCEL is only required to invert the stiffness matrix when it is large Irrespective of the
problem size, the stiffness matrix, including boundary conditions, can be created without excel. If the
resultant problem is small (I would say [2 x 2] maximum) the problem can be solved completely by
hand. This illustrates that there is plenty of scope for a 30-minute (approx.) exam question.

Structures E2 11

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