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Who is God?

many many men across the sands of time have sought the unknown, great, mever-ending
beauthhy in God. Despite being separated by their distant cultures men equally
understood God in their respective ways.
They recognized that there is something above what is known or what is felt.There
is something beyond the horizon and this entity controls all of life seen and not
The Supreme consciousness is unfathamably beautiful.
Some messengers are also sent from time to time to be spread the divine messages;
to establish the good morals in the society; to spread love in the society.
The world at collective these days of early 2000 seem to dissent spiritually. It
has long been established by few civilisations that man can only live by respecting
nature and obeying the laws of it; otherwise the imbalances would create such
carthage to wipe half the world in an instant.
This balance with nature is continously being challanged at all the planes of
existence. Spiritually and morally man has been corrupted to the devil's unnatural
Few people have taken incharge to reek humanity out of its glory & to dissent it
down to deep dark gallows of nothingness.
This world is collapsing and few people do realise it.
They understand that world could never be harmonious unless people stop running
behind the mundane material things of life. To kill men destroy their beautiful
lands, rape their daughters just for the most selfish profits of the immoral state.
The invasion of Europeans in the beautiful land of America wiped out the Red
Indians living there for many centuries.
The land of America was rich fertile and inhabited by some hooligans as said by the
But they weren't so unnatural, they respected nature helped out communities and
looked after each other in the times of need.
They have deep spiritual connection with the mother nature herself.For I have read
the many many villages were at once burnt down to the gallows killing millions of
red Indians.
Isnt it strange to see the very roots on which the worlds strongest nation sits
with pride have been stained with blood of millions of innocent people of Americas.
This tells a lot oabout the world we live in and to the extent to which these men
will go to generate profits.
Conquests have been done before but sure with honor.Killings have sure been done
but sure without killing the spirit.
The very nature of the Europeans was never cooexistence with these tribals they had
innate hate, disgust towards them.They looked down upon them.
Many red Indians revolted against these unmerciful killings of thousand and
thousand of members of the tribe.
The revolt never succeeded and they were pushed farther and farther down south.
The way we view reality itself is flawed.
Our morals our ideologies our believes have all been for not if we cannot express
sympathy towards others.
I cannot even fathom to witness such disdainful horrors as occurred in the human
Likewise we talk less about the horrors in Australia.
The original inhabitants of Australia were aboriginals who were slaughtered same as
Red Indians of America.
Likewise across the globe mass scale plunder and loot and killings and rape and
monstrosity took place in the shadows of the war. Men died and these hyenas stood
firm in their horrifying profits reeking of the very flesh of the innocent lives
across the globe.
The very roots inwhich British stands have been corrupted not organisationally but
spiritually and mentally.
The roots in which these unnatural men scoff at the world and take pride in their
heritage to be British is rotten to the core.
I would like to point out to not neglect this argument by saying that the conquests
have always been a thing of the past many nations did conquests looted, raped, and
stood on the graves of men counting their gains.
All i know is that world hasnt change much, the hyenas would openly loot then but
now you all have been trapped and forced to stray from the divine spiritual path
and to go on to a mechanical, unnatural, materialistic path.
From healthcare to education to jobs all have been corrupted to the core.
We are making sheeps out of men and the ones who can only fight once corrupted then
the commons are at the mercy of the dragon.
We need to understand how one is spiritually corrupted these days.
The cycle starts from the school learning often goes backfoot but profits are also
reeked from the parents. Dont you understand this further creates the rift between
the rich and the poor.When the child grows up all he sees is the these profit
seeking cucks having fun and he wants to be one of them.
Social Media does a very good in job in propogating such idas and beliefs.Parents
and Society are also very much responsible for adding to the cause.
As the one clears the Intermediate examinations there are various prospects to go
forwards in life. Many colleges stand with open arms offerring their very expensive
degress in promise of a good job later.
These educational institutions reek profits creating further desparity.Then as one
transitions to the job one is completely enslaved to the up and running system.
He never stops to look around to see where the train is headed and what are the
impications, many also miss the train but they also suffer as they are blamed by
being the ones who did not followed the crowd. Certain types of discriminations are
done against them too.
There is no limit to sensory pleasures, as there are abundance of things that feel
good to the senses involving the social media pornography, show-off culture,
glamour and lots of stuff. Degeneracy is deep-rooted in todays culture and an
easily recognisable trait in todays main pushed in form of images and videos in
Stopping the higher ascendance and binding the humanss to physical plane. Humans
are more and more getting trapped in the matrix as time goes by.

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