Graphic Score Questions - SEE TOW THIM MUN 198038

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Due date: 21/12/2021


Answer all the questions below. Each answer must be at least in 40 words.

1. What is graphic notation (or graphic score)?

A graphic notation is a different way of presenting or notating a piece of music by
the composer since 21th century, unlike to the traditional musical notation which
have five-line musical stave, it can be present in mixture between the traditional
with modern ways such as contemporary visual art trends in its conception.

2. What is the purpose of graphic notation?

The function of graphic notation was same as the traditional musical notation that
for musicians to present out the music, but the grapic notation also uses of
abstract symbols, images and even the text to convey meaning to the

3. What are the advantages of using graphic notation?

The graphic notation was different to the traditional notation that more advantage
because it is open. That can offer more flexibility to the performer. It also allow
the performers to inspire the composer ideas. It like a guide, or a musical map.

4. Why do musicians use graphic score?

Musicians are using graphic notation because it help the performers to indicate
extremely precise pitch or to stimulate musical behavior or actions in
performance. Graphic score are very helpful the perofrmer to inspire and
imagination what the composer are thinking.
Due date: 21/12/2021

5. How to create a graphic score? (create your own graphic score – in 1 page)

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