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"Overcoming English Language Difficulties"


NAME : Luksiade Saragih

NIM : 3192431001

COURSES : Geographical English






For the first time, I would like to praise and thank the presence of God
Almighty, where it is for His grace and grace that I can complete the paper on this
Idea Engineering paper well.

This Idea Engineering paper assignment is made to fulfill one of my

courses,namely "Geographical English". I would like to thank my lecturer, Mr.
Dr. Sugiharto, M.Si. who has provided direction and guidance to me before.

This assignment is structured with the hope of increasing our knowledge

and insight. Regardless, I realize that this paper is far from perfect. If there are
many deficiencies and mistakes in this assignment, I apologize for my lack of
knowledge and understanding. I therefore look forward to readers' suggestions
and criticism in order to complete this assignment.

I hope that this paper assignment can be useful for readers and for me in
particular. For your attention I would like to thank.

Medan, October 2020




FOREWORD ......................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... ii

SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... iii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1

A. Background ............................................................................................... 1

B. Goals and Benefits .....................................................................................1

CHAPTER II PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION ................................................ 2

A. General Issues ............................................................................................ 2

B. Problem Identification ................................................................ .............. 2

CHAPTER III SOLUTIONS AND DISCUSSION ........................................... 6

CHAPTER IV CLOSING ................................................................................... 9

A. Conclusion ................................................................................................ 9

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................... 10

REFERENCES ................................................. ......................................... 12



A. Background

English is the most spoken language in the world. When someone meets
between countries, the language used is English. English language skills are
closely related to the progress of a country. Learning English today is no longer
an obligation to get good grades or rankings in school, but also as a defense in the
face of increasingly challenging globalization. English can open access to
unlimited assets needed by people in Indonesia. In some countries, English is a
second language for the people, because the role of English as an international
language of communication is very important for various existing sectors.
Indonesia is also one of the countries that uses English as its second language,
although not all Indonesians are unable to do it. Learning English is very
important, especially in terms of education. In addition, through English,

B. Objectives and Benefits

The benefits and objectives of writing this idea engineering are as follows:

1. To fulfill one of the assignments in English courses

2. To know about overcoming language difficulties
3. Adding insights to writers and readers.


A. General Problems
A common problem that often occurs so someone found it difficult to
speak English is as follows.

1. The learning method is wrong

2. It is difficult to memorize English vocabulary

3. Limited time

4. Speech that is different from writing

5. Not confident

B. Problem Identification

English has a very important role in broadening horizons in the field of

knowledge and technology. In fact, in studying English, many people experience
various kinds of obstacles and obstacles that will make it difficult for a person to
absorb useful knowledge or information due to various factors. Difficulty in
learning English is one of the problems that people often face. Learning
difficulties are one of the disturbances or obstacles in the learning process so that
a person cannot achieve the learning outcomes that have been planned or

One of the most frequently spoken languages is English. English proficiency is

very much needed in education, business, social, and various other fields. In
Indonesia, English is one of the international languages studied in education.
Although English is very important in various fields, there are also many
Indonesians who find it difficult or don't understand English. The difficulties
faced when learning English are as follows.

The first difficulty is the wrong learning method. In English learning, the
learning method must also be adjusted so that it is easier to understand. Because a
person's learning types are very different, so in learning English we have to adjust
the learning method that makes us comfortable and quickly understands when we
are learning English. There are many fun methods of learning English, such as:

1. Listening to English songs while interpreting the lyrics of the song being

2. Read a favorite book or novel and even a comic while interpreting sentence by
sentence that is being read.

3. Watching films in English without subtitles.

4. We also need to be able to use the technology we have for our own good as
well as for ours.

The second difficulty, namely difficult to memorize English vocabulary.

With the large number of English vocabulary, someone might have difficulty
memorizing the vocabulary. As is well known, English is a language that has a
fairly large vocabulary and the increase in new vocabulary every day is not bad.
Many people complain about these difficulties.

The third difficulty is limited time. Many people don't have the free time
to learn English.Maybe because you already work, go to school, or go to college,
so you don't have free time to study English because of the many assignments.

Another difficulty faced when learning English is the way it is pronounced

different from the writing. This is what many people always complain about.
Because we are used to the pronunciation as it is written. If we mispronounce it,
the meaning of the word or sentence we say will also be different or have no real
meaning. As well as many words of the same pronunciation but have different
meanings. So that someone can have difficulty understanding it.

Difficulty the other is insecure. A person who is learning English will be

less confident in speaking English to his friend who is already good at English for

fear of mispronunciation and others. Those are some of the difficulties
experienced when learning English.

Factors Causing Difficulty Learning English

Some of the factors of difficulty in learning English are as follows:

1. Internal factors

Internal factors are factors that come from within humans themselves, which

 Physiological factors
Learning difficulties for students occur due to the condition of students who are
sick, disabilities, and others.
 Psychological factors
Learning difficulties occur because of low aptitude for these subjects, low or poor
motivation, and poor mental conditions.

2. External factors

External factors are factors that come from outside humans, which include:

 Non social factors

Non-social factors that can cause learning difficulties for someone are, for
example, poor learning media, uncomfortable learning conditions, and so on.
 Social factors
Social factors that cause learning difficulties include family, friends, and the

Other factors that make it difficult for someone to speak English are as follows.

1. English is considered a difficult subject.

2. Lack of motivation in learning or negative behavior towards English (target


3. The minimum desire for someone to learn to speak English.

4. Limited time or opportunity in the bell; teach English.

5. Lack or limited support in using English at home and in the community.



Of the many languages available, English is a language that must be

learned. English is an international language used in various fields, from
economics, politics, business, to technology. Language does not only act as a
means of communication, but can also make it easier for a person to adapt to the
environment and work. By mastering English, we are one step ahead to achieve
good goals in career, business and other fields. Mastering international languages
is something that really needs to be developed at this time.

Communication can be realized if a person masters four language skills. In

learning to speak English, there are four skills or components that a person must
be able to master. The four skills are as follows:

 Listening (listening)
Listening is an activity in English where we not only listen but also have to
understand what we have heard.
 Speaking (speaking)
Speaking is the most important component that must be mastered in learning
English, the success of learning English can be measured by the ability to speak or
speak with predetermined targets.
 Reading (reading)
In learning English, reading is one of the activities to speak in a variety of ways.
 Writing (writing)
In learning English writing is the most difficult thing among the three skills
above, because writing is not just composing words or sentences but developing
and expressing ideas or ideas in a regular sentence structure.

Of the four skills above have different levels of understanding, therefore there can
be different methods or ways of learning. By being able to master English
properly and correctly it can support the improvement of a person's quality so that
he can compete in today's technological and modern era.

Besides mastering These four language skills, a person in English must
also master the three elements that have a role to support these four skills. The
three elements are as follows.

 Pronunciation (pronunciation)
 Vocabulary
 Language structure (grammar)

In lectures, to fulfill an obligation as a student at a university, each student is

required to or is required to take English courses and also must pass the TOEFL
test with a high enough or satisfactory score.

The solutions that can be done in overcoming difficulties in learning

English are as follows:

1. Listen to English songs

There are many ways that can be done to make us comfortable and enjoyable in
learning English. One of them by listening to songs. With frequent listening to
English songs whose lyrics have been translated, it will be easier for us to
understand English word for word. By often listening to English songs, we will
get used to listening to English words. An educator also make the classroom
atmosphere fun when learning by changing or transferring subject matter into the
form of a song. Some things that the teacher must master when changing the
subject matter into a song are having a goal in creating the song, making a
summary of the material from the lesson that will be used as a song,
understanding or proficient in using a laptop, and understanding the tone in
making songs. By creating a song from the subject matter, students’
understanding will be easier with the material taught with a song.

2. Watching videos or films in English

We can also take advantage of the technology we have such as Android to watch
English films or videos. So that by often watching English videos, we will get
used to it and over time we can understand little by little English words.

3. Make English vocabulary

We can also make English vocabulary words on Android or a small book about
words that are difficult for us to understand so that we can easily carry them
around if needed.

4. Familiarize yourself with speaking English

Another way that we can easily speak English is to get used to speaking in
English to our friends and to foreigners who are traveling to our area.

5. Play online games in English

If we have a hobby of playing online games in English, then we can also

understand the meaning of the words in the game so that we can increase our
vocabulary in English.

6. Using the internet to practice English

Another way that can be done to quickly understand English is to use or take
advantage of the internet by opening English-language websites that can help
someone learn English properly and correctly.

7. Try writing sentences in English

In learning English reading is one of the activities of speaking in a variety of ways

of writing or writing something in English.

Start trying to write something or a sentence such as poetry in English so that our
ability to write in English can improve.

8. Read books in English

Reading books in English is an easy and fast way to learn English. With frequent
reading of books in English, their English vocabulary will increase.

Those are some tips or solutions that I can give in overcoming difficulties
in speaking English.


A. Conclusion
English is the most spoken language in the world. When someone meets
between countries, the language used is English. English proficiency is very much
needed in education, business, social, and various other fields. In Indonesia,
English is one of the international languages studied in education.

Common problems that often occur that make it difficult for someone to
speak English are as follows, wrong learning methods, difficulty memorizing
English vocabulary, limited time, pronunciation that is different from writing, not
confident. The solutions that can be done in overcoming difficulties in learning
English are as follows:

1. Listening to English songs

2. Watch videos or movies in English
3. Create English vocabulary
4. Get used to speaking English
5. Play English-language online games
6. Use the internet to practice English
7. Try writing sentences in English
8. Read books in English

Communication can be realized if a person masters four language skills. The four
skills are listening (listening), speaking (speaking), reading (reading), and writing
(writing). In addition to mastering the four language skills, a person in English
must also master three elements which have a role to support these four skills. The
three elements are as pronunciation (pronunciation), vocabulary (vocabulary), and
language structure (grammar).

B. Advice

The advice I can give is from engineering ideas to overcome English

language difficulties is so that we can carry out or implement some of the
solutions that have been described so that our knowledge in English can increase
and also we can understand every word or sentence that uses English.


http: //ojs.umsida.acid/index.php/pedagogia/article/download/246/227


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