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Rev. 8 dated 25/05/14

Reinforced Earth Pvt. Ltd. is the licensee of the FREYSSISOL® & Reinforced Earth® processes from Freyssinet. This
document contains information propriety to Freyssinet. Possession of this document does not authorize use of
information contained therein nor copying of the document in whole or in part, or transmission of the document or the
information therein to persons not connected to the project without the written consent of Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd.


1st Floor, Razia Sharif Plaza
Fazal-e-Haq Road, Blue Area
Ph: +92-51-2150201/2
Fax: +92-51-2150203

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1. Chapter 1 – PREFACE 5


3. Chapter 3 - INTRODUCTION 7
3.1.- Purpose 10
3.2.- Responsibilities 10
3.3.- Plans, Specifications, Layout 10
3.4.- Components 10
3.5.- Materials and Services supplied by Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd 17
3.6.- Equipment, tools & materials supplied by the Contractor
Crew size & Production rates 18
3.7.- Works to be performed by the Contractor 20
3.8.- Basic construction procedures 20


4.1.- Mould preparation 22
4.2.- Placing concrete 24
4.3.- Cleaning of moulds 24
4.4.- Curing after casting of the panels 25
4.5.- Lifting and stacking the panels 25
4.6.- Curing the panels in the stockyard 26
4.7. Construction tolerances to precast panels 26
4.8 Rejection of panels and precast elements 27


5.1.- General 28
5.2.- Foundation 28
5.3.- Assembly 29
5.4.- Miscellaneous important factors 41

6. Chapter 6 - TESTING AND CONTROLS 43

6.1.- Concrete testing 43
6.2.- Formation level – Soil bearing capacity 43
6.3.- Structural backfill – Compaction water – Field density tests 43

Appendix A - Check list 44

Appendix B – Do’s and Don’ts 46

Appendix C – Out of tolerance conditions & possible causes criteria 48

Appendix D – Connections data (for Synthetic soil reinforcement only) 50

Appendix E – Tolerances to manufacturing of panels 51

Appendix F – Quality control sheets 56

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7. Chapter 7 – NHA SPECIFICATIONS 59

7.1.- General 59

7.2.- Design 59

7.3.- Standards 59

7.4.- Materials 60
7.4.1 – General 60
7.4.2 – Concrete Facing Panels 60
7.4.3 – Wall Coping, Barrier & Friction Slab 61
7.4.4 – Reinforcing steel 61
7.4.5 – Concrete Footing / Leveling Pad 62
7.4.6 – Soil Reinforcement 62 – Synthetic Soil Reinforcement 62 – Metallic Soil Reinforcement (Galvanized or Dunois Coated) 63
7.4.7 – Fixings (Panel to Soil Reinforcement Connectors) 63 – Fixings for Synthetic Soil Reinforcement
or Dunois coated Metallic Soil Reinforcement 63 – Fixings for Metallic soil Reinforcement (Galvanized
With Zinc alone) 64
7.4.8 – Joint Fillers (Geotextile, Sealing Foam & EPDM Pads) 64
7.4.9 – Selected Reinforced Earth Fill 65 – Fill with Synthetic or Metallic Dunois coated Soil Reinforcement
and/or Synthetic or Dunois Coated Connectors (Fixings) 65 – Fill with Galvanized Soil Reinforcement and/or Galvanized
Connectors (Fixings) 66

7.5.- Construction 66
7.5.1 Foundation Preparation 66
7.5.2 – Erection of Concrete Facing Panels 66
7.5.3 – Backfill Placement 67

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8. Chapter 8 SAFETY MANUAL 68

8.1.- OBJECTIVE 68

8.2.- PURPOSE 68

8.3.- Health and safety 68

8.4.- Before commencing work 68

8.5.- Designation of competent person 69

8.6.- PROCEDURE 69


8.8.- Site Preparation 71

8.9.- Personal protective equipments 72

8.10.- Earth work 72

8.11.- Construction machinery and equipments 78

8.12.- Site Cleaning and Housekeeping 78

Appendix F – Stability and Safety (Bracing of initial course of standard

panels up to 1.6m high) 80

Appendix G – Stability and Safety (Installation of the safety barriers on

concrete panels) 81

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This manual has been prepared as a guide for the construction of Reinforced Earth structures with concrete
facing panels.

It’s contents should be thoroughly reviewed and understood by both the Contractor’s Site Agent (responsible
for construction according to Specification) and the Supervising Consultant prior to the delivery of Reinforced
Earth materials to the site.

Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd will provide a technical advisory service to help the Contractor implement correct
construction procedures. Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd will assist with the training of the erection team by
allocating a suitable advisor to the site for the initial stages of construction. Periodic visits will be made
thereafter to monitor progress and to advise where possible. This advisory service however, does not relieve
the Contractor of his obligation to ensure compliance with the Specifications & instructions in this manual.

Should there be conflict between the Plans, Execution drawings, Specifications and Contract Documents on
one hand and this manual on the other, this manual shall prevail. However, in such a case, reference should
be made to Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd before commencing or continuing work.

The Employer and Contractor should verify and ensure that the Contractor’s site personnel are in possession
of a copy of this manual and are familiar with the recommendations contained in it.

Reinforced Earth Pvt. Ltd. technical advisors on Site do not have a Supervisory function. The Technical
Advisory Service, also called Technical Assistance, does not relieve the Contractor and the Supervising
Engineer (Resident Engineer) of their respective obligations to ensure compliance with the Specifications.

Only the Supervising Engineer (i.e. Resident Engineer) can enforce the requirements of the execution
drawings, Specifications and Contract Documents


The Main Contract is the contract for the construction of the whole works of which the Reinforced Earth®
retaining wall system forms a part.

The Owner means the company awarding the Main contract in which Reinforced Earth ® retaining wall system
forms a part.

The Contractor means the company responsible for the completion of the works under the Main Contract.

The Client means the company purchasing the Reinforced Earth® retaining wall system from Reinforced Earth
(Pvt) Limited.

The Supervising Engineer (i.e. Resident Engineer) means the person responsible under the Main Contract for
the acceptance and approval of the finished work.

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2.1.- The following manual and any attached documents are the property of Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd and
contain information proprietary to Freyssinet and/or its licensor, Henri Vidal, including the patented process
and techniques related to mechanically stabilized earth structures known as “Reinforced Earth ”.

2.2.- The documents are being made available solely for use in connection with your interest or participation in
the proposed Reinforced Earth project contemplated by the Tender Documents and for no other purpose.

2.3.- Except as specified in paragraph 2.2 above, you must not, without the prior express written consent of
Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd , use any of the information contained in the documents, whether to construct,
design, manufacture, fabricate, assemble, produce or install or otherwise utilize, or cause the same or any of
them to be done, any elements of Reinforced Earth (whether or not patented), or special forms of equipment
unique to the production, manufacture, fabrication, assembly, installation or utilization of Reinforced Earth, or
for any other purpose.

2.4.- The documents and the information contained therein must not be copied or disclosed in any manner or
form, in whole or in part, to any third party without the prior express written consent of Reinforced Earth (Pvt)

2.5.- Receipt of the documents gives no entitlement to any property right in the documents or in the information
contained therein by virtue of the temporary supply of the documents in accordance herewith.

2.6.-.Reinforced Earth structures designed by Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd comprise or are based solely upon:

(a) the internal stability of the Reinforced Earth structure based upon the design assumptions noted on
all Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd drawings relating to the structure and the external loads, surcharges
and site geometries supplied by or on behalf of the employer;
(b) the layout and geometry of the structure based upon survey details, plans and drawings supplied by
or on behalf of the Employer, and
(c) the Contract Specifications.

The design does not include a check on the overall stability of the foundation soils below and behind the
structure, nor a check of any potential failure planes external to the structure. Based on the
completeness and accuracy of the above-mentioned information used or relied upon by Reinforced Earth
(Pvt) Ltd in designing the structure, Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd is responsible for the internal stability of
the structure only.

2.7.- Upon request, the documents and all copies thereof must be returned to Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd

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Reinforced Earth is a composite material formed by the association of a frictional soil and reinforcing strips.
In concept, it is like reinforced concrete; that is, it is an economical means of improving the mechanical
properties of a basic material, namely earth (soil), by reinforcing that material with another material, namely
reinforcing strips (either metallic or synthetic).

Stresses produced within the soil mass are resisted by the reinforcing strips. The stresses are transferred to
the reinforcing strips by means of friction.

A Reinforced Earth® structure constructed using this material is shown as the “Reinforced Volume” or
“Reinforced Block” in Figure 1.
FREYSSISOL® facing panels are used at the front face of the Reinforced Earth volume to prevent erosion
and to provide a neat attractive finished appearance.

This guide is supplied solely to indicate the best method for the Contractor to erect Reinforced Earth® walls.
These recommendations do not relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations or responsibilities to carry out
the construction strictly in accordance with the Specifications and Terms of the Main Contract.

It will provide general guidelines for the Inspector, however, the Plans, Execution drawings, specifications and
special provisions govern must be read and followed.

Reinforced Earth Block

Sealing foam or Geofabric at Reinforced Earth®
panels joints, verticaly & selected backfill material
FRL horizontally) (Typical)
Wall facing
concrete panels

Wooden wedges Random backfill

EPDM pad

Soil Reinforcing strip

FGL 2% (metallic or synthetic)

non reinforced concrete 500

leveling pad

FIG. 1 - Typical section of FREYSSISOL® wall

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There are basically 3 types of MSE walls, as described here under.

The present Method Statement Manual is applicable to all three types (Typical) with minor variation depending
on the type of connection used.

TYPE 1 – All metallic connections and strips

Steel connections are embedded in concrete

precast panels and metallic strips are bolted to the
relevant connections.

TYPE 2 – Metallic connections and synthetic strips

Steel connections are embedded in concrete

precast panels and synthetic strips are connected to
loops by rounding the synthetic strip around a

TYPE 3 – Embedded connections and synthetic

strips – C system

The C connection is embedded within the concrete

panel and the synthetic strip is slide inside the C

To be noted that the C system cannot be used for

bridge bearing abutments.
Basically the use of Type 3 system is limited to wall
height of about 10~12 meters and may vary
depending on site conditions and loadings to be

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The following is a list of terms that will be used in the handbook, see Figure 1 for reference.

The coping is used to tie in the top of the wall panels and to provide a pleasing finish or adequate safety
barrier to the wall top. It can be cast-in-place or prefabricated segments.
Joint Filler (Sealing foam / Geotextile)
A geotextile filter fabric is used to cover the joint between panels. It is placed on the backside of the panels.
This keeps the soil from being eroded through the joints and allows any excess water to flow out.
Leveling Pad
The leveling pad is a non-reinforced concrete footing used to provide a level, consistent surface at the proper
grade to place the panels.
Random Backfill
Random backfill is the backfill that is allowed by the Supervising Engineer in normal embankment
Selected Backfill
Select backfill is the fill that meets the gradation, corrosion, unit weight, internal friction angle and any other
requirements of the specifications.
Soil Reinforcement strips
Soil reinforcement strips hold the wall facing panels in position and provides reinforcement for the soil. The
soil reinforcement can be made of steel strips (inextensible materials) or synthetic strips (extensible
Plastic dowels
Plastic dowel rods are placed in panel holes prepared at panel precasting stage at 2000 mm c.c ± 2 mm
and are acting as guides for the panel placement.

EPDM pads
Wall panel spacers are typically EPDM pads. They are inserted between panels to help provide the proper
spacing. Proper spacing keeps the panels from having point contact and spalling the concrete.
Wall Facing Panel
Wall Facing panels or panels are used to hold the soil in position at the face of the wall. The panels are
typically concrete.
Wall Reinforcement Connection
This is where the connection is made between the wall facing panel and the soil reinforcing.
The water described here is that which may be necessary for bringing the select backfill material up to
optimum moisture content. It shall meet the electro-chemical properties of the select backfill.
Wooden Wedges
Wooden wedges are used to help hold the panels at the correct batter during the filling operation. The
wooden wedges should be made from hard wood (such as oak, maple or ash).

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This document is intended to provide the Client, Contractor, Supervising Engineer and Inspection Staff –
those who are responsible for overall quality control and inspection during construction - with the criteria
necessary to monitor the erection of Reinforced Earth structures for compliance with the Execution
drawings, Specifications and Contract Documents.

It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide completed construction in strict accordance with the
Execution drawings, Specifications and Contract Documents. To assist the Contractor in this regard,
Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd provides recommended erection procedures in this manual.

Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd will assist the erection team by allocating a suitable advisor to the Site for the first
few days of construction. Periodic visits will be made thereafter to monitor progress and to advise where


The Contractor should verify, prior to commencing any work on Site that the latest issue of the Execution
drawings (approved for construction), Specifications and contract documents are being used to build the

The Contractor should also confirm that the Works are being constructed at the proper location by verifying
line, grade, offset or other location criteria before commencing any construction.

Reinforced Earth FREYSSISOL  structures consist of the following:

3.4.1.- Concrete footing / Leveling pad

A 400 mm wide by 150 mm deep footing (L shape) of non reinforced cast in-situ concrete class A1 (i.e. 3000
Psi at 28 days, i.e. 210 kg/cm2) serves as a flat (flatness tolerance to be ± 3 mm to level shown on
construction drawings) starting surface for placing panels.
An improperly placed concrete footing can result in subsequent panel misalignment and decreased
wall construction productivity and the finished product is seldom satisfactory

Incorrect Leveling pad

If the pad is not leveled, the panels will bind against each other causing spalling of the edges and

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3.4.2.- FREYSSISOL® facing panels

The facing consists of precast concrete panels.
Cement type shall comply with NHA General
Specifications, with the Geological Report
recommendations regarding chemical risks analysis
and also with chemical risk analysis of the intended
backfill material.

Steel reinforcement shall be as per BS 4449 and bent

and cut as per BS 8666.
MSE walls Type1 and type 2:
Concrete for panels shall be as per NHA General
Type 3 – C system (Synthetic strips)
Specifications 1998, Class D1 (i.e. 5000 Psi at 28
days i.e. 350kg/cm2)
T8 bars and 1 to 3 horizontal T16 bars at connections
MSE walls of Type 3:
Concrete for panels shall be as per NHA General
Specifications 1998, Class D1 (i.e. 5000 Psi at 28
days i.e. 350kg/cm2)
T8, T10 or T12 bars as shown on drawings.

Necessary tie points (mainly steel lugs (Type 1) or

steel loops and toggles (Type 2) or C connectors
(Type 3) depending on the reinforcing strips used )
allowing for connections to reinforcing strips are Type 2 – Loops and toggles (Synthetic strips)
embedded in the concrete panels as per construction
drawings requirements.

Wall panels come in many sizes. The front face can have any type of finish, shape, texture or other surface
treatments that can be formed and which can fit together.
It is important that the panels are used in their proper position. The panels need to be inspected to ensure
they meet the plans, specifications, and execution drawings.
They also need to be inspected for damages (bent or damaged connectors, damaged panels, cracks, etc.).
In such cases, the relevant panels shall not be used.
Standard panels are of types “B’, “S” or “H”: Nominal thickness is of 16 cm (MSE walls of Type 1 and Type
2, but total thickness may vary depending on the pattern used).
For type 3 (C-system), the nominal thickness of panels is of 18 cm (total thickness may also vary depending
on the pattern used)
Standard “S” panels are of ‘T” shape and have a nominal height of 1.610 m with nominal width of 1.830 m
at bottom and 2.230 m at top. Reinforcement varies depending on “S” type.
Standard “B” panels are rectangular with nominal height of 0.810 m and nominal width of 2.230 m.
Reinforcement varies depending on “B” type
Standard “H” panels are placed at top of wall and basically consist of reduced (H09 to H16) or extended
(H17 to H24) “S” panels.

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For MSE walls of Type 1 and Type 2

Panel type Volume (m3) Concrete weight (kg) Steel Reinforcement (kg)
Type “B” 0.280 700 10.50 ~ 13.00
Type “S” 0.512 1 280 18.40 ~ 25.50
Type “H” (H09 ~ H16) 0.320 ~ 0.512 800 ~ 1.280 11.60 ~ 18.70
Type “H” (H17 ~ H24) 0.540 ~ 0.740 1 350 ~ 1 850 22.10 – 27.50

For MSE walls of Type 3 (C System)

Panel type Volume (m3) Concrete weight (kg) Steel Reinforcement (kg)
Type “B” 0.340 850 10.80 ~ 18.35
Type “S” 0.620 1 550 20.85 ~ 38.10
Type “H” (H09 ~ H16) 0.415 ~ 0.620 1 040 ~ 1.550 14.45 ~ 21.60
Type “H” (H17 ~ H24) 0.650 ~ 0.905 1 620 ~ 2 260 26.00 ~ 31.70

Each panel has 2 to 6 or more connections to which the soil reinforcing strips are connected by means of
toggles (synthetic soil reinforcement strips) or bolted connections (steel soil reinforcement strips), or
through the openings of the C connections.

Since the standard panels cannot be bent, walls with a curved outline are treated as polygons with standard

3.4.3.- Joint Filler (Geotextile / sealing foam)

A joint filler is used to cover or fill in all the vertical

and horizontal joints between panels. It is placed on
the backside of the panels. This keeps the soil from
being eroded through the joints and allows any
excess water to flow out.

It shall be flexible open cell polyethylene foam strips

(25mm ± 2 mm) or thermally bonded, non-woven
polypropylene Geotextile grade T6 (300 ±30 gr/m2)
unless otherwise noted on the approved
construction drawings.

In case of panels which could be flooded from

time to time, the backside of the panels must
receive - through full panel areas – a non woven
Geotextile material from the bottom of wall and up
to 1 m above the Maximum Flood Water Level.
(In that specific case, the joint filler may be omitted
upon Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd advice)

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3.4.4.- Soil Reinforcing strips

Soil reinforcement strips hold the wall facing panels in position and provides reinforcement for the soil. The
soil reinforcement can be made of steel strips (inextensible materials) or synthetic strips (extensible
materials). – Synthetic soil reinforcement strips MSE wall Type 2 and Type 3
The synthetic soil reinforcement strips (as per British
Board of Agreement # 99R/110) are supplied in 100
lm rolls in grades 50kN, 75kN and 100kN. The strip is
connected to the panel by placing it around a toggle,
with the toggle held by the attachment loop connectors
embedded in the panels.

Synthetic soil reinforcement must not be torn, cut,

left in the sun or otherwise damaged and should
be stored away from sun light exposure in
appropriate covered storage area until they are
used and laid on ground before backfill.

Running above or on top of Synthetic soil with Synthetic reinforcement strips used for
machinery upon backfilling procedures shall be MSE walls Type 2 and Type 3
avoided. - Steel soil reinforcement strips MSE wall Type 1

The ribbed steel strips are supplied in varying lengths
determined by the design of the structure. The strips
are hot dipped galvanised process (minimum
1000gr/m2 = 140μ as per BS 729:1971 (1994) – BD
70) or Dunois coated (Zn/Al spray mix of 85:15 and a
coating thickness of 70 microns) and are bolted to the
tie points (panel lugs) which are embedded in the
facing panels. Longer length strips may require
joining of several shorter strips on site.

The reinforcing strips are bolted to the tie points by

means of single bolt in double shear and the tie
Steel reinforcement strips used for
points in turn support the panels. MSE walls Type 1

Steel reinforcement strips should not be bent,

torn, galvanization or Dunois coating chipped off Control will be simplified if strips of different lengths
or otherwise damaged. are kept separate.

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3.4.5. – Connections Connections for Steel reinforcement strips – MSE wall Type 1

Steel reinforcement strips are connected to the tie points (panel lug) with M12 bolts and nuts and washers.

The bolts and nuts are manufactured of high strength steel and only the bolts and nuts supplied by
Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd may be used
The system guarantee will not apply if bolts others than those supplied by Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd are

Bolt connection to panel lug Panel lug (embedded in concrete panel) Connections for Synthetic reinforcement strips - MSE Wall Type 2

Connection for synthetic reinforcement strips are generally made of galvanized or Dunois coated steel loops
(embedded in concrete panels) and steel toggles.

Loops and toggles used for MSE wall Type 2 Loops and toggles used for MSE wall Type 2 Connections for Synthetic reinforcement strips - MSE Wall Type 3

Connection is made vide a C plastic shell embedded in the precast concrete panel. The connection with the
synthetic strip is made by sliding the strip through the openings of the C shell.

C shell used for MSE wall Type 3 Typical connection for MSE wall Type 3

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3.4.6. - EPDM pads

At the top of each facing panel (the bottom panels

resting on the concrete leveling pad), a toothed
bearing pad shall be placed having a minimum cross-
section of 22mm by 70mm.
2 EPDM pads shall be placed on top of each panel
except otherwise instructed vide execution drawings.

No EPDM are placed in between the leveling pad and

first lift of panels.
Top ‘H” panels do not receive any EPDM pad.
Only the EPDM pads supplied by Reinforced
Earth (Pvt) Ltd may be used.

3.4.7. – Plastic dowel rods

Plastic dowel at 2000 c.c.
Plastic dowel rods are placed in panel holes prepared
at panel Precasting stage at 2000 mm c.c.

Plastic dowels guides the placement of next upper

panel row and ensures easier placement of facing

Some tolerance may be used up as the wall is

erected so that the 2.0m +/- 2mm centre to centre
of dowel hole will need to be optimized at each
level in order to achieve the best fit and yet allow
subsequent rows of panels to be erected at a later

3.4.8. - Selected backfill material

All backfill material used in the Reinforced Earth® block structure (MSE walls Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3)
shall conform to the following (refer to Method Manual Statement - Part 2 – NHA Specification):
a. Non-Plastic
b. Free from organic or otherwise deleterious materials
c. Maximum size of particles 75 mm
d. Maximum 15% passing No 200 sieve
e. Coefficient of uniformity Cu = D60/D10 ≥ 5
f. Friction angle of backfill material Ф ≥ 36º

In order to mobilize adequately the soil friction as per design, the Reinforced Earth® Fill must be
compacted to 95% MDD from formation level to the top of wall.

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In case Metallic Soil Reinforcement and/or Fixings (Galvanized with Zinc alone) are used, the fill material, in
addition to the above shall comply with the following additional properties (refer to Item of Part 2 –
NHA Specification of the present document):

g. pH value shall be between 5 and 10

h. The chemical limits (inclusive of water used in laying and compaction) shall be as follows:

Maximum chloride content ≤ 0.02% ≤ 0.01%

Maximum soluble sulfate content ≤ 0.10% ≤ 0.05%
Maximum sulfite content ≤ 0.03% ≤ 0.01%
Minimum resistivity (saturated) ≥ 1000 ≥ 3000
Minimum resistivity (in situ) ≥ 5000 ≥ 5000
Minimum Redox Potential ≥ 0.4 volt ≥ 0.4 volt

Shear Box Tests (tested under slow, drained conditions on full spectrum of backfill material) shall be carried
out to demonstrate that the angle of shearing resistance of the fill ( ≥ 36 degrees) is in accordance with the
requirements of the design calculations.

Under the supervision of the Resident Engineer of the project, the Contractor shall exercise regular quality
control (each 2000 m3) over all fill material used in the Reinforced Earth® structures. Any material which is
unsuitable and does not comply with the specified requirements shall not be used.

Fill grading shall show a slope of approximately 5% (from wall to inside) in order to ensure appropriate
drainage of the back side of the panels.

The watering of the fill material – as required to obtain the required OPM (95%) - shall be made with fresh
water. Salty water or sea water may be avoided.

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Material and Services supplied by Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd are limited to:

 Engineering and design of the structure (based on data supplied by the Contractor)
 Moulds and Liners (if applicable) for Precasting of concrete FREYSSISOL® panels
 Tie points, i.e.: loops and toggles when synthetic reinforcing strips are used (MSE walls Type 2), steel
lugs when steel reinforcing strips are used (MSE walls Type 1), and plastic C shells when C system is
used (MSE wall Type 3)
 Reinforcing strips (either steel or synthetic reinforcing strips)
 Nuts, bolts and washers (when steel soil reinforcing strips are used – MSE wall Type 1)
 EPDM pads
 Joint filler : sealing foam and/or geotextile fabric
 Plastic dowels
 Delivery of above construction materials to site. (Contractor remains responsible for offloading.)
 On site Technical Assistance
 The Supervision of the work is made by the Resident Engineer of the project who is the sole authority to
enforce the requirements of the execution drawings, Specifications, present Method Statement,
Specifications and all other Contract documents.

Reinforcing strips, bolts and nuts, washers, tie points, EPDM pads, plastic dowels and any other special items
that may be required, are packaged to minimize damage during unloading and handling.

These materials should be thoroughly inspected upon arrival at Site, with any damaged materials set
aside, and Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd notified immediately.
All materials must be handled and stored in such a manner as to prevent damage or theft. Filter
cloth must be stored on Site in such a manner as to be protected from sunlight.

Only the net quantity of material and reinforcing strips as shown on the drawings will be delivered.
Should additional materials, in excess of these amounts be required they will be provided at Contractor’s

Certificates of compliance with specifications for all materials will be furnished by Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd
on request. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to verify that all materials received on Site are in accordance
with the delivery notes and project requirements. Any discrepancies should be reported in writing
immediately to Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd.

The Contractor should continuously monitor the materials available to ensure that, consistent with the Plans,
Execution drawings, Specifications and Contract Documents, adequate quantities are available to ensure
continuity of construction.

Timely advice should be given to Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd of any shortfall, to ensure that no delays occur.

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3.6.1.- Safety

The Contractor is advised to adopt appropriate safety measures during all operations as per the standard
practice and according to the applicable rules and regulations.

Special care should be taken towards the following:

1. All personal to wear adequate protective clothing including safety boots, helmets, gloves and safety
2. All crane slings to be checked regularly for damage and replaced when unfit for service,
3. When night work is necessary, enough illumination will be provided wherever required through tower
lights and projectors;
4. No personnel should pass under panels during lifting, loading/off-loading operations to stockyard/truck.

3.6.2.- Manufacturing of precast panels

The type number of equipment and labour required shall remain the Contractor’s responsibility and depends
on the volume of works to be performed as well as the project general schedule for completion.
With regard to past experience, each team should be able to cast 50 panels after completion of the initial
learning period, depending on volume of works, a sufficient number of teams shall be set up.

Depending on skill of labour, each team shall be composed of one 1 Gang leader and 3 to 5 workers (for pre-
casting), with one (1) General Foreman supervising the different Gang leaders.
The equipment required per team could be as follows:
 6 m3 agitators (truck mixers)
 1½” needle hand vibrators (1 unit), + 1 standby
 1” needle hand vibrator
 Crane or forklift
 1 to 2 air compressors
 Flat bed trailer(s)

3.6.3.- Panels erection

Similar projects have shown that daily output in the range of 120 m2 to 150 m2 can be expected, depending
on footing preparation (line and level), site access, fill quality, weather conditions, backfill output, etc.
(including placing joint filler / geotextile, lift, place panel, adjust and securely wedge).
A typical working section shall be composed of:
Plant 1 small hydraulic crane or similar Labour 1 Supervisor
capable of lifting 2 tons at 3 meters distance 1 crane operator none
3 to 5 men for handling panels at stock
and positioning panels on pad.

3.6.4.- Reinforcing strips laying

Similar projects have shown an output in the range of laying soil reinforcing strips over 30 m linear of wall
length per hour.
A typical working section shall be composed of:
Plant none Labour 1 Supervisor
3 men to lay, fix and tighten strips

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3.6.5.- Backfilling and compaction

Dump trucks, scraper dozers, graders, front-end loaders, water trucks etc for hauling, dumping and spreading
backfill (specific equipment selection depends on backfill, lift thickness, compaction specifications etc).
A typical working section shall be composed of:
i. 2m wide strip behind panels

Plant 2 Bomag 60S or similar Labour 3 men spreading fill

2 men operating rollers
Depending upon rate of delivery of fill and compacting equipment used, experience has shown output of
approximately 10 m3/hour with 15 cm layer thickness of loose material

IN NO CONDITIONS shall any equipment weighing more than 1-ton be brought on top of backfill within a
2-meter distance of the wall during construction.

ii. Main body of fill

Plant 1 Cat 966 or equivalent to deposit fill Labour 2 plant operators and 1 when necessary
1 D6 when available to grade formation 1 good labourer
1 Self propelled heavy vibrating roller

Highly depending upon rate of delivery of fill and compacting equipment used, experience has shown output
of approximately 70 m3 fill/hour or 10 m2 of facing panels per hour with 250 mm layer thickness of loose

2 meters

Sheepfoot rollers should NOT be used for compaction.

"Tracked" vehicles as well as any other machinery should not run directly on the laid Reinforcing

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3.6.6.- Materials and Tools

All materials and tools are supplied by the Contractor and shall comprise:

bracing for first & further courses of cladding panels

 crowbars and pinch bars
 spirit level 1,5 m long
 straightedge 2,0 m long
 claw hammers
 heavy hammer
 Plumb bob, string line
 Hardwood wedges in sufficient number, to
provide 3~4 wedges per panel, for three (3)
courses, for the length of wall under construction

When metallic reinforcing strips are used, tools shall

also include (MSE wall Type 1):
 ring spanners – 19 mm
 Box or crescent wrench 19 mm
Hard wood wedge


 Identification and securing of source(s) of selected backfill material (including all necessary initial and
further routine testings)
 Site preparation, including excavation, and foundation preparation (including form compaction to a
minimum of 95% MDD),
 Manufacturing, supply and casting of non-reinforced concrete footing properly levelled at ± 3 mm from
theoretical level indicated on construction drawings
 Manufacturing, supply and casting of reinforced concrete panels, inclusive of handling and storage at
precast yard (inclusive of all necessary routine or control testings)
 Handling, transportation, unloading of concrete panels to erection site,
 Complete wall erection, laying and connecting soil reinforcing strips, full backfilling including supply and
transportation of backfill material, compaction, (inclusive of all necessary routine or control testings), etc.


1. Clean and prepare (including compaction of form at not less than 95% MDD) of area over the bottom strip
length plus 1 m each side of width of the Reinforced Earth block,
2. Set and cast non reinforced concrete levelling pad,
3. Place and brace first course of panels (S and B panels), typically use 2 clamps (one on each side) for
maintaining each panel in position with adjacent panels,
4. Verify vertical and horizontal alignment and correct as required,
5. Complete L part of levelling pad,
6. Place joint filler as required ( either sealing foam joints or geotextile),
7. Backfill with ± 250 mm thick loose layers of selected backfill material up to first layer of soil reinforcing
strips, and compact each layer to a minimum of 95% MDD
8. Fix first layer of soil reinforcing strips to tie points,
9. Spread and compact 1 to 2 (one to two) loose layers (250 mm thick) of selected backfill in order to cover
the first layer of soil reinforcing strips, and compact each layer to a minimum of 95% MDD

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10. Verify vertical and horizontal alignment and correct as required,

11. Place plastic dowels and EPDM pads on top of first panel layer,
12. Place and brace second course of panels (use 2 clamps per panel, one on each side),
13. Place hard wood wedges between top of first panel and bottom of second panel,
These wedges must not be placed within 150mm of any corner of the panel nor in the horizontal

14. Verify vertical and horizontal alignment, and correct as required

15. Place joint filler as required ( either sealing foam joints or geotextile),
16. Spread and compact backfill with ± 250 mm thick loose layer of selected backfill material up to second
level of soil reinforcing strips, and compact each layer to a minimum of 95% MDD
17. Fix second layer of soil reinforcing strips to tie points,
18. Spread and compact 1 to 2 (one to two) loose layer (250 mm thick) of selected backfill in order to cover
the second layer of soil reinforcing strips, and compact each layer to a minimum of 95% MDD,


19. Spread and compact backfill at the outside of the wall up to the designed level as stated in
execution drawings, (mandatory task for stability purposes) and compact each layer to a minimum of
95% MDD

A strong rainstorm could cause heavy flow along the wall. This could cause soil erosion and
undermining of the leveling pad and the wall.
Moreover all wall protection works such as Riprap, Gabions etc as provided on the construction
drawings etc shall also be carried out as a simultaneous activity or prior to the construction of the
Under no circumstances, shall the wall be constructed without proper outside cover or embedment as
required on the drawings.

20. Verify vertical and horizontal alignment and correct as required,

21. Repeat steps 10 to 18 up to the completion of the wall height.

22. Remove hard wood wedges lower than 3.2 meters ( 2 panels height) measured from top of last panel

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This guide is supplied solely to indicate the best method for the Contractor to pre-cast the facing panels for
Reinforced Earth walls/abutments.
These recommendations do not relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations or responsibilities to carry out
the construction strictly in accordance with the Supplementary Specifications and Part 2 – NHA Specifications
of present document as well as applicable Specifications and Terms of the Main Contract.
In order to smoothly adopt the system in Pakistan, this document makes reference to NHA General
Specification 1998 for basic / standard construction references and technical data.


1. When used and applicable, place rubber liner on mould base.

2. Clean liner and mould using compressed air and water. Apply the water-based release agent to the
mould edges and base or rubber liners if used,
The Contractor shall submit a sample of the type and brand of the Release Agent to be used for Approval by
Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor use any oil based release agents
that are known to damage the rubber liners. Moreover, no Diesel/Petrol or any other form of oil/petroleum
product shall be used with the rubber liners. In case, such practices are noticed by Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd
staff, the Contractor will replace the rubber liners at his own cost.

When rubber liners are not used, the use of Diesel/Petrol or any other form of oil/petroleum product shall also
be avoided since it will affect the color of the visible face of panel with unpredictable and permanent spots and

3. Place mould side shutters and adjust overall dimensions by tightening/loosening the bolts provided on the
mould sides.

4. Verify that internal dimensions of moulds and diagonals are within tolerances as per Appendix E attached,
and record details of actual production as per example of Quality control sheets given in Appendix F

5. Verify that the lifting screws are in place and the bolts properly tightened.

6. Spray the release agent to the inner face of the shutter.

7. Remove release agent in excess by using a piece of clean cloth.

8. Place the panel reinforcement (beforehand prepared), and verify that appropriate concrete cover is

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MSE walls Type 1 and Type 2

9a Attach frames for hanging the reinforcement and adjust attachment loop connectors’ positions with
required concrete cover. (type of connectors shall be as per Appendix D attached)
10a Re-adjust position of reinforcement bars, should there be any conflict with the attachment loop
connectors’ positions.
11a Hang the reinforcement to the frame; arrange it by checking the cover. Tie and fix it.
12a Verify the fixings and spacing of the attachment loops. Spacing between two adjacent attachment loops
must be 110 mm cc.
13a Place the steel tubes on the shoulders through the holes provided (these must have been previously
either coated with release agent or greased as they must be turned every hour so that can move freely in
the concrete and be easily removed for re-use).

MSE walls Type 3

9b Place the C connectors at their location inside the mould,
10b Place the upper frames on the side shutters at their location (they shall be previously coated with release
11b Place the holders (beforehand sprayed with release agent) on the frames (check the exact location for
each type of panel)
12b Fix the C connectors on the holders
13b Re-adjust position of reinforcement bars, should there be any conflict with the C connectors.
14b Close the top openings of the C connectors in order to avoid concrete to enter inside.
15b Place the steel tubes on the shoulders through the holes provided (these must have been previously
either coated with release agent or greased as they must be turned every hour so that can move freely in
the concrete and be easily removed for re-use).

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Concrete for panels shall be as per NHA General Specifications 1998, Class D1 (Walls Type 1, Type 2 and
Type 3) and cement type shall comply with NHA General Specifications, the Geological Report
recommendations regarding chemical risks analysis and also with chemical risk analysis of the intended
backfill material.

All concrete for panels shall also adhere to Part 2 – NHA Specifications of the present document and
Supplementary Specifications of the project wherever applicable.

1. Immediately before placing the concrete verification shall be made that all moulds, rubber liner surface
(as applicable) and reinforcement shall be clean and free from dust, dirt, water, release agent in excess,
any other deleterious materials etc.
3. The concrete shall be poured without interruption directly from the agitator into the mould by using
appropriate chutes.
A cover made of plywood of the shape of an inverted V can be placed over the handling bars during
concrete pouring. This can avoid loss of time for cleaning and prevent the concrete to be poured directly
over the loops.
4. Concrete shall be compacted using hand vibrators. The vibrators should not be in direct contact with the
rubber liners (as applicable) to avoid damaging them.
From past records, it is evident that with careful use, each rubber liner should last between 350 and 400
panel castings. In case, it is found that the liners have been damaged by contact with vibrators, the
Contractor shall bear the liner replacement costs.
6. For MSE wall Type 3 panels, use a one inch vibrating needle inside the connectors’ frame.
7. After pouring the concrete, verify the position of the attachment loop connectors and adjust as and if
necessary (MSE walls Type 1 and Type 2).
8. Twist the tubes inside the holes occasionally until the concrete sets, and then remove the tubes from the
9. For MSE wall Type 3 panels, once the concrete starts to set, disconnect the frames from the connector
holders. Lift the frame and immediately clean the frame and equipment for further use.
10. For MSE wall Type 3 panels, verify immediately that no concrete debris are inside the C connector.
Remove all debris immediately if necessary.
11. The rear face of the panels shall be hand screeded to eliminate any open pockets of aggregates and
surface distortions in excess of 6.5 mm.


The cleaning of the moulds is essential as the pre-casting operation for the project will continue for months.
In order to ensure a smooth and long lasting pre-casting scheme, a water pressure pump (Karcher type or
similar) should be used to remove all debris from the moulds before each use.

As applicable, cleaning the surface between the mould and the rubber liners may be required occasionally.
The frequency of such cleaning operation shall be conveyed by the Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd representative
on site. Such cleaning operations are necessary as the moulds normally last between 1200 and 1500
castings however the mould surface corrodes with time and some debris may attach to the liners (if used) and
therefore affect the panel patterns.

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i. As soon as the concrete has been poured, the mould should be covered with polyethylene sheet that will
not be in contact with the fresh concrete.

ii. When the concrete sets, it should be cured as per the concrete curing specifications contained in the
NHA General Specifications 1998.

iii. Un-bolt the lifting screws 6 hours after pouring and strike the side shutters. This operation can be done
earlier provided the concrete has achieved a sufficient value. At this stage panels should not be lifted
UNLESS the concrete strength achieved is equal or more than 1500 Psi.

iv. Remove the lifting screws by means of the extractor key.

v. Panel identification shall be indelibly marked on the top side of the panels. The information shall include:
 date of manufacture t ● type of panel
 mould number ● type of cement used
Same information shall be recorded vide example of Quality control sheets attached in Appendix F.



Storage areas shall be flat and properly compacted. If water curing is selected, the area should be
prepared on concrete surface to avoid ground deformation due to the water of the curing (or possible
rains) and to the rolling equipment (forklift, trailers, cranes, etc.).

Such an area should have a small slope to evacuate rain water.

4.5.1.- MSE wall Type 1 and Type 2

Panels shall be lifted upwards by means of two round
bars (slide inside a plastic tube in order to avoid
damaging the connections) through the attachment
loop connectors and a four slings lift rig that ensures
a vertical lift. Slings should be flat type, not chain;
otherwise there will be a risk of hooks sliding along
the tubes, as well as high a risk of damaging the
connections. Care shall be taken not to damage the Panel storage
loops during handling.
Panels shall be transported to the stock yard (flat bed
trailer or forklift; in the case that a forklift is used, all
precautions shall be taken not to damage the
concrete panels).
The bottom panel of the stack shall be placed on two
pieces of timber of minimum section 150 x 150 mm,
1.50 m long and rest on top of plastic spacers or
equivalent neutral material in order to prevent
marking of the concrete facing panel (spots, stains,
mud, etc) during the curing, hardening phases;
The number of panels in each stack shall not
blocking shall be located immediately adjacent to the
exceed 6 (six panels).
inner sides of the attachment loop connectors.

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Other panels shall be stacked on top of each other

using the same appropriate spacers as specified
above; when stacking the panels plastic spacers
should be placed upright vertically at the same place
between each layer of panels. Such spacers protect
the connections from being bent and damaging the
Improper panel storage

Number of panels in each stack shall not exceed 6

4.5.2.- MSE wall Type 3

Panels shall be lifted upwards by means of four flat
webbing slings through the C connectors and a four
sling lift rig that ensures a vertical lift.



The bottom of the stack shall be placed on two

pieces of timber of minimum section 80x80x1500 mm

Upper panels shall be stacked on top of each other

using plywood pads 10 mm thick of minimum
dimensions 100 x 100 mm.

Number of panels in each stack shall not exceed 6.


i. The panels shall be covered with Hessian cloth and kept permanently wet.
ii. The stack of panels should be wrapped with polyethylene sheet in order to minimize the evaporation.
Another option is to make a pool.
iii. In all cases, a permanent monitoring of the wetness of the Hessian cloth is required, especially during
hot weather and/or under windy conditions.
iv. The duration of the curing is usually 7 to 10 days, depending on weather conditions (according to air
v. Any other acceptable curing method may also be used according to standard construction practice after
the intended method has been fully described and duly approved by the Supervising Consultant of the


Maximum tolerance for dimensions of panels shall be ± 5 mm in each direction.
Maximum angular distortion (diagonals) with regard to the height of panels shall be 0.2 degrees or 7 mm in 2
Details of acceptable tolerances are given in Appendix E

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Precast wall components not meeting the quality standard of this section and referenced specifications will be
rejected. In addition, any of the following defects will be sufficient cause for rejection:
- Dimensions outside tolerances stated in Appendix E
- Defects that indicate unsatisfactory molding
- Defects indicating honeycombed or open texture concrete,
- Defects in the physical characteristics such as:
o Signs of aggregate segregation,
o Damaged connections (bare steel exposed) – MSE walls Type 1 and Type 2
o C connections blocked with concrete debris - MSE wall Type 3
o Broken or cracked corners,
o Soil reinforcement/connections devices (i.e. loops) improperly installed or damaged,
o Lifting inserts not useable,
o Exposed reinforcing steel,
o Insufficient cover of reinforcing steel,
o Cracks at the alignment pipe or pin,
o Insufficient concrete compressive strength,
o Precast components thickness in excess of ± 5mm from that shown in the Contract
documents, or
o Stained front face, due to excess form oil, release agent or other reasons.

If the face of the precast component is stained or discolored to the point of rejection, as directed by the
Supervising Consultant, the stain or discoloration may be removed or a Class 5 finish may be applied to attain
a uniform appearance for the entire structure, to the satisfaction of the Supervising Consultant.

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The finished appearance of a Reinforced Earth structure depends largely on the care taken in erecting and
positioning the facing panels. For this reason, particular attention must be paid to the initial course of facing
panels and to backfill placement.

The Contractor shall prepare the formation to the required level as shown on the Construction Drawings. The
foundation for the structures shall be graded level for the width of the highway plus two meters additional on
both sides or otherwise as shown on the approved construction drawings.

Prior to wall construction, except where constructed on rocks, the bearing capacity of the soil under the
structures shall be studied and tested by executing boreholes/test-pits or as recommended by Reinforced
Earth (Pvt) Ltd. Plate bearing tests may be carried out to assess the bearing capacity of the prepared ground.
Bearing Capacity tests by the Plate Bearing method should be carried out with a frequency of at least two for
every reach and one of the tests should be carried out at the highest wall location for the reach.

Results of the investigation shall be forwarded to Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd which will advise on the type of
foundation treatment to be carried out in case of weak soils.

In any case the foundation shall be compacted with vibratory roller, to an average density of not less than
95% of MDD specified by the curve of Modified Proctor Density. The Contractor shall provide test results to
verify this. In no case shall the Reinforced Earth® walls be constructed on soils where the bearing capacity of
the surface is less than 22 KN/m2 (plus live load and appropriate safety factor added to this minimum value)
for each meter height of the Reinforced Earth® wall.

The deformation that a Reinforced Earth structure may be subjected to constitutes one of the advantages
of the process, since it is adaptable to poor foundation conditions where a conventional approach would be
costly. Nevertheless, attention must be paid to appearance, particularly if the embankment is in an urban
area. The foundation surface should therefore be well leveled at the wall face over a width of about 1,0 m.

Foundation evaluation and control are very important. The behaviour and performance of the
structure is largely dependent on the foundation upon which the Reinforced Earth® volume is

Concrete base (no steel reinforcement is required and is made of concrete class A1 i.e. 3000 Psi) shall be of
L shape, the internal angle being the reference line against which the panels shall be placed). Concrete base
(or leveling footing) shall be cured for a minimum 72 hours prior to placing the initial row of panels. However,
no specific minimum strength is necessary to be achieved for the concrete footing before the placing of
panels due to the flexible nature of Reinforced Earth® structures.

The in-situ concrete base for the pre-cast facing panels shall be cast to the level shown on the construction
drawings to a tolerance of +/- 3 mm.

Particular care should be taken in maintaining the correct line and level from the very beginning of the

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STEP 1 – Typical 1.1.- For the length of the wall section to be built,
excavate the site to the depth and width
specified on the Contract Drawings, removing all
unsuitable material and replacing it with
compacted fill, if necessary.

1.2.- Proof roll the foundation to an average density of

not less than 95% of MDD specified by the curve
of Modified Proctor Density.

1.3.- Install drainage systems as required and at the

Supervising Engineer’s discretion

1.4.- Execute the leveling pad with non reinforced

concrete class A1 i.e. 3000 Psi

The leveling pad sets the horizontal and vertical alignment of the wall. It must be in the correct horizontal
position, level and at correct grade.

Setting out points or lines should be established on the top of the in-situ concrete base, and this line should
be referenced to enable the setting out line to be re-established as construction proceeds.

The accuracy of the leveling pad is the key for an efficient, accurate and rapid placement of panels.
If the pad is not leveled, the panels will bind against each other causing spalling of the edges and
corners. Experience has shown that if the wall is not started correctly, the finished product is seldom

Setting out points or lines should be established on the top of the in-situ concrete levelling pad, and this line
should be referenced to enable the setting out line to be re-established as construction proceeds.

The Precast panels shall be transported to site at the contractor’s own risk and utmost care is advised for this
operation to avoid damage to the panels during this operation. Flatbed trucks shall be used to transport the
panels to the construction site. Panels shall be stacked on the flatbeds in the same manner as explained in
Section 4.5 of this document. Once on site, the Panels may be lifted from the Flatbeds and directly placed or
stacked (as per Section 4.5) at site for subsequent placing.

Before panels are placed, they should be carefully checked to ensure that no damage has occurred during
transport and handling, either to the panels themselves or to the panel components.
Place the required number of half panels on the concrete base with appropriate lean back as directed by
Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd and check the following before releasing the crane:

 Dimension from dowel to dowel hole of adjacent panel, by using a template (2m distance to be
 Level of the top of panel
 Level between adjacent panels should be checked (not only on the top of each panel)
 Horizontal alignment, allowing for any backwards lean given to the panels previously.

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STEP 2.- Typical 2.1.- Place the required number of “B” panels
on the concrete base with appropriate lean
back as directed by Reinforced Earth (Pvt)
Ltd and check the following before
releasing the crane:
 Dimension of 2m from dowel to dowel hole
of adjacent panel, by using a template
 Level of the top of panel and level between
adjacent panels should be checked (not only
on the top of each panel)
 Horizontal alignment, allowing for any
Step 2a
backwards lean given to the panels
2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
2.2.- If any adjustments are required, these can
be easily achieved by easing the panel
type "B" type "B" type "B"
with a pinch or crow bar. The use of a
crow bar shall be avoided on the exposed
face of the concrete panels.
Place “B” panels and ensure 2000 mm distance between
centres of dowel holes 2.3.-It is important to place these initial panels
as accurately as possible as any errors in
the bottom row panels, particularly in the
Step 2b vertical alignment, will be amplified at
type "S" type "S"
subsequent levels. If any packing is
required under the panel in order to obtain
the correct alignment, this should consist
type "B"
of "dry pack mortar". Wooden wedges or
blocks should only be used for temporary
Install plastic dowels in holes of “B” panel and slide “S”
transfer of load until the permanent
panels in between “B” panels
packing material has cured.

2.4.- Ensure the stability of the panels by propping the bottom row from the front. To prevent the panels
from falling backwards, some fill can be placed behind the panels up to the lowest row of attachment
loop connectors.
Where a bottom row is left incomplete, ensure that the free end panel is always a “B” panel.

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2.5.- After placing and securing all the bottom panels, recheck the dimensions of dowel hole to dowel hole of
adjacent panels, the level of the tops of the panels and the horizontal alignment of the panels.

A running dimension over at least five panels and five gaps (where possible) should also be checked.

For the first row of panels, one should also check that the difference of level between two adjacent
panels (one full “S” panel and one “B” panel) is equal to the height of the “B” panel.

2.6.- The appropriate amount of lean back to be applied to the panels under item 2.1 will be advised by the
site Technical Assistance advisor from Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd.

2.7.- After placing dowel rods in the “B” panel dowel holes, place, prop and wedge to secure each “S” panel in
its space between the “B” panels and check as before in the sequences outlined in items 2.1 to 2.5.

Timber clamps (typically, 2 clamps per panel) should be used to maintain the alignment of adjacent
panels during fill placing and compaction.

2.8.- After placing all standard panels at one level, again check the alignments in the sequence
outlined in items 2.1 to 2.3. The lean back of the “S” panel should conform to the lean back of
the “B” panels. Then complete the concreting of the “L” shape of the leveling pad against the
panel face.

Particular care will be needed at the "free" end to maintain alignment. The very first panel shall be
propped rear and front side.

Step 2c

type "S"

type "B"

Some tolerance may be used up as the wall is erected so that the 2.0m +/- 2mm centre to centre of
dowel hole will need to be optimized at each level in order to achieve the best fit and yet allow
subsequent rows of panels to be erected at a later stage.

To secure the panels, place hardwood wedges in the panel side joints. One set should be placed in the
vertical joints near the bottom of the panel being secured and a further set near the shoulder. Timber clamps
(typically, 2 clamps per panel) should be used to maintain the alignment of adjacent panels during fill placing
and compaction.

These wedges must not be placed within 150mm of any corner of the panel nor in the horizontal

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2.9.- When all the panels have been aligned both horizontally and vertically, the vertical and horizontal joints
should be caulked with polyethylene foam rod or backed with a strip of non woven Geotextile material
(40 cm or full area) as follows:
The panel joints shall be sealed for blocking of fill material. This shall be achieved as follows:

a. In wall surface where no flooding is anticipated or above H.F.L+1m, packing foam or a 40cm wide
Non-Woven Geotextile shall be placed as suggested by the applicable BBA Certificate 99/R110.
The packing foam shall be closed-cell 25mm +/-3mm diameter. If and where directed by the
Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd technical staff, more than one foam strip will be used to seal the joints.

b. In wall surfaces below H.F.L+1m, a 300 +/- 30 gram Non-Woven Geotextile material shall be used
throughout the wall back.

In case of panels which could be flooded from time to time, the backside of the panels must receive -
through full panel areas – a non woven Geotextile material from the bottom of wall and up to 1 m
above the Maximum Flood Water Level.

3.1a.- MSE wall Type 1 and Type 2
Place and compact the fill material in 250 mm thick
loose layers up to the first layer of soil reinforcement
Ensure that the fill level after compaction is never
lower than the centre of the tie point level. This is
particularly important where post construction
settlements may be expected.

Backfill up to first layer (tie point level) of soil

reinforcement strips (MSE walls Type 1 and Type 2) 3.1b – MSE wall Type 3
Place and compact the fill material in 250 mm thick
loose layers until 50mm below the upper aperture of
the C connector
Ensure that the fill is never lower than specified here

Control over the grading and other properties of fill

should be regularly exercised and backed up with
appropriate laboratory tests. Compaction shall be to
Backfill up to 5 cm of upper opening of C connection an average density of not less than 95% of MDD
(MSE wall Type 3) specified by the curve of Modified Proctor Density.

Fill grading shall show a slope of approximately 5% (from wall to inside) in order to ensure
appropriate drainage of the back side of the panels. The watering of the fill material – as required to
obtain the required OPM (95%) - shall be made with fresh water.

Salty water or sea water must not be used for any reason.

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INDEPENDANT STRIPS 4a.1.- Where local "troughs" or hollows exist-
below the tie point of the soil reinforcing strip
strips, these should be filled in with compacted fill
material prior to placing the soil reinforcement
Measure out, from the back face of the panels, the
width of the structure as shown by the drawings at
that level and lay the rear bars. Commence laying
Place and connect soil reinforcement strips of the synthetic strips by looping it around the rear
MSE wall Type 2
bar allowing a 1.0 meter overlap.
4a.2a – MSE wall Type 2
Pull the synthetic strip towards the panels and
place it around the toggle, with the toggle held by
L = Reinforcing strip length
the two (2) attachment loop connectors, and
continue laying back towards the rear bar.
Loop the synthetic strips around the rear bar and
return towards the panels and the next pair of
attachment loop connectors.
Rear tensioning bar

Repeat this sequence until the synthetic strips has

been loosely laid over the whole area.

2000 overlapping

L/2 L/2

Overlapping to be done
in the rear half of the
Reinforced block
Setting out position of rear tensioning bar

4a.2b – MSE wall Type 3

Remove the fill in front of the connector in order to
access the lower opening of C connector.
Commence laying the synthetic strip by looping it
through the C connector, starting from top
Pull the required quantity of synthetic strip, going
Place and connect soil reinforcement strips towards the rear bar and loop the strip around it.
MSE wall Type 3 Return towards the panel and the next connector.
Repeat this sequence until the synthetic strip has
been loosely laid over the whole area.

4a.3.-.When all the synthetic strip has been loosely laid out, adjust the spacing of the synthetic strip at the
rear bar. Then return to the beginning and commence tightening the synthetic strip as per 4a.2a or 4a.2b
as applicable.

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4a.4.- To connect two lengths of synthetic strip, a lap joint is formed in the rear half of the structure. The lap
should be 2.0 meters long and the two pieces of synthetic strips temporarily secured together with a timber
buckle so that they do not become detached during the subsequent filling operations.

Before connecting two lengths of synthetic strips, it is best to remove the slack from the previously laid
length to avoid the migration of laps along the structure during the final tightening process.

4a.5.- Loop the final length of synthetic strips around the rear bar with a 1.0m overlap and fasten with a
wooden buckle.

4a.6.- Where appropriate, use crowbars to thrust back the rear bar and drive the steel pins into the ground
to hold the tautness so induced.

Typical independent synthetic strips Typical independent synthetic strips

MSE wall Type 3 MSE wall Type 2
4a.7.- After carrying out item 4a.6.-, final tightening of the synthetic strips can commence. This is achieved,
for example, by two or three men working systematically from one end to the other. With one man at the
rear bar and one man at the back of the panels, the synthetic strip is pulled through until all the slack is

4a.8.- Keeping this section of synthetic strips tight, the man at the rear bar pulls the next length of synthetic
strips tight around the rear bar.

The man at the panel position then pulls the next length of synthetic strips tight through the attachment loop
connector. This procedure is repeated for all the synthetic strip lengths until the end is reached.

4a.9.- Care should be taken not to over-tighten the synthetic strips, as this could cause the panels to be
pulled backwards. The objective is to remove all slack and to ensure that the toggle bar is held firmly in the
panel attachment by the tightness of the synthetic strips.

Detail of preparation for looping synthetic

strip through C connection Detail of rear bar and overlapping buckles (typical)
MSE wall Type 3 MSE walls Type 2 and Type 3

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BACK TO BACK STRIPS 4b.1.- Prior to commence laying of synthetic strips, a
small trench (approximately 1-m wide) shall be
prepared at the centreline of the structure. The depth
of the trench should be 10 to 20cm, to be adjusted as
directed by Technical Assistance staff as it’s a
function of the overall behaviour of the elements.

Commence laying the synthetic strip by looping it

around the rear bar positioned at the edge of the
trench, allow a 1.0 meter overlap and secure it
Place and connect soil reinforcement strips together with a timber buckle so that it does not
become detached during the subsequent operations.

1000 1000
L/2 L/2

Rear tensionning


2000 overlapping

L/2 L/2

4b.2a.- MSE wall Type 2

Pull the synthetic strip towards the panels and place it around the toggle, with the toggle held by the 2
attachment loop connectors, and continue laying back towards the opposite panel.

Loop the synthetic strip around the toggle of the opposite panel and return towards the panels and the next
pair of attachment loop connectors.

Repeat this sequence until the synthetic strip has been loosely laid over the whole area.

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4b.2b.- MSE wall Type 3

Commence laying the synthetic strip by looping it through the C connector, starting from top opening.
Pull the required quantity of synthetic strip, going towards the rear bar and loop the strip around it. Return
towards the panel and slide the strip through the upper opening of the C connector then pull the strip toward
the opposite panel and repeat the same operation.

Repeat this sequence until the synthetic strip has been loosely laid over the whole area.

MSE wall Type 3 MSE wall Type 3

4b.3.- To connect two lengths of synthetic strips, an over lap joint is formed in the rear half of the structure.
The lap should be 2.0 meters long and the two pieces of strips temporarily secured together with a timber
buckle so that they do not become detached during the subsequent filling operations.

Before connecting two lengths of synthetic strips, it is best to remove the slack from the previously laid length
to avoid the migration of laps along the structure during the final tightening process.

4b.4.- Loop the initial or final length of synthetic strips around the rear bar with a 1.0m overlap and fasten with
a wooden buckle.

4b.5.- Where appropriate, use crowbars to thrust back the rear bar and drive the steel pins into the ground to
hold the tautness so induced.

4b.6.- After carrying out item 4b.5, final tightening of

the synthetic strips can commence. This is achieved
by back-filling the central trench. The fill material is
carefully deposited on the top of the synthetic strips
and then spread forward and compacted.

4b.7.- The result of the central backfill is the

appropriate tightening of the synthetic strips. This
procedure is repeated for all the synthetic strips
lengths until the end is reached.

The objective should be to remove all slack and to

ensure that the toggle bars are held firmly in the
panel attachment by the tightness of the synthetic

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STEP 5 - Typical 5.1.- Place and compact 1 to 2 layers of fill material

in 250 mm thick loose layers in order to properly
cover and protect the soil reinforcement strips.

Compaction shall be to an average density of not

less than 95% of MDD specified by the curve of
Modified Proctor Density. Control over the grading
and other properties of fill should be regularly
exercised and backed up with appropriate laboratory
Backfill and cover soil reinforcement strips
tests for each backfill layer.

5.2.- Filling can proceed further in layers according to applicable General Technical Specification (refer to Part
2 – NHA Specifications)

The fill material properly watered is carefully deposited (leaving about 1m free area immediately behind the
panels) on the top of the synthetic strips and then spread forward (parallel to the facing panels) then laterally
and compacted to a minimum of 95% MDD. When using a vibrating roller, the mass per metre width of roller
should never exceed 3600 kg, unless the proper approval of Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd has been obtained.

In no circumstance should fill be pushed towards the panels or dumped in the area immediately
behind the panels by dropping from the spreading machine’s bucket..

When the first volume of fill has been placed and spread, then the material immediately behind the panel can
be placed and compaction can proceed.

Tracked" vehicles as well as any other machinery should not run directly on the laid strips.
Under the supervision of the Resident Engineer, density tests shall be carried our regularly over each backfill
layer to control the compaction effectiveness of each different piece of compaction equipment in use.

Within a distance of 40 cm from the back face of the concrete panel, a reduced density (minimum 90% MDD
at optimum moisture content) may be acceptable, ECEPT for the last 50 cm thick layers of fill located directly
below the counterbalance slab.

5.3.- Recheck the alignment of the panels after compaction has been completed. If the panels have rotated
more or less than anticipated, it may be necessary to adjust the lean back of subsequent panels. This check
should only be necessary in the early stages of the erection but it is strongly advised to carry it until
completion of the structure.

Upon alignment checking, if gross misalignment occurs the panels must be dismantled to the level at
which the error has arisen, and erection recommenced.

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STEP 6 - Typical 6.1.- Verify vertical and horizontal alignment and

correct as required.

6.2.- Place plastic dowels in panel holes, and

carefully verify the distance in between two
adjacent dowels holes is 2000 mm ± 2mm.
Correct as necessary.

6.3.- Place EPDM pads on top of lower panels,

Place EPDM pads and plastic dowels and install 2nd

panel layer

2000 2000 2000 2000

EPDM pads
type "S"
dowel 6.4.- Place and brace 2nd course of panels.

type "B" 6.5.- After the newly placed panels have been
checked for line, level and lean back, they are
Place plastic dowels and EPDM pads wedged to those already in situ. Horizontal
and vertical alignment must be related to the
original setting out line.

type "S"

type "S"

type "B"

Install 2nd row of panels

STEP 7.- Typical 7.1.- Fill in the vertical and horizontal joints with
polyethylene foam rod or backed them with a
strip of non woven Geotextile material.

7.2.- Backfill up to 2nd layer of reinforcing strips with

loose layers of 250 mm thickness properly
compacted at 95% MDD.
Backfill up to 2nd layer of soil reinforcing strips METERS FROM PANEL’s BACK FACE

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STEP 8 - Typical STEP 9 - Typical

Repeat procedure as stated for in STEP 4 Repeat procedure as stated for in STEP 5

Place and connect soil reinforcement strips Backfill and cover soil reinforcement strips

STEP 10 - Typical At this stage, for stability purposes, STOP WALL

Backfill up to FGL
ERECTION and perform outside embankment

10.1.- Execute the outside backfill up to –at least -

upper layer of reinforcing strips with loose
layers of 250 mm thickness properly
compacted at 95% MDD.
10.2.- When backfill outside embankment is
completed up to FGL (Finished ground level)
as shown on execution drawings, proceed with
Backfill outside embankment up to FGL
further erection of wall.

STEP 11 - Typical STEP 12 - Typical

Repeat procedure as stated for in STEP 7 Repeat procedure as stated for in STEP 8

After backfill, verify vertical and horizontal

alignments and correct as necessary
compacting compacting
equipment weighing equipment weighing
LESS than 1 ton MORE than 1 ton



Place and connect soil

reinforcing strips


Backfill up to 3rd layer of soil reinforcing strips Place and connect soil reinforcement strips

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STEP 13 - Typical STEP 14 - Typical

Repeat procedure as stated for in STEP 9 Repeat procedure as stated for in STEP 6

After backfill, verify vertical and horizontal

alignments and correct as necessary
Place wooden
compacting compacting Place EPDM pads
equipment weighing equipment weighing
LESS than 1 ton MORE than 1 ton



Backfill and cover soil reinforcement strip Place EPDM pads and install 3rd panel layer

Then repeat procedures from STEP 11 to STEP 14 up to wall completion.

The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the relatively poor effectiveness of small compaction plant such as
vibrating plates and rammers. Where the use of these cannot be avoided, care should be taken to ensure
that the layer thickness used is small enough to ensure that the required density is reached. Particular care
should be taken when compacting in the proximity of units which form corners to structures where space is
restricted but where, nonetheless, adequate required compaction should be achieved.


Immediately upon completion of compaction of any layer of fill, the alignment of panels at the top of the wall
should be checked. Any misalignments which may have occurred must be corrected at this stage before
any further fill is laid. Panels should be freed, repositioned and then re-wedged, and if necessary re-
As a check, the panels should be monitored regularly with a theodolite or laser to pick up any movements
which are approaching the tolerances. In this way corrective measures and action can be taken quickly and
with minimum disruption.
The finished wall shall have an alignment such that there is no point which is out of line by more than 25 mm
on a 3 meter straight edge and +/- 50mm on the overall height of the wall. The horizontal alignment of the
wall shall be within a tolerance of +/- 50mm over the full wall length.
The maximum allowable offset at any panel joint shall be 20mm. Deviation in the position along the length of
the wall shall not be more than +/- 50mm for any one panel from the true position as determined from the
drawings. The horizontal level of any panel shall be within +/- 10mm.

Any panel which is found to be outside these tolerances shall be removed from the wall and realigned unless
agreed otherwise by the System Proprietor and the Supervising Consultant of the Project. The Contractor
shall carry out regular alignment checks on the wall by reference to a fixed datum line and level at foundation

Where the alignment is found to be out of tolerance the advice of the System Proprietor should be sought

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At the end of each day’s operation, the Contractor
shall shape the last level of backfill as to permit runoff
of rainwater away from the wall face or shall provide a
positive means of controlling runoff away from the wall
such as temporary pipes, etc. Failure to do this could
result in wall damage due to hydrostatic pressure or
the erosion of material from around the soil

Wash out from around reinforcement strips


The area in front of the wall and around the leveling pad should be backfilled as soon as practically possible. A
strong rainstorm could cause heavy flow along the wall. This could cause soil erosion and undermining of the
leveling pad and compromising the wall stability.

Before the actual start of construction of the wall, the various parts of the plans (shop drawings, drainage,
lighting, etc.) need to be compared to the contract wall plans to check for conflicts. A conflict may not have
been noticed in the design stage
If the plans show heavy loads on the wall and the shop drawings do not indicate it, the wall supplier should be
questioned. The wall supplier may not have seen a full set of plans. Due to this, he may have missed loadings
from various types of structures.
If he did not take these loads into consideration, the wall could fail. This also can be temporary loads that the
contractor may impose that was not accounted for

Important construction load missed at design stage

Design for drainage structures in the wall mass are

also sometimes missed by the wall supplier. It is not
acceptable to just cut the reinforcement. Sometimes it
is necessary to angle the reinforcement, but never
angle them more than 15 degrees from the
perpendicular to the wall without verifying adequacy
with the wall supplier and engineer of record.

Not proper avoidance of drainage structure

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Retention ponds located next to MSE walls need to be checked. Check that the wall is protected from scour by
the drainage pipes. It has happened on projects where the drainage plans and the wall plans were not
Excavations next to existing MSE Walls can cause settlement problems with the wall. As the area is excavated
in front of the wall the material under the wall moves into the excavation. The wall than settles, this usually
leaves a large gap at the panel joints.

Settlement from excavation

Joint opening from settlement

This can also happen if a trench is dug before or after

erecting a wall and not properly compacting the trench
back fill. As can be seen in adjacent picture a
drainage pipe was installed prior to erecting the wall.
Once the rains came and softened up the soils the
material under the wall moved into the pipe trench that
was not properly compacted. Settlement can also
happen if the wall is built over an old drainage pipe.

Wall failure from exterior excavation

This picture shows a case where a wall was built over

an old drainage pipe. After several years some of the
joints started leaking allowing soil from under the wall
to migrate into the pipe. This resulted in the wall

Settlement from pipe leakage

Once the wall construction has begun care must be taken when excavating near it. An MSE wall is a large
spread footing, when excavations occur close to the wall, a bearing capacity failure could occur. This is
especially true when excavating below the existing water table. Any excavations closer than 3 meters needs to
be analyzed and checked by the District Geotechnical Engineer. Also, if dewatering is planned near the wall, it
should be analyzed and checked by the District Geotechnical

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It is reminded that only the Supervising Engineer (i.e. Resident Engineer) has the power and authority
to enforce the requirements of the plans, specifications and contract documents. The Technical
Assistance provided by Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd is not a supervisory task and does not relieve neither
the Contractor nor the Resident Engineer of their respective obligation to ensure compliance with
necessary Specifications.


Testing of Concrete and its components (sand, cement, water, aggregates, etc.) shall be performed
regularly in full accordance with standard engineering practice, NHA specifications and Supervising
Consultant’s requirement as may be required depending on the equipment used for concrete production
in order to ensure that the quality achieved is regular and complying with requirements.


Minimum bearing capacity of 22kN/m2 (plus live loads and applicable safety factor) shall be ensured at
formation level. For each reach, bearing tests shall be conducted at the start of the section at highest
wall location and then every 100 meters or as directed by the Supervising Consultant in case of short
reaches. In any case at least 2 (two) tests shall be performed for each and any reach.
Prior to starting the execution of backfill behind walls, field density tests at formation level shall be
performed in order to verify that the 95% MDD value is achieved.
A very minimum of four (4) tests shall be performed over the reach length (when less than 300 meter
long) and then 4 (four) additional tests every 300 meters or less, as directed by the Supervising


Source of structural backfill shall be tested in order to verify its compliance with items and as applicable of “Part 2 - Chapter 7 – NHA Specifications” of present document for each of the
following criteria :

- gradation (mechanical and hydrometer) & percentage of fines passing # 200 sieve, Coefficient of
uniformity Cu = D60/D10
- Atterberg limits, plasticity index,
- Friction angle (under slow drained conditions),
- Chemicals with regard to Organic, Chloride, sulfate contents and pH, (as may be applicable)

Then, and prior to laying the material in between walls, additional tests shall be performed at least for
each additional 2000 m3 over a minimum of 3 different samples,
Source of water used for watering prior to compaction shall be tested with regard to chemicals
(Chloride, sulfate contents and pH) every. Changing of water source is not allowed without prior testing
being performed, submitted and approved by the Supervising Consultant.
After the structural backfill is placed behind walls, field density tests shall be performed on each and
every layer. Minimum 95% MDD value shall be achieved.
A minimum of 4 (four) tests shall be performed over the reach length (when less than 200 meter long)
and then a minimum of 4 (four) additional tests every 200 meters or less, as directed by the Supervising
Typically tests shall be performed within a strip 0.5 ~ 1.0 meter from the back face of panels where light
compacting equipment is used.

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Appendix A (page 1/2)


The following is a general checklist to follow when constructing a Mechanically Stabilized Earth wall (MSE wall).
The answer to each of these should be yes unless plans, specifications or specific approval has been given

01. □ □ Has the contractor submitted wall shop drawings?

02. □ □ Has the contractor submitted select backfill certification (showing that it meets the gradation,
density and corrosion and other soil requirements)?

03. □ □ Has the contractor supplied a Certificate of Compliance certifying that the wall materials comply
with the applicable sections of the specifications? Has the contractor supplied a copy of all test
results performed by the Contractor or his supplier, which are necessary to assure compliance
with the specifications?

04. □ □ Has the contractor furnished a copy of any instructions the wall supplier may have furnished?

05. □ □ Have the shop drawings been approved?

06. □ □ Did the contractor receive the correct panels (shape, size and soil reinforcement connection
layout) per the approved shop drawings?

07. □ □ Did the contractor receive the correct reinforcement (proper length and size)?

08. □ □ Have the panels and the reinforcement been inspected for damage as outlined in the

09. □ □ If any panels or soil reinforcement were found damaged have they been rejected or repaired in
accordance with the specifications?

10. □ □ Are the panels and the soil reinforcement properly stored to prevent damage?

11. □ □ Has the MSE wall area been excavated to the proper elevation?

12. □ □ Has the area been proof rolled per the specifications (a minimum of five (5) passes by a roller
weighing a minimum of 8 tons)?

13. □ □ Has all soft or unsuitable materials been compacted or removed and replaced?

14. □ □ If the contractor is using any water in the MSE wall area does it meet the requirements shown in
the specifications?

15. □ □ Has the leveling pad area been properly excavated?

16. □ □ Has the leveling pad been set to the proper vertical and horizontal alignment?

17. □ □ Has the leveling pad cured for a minimum of 72 hours before any panels are set?

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Appendix A (sheet 2/2)


18. □ □ Is the first row of panels properly placed? Do they have proper spacing, bracing, tilt and where
required, do they have the spacers installed?

19. □ □ Has the proper filter fabric and adhesive been supplied?

20. □ □ Is the filter fabric being properly placed over the joints?

21. □ □ Is the adhesive being applied to the panel, than the filter fabric being placed?

22. □ □ Is the filter fabric being stored properly (stored out of the sunlight and protected from UV

23. □ □ Is the contractor using the correct panels (correct size, shape and with the proper number of
connections) for that panel’s wall location and elevation?

24. □ □ Is the fill being placed and compacted in 250 mm thick lifts?

25. □ □ Is the equipment being kept off of the soil reinforcement until a minimum of 250 mm of fill is

26. □ □ Are the lifts being placed by the proper method and sequence

27. □ □ Is the fill being compacted by the correct equipment and in the correct pattern?

28. □ □ Is the proper compaction being met? A minimum of 95% of MDD specified by the curve of
Modified Proctor Density is required.

29. □ □ Is the fill being brought up to or slightly above the soil reinforcement elevation before the
reinforcement are connected?

30. □ □ Is the soil reinforcement being properly connected (connections tight and all of the slack in the
soil reinforcement removed)?

31. □ □ Is the soil reinforcement in the proper alignment?

32. □ □ Is the vertical and horizontal alignment being checked periodically and adjusted as needed?

33. □ □ Is the contractor removing the wooden wedges as per the specifications? (The wooden wedges
shall be removed as soon as the panel above the wedged panel is completely erected and

34. □ □ At the end of each day’s operation is the contractor shaping the last level of backfill as to permit
runoff of rainwater away from the wall face or providing a positive means of controlling runoff
away from the wall such as temporary pipe, etc?

35. □ □ Has the contractor backfilled the front of the wall?

36. □ □ Is the correct coping being installed?

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Appendix B (sheet 1/2)


01. Review approved shop drawings.

02. Review Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Wall Method Statement Handbook.

03. Confirm foundation has been compacted properly in accordance to the specifications.

04. Verify leveling pad elevations.

05. Confirm receipt of Certificate of Compliance from the wall company.

06. Confirm fill material has been tested and approved before it is brought to the job site.

07. Inspect panels.

08. Inspect soil reinforcement for damage.

09. Reject all panels that are not in compliance with the Plans, Execution drawings and specifications.

10. Ensure panels, soil reinforcement and filter fabrics are properly stored to prevent damage.

11. Ensure all piles in the reinforced fill are wrapped with two independent layers of 6 mil plastic with
lubricating oil between the layers.

12. Install panels in accordance to Plans, Execution drawings and specifications.

13. Place and properly compact fill in accordance with Plans, Execution drawings and specifications.

14. DO NOT use thick fill lifts. Fill lifts thicker than 250 mm loose lifts require more energy to compact and
may move the panels out of alignment.

15. Use corner panels at all corners. If corner panels are not indicated on the Plans, Execution drawings, the
designer should be notified.

16. Soil reinforcement should not be skewed more than 15 degrees from normal. If reinforcement needs to be
skewed more than 15 degrees, notify the designer.

17. Check the batter of the panels often. Adjust accordingly. The vertical alignment of the panels below the
panels being installed may be affected by the compaction of the soil behind the panels being installed.

18. Check overall batter regularly.

19. Water for soil compaction shall be in compliance with Specification. NO saltwater or brackish water is to
be used.

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Appendix B (sheet 2/2)

20. When attaching filter fabric to the back of the panels, the adhesive shall be applied to the panel NOT to
the filter fabric.

21. Remove wooden wedges as soon as possible.

22. If precast coping is used, ensure top panels have dowels that will extend into the cast-in-place leveling

23. DO NOT allow excavations in close proximity in front of the wall once the wall construction has started. If
excavations are required in front of the wall, the designer’s approval will be obtained before the
excavation is started. Also, excavations in front of the wall should not be allowed without protection to the
wall (i.e. sheet piles, etc.)

24. Soil reinforcement near the top of the wall shall be parallel to the lifts of fill. Soil reinforcement shall not
extend into the sub-base that may require mechanical mixing.

25. DO NOT CUT soil reinforcement to avoid obstructions without the Reinforced Earth (Pvt) Ltd approval.

26. Place 40 mm thick minimum preformed expansion material between wall panels and cast-in-place

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Appendix C (sheet 1/2)


The following is taken out of FHWA.s Publication .MECHANICALLY STABILIZED EARTH WALLS AND

Table 12. Out-of-Tolerance Conditions and Possible Causes

MSE structures are to be erected in strict compliance with the structural and aesthetic requirements of the Plans,
Execution drawings, specifications, and contract documents. The desired results can generally be achieved
through the use of quality materials, correct construction/erection procedures, and proper inspection. However,
there may be occasions when dimensional tolerances and/or aesthetic limits are exceeded.
Corrective measures should quickly be taken to bring the work within acceptable limits.

Presented below are several out-of-tolerance conditions and their possible causes.

1. Distress in wall: 1.a. Foundation (subgrade) material too soft or wet for
A. Differential settlement or low spot in wall. proper bearing. Fill material of poor quality or not
B. Overall wall leaning beyond vertical alignment properly compacted.
C. Panel contact, resulting in spalling/chipping.

2. First panel course difficult (impossible) to set 2.a. Leveling pad not within tolerance.
and/or maintain level. Panel-to-panel contact
resulting in spalling and/or chipping.

3. Wall out of vertical alignment tolerance 3.a. Panel not battered sufficiently.
(plumbness), or leaning out. 3 b. Large backfill placing (over 250 mm loose
thickness) and/or compaction equipment working
within 2 meters zone of back of wall facing panels.
3 c. Backfill material placed wet of optimum moisture
content. Backfill contains excessive fine materials
(beyond the specifications for percent of materials
passing a No. 200 sieve).
3 d. Backfill material pushed against back of facing
panel before being compacted above reinforcing
3 e. Excessive or vibratory compaction of uniform,
medium-fine sand (more than 60 percent passing a
No. 40 sieve).
3 f. Backfill material dumped to close to free end of
reinforcing elements, then spread toward back of
wall, causing displacement of reinforcements and
pushing panel out.
3 g. Shoulder wedges not seated properly.
3 h. Shoulder clamps not tight.
3 i. Slack in reinforcement to facing connections.

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Appendix C (sheet 2/2)

4. Wall out of vertical alignment tolerance (plumbness) 4.a. Excessive batter set in panels for select granular
or leaning in. backfill material being used.

5. Wall out of horizontal alignment tolerance, or 5.a. See Causes 3c, 3d, 3e. Backfill saturated by
bulging. heavy rain or improper grading of backfill after
each day.s operations.

6. Panels do not fit properly in their intended locations. 6.a. Panels are not level. Differential settlement (see
Cause 1).
6 b. Panel cast beyond tolerances.
6 c. Failure to use spacer bar.

7. Large variations in movement of adjacent panels. 7.a. Backfill material not uniform.
7.b. Backfill compaction not uniform.
7.c. Inconsistent setting of facing panels.

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Appendix D (sheet 1/2)


The governing standard BS 8006 shall be applicable on all Reinforced Earth® works to be carried out.

Pre-cast concrete panels shall be connected to the Geostrap strips using Loops (embedded into
concrete panels) and Toggles. Such fixings shall meet requirements of Tables 6 & 7 of Section 3 of BS
8006. These fixings shall be used with the following corresponding grades as per BBA Certificate No.


Strips Grades (in connection of strips used (in connection of strips used)

2-D Type - Grade 30/50 Type A – Dia. 12 mm Type C – Dia. 25 mm

Steel BS 4449:1997 Steel BS EN 10025:1993
Grade 250 Grade S 355JR
2-D Type - Grade 75/100- Type B – Dia. 12 mm Type D – Dia. 32 mm
Steel BS 4449:1997 Steel BS EN 10025:1993
Grade 250 Grade S 355JR

Connectors with higher grades of steel or better than specified properties may be used in lieu at the
System Proprietor’s own cost.

Tolerances for embedment of loops in the concrete panels:

The spacing in between two adjacent loops shall be :

Center to center 110 mm ± 5 mm (center to center)
Internal distance 98 mm + 5 mm / 98 mm – 3 mm

Any panel found with inappropriate spacing of loops shall be rejected. No remedial works of any kind
are allowed since the required galvanization would be irremediably damaged.

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Appendix D (sheet 2/2)


Steel: to BS 4449:1997 grade 250

Hot dip galvanized: 1000 g/m2 - 140µm thickness to BD 70
Dunois coated with Zn/Al spray mix of 85:15 - 70µm thickness

Steel: to BS EN 10025:1993 grade S355JR

Hot dip galvanized: 1000 g/m2 - 140µm thickness to BD 70
Dunois coated with Zn/Al spray mix of 85:15 - 70µm thickness

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Appendix F (sheet 1/3)



PROJECT :………………………………………………………………………………………………………..DATE : ……….…/……….…/……….…

Standard Panel type : ……………………………………………… Special Panel type………………………………………………………

CHECKED BY…………………………………...……………………….. APPROVED BY……………………………………………..…………………

PRIOR TO CONCRETE (Tick appropriate boxes and fill as required)

Mould dimensions requirements Comments

1a Diagonal Length required Length measured
1b Diagonal Length required Length measured
1c Moulds dimensions complying with tolerances Yes No
2 Side shutters adjusted and tight Yes No
3 Rebar correctly fitted as per drawing Yes No
4 Release Agent applied (but not on rebar) Yes No
5 Correct grade of Release Agent Yes No
6 Loops fitted and of correct grade Yes No
7 Cover as drawings to rebar Yes No
8 Steel dowels inserted and greased Yes No
9 Spacing of loops verified and correct Yes No
10 Spacing between dowels verified at 2000 mm Yes No
STOP POINT: If one of the above checks is not met, correct before proceeding further
11 Concrete still in time since batched Yes No
12 Correct concrete grade Yes No
12b Cement used SRC OPC
13 Correct workability Yes No
14 Vibration good Yes No
15 Concrete filled to concrete level Yes No
16 Verification that Loops are correctly re- Yes No
positioned after concreting at 110 mm c.c.
17 Identification markings on panels Yes No
18 Curing Agent applied Yes No
STOP POINT : If one of the above checks is not met, correct before proceeding further
Comments:(as required use another page for comment clarification allowing proper understanding )


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Appendix F (sheet 2/3)



PROJECT :…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. DATE : ……….…/……….…/……….…

Standard Panel type : ……………………………………………………… Special Panel type…………………………………………………………

CHECKED BY…………………………………...……………………….. APPROVED BY………………………………………………………………

MOULD DIMENSIONS CHECKS Reference of measurement

Diagonal 1 Diagonal 2

(Tick appropriate boxes and fill as required)

Panel # Mould # Cement type Measurement of diagonal Loops positions
Diagonal 1 Diagonal 2 Distance Loop position as
SRC OPC between per drawing
loops (c.c.)
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No


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Appendix F (sheet 3/3)



PROJECT :………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. DATE : ……….…/……….…/……….…

TOP OF PAD LEVEL:………………………………….CHAINAGE:from………………………………..To……….…………….…………..……

BACKFILL LAYER LEVEL:………………………………………………………PANEL ROW NUMBER:………………………………………

APPLICABLE DRAWING #:………………………………………………………………………………………………Edition #…………..…………….

CHECKED BY…………………….……………………………………………………………..
(Items below to be verified, as applicable depending of stage of construction – Tick appropriate boxes)
Operation Comment
1 Levelling pad : cube test taken Yes No
2 Levelling pad : curing Yes No
3 Levelling pad : level (+/- 3mm) Yes Rectify
STOP POINT: a very well levelled concrete will help for accurate erection of panels.
4 Panels placed according to approved drawing Yes No
5 Panels verticality, first row propped Yes No
6 Top of panels at same level(spirit level / instrument) Yes Rectify
7 Horizontal alignment (visual check / instrument) Yes Rectify
STOP POINT: If one of the above checks is not met, correct before proceeding.
8 Bituminous paint at rear face of panels (as applicable) Yes No
9 Layers of backfill identified at rear face panel. Yes No
10 Toggle type (*) per connection Type C D
11 Strip grade grade KN
12 Strip required for relevant section L= m or back to back
13 Strip in tension Yes No
14 Overlapping of Strip length m
15 Foam sealer in vertical joints Yes No
16 Rubber pads on top of panels Yes No
17 Foam sealer in horizontal joints Yes No
18 Geotextile required and placed Yes No
STOP POINT: If one of the above checks is not met, correct before backfilling.
19 Backfill source approved Yes No
20 Backfill placed away from wall Yes No
21 Back fill compaction away from wall (big roller) Yes No
22 Backfill compaction 2 m wide band close to wall (hand Yes No
23 Backfill compaction tests performed Yes No
(provide location of tests and results on separate sheet)
Comments:(as required use another page for comment clarification allowing proper understanding )

(*) Toggles : Strip grade 30 kN / 50kN  1 No toggle type C 30 kN / 50 kN (diameter 25 mm)

Strip grade 75 kN / 100 kN  1 No toggle type D 75 kN / 100 kN (diameter 32 mm)

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This work shall consist of constructing retaining walls using a proprietary Mechanically Stabilized
Earth (MSE) system in accordance with the Manufacturer’s drawing and specifications and in
conformity with the project drawings. The MSE wall system must be designed and supplied by a
specialty firm hereinafter referred to as the Principal System Proprietor who will be responsible for
design and will provide necessary technical assistance.

Any particular requirements of the detailed specifications for the approved proprietary system shall
override any conflicting or incompatible requirement contained within this section.

Technical Assistance for proper execution of all works related to the construction of Reinforced
Earth Walls shall be the responsibility of the Principal System Proprietor. All method statements for
works under this Item shall be provided by the Principal System Proprietor and should conform to
the Principal System Proprietor’s proprietary and certified MSE system.

Proper execution of all works related to the construction of Reinforced Earth® Walls shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor who shall strictly follow the Method Statement Manual as supplied to
him by the Principal System Proprietor.

All works under this Specification shall be carried out on recommendations of the Principal System
Proprietor and after approval from the Supervising Consultant.

The design shall address the climatic and soil conditions existing at site and provides a design life
equal to the requirement of design life of the other structures being designed for the project up to
maximum 120-years.
The design shall be made in accordance with the Engineering Data provided by the Supervising
Consultant/Employer or the Contractor (as applicable). The responsibility for the adequacy of
design remains with the Principal System Proprietor within the data supplied.

The design shall be in accordance to the British Standard BS 8006 and the British Board of
Agreements (BBA) Certificates No. 99/R110 & 99/R106.
The Designer may choose to follow the latest applicable British, AASHTO or French Norms codes
but irrespective of such choice, the design shall meet the requirements of the AASHTO
specifications for MSE walls.
The minimum vertical Live Load allowed in the design shall be in accordance to AASHTO / LRFD
HL 93 or the equivalent BS standards.

The design of wall coping and the counterbalance slab shall be provided by the Reinforced Earth
Principal System Proprietor and approved by the Supervising Consultant.

When the bridge superstructure loads are to be carried by the Reinforced Earth in lieu of
substructures such as piles, etc, the design of the same shall be carried out accordingly.

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The following standards and codes shall be applied to works covered by this specification where
applicable together with the system specifications and the propriety system license of the Principal
System Proprietor. The recommendations of the Principal System Proprietor’s system license from
the European/American Technical Approval boards shall override the standards mentioned
BS 8006 BS 5400 BS 4449
BS 4483 BS EN 10025 S355JR NF P 94-210 (1994)

7.4.1 General

The Contractor shall make his own arrangements with the Principal System Proprietor to provide all
necessary materials to complete the works under these specifications.

In order to safeguard the Reinforced Earth structures against any corrosion, galvanized metallic
system components may only be used if the backfill complies with requirements of both sections and In all other cases, only dunois-coated metallic or synthetic components shall be

7.4.2 Concrete Facing Panels

Concrete shall be Class “D1” (minimum compressive strength 35 Mpa (i.e. 5000 Psi) at 28 days) for
walls Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3. The Contractor shall provide routine concrete tests under the
supervision of the Supervising Consultant to verify this for every day of production.
Sulphate resisting cement shall be used in concrete mix design where sulphates contents in backfill
or soil in contact with concrete, exceed the allowable limits, as per General Specifications.

Rubber liners may be used to cast a pattern on the concrete facing panels to give an aesthetically
appealing finish. Facing patterns may also be formed by using metallic dyes (either built-in or
attached to the moulds).
Water based release agent as suggested and approved by the Principal System Proprietor shall be
sprayed on the Rubber Liners (in quantity suggested by the Manufacturer and approved by the
Principal System Proprietor) to ensure safe use of Liners and smooth de-moulding / striking after
concrete in mould has cured to the strength suggested by the Principal System Proprietor. Strict
compliance to to the Method Statements issued by the Principal System Proprietor shall be ensured
and damaged moulds and/or liners due to non-compliance to the Method Statements shall be made
good or the liners replaced by the Contractor at his own cost.

The rear face of the panels shall be coated with bitumen in case the backfill used does not comply
with both sections and of these specifications, i.e. whenever the fill only complies
with section and synthetic or dunois-coated Reinforced Earth systems are used. The
bitumen coating shall consist of 2 coats of hot bitumen grade 10/20 @ 1.0 kg/sq.m per coat.

The rear face of the panel shall be roughly screeded to eliminate open pockets of aggregates and
surface distortions in excess of 6.5mm.

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Maximum Tolerance for dimensions of the panels shall be 5mm in each direction. Maximum
angular distortion with regards to the height of the panels shall be 0.2 Degrees or 7-mm in 2-meters.
(refer to tolerances to panels dimensions in Appendix E attached).

All Panels shall be handled and stored in accordance with the Principal System Proprietor’s
recommendations and in such a manner as to eliminate the danger of chipping, cracking and
fracturing. Panels in storage shall be supported on firm blocking located immediately adjacent to
tie-strips to avoid damage to these tie-strips.

Joint spacing and details for expansion, contractions, and construction and control joints shall be as
recommended by the Principal System Proprietor.

Panel identification shall be indelibly marked on the top side of the panels. The information shall
o date of manufacture
o type of panel
o mould number
o type of cement used

Facing panels shall be subject to rejection by the Supervising Consultant or the Principal System
Proprietor Technical Assistance staff if not in conformance with these specifications or if any of the
following defects are evident by visual inspection:

o Defects that indicate imperfect corners,

o Defects indicating honeycombed or open texture concrete,
o Defects and cracks due to improper curing,
o Damaged galvanization due to bent loops,
o Incorrect spacing between connection loops.

It is the Contractor’s responsibility to repair any damaged panel with an approved bond resin
product, providing the repair is not visible from the external side of the wall. The repair shall be
approved by the Supervising Consultant or the Principal System Proprietor’s Technical Assistance
staff prior to its execution.

7.4.3 Wall Coping, Barrier & Counterbalance Slab

Concrete for wall coping & counterbalance slab shall be class A2 (280 kg/ compressive
cylinder strength). The wall coping and the counter balance slab system (including any stitch beam)
shall use approximately 1.15 m3 of concrete and approximately 100 kg of grade 60 steel as per
AASHTO M31 per running meter length of wall.

However, the design of the coping and the counterbalance slab as provide by the Principal System
Proprietor and approved by the Supervising Consultant shall be followed.

7.4.4 Reinforcing Steel

All reinforcing steel in the facing panel, wall coping, and counterbalance slab shall be Grade 60 as
per AASHTO M31 and as specified on the project drawings.

The minimum cover shall be 75mm minimum on the rear face of the panels in contact with soil, 60
mm for the front side or as specified by the drawings issued by the Principal System Proprietor.

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7.4.5 Concrete Footing / Concrete Leveling pad

The concrete (un-reinforced) for the leveling footing shall be of class “A1” (minimum compressive
cylinder strength 210 kg/ at 28 days). The leveling pad shall use approximately 0.10 m3 of
concrete per running meter of pad.
The Principal System Proprietor shall provide the final design of the leveling pad.
The concrete shall be cured for a minimum of 72 hours or as suggested by the Principal System
Proprietor prior to the placing of the panels on it.

7.4.6 Soil Reinforcement

The soil reinforcement shall be in accordance to the Principal System Proprietor’s certified MSE
system. Only use of soil reinforcement approved by the European/American Technical approval
bodies and having a minimum track record of 15 years shall be allowed. Synthetic Soil Reinforcement

The synthetic soil reinforcement shall be manufactured in accordance with BBA 99/R110 and shall
conform to the following:

a. The synthetic soil reinforcement shall comprise of polyester tendons encased in a polyethylene
sheath and shall be manufactured in four grades as given below:

Strip Grade
Coil Length Min Weight Nominal Width Nominal Thickness
(Short term tensile
(m) +/-0.2 (Kg) (mm) (mm)
Strength) kN
30 100 14.7 85 2.2

50 100 22.7 90 3.5

75 100 29.7 90 4.7

100 100 36.5 90 6.0

b. The synthetic soil reinforcement shall be made from high-tenacity polyester fiber concentrated
into separate bundles and coated with polyethylene using a vacuum die-coating process.

c. Factory production control shall be undertaken by the manufacturer throughout all stages of
manufacturing with checks on :

i. Incoming Material
ii. Yarn Feeds
iii. Manufacturing Temperatures
iv. Sheath Widths
v. Length & Weights of Coils
vi. Mechanical Properties

d. Synthetic soil reinforcement must be stored away from sun light exposure in appropriate
covered storage area until they are used and laid on ground before backfill.

1- FREYSSISOL - Method statement - Rev.8 - 25.05.14 Page 62 / 81 Metallic Soil Reinforcement (Galvanized or Dunois-coated)
The metallic soil reinforcement shall be High adherence Strips manufactured in accordance with
BBA 99/R106 and shall conform to the following:

The Metallic Soil Reinforcements (High Adherence Strips) shall be manufactured from galvanized
hot rolled strips withy Transverse Ridges. These shall be according to BS EN 10025:1993 Grade
S355JR with minimum tensile, bearing and shear strength of 490 N/mm2, having a silicon content of
not less than 0.25% and not more than 0.35%.

After fabrication, the High Adherence Strips shall be hot-dip galvanized top BS 729 1971 (1994) and
the average Zinc coating shall not be less than 1000 gr/m2.
The Metallic Soil Reinforcements may otherwise be Dunois-coated with Zn/Al spray mix of 85:15
and a coating thickness of 70 microns.
The High Adherence Strips shall further comply with the following:

Nominal width Nominal thickness Design Strength TD (kN) (1) (2)

(mm) (mm) Main body Connection

405HA 40 5 38.8 24.0

504HA 50 4 37.1 25.9

455HAR 45 5 43.9 42.2

(1) Assumes a design life of 120 years

(2) Includes for partial factor fn = 1.1. to allow ramifications as per BS 8006:1995 Table 3
(3) Connection capacity limited by Panel Lug

Quality control checks on High Adherence Strips during manufacture include chemical analysis,
tensile tests and zinc tests and shall be carried out by the Principal System Proprietor who shall
provide an affidavit to the Supervising Consultant for the same.

7.4.7 Fixings (Panel to soil reinforcement connectors)

The soil reinforcements shall be connected to the pre-cast concrete facing panels by fixings as
follows. However, as the fixings for the Reinforced Earth technology are evolving globally, the
Principal System Proprietor may provide an alternate system of fixings under Guarantee. Fixings for Synthetic Soil Reinforcement or Dunois-coated Metallic Soil Reinforcement

Synthetic soil reinforcements may be connected to the panels using either of the following as
provided in the design and drawings issued by the Principal System Proprietor.

a. BS EN 10025 Grade 250 (loops) and Grade 355JR (toggles) and hot dip galvanized with a
minimum of 1000 g Zinc/m2 or 140 µm thickness in accordance with BD 70 as provided by
BBA certificate 99/R110.

b. Loops made out of the material used to manufacture Synthetic Soil Reinforcement as
provided in above and toggles manufactured using fiber glass or steel encased in a
protective coating.

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c. Loops made out of the material used to manufacture Synthetic Soil Reinforcement as
provided in above and toggles manufactured using Grade 355JR steel encased in
Dunois coating of Zn/Al spray mix of 85:15 and a coating thickness of 70 microns.

d. BS EN 10025 Grade 250 (loops) and Grade 355 JR (toggles) encased in Dunois of Zn/Al
spray mix of 85:15 and a coating thickness of 70 microns.

e. The Panel Lugs cast into the Panels shall be as per BS EN 10025 Grade 355JR with
minimum tensile, bearing and shear strength of 510 N/mm2 having a silicon content of not
less than 0.25% and not more than 0.35%. After fabrication, the panel Lugs shall be Dunois
coated with Zn/Al spray mix of 85:15 and a coating thickness of 70 microns. Other properties
of the Lugs shall be as per section below. Fixings for Metallic Soil Reinforcement (Galvanized with Zinc alone)

Metallic oil reinforcement may be connected to the facing panels using Panel Lugs and bolts as per
BBA certificate 99/R106 as follows:
The Panel Lugs cast into the Panels shall be as per BS EN 10025 Grade 355JR with minimum
tensile, bearing and shear strength of 510 N/mm2 having a having a silicon content of not less than
0.25% and not more than 0.35%

After fabrication the Panel Lugs shall be hot-dip galvanized to BS 729 1971 (1994) and the average
Zinc coating shall not be less tan 1000 g/m2.

The Panel Lugs shall be bolted to the Soil Reinforcement Strips using 12 mm diameter steel alloy
bolts conforming to BS 3692:1967 grade 10.9 or BS EN 24014:1992 grade A and BS EN 20898-
1:1992, hot dip galvanized to BS 729:1971 (1994). The nuts for the bolts shall comply to steel alloy
BS 3692:1967 grade 8 or BS 24032:1992 style 1, grade A and BS EN 20898-2:1994, hot dip
galvanized to BS 729:1971 (1994.

Further more nominal; properties of the Panel Lugs shall be as follows:

Nominal width (mm) Nominal thickness (mm) Design Strength TD (kN)

45 4 42.2

7.4.8 Joint Fillers (Geotextile, Sealing Foam & EPDM Pads)

Filler for vertical and horizontal joints between panels shall be:

- Flexible open cell polyethylene foam strips (25mm ± 2 mm) or thermally bonded, non-
woven polypropylene Geotextile grade T6 unless otherwise noted on the approved
construction drawings.

At the base of each facing panel (except the bottom panels resting on the concrete leveling pad), a
toothed bearing pad shall be placed having a minimum cross-section of 22mm by 70mm. The
bearing pads shall conform to TA2000 standard A405 and meet the following requirements:

Composition 30 to 40% EPDM grade 989T

15 to 20% Plastifying agent
45 to 50% Carbon filler

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Main characteristics Minimum density 1.15
Hardness 80 ± 5 Shore A
Minimum strength at failure 12 MPa
Minimum strength upon shear failure 0.35 MPa

The EPDM bearing pads shall be conform to the following requirements when compression load
tests are carried out sandwiching the EPDM bearing pads in two concrete class D1 (350 kg/cm2)
blocks of 100mm x 100mm x 300mm.

Applied load (kN) Minimum Deformation (mm) Maximum Deformation (mm)

0 0.0 0.0
10 1.5 4.5
20 3.0 7.0
40 5.0 9.5
60 6.0 10.5
80 7.0 11.0
100 8.0 12.0
120 8.5 12.5
140 9.0 13.5

7.4.9 Selected Reinforced Earth Fill

The Reinforced Earth® Fill shall be compacted to 95% MDD from formation level to the top of wall.
However, in case the General specifications require a higher compaction level in any zone, the
same shall be achieved.

The Contractor shall exercise regular quality control over all fill material used in the MSE structures
under direct supervision of the Supervising Consultant. Any material which is unsuitable and does
not comply with the specified requirements shall not be used.

The Reinforced Earth backfill shall comply with the following requirements: Fill with Synthetic or Metallic Dunois coated Soil Reinforcement and/or Synthetic or
Dunois coated Connectors (Fixings)

a. Non-Plastic
b. Free from organic or otherwise deleterious materials
c. Maximum size of particles 75 mm
d. Maximum 15% passing No 200 sieve
e. Coefficient of uniformity Cu = D60/D10 ≥ 5
f. Minimum angle of shearing resistance Ф ≥ 36º, tested (on full spectrum of backfill material)
with shear box under slow drained conditions translating into coefficient of friction between fill
and soil reinforcement µ ≥ 0.65

1- FREYSSISOL - Method statement - Rev.8 - 25.05.14 Page 65 / 81 Fill with Galvanized Soil Reinforcement and/or Galvanized Connectors (Fixings)

In case Metallic Soil Reinforcement and/or Fixings (Galvanized with Zinc alone) are used, the
Reinforced Earth fill shall, in addition to requirements of, comply with the additional

g. The pH value shall be between 5 and 10

h. The chemical limits (inclusive of water used in laying and compaction) shall be as follows:


Maximum chloride content ≤ 0.02% ≤ 0.01%
Maximum soluble sulfate content ≤ 0.10% ≤ 0.05%
Maximum sulfite content ≤ 0.03% ≤ 0.01%
Minimum resistivity (saturated) ≥ 1000 ≥ 3000
Minimum resistivity (in situ) ≥ 5000 ≥ 5000
Minimum Redox Potential ≥ 0.4 volt ≥ 0.4 volt


7.5.1 Foundation preparation

The foundation for the structures shall be graded level for a width equal or exceeding the length of
reinforcing strips or otherwise shown on the approved construction drawings.

Prior to wall construction, and except where constructed on rocks, the bearing capacity of the soil
under the structures shall be studied and tested by executing boreholes/test-pits or other tests as
recommended by the Principal System Proprietor.

Results of the investigation shall be forwarded to the Principal System Proprietor of the proprietary
MSE system who will advise on the type of foundation treatment to be carried out in case of weak

In any case the foundation shall be compacted with vibratory roller, to an average density of not less
than 95% of MDD specified by the curve of Modified Proctor Density. The Contractor shall provide
test results to verify this.

It should be noted that the Reinforced Earth structures require approximately minimum of 22 kN/m2
(at serviceability limit state) of allowable bearing capacity per meter height of the wall.
Anticipated live loads should be added as per selected design code. The actual; bearing capacity to
be proven by testing shall be a minimum of the calculated imposed bearing pressure times the
appropriate factor of safety required by the selected design n Standard.

7.5.2 Erection of Concrete Facing Panels

Precast facing panels shall be aligned vertically as per the Principal System Proprietor’s
recommendations. Panels shall be placed in successive horizontal lifts in the sequence shown on
the approved plans as backfill placement proceeds.

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As fill material is placed behind the panels, the panels shall be maintained in vertical position by
means of clamps placed at the junction of adjacent panels and temporary wooden wedges placed in
the horizontal of vertical joint at the junction of the two adjacent panels on the external side of the
wall. External bracing may also be required for the initial lifts.

The finished wall shall have an alignment such that there is no point which is out of line by more
than 25 mm on a 3 meter straight edge and +/- 50mm on the overall height of the wall. The
horizontal alignment of the wall shall be within a tolerance of +/- 50mm over the full wall length.
The maximum allowable offset at any panel joint shall be 20mm. Deviation in the position along the
length of the wall shall not be more than +/- 50mm for any one panel from the true position as
determined from the drawings. The horizontal level of any panel shall be within +/- 10mm.

Any panel which is found to be outside these tolerances shall be removed from the wall and
realigned unless agreed otherwise by the System Proprietor and the Supervising Consultant of the
Project. The Contractor shall carry out regular alignment checks on the wall by reference to a fixed
datum line and level at foundation level.

Where the alignment is found to be out of tolerance the advice of the System Proprietor should be
sought immediately.

7.5.3 Backfill placement

Backfill placement shall closely follow the erection of each lift of panels. At each reinforcement level,
backfill should be roughly leveled with a percentage shown on the construction drawings before
placing and attaching reinforcements. Backfill shall be placed as per the specifications, except that
the maximum lift thickness shall not exceed 250 mm loose and shall closely follow panel erection.
The Contractor shall decrease this lift thickness if necessary to obtain the specified density.

At the end of each day’s operations, the Contractor shall shape the last level of backfill so as to
permit run-off of rain water away from the wall face. Backfill compaction shall be accomplished
without disturbance or distortion of reinforcement and panels.

Compaction in a strip one meter wide adjacent to the rear side of the wall shall be achieved with
light compactor and after the compaction of the remaining area has been carried out.

Under no conditions, any plant or equipment weighing more than 1-ton shall be brought within 2-
meter of the facing panels during the course of works but the contractor will achieve the required
compaction as specified in 7.4.9.

The Contractor shall provide compaction tests for every layer of backfill in place as per General

When drainage material is required, a geotextile membrane shall be used between the drainage
material and the selected backfill.

Any wall protection measures recommended by the Principal System Proprietor such as earth fill
outside the wall at the base or Rip-rap, etc. shall be executed either prior to the wall construction or
simultaneously with it. In no case shall these protective works be left for construction after the wall
is erected.

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The overall objective of this plan is to establish the concept that safety is our priority on site. All
project safety and loss control efforts shall be directed towards the avoidance of personal injuries
and damage to property, and minimizing the effects of incidents on both the individuals and on the
This plan describes the basic requirements regarding safety management to protect all personnel
engaged in the project from working conditions that are dangerous to their health and safety, and
establishes a practical and effective program for the prevention of and response to accidents.
8.3. Health and safety
Contractor has a general duty to ensure the health and safety of workforce while at work. In
particular they must take all practicable steps to:

 Provide necessary training and awareness to mitigate risks and hazards involved in work

 Provide and maintain a safe working environment

 Provide and maintain facilities for the safety, health and welfare of workers

 Ensure that machinery and equipment is selected, designed, made, set up, operated and
maintained to fulfil the safety requirements.

 Ensure that workers are protected from hazards in the course of their work

 Provide procedures to deal with emergencies that may arise while workers are at work

Information contained in these safety instructions is given in good faith. These recommendations
however, do not relieve the Contractor of his obligation to ensure compliance with national and
international as well as corporate environmental, occupational safety and health standards. The
Contractor should not overrule any site safety procedures.

8.4. Before commencing work on a project,

The entire workforce must be informed by their employer of:

 Emergency procedures

 Hazards that may be exposed to workers while at work

 Hazards they may create while at work that could harm other people

 The location and correct use of personal protective and safety equipments

Contractor is also responsible for the health and safety of people other than his workers and must
take all necessary steps to ensure that work activities do not harm third party in entire course of
work (including members of the public or visitors to the workplace).

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8.5. Designation of competent person

The contractors and subcontractors have to designate a competent person (safety officer/manager)
to implement and enforce the safety requirements on site. A competent person must be on site
whenever they have employees working on site until the completion of their work. They shall not
relinquish or defer responsibility for project safety to other employees/supervisor at any time under
any circumstances.
8.6.1. Training and Indoctrination: New Employee Indoctrination
The new employee will be provided with safety and health indoctrination by the competent person in
the recognition and control of unsafe conditions and work practices applicable to their immediate
work environment prior to the start of his work. After safety induction he will be issued with a site
access card clearly marked with his trade and it shall be worn on site all the time. No workers
should be allowed to work on site without having requisite safety training first. Special emphasis education and trainings
Upon recognition and evaluation of hazards not dealt with in routine, orientation programs / special
emphasis programs shall be planned and implemented.
8.6.2. Meetings Daily Morning gathering / Tool box talk
Site supervisor with all workers of the site shall conduct morning assembly on jobsite. Apart from
assigning daily work activities, upcoming risk and their control along with safety conditions shall be
discussed with site safety supervisor. This meeting must be necessary for the entire staff engaged
on site work. Supervisors Weekly Safety Meetings
All supervisors will hold weekly safety meetings with all foremen and team leaders. The agenda for
the meetings should include a review of any near miss, accidents, special conditions and potential
hazards anticipated in any new work. Monthly Meeting
Each month safety patrols of the sites shall be conducted with safety committee which may consist of
the representatives of all contractor/s, sub-contractors engaged in project along with consultant and
client. A detailed assessment of site unsafe condition and acts shall be recorded during patrol and
corrective actions against those unsafe conditions / acts shall be identified in the meeting. Corrective
measures for unsafe work conditions or any instructions regarding safety suggested by mutual
agreements of all the parties and actions taken by relevant party within said time frame shall be
documented in MoM of the meeting and reviewed in next follow-up monthly meeting.
All contractors on the project will have responsibilities to avoid unsafe working conditions and acts
through establishing the policy that the commission of unsafe acts and safety violation will not be
tolerated on the project site.
If it deems necessary to stop work being performed due to the nature of a violation, work will be
stopped until the working party corrects the violation. Any costs incurred by the stoppage of work due
to the safety and health violation will be the sole responsibility of the violating party.
When violations of the safety requirements are observed, the following disciplinary actions may be

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First offense: the offending party shall be informed verbally for immediate correction. It is their sole
responsibility to devise and implement the correction. (Mentoring will take place if necessary). This
should be recorded in daily safety report.
Second offense: The offending party will be issued a written reprimand. A meeting shall be
conducted with their supervisor, safety officer and project team. The meeting should conclude in a
documented agreement outlining the intended corrective action and timeframe for implementation.
Third offense: The offending party/person shall be removed from the worksite. Non Compliance Action Procedure
Every time the Client, the consultant or the contractor observes a non-acceptable safety situation on
site, they will be able to call an urgent meeting to discuss the observed matter. The executing
contractor’s presence during this meeting will be compulsory and the final decision from the client
concerning the meeting purpose will be followed.
Contractor, Subcontractors are responsible to immediately notify for all near miss, incidents including
personal injuries and work related illness, project property losses or damages, or involving the public
or their property.
8.6.5. FIRST AID:
An appropriate sized First Aid box shall be provided with adequate stock and maintained. First-aid
box shall be easily accessible to all workers and protected from the weather effects.
First-aid box locations and competent persons to use it shall be clearly marked and distributed
throughout the site.
The contents of the first aid kits shall be kept sterile, checked by the responsible person prior to their
use on site and at least every month when work is in progress to ensure that they are complete, in
good condition, and have no expiries.
8.7.1. Drinking Water
An adequate supply of potable water shall be provided in all places of employment for drinking, cool
drinking water during hot weather.
Only approved potable water systems may be used for the distribution of drinking water.
Portable drinking water dispensers shall be designed, constructed, and serviced to ensure sanitary
conditions; shall be capable of being closed; and shall have a tap.
Any container used to distribute drinking water shall be clearly marked “Drinking Water” and may not
be used for other purposes.
Open containers such as barrels, pails, or tanks, or any container (whether with or without a fitted
cover) from which the water is dipped or poured are prohibited for drinking water.
8.7.2. Non-Potable Water
Outlets dispensing non-potable water shall be visibly posted "Caution - Water Unsafe for Drinking or
There shall not be any cross-connection, open or potential, between a system furnishing potable
water and a system furnishing non-potable water.
8.7.3. Toilets
Toilets shall be present in all places of employment and shall contain the following:
Each toilet shall be equipped with running water, All water tanks and supply lines shall be provide in
a way to avoid effects of extreme weather either cold or hot on stored and running water.
Hand soap or similar cleansing agents shall be provided;
Toilet facilities shall be constructed so that the interior is lighted;
Provisions for routinely servicing and cleaning all toilets and disposing of the sewage shall be
established before placing toilet facilities into operation and shall be cleaned, maintained regularly in
good order.
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8.7.4. Washing facilities:

Washing facilities shall be provided near toilet facilities and as needed to maintain healthful and
sanitary conditions.
Each washing facility shall be maintained in a sanitary condition and provided with running water.
All water tanks and supply lines shall be provide in a way to avoid effects of extreme weather either
cold or hot on stored or running water.
Washing facilities shall also be in close proximity to the worksite and equipped with showers for
persons engaged in the application of paints, coatings, cement or other operations where
contaminants may be harmful, to enable employees to remove such substances if contacted with
8.7.5. Food Service
All cafeterias, mess facilities, and employee food service facilities on projects shall be established,
operated, and maintained in accordance with sound health and hygienic principles. Eating at worksite
other than food service area shall be prohibited.
8.7.6. Waste Disposal
An adequate number of waste containers shall be provided in a food service area for the disposal of
waste food. Waste Containers for food service area shall be provided of smooth, corrosion-resistant,
easily cleanable, or disposable materials, with solid tight-fitting covers. It shall be emptied at least
daily and maintained in a sanitary condition.
Suitable waste locations must be established with waste containers for the work site other than food
service area.
8.7.7. Rest Facilities during hot weather
Rest areas with cool, shaded, adequate fans, benches and space shall be established for the
workers to provide frequent breaks in hot weather at site.
Develop work / rest rotation of workers depending on work type and temperature.
Ensure Space is adequate and is according to number of workers on the site area, ensure fresh, cool
drinking water is available at all times.
Educate all workers to understand heat related problems, early symptoms, monitoring and control.
8.7.8. Smoking Area
Smoking on construction sites is a potential safety hazard and can compromise the safety of
construction workers; it shall be strictly prohibited at all construction sites, and to be considered
safety violations when somebody found smoking on job sites.
For this purpose display prominently no-smoking signs and informed all workers, visitors and other
Smoking areas shall be defined for all sites; a part of rest areas on sites may be specified for this
8.8. Site Preparation
8.8.1. Safety barricades and signs: Barricades:
Before starting work, all work area shall be barricaded for restricting unauthorized entry and or area
of operation where there are chances to risk for third party with substantial barricades. In case of
warning tape, it shall be renewed minimum after 6 days and or when necessary.
All ground openings and excavation shall be covered and or barricaded properly to avoid the falling
All earth moving and working machinery operations shall be controlled by barricading working area
and in other case by deploying signal man/ observer/ spotter near public roads, pedestrian and
working labour to avoid collision / striking hazards. Safety Signs:

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Before commencing work on site, appropriate signs shall be installed as per conditions for the
warning, danger and cautions to prevent accidents. All signs shall be posted apparently to get the
attention of trespasser, motorists, and working personals.
Signs shall be as follows:
Danger Signs:
where an immediate hazard exists
Caution signs:
where it is required to warn against potential hazards or to caution against unsafe
Safety instruction signs:
where permanent safety requirements need to be installed, such as, safety rules,
PPE's required.
Accident prevention tag:
warning employees for existing hazards, like defective tools, equipments etc.
Stencilled sign
Warn employees to handle the panels during lifting and placement batter in local
Adequate warning with illumination for all the potential hazards which may occurs at night shall be

8.9. Personal protective equipments:

All personal and workers shall wear mandatory PPE's like safety helmet, safety shoes and high
visibility vests on site during work. Safety gloves, safety glasses, ear muff and safety belts shall be
provided and worn as per job requirements.

General purpose gloves for finger protection shall be carried out and worn as per requirement.
Following are examples,
Cotton gloves, against dirt and chafing
Natural rubber/synthetic rubber- against chemicals
Rubber coated gloves against concrete work
Leather gloves for hot work activities

Appropriate eye protection shall be worn when eyes are exposed to injuries by flying particles and
other harmful things.
Dust mask shall be worn to avoid inhalation of dust
Sheltering cloths should be worn at rear part of hard hat or equivalent protection in order to prevent
heat stroke during hot weather.
Hearing protection: shall be worn if the noise or sound level at the workplace exceeds 85 decibels
Full body safety harness and or safety belt with lanyard shall be used for work at height of 1.8 meter
or greater which does not have guard rail or other fall protection provided.
8.10. Earth work
8.10.1. Excavation Work Underground existing utilities services:
Before starting excavation work on site, existence and location of underground utility services shall
be confirmed.

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The location of sewers, water lines, optic fibre, or any other underground installations that may be
encountered during excavation work shall be determined and marked prior to excavation. The
contractor shall make arrangements as necessary with the appropriate utility agency for the
protection, removal, shutdown, or relocation of underground installations where required.
If it is not possible to establish the exact location of these installations, the work may proceed with
caution with detection equipment or other safe and acceptable means are used to locate the utility.
No mechanical excavation (only manual excavation) should be made close to the underground
facilities to be expected / exposed. Protection of the Public:
Barricades, walkways, lighting and posting shall be provided as necessary for the protection of the
public prior to the start of excavation operations.
Guardrails, fences, or barricades shall be provided on excavations adjacent to walkways, driveways
and other pedestrian or vehicle thoroughfares. Warning lights or other illumination shall be
maintained as necessary for the safety of the public and employees from sunset to sunrise.
Deep excavations shall be effectively barricaded or covered and posted as necessary to prevent
unauthorized access.
Walkways or bridges protected by standard guardrails shall be provided where employees and the
general public are permitted to cross over excavations. Protection of Workers in Excavations
Cave-ins and collapse protection: Trenches 1.5 meters deep or greater require a protective system
unless the excavation is made entirely in stable rock or it may be protected by maintaining slope at
45o slope line passing through the bottom of excavation.
Access and means of egress: Stairs, ladders or ramps shall be provided where employees are
required to enter trench excavations over 1.2m deep. The maximum distance of lateral travel (e.g.,
along the length of the trench) required to reach the means of egress shall not exceed 7.6m. Employee exposure to falling loads:
No employee shall be permitted underneath loads handled by digging equipment during excavation
work. Employees shall be required to stand away from any vehicle being loaded or unloaded to avoid
being struck by any spillage or falling materials. Operators may remain in the cabs of vehicles being
loaded or unloaded unless the vehicles provide adequate protection for the operator during loading
and unloading operations. For any necessary physical activity around those machinery/equipments
make it sure that operator of the machine is informed and aware about your presence in the work
zone. Placing excavated and other material
During excavation, material (excavated or backfilled etc.) should be placed /stored outside a 45
degree slope line passing through the bottom of the excavation and in no case closer than 2 feet
from the edge of the excavation. Warning system for mobile equipment:
A warning system shall be used when mobile equipment is operated adjacent to the edge of an
excavation if the operator does not have a clear and direct view of the edge of the excavation. The
warning system shall consist of barricades, hand or mechanical signals, or stop logs.
Employees exposed to vehicular traffic shall be provided with, and shall wear, warning vests or other
suitable garments marked with or made of reflectorized or high-visibility material. Walkways and guardrails:
Walkways shall be provided where employees or equipment are permitted to cross over excavations. Protection from hazards associated with water accumulation:
Employees shall not work in excavations that contain or are accumulating water unless precautions
have been taken to protect employees against the hazards posed by water accumulation. These
precautions may be taken according to the site situation like amount of water accumulated/
accumulating in excavation, location of excavation and depth etc.

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If excavation work interrupts the natural drainage of surface water and or in rainy days diversion
ditches, dikes, or other suitable means shall be used to prevent and divert surface water from
entering the excavation.
During rainy season excavation side shall be protected by polythene sheet to avoid erosion. Stability of adjacent structures:
If the excavation work could affect the stability of adjoining buildings, walls, sidewalks or other
structures, Support systems (such as shoring with bracing, sheet piling or underpinning) shall be
used to assure the stability of said structures and the protection of employees.
Excavation below the level of the base or footing of any foundation or retaining wall that could be
reasonably expected to pose a hazard to employees shall not be permitted except when:
A support system, such as underpinning, is provided to ensure the safety of employees and the
stability of the structure.
8.10.2. Panel pre-casting Moulds handling
Moulds components, i.e. base plate, rubber liner, side shutters are heavy items and shall be handled
carefully while loading & unloading. It should be unloaded with appropriate lifting equipment and all
precautions shall be adopted as per other lifting processes (see detail in lifting operations).
 Never place any part of your body between or under components during lifting, placement
and setting.
 Wear safety helmet, safety shoes, high visibility vest and hand gloves during work activity.
 De-moulding operation of concrete panels shall be done carefully; all safety equipment shall
be used by the workers working on this operation (as it becomes a daily /routine work during
project execution and workers may take it easy)
 Mould’s side shutters shall be placed near base plate to avoid any tripping hazard for the
working labour. Concrete work
Concrete work either at batching plant or on pre-casting yard possess risks for workers involved.
Exposure to cement dust can irritate eyes, nose, throat and the upper respiratory system. Skin
contact may result in moderate irritation to thickening/cracking of skin to severe skin damage from
chemical burns. Silica exposure can lead to lung injuries including silicosis and lung cancer.
Exposure to wet concrete can result in skin irritation or even first-, second- or third-degree chemical
 Wear face mask to minimize inhalation of cement dust and eat and drink only in dust-free
areas to avoid ingesting cement dust.
 Wear safety gloves, coveralls with long sleeves and full-length pants, waterproof boots/gum
shoes and eye protection.
 Make sure back-up alarms and or spotter on all earth moving machinery engage in concrete
casting, lifting and transportation are installed and functioning.
 Use care with the load out chute on concrete mixers to avoid injuries to hands and fingers.
 Guard eyes against splashes of aggregate materials during loading and unloading.
 Make clear all gang ways/ walk ways from any material causing tripping hazards for the
Spray the stencilled sign "Be careful while handling the panel, do not put your body part under lifted
stencilled" in local language which could be understandable for the workers at site.
8.10.3. Lifting , stacking and transportation Selection of lifting equipments:
 All lifting and rigging equipment which are to be used for work shall be of state acceptable

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 It is essential that panel weights, type of stacking, outreach required and site conditions are
taken into account when determining the suitability of lifting equipment. The lifting equipment
must be able to cope with the weight of the load and retain the load safely in the event of
power failure.
 Cranes must have a current annual inspection. If the inspection certificate expires while the
crane is on site, it must be re-inspected. Documentation of the inspection shall be available
in the crane.
 All lifting gears (slings, anchors and Shackles, lift pins, cable hooks, Lifting Bars, Straps,
Chains etc.) shall be of proper type and rated capacity clearly indicated as per load to be
lifted and must be inspected prior to use.
 All crane and hoist hooks shall have safety latches.
 Any damaged, worn or defected equipment must not be used and shall be remove from the
service immediately. Lifting operation:
 The stock ground area should provide a firm foundation with a suitable approach road for
vehicles with hard, level and stable ground. Stacks should be arranged to provide a safe
vehicular and pedestrian access.
 All lifting equipments shall only be operated by trained/qualified operator with required permit/
 For loading, unloading and erection of panels; lifting with backhoe shall be avoided because it
is unsafe due to sudden movement and more chances of swinging load.
 Crane operator must have a clear and unobstructed view of the load and the lifting route,
anything which may obstruct in the operator view shall be removed/ clear like curtains etc.
 Loads lifted by crane shall be under the direction of properly trained signalman and only he is
authorised to signal the crane operator at a time but crane operator must obey STOP signals
no matter who gives it.
 Outriggers shall be fully extended, positioned on the pads or a solid surface when used and
crane must be levelled before starting lifting operations.
 When lifting with slings, use two broad webbing slings made of Terylene, nylon or other
synthetic material capable of withstanding the required loads. The slings should be of a
length adequate to make an acute angle between the slings at the hook so as to reduce the
risk of panel slippage. Never attempt to utilise chains or wire ropes as slings, these may
cause slippage and/or damage to the panels connections system.
 Before the lift begins, check that the load hook is centred over the load, the rigging gear is
properly set and sling is well balanced; avoid tip loading, side pulling or end pulling.
 Make sure to lift up the load slowly and never leave the suspended load unattended.
 During hoisting, the operator should take care of sudden acceleration or deceleration of the
moving load and contact on any obstruction.
 Avoid controlling the load with hands unnecessarily; it shall be tag-lined.
 Nobody shall allow to work / walk under the suspended load. Accessible areas within the
swing radius of the crane shall be barricaded.
 Typical PPE shall be worn for person engaged in operation which includes hard hat, gloves
and high visibility vest and safety shoes.
 Cell phone use is prohibited for operator while operating a crane.
 Where overhead utilities are present, sufficient clearance distances must be maintained in
accordance with voltage and or as per recommendation.
 Pay close attention to weather conditions; lightning and strong side winds can produce
serious hazards. The steel boom can act like a lightning rod and the wind pushing on the
load and boom can make cranes unstable.
 A safety area should be installed around the crane to avoid any vehicles accident.

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Group Stacking:
 Concrete panels should not be lifted from the moulds and placed in storage until it achieves the
30 % of its required cylinder concrete strength as specified in section 4.5, otherwise it may be
broken and cause personal injury and property damage.
 All panels shall be lifted and stacked as per described in section 4.5 of the method statement in
accordance with the type to avoid physical damage to the panel.
 Never place any part of your body between or under components during lifting, placement and
 Always use flat type four sling lift, never use two sling and chain as sling, this may result in
unbalance of weight and can endanger the workers and panel as well. Transportation to site
For delivering panels to site, panels shall be lifted and stacked as per method described in section
4.5 of the method statement.
Secure restraint of panels on vehicles is important in preventing accidents and injuries.
The transporter must ensure that panels are securely restrained. This means that the load:
Must not be placed in a way that makes the vehicle unsafe or unstable
Must be secured so that it is unlikely to fall or be dislodged from the vehicle and
Must be restrained by an appropriate method

The transporter must ensure that the vehicle used is suitable to transport the panels and that they are
properly secured. A vehicle must never be moved without the load being secured in the appropriate
The transportation rout must be levelled; an uneven road may lead to displacement of panels even if
they are properly restrained.
8.10.4. Panel erection:
It is extremely important to understand for workers engaged in panel erection that the operation could
be potentially dangerous. Panels can fall over during installation or may be dropped accidentally by
the lifting equipment.
 The lifting operation area shall be clear from all unnecessary persons.
 Insert the lifting pins in panel's lifting screw holes and make it sure by properly tightening it.
 Never attach the lifting hooks directly with lifting pins, always hook with shackles and then
attach the lifting device.
 While using the spread beam/ bar for lifting panels, it must be ensured that it is designed for
the purpose, safe enough for the operation and attached securely.
 During placement, alignment setting, adjustment, clamping and bracing of panels, slings may
be loosen but not removed for fall protection and should be removed only after securing of
requisite panel in adjacent panels. Never work, walk or stand under a hoisted panel and
never place any part of your body between or under panels.
 Always secure the row of panel with bracing and clamps. At slip joints panels should be
doubly braced with clamps due to increased slippage risk.
 When an operator is moving a load horizontally, it may swing if the boom stops suddenly.
Stay well away from moving loads.
 While erection of panels on site, it must be ensured that opposite side of the wall is secured
and cleared through barricades, warning line from any working labour, motorized machinery
and trespassers etc. to avoid damage in the case if panel slips, falls to other side.
8.10.5. Bracing and handrails:
The first row of concrete panels must be braced during the temporary stage to avoid the risk of panel
instability and injury to people working at that area. Each panel should be securely propped and

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clamped to the adjacent panel to prevent movement in both forward and backward direction before
the lifting chains are removed.
For detail please see the attached appendix A1 "Stability and safety (bracing of initial course of
standard panels up to 1.6m high)"
Pre made hand rails must be placed between panels to ensure there is continuous edge protection
as the layers of the structure are built up. These handrails shall permit the installation of the future
panel without being removed.
For details please see the attached appendix A2 "Stability and safety (installation of the safety
barriers on concrete panels)"
8.10.6. Reinforcing strips, metallic connections and other loose material:
 While laying steel reinforcement strips, it shall be carried by two workers and care must be
taken to avoid the striking & or hitting to other workers.
 Synthetic Reinforcement strips role should also be carried by two workers while laying. Care
must be taken while driving of vertical steel bars at rear end, use appropriate size hammer
and hand gloves. Workers must be conscious of these vertical bars while walking
around/laying of strips
 All metallic connections and strips shall be stacked and stored in manner to avoid tripping
hazards on site.
 Wooden wedges, clamps, EPDM pads, plastic dowels, joint filler (geotextile / sealing foam)
and all other loose material must be placed and stored safely and securely to avoid damage
to material and tripping hazards before, during and after their usage.
8.10.7. Backfilling
Machinery used for dumping, hauling and spreading should be in acceptable state/condition i.e.
suitable for the work and must be inspected at scheduled intervals. Use of defective machinery will
be the responsibility of the contractor as well, if noted at site.

Backfill material shall be loaded as per the loading capacity of the vehicle and must not be
While carrying the dry backfilling material from stockyard to site, appropriate cover must be used to
avoid dust flying.

The main hazards in backfilling work related to vehicle accidents are overturning, crushing and
striking hazards. Dump trucks are widely used at sites for backfilling processes.
Overturning hazards exist while driving or dumping vehicle at uneven surface, poor rear suspension
systems on one side of the vehicle (fluctuation) and uneven tire pressures in rear wheels.

All vehicles engage in this process must have proper visibility aids like rear, back view mirror, convex
Before backing a dump truck the driver must determine that no one is currently in the backing zone
and make sure the truck is backed up only when:
Using the reverse horn and or an observer’s signals that it is safe to back.

While hauling, spreading backfill material on site, work area shall be clear from unnecessary workers.
Competent signalman shall be deployed with working machinery for watching out the safe operation
and nobody shall allow to work/ walk in the range of operating machinery.

Front of the wall to be backfilled as soon as practically possible. A strong rainstorm could cause
heavy flow along the wall. This could cause soil erosion and undermining of the levelling pad and

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Tracked vehicles as well any other machinery should not run directly on the laid soil reinforcement
8.10.8. Compaction
Machinery used in compaction whether hand operated or self-propelled shell be operated only by
qualified and designated operator. No trainers and other labourers shall be allowed to operate
compactors of any type on site.
All rotatory parts of the machinery which may pose the entanglement hazards must have safe guard
and no guards of the machinery shall be removed or by passed in any case during operation.
Work area under the operation of compactor must be barricaded for any pedestrian movement.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) like safety shoes protect the feet from puncture and crush
injuries. Work gloves protect the hands from blisters, cuts, and punctures. Safety glasses and face
shields protect against flying debris and dust. Ear muffs or plugs restrict hearing loss due to loud
compaction equipment. Consider a dust mask or respirator depending on the worksite and substrate
being compacted.
8.11. Construction machinery and equipments
All construction machinery and equipments shall be of acceptable state/condition and maintained,
equipped and operated in accordance with manufactures’ requirements.
Only authorized and trained personnel shall operate machinery and equipment.
Cell phone use is prohibited while operating any machinery and equipment.
All machinery shall be inspected properly for safe operation at site by designated person of the
contractor and record of these inspections shall be maintained for future reference.
Operators and drivers shall make a pre-shift safety inspection of their machinery and equipment. Any
condition that affects safe operation shall be corrected before use.
Personnel shall not be transported or ridden on equipment or vehicles that are not designed for the
very purpose and are not equipped with seats for passengers.

To avoid accident by all earth moving machinery control measures are:

Exclusion: specify the work area by Barricades or fencing from pedestrians / workers.
Visibility: best view around machinery directly from the operator position should be selected by
adequate visibility aids (clear front, side and rare screens with side / back view mirrors covering all
blind areas).
Signaller: A signaller/spotter should be provided in a safe position to direct operation and any
pedestrian movements.
Sitting, resting, sleeping adjacent/behind/under any kind of site vehicle, machinery and equipment is
strictly prohibited.
8.12. Site Cleaning and Housekeeping
A good job is a clean job, and a clean job is the start of safe job. So keep your working area free from
rubbish and debris.
Suitable waste locations must be established on yard and site, and these must be segregated where
There should be a place for everything, and everything should be in its place, i.e. every tool and
material at its proper place.
A formal waste management system should be implemented, i.e. spending the last 15 minutes of
each day, or last hour of each weekend, cleaning up the site and yard.
Dispose of any foodstuffs carefully to avoid attracting vermin and the risk of occupational diseases.
Pre-casting and storage yard shall be kept free from accumulation of materials that constitute
hazards like tripping, fire, explosion, or pest harbourage.
Tools, materials, extension cords, hoses, or other loose material shall be used, stored and stacked
properly to avoid tripping or other hazards.

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Tools, materials, and equipment subject to displacement or falling shall be adequately secured.
Empty bags having contained cement and other dust-producing material shall be removed from time
to time.
Form and scrap lumber and debris shall be cleared from work areas and access ways in and around
building storage yards and other structures.

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Appendix F
Stability and safety
(Bracing of initial course of standard panels up to 1.6m high)

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Appendix F Page i


The purpose of this notice is to present the rules for bracing the first row of concrete panels
during the temporary stage. This will avoid the risk of panel instability and injury to people
working at their vicinity.


To stabilize a concrete panel, a triangulation between the base of the panel (A) its top (B) and
the ground in front of panel (C) has to be done prior to release the panel from the lifting

Appendix F Page ii




This applies to each of the methods described hereunder.

At the toe of the panel (A), to avoid sliding.


Panels shall be blocked with either

 Two hard wood wedges, or a timber block (section 70mm x 70mm) plus one hard wood
wedge 200 mm long or
 Steel bars : 10 mm diam, 200 mm long, anchored 100mm into the concrete of the levelling

Appendix F Page iii




This simple solution consists in propping the panels on both sides and at its base with wood

Timber sizes : 100 mm x 50 mm , maximum length : 2.2 m

See hereunder the photos.

Front side of the panels

Appendix F Page iv


Rear side of the panels

Detail at the toe:

Appendix F Page v



This solution describes the propping in front of the panel.

At the top of the panel (B):

Use of “push pull” props according to the following table:

Maximum length Section

Steel 2.2 m Minimum diam. 57 mm
Wood 2.2 m Minimum 150 mm x 50 mm

Steel prop

Wood prop

Appendix F Page vi


Details of the clamping at the top of the panel

The prop (steel or wood) must be connected to the clamp


Wood planks 3cm


12 April 2013


Photo of the clamp fixed at the top of the panel

Fixation on the ground (C):

Wooden stake or metal rod Or spitted on a concrete base

driven into the ground Min. size of steel rod or threaded bar:
Size of wooden stake: diam. 16 mm
80 mm x 80 mm

Bracing must remain in place until the braced panel has all the reinforcing strips attached and the
backfill has been placed and compacted up to the top of the braced panel.

Appendix F Page viii




Note: This method will be used only when the method 1 and 2 are not possible

This solution can be the answer for the bracing when there isn’t enough room in front of the
panels, cases of tiered walls for instance, or when there is a slope (up or down) in front of the

This solution is the same as the method 2 but the props are placed at the back face of the
concrete panels.

Exceptionally, the props will be released when a fill layer (generally 37.5 to 40cm thick) will be
placed on the top of the reinforcing strips, along the whole distance from the prop up to the strips
end with a minimum of 2m.

2 m minimum

37.5 to

Appendix F Page ix


DETAILS: Clamps between the standard and half panels

The clamps are made of 2 wood planks (size 0.50 m x 0.10 m, 0.05m thick) + 2 nuts and a
threaded bar (minimum diam. 16 mm and 0.40m long)

Appendix F Page x


Important remark concerning the 3 above described methods:

All half panels of the initial course must be propped except when they are linked to the propped
full panels on both sides of the half ones.



Half panels placed on the levelling pad without bracing are not permitted


The first row of panels has to be propped according to the procedure described in this document

Appendix F Page xi

Appendix G
Stability and safety
(Installation of the safety barriers on concrete panels)

1- FREYSSISOL - Method statement - Rev.8 - 25.05.14 Page 81 / 81






Appendix G Page i


The purpose of this notice is to present the rules for safety barriers placed on top of the
Reinforced Earth structures.

These equipments are mandatory to avoid the risk of fall of the people working on the site.


The barriers are installed during two stages of construction:

- during the erection of the wall, the barriers are placed and removed at each row of panels
- at the end of the erection of the wall, before placing the permanent guard rails of the

These equipments have to:

- be easy to assemble
- be easy to store and transport
- be light
- remain in place during placing of panel
- let enough room to let the tie strips of the panel pass in front of the barrier

The aim is to never leave an open facing during the wall construction, where someone could fall

When local legislation is more severe than TAI rules, local legislation shall apply.

Appendix G Page ii



Pre-made handrails will be placed between panels to ensure there is continuous edge protection
as the layers of the structure are built up. These handrails shall permit the installation of the
future panel without being removed.

Example 1

Description of a simple handrail with wood planks:


Min 1,2 m

Appendix G Page iii



- Dimensions in mm
- Support made with 16mm diam.
steel bars
- Wood guard rail 150mm high with a
length of 2 times the panel width less

Appendix G Page iv


Example 2

Drawings of another type of simple safety barrier:

Front view

Rear view

Appendix G Page v


 25mm reinforcing steel, welded and painted

 Height of the barrier: 900mm
 Width of the barrier: 2 times the panel width less 100mm



Appendix G Page vi


Example 3

Note: On the left of the photo we can see 2 scaffolding tubes attached to the barrier which allow
a continuous level of the safety height.
On the right of the photo, the situation is not yet allowable.

Appendix G Page vii



Handrails shall be easily placed and allow panels to be installed without removing them.

Section of the steel tubes of the handrail: 30 mm (square or circular)

Other examples of simple equipments:

Appendix G Page viii




The safety devices will be as follows according to the geometry of the top of the wall:

1.20 m

Appendix G Page ix


See hereunder some site photos

12 A G Page x


3 Horizontal wood planks 200 mm high placed every 300mm

Tube section 30 mm square


A protective rubber liner can be placed between the panel and the barrier to avoid damage to the
front face of the concrete panel.

Appendix G Page xi


In the case of any of the above presented methods is not applicable, the use of a temporary
lifeline is mandatory.

Appendix G Page xii




When the handrail is removed before placing a new panel a void appears
(risky situation)

Appendix G Page xiii

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