Personality Definitions

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Definition Matching: Personality and Behaviors

1. Match the word with the personality definitions.

cheerful thoughtful bossy
stingy athletic dishonest
sociable creative arrogant
clumsy reliable talkative

1. ________________ Keeps their promises and do what they say

they will.
2. ________________ Always tells other people what to do.

3. ________________ Has good ideas and a good imagination.

4. ________________ Good at sports.

5. ________________ Not truthful.

6. ________________ Usually smiling and happy.

7 ________________ Likes to meet people and has many friends.

8. ________________ Doesn’t like to spend money.

9. ________________ Looks down on other people. Thinks they

are better than other people.
10. ________________ Likes to chat.

11. ________________ Has poor control over their body. Is always

breaking or bumping into things
12. ________________ Thinks of other people.

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