3ºM Inglés - Actividades 1

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complementArY Act V tY

nterview your partner and then fill in the gaps with a suitable job for her/him.

Are you good at...? Yes No Not bad

persuading people
presenting information
search engine optimization

communicating with people
awareness and coordination
motivating people
working under pressure
HTML and CSS knowledge
reading maps and 3D displays
understanding math and Physics
motivating others
explaining things
reasoning analytically and logically
Do you like...? Yes NO It’s OK
helping people
giving attention to detail
planning things
physical exercise
being part of a team
working on a computer
working outside
nutrition and having a healthy diet
managing people
being creative
communicating orally

Photocopiable material
Foreign Language teacher Fitness instructor Lawyer Graphic designer

Web developer Pilot Firefighter Shop assistant

think would be a good because she/he

is skillful at and . She/he also likes and
, and these are very important qualities for a/an .


d AGnoSt c teSt / 8 points

1 Read the text and answer the questions. 8 points

a. Why have some jobs become obsolete though the years?

b. Did resurrectionists need special qualifications to do the job?


c. What kind of things should elevator operators do?

d. What kind of scenes did radio actors act out?

Jobs That No Longer Exist

Did you know your ancestors were couldn’t be controlled by the push of
immersed in soap operas before TV even a button? Elevator Operating was an
existed? Or how the world worked before essential role up until technological
alarm clocks? With modern technology advances allowed for patrons to control
constantly progressing in leaps and the lift themselves in the 1950s. Elevators
bounds it’s little wonder that there are a had to literally be driven, with the
number of jobs that have become obsolete. operator controlling the direction, speed,
Resurrectionist doors and stopping!
As annoying as the title suggests, a Radio Actors
resurrectionist was commissioned by Once upon a time you didn’t need to
18th and 19th century medical schools to look like Brad Pitt or Jennifer Lawrence
dig up dead bodies from graveyards for to be a professional actor. Before the
experiments and testing. The discreet and television was invented, people tuned into
their favorite soap operas on their radio
men that wanted to make quick cash - sets! Radio actors would vocally act out
strong stomach required! The practice died dramatic or comical scenes for listeners
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out due to the unethical and illegal nature to enjoy - a practice apparently just as
of the body collections paired with an addictive as binge watching your favorite
increase of people willingly donating their
bodies to science. radio stars, technology progressed and the
Elevator Operator world fell in love with the screen.
Did you know that elevators originally
Taken and adapted from: https://www.smithslawyers.com.au/post/7-jobs-no-longer-exist


FormAt Ve teSt 1 / 20 points

1 Read the sentences below. What description (i - vi) better defines the target words in each 10 points

a. sent my Resume to 3 restaurants, but don’t get any interviews yet.

b. My brother gained experience in marketing working part-time with my grandpa.
c. n my case, part-time jobs were a good opportunity to create job networks.

d. After having three children worked as a part-time teacher.
e. Sally was happy after receiving her first paycheck.
i. Work only part of the usual working day or week.
ii. t is a short written description of your education, qualifications, previous jobs, and
sometimes also your personal interests, that you send to an employer when you are
trying to get a job.
iii. They refer to meet people who might be useful to know, especially in your job.
iv. t is the amount of money a person earns.
v. t is the process of getting knowledge or skill from doing or seeing.

2 Identify the connectors and label them according to their functions. 5 points

a. Start an opinion c. Provide examples

b. Provide reasons d. Come to a conclusion

To begin with n other words Furthermore To sum up

Next Lastly All things consider To summarize
For instance As a result

3 Report the following sentences. 5 points

a. Ben Adams: “ took this as a stop-gap while work out what my next step is.”

b. Catherine Pierce: “ lost my sight unexpectedly when was in my teens.”

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c. Catherine Pierce: “The job has given me the opportunity to learn various skills.”

d. One of the interviewers said: “ arrived at office block and had to make my own way to the
fifth floor.”

e. Ben Adams: “ ...it’s a very valuable charity to have in this tough job market.”


FormAt Ve teSt 2 / 20 points

1 Complete the sentences with although or therefore. 5 points

a. The length of the hiring process is tiring. , we have 20 little tricks up our
sleeve to help move the process along faster.
b. We are expanding, we are hiring!
c. Always remember that any job competition is very tough. , your

application letter must stand out.

d. many jobs are at risk of automation, in reland many are seeing a surge
in demand and higher salaries than ever before.
e. nterviews can be a bit nerve-wracking. , learning how to control your
nerves is an important step.

2 Write an application letter to apply for this job: 15 points

We are looking for energetic and motivated people to
help build the circulation for The San Diego Union-
Tribune newspaper door-to-door throughout San
Diego County. deal for students who would like to
work afternoon and evening hours.

• Must be self-motivated & a self-starter
• Must be professional
• Must have reliable transportation
• Flexible schedules
• Commissioned sales
• Advancement opportunities


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F nAl teSt
/ 25 points

1 Match the question to the corresponding answer. 6 points

1. Why should we hire you? a. Because this is a company in the rise.

2. What is your greatest strength? b. n the short-term, ’d like to become a sales
representative for this company.
3. Why have you left your job?
c. have an extremely strong work ethic.
4. What are your goals for the future?
d. With my experience and skills, expect a salary in
5. Why do you want this job? the range of $500.000 and $800.000.
6. What are your salary expectations? e. There wasn´t room for growth in the company.
f. believe that my experience and my skills will
make me the best match for this position.

2 Write 4 original sentences using the therefore (2) and although (2). 4 points


3 Read what Alan said in a post about his first job experience and report 5 sentences on a 5 points
separate shet of paper.

For real influence, Listen. to others. I was just with

My first job out of school was working at the town a retailer from Chicago
council. I was young and had a lot of ideas that I yesterday who has been
assumed others would be just as excited about as in the business 36 years

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I was. Not one idea I pitched was accepted, and I and just sitting and
just kept frustrating myself. What took me awhile listening to his knowledge
to learn was that I first needed to step back and of the business gave me fresh insight into what our
observe and listen. I needed to focus on what was company could be doing. You will always have the
important to others rather than just myself and opportunity to talk, have your voice heard and get
quite frankly, to simply listen. I discovered it was your point across, but your point and ideas will be
best to listen to their thoughts and experiences; much more powerful if you know how to listen.
once you listen you can create real change. I am Posted by Alan
still amazed at what I learn each day by listening

Adapted from: https://www.forbes.com/sites/moiraforbes/2016/09/23/the-one-lesson-my-first-job-taught-me/#6c1d17aed2f6


4 12 Listen and circle the correct statement. 5 points

a. According to the writer, t is difficult to...

i. know which your perfect job is and how you are going to find it.
ii. to find the job that really suits you.
b. According to the Psychologist Ben Goldman, it was a good idea to take first...
i. an interests test. ii. a career choice test.
c. According to the writer, we should not underestimate the force of...
i. internet or the newspaper ii. our social network.

d. The writes suggests to send out to companies you would like to work for...
i. open applications. ii. resumes.
e. During the interview you should...
i. write a covering letter. ii. be pro-active in the conversation.

5 Write a Resume applying to this vacancy.

5 points

The Vernon Public Art Gallery

Sumer Employment Opportunity
Gallery Youth Ambassador (2 positions)
Responsible for events coordination, and assisting with general
operational duties. Requirements include, excellent interpersonal/
communication skills; computer skills, including Microsoft Office and
internet applications, Subject to grant approval.
Applications will be accepted until Friday May 1 at 5:00 pm
Apply with cover letter and three references to:
Dauna Kennedy-Grant, Executive Director
Vernon Public Art Gallery, 3228 31st Avenue, Vernon, B.C.V1T 2H3
Email: dauna@vernonpublicartgallery.com
See youngcanadaworks.ca rearding
eligibility requerements for these
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Great! Good OK Not good enough

(25 - 23 points) (22 - 18 points) (17 - 14 points) (13 or less points)
You are achieving the You are very well Your performance can You need to revise the
learning goals. Keep on prepared. improve. Revise your contents and practice
working hard! Analyze the few mistakes mistakes and weakest more, in order to improve
you made. areas with your teacher. your performance.


comPlemeNTarY acT V TY
Game: tutti-frutti
1. Work in groups.
2. Choose a country as a class and fill the space of each category for the given country.

3. f you complete them all, you must shout “Stop!” and everybody must stop writing.
4. Check the answers and continue with other countries. You can do as many rounds as you want.
5. Count your points. The person that has more points is the winner.


Country Language Music style mportant person Touristic spot Food Advice

Hayao Mount You shouldn’t kiss

Japan Japanese Gong Sushi
Miyasaki Fuji people on the cheeks.

Music style mportant person

Touristic spot
Country Language or musical in history or Food Advice
or city
instrument culture

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d aGNosT c TesT / 11 points

1 Read the text and answer the questions. 5 points

How Family Traditions Change as You Get Older

by Anna Wellman
As Thanksgiving approaches, so does the “holiday you rely on your parents less and less, you become
season” and all of the tradition and family time that your own person with your own life. But during

comes with it. Most people have traditions that they

look forward to, but what happens when family childhood traditions that have been steady throughout
traditions change? Or families change? my life. They have always been a stabilizing force
I’ve been very fortunate that my family has had many through a lot of change.
holiday traditions we’ve done since I was a kid, but Now though, as I approach 30, and my family grows
apart and grows in size, those traditions don’t make
state of confusion and it is freaking me out. much sense anymore. And while I am not ready to let
In your ’20s, your family dynamic often goes through go of them, some have naturally begun to slip away.
a bit of a natural shift, because you’ve left home,

Adapted from: https://29secrets.com/wellness/how-family-traditions-change-as-you-get-older-and-how-to-deal/

a. What type of text is it?

b. What does the author say about holiday seasons and family traditions?
c. How did the writer feel about the way she saw her family?
d. What was the relationship between the writer and traditions when she was in her 20’s?
e. What is the relationship between the writer and traditions now that she is in her 30’s?

2 Read the sentences and label the connector in bold (a or b) according to the context: 4 points

i. This conjunction expresses opposite ideas.

ii. This conjunction is used to give additional information.
a. Most people have traditions that they look forward to, but what happens when family
traditions change?
b. ...as approach 30, and my family grows apart and grows in size...
c. And while am not ready to let go of them, some have naturally begun to slip away.
d. But during the holiday season, find myself embracing those childhood traditions...
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3 Read the sentences below, pay attention to the highlighted verb forms and match them to the 2 points

i. This tense refers to events that happened in the past, but that is related to something in the present.
ii. This tense refers to events that happened at a definite time in the past.
a. ... my family has had many holiday traditions we’ve done since was a kid...
b. ..., ind myself clinging to those childhood traditions that have been steady throughout
my life.
c. Traditions slipped away naturally.
d. That state of confusion freaked me out.


formaT Ve TesT 1 / 20 points

1 Read the sentences below and label them Facts (F) or Opinions (O). 5 points

a. History came alive at the Knight Spot on Friday Jan. 27...

b. think the atmosphere of the event has been beautifully replicated.
c. Personally, think t’s almost like a time machine.

d. Era-accurate food completed the atmosphere.
e. All reenactors are assigned military ranks and names.

15 points
2 Write a review about a traditional festivity in your city or country (or any you know).

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formaT Ve TesT 2 / 15
20 points

1 Read the text, pay attention to the words in bold (a - e), and label them with the corresponding 5 points
definition (i - v).
i. interesting.
ii. stop acting or pretending you are a character.
iii. o walk as part of an organized group

iv. to return to a specific place or time.

v. invent

Civil War themed night brings traditions to life

when the Reenactment Company of Geneseo paired
History came alive at the Knight Spot on Friday Jan. 27
with Geneseo Late Knight to hold their first Civil War Ball.
Men in uniforms and women in dresses a. paraded around the Knight Spot in outfits that were a
ing the dances in the Civil War era.
replication of what people would have worn when attend
e, while a live string band played throughout the
The attractions of the event set the historical atmospher
included potatoes and lemonade. Men in
night. Era-accurate food completed the atmosphere, which
zed chess board, b. devising their moves
Confederate and Union uniforms grouped around a life-si
with war strategies one would expect from soldiers
of the period.
selves. They were all
By far the most c. appealing attraction, however, were the reenactors them
proudly when called upon . The actors rarely d.
assigned military ranks and names, which they announced
did, it was to teach participants facts about
broke character all throughout the night, and when they
the Civil War.
“It’s a good opportunity for people to e. take a step back in history.
Adapted from: https://www.thelamron.com/posts/2017/2/2/civil-

2 Read the following sentences. Which ones express (un)certainty? 5 points

a. i. That old man must know where the reenactment will be.
ii. People who want to participate must be here by 16:00, to register in the different activities.
b. i. She may refuse your invitation to participate in the reenactment.
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ii. The reenactments must not begin without the consent of the organization.
c. i. All people must wear outfits from that period.
ii. He must be a Union soldier, because of the uniform.
d. i. f you hurry, you may get there on time.
ii. May all people participate in the act?
e. i. You must participate in the life-sized chess board game, you are an excellent player.
ii. We must have missed the life-sized chess board game. t’s a bit late.

3 Write 5 sentences related to the topic of the text above, on a separate sheet of paper, including 5 points
Reflexive pronouns.


f Nal TesT
/ 35 points

1 Read the text below and match the words with their definitions. 5 points

a. shrub i. a small, rough lump, especially of gold.

b. myrtle ii. a shiny green leaves tree with white flowers and blue-black fruit.

c. nugget iii. how seats are laid out.
d. wedding bands iv. a plant with rounded shape.
e. seating arrangement v. rings.

Royal wedding traditions every bride and groom must follow

4. The Queen chooses the tiara

to wear a tiara, starting on your wedding day.

That said, the queen picks out which tiara
you get to wear on your wedding day.
5. If the groom is royalty, his family must sit
on the right side of the church
The British Royal Family doesn’t play by
1. Every royal bride’s bouquet must contain the trend of “choose a seat, not a side, we’re
myrtle from Queen Victoria’s shrub at all family once the knot is tied” and keeps
Osborne House to a strict seating arrangement during the
One royal wedding must? Myrtle. Known ceremony. The Prince’s family will sit on the
as the herb of love, the tradition of brides right side of the church during their nuptials.
carrying myrtle began in 1840 when Queen 6. The Queen gives the bride and groom an
Victoria married Prince Albert. Since then,
every royal bride must carry myrtle from that Royal brides don’t take their husband’s last
name once married — they take on a whole
2. The wedding party must consist of a crop new title. And same goes for royal grooms.
of children 7. All royal brides’ wedding bands are cut

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While the bride and groom can now have from the same Welsh gold nugget
an adult best man and maid of honor (a Wedding bands are cut from the same Welsh
rule broken by the Duke and Duchess of gold nugget. The nugget itself was mined in
Cambridge), the rest of their wedding party Dolgellau, North Wales and is considered
must consist of children. more valuable than that of Australian or
3. The groom must wear military dress South African gold. While this tradition is
One wedding rule every royal groom must somewhat new (it started with the queen’s
follow: the dress code. The groom must wear mother in 1923), it has quickly become a
military dress, but has a say in the uniform. wedding must in the royal family.
For example: Prince William wore the Source: https://www.cheatsheet.com/culture/royal-wedding-traditions.
traditional red uniform from the Irish Guards. html/


2 According to the text in exercise 1: 5 points

a. What is the dress code royal grooms must follow?

b. Where does the myrtle tradition come from?

c. Where do the wedding bands come from?


d. What is the traditional royal seating?

e. What does the text say about the wedding party?

3 Read the following sentences. Which ones express uncertainty? 5 points

a. i. Every royal bride must carry myrtle from that specific shrub.
ii. ’m certain that Megan’s bouquet must have myrtles from the Queen’s garden.
b. i. The groom must wear military uniform.
ii. Perhaps the groom might wear military uniform.
c. i. Welsh gold wedding bands have quickly become a wedding must in the royal family.
ii. Their wedding bands must have been made out of Welsh gold.
d. i. The bride may have children as bride maids and page boys.
ii. According to the Royal traditions, the bride must be followed by children.
e. i. The Royal couple might decide the sitting arrangements, as common couples do.
ii. The British royal family must follow a strict seating arrangement during the ceremony.

4 27Listen to the text and indicate if the sentences below are True (T), False (F) or not 5 points
mentioned (NM).
a. Paris Syndrome is a psychological condition experienced almost exclusively by tourists.
b. Medical journals indicate that the syndrome causes acute delusional state, hallucinations,
among others.
c. n 2018, the Japanese embassy in Paris repatriated more than 40 tourists.
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d. The cause of this syndrome has not been found yet.

e. Professor Hiroaki Ota was the first to identify the syndrome over 25 years ago.

5 Write a text defending your position on the following statement: Arranged marriages should 15 points
be banned.

Great! Good OK Not good enough

(35 - 33 points) (32 - 28 points) (27 - 22 points) (21 or less points)
You are achieving the You are very well Your performance can You need to revise the
learning goals. Keep on prepared. improve. Revise your contents and practice
working hard! Analyze the few mistakes mistakes and weakest more, in order to improve
you made. areas with your teacher. your performance.


Wr T NG TemPlaTe

The title. t names the traditional

La tomatina festival festivity you will talk about.

Everybody loves a good festival. They are a chance to let loose, have

fun, and indulge in something crazy. And the only thing more crazy Write an overview of the event
than a giant festival? A giant food fight. And there’s nothing better including some basic information
about the traditional festivity you
than La Tomatina in Bunol, Spain for that!
will review. nclude the date and
What originated as an impromptu local food fight among friends place and name some attractions.
in 1945 grew to become its own cultural event — and the world’s
largest food fight. Since 1945, La Tomatina has became a yearly
occurrence in Buñol, Spain (aside from a few years in the 1950’s
when it was banned under Franco). It takes places every year on the
last Wednesday of August, and upwards of 30,000 tourists some to
take part in this massive food fight.
Starting early in the morning, people wearing clothes never to be
worn again crowd trains heading from Valencia to Buñol. They get
there and join the masses heading to the city center, stopping on the
way for some food and drinks. Eventually, everyone reaches the city n the following paragraph, describe
some of the activities in which
center and simply stops. There’s nowhere else to go. The crowd is people can participate. Use
simply too thick. expressions like You can also...,
During the run-up to the 11 am kick-off, many participants compete Visitors can... or One of the main
attractions is ... to describe the
in a pole climb, where they scramble up a greased pole to win a activities.
ham. Once the ham is captured, the party official “starts”.
The fight lasts for one hour after which the city is ankle-deep in
a river of tomato juice. The fire department will come out shortly
thereafter and hose down the city (which when combined with the
citric acid in the tomatoes actually does a nice job of cleaning the
place!). Partygoers tend to head down to the river to clean up and
wash off (or you can get hosed down by one of the locals and their
kids who love spraying everyone). The party continues the rest of in
many of the plazas around the city. There’s music, dancing, and lots To give your opinion use

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of good food. This goes until sunset when most crowds head back expressions like Personally..., As far
to Valencia. as ’m concerned..., n my
opinion... to make clear your
As far as I’m concerned, It is one of the best times I’ve ever had. In recommendation.
the crush of the crowds, you’re just throwing tomatoes left and right
at anything and everything – barely looking where you’re going. I
watched people climb statues and doorways for better angles only n the final paragraph indicate
to turn themselves into easy targets for those nearby. Afterwards, whether you recommend or not the
festival, and briefly explain the
our friends jovially skipped to down and spent the rest of the reason(s).You can use expressions
day chatting with everyone. I highly recommend you come and like would/wouldn’t recommend
experience La Tomatina by yourself. you..., highly recommend ..., or
only have positive/negative
Adapted from: https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/the-flying-tomatoes-of-la-tomatina/


UN T 1

Motivational quotes for job seekers


“I am focused on the
le I have known in work. I am constantly
“The busiest peop do a busy girl. I live and creating. I am
ve enough time to breathe my work. I lo
my life always ha in g are believe in the message ve what I do. I
who do noth . There’s no stopping.
everything. Those th e the fame, the fame cr I didn’t create
y no attention to eated me”.
always tired and pa ired
ork they are requ Lady Gaga
little amount of w at the
ain constantly th
to do. They compl The
e truth is, they are iture for a living.
day is too short. Th “I used to sell furn re !”
good fight”. my own furnitu
afraid to fight the trouble was, it was
Paulo Coelho

“When you work,

you fulfill a part of
earth’s furthest dr “It always does seem to me that I am doing more work than I
eam, assigned to yo
when that dream u should do. It is not that I object to the work, mind you; I like
was born. And wha
is it to work with lo t work, it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours. I love
ve? It is to weave
the cloth with thre to keep it by me; the idea of getting rid of it nearly breaks my
ads drawn from yo
heart, even as if yo ur heart. You cannot give me too much work; to accumulate
ur beloved were to
wear that cloth. It work has almost become a passion with me. My study is so full
is to build a house
with affection, even of it now, that there is hardly an inch of room for any more. I
as if your beloved
were to dwell in th shall have to throw out a wing soon. I am careful of my work,
at house. It is to so
seeds with tender w too. Why, some of the work that I have by me now has been in
ness and reap the
harvest with joy, ev my possession for years and years, and there isn’t a finger mark
en as if your belove
were to eat the frui d on it. I take a great pride in my work; I take it down now and
t. It is to charge al
things you fashion l then and dust it. No man keeps his work in a better state of
with a breath of yo
own spirit. Work is ur preservation than I do. But, though I crave for work, I still like
love made visible”
. to be fair. I do not ask for more than my proper share”.
Kahlil Gibran
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Jerome K. Jerome

a. What does Lady Gaga refer to when she says “ live and breathe my work”?
b. The English writer Jerome K. Jerome said “ take a great pride in my work”. Do you think it is important to take
pride in your work?
c. Kahlil Gibran said “Work is love made visible”. What does it refer to?
d. What do you think of Paulo Coelho’s words: “Those who do nothing are always tired and pay no attention to the
little amount of work they are required to do”?
e. What did Les Dawson, an English comedian, refer to when he said that he was his own furniture?


UN T 2

The legend of Caicai Vilu

and Ten Ten Vilu -
The Origins of Chiloé.

n the beginning, the two most powerful spirits of the
world were ‘The Pillanes’, Peripillán and Antu. Each
of them had a son, but their sons were not so good.
For that reason, Peripillán and Antu punished them by
turning them into giant snakes. Peripillán’s son became
Cai Cai Vilú from ‘Coi’ = water, and ‘Vilu’ = snake), and
Antu’s son became Ten Ten Vilú (from ‘Ten’ = earth, and
‘Vilú’ = snake). The Pillanes sent Cai Cai to be master of
the sea and to take care of life in the ocean and sent Ten
Some people, however, could not escape and stayed in
Ten to be master of the Earth, fire and volcanoes, and to
the water. Ten Ten turned them into birds so they could
help human beings. Everybody knew that the two snakes
escape by flying away. Cai Cai was still angry, so he
were adversaries.
commanded the sea to keep rising in order to drown
One day, Cai Cai woke up from his sleep and found out the people and the animals on earth.
that human beings were very ungrateful for all the things
As the level of the water kept going up and up, Ten Ten
that the sea gave them.
ordered the hills to grow bigger and bigger in order
This made him extremely angry so, using his fish tail, to counteract Cai Cai’s power and to provide humans
he hit the water with great force causing a cataclysm, with refuge. But this only made Cai Cai angrier and he
tsunamis and a deluge. started to attack Ten Ten in a titanic fight that lasted for
The water began to flood all the land, in order to a long time.
punish humans and take them to the bottom of the sea. Finally, the two giant snakes got tired, which meant that
Everybody was scared and tried to escape from the flood. Ten Ten had a partial victory over Cai Cai because the
When Ten Ten saw all the desperate animals and humans, land was not completely covered with water. However,
he decided to help them. He remembered that his father the sea did not go back to its previous level. This is how
told him to protect all living forms. Thus Ten Ten helped the islands of Chiloé were born and the two snakes gave
all the inhabitants of his land to escape, by taking them birth to an archipelago of incredible beauty.
on his back and bringing them to the top of the hills. Taken and adapted from: https://bit.ly/2XNJiWU

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a. What is the theme of the legend?
b. What was the origin of Cai Cai and Ten Ten?
c. Why did Cai Cai unleash his anger? What did it do?
d. What did Ten Ten do to help human beings?
e. What is the outcome of the legend?
f. Do you think legends are a constant reminder of who we are and where we come from?
g. What is the role of legends play in our present society?


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