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Strategia Round 2

It was a historical moment when Air India returned to the Tata stable after a long gap of 69 years.
However, the journey of India's Maharaja has somewhat been on a downward path with colossal
debt and other operational issues. The Tatas are known for significant turnarounds like Jaguar
Land Rover and Tata Motors. Now they have taken up the challenge of revamping Air India. An
essential first of the many steps has been appointing a new CEO and MD. Recently, former
Chairperson of Turkish Airlines Ilker Ayci has been handed over the reins. He has a challenging
task at hand and will be requiring an able workforce that will help him. Consider yourself as a part
of the CEO's office. The CEO has tasked you to come up with preliminary research and strategies
that will make Air India profitable. All this has to be done while keeping in mind the history and
heritage of the air carrier.

You can refer to all the relevant news concerning the task at hand. For this round, you are expected
to give an overview of your strategies and work on the following deliverables:
1. What would be your marketing strategy with respect to the current market scenario?
2. Prepare a blueprint that will help the company revamp its operational services. How much
time would this require?
3. How would you manage the existing financials to make the business profitable and
4. Explain future strategies w.r.t mergers, acquisitions and expansion of operations.

Your solution will be judged on the following criteria:

• The originality of the solution
• Feasibility of Implementation
• Value proposition
• Innovative quotient
• Financial Feasibility

• Team leaders will be required to submit their 3-slider solution (excluding Team
Introduction/Thank you slides)
• References to be given wherever needed
• Submission format: PPT or PDF file
• Naming Convention of Submission File: Strategia_College Name_Team Name
• Example: Strategia_SIBM_Mantra

Parth: +91 79772 76463 Nikhil: +91 78293 42856

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