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1/6/22, 7:07 PM TESTPREP - Candidate

Candidate Name : SURA J MAHENDRA RAMRA J Email Address :

Exam Name : M-3; TS-2 Total Marks Obtained : 43

Result : PASS Maximum Marks : 50

Start Date : 05/01/2022 19:20:21 End Date : 05/01/2022 19:40:41


1 An atom is. Objective the smallest part of an element the smallest particle of
that retains its characteristics. matter.

2 An atom with a deficiency in electrons has. Objective low resistance high resistance.

3 An atom with less than 4 electrons in its outer shell has Objective low electrical resistance. low electrical resistance.

4 An element could be considerd to be a conductor if it has Objective   A small number of electron in its A small number of electron in
outer orbit its outer orbit

5 An element is a substance that cannot be reduce to simpler Objective By chemical means By chemical means

6 An hydrogen atom consist of a. Objective Proton and an Electron only. Proton and an Electron only.

7 An Insulator is a material which Objective   Both (a) & (b) Offers high resistance to the
flow of current

8 An oxygen atom has. Objective protons, neutrons and electrons. protons, neutrons and

9 Conventional flow is Objective Positive to negative Positive to negative

10 Electricity is often described as being Objective   Both (a) & (b) Both (a

11 Electrolyte of Lead acid battery is composed of Objective Sulphuric acid and water Sulphuric acid and water

12 Electron orbits are called. . Objective shells. shells.

13 Factors effecting capacitance of capacitor Objective All of the above All of the above

14 Ferromagnetic material can be magnetized Objective Below a certain temperature Below a certain temperature

15 If electrons are added to an atom it becomes. Objective a negative ion. a negative ion.

16 If two similar poles are brought near to each other Objective All of the above All of the above

17 In a series circuit of the resistance is doubled than current in Objective    Half Half
the circuit is

18 In electron flow theory electron to flow from Objective Negative to positive Negative to positive 1/3
1/6/22, 7:07 PM TESTPREP - Candidate


19 Inductors connected in series Objective The total inductance is the sum of The total inductance is the
all inductors sum of all inductors

20 Kirchhoff’s voltage law states Objective Both (a ) & (b) Both (a

21 Lead acid aircraft battery is Objective Secondary cell Secondary cell

22 Positive plate of lead acid a/c battery is made up of Objective Lead peroxide (PbO2) Pure lead (Pb

23 Pressure method of generation of electricity is applied in Objective Piezo electric effect Piezo electric effect

24 Primary cells are those Objective Whose chemical reaction is not Whose chemical reaction is
reversible not reversible

25 Static Electricity is caused by Objective All of the above All of the above

26 The charge on a proton is. Objective positive. positive.

27 The most common methods of generation of electricity are Objective All of the above All of the above

28 The smallest particle that a substance can be split and show Objective an Atom. an Element.
the same properties as the whole is known as. .

29 Total power dissipated in both series and parallel circuit is Objective All of the above All of the above

30 Variable resistors are constructed Objective All of the above All of the above

31 Voltage drop in a series circuit is Objective Different for different resistance Different for different

32 What charge does the nucleus of an atom possess?. Objective Positive Positive

33 What effect do the electrons of one atom have upon the Objective They attract each other. They repel each other.
electrons of another atom?. .

34 What is the maximum number of electrons in shell N of an Objective 32 32

atom?. .

35 What is the unit of charge Objective     Coulomb Coulomb

36 When an atom loses or gains an electron it is called. Objective an ion an ion

37 When handling magnet Objective All of the above All of the above

38 Which of the following material is easiest to magnetize Objective   Soft Iron Soft Iron

39 Which oppose the flow of current Objective Resistance Resistance

40 A good electrical insulator is a material which. . Objective has its electrons tightly bound to has its electrons tightly
their parent atoms. bound to their parent atoms.

41 For an atom to become a negative ion it must. . Objective gain at least one electron. . gain at least one electron. .

42 The unit which consists of two or more different types of Objective molecule of a compound. molecule of a compound.
atoms is known as 2/3
1/6/22, 7:07 PM TESTPREP - Candidate


43   What is a molecule?. . Objective The smallest part of a compound. The smallest part of a
. compound. .

44    An electric current is. . Objective an ordered flow of electrons. an ordered flow of electrons.

45 A Battery with a low state of charge may be Objective Sent for immediate charging Sent for immediate charging

46 A conductor is a material which Objective Offers low resistance to current Offers low resistance to
flow current flow

47 A good capacitor will Objective Both (a) & (b) Both (a

48 A good electrical insulating material will contain. . Objective strongly bound electrons in the strongly bound electrons in
atoms of the material. the atoms of the material.

49 A material that is neither good conductor or insulator is Objective Semi conductor Semi conductor

50 A neutral atom with an atomic no. of 3 has how many Objective dependant on type of atom dependant on no. of protons

Correct Answer InCorrect Answer

Skipped Answer Not Attempt 3/3

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