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MUMUG: a fast Monte Carlo generator for radiative

muon pair production (a pedagogical tutorial)

Z. K. Silagadze
arXiv:2010.15553v2 [hep-ph] 7 Sep 2021

Received: date / Accepted: date

Abstract A fast leading-order Monte Carlo generator for the process e+ e− →

µ+ µ− γ is described. In fact, using the e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ process as an example,
we provide a pedagogical demonstration of how a Monte Carlo generator can
be created from scratch. The e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ process was chosen, since in
this case we are not faced with either too trivial or too difficult a task. Matrix
elements are calculated using the helicity amplitude method. Monte Carlo
algorithm uses the acceptance-rejection method with an appropriately cho-
sen simplified distribution that can be generated using an efficient algorithm.
We provide a detailed pedagogical exposition of both the helicity amplitude
method and the Monte Carlo technique, which we hope will be useful for high
energy physics students.
Keywords High energy physics; Monte Carlo simulation; Helicity amplitude
method; Acceptance-Rejection Algorithm; Physics education.

1 introduction

Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (Novosibirsk) is currently developing an

expensive and long-term ( 10 years) project for a super charm-tau factory
which will require many new accelerator technologies. To test and study these
technologies at the first stage of the super charm-tau factory project, it is
planned to build an inexpensive, low-energy machine called µµ-tron [1]. It is
so named because, in addition to purely accelerator studies, it allows solving
the interesting physical problem of obtaining and studying dimuonium, the
bound state of the muon and anti-muon. Dimuonium has not yet been observed
experimentally by anyone, and its first observation in experiments on the µµ-
tron would already be a significant discovery [2,3]. However, it seems that the

Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics and Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk 630090,
Russia E-mail:
2 Z. K. Silagadze

first physical results on the µµ-tron will be studies of the reactions e+ e− →

µ+ µ− and e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ near the threshold. The former process can be used
for the precise measurement of the CMS energy and its spread at the µµ-tron
collider [4]. Several accelerator technologies studies, like the development of a
muon collider, could also benefit from these measurements [5].
There are several Monte Carlo programs that generate events of the pro-
cess e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ. Not public event generator AFKQED (supplemented by
PHOTOS [6,7] for the description of additional undetected final state radia-
tion photons), based on the formulas of [8] in the case of e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ, was
used by BABAR collaboration in their analysis of hadron production via radia-
tive return processes [9,10]1 . PHOKHARA generator (beginning with version
4.0) [13] includes next-to-leading order radiative corrections (one-loop correc-
tions and emission of the second real photon) to the reaction e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ.
While PHOKHARA is based on fixed order perturbation theory calculations,
KKMC generator [14,15] uses Yennie-Frautschi-Suura type exponentiation
formula to sum leading higher order effects in initial state radiation and
thus includes most of the third order leading-logarithmic contributions ab-
sent in PHOKHARA 4.0. Let us mention also MCGPJ generator [16] in which
e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ is implemented using formulas of [8] and the formalism of
structure functions is used to incorporate the leading logarithmic contribu-
tions related to the emission of photon jets in the collinear region.
The aforementioned generators are more than enough for background stud-
ies at µµ-tron. However, we decided to develop our own MUMUG generator
mainly for pedagogical purposes – to teach our students how to create a Monte
Carlo generator from scratch, and how to use the spinor helicity amplitudes
method [17], which allows to organize the program in such a way that adding
any new corrections (for example, Coulomb corrections important near the
threshold [18]) becomes relatively easy. This last feature is due to the fact
that in the Monte Carlo generator based on the helicity amplitude method,
we calculate induvidual helicity amplitudes as complex numbers in the corre-
sponding software modules. Adding new contributions (comming, for exam-
ple, from the Z-boson exchange) will only require the addition of new program
units to calculate these contributions, which are then added to the correspond-
ing helicity amplitudes. At the same time, other program blocks that calculate
the module square of the total amplitude and generate events based on it do
not need to be changed.
At present MUMUG simulates e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ process only at the leading
order (LO). To be able to perform internal consistency checks, various methods
is incorporated in MUMUG to obtain the tree level amplitudes needed for
the Monte Carlo simulation. In addition to the internal consistency checks,
MUMUG was tested against AFKQED in the BABAR energy region and
good agreement has been reached.
1 The radiative return method is of great importance for measuring the hadron cross

sections [11]. It is based on the observation that for radiation in the initial state, the following
factorization is exact [11, 12]:

dσ(e+ e− → hadrons + γ)(s, x)

= H(x, cos θ) σ(e+ e− → hadrons)(s(1 − x)),
dx d cos θ

where x is the fraction of the beam energy taken by the radiative photon, and θ is the photon
emission angle with respect to the beam. Therefore, since the function H(x, cos θ) is known
from perturbative QED, studying the reaction e+ e− → hadrons + γ will allow to extract
hadronic cross sections σ(e+ e− → hadrons) in a wide range of center-of-mass energies from
the fixed nominal energy of the collider down to the e+ e− → hadrons production threshold.
The only requirement is a high luminosity of the collider at nominal energy to compesate
for the higher perturbative order of e+ e− → hadrons + γ compared to e+ e− → hadrons.
MUMUG: a fast Monte Carlo generator for the process e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ 3

Much attention was paid to the optimization of the Monte Carlo algorithm,
and thanks to this MUMUG is a very fast LO generator (at BABAR energies
it was more than two orders of magnitude faster than AFKQED).
Below we give a very detailed description of the calculation of the tree-level
amplitudes of e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ using the spinor technique, as well as of the
Monte Carlo algorithm. We hope that this description will be of pedagogical
value for students studying high energy physics.
The manuscript is organized as follows. In the next section, we outline the
basics of the helicity amplitude method. After a brief historical introduction,
we present some of the relevant formulas for the helicity amplitude method. Af-
ter explaining how all spinors can be defined in terms of an auxiliary massless
spinor with negative helicity, we present identities that are useful in calculating
matrix elements. Then the second important ingredient of the helicity ampli-
tude method is discussed, namely, the convenient choice of the four-vector
of photon polarization. Some spinor products, the so-called Z-functions are
introduced as useful building blocks for helicity amplitudes. The developed
technique is used in the mext section to calculate e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ tree level
helicity amplitudes. The fourth section describes the Monte Carlo algorithm
used in the event generator. After some general remarks about the acceptance-
rejection Monte Carlo method, the rough distributions for the initial and fi-
nal state radiations are presented, which are used in the acceptance-rejection
algorithm. Brief concluding remarks end the article. For the convenience of
readers, the appendix contains the Feynman rules used in the main text, as
well as instructions for using the developed Fortran program.

2 Basics of the spinor technique

In this section we shall present a summary of phase conventions and other

relevant formulas of the spinor technique. More details can be found in the
literature [19,20,21,22] on which our presentation is based.

2.1 A brief historical introduction

Experimental developments in high-energy physics around the 1980s showed

that the theoretical description of higher order QCD reactions, in particular,
hard processes with multi-jet production, requires improved computing tech-
nology, since several hundred Feynman diagrams could not be calculated by
traditional methods, even with the use of symbolic-algebraic and numerical
methods [23].
The usefulness of helicity amplitudes for the calculation of multi-parton
scattering in the high-energy limit was recognized already in 1966-67 in pio-
neering papers by Bjorken and Chen, and by Reading-Henry [23]. However,
a real breakthrough in solving computational problems has been provided by
the development of the CALKUL collaboration in their classical papers [19,
20,21,22] (see also other relevant references in [23,24]).
In the standard method for calculating cross sections of reactions with
fermions in the initial and final states, we module square the corresponding S-
matrix amplitude described by several Feynman diagrams, sum and average (if
necessary) over the spin states of the participating fermions, and then compute
the traces of the products of the gamma matrices.
However, when the number of particles participating in the reaction is large,
the standard technique becomes impractical because the number of interfering
Feynman diagrams increases rapidly.
4 Z. K. Silagadze

One of the alternative methods that make calculations manageable in this

case is the helicity amplitude method. In this method, the individual am-
plitudes that correspond to the scattering of the helicity eigenstates are cal-
culated analytically as a complex number depending on the Lorentz scalars
composed of the four-momenta of the participating particles. Since different
helicity configurations do not interfere, knowing the individual helicity ampli-
tudes is sufficient to calculate the module square of the S-matrix amplitude
by summing the modular squares of all contributing helicity amplitudes, and
these calculations can be performed numerically on a computer.
In fact, it is natural to use two-component Weyl-van der Waerden spinors
in the helicity amplitude method, and a brief historical overview of the use of
spinor techniques with the relevant literature can be found in [24].
In this article we use the original variant of the helicity amplitude method,
as developed by the CALKUL collaboration [17,19,20,21,22]. This technique
turned out to be extremely useful for QED calculations with massless fermions.
However, its use in non-abelian theories such as QCD required further refine-
ments described in the review articles [25,26]. Using the idea that on-shell
one-loop amplitudes can be reconstructed from their unitarity cuts, the use
of the helicity amplitude technique can also be extended to one-loop QCD
calculations [27,28]. However, these important developments are beyond the
scope of the present article.
In the next subsection we describe how both massless and massive spinors
can be represented in terms of one auxiliary negative-helicity massless spinor.
In this way all spinor products are expressed in terms of two types of basic
spinor inner products.
After providing some usefull spinor identities, we use gauge invariance of
QED to express the photon polarization four-vector in terms of a lightlike four-
vector not collinear to the photon four-momentum or to the four-momentum
of the auxiliary negative-helicity massless spinor mentioned previously. In spe-
cific calculations, a judicious choice of this auxiliary four-vector nulifies some
Feynman diagrams and thus simplifies the calculation.
When massive spinors are involved, as in the case of e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ, for
a numerical evaluation it is convenient to express the helicity amplitudes in
terms of the so-called Z-functions, which we discuss in the last subsection.

2.2 Massless and massive spinors

All spinors are determined using an auxiliary negative-helicity massless spinor

u− (ξ) with a lightlike four-momentum ξ. The conditions determining u− (ξ)
are as follows:
ξ̂u− (ξ) = 0, ω− u− (ξ) = u− (ξ), ωλ = (1 + λγ5 ), λ = ±1, (1)

and its normalization condition is u− (ξ)ū− (ξ) = ω− ξ̂ (we use conventions for
the space-time metric etc. accepted in the modern QFT textbooks [29]. In
particular, ξˆ = ξµ γ µ ).
Under space inversion u− (ξ) → γ0 u− (ξ) ∼ u+ (ξ ′ ), where ξ ′ = (ξ0 , −ξ~ )
and ∼ means equality up to a phase. Let η = (0, ~n ), ~n2 = 1 and ~n · ξ~ = 0.
Then R̂~n (π)ξ ′ = ξ, where R̂~n (φ) stands for a rotation by the angle φ around
the axis ~n. Therefore R̂~n (π)γ0 u− (ξ) ∼ u+ (ξ). But
R̂~n (π)γ0 u− (ξ) = exp −i ~n · Σ ~ γ0 u− (ξ) = −i~n · Σ
~ γ0 u− (ξ),
MUMUG: a fast Monte Carlo generator for the process e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ 5

~ γ0 u− (ξ) = i~n · Σ
and −i~n · Σ ~ γ0 γ5 u− (ξ). For gamma matrices we use chiral
01 k 0 −σk 1 0 k σk 0
γ0 = , γ = , γ5 = , Σ = ,
10 σk 0 0 −1 0 σk

so it can be checked easily that Σ k γ0 γ5 = γ k . Therefore u+ (ξ) ∼ ink γ k u− (ξ) =

−iη̂u− (ξ). As was already mentioned, this relation determines the positive-
helicity massless spinor u+ (ξ) only up to a phase, and the phase is fixed by
the following Kleiss-Stirling convention [19]

u+ (ξ) = η̂u− (ξ), η 2 = −1, η · ξ = 0. (2)

It should be mentioned that the modern literature [25,26] uses a slightly dif-
ferent way of introducing the basic massless spinors and the associated phase
Now let us construct a general massive spinor with four-momentum p
(p2 = m2 ) which besides the Dirac equation (p̂ − m)uλ (p) = 0 satisfies the
normalization condition
uλ (p)ūλ (p) = (1 + λγ5 ŝ)(p̂ + m),
where s is the spin quantization vector with properties s2 = −1, s · p = 0.
This can be done by noting that

(p̂ + m)uλ (ξ) = [uλ (p)ūλ (p) + u−λ (p)ū−λ (p)] uλ (ξ) =

[ūλ (p)uλ (ξ)] uλ (p) + [ū−λ (p)uλ (ξ)] u−λ (p). (3)
2 1
|ūλ (p)uλ (ξ)| = Sp (1 + λγ5 ŝ)(p̂ + m)ωλ ξ̂ = p · ξ − ms · ξ. (4)
|ū−λ (p)uλ (ξ)| = p · ξ + ms · ξ. (5)
But (p − ms)2 = 0, so we may try p − ms = kξ and then p · s = 0 determines
the coefficient k = m2 /p · ξ. Therefore the following choice is a valid spin
quantization vector:
p m
s= − ξ.
m p·ξ
With this spin quantization vector ms · ξ = p · ξ and we get from (3) (the phase
is again fixed according to Kleiss-Stirling [19])
(p̂ + m)u−λ (ξ)
uλ (p) = √ . (6)
2p · ξ

For the antiparticle spinor we have (p̂ + m)vλ (p) = 0, vλ (p)v̂λ (p) = 12 (1 +
λγ5 ŝ)(p̂ − m). So it can be derived in the same way as the u-type spinor above
but by the change m → −m. Note that (3), (4) and (5) indicate that one
should also change λ → −λ. Therefore a general antiparticle spinor is
(p̂ − m)uλ (ξ)
vλ (p) = √ . (7)
2p · ξ
Note that
p̂u−λ (ξ) p̂ξ u−λ (ξ)
√ = p = uλ (pξ ),
2p · ξ 2pξ · ξ
6 Z. K. Silagadze

where pξ is the lightlike four-vector:

pξ = p − ξ, p2ξ = 0.
2p · ξ
Therefore the massive spinors can always be decomposed in terms of massless
spinors as follows
m m
uλ (p) = uλ (pξ ) + √ u−λ (ξ), vλ (p) = u−λ (pξ ) − √ uλ (ξ). (8)
2p · ξ 2p · ξ

2.3 Useful spinor identities

In QCD calculations, the amplitudes have a large number of momenta, and

for massless spinors it is useful to use the shorthand notation [25,26,21] (not
to be confused with Dirac’s bra-ket notation for quantum state vectors)

u− (ξ) = |ξ] ≡ |ξ−i, u+ (ξ) = |ξi ≡ |ξ+i,

ū− (ξ) = hξ| ≡ hξ − |, ū+ (ξ) = [ξ| ≡ hξ + |.

Although we don’t really need these notations for e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ, they are

now standard. Therefore, it is important for students to get to know them by
reading modern review literature [25,26,27].
For massless spinors the following identities proved to be useful [19]. The
reversion identity:

ūλ1 (p1 )Γ uλ2 (p2 ) = λ1 λ2 ū−λ2 (p2 )Γ R u−λ1 (p1 ), (10)

where Γ stands for any string of Dirac matrices and Γ R is the same string
written in reversed order.
The Chisholm identity:

{ūλ (p1 )γ µ uλ (p2 )} γµ = 2uλ (p2 )ūλ (p1 ) + 2u−λ (p1 )ū−λ (p2 ). (11)

These identities allow to get expression for any amplitude in terms of spinor
inner products. For massless spinors the basic inner products are

[p1 p2 ] = s(p1 , p2 ) = ū+ (p1 )u− (p2 ) = −s(p2 , p1 ),

hp1 p2 i = t(p1 , p2 ) = ū− (p1 )u+ (p2 ) = [s(p2 , p1 )]∗ .

It is not difficult to get explicit expression for X = 4p1 · ξ p2 · ξ s(p1 , p2 ):
n o
X = ū− (ξ)p̂1 p̂2 u+ (ξ) = ū− (ξ)p̂1 p̂2 η̂u− (ξ) = Sp ω− ξ̂ p̂1 p̂2 η̂ .

p1 · ξ p2 · η − p1 · η p2 · ξ − iǫµνστ ξ µ η ν pσ1 pτ2
s(p1 , p2 ) = √ , ǫ0123 = 1.
p1 · ξ p2 · ξ

Below we shall make Kleiss-Stirling [19] choice for the auxiliary vectors ξ and
ξ = (1, 1, 0, 0), η = (0, 0, 1, 0). (13)
r r
p20 − p2x p10 − p1x
s(p1 , p2 ) = (p1y + ip1z ) − (p2y + ip2z ) . (14)
p10 − p1x p20 − p2x
MUMUG: a fast Monte Carlo generator for the process e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ 7

This formula is valid for any lightlike momenta p1 , p2 not collinear to ξ. The
same is true for other formulas given above also. The case when one of the
four-momenta is collinear to ξ have to be treated separately. In particular, we
have p
s(p, ξ) = s(ξ, p) = 2p · ξ,
for any lightlike four-momentum p.
Decomposition (8) allows to evaluate inner products

sλ1 ,λ2 (p1 , p2 ) = ūλ1 (p1 )uλ2 (p2 )

for massive spinors. In particular s+− (p1 , p2 ) = −s+− (p2 , p1 ) is given by the
very formula (14) and s−+ (p1 , p2 ) = −[s+− (p1 , p2 )]∗ . While the equal helicity
inner products depend explicitly on the masses (of course, for massive parti-
cles helicity is not a Lorentz-invariant concept. nevertheless we shall use this
terminology in massive case too as some useful convention):

s++ (p1 , p2 ) = s++ (p2 , p1 ) = s−− (p1 , p2 ) =

s s r r
p2 · ξ p1 · ξ p20 − p2x p10 − p1x
m1 + m2 = m1 + m2 . (15)
p1 · ξ p2 · ξ p10 − p1x p20 − p2x
Inner products for antiparticle spinors are obtained by the following simple
rule (as (8) indicates): substitute m → −m, λ → −λ into the rhs of (14) and
(15) when in the lhs uλ (p), p2 = m2 spinor is replaced by vλ (p) antiparticle
It turns out [30] that the most numerically stable way of computing the
scalar product p1 · p2 , especially when the masses are zero or small, is to use
the formula
1 X 2
p1 · p2 = |sλ1 ,λ2 (p1 , p2 )| − m1 m2 , (16)
λ1 ,λ2

which can be proved by using the explicit forms for sλ1 ,λ2 (p1 , p2 ) as given by
(14) and (15).
To end our discussion of spinors, let us mention another interesting identity
(the Schouten identity):

s+− (p1 , p2 )s+− (p3 , p4 ) + s+− (p2 , p3 )s+− (p1 , p4 ) + s+− (p3 , p1 )s+− (p2 , p4 ) = 0.
The most easy way to check it is to use (14) and some computer program for
algebraic manipulations, for example REDUCE [31].

2.4 Photon polarization four-vectors

The next important ingredient of the spinor technique under discussion is

a convenient choice of the photon polarization four-vector. This polarization
four-vector ǫµλ corresponding to a state of definite helicity λ = ±1 should
satisfy the equations

ǫλ · k = 0, ǫλ · ǫλ = 0, ǫ∗λ · ǫλ = −1, (18)

k being the photon momentum. The following choice proved to be useful:

∗ ūλ (k)γ µ uλ (p)

(ǫµλ (k; p)) = √ . (19)
2s−λ,λ (k, p)
8 Z. K. Silagadze

Here p is some auxiliary lightlike four-vector not collinear to k or ξ. It can be

checked that (19) indeed satisfies relations (18). For example, using
|s−λ,λ (k, p)| = 2k · p

n o n o
ūλ (k)γ µ uλ (p)ūλ (p)γµ uλ (k) = Sp ωλ k̂γ µ ωλ p̂γµ = Sp ωλ k̂γ µ p̂γµ = −4k ·p

we get ǫ∗λ (k; p) · ǫλ (k; p) = −1. Following [15], we keep in (19) explicit complex
conjugation which for outgoing photons is canceled by another conjugation
required by the Feynman rules.
Any other four-vector satisfying (18) is as good as (19) itself to represent
the photon polarization and therefore can differ from (19) only by a phase and
some gauge transformation. In particular, for another choice of the auxiliary
four-vector we will have

ǫµλ (k; q) = eiΦ(q,p) ǫµλ (k; p) + βλ (q, p, k)kµ .

Let us calculate the phase Φ(q, p).

ūλ (k)γ µ uλ (p)ūλ (q)γµ uλ (k)
eiΦ(q,p) = −ǫ∗λ (k, p) · ǫλ (k, q) = − .
2s−λ,λ (k, p)s∗−λ,λ (k, q)

Using the Chisholm identity (11) the numerator can be rewritten as follows

ūλ (k) {ūλ (q)γµ uλ (k)} γ µ uλ (p) =

2ūλ (k) [u−λ (q)ū−λ (k) + uλ (k)ūλ (q)] uλ (p) = 2sλ,−λ (k, q)s−λ,λ (k, p).
But sλ,−λ (k, q) = −s∗−λ,λ (k, q) and we get

eiΦ(q,p) = 1.

ǫµλ (k; q) = ǫµλ (k; p) + βλ (q, p, k)kµ (20)
and for each gauge invariant subset of diagrams we can choice the auxil-
iary four-vector p completely arbitrarily without generating relative complex
phases – certainly a nice property.
Using the Chisholm identity again we get

∗ 2
ǫ̂λ (k; p) = [uλ (p)ūλ (k) + u−λ (k)ū−λ (p)] . (21)
s−λ,λ (k, p)
From this relation the following “magic” identities follow

ǫ̂∗λ (k; p)uλ (p) = ǫ̂∗λ (k; p)v−λ (p) = v̄λ (p)ǫ̂∗λ (k; p) = ū−λ (p)ǫ̂∗λ (k; p) = 0. (22)

In fact our polarization four-vector (19) corresponds to the axial gauge p·ǫλ = 0
and for the photon polarization sum we have
X pµ k ν + pν k µ
ǫµλ (k; p)ǫ∗ν
λ (k; p) = −g
+ . (23)

n o
ūλ (p)γ µ uλ (k)ūλ (k)γ ν uλ (p) Sp ωλ p̂γ µ ωλ k̂γ ν
ǫµλ ǫ∗ν
λ =
= λ
4k · p 4k · p
MUMUG: a fast Monte Carlo generator for the process e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ 9
µ ν
P n o
Sp ωλ p̂γ k̂γ Sp p̂γ µ k̂γ ν
λ k µ pν + k ν pµ
= = −g µν + .
4k · p 4k · p p·k
Substituting p̂ = uλ (p)ūλ (p) + u−λ (p)ū−λ (p) in

ūλ (k)p̂uλ (q)

p · ǫ∗λ (k; q) = √
2s−λ,λ (k, q)
we get
sλ,−λ (k, p)s−λ,λ (p, q)
p · ǫ∗λ (k; q) = √ . (24)
2s−λ,λ (k, q)
In particular
p · ǫ∗λ (k; p) = k · ǫ∗λ (k; p) = 0. (25)
The relation (24) allows to calculate βλ (q, p, k) in (20):

2s−λ,λ (p, q)
βλ (q, p, k) = . (26)
s−λ,λ (p, k)s−λ,λ (k, q)

2.5 Z-functions as building blocks for helicity amplitudes

The following Z-functions are useful [32,33] building blocks for helicity ampli-

, ǫ2 , ǫ3 , ǫ4
2 ,λ3 ,λ4
(p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 ) = ūλ1 (p1 )γµ uλ2 (p2 )ūλ3 (p3 )γ µ uλ4 (p4 ), (27)

where it is assumed that every mass in this expression is written in the form
ǫi mi , with ǫi = 0, ±1, to ensure a simple use of the λ → −λ, m → −m sub-
stitution rule for antiparticle spinors. Decomposition (8) of massive spinors in
terms of massless ones allows to express Z-functions trough spinor inner prod-
ucts. The calculation is straightforward although rather lengthy. To present
the results let us introduce for a moment a shorthand notations
ǫ i mi
Z(λ1 , λ2 , λ3 , λ4 ) ≡ Zλǫ11,λ
, ǫ2 , ǫ3 , ǫ4
2 ,λ3 ,λ4
(p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 ), χi = 2pi · ξ, , µi = .
Then for half of the possible helicity configurations we have

Z(+, +, +, +) = −2 [s+− (p1 , p3 )s−+ (p2 , p4 ) − µ1 µ2 χ3 χ4 − µ3 µ4 χ1 χ2 ] ,

Z(+, +, +, −) = 2χ2 [µ3 s+− (p1 , p4 ) − µ4 s+− (p1 , p3 )] ,
Z(+, +, −, +) = 2χ1 [µ3 s−+ (p2 , p4 ) − µ4 s−+ (p2 , p3 )] ,
Z(+, +, −, −) = −2 [s+− (p1 , p4 )s−+ (p2 , p3 ) − µ1 µ2 χ3 χ4 − µ3 µ4 χ1 χ2 ] ,
Z(+, −, +, +) = 2χ4 [µ2 s+− (p1 , p3 ) − µ1 s+− (p2 , p3 )] , (28)
Z(+, −, +, −) = 0,
Z(+, −, −, +) = 2 [µ1 µ3 χ2 χ4 + µ2 µ4 χ1 χ3 − µ1 µ4 χ2 χ3 − µ2 µ3 χ1 χ4 ] ,
Z(+, −, −, −) = 2χ3 [µ2 s+− (p1 , p4 ) − µ1 s+− (p2 , p4 )] .

The remaining half can be obtained by exchanging + ↔ − in the above ex-

For illustration purposes let us sketch the derivation of Z(+, +, +, +). Us-
ing the decomposition (8) we get (note that ū± (p)γµ u∓ (q) = 0 for lightlike
four-momenta p and q because for such momenta u± are chirality eigenstates)

Z(+, +, +, +) = [ū+ (p1ξ )γµ u+ (p2ξ ) + µ1 µ2 ū− (ξ)γµ u− (ξ)] ×

10 Z. K. Silagadze

[ū+ (p3ξ )γ µ u+ (p4ξ ) + µ3 µ4 ū− (ξ)γ µ u− (ξ)] .

For lightlike four-momenta (but not for ξ which plays a special role in our
construction [15]) we can enjoy the Chisholm identity (11) and obtain

ū+ (p1ξ )γµ u+ (p2ξ )ū+ (p3ξ )γ µ u+ (p4ξ ) =

2ū+ (p3ξ ) [u+ (p2ξ )ū+ (p1ξ ) + u− (p1ξ )ū− (p2ξ )] u+ (p4ξ ) =

2s+− (p3ξ , p1ξ )s−+ (p2ξ , p4ξ ) = −2s+− (p1 , p3 )s−+ (p2 , p4 ).
The last step follows from s±∓ (pξ , qξ ) = s±∓ (p, q) = −s±∓ (q, p). Analogously

ū+ (p1ξ )γµ u+ (p2ξ )ū− (ξ)γ µ u− (ξ) =

2ū− (ξ) [u+ (p2ξ )ū+ (p1ξ ) + u− (p1ξ )ū− (p2ξ )] u− (ξ) =

2s−+ (ξ, p2ξ )s+− (p1ξ , ξ) = 2χ2 χ1 .

At last, because ξ 2 = 0, we have

ū− (ξ)γµ u− (ξ)ū− (ξ)γ µ u− (ξ) =

n o n o n o
ˆ µ = −2Sp ω− ξˆξˆ = 0.
Sp ω− ξ̂γµ ω− ξ̂γ µ = Sp ω− ξ̂γµ ξγ

Putting all pieces together, hence the first line of (28) follows.

3 Tree level helicity amplitudes

Feynman diagrams for the process e− (p− )+e+ (p+ ) → µ− (q− )+µ+ (q+ )+γ(k)
at tree level are naturally divided into two gauge-invariant subsets: initial state
radiation and final state radiation.

3.1 Initial state radiation

Let us consider the initial state radiation first. The helicity amplitude method
gives especially simple and elegant results in massless case. For our radiative
return studies we can neglect the electron mass assuming that the tagged
hard photon is not emitted at very small angles. But unfortunately we can not
neglect the muon mass if we are interested in production of the muon-antimuon
pairs with sufficiently small invariant masses. For massless fermions helicity is
not changed by photon emission. That is the helicity is conserved along initial
electron line. Therefore the helicity amplitude Aλe− ,−λe+ ,λµ− ,−λµ+ ,λγ is zero if
λe− = λe+ (note that the incoming positron with helicity λe+ is equivalent to
the outgoing electron with helicity −λe+ ). So in our approximation of massless
electron we have to consider only helicity amplitudes with opposite electron
and positron helicities.
Let us consider in some details the calculation of A+,+,λ3 ,λ4 ,+ . Because of
the “magic” identities (22), in this case it is convenient to choose the auxiliary
vector p in the photon polarization four-vector definition (19) to be the electron
momentum p− . Then only one initial state radiation diagram will contribute.
Namely the one with the photon radiation from the positron:
MUMUG: a fast Monte Carlo generator for the process e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ 11

p+ ☛ ✒✠ q+


t t

p− ❅ q−

According to the Feynman rules it is straightforward to get

ie3 1
A= v̄− (p+ )ǫ̂∗+ (k; p− )(−p̂+ + k̂)γµ u+ (p− )ūλ3 (q− )γ µ v−λ4 (q+ ),
s′ −2p+ · k
where s′ = (q− + q+ )2 . Because v̄− (p+ )ǫ̂∗+ (k; p− )p̂+ = 2p+ · ǫ∗+ (k; p− )v̄− (p+ ),
we will have A = A1 + A2 , where
ie3 p+ · ǫ∗+ (k; p− )
A1 = v̄− (p+ )γµ u+ (p− )ūλ3 (q− )γ µ v−λ4 (q+ ).
s′ p+ · k
Using (24) and 2p+ · k = −s+− (k, p+ )s−+ (k, p+ ), we get

i 2e3 s−+ (p− , p+ )
A1 = Z 0 , 0 , 1 ,−1 (p+ , p− , q− , q+ ).
s′ s−+(k, p− )s−+(k, p+ ) +,+,λ3 , λ4
For A2 we have
ie3 1
A2 = ′
v̄− (p+ )ǫ̂∗+ (k; p− )k̂γµ u+ (p− )ūλ3 (q− )γ µ v−λ4 (q+ ).
s −2p+ · k
Now ǫ̂∗+ (k; p− )k̂γµ u+ (p− ) = −k̂ǫ̂∗+ (k; p− )γµ u+ (p− ) = −2ǫ∗+µ (k; p− )k̂u+ (p− ),
because k · ǫ∗+ (k; p− ) = 0 and ǫ̂∗+ (k; p− )u+ (p− ) = 0. Therefore
ie3 1
A2 = v̄− (p+ )k̂u+ (p− )ūλ3 (q− )ǫ̂∗+ (k; p− )v−λ4 (q+ ).
s′ p + · k
The first spinor factor is calculated by substituting v̄− (p+ ) = ū+ (p+ ) and
k̂ = u+ (k)ū+ (k) + u− (k)ū− (k). The result is
v̄− (p+ )k̂u+ (p− ) = s+− (p+ , k)s−+ (k, p− ).
For the second spinor factor we have
ūλ3 (q− )ǫ̂∗+ (k; p− )v−λ4 (q+ ) =
0 , 0 , 1 ,−1
ū+ (k)γµ u+ (p− )ūλ3 (q− )γ µ v−λ4 (q+ ) Z+,+,λ (k, p− , q− , q+ )
√ = √3 , λ4 .
2s−+ (k, p− ) 2s−+ (k, p− )
Combining all pieces together, we get

i 2e3 s−+ (p− , k)
A2 = − Z 0 , 0 , 1 ,−1 (k, p− , q− , q+ )
s ′ s−+ (k, p− )s−+ (k, p+ ) +,+,λ3 , λ4
and √
(ISR) i 2e3
A+,+,λ3 ,λ4 ,+ = ×
0 , 0 , 1 ,−1 0 , 0 , 1 ,−1
s−+ (p− , p+ )Z+,+,λ 3 , λ4
(p+ , p− , q− , q+ ) − s−+ (p− , k)Z+,+,λ 3 , λ4
(k, p− , q− , q+ )
s−+ (k, p− )s−+ (k, p+ )
For A+,+,λ3 ,λ4 ,−
it is useful to take p = p+ as the auxiliary four-vector for
the photon polarization. Then only the following diagram will contribute:
12 Z. K. Silagadze

p+ q+

❅ ✠

t ⌣⌢⌣⌢⌣t
✒ ❅
t✟ ❘

p− ✒ ✡✟ ❅ q−

✡ k

We can proceed as above and obtain

(ISR) i 2e3
A+,+,λ3 ,λ4 ,− = ×

0 , 0 , 1 ,−1 0 , 0 , 1 ,−1
s+− (p− , p+ )Z+,+,λ 3 , λ4
(p+ , p− , q− , q+ ) − s+− (k, p+ )Z+,+,λ 3 , λ4
(p+ , k, q− , q+ )
s+− (k, p− )s+− (k, p+ )
We do not give any calculation details because they completely resemble the
ones described for A+,+,λ3 ,λ4 ,+ . Maybe only just one little difference deserves
to be commented: in calculation of

ū− (k)γ µ u− (p+ )ūλ3 (q− )γµ v−λ4 (q+ )

ūλ3 (q− )ǫ̂∗− (k; p+ )v−λ4 (q+ ) = √
2s+− (k, p+ )

one needs to use the line-reversal identity (10)

ū− (k)γ µ u− (p+ ) = ū+ (p+ )γ µ u+ (k)

to obtain
0 , 0 , 1 ,−1
Z+,+,λ (p+ , k, q− , q+ )
ūλ3 (q− )ǫ̂∗− (k; p+ )v−λ4 (q+ ) = √3 , λ4 .
2s+− (k, p+ )

The remaining helicity amplitudes for initial state radiation are calculated
analogously (or they can be obtained by the parity invariance argument for
free). The results are

(ISR) i 2e3
A−,−,λ3 ,λ4 ,+ = ×
0 , 0 , 1 ,−1 0 , 0 , 1 ,−1
s−+ (p− , p+ )Z−,−,λ 3 , λ4
(p+ , p− , q− , q+ ) − s−+ (k, p+ )Z−,−,λ 3 , λ4
(p+ , k, q− , q+ )
s−+ (k, p− )s−+ (k, p+ )

(ISR) i 2e3
A−,−,λ3 ,λ4 ,− = ×
0 , 0 , 1 ,−1 0 , 0 , 1 ,−1
s+− (p− , p+ )Z−,−,λ 3 , λ4
(p+ , p− , q− , q+ ) − s+− (p− , k)Z−,−,λ 3 , λ4
(k, p− , q− , q+ )
s+− (k, p− )s+− (k, p+ )
MUMUG: a fast Monte Carlo generator for the process e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ 13

3.2 Final state radiation

For the final state radiation both possible diagrams contribute owing to the
nonzero muon mass. So we will not try to get any compact expressions for
A(F SR) , even of the kind we had for A(ISR) . Instead we will follow the phi-
losophy of [32] and will express the corresponding amplitudes in terms of the
Z-functions assuming further numerical evaluation on a computer.
Let us consider the photon emission from the outgoing muon:

p+ q+

❅ ✠
■ ☛k
t ⌣⌢⌣⌢⌣t ✒

❅ ☛

✒ ❘

p− ❅ q−

(F SR)
The corresponding contribution to the Aλ1 ,λ1 ,λ3 ,λ4 ,λ helicity amplitude has
the form
ie3 1
A= v̄−λ1 (p+ )γµ uλ1 (p− )ūλ3 (q− )ǫ̂∗λ (k; p)(q̂− + mµ + k̂)γ µ v−λ4 (q+ ),
s 2q− · k

where s = (p− + p+ )2 . Using

ūλ (k)γ µ uλ (p)

ǫ̂∗λ (k; p) = √ γµ
2s−λ,λ (k, p)

and decomposing again A = A1 + A2 , where A1 corresponds to the part

originated from

q̂− + mµ = u+ (q− )ū+ (q− ) + u− (q− )ū− (q− )

and A2 – to the part originated from

k̂ = u+ (k)ū+ (k) + u− (k)ū− (k),

we get
(1) (1)
ie3 1 X + X−
A1 = √ + .
s 2q− · k 2 s−λ,λ (k, p)
X+ = v̄−λ1 (p+ )γµ uλ1 (p− )ūλ3 (q− )ūλ (k)γ ν uλ (p)γν u+ (q− )ū+ (q− )γ µ v−λ4 (q+ ) =

v̄−λ1 (p+ )γµ uλ1 (p− )ū+ (q− )γ µ v−λ4 (q+ ) ūλ (k)γ ν uλ (p) ūλ3 (q− )γν u+ (q− ).
X+ = Zλ01,,λ01,,+,
1 ,−1 0, 0 , 1 ,1
λ4 (p+ , p− , q− , q+ ) ∗ Zλ, λ,λ3 ,+ (k, p, q− , q− ). (33)

(1) (1)
X− is obtained from X+ simply by reversing the intermediate helicity sign:
X− = Zλ01,,λ01,,−,
1 ,−1 0, 0 , 1 ,1
λ4 (p+ , p− , q− , q+ ) ∗ Zλ, λ,λ3 ,− (k, p, q− , q− ). (34)
14 Z. K. Silagadze

A2 is dealt with an analogous way as well as contributions from the diagram

with the photon emission from the outgoing µ+ . So we skip the details and
give the final result

(F SR) ie3 1
Aλ1 ,λ1 ,λ3 ,λ4 ,λ = √ ×
s 2 2 s−λ,λ (k, p)
(1) (1) (2) (2) (3) (3) (4) (4)
( )
X+ + X− + X+ + X− X + X− + X+ + X−
− + . (35)
k · q− k · q+
(1) (i)
X± were defined above by (33) and (34). For the remaining X± functions
the corresponding expressions are given below:
X+ = Zλ01,,λ01,,+,
0 ,−1 0, 0 , 1 , 0
λ4 (p+ , p− , k, q+ ) ∗ Zλ, λ,λ3 ,+ (k, p, q− , k) ,
X− = Zλ01,,λ01,,−,
0 ,−1 0, 0 , 1 , 0
λ4 (p+ , p− , k, q+ ) ∗ Zλ, λ,λ3 ,− (k, p, q− , k) ,
X+ = Zλ01,,λ01,,λ1 3,−1 0, 0,−1,−1
, + (p+ , p− , q− , q+ ) ∗ Zλ, λ, + , λ4 (k, p, q+ , q+ ) , (36)
X− = Zλ01,,λ01,,λ1 3,−1 0, 0,−1,−1
, − (p+ , p− , q− , q+ ) ∗ Zλ, λ, − , λ4 (k, p, q+ , q+ ) ,
X+ = Zλ01,,λ01,,λ1 3,,+
0 0, 0, 0 ,−1
(p+ , p− , q− , k, ) ∗ Zλ, λ, +, λ4 (k, p, k, q+ ) ,
X− = Zλ01,,λ01,,λ1 3,,−
0 0, 0, 0 ,−1
(p+ , p− , q− , k, ) ∗ Zλ, λ, −, λ4 (k, p, k, q+ ) .

To facilitate the massless limit, we make the following helicity-dependent

choice for the auxiliary four-vector p:

q+ξ , if λλ4 = +1,
p= (37)
q−ξ , if λλ4 = −1.

3.3 Squared matrix element in the massless limit

Let us check our helicity amplitudes against mµ → 0 massless limit. For il-
lustration we will sketch the derivation of the limit for A+,+,−,−,+ . In the
massless limit we have s′ = 2q− · q+ = −s+− (q+ , q− )s−+ (q+ , q− ) and

Z(+, +, −, −) = −2s+− (p1 , p4 )s−+ (p2 , p3 ).

Therefore (29) takes the form

(ISR) √
A+,+,−,−,+ = 2 2ie3 ×

s−+ (p− , q− ) [s−+ (p− , p+ )s+− (p+ , q+ ) − s−+ (p− , k)s+− (k, q+ )]
s+− (q+ , q− )s−+ (q+ , q− )s−+ (k, p− )s−+ (k, p+ )
But using four-momentum conservation p− + p+ = q− + q+ + k and the Dirac
equation we get

[s−+ (p− , p+ )s+− (p+ , q+ ) − s−+ (p− , k)s+− (k, q+ )] =

ū− (p− ) [u+ (p+ )ū+ (p+ ) − u+ (k)ū+ (k)] u− (q+ ) =

ū− (p− )ω+ (p̂+ − k̂)u− (q+ ) = ū− (p− )ω+ (q̂− + q̂+ − p̂− )u− (q+ ) =
ū− (p− )u+ (q− )ū+ (q− )u− (q+ ) = s−+ (p− , q− )s+− (q− , q+ ),
and A+,+,−,−,+ is simplified to

√ s2−+ (p− , q− )
A+,+,−,−,+ = −2 2ie3 =
s−+ (q+ , q− )s−+ (k, p− )s−+ (k, p+ )
MUMUG: a fast Monte Carlo generator for the process e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ 15

s2−+ (p− , q− )
2ie3 β+ (p− , p+ , k), (38)
s−+ (p− , p+ )s−+ (q− , q+ )
Where β+ (p+ , p− , k) is defined by (26). For the given helicity configuration,
(i) (1)
in the massless limit, p = q− and all X+ functions in (35) equal zero. X−
and X− are proportional to s−+ (q− , q− ) and hence also are zeros. The only
nonzero combinations are
X− = 4s+− (p+ , q+ )s−+ (p− , q− )s+− (k, q+ )s−+ (q− , q+ )

X− = 4s+− (p+ , k)s−+ (p− , q− )s+− (k, q+ )s−+ (q− , k).
So (35) is reduced to
(F SR) √
A+,+,−,−,+ = −2 2ie3 ×
s−+ (p− , q− )s+− (k, q+ ) [s+− (p+ , q+ )s−+ (q− , q+ ) + s+− (p+ , k)s−+ (q− , k)]
s 2k · q+ s−+ (k, q− )
We can apply four-momentum conservation and the Dirac equation again to

[s+− (p+ , q+ )s−+ (q− , q+ ) + s+− (p+ , k)s−+ (q− , k)] = s+− (p− , p+ )s−+ (p− , q− ).


s = 2p− · p+ = −s+− (p− , p+ )s−+ (p− , p+ ), 2k · q+ = −s+− (k, q+ )s−+ (k, q+ ).


(F SR)
√ s2−+ (p− , q− )
A+,+,−,−,+ = −2 2ie3 =
s−+ (p− , p+ )s−+ (k, q− )s−+ (k, q+ )

s2−+ (p− , q− )
− 2ie3 β+ (q− , q+ , k). (39)
s−+ (p− , p+ )s−+ (q− , q+ )
Combining (38) and (39) we get in the massless limit

s2−+ (p− , q− )
A+,+,−,−,+ = 2ie3 [β+ (p− , p+ , k) − β+ (q− , q+ , k)] .
s−+ (p− , p+ )s−+ (q− , q+ )
This result agrees to the one given in [21] (note the sign difference in our
definition of the photon polarization four-vector (19) compared to what is
used in [21]).
The massless limit for other helicity configurations can be considered sim-
ilarly and the results are given below:
s2−+ (p+ , q+ )
A+,+,−,−,− = 2ie3 [β− (p− , p+ , k) − β− (q− , q+ , k)] ,
s−+ (p− , p+ )s−+ (q− , q+ )
s2−+ (p− , q+ )
A+,+,+,+,+ = −2ie3 [β+ (p− , p+ , k) − β+ (q− , q+ , k)] ,
s−+ (p− , p+ )s−+ (q− , q+ )
s2−+ (p+ , q− )
A+,+,+,+,− = −2ie3 [β− (p− , p+ , k) − β− (q− , q+ , k)] ,
s−+ (p− , p+ )s−+ (q− , q+ )

The amplitudes for the remaining helicity configurations are obtained by sim-
ply reversing the signs of the helicity labels in the above given expressions
(parity conjugation).
16 Z. K. Silagadze

To evaluate the norms of the above given massless amplitudes, we will need
|βλ (p− , p+ , k) − βλ (q− , q+ , k)|2 . Note that

p+ · ǫλ (k, p− ) ūλ (k)p̂+ uλ (p− )

βλ (p− , p+ , k) = = √ . (42)
k · p+ 2k · p+ s−λ,λ (k, p− )

Let us introduce a four-vector [34]2

p+ p−
vp = − , (43)
k · p+ k · p−

such that k · vp = 0 and therefore k̂v̂p = −v̂p k̂. Then

ūλ (k)v̂p uλ (p− )

βλ (p− , p+ , k) = √ .
2s−λ,λ (k, p− )

ū−λ (ξ)k̂v̂p uλ (p− ) ū−λ (ξ)v̂p k̂uλ (p− )
ūλ (k)v̂p uλ (p− ) = √ =− √ .
2k · ξ 2k · ξ
Substituting here k̂ = uλ (k)ūλ (k) + u−λ (k)ū−λ (k) we get

ū−λ (ξ)v̂p u−λ (k)

ūλ (k)v̂p uλ (p− ) = −s−λ,λ (k, p− ) √
2k · ξ
and therefore
ū−λ (ξ)v̂p u−λ (k)
βλ (p− , p+ , k) = − √ . (44)
2 k·ξ
Then it is easy to get
n o
Sp ω−λ ξ̂v̂p k̂v̂p
|βλ (p− , p+ , k)| = .
4k · ξ

But v̂p k̂v̂p = −vp2 k̂ and therefore we get

2 1
|βλ (p− , p+ , k)| = − vp2 .

βλ (p− , p+ , k)βλ∗ (q− , q+ , k) + βλ (q− , q+ , k)βλ∗ (p− , p+ , k) =

n  o
Sp ω−λ ξ̂ v̂p k̂v̂q + v̂q k̂v̂p
= −vp · vq .
4k · ξ
|βλ (p− , p+ , k) − βλ (q− , q+ , k)|2 = − (vp − vq )2 . (45)
This equation enables to find the massless limit for the squared matrix element
averaged over initial and summed over final polarizations as

t2 + u2 + t′2 + u′2 2
|A|2 = −e6 (vp − vq ) , (46)
2 To motivate its introduction, note that the first term is already present in (42), and

we can add any term proportional to p− without changing the result, since p̂− uλ (p− ) = 0.
The proportionality coefficient is chosen so that k̂ and v̂p commute, as this will allow the
calculation to be performed as described in the text.
MUMUG: a fast Monte Carlo generator for the process e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ 17


s = (p− + p+ )2 , t = −2p+ · q+ , u = −2p+ · q− ,

s′ = (q− + q+ )2 , t′ = −2p− · q− , u′ = −2p− · q+ . (47)

This result also agrees to what is known in the literature [34,21] and can be
used in the program as a testing tool for the tree level amplitude against bugs.
As an another testing tool we can use the hard bremsstrahlung squared am-
plitude from [35] which incorporates the nonzero muon mass. In our notations
and for the massless electron this result is

|A|2 = e6 (Rini + Rf in + Rint ), (48)

where individual contributions, from the initial state radiation, final state ra-
diation and their interference, are given by

(t + u)2 + (t′ + u′ )2
Rini = ′ t2 + u2 + t′2 + u′2 + 2m2µ ,
s x1 x2 s′
( " #

1 h
2 ′2 2
i y1
Rf in = t + u + 2mµ s 1 − 2 1+ +
sy1 y2 s y2
" # )
2  2
h i m µ y 2 m µ
t′2 + u2 + 2m2µ s 1 − 2 x21 + x22 − 8m2µ (s − s′ ) ,

1+ +8
s y1 s

Rint = ′
ux2 y1 + u′ x1 y2 − tx2 y2 − t′ x1 y1 × (49)
ss x1 x2 y1 y2
t2 + t′2 + y 2 + u′2 + 2m2µ (s + s′ ) +
h io
+2m2µ x1 x2 (s − s′ )(u + u′ − t − t′ ) − 4(x1 − x2 )(y1 − y2 ) ,

x1 = k · p+ , x2 = k · p− , y1 = k · q+ , y2 = k · q− . (50)
The same squared amplitude was calculated in [8]. Although the formulas
look different, we have checked numerically in the massless electron limit that
both [8] and [35] give the same result (after the ∆s1 s1 sign misprint had been
corrected in formula (2.12) of [8]). Our helicity amplitudes presented above also
have been checked numerically to lead to the same tree level e− e+ → µ− µ+ γ
squared amplitude (48-49).

4 Monte Carlo algorithm

The matrix element we have described in the previous section is strongly

peaked in certain regions of the phase space. For this reason generating events
distributed according to this matrix element efficiently is not a trivial task. In
this section a detailed description of the Monte Carlo algorithm used in the
event generator is given.
In the next subsection, we will start with some general remarks on how
random numbers with a given probability distribution can be generated. In
particular, we describe the acceptance-rejection algorithm that will be used
in our Monte Carlo program. We then explain in seperate subsections how
the initial and final state radiations can be described by crude distributions
that can be efficiently generated using combinations of analytic inversion and
acceptance-rejection methods.
18 Z. K. Silagadze

The separation into an initial-state crude distribution and the final-state

crude distribution means that we are not considering the interference between
them. This is done to facilitate the Monte Carlo generation of these distribu-
tions. The interference is automatically reintroduced in the last step of the
acceptance-rejection algorithm because we use the ratio of the square of the
actual amplitude to the sum of the squares of the initial-state and final-state
crude amplitudes to calculate the acceptance-rejection weight.
For the acceptance-rejection method to be effective, it is important that
the coarse distribution reproduces the main features of the real distribution.
In our case, the physical origin of the various singularities of the distribution
to be generated is that virtual fermions in the Feynman diagrams describing
radiation from the initial and final states may appear near on-shell in some
kinematic situations. For radiation in the initial state from a massless (in our
approximation) electron or positron, this occurs for the collinear radiation or
when a very soft photon is emitted. For radiation from a muon or anti-muon in
the final state, the peaked region in the amplitude corresponds to the emission
of soft photons.

4.1 General remarks

The most efficient way to generate random numbers with a given probability
density f (x) is as follows. If we define
r= f (y)dy ≡ F (x), (51)

then the probability that in a given event x-variable lays in the interval [x, x +
dx] is f (x)dx = dr. However, this is also the probability that the variable r lays
in the interval [r, r + dr], where r = F (x). Therefore r-variable is distributed
uniformly. This gives the following algorithm to generate f (x) distribution
(which will be assumed to be normalized in the interval [xmin , xmax ], although
this is not too relevant):
– generate a random number r uniformly distributed in the interval [0, 1].
– find x such that r = F (x).
This is the so called analytic inversion method [36]. It is assumed that (51)
gives an analytic expression for F (x) which can be easily inverted, at least
numerically. Unfortunately this is not always the case. In such situations
acceptance-rejection method turns out to be helpful. Suppose f0 (x) is some
crude distribution which: 1) shares major features of desired f (x) distribution
and 2) can be generated by analytic inversion. Then the acceptance-rejection
algorithm to generate f (x)-distribution goes as follows [36,37]:
– generate a random number x according to the crude distribution f0 (x).
– calculate the weight w = f (x)/f0 (x).
– generate a random number r uniformly distributed in the interval [0, C],
where C is some number larger than maximal weight wmax (not far from
it, however, if a good efficiency is desired).
– if r ≤ w, accept the event, otherwise repeat the whole procedure.
The probability that the first step will produce x-variable in the interval [x, x+
dx] is p1 = f0 (x)dx, while the probability of accepting this event is p2 = w/C.
Therefore, the combined probability is
1 1
p = p1 p2 = f0 (x)wdx = f (x)dx
MUMUG: a fast Monte Carlo generator for the process e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ 19

and the accepted events are indeed distributed according to the density func-
tion f (x).
In our case we want to generate the distribution

α3 d~q− d~q+ d~k

dσ = R δ(Q − q− − q+ ) , (52)
8π 2 s E− E+ ω

where E± , ω stand for the µ± and photon energies, Q = p− + p+ − k,

R= , (53)

and the matrix element |A|2 was discussed earlier. The crude distribution, that
models peculiar features of R consists of two parts
(ISR) (F SR)
dσ0 = dσ0 + dσ0 , (54)

where the first one deals with initial state radiation and the second one with
the final state radiation. The decision which part of the crude distribution to
generate in each event is based on relative magnitudes of the corresponding
(ISR) (F SR)
total cross sections σ0 and σ0 . After event is generated according to
the crude distribution, the acceptance-rejection method is applied to restore
the real distribution.
Given the total number of events Ntot , generated with the crude distribu-
tion, and the number of accepted events Nacc , the total cross section can be
calculated as
Nacc  (ISR) (F SR)

σ(e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ) = σ0 + σ0 C, (55)
where C is the majoring value for the weights, since the acceptance probability
of an average event is given by

1 σ(e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ)
p= , (56)
C σ (ISR) + σ (F SR)
0 0

and, on the other hand, p = Nacc /Ntot for sufficiently large Ntot . Since Nacc is
distributed according to the binomial distribution, for an error estimate one
can take s
p(1 − p)  (ISR) (F SR)

∆σ = σ0 + σ0 C. (57)
(ISR) (F SR)
Now we describe in some details how dσ0 and dσ0 distributions are
generated. Our treatment was inspired by [38,39,40], but explicit realization
of the algorithms is original.

4.2 Crude distribution for the initial state radiation

To approximate initial state radiation part of e− e+ → µ− µ+ γ matrix element,

we use
(ISR) 1
(t + u)2 + (t′ + u′ )2 ,

R0 = ′ (58)
s x1 x2 β ∗
where r

β = 1−
20 Z. K. Silagadze

is the muon velocity in the dimuon rest frame and other invariants used in
(58) were defined earlier in (47) and (50).
After some trial and error, the form (58) was motivated by the second term
in the Rini expression in (49). The factor 1/β ∗ was added to eliminate it after
integration over the muon and antimuon momenta (see (59).
Let us explain how dσ0 distribution is generated. First of all we need
the corresponding energy and angular spectra of the photon. To get those, we
integrate the distribution

(ISR) α3 (ISR) d~q− d~q+ d~k

dσ0 = R0 δ(Q − q− − q+ )
8π 2 s E− E+ ω
over the muon and antimuon momenta. But since

(t + u)2 + (t′ + u′ )2 = 4 (p− · Q)2 + (p+ · Q)2 ,


the integrand does not depend on muon and antimuon momenta. Using
d~q− d~q+
δ(Q − q− − q+ ) = 2πβ ∗ , (59)
E− E+
we obtain after integrating over those momenta

(ISR) α3 1  2 2
dσ0 = (p + · Q) + (p − · Q) .
π ss′ x1 x2 ω
1n 2 2
(p+ · Q)2 + (p− · Q)2 = [(p+ + p− ) · Q] + [(p+ − p− ) · Q] =
1 1 2
[s − (x1 + x2 )]2 + (x1 − x2 )2 = s − 2s(x1 + x2 ) + 2(x21 + x22 )

2 2
and substituting
s − s′ (s − s′ )2
x1 + x2 = , x21 + x22 = − 2x1 x2 ,
2 4
we obtain
s2 + s′2
2 2
(p+ · Q) + (p− · Q) = 2 − x1 x2 .
2α3 1 s2 + s′2 d~k
dσ0 = −1 =
π ss′ 8x1 x2 ω
4α3 s2 + s′2
= − 1 ωdω d cos θ, (60)
ss′ 2sω 2 (1 − cos2 θ)
where θ stands for the photon polar angle.
Performing the angular integration in (60) we get the photon energy spec-
2α3 x2
(ISR) 1 1 + cm dx
dσ0 = 2 1−x+ ln − cm x2 , (61)
s 1−x 2 1 − cm x
where the photon energy fraction x = ω/E and E is the CMS beam energy.
Also, cm = cos θmin represents the angular cut on the photon. Note that
1+ = 2 − 2x + x2 .
MUMUG: a fast Monte Carlo generator for the process e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ 21

The distribution (61) is generated as follows. As the first step, preliminary

distribution (the norm is not included)

p0 (x) =
x(1 − x)

is generated by analytic inversion. Then the acceptance-rejection method is

applied with the weight

1 + cm
w =2 1−x+ ln − cm x2 .
2 1 − cm

The photon energy fraction x is generated in this way in the interval xmin ≤
x ≤ xmax , where
xmax = 1 − .

Now we need to generate angular variables for the photon. The matrix
element does not depend on the photon azimuthal angle. So this angle 0 ≤
φ ≤ 2π is generated as an uniform distribution. For the polar angle, Eq. (60)
shows that we need to generate the distribution

1 x2
f (cos θ) = − .
1 − cos2 θ 2(2 − 2x + x2 )

Again, we use the analytic inversion method to generate the first term of this
distribution, which is peaked at small angles, and then acceptance-rejection is
applied with weights
x2 (1 − cos2 θ)
1− .
2(2 − 2x + x2 )

The photon polar angle is restricted to the interval −cm ≤ cos θ ≤ cm .

To generate the muon momentum, let us note that

d~q− d~q+ β∗

δ(Q − q− − q+ ) = d cos θ− dφ∗− ,
E− E+ 2

∗ (ISR)
where θ− and φ∗− are µ− angular variables in the dimuon rest frame. As R0

does not depend on these variables, cos θ− and φ∗− are generated as uniform
distributions and then µ− four-momentum can be constructed simply in the
dimuon rest frame. Finally, we apply Lorentz transformation to transform this
four-momentum back to the CMS frame.
The total crude ISR cross section is found by integrating (61):


(ISR) xmax 1 + cm
σ0 == 2 ln ln +
s xmin 1 − cm

1 + cm 1 − xmin
+ ln − cm ln − xmax + xmin . (62)
1 − cm 1 − xmax
22 Z. K. Silagadze

4.3 Crude distribution for the final state radiation

As a crude distribution which models peculiarities of the final state radiation

according to (49), we take (the role of s is to obtain the correct dimension):
(F SR) s
R0 = . (63)
y1 y2
Note that
y1 + y2 = k · (p+ + p− ) = 2E(2E − E+ − E− ) (64)
y1 − y2 = (q+ − q− ) · (q+ + q− + k) = 2E(E+ − E− ).
These two relations enable us to find
y1 = 2E(2E − E− ), y2 = 2E(2E − E+ ). (65)
Now let us transform the phase space

d~q− d~q+ d~k dy2

δ(Q − q− − q+ ) = dω dφγ+ d cos θ+ dφ+ ,
E− E+ ω 2E
where θ+ , φ+ are µ+ angular variables and the photon angles θ+ , φγ+ are
+ γ
defined with respect to the µ momentum ~q+ (the photon polar angle θ+
does not appear in the r.h.s. of the above formula because energy δ-function
enables to integrate over d cos θ+ ). Therefore the crude distribution for final
state radiation takes the form
(F SR) α3 1
dσ0 = dω dφγ+ dy2 d cos θ+ dφ+ .
8π 2 2Ey1 y2
It is clear that φγ+ , φ+ and cos θ+ are distributed uniformly. Integrating over
them and using  
1 1 1 1
= + ,
y1 y2 2Eω y1 y2
(F SR)
we get dσ0 as a sum of two distributions

(F SR) α3 dω dy1 α3 dω dy2

dσ0 = + , (66)
s ω y1 s ω y2
where we have also used |dy2 | = |dy1 | for fixed ω as follows from Eq. (64).
Integration limits on y1 and y2 are determined in the following way. From
2 + 2ω|~ γ
2E − ω − E+ = E− = ω 2 + E+ q+ | cos θ+

we find
γ 2E(E − ω) − E+ (2E − ω)
cos θ+ = q . (67)
ω E+ 2 − m2
Since | cos θ+ | ≤ 1, we find allowed region for E+ :
" r # " r #
1 µ2 1 µ2
2−x−x 1− ≤ x+ ≤ 2−x+x 1− ,
2 1−x 2 1−x

where x+ = E+ /E and µ = mµ /E. Using now y2 = 2E 2 (1 − x+ ), we derive

" r # " r #
µ2 y2 µ2
x 1− 1− ≤ 2 ≤x 1+ 1− . (68)
1−x E 1−x
MUMUG: a fast Monte Carlo generator for the process e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ 23

The limits for y1 are the same as y1 = 2E 2 x − y2 relation shows. Therefore,

integrating (66) over y1,2 , we get the following photon energy spectrum
√ p
(F SR) 2α3 1 − x + 1 − x − µ2 dx
dσ0 = ln √ p . (69)
s 1 − x − 1 − x − µ2 x
Using this distribution, we can generate the photon energy in the following
way. Noting that

ln (1 − x) ln (s/m2µ )
1 − x + 1 − x − µ2
ln √ p −→ + ,
1 − x − 1 − x − µ2 x x
when µ → 0, we first generate the distribution (the norm is not included)
ln (1 − x) ln (s/m2µ )
p0 (x) = +
x x
by numerically solving the equation
s x
r = ln ln + Li2 (xmin ) − Li2 (x),
m2µ xmin
where r is a random number uniformly distributed in the interval
s xmax
0 ≤ r ≤ ln ln + Li2 (xmin ) − Li2 (xmax ).
m2µ xmin
Then the desired distribution (69) is reproduced by the acceptance-rejection
method with the weight
2(1 − x) − µ2 + 2 (1 − x)(1 − x − µ2 )

4(1 − x)
w = ln ln .
µ2 µ2
After the photon energy is generated, we can generate µ+ -energy as well.
First 1/y distribution is generated by analytic inversion. Then we generate
a random number r uniformly distributed in the interval 0 ≤ r ≤ 1 and if
r ≤ 0.5 we take y1 = y, otherwise we take y2 = y, which means that we choose
between two sub-distributions in (66). Knowing y1 or y2 allows us to determine
E+ from (65) and energy conservation.
As we mentioned earlier, φγ+ , φ+ and cos θ+ are generated as uniform
distributions and cos θ+ is determined by (67). The only thing which is left is
to rotate generated three-momentum of the photon correctly, because cos θ+
γ +
and φ+ determine its orientation with respect to µ -momentum ~q+ , but not
with respect to our initial CMS axes. Note that this q+ -reference frame can
be obtained from the initial p− -reference frame (in which ~p− points along z-
direction) by two consecutive rotations: rotation by the angle φ+ around z-th
axis followed by rotation around the new y axis by the angle θ+ . This allows
us to construct the transformation law for any vector A~ = {Ax , Ay , Az } under
the combined rotation:
Ax = cos θ+ cos φ+ A′x − sin φ+ A′y + sin θ+ cos φ+ A′z ,
Ay = cos θ+ sin φ+ A′x + cos φ+ A′y + sin θ+ sin φ+ A′z ,
Az = − sin θ+ A′x + cos θ+ A′z , (70)
where {A′x , A′y , A′z }
and {Ax , Ay , Az } are the vector coordinates in the q+ -
reference frame and the desired coordinates in the p− -reference frame, respec-
tively. All what is needed to complete the generation of the photon momentum
is to apply (70) to the case A~ = ~k and use
kx′ = ω sin θ+ cos φγ+ , ky′ = ω sin θ+
sin φγ+ , kz′ = ω cos θ+
24 Z. K. Silagadze

After the FSR event is generated with crude distribution, it is only accepted
if the photon polar angle is in the interval −cm ≤ cos θ ≤ cm . Otherwise the
procedure is repeated.
We also need the total crude FSR cross section. It can be obtained by
integrating (69), but there is some subtlety in how to account for the photon
angular cut. Note that

1 d~q− d~q+
δ(p− + p+ − k − q− − q+ )
y1 y2 E− E+

can depend only on k · (p− + p+ ) and not separately on k · p− and/or k ·

(F SR) ~
p+ . Therefore in the CMS frame dσ0 /dk does not depend on the photon
angular variables. Hence the distribution over cos θ is uniform and the desired
total cross section is given by:
1−µ p
2α3 cm 2(1 − x) − µ2 + 2 (1 − x)(1 − x − µ2 ) dx
(F SR)
σ0 = ln . (71)
s µ2 x

This integral is calculated numerically in the MUMUG program.

5 Concluding remarks

In the present paper, we have described and made available MUMUG, a new
leading-order Monte Carlo program that simulates e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ process.
We hope that the MUMUG program in conjunction with this article can
be used for educational purposes. Therefore, we have presented a very detailed
description of the Monte Carlo algorithm used, as well as the helicity amplitude
method and the calculation of the e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ matrix element by means
of this method.
For reference purposes, in Table 1 we provide some total cross sections cal-
culated by using the MUMUG program. For comparison with other programs,
keep in mind that professional Monte Carlo programs such as AFKQED or
MCGPJ include the emission of additional collinear photons, while others, such
as PHOKHARA and KKMC, include next-to-leading order radiative correc-
tions. All these improvements are missing in the MUMUG generator.

10◦ 15◦ 20◦ 25◦
ωmin ❳❳
0.1 GeV 206.20± 0.18 182.83± 0.16 164.60 ± 0.14 149.24± 0.13
0.15 GeV 187.54 ± 0.16 165.62 ± 0.14 148.70 ± 0.13 134.43 ± 0.12
0.20 GeV 174.35 ± 0.15 153.43 ± 0.13 137.56 ± 0.12 124.08 ± 0.11
0.25 GeV 164.28 ± 0.14 143.99 ± 0.12 128.86 ± 0.11 116.14 ± 0.10
Table 1 The total cross sections of e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ in picobarns for the CMS beam energy
E = 5.29 GeV and for different values of the minimum photon energy (ωmin ) and angular
cuts imposed on the photon polar angle (θmin ).

The Fortran code of the MUMUG program can be downloaded (under

the MIT license) from:, or
from the Code Ocean Capsule:

Acknowledgements The work is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of

the Russian Federation and in part by RFBR grant 20-02-00697-a.
MUMUG: a fast Monte Carlo generator for the process e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ 25


A Feynman rules used in the main text

Each Feynman diagram determines a contribution to the momentum space matrix element of
the process under consideration. This contribution can be found from the diagram according
to the following rules (only ones relevant for our studies are listed). Their derivations can
be found in the standard quantum field theory textbooks [29].

– Initial state particles with 4-momentum p:

electron > t uλ (p)

positron < t v̄λ (p)

where λ stands for the fermion polarization. uλ (p) and vλ (p) are particle and antiparticle
Dirac spinors.
– Final state particles with 4-momentum p:

electron t > ūλ (p)

positron t < vλ (p)

photon ⌢
t ⌣⌢⌣

⌢⌣ ǫ∗µ (p)

ǫµ is the photon polarization four-vector.

– Intermediate state particle propagators with 4-momentum p:
t > t p2 −m2 +iǫ

photon ⌢
t ⌣⌢⌣

⌢⌣ t p2 +iǫ

– Interaction vertex:

t ⌣⌢⌣⌢⌣ −ieγµ

B Usage of the program

To generate pseudorandom numbers uniformly distributed in the interval (0, 1), the program
uses RAN LU X generator from the CERNLIB library [41]. Therefore, if the user does not
want to use default values for RAN LU X, RLU XGO subroutine should be called to initialize
RAN LU X, as described in [41].
Various internal common blocks of MUMUG are filled when


subroutine is called. Here E(REAL∗8) is the CMS beam energy in GeV. EGM IN (REAL∗8)
represents the minimum energy of the photon, also in GeV, and T HGM IN (REAL ∗ 8) is
the angular cut on the photon polar angle in degrees.
After RAN LU X generator was initialized, and F ILCOM subroutine was called, MU-
MUG is ready to generate events of the process e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ. Each call of the

M U M U G(E, QM, QP, K, IM OD)

26 Z. K. Silagadze

subroutine results in the output of REAL ∗ 8 arrays QM (0 : 3), QP (0 : 3), K(0 : 3), which
represent four-momenta of the produced particles (µ+ , µ− and γ, respectively).
The IM OD(IN T EGER) parameter specifies which expression is used by MUMUG
when calculating the matrix element of e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ (or its modulus squared). In par-
ticular, if IM OD = 0, expression (12) (with the corrected sign misprint) from [8] is used.
If IM OD = 1, expressions (9 − −10) from [8] are used. If IM OD = 2, the results of [35]
are used. At last, if IM OD = 3, our helicity amplitudes, described in this article, are used.
These different modes of matrix element calculation have been implemented in MUMUG
in order to facilitate the detection of various programming mistakes (bugs) during the pro-
gram development. All modes produce identical output (within the precision expected by
the double precision arithmetic used).
After sufficiently large number of M U M U G calls, crs(E, sg, sgerr) subroutine, if called,
estimates the cross section sg(REAL ∗ 8) of the process e+ e− → µ+ µ− γ, Eγ > EGM IN ,
T HGM IN < θγ < 180◦ − T HGM IN , and its error sgerr(REAL ∗ 8) in picobarns.


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