Water Scarcity in Iraq (WASH)

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HCT -19th July 2021

The Situation
Deeper boreholes of
around 500-600 m
The geographic regions of
depth in Erbil
Euphrates &Tigris Rivers Basin
are currently experiencing
drought conditions, resulting in Tabqa dam is Water level in
now more than
lower rivers’ flow rates and Darbandikhan reservoir
80% depleted 11.5 meters lower than
affecting dam storage than
normal. For the last three last year
months, it appears that the Digging boreholes in
situations has progressively Diala as result of
worsened, and rivers are now construction of Dams and
changing streams of
experiencing critically low water
water channel inside
levels. Iranian border
Iraq including Kurdistan Region
is headed for a serious drought
Total dissolved
this summer following a
salt (TDS) in
particularly dry winter and
Shatt Al-Arab is
reduced flow caused by increasing from
upstream damming programs by 2,000 to over
riparian countries 19,000 ppm
Ministry of Water Resources Reports
Water Level at Haditha Dam
June 2020 146.50 m

June 2021 145.66 m

Water flow data at main rivers Euphrates and Tigress

Flow rate CMS

91 95 100 100 95 90
100 70 70 70 70
54 50 50 50

Basra Muthanna ThiQar Missan
2018 54 70 50 95
2021 91 100 70 217
2022 50 70 50 90
Crises thershold 95 100 70 150

2018 2021 2022 Crises thershold

Can be best understood by asking three main questions:

1. What will happen if there were no green house gas induced climate change?
• Historical climate trends
• Climate impacts of the past will have the same intensity and frequency

2. What is changing due to climate change?

• Climate projections identifying future risks
• Additional impact beyond historical baseline in scale, frequency and intensity.

3. What is needed to compensate for these additional impacts

• Change in policy and programmes
• More robust climate proofed infrastructure
• More last mile community awareness, monitoring and training to adapt livelihoods and
UNICEF Approach
Development Humanitarian

• Building resilience to help • Mitigate the potential impact

adapting the potential drought WASH of drought through risk
impact and enhancing management actions in at-
preparedness for future climate
Climate risk locations.
extremes and hazards Resilient • Prepare to address potential
• Promote investment in programming humanitarian impacts
sustainable water and through emergency
sanitation management with response to meet urgent
systematic integration into needs and promote rapid
socio-economic development. and effective early recovery.
• Strengthen community-based
DRR and climate change
adaptation planning. • Support and strengthening
• Support upgrading national of communication for
information management, behavioral change relating to
hydro-meteorological drinking water safety and
forecasting and early warning water use efficiency in water
systems and Climate change stress conditions.
risk/vulnerability assessment.
Cholera in Iraq
Historical Data & Preparedness
Preparedness & Response Plan
Cholera cases Iraq 2016-2020 • Ensure safe & adequate water supply

incidence per 100 THs or deaths

600 3.5
505 3
3 • Surveillance of acute diarrhea with close monitoring
number of cases

400 2.5
• Availability of Diagnostic materials
300 1.33 1.5 • Proper case management to reduce the mortalities
200 0.008 0.005 0 1
100 0
3 3 2 0 0.5 • Effective partnership and proper coordination among
0 0.008 0 0
0 0 0 0 all stakeholders
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Years Ways forward

Series1 Inci
Series2 Deaths
• Virtual or physical, one day meeting with stakeholders
d. (earliest possible) to discuss the situation, gaps, and needs.
• Review and update of the “National Iraq Health and WASH
Cluster Acute Diarrheal Diseases (including Cholera)
Acute Diarrhea surveillance 2021 Preparedness and Response Plan – 2018.

● Acute Diarrhea exceeding the alert threshold • Prepare effective communication plan – taking into
consideration – the current COVID19 context/scenarios, water
during WK21-WK25 in Babylon, Baghdad- scarcity, election, and mass gathering occasions.
Kergh, Dahuk, Diyala, Kerbalaa, Muthanna, • Conduct regular stock inventory for ORS, Zinc tablet,
Najaf, Ninewa, Salah-aldin and Sylumania. diagnostic tools, etc.

● Total acute diarrhea cases reported during • Active surveillance: Surveillance indicators ( acute diarrhea,
trend of the diseases) indicates this year 2021 is a year of
WK25 were 9464 among them 52 % above 5 flare up of cholera in Iraq – probably around October.
years of age. 22 % were tested for Vibirio
Cholera non of them were positive.
Thank You

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