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Guidance 2019

Version 1.16
ACRONYMS .......................................................................................................................................... 2

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 4
O ........................................................................................................................... 5

OF UN INFO ............................................................................................................................7

UN INFO R ....................................................................................................................... 8
How to register yourself ................................................................................................................ 8
How to approve new users .......................................................................................................... 10
How to register new users as an administrator ............................................................................ 12
How to assign roles to users ........................................................................................................ 13
How to remove a user ................................................................................................................. 14
MODIFYING THE TEMPLATE FOR COUNTRY CONTEXT ...................................................................... 15
TEMPLATE MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................... 16
How to navigate Template Management ..................................................................................... 16
STRATEGIC PRIORITY/OUTCOME/OUTPUT ................................................................................................ 18
How to include Outputs in either the UNDAF/UNSDCF or JWP template ....................................... 18
....................................................................................................................................................... 19
TAGS AND MARKERS...................................................................................................................... 19
How to add and edit a tag and tag items ..................................................................................... 20
INDICATOR FIELDS ............................................................................................................................... 22
COMMON BUDGETARY FRAMEWORK (CBF) ................................................................................. 23
How to add optional disaggregation to the CBF element ............................................................. 25
PROGRESS REPORTING......................................................................................................................... 25
STYLE ............................................................................................................................................... 26
PHASE MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................... 27
How to add custom phases.......................................................................................................... 29
APPROVAL PROCESS ............................................................................................................................ 30
How to require approval during planning .................................................................................... 30
Approval in planning ................................................................................................................... 31
Approval during reporting........................................................................................................... 32
USER MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................................... 33
Roles ........................................................................................................................................... 34
User roles .................................................................................................................................... 38
ADVANCED ..................................................................................................................................... 40
Publish Data ................................................................................................................................ 41
Manage Reports .......................................................................................................................... 43
CREATING THE PLAN ...................................................................................................................... 44

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UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework

UNSDCF United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework

CF Cooperation Framework

JWP Joint Work Plan

CBF Medium-term Common Budgetary Framework

KA Key Activity

IPs Implementing Partners

SoFs Source of Fund

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Who is this guidance for?
This guidance is for the country administrator of the UNDAF/UNSDCF. The document gives an
overview of the Administration functionalities and capacities of UN INFO and describes how a
country administrator can configure plan templates, create and manage plans, and manage users
in accordance with in-country needs.

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Overview of system

Once you login, you will see the following screen –

This menu page provides access to all functionalities to create, edit, and manage templates, plans
and users. It also gives access to standardized reports and dashboards (extracted from the data
entered in the system).

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Below is the explanation of each section:
1. Planning: Access to all existing plans (UNDAF/UNSDCF and JWP)
and ability to create new ones.

2. Monitoring: Access to monitor all existing plans.

3. See the data: Access to pre-formatted reports with extensive filter

options and interactive dashboards.

4. Administration: Establishment of UNDAF/UNSDCF Indicator

management, configuration of users’ access, and publishing of data.

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UN INFO Registration
UN INFO is accessed with a username and password. As a country administrator, you will be
registered by the Global Administrator and receive your credentials by email. Though, as you will
guide and support user registration in country it is important to understand the steps involved.

A user can be registered on the system in two ways:

• Self-Registration (preferred option in most cases)
• Registration by administrator (only for exceptional cases where a user is unable to register

How to register yourself

Step 1 Click on Register button on the main page of UN INFO site:

Step 2 Follow the prompts.

Step 3 Provide the required information in the form, noting the following:
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• Create your unique User ID (you may use numbers or letters but ensure its memorable),
ensure that is does not contain any spaces or special characters.
• You need to use your official UN email address.
• Create your password. Password length must be greater than 12 characters and less than
20 characters. For strong passwords, your password should contain upper- and lower-case
letters, numbers and symbols. Example: NuThod783%&

Step 4 Select your preferred language.

Step 5 Select your relevant function according to which you will be able to access UN INFO.
For instance, if you are a country user you may select > UN personnel at country level. If you are
on a regional team, then select > UN Regional staff. There are other functions available beyond
these two.

Step 6 According to the function selected, you will be able to select the country(s) or region you
will be associated with. If you select an HQ function, you will be linked to the global workspace.

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Note: To select multiple result groups, hold Ctrl when selecting.

Step 7 Click on Create new account. An email will be sent to the address you provided with the
password after the country administrator approves your registration.

How to approve new users

Step 1 As a country administrator you will receive an email notification of a new user pending
approval. To approve or decline the registration, go to the User Administration under My UN INFO

Step 2 You will see a list of all the users with their status either blocked or active.

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Step 3 To open and view the user details, click on the edit button, where you will be able to review
the information, and then approve or decline the user registration from the status field.

Step 4 Click on Save

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How to register new users as an administrator
The country administrator is authorized to create an account on the behalf of the user in the User
Administration section under My UN INFO tools.

Step 1 Click on Add User button available under User Administration section.

Step 2 Fill in the User Registration form.

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How to assign roles to users
At the time of registration, the function selected for a user will determine the access of the user.
For instance, selection of the default function “UN personnel in country” along with group
membership “UN personnel at country level” implies that the user will be a country user with
access to view all the plans. Similarly, each function defines a proper role in the system.

Country administrators can further update the default function of the user if they want to edit
existing functions or add multiple roles.

To do that follow these steps:

Go to the Administration tab on the UNDAF/UNSDCF menu page and Select User Roles in the left

To identify the relevant user, you can sort or filter on any of the column headings.
To identify recent registrations, click on the “Registered On” heading to sort them by the most
recent registration.

Step 1 Select the user from the list to view user details

Step 2 Click on Edit

Step 3 Click on Roles tab. The below screen appears.

Assign the relevant Role, Geographical scope (if used), Result Group and Agency. Note that you
can have multiple selections for each category.

Step 4 If the user has multiple Roles in the system, click Add. It adds a new row for the user to
choose the role from.

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Step 5 Click Save.

How to remove a user

To remove a user from the country portal, go to “Manage Users” link on the portal. Hover over
any user to get the option of Delete. Click on Delete to delete the user.

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Template Management

How to navigate Template Management

Step 1 Click on Administration on the UNDAF/UNSDCF menu page to open the sub menus. Click
on Template Management and you will automatically have two Plan Templates available - one for
UNDAF and one for JWP.

Step 2 Open the relevant plan template to review as further configurations are required for your
in-country needs.

Step 3 Click on the Edit button to make changes to the template Label, Description, and Plan Type.
Label Enter name of template
Description Enter summary description of the template
Plan Type If adding a new template, choose the UNDAF Plan Type when adding a new UNDAF or
CF, and the JWP Plan Type when adding a new work plan. The configurations that were set for
each of these templates will be applied to the new template being created.

Step 4 Select which fields should be included in the Overview section of Template Management.

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Step 5 Click on the save button when done with the modifications.

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Strategic Priority/Outcome/Output
By default, the UNDAF template will include Strategic Priority and Outcome.
You can also select to include Output(s) in the UNDAF/UNSDCF or the JWP.

Clicking on Strategic Priority will allow you to manage the configurations for Strategic Priority.
Similarly, Clicking on Outcome or Output will allow you to manage their respective configurations.

If necessary, adjust the settings for the selected level as per the picture below.

Click Save to save details under each section.

Follow this same process to adjust the settings for Outcomes and Outputs. Reference the menu
on the left side of the page to view and navigate all levels of the results chain.

How to include Outputs in either the UNDAF/UNSDCF or JWP template

You can select to include Outputs in UNDAF/UNSDCF or JWP template. There will be a default
selection based upon information you provided during rollout. However, you can opt to change
Output location.

• Determine which template you wish to include Outputs under (UNDAF/UNSDCF or JWP).
• Open the template
• Select Outputs from the left navigation
• Click on the checkbox for Select
• Click on Save

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Tags and Markers are attributes of the plan levels.

Examples of tags are: Agency, Source of Funds, SDGs, and Result Group(s). Result Group(s) can be
associated at either the Strategic Priority or Outcome level.

Examples of markers are: Gender Equality, Human Rights, and Sustaining Peace.

Markers are selected at the lowest level of the UNDAF/UNSDCF and JWP. Once selected at the
most granular level of each plan, they will apply to all higher plan levels without any additional
effort on the part of the user.

The diagram below identifies Tags that are customizable by the country administrator, as of the
implementation of the UNDAF. These customizations may or may not be directly applicable to the

How to add and edit a tag and tag items

Click to view/edit the tag details and its items

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To view and edit details of an existing tag, click on the tag name on the main grid.

To delete a tag, select the tag from the list and click Delete. This action will disassociate the tag
from the workspace. However, if data has been associated with this tag in the planning view then
you will not be able to delete the tag. Further, if the tag is a Global Tag, one that is mandated by
the Global Administrator, then it cannot be deleted and will be available to be imported again.

How to add tag items

Tag items represent the content under each tag. For example, the Agency tag might include tag
items such as UNDP, UNICEF, IOM, or ILO.

Step 1 Select the tag to which you would like to add tag items.
Step 2 Click the Add button in the tag item section.
Step 3 Provide the required information as indicated.

Some pre-existing tags require the country administrator to add in country relevant tag items
and/or to choose relevant tag items from the Global Tag registry.

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Indicator fields
Indicator fields detail the informational elements that are captured against each indicator in the
plan. Some pre-defined fields are in place and additional custom fields can also be added and
configured. Select which fields to include by checking the box in front of the field.

Score, shown here, corresponds to the Progress Tracker function in the workstation’s Planning and
Monitoring views.

To add a new indicator, click on the Add button on the top right part of the screen. A new
window pane will open, allowing the user to add details for the indicator in the fields available for
editing. These fields are shown as empty in the image below.

Click Save to add the new indicator once all relevant fields have been completed.

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Captured at the lowest level of the plan, you can configure the CBF elements to aggregate them
from the lowest to the highest level. Guidance for the UNSDCF indicate that a CBF for Outcomes
is not required.

The CBF is optional for all countries who add their UNDAF/UNSDCF.
For reference, default details of each UNDAF/UNSDCF CBF element are shown in the table below.

CBF element Reporting Frequency

Total Required Resources End of Cycle
Available Resources End of Cycle
To be Mobilized Resources (this is an auto-calculated element) End of Cycle

The CBF is mandatory for all countries who add their JWP.
For reference, default details of each JWP CBF element are shown in the table below.

CBF element Reporting Frequency

Total required resources End of Cycle
Available resources End of Cycle
To be mobilized resources End of Cycle
Total required resources (Annual) Annual
Available resources (Annual) Annual
To be mobilized resources (Annual) Annual
Expenditure Annual

In addition to the default details shown in the above table, it is possible to report annualized CBF
values for Key Activities (KAs) within multi-year JWPs. To do this, adopt the CBF elements as shown
in the table below in addition to the default options provided.

CBF element Reporting Frequency

Total required resources Annual
Available resources Annual
To be mobilized resources Annual

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How to add optional disaggregation to the CBF element
Step 1 Choose the indicator from the list.
Step 2 A right navigation pane appears. It displays the options to be configured by the country

The disaggregation is used to segregate the CBF element. For example, Agency as a mandatory
disaggregation for all CBF elements. That means, CBF data will need to be reported agency-wise.

As a country administrator, you can use the Optional Disaggregation field to select Tags which you
would like to use as an additional disaggregation for CBF elements. For example, if you wish to
disaggregate Total Required Resources by the Geography tag, you would select Geography as an
Optional Disaggregation within the CBF element known as Total Required Resources.

Step 3 Click the Save button present at the top of each section to save the details.

Progress Reporting
Progress reporting is the narrative reporting entered at different levels of the plan.

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In the plan template, you set the structure of what type of reporting that is to be undertaken
against each level of the plan.

• To add a new row, click on the Add button.

• To edit existing row, click on the label.
• To delete, choose the progress reporting label from the list and click Delete. A
confirmation prompt appears. Click “OK” to permanently remove the progress

You can customize the look and feel of the plan by determine the font style, font size, color, and
background color for the UNDAF/UNSDCF template level by level.

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Phases are configured by the country administrator to control what parts of the plan users may
have access to. This function can be used to control editing functionalities and privileges for
different users or user access at different points in time.

There are two phases included in Phase Management: Planning and Monitoring.

These phases appear as shown below.

Planning: Under this phase, users can create new plans, create the results framework, associate
tags, and add baselines and targets for indicators.
Monitoring: Under this phase, users can report data on indicators, review the data and do narrative
progress reporting.
The fields that are editable in each of these phases are determined under the Phase Management

Step 1 Click on each of the phases from the list.

Step 2 This will open the detailed page displaying the fields that are selected or deselected.
Step 3 Select the fields that you want to make editable when that phase is active in the plan.
Use Case Example

The user should only have access to progress reporting when a review process is ongoing. Or, maybe
you want the user to update the CBF data only while in planning process. By determining the phases

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and the fields open for edits, the country administrator can support data integrity and guide users’
focus. Remember that users are also restricted based on the Roles and Permission set in User Roles.

How to add custom phases

If need be, the country administrator can create custom phases too. They can add new or edit
existing phases. If the administrator wants to separate a Mid-year review from an Annual review,
then the user can add these phases to the system and define all the fields which should be editable
under each one.

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Approval Process
Countries can opt if they wish to have an Approval Process at both Planning and/or Monitoring

How to require approval during planning

Checking Required approvals for planning will allow users to approve the planning data for e.g.,
level details, tags/markers, indicator details, baselines, and targets.

Implication of selecting the level of approval (as shown in the above screenshot)

• A button marked ‘Approved’ appears at the level selected.

• Checkbox for approval (read only) appears on the underlying levels too.
• If Outcome is selected, then all the Outcomes in the plan will have an (editable) approval
button. If the user clicks on the approval button then the information of that outcome and
its underlying levels (outputs) of that plan get approved.
• Checkbox for the underlying levels get automatically approved.

Select the content that will be verified when you check the approval button while planning
the results framework.

Implication of selecting each one

• Mandatory levels – While checking the approve button in the plan, the system will throw a
warning if mandatory levels are not created.
• Mandatory Tags – While checking the approve button in the plan, the system will throw a
warning if mandatory tags are associated.
• Mandatory Markers – While checking the approve button in the plan, the system will throw
a warning if mandatory markers are associated.

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• Mandatory Indicator Association – While checking the approve button in the plan, the
system will throw a warning if indicators are not created.
• Baselines and targets – While checking the approve button in the plan, the system will
throw a warning if baselines and targets are not entered for the indicators.
• CBF – While checking the approve button in the plan, the system will throw a warning if
CBF data is not entered.

Approval in planning
An approval button will appear for the selected level

• Clicking on the approve button will verify all the planning data (Strategic
Priority/Outcome/Output details, tags, markers, baselines, and targets) and show warnings
for any missing data.
• After approval, if there is any addition/edit/delete of information at a level, then only that
level gets unapproved. For example, if an output label/name is changed then, only that
output gets unapproved.
• The approval button for that level becomes editable.
• A notification mail is sent to the administrator indicating the change that took place.
• Once the administrator checks that level, the approval button again becomes read only.

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Approval during reporting

• User can select the kind of reporting which requires approval – CBF, Progress Data,
Progress Reporting
• Please note that CBF can either be a part of Planning or Monitoring. That is CBF data can
either be approved at the Planning stage or Monitoring stage. If it is a part of planning
then, it is approved with all other information like tags, markers, indicator association etc.
If it is chosen for approval within reporting phase, then a separate approval button will be
provided for CBF section at the lowest levels in the plan.

Implications of selecting the following approval criteria

1. CBF
• Approval checkbox will be available for each CBF element at the lowest level.
• When the user clicks on the approve button, the system will throw a warning if CBF
data is not added.

2. Progress Data
• Approval checkbox will be available for each programme indicator in the plan
• When the user clicks on the approve button, the system will throw a warning if
data is not added for the indicator.

3. Progress Reporting –
• Approval checkbox will be available for the section of progress reporting at the
levels where it is configured.
• When the user clicks on the approve button, the system will throw a warning if text
is not added to the progress reporting fields under one level.

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In the Administration section, you will be able to configure the settings and controls for user
permissions across the system.

Manage access to the system for authorized users by assigning permissions to different roles.
There are about fourteen roles provided by the Global Administrator: Plan Manager; Data
Reporter; Data Reviewer; Results Group Lead, Plan Viewer and others. These roles cannot be
customized, so if you need to make any amendments you will have to create a new Role.

To create a new role, click on the Add button.

To edit an existing role (not possible for custom Roles listed above) click on the Title and then the
Edit button.

Step 1 In the description tab, provide a title and description of the role. Select if the Role is a
Primary, Secondary or Tertiary Persona. User Personas are representations of people engaging
with UN INFO. Country admin shall have a primary persona, while a data reporter might have a
secondary persona.

Step 2 In the Modules tab, view the permissions available to the selected role for various modules.

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The permissions include the following items which controls these parts of access in the system:


Plan Management Allows to create/edit/delete UNDAF/JWP plans the title, start date end date of the
plan etc

Plan Item Allows to create/edit/delete levels and indicators of the results frameworks –
Management outcomes, outputs, key activities, associating tags, adding documents etc

Planning Comment Allows to add/edit review comments in the plan

Programmatic Allows to view and manage UNDAF programmatic indicator planned data values

Operational View and manage BOS operational indicator planned data values

Plan Validator Gives access to plan validator report.

Plan Approval Gives access to the approval button for planning

Plan Collaborative Gives access to online Narrative document.

Data Reporting

Programmatic Allows to view and manage UNDAF Programmatic indicator actual data values

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Operational Indicator Allows to view and manage BOS Operational indicator actual data values

Financial Indicator Allows to view and manage CBF data values

Offline Data Reporting Allows access to export and import Excel data file

Progress Reporting Allows to view and manage Progress Reporting narratives

Progress Reporting Allows to view and manage Progress Reporting

Comments Comments

Data Approval Allows approving data for indicators

Status Allows to change the status of Key Activities

Score Allows to manage the score of indicators. The Score corresponds to the
workstation’s Progress Tracker.
Data Reporting Allows to add comments for data points in indicators
See the Data

Standard Report View and export the UNDAF/UNSDCF standard reports

BOS Standard Report View and export the BOS standard reports

Missing Data Report View the missing data report

Country Dashboard View the country SDG dashboard


Plan Type View and configure plan at global level

Plan Template View and configure plan at country level

Plan Levels View and configure information for all levels in the plan

Tags View and configure Tags

Markers View and configure Markers

Fixed Content Configure the fixed BOS framework at the global level

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Progress Tracker View and configure Score option at global level and view only at country level.
Progress Tracker corresponds to the Score under Indicator fields in Template
Indicator Fields View and configure indicator fields
Operational View and configure BOS operational fields at global level and view only at country
Indicator level

CBF View and configure CBF elements

Progress Reporting View and configure Progress Reporting fields

Style View and configure the style of the plan

Phase Management View and configure phases for a plan

Approval Process View and configure the approval process for a plan

User Management

Manage User Allows to manage users

Manage Role Allows to manage roles

Publish Data Allows to publish data to standard reports and dashboard

Manage Report Gives access to Manage Reports where reports can be marked to make them public.

Step 3 You can further set the role for specific levels of the plan. Click the check box in front of the
plan level that the role should have access to in “Constraints” tab.

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User roles
A user will be assigned one default role based on function selected during registration as
mentioned in How to assign roles to users.

You can update already assigned functions (during registration) or add multiple roles under User

If you have created new custom roles, and you want to assign them to the users, they can do so
from this interface.

Step 1 Go to the Administration tab on the Homepage and Select User Roles in in the left-hand bar

To identify the relevant user, you can sort or filter on any of the column headings. To identify recent
registrations, click on the Registered On heading to sort them by the most recent registration.

Step 2 Select the user from the list to view user details
Step 3 Click on Edit
Step 4 Click on Roles tab. The below screen appears. Assign the relevant Role, Geographical scope
(if used); Result Group and Agency. Note that you can have multiple selections for each
category. The user will only get access to the selected fields under geography, result group
and agency)
Step 5 If the user has multiple Roles in the system, click Add. It adds a new row for the user to
choose the role from.

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Step 6 Click Save.

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This section includes all the advanced features that you will be required to carry out.

Publish Data
This module allows publishing data for dashboards, reports, etc. It further consists of following

• IATI data
• Dashboards
• Standard Report

IATI data

This section allows you to generate IATI XMLs from the data entered in the system. IATI XML for
key activities associated with that selected current plan is generated.


To see the data in the dashboard, you would need to publish the data for the same. You can select
Country UNDAF Public/Private dashboards for which you want to see recent data.

Step 1 Select the dashboard for which you want to publish the data.

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Step 2 If you selected Country UNDAF Public Dashboard, then select the relevant plan and the
time period you desire to publish.

Step 3 Click on Publish

Similarly, for other two dashboards, you can select the plan and publish it.

You can re-publish the data time and again to see the recent data on the dashboard.

Please note that the dashboard visualizations will not be visible if there is:

1. Lack of relevant data

2. Current plan is not set

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Standard Reports

To see the data in the standard reports under the See the Data section, you would need to publish
the data for the same. You can re-publish the data time and again to see the updated data in the
reports. You would need to wait for some time to see the reflected changes in the plan.

Step 1 Select UNDAF (UNDAF/UNSDCF) in Publish for field.

Step 2 Select the relevant plan whose data you want to publish to the reports.
Step 3 Select the report from the dropdown that needs to be published. Please
note that you can select multiple reports to publish at once.
Step 4 Click on Publish
After the data is published you will be able to see updated records in all the reports. You may
allow for some time to have the published reports reflect in your See the Data section of your

Manage Reports
You can enable and disable the reports that you want to view under the See the Data section of
UN INFO. Furthermore, you can select the reports that should be made public. The ones that you
set as public will be visible to the general public visiting (even the non - logged in users) UN INFO

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After configuring the plan template, proceed with creating the actual plan being an

Step 1 Select Planning on the home page.

Step 2 Click on the Add button to add a new plan. Note that you need to create an
UNDAF/UNSDCF. To create a JWP, select the UNDAF/UNSDCF before clicking the Add button
as the JWP needs to be connected to an UNDAF/UNSDCF.

Note: To create a JWP, select the UNDAF/UNSDCF that the JWP is supporting and then click the
Add button.

Step 3 Fill in the plan details (the same procedure applies to setting up the JWP)

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