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School of Trade and Technology

Wireless Information Networking

ELCT120 “Broadcast Technology”

Lab 5: Amplitude Modulation System

Name : _____________________ Section : _______________

Partner: _____________________

Purpose: To observe and measure the parameters of an Amplitude Modulation waveform

generated by using a simple nonlinear device (Transistor).

Equipment: Multisim simulation.

1. Using Multisim to construct a simple amplitude modulation transmitter circuit
shown in figure 1.


Ext Trig 12 V
_ _
+ + L1 C1
1mH 100nF

9.9 Vpk
1.42 Vpk 15.9kHz
950 Hz R1

0° 820Ω

Figure 1
2. Add two-channel oscilloscope to the design window to measure the AM
waveform at the collector terminal of the transistor (on channel B).
3. Set the oscilloscope rating as shown below.

4. Run the circuit for several seconds and stop.

5. Determine the modulation index of the captured AM waveform on the
oscilloscope as shown in figure 2 and as follows:
- Use the time ruler T1 to measure the maximum displacement point on the
waveform (B-value).
- Use the time ruler T2 to measure the minimum displacement point on the
waveform (A-value).
- Calculate the modulation index using the known formula
B− A
%m= ×100 %
B+ A

A B %m
Figure 2

6. Determine the carrier frequency (fc) and intelligence frequency (fi) from the
captured AM waveform as follows:
- Use the time rulers T1 and T2 to measure the time period of one complete
cycle (Tc) of carrier signal as shown in figure 3.

Tc = ___________________ Sec

- Use the time rulers T1 and T2 to measure the time period of one complete
cycle (Ti) of intelligence signal as shown in figure 4.

Ti = ___________________ Sec

- Calculate both frequencies as:

- Complete the following table

Actual value Measured %Error Agree (Y/N)

fc 15.9 KHz
fi 950 Hz

ActualValue−Measured Value
% Error= × 100 %
Actual Value

Indicate whether there is good agreement between the calculated and

measured values with (Y) for yes or (N) for no under the column labeled
Agree. An error of less than 10% indicates good agreement. Note: There
should be good agreement between the calculated and measured values.
If the agreement is poor, investigate the cause of the poor agreement.

Hint: to improve the accuracy of the measured frequencies you can consider
several cycles (say, n cycles) and divide by n to determine time period of one
cycle. In this case the error of measurement will be divided by n.
Figure 3 Figure 4

7. Determine the resonant frequency of the associated LC circuit.

1 1
f res = =
2 π √ LC 2π√

What is the value of fres? ___________ KHz

8. Apply the intelligence signal to channel A of the oscilloscope, run the circuit, and
use the y-position to match the intelligence signal to the AM signal envelope as
shown in figure 5.
Figure 5

9. When finished, unplug all equipment and return equipment not stored on the
bench to the instructor. Clean your work area of any accumulated paper or
10. Do not leave the lab until you are sure you understand the requirements and have
the data to complete the work in the Observation and Conclusion sections.

Have your instructor check and test your results.

Instructor’s signature ________________


A formal Lab Report is not required for this lab. Observations and answers to questions
are to be recorded above and the complete lab handed in to be graded. Your responses
must be legible to be marked.

Your instructor may choose to mark the lab completely during the lab session.

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