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BH 1769_2010.2, 389 ; Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka Thircl year B.Sc. Nursing Deyree Examination - August 2010 — Time: Thres Hours Max, Marks: 75 Marks fe CHILD HEALTH NURSING | (RS-2) j Q.P. CODE: 1769. Your answers should be specific tothe questions asked Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) a 2 x 10-=-20 Marks 1. - a) Discuss the impact of hospitalization on the'Child and fly b)-Explain the role of a child health nurse in caring for 2 hospitalized child 2. a) What is essential newbom care? 'b) Discuss the nursims managenrent of a low birth weight baby J, a) Define Nephratic S$, ndrome : . : * b) what are tie Clisicil features? c) Write in detail tie nursing management oF 7 year old child with nephrotic syndrome SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Seven) i 7x5 = 35 Marks value of play and selection of play material (5: Kaligaroo mother care (7%. Immunization Programme % Principles af growth and development Nudrsing management of common congenital malformations 1 9. Welfare service for challenged children in India 40, rneumaticHearcoiesse “Je, Causes of Accidents in Chikiren & its prevention, 12, Breast feeding - 10 x2 = 20.Marks 3 SHORT ANSWERS 43... Weaning 14, Define Grovttnd Development 15. Well baby clinic, 46. Cold chain -~ 17. Wilms’ tumor 18. Hip dislocation - 19. Oral stage. - 20. Psycho Social Development of Adolescent 21. Epilepsy 22. Acute Glomerulo Nephritis_— 1688_2011_|_S183 Rajiv Gandhi Univers ity of Health Sciences, Karnataka “Third year B.Sc. (Nursing ~ Basic) Degree Examination - Feb/March 2011 Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 80 Marks CHILD HEALTH NURSING (Revised Scheme) Le Q.P. CODE: 1688 ‘your ansivers should be specific to the questions asked ‘Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessory LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2x 10 = 20 Marks a} Define tracheo-oesophagea fatula’ (BY classy trachiéo oesophageal fistla (c) explain the Sirgteal and nursing management of child with,tracheo oesophageal fishia 2) What is Rheumatic, fever. (b) Destribe the clinical features. based On jone’s criteria of Benet ic fever (e) Explain. the medical and nursing management of Rheumatic fever 2) Define protein energy malnutrition (b) classify protein eneray malnutrition (b) Develop the nursing care plan of 4 year old child with severe malniitrition sion enshve (Anowar ny Cah Ae vata TE a rt cenr epi imapote En a alpen of tar Wa So mart gactgd gee a an tn EES ot exc teste 2. Describe the types and clinical manifestations of anorectal malformation <9 Explain the changing trends towards hospital care of a child Fe tnt anes i 12 Chasiy burns ants management 12. _ List out the causes and dlinical features of Cushing syndrome SHORT ANSWERS 10 x2 = 20 Marks 12 List out the types of restraints 14. Describe the sources and deficiency of Vitamin C 15. Mention the causes and incubation period of diphtheria 16. What is the objective of schgol health programme 47. Types of oxygen inhalation 18. Define phimosis cae dee a 419. “List the signs and symptoms of Wilm’s tumor 20." Mention the causes of Down's syndrome 21, Destribe the treatment of infective endocarditic 22. Meaning of thumbsucking evempgimns Sy I680_20122_$153 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka me: Three Hours LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 4 % SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Eight) AD 5 6. z = eg Il Year B.Sc. (Nursing - Basic) Degree Examination - Sep 2012 Max, Marks: 80 Marks CHILD HEALTH NURSING : (Revised Scheme) uu Q.P. CODE: 1688 Your answers should be specific to the questions asked Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary 2x10 = 20 Marks (2) Explain the causes of Convulsive Disorder. (b) Discuss the nursing.care of a child with Convulsions admitted in the Paediatrié Ward.~ ~~. ) Describe the cinical"manifestations of Diarrhoea: (b) Write the’ nursing process for the ) ‘management of child with Diarrhoea. (2) Explain the equipments’ used ‘in’ Resuscitation. (b) Describe the care of children in Incubator. 8x5 = 40 Marks ‘School health programmes. Reflexes in Newborn. Types of restraints in childrens Administration of medication in children.” Immunization schedule ¢ Role of Paediatric Nurse. 10. Epispadias. € var CSSM. co 12 Under five Clinic. 13. Specimen collection in children. SHORT ANSWERS 10 x2 = 20 Marks 14, List the different nutrition programmes 15, Components of RCH. 16, Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF).< 17, Signs and symptoms of Vitamin-'A' deficiency. 18, Ust the paediatric emergencies. ” 19. Steps in nursing process. ( 20, Conéept of baby friendly hospital initiative, 21. Play'needs in children” 22, Signs and symptoms of Nephritis. 23. Classification of Burns. : aay loi Oy , Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka 11] Year B.Sc. Nursing Degree Examination - Aug 2013 ) ne: Three Hours CHILD HEALTH NURSING (RS -2) 1, Q.P. CODE: 1769 Your ansvlers should be specific to the questions asked Draw neat labeled dlagrams wherever necessary LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 1 2 3 8) Define Bronchial asthma, list the causes 1769_2013 2.5187 Max. Marks: 75 Marks wee 2.x 10 = 20 Marks of it (b) explain the pathophysiology of Bronchial Asthma (c) Write the medical and nursing management of Bronchial Asthma 2a) Define cleft left ip and cleft. palate.(b)_Disc a.child.undergone surgical repair of left lip a) Define protein energy malnutrition (b) & ursing management of 3 years old child with severe malnutrition SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Seven) Under five clinics Kangaroo cater Physically handicapped children Juvenile diabetes mellitus Pulmonary tuberculosis Iron deficiency anemia Atrial septal Uefect. ~~ Bronchiti rath Urinary tract infection SHORT ANSWERS 13. 14. 15. 16. 7. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Tolle teaining we ni Pulse polio immuni Types of play, / Preventive pediatr Icos Reaction of Infant to hospitalization Scables Drowning . Newborn reflexes oe the pre and post operative nursing care of -xplain the class.ication in detail (c) Discuss the 7 x S'= 35 Marks 1 10 x 2 = 20 Marks - W (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka . Degree Examination - APRIL 2015 Greer res os) gata rie Marks: 75 Marks CHILD HEALTH NURSING (RS -2) Q.P. CODE: 1769 Your answers should be specific to the questions asked Draw neat, labeled diagrams wherever necessary 4 LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2.x 10 = 20 Marks no etn ax ctonaumoni in 6 maith td fet fo ae eee a ere anaes eared 3.8) Define Anorectal malformation. — Seen ee a al i Fiiaias EESE) — ‘SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Seven) 7x5 = 35 Marks 4. Clinical features and nursing care of school age child with chickenpox ~ 5. Care of child with speech and fering impairment 7 6 Collection of urine specimen for culture and sensitivity <7... Rights of a chile 8. Organization and stating of WCU & Principles of growth and development c 10. Pulmonary stenosis 11, Emergency care of child with poisoning ¢ 12. - Describe Jones cera. go SHORT ANSWERS. \ 13. Define child guidance clinic. 14, st the sources and deficiency disorders of iodine. 15. Rooting reflex 16. Erickson psychosocial task for adolescent 17. . List four principles of postoperative care, 18. Define Wilm’s tumour. 19. Management of foreign body in the nose 20. Defffe Pyloric stenosis. © ° ° ° 21. Eating disorders in adolescents 22. Define Hydrocephalus. ong { ks of ~ , \ xajiv Ga i Universi 7 Sci ¢ sajiv G ach University of Health Sciences, Karnataka a ‘ae! BINeSnE Sc (Nursing - Basic) Degree Examination ~ SEPTEMBER 2015 : f “¢ Max. Marks: 80 Marks . CHILD HEALTH NURSING (Revised Scheme) —— Q.P. CODE: 1688 / Your answers should be specific to the questions asked / s Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary 1 LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2x10 = 20 Marks 1 (a) What is Juvenile diabetes mellitus? ¢ (2 this the clinical features of diabetes mellitus ina 5 years old chi oO eo cha. nursing management of the child, stating the nursing problems, PARES on agen BHOEY fae : BrIOTKY &jnatomical and physologiealdiferences between chien and adut< 3. (a) What is-hydrocephalus? (b) Mention the surgical mana¢ .gement of hydrocephalus. (c) Explain the pre and post operativ: rent of the chile with hydrocephalus. je nursing manager SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Eight) 8x5 = 40 Marks ‘ Write the methods of Oxygen Inhalation In children, Explain Kangaroo mothé care, Write the nursing management of Iron deficiency anemia, Enumerate the prevention of accident in children: Explain the value of Play In cildren. ee Write the nursing management of a child with epis ©. Explain the pathophysiology of Nephrotic syndrome: 1. Nursing care of child with HIV Infection | LAT Explain thd concent of Baby friendly hos 13, Explain about Organization of jeonatal unit. ; i 40 x22 20 Mark taxis. pital initiative, SHORT ANSWERS 14. Write the meaning and purros 15. Mention the Clinical features of 16. Define Cushing's syndrome. List the objectives ‘of school health programmes 18. Mention the Diagnostic measures of Rheumatic fevers 19. Mention the indications of resuscitation 20. Enlist the clinical features of dehydration. 31. Mention the causes of cerebral palsy: 22. Define ‘TOF. 2 tate 2 difference between EPlspadas and Hypo* ses of Mantoux test. * Tracheo-esophagcal fstula In a newborn 17. jadlas. - oe 9 “ Fey Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka Ill Year B.Sc. Nursing Degree Examination - SEP-2017 i Time: Tree Hours Move Merks: 75 Marks 3 gig CHILD HEALTH NURSING (RS -2) aka Q.P. CODE: 1769 Your answers should be specific to the questions asked Draw neat, labeled diagrams wherever necessary LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2.x 10 = 20 Marks 1, a) Define pyloric stenosis. Yb) List the causes and cardinal sign and symptoms.. c) Describe the surgical and nursing management of child with pyloric stenosis. 2. Explain the role of a child health nurse in caring for @ hospitalized chil. @._2) Define growth and development. b) Explain the physical, physiological and psychosocial growth and development of adolescent. . aks SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Seven) : x5 =35 Marks B. 4 Selection of play materials e+ 3 GB. w-Changing trends in hospital care of children /%°9 7. « Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative 98... Immunization schedule a 9, Nursing menagementofow birth weight babies — G0 Management of child with nephrotic syndrome GUL, Tetratogy of Fallot 4 (@._ Surial and nursing management of child with hyreeephalus 4 SHORT ANSWERS 10 x 2 = 20 Marks 4G Wilm’s tumours V4. Weaning » { C : U5. Sources and deficiency disorders of Vitamin A 48. Under five clinic 17, Thermoregulation of Newborn baby « Conjunctivitis “Types of Ano-rectal malformation’ |. Medications used in Pneumonia » 18, ©. 20. @. Uist welfare services for physically challenged children, *? @. Complications of Glomeruionephritis —~ 2/ Pigg G tfoelbaus @ Boe ~ Rajiv Gandhi University of Health § Third year B.Sc, (Nursing - Basic) Degree Exar Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 80 Marks CHILB-HEALTH NURSING G2 (Revised Scheme) ae Q.P. CODE: 1688 Your answers should be specific to thé questions asked Ora neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary , LONG ESSAYS (Answer ay Two) 2x10 = 26 Marks phat are the congenital anomalies in carsiovasctilar system? Clinical features of tetrology of 79 Winton my oni B/ etine anaemia, lassieation of ansemas, te Child with ron deficiency anaemia =: SHORT ESSAYS (Anew any igh _/ 6: lacains / -E Rate of Pett Nurse 6. + Nutritional raamence J. - Changing trend: 5 towards paediatric. soit eh Trached oésophageal Fistita Pneumonia” 1 Cerebral Palsy v iwvol 12: - Diarrohea pote te cats 13, Restraints’ Che" |e wer u SHORT ANSWERS. 10x 2 = 20 Marks cof ecele AS. Poisoning gorenfedt 8. Thumb Sucking AE Down's Syndrome a BF Saurey ? 38. Cushing's syidrotne * + ql Hknes ye AWS tg) ae alt % i wo 19, Solltary lay Tees 20. Toilet training 21, Haemophilia. 22, Viedl hepatiis - 23. Cholera y a ciences, Karnataka mination - March 2¢09. tarks ed wie 5 Marks = io Marks force do G+ Causes of Accidents in Children & is prevention “19. Oral stage 1769_2010_2, S19” Rajiv v Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka Third year B.Sc, Nursing Degree Examination ‘August 2010 7 Max, Marks: 75 Marks’ Time: Three Hours CHILD HEALTH NURSING (RS-2) Ni © on coi: 1762 ‘oui aiswers shoul be pacific to the questa Draw neat abel dlagrams wherever nécéssary w tone eeox fo} 1. _.2)-Diseuiss the impact of hospitallztion on the Child, and family, by-€xplain the role ‘of a child health nurse in caring for a hi ities tee 2. a) Whatis essential newbom cre? b) Discuss the nursing management of a low birth weight baby 3. a) Define Nephrotic Syndrome _ ) What are thé Clinical features? 8) Write in detail the nursing management OF 7 year old child with nephrotic syadrome SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Seven) * 7x5 =35 Marks: 4. Value of play and selection of py material 5. . Kangaroo mother.cais + 6. Immunization’ Programme 7. Principles of growth and development 8. - Nursing management 6f common,congérltal malformations: 9- Welfare service for challenged children in India 19. Rheumatic Heart Dionade~ 12. Breast feeding: SHORT ANSWERS 13. Weaning 14. Define Growth dnd Development 15. Well baby clinic 46. Cold chain” 8a, 17. Wilms’ tumor 48. Hip dislocation 20.. Psycho Social Development sf dskdzent 21. Epilepsy 22, Acute Glomerulo Nephritis YO Spurrkrss - pho ef 08, 7 = 9 ae 9 @ @ ©

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