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80 Most Important Essays & Articles

1. China’s Economic Revolution & World Power

China, our closest neighbor and a longtime strategic ally, is fast emerging as a world
power. Where forty years ago there was famine, stagnation, poverty, and backwardness
and today it is the second-largest economy of the world today. The strongest possibility
… Continue Reading

2. How Modi is being used in the Superpower Politics?

The fanatical Indian Prime Minister Modi is reluctant to remember the mistake made by
his country in the 1962 Sino-Indian war. Modi is about to repeat the mistakes made by
the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru on China’s strategy, as he relied heavily on the
advice … Continue Reading
3. WhyPakistan’s Banking Services Considered
Among the Worst Systems?
The Prime Minister of Pakistan, the Governor of the State Bank and other senior
government officials often state that the use of cash in the economy is very high. Like
previous governments, this government has the first desire to document the economy as
… Continue Reading
4. Negligenceto Allied Health Workers Lead to the
Worsening of our Health Care System
The health sector has been neglected in the country for years. All governments have
made claims of progress in this area, but the Corona epidemic has exposed all these
claims. With each passing day, the health sector is getting worse and worse, due
… Continue Reading
5. Secularism, Minority Rights & Rise of Indian
For a thousand years, the Muslims ruled the subcontinent and they fully protected the
rights of minorities and ensured the protection of their places of worship. India’s history is
replete with such shining examples that Muslim rulers rebuilt Hindu temples and other
religious … Continue Reading
6. China-Iran
Strategic Agreement & its impact on the
Changing Geopolitical Alliances
A few days ago today, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif indicated that a 25-year
partnership agreement with China had been finalized. Coincidentally, eighteen pages of
the final copy of the agreement were immediately released to the media. If these pages
are real, then this … Continue Reading
7. HowMedia House Owners are Exploiting Small
In recent times, the media is going through a strange situation in which workers are being
exploited by their employers. Sometimes the salaries are paid late, sometimes the
salaries are kept down for 2-3 months, sometimes the salaries are cut, sometimes the
workers are … Continue Reading
8. Shocking Details of Perks & Privileges That Army
Officers Enjoy
Investigations into the legal and illegal assets, corruption and black money of politicians
in Pakistan have been going on in every era. But this is the first time in recent times that
the assets of a sitting judge and then a retired army officer have been the subject of much
… Continue Reading
Tiktok is an Epicenter of Obscenity, Nudity & Cyber-
Crime Activities
There was a time when public access in Pakistan was limited to PTV broadcasts and
newspapers. With the rise of media freedom and technology, the number of channels has
increased. There are some reservations on these channels but after a little noise, PEMRA
… Continue Reading
10. Finally!
Government Approved a bill Against
Domestic Child Labor
Child labor is a bitter truth of our society. Many innocent little children become the victim
of it. Now it’s become a part of Pakistani culture. There is no recent study conducted on
child domestic workers in Pakistan due to which we cannot estimate the exact number of
… Continue Reading
11. Democracy: A system of Oppression & Deprivation
The biggest betrayal that occurred in this century by the west to the world is called
democracy. In the history of the world, great deceivers have come and deceived naive
human beings, but the greatest deception given to the people in human history is
democracy … Continue Reading
12. Transgenders: A Downtrodden Section of our
Transgenders are the most exploited section of our society. People make fun of them,
insult them, make obscene remarks about them, treat them badly. After treating them in
every horrible way, society considers them as the root of evil. Transgenders are a section
of … Continue Reading
13. Top Reasons for Failure in CSS Examination
If you have done a BA or BSc and also good at studying, then you must take the CSS
exam. This is not just like any other exam but among the toughest exams in Pakistan. All
that is needed is hard work and dedication. If we let go of the fear of failure, success will
follow in our … Continue Reading
14. How‘Wuhan Model’ can help in Overcoming
COVID-19 Devastation?
The city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus in the world, has emerged victorious
after a long and patient struggle. Leading media outlets around the world, including the
Pakistani media, made headlines on April 8 over the end of the lockdown in Wuhan and
… Continue Reading
Reality of ‘Shining India’ & Genocide of
15. The
What kind of hatred is this that seems to be growing day by day and not coming to an
end? There is only one nation that is being targeted and all kinds of oppression are being
inflicted on this nation. Small and big businesses, which are the fruit of a common man’s
lifelong … Continue Reading
16. India is facing Isolation due to its Extreme Policies
Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that India is becoming more
and more isolated in the world. India is facing failures at the global level due to its extreme
policies that resulted in its isolation. Talking to media, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood
Qureshi said … Continue Reading
17. Government Introduced ‘Civil Servant Rules 2020’
to Get Rid of Corrupt Bureaucrats
The Civil Servant Rules 2020 came to get corrupt officials out of the bureaucracy.
According to which the rules of retirement after 20 years of service have been
formulated Now every officer will have a mandatory performance check on the
completion of 20 years of service … Continue Reading
18. Trump imposed New Sanctions on China
US President Donald Trump has signed a law approving tougher sanctions against China.
According to the World News Agency, tensions between the United States and China
have escalated and rival countries are pushing ahead with sanctions. A recent example
is … Continue Reading
19. ArabSpring, Palestine Issue, Zionist Agendas &
Global Power Politics in the Middle East
On December 18, 2010, Mohammed Abu Azizi, a highly educated young man in Tunisia,
started selling fruits on a handcart after failing to get a government job due to a lack of
‘reasonable recommendation’ despite being on merit. Police not only stopped the young
man … Continue Reading
20. COVID-19 Reshaping the Economy, Globalization &
the New World Order
According to Henry Kissinger, a former US Secretary of State and a world leader in the
field of diplomacy, the world after the global epidemic will be a “different” world, and the
current “world order” will be transformed. If we look at the current devastation of the
COVID-19, his … Continue Reading
21. Budget 2020: a Curse or a Blessing for the Poor?
The majority of the population of our country belongs to the middle and poor class, and
some work during the day to bring food for their family in the evening. People who work
in factories spend the whole month borrowing goods from nearby shops, and as soon as
they get paid, the … Continue Reading
22. Post-Corona World Order: Cooperation or
The biggest challenge for most of us in today’s world is how to protect ourselves and our
families from the Corona epidemic and to secure our livelihoods. On the other hand,
policymakers, think tanks, and authorities are looking for policies … Continue Reading
23. Why India is so Afraid of Kashmiris? Will Kashmir
be the End of Modi and RSS?
Why India has imprisoned Kashmiris? Why is India killing Kashmiri youth? Why is India
seeking genocide of Kashmiris? Why is India spreading panic among Kashmiris? Why is
India increasing its military … Continue Reading
24. The Decline & Restoration of the Muslim Nation
The Creator of the universe has created all human beings equally in this world. Some
may have a birth defect but most are physically and mentally fit. The man who was
created equally by the Lord of the Universe … Continue Reading
25. Pakistan’s Political System has Lost its Credibility
in the Public
In any level of business, goodwill or credibility is very important, and verbal deals worth
millions of rupees are done based on goodwill alone. In the same way, goodwill or trust
is very important in the business … Continue Reading
26. Propaganda Against our Armed Forces on Social
Before the 2018 elections, discussions were going on about the PTI party elections in
Pakistan. In a private TV program, the host bombarded Shah Mehmood Qureshi with
sharp questions regarding the … Continue Reading
27. How and Why Media is Inculcating COVID-19
Related Fear in the Public? (A Detail Analysis)
Very few of us may have realized that the media in the name of Corona has instantly
uprooted not only our religious values and ideologies but also our social values. Until
yesterday, as a student, I had … Continue Reading
28. Sindh has been Turned into a Slaughterhouse for
A 24-year-old girl, Waziran Chachhar, was allegedly brutally murdered in Wada
Chhachhar village Jamshoro district of Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah. According
to area residents, the girl was stoned to death after … Continue Reading
29. COVID-19 Impacts on Environment – Positive or
Where the Coronavirus has caused a catastrophe in the world and caused thousands of
deaths, it has also benefited the environment greatly. Due to the outbreak, all the major
industries of the world have stopped their manufacturing units that decreased the amount
of Green House Gases in the atmosphere … Continue Reading
30. Decline of American Imperialism and Rise of A New
World Order
Donald Trump blamed the World Health Organization (WHO) for incompetence, as he
said that the US will decide whether to continue paying its contributions to such
organizations or not. It is not the first time that Donald Trump criticized an international
institution. Scholars argue that Trump is a capitalist with a fascist dictatorial … Continue
31. Women Condition in Pakistan – Reality with Facts
& Figures
In Dec 2019, World Economic Forum (WEF) published the Gender-Equality Index (GEI)
in which Pakistan ranked 151 out of 153. This shows a downfall from the previous ranking
of 112 in 2006. The report shows the discrimination against women in almost all the
spheres of life, which includes education, health, politics, and … Continue Reading
32. IsCOVID-19 a Threat For the Future of
Globalization is a process of interconnection and integration of the economy, politics,
culture, and transfer of technology among people across the border. People can do jobs
or invest in any corner of the world with free will. Countries exchange their technologies,
culture, and political views under the umbrella of globalization … Continue Reading
33. Why Kashmir is Inevitable For Pakistan and India?
Advocating Kashmiri people is inevitable for Pakistan. Although both resembles a
religious perspective and if we analyze historically, East Pakistan, now Bangladesh, was
also twinned in religious customs. Basically, it is not the religion or politics that makes the
relationship important but rather a geographical location that compels … Continue
34. Food Transition – Cause of Pandemic Obesity
We often hear our parents or grandparents talk about how the food back in the old days
was healthier. Whether its fruits, vegetables, meat, or dairy products, everything was
fresh and full of energy. Unfortunately, food nutrition has changed immensely and this
drastic change has affected human health … Continue Reading
35. CanBretton Woods System save the economy of
the world Amid Convid-19?
Due to the Corona pandemic, the global economy is in a lurch. There is an imminent
threat of recession of the economy across the world. The production of China has shrunk
by almost 14 percent amid coronavirus. The domestic resources of countries are
insufficient to divert the risk due to a depressing economy … Continue Reading
36. TheDark Side of “Capitalism” & 5 Reasons to
Eliminate it From the World
After the end of the cold war and the disintegration of the USSR, liberal thoughts have
dominated the whole world. Liberalism seemed to be the only solution for the prosperity
of humanity. Liberalism is a wide concept that covers almost all the sphere of our system.
Liberalism promotes democracy as a political system, capitalism … Continue Reading
37. 13
Reasons That Why Some Countries Prosperous
While the others Stagnate
When we look around the world, we see that some countries are prosperous while others
are poor. The world is divided into three segments, developed, developing, and
undeveloped states. Why few countries are making technological advancement,
strengthening their military power, dominating the world … Continue Reading
Death of the Universe but How? – Expansion
38. The
and Contraction phenomena
After our demise, the universe may exist for the next billions of years. In the end, the Sun
will wrap the Earth and then ultimately become dead after using its fuel, like many galaxies
have died and turned into black bodies. But the question is that what will be the future of
the Universe? Either it lives forever or not. If it didn’t … Continue Reading
39. Is
the Afghan peace process under threat Due to
Corona and Why India is Happy about it?
Due to the Corona pandemic, the Afghan peace process is in a stalemate. It is not the
first time that the Afghan peace process is endangered; indeed, Obama’s administration
to Trump’s administration has tried to take the initiative on the peace process but failed.
As it is the trump’s slogan “America First” and his … Continue Reading
40. TheHidden Reality Behind the Collapse of
America’s Oil prices
The plummeting in the price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) US crude oil, one of its
biggest contractors of oil, has set a new record. It lost almost 305% of its value to reach
-$35/barrel. It is mainly because the previous contract expired on 21 April, and no one is
willing to buy more oil as all the factories, airlines, heavy … Continue reading
41. Was
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan a Pro-British or Pro-
There is a debate going now on various forums whether Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was a
pro-British or not. This is an ancient debate, and people on both sides have the evidence
to back it up. After analyzing the points of both sides, it is clear that the allegations on Sir
Syed for being a pro-British are false … Continue Reading
43. Islamophobia and Challenges to Western
Democracies (A Detail Analysis)
Islamophobia has emerged as one of the most unfortunate realities of the 21st century.
Muslims across the world have been subject to the worst forms of discrimination and
terrorism because of their religion. The menace of Islamophobia is widening the gap
between the Muslim communities … Continue Reading
44. HowCovid-19 Resulted in the Increase of Domestic
Violence Against Women
Due to the distressful situation amid Covid-19, the whole world is currently under
quarantine. People are afraid to go outside and governments have imposed lockdowns
and curfews all over the world. All the spheres of life have been affected badly by this
pandemic, but females are … Continue Reading
45. Pakistan’s
Informal Economy: The Way Forward
(Strategies to Change the Status of Informal
The informal economy refers to the undocumented economy that is not on government
record. The state cannot monitor such type of economy since it is not listed on the official
account. According to the statistics of the World Bank, about 36% of Pakistan’s economy
is undocumented … Continue Reading
and China on a Brink of War – How Recent
46. India
Clashes can Destroy the Indian Economy?
Recent clashes between the Indian Army and the Chinese People Liberation Army have
disturbed the peace of the whole region. The world is already suffering from deadly
Coronavirus, and it cannot bear the confrontations between two nuclear powers. The
whole situation escalated due to the unresolved … Continue Reading
47. Is
Pakistan Ready For a Digital Revolution?
(Prospects & Hurdles)
Digitalization is a new reality of the modern era. Due to the advancement of technology,
all the sphere of our life become digitalized. Countries all over the world are adopting new
computerize ways to ease the life of their public. Through digitalization, states can provide
better are speedy services to their citizens … Continue Reading
48. New
War Fronts Lie in Economic Zones (Various
Worldwide Conflicts Explained)
The present era has changed its paradigm from military strength to economic power. The
economy became a weapon of warfare to defeat rivals, without being involved in a direct
war. The new mode of war is to capture the markets and natural resources of your rivals.
The world has understood that traditional wars … Continue Reading
49. Global Power Dynamics and Pakistan’s Foreign
19th century has witnessed a multipolar order of the world, where, European powers were
dominating world affairs. England, France, Germany, Russia, etc, had a powerful military
and exceedingly growing economy. Due to the imperialistic approach of European
powers, most of the world was under their control … Continue Reading
50. Hydro-Politics among Asian Powers
Water politics or hydro politics is an emerging theatre of conflicts in Asia, especially in
Southern Asia. As the ex-vice president of the World Bank forecasted that many wars of
the 20th century were fought for oil, but wars in the 21st century will be over water. With
time, the scarcity of water is rampant due to various … Continue Reading
51. The United States and Britain should Refrain from
interfering in Hong Kong – China
China’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, has called on the
United States and Britain to immediately stop interfering in Hong Kong’s affairs,
straightaway ends the politics of supremacy and power, ignite tensions and create
problems everywhere. Zhang Jun denies the misconceptions … Continue Reading
52. The Global Oil Controversy: Facts and Background
The coronavirus, which started in December last year in Wuhan, China, has wreaked
havoc around the world. According to conservative estimates, the epidemic has so far
affected about 6.5 million people and killed almost 380,000 people. The world is currently
in double trouble. On the one hand … Continue Reading
53. China’s Poverty Alleviation Efforts: Facts &
Globally, the coronavirus is seriously affecting economic and social development, and
experts believe that the process of economic recovery may take a long time to deal with
the crisis. Unemployment, poverty, and other social and psychological problems are
arising all over the world while all hopes … Continue Reading
54. Who Played Role in the Destruction of Pakistan
Steel Mill?
Rauf Klasra said that the Supreme Court of Pakistan had intervened in the privatization
of Pakistan Steel Mills in 2006 and stopped the government from selling the company.
Pervez Musharraf had left Pakistan Steel Mills at a profit of Rs. 9 billion, but as soon as
the PPP government came, it … Continue Reading
55. Is
Coronavirus an International Conspiracy & its
Impacts on Economic and Social Life
Shortly after the arrival of the coronavirus, a never-ending series of messages on social
media began to circulate. The messages said the coronavirus is a conspiracy by foreign
powers. One of the aims of this virus is to reduce the world’s population. Interestingly, the
governments, against which … Continue Reading
56. What
Should be the Top Priorities of Governments
A unique virus, also known as the coronavirus, appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan in
December 2019. It immediately engulfed the entire world. Pakistan’s first coronavirus
case came out in February. The virus has affected about 90,000 people in the country so
far. Moreover, 1900 people have lost … Continue Reading
57. Reasonsand Background of Recent Indo-China
Border Conflicts
The border dispute between India and China over Ladakh and its adjoining areas is
nothing new. The two countries also fought a war in 1962 over these border disputes. But
it is also a fact that despite the existence of these border disputes, not a single bullet has
been fired between the two countries … Continue Reading
58. Divide
& Rule Hindu-Muslim Politics in India
Weakened the Country
The Indian vlogger said that political parties have weakened India so much by making
Indians fight among themselves, and by practicing Hindu-Muslim divide and rule politics.
Now India became so weak that China and Nepal are ready to fight us. In his video on
YouTube, Indian vlogger blamed his government for the tension in Ladakh between India
… Continue Reading
59. Whois Responsible for the Moral Degradation of
our Society?
It has become a tradition in our society that people consider themselves innocent of all
morals by calling the government bad, which should not be the case at all. Everyone from
our federal ministers to the wheelbarrows have become immoral. Everyone has their own
concerns, and they don’t hesitate on doing the greatest harm to others for their own
benefit … Continue Reading
60. Nepal-India Territorial Conflict Explained: Facts &
Nepal is a small country in India’s neighborhood whose few territories which have been
illegally occupied by India. Nepal has turned into a troubled country in the region of Tibet
due to Indian domination. Now loud voices are coming from within this country. They
demand that either India should be given a blunt answer. Or this war should be ended
and … Continue Reading
61. AmericanNewspaper Unveiled the Failed Policies
of Modi Government Regarding COVID-19
The New York Times has revealed that patients with the coronavirus infection in India are
dying on the sidewalks, in the corridors of hospitals and ambulances, and they are not
being heard. According to the details, the American newspaper New York Times said in
its article that despite the lockdown, India failed to stop the spread … Continue Reading
62. Why
the Current Scenario in Afghanistan is so
On the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, the Taliban declared a three-day ceasefire. The
Afghanistan government welcomed this and in good faith announced the release of 2,000
Taliban prisoners. 710 prisoners have been released so far. The total number of Taliban
released in this way is 2700. The Taliban also released 73 government prisoners during
Eid … Continue Reading
63. Cynthia Ritchie Complete Story: Background &
Senior journalist Imran Khan gave full details about the background of Cynthia Ritchie.
Cynthia is an American citizen who made serious allegations against the senior
leadership of the PPP. Imran Khan said that Cynthia hails from Texas, USA, and obtained
her law degree from Louisiana State University in 2003. Cynthia Ritchie also obtained
master’s degrees in … Continue Reading
64. Modi
Policies Failed Miserably regarding Covid-19
– Thousands of Deaths and Economic Meltdown
The Financial Times wrote in its report that with 7500 deaths, India has become the worst
region in the world. Foreign media slammed Modi’s lockdown policies. It wrote that Indian
Prime Minister Narendra Modi brutally locked down the country on March 24. When the
number of corona patients was only 500. As the economy began to collapse, he
… Continue Reading
65. Covid-19 further Aggravated the Plight of Women
in Pakistan
The UN Secretary-General took to Twitter to draw attention to the escalating domestic
violence around the world following the coronavirus. After COVID-19, such incidents
escalated not only in developing countries (where either domestic violence laws do not
exist at all and even if they are, their implementation is weak due to social pressures) but
… Continue Reading
66. Economy Comparison b/w PTI & PMLN in Detail
On the one hand, the economic policies of the government are criticized by the opposition
political forces, but if we look at the early period of the PML-N government and the 21
months of the PTI government, it is clear that the current government Pakistan’s economy
has improved. Whether it is foreign direct investment, exports, remittances … Continue
67. Indo-China Conflict & the Role of America
At a time when the whole world is busy controlling COVID-19, the long-running border
dispute between the world’s two most populous and nuclear-armed countries, India and
China, has intensified. The disputed Himalayan border region has been the scene of
recent skirmishes between Indian and Chinese forces. Including the exchange of fists. It
also added … Continue Reading
vs Pakistan – Difference of National Attitude
68. China
amid COVID-19
A total of 20 million people have been tested for corona in the past month in Wuhan,
China, but none of them tested positive. Assess China’s capabilities as a country and
nation, which in such a short period of time has easily persuaded and completed the test
of millions of citizens. The second is to provide the necessary resources and equipment
for such … Continue Reading
69. Pakistani
Leaders Should Change their Attitude for
the Betterment of the Nation
The public is currently being suffering from coronavirus. The number of cases is
increasing day by day. In the early days of the epidemic, our rulers bravely opposed the
lockdown and provided emergency relief to the poor. Some departments were filled to the
brim, some were given a few grains at their feet. Today the world is coming out of
lockdown and … Continue Reading
70. COVID-19 & its Effects on the ‘Balance of Power’
In January and February of this year, there was great rejoicing in US foreign policy circles
that the Chinese Communist Party would now fall apart, as controlling the Coronavirus
epidemic would not be enough for China. And it will lead to such an economic decline
that it will not be possible for the Communist Party to sustain it. But as China took
… Continue Reading
71. COVID-19, Economy & Colonial Mind-set of our
COVID-19 has spread around the world. Fear is everywhere. Man is afraid of man. The
colors of the markets have faded. Doctors and scientists are trying their best to break the
epidemic but to no avail. COVID-19 is not just an epidemic, it has become a plague that
is destroying the entire world economy. Whether it is developing countries or … Continue
72. India’s Arrogance Shattered in Ladakh
“Ghar Mein Ghuss Kar Marain Ge” is a popular dialogue in Indian films. Indians have
been using this dialogue for Pakistan but in reality, it has never happened. Whenever they
tried to enter Pakistan, they were beaten. And not only by Pakistan but also from China,
Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar as well. Take a look at the latest situation. The border
dispute … Continue Reading
73. Violence Against Child Labor: Needs Effective
After the recent incident of violence and murder of an 8-year-old housemaid in
Rawalpindi, a storm has broken out in the country once again. It feels like this time the
girl’s parents will get justice and the killers of this innocent will reach their tragic end. But
this is not the first time such an incident has taken place. Hundreds of such tragic incidents
have … Continue Reading
74. Indo-Pak Conflict & Failures of United Nations
The United Nations has been established in the name of conflict resolution but has failed
to meet its obligations. Conflicts between India and Pakistan continue in one form or
another. Now the Indian government has expelled about half of the Pakistani diplomatic
staff, in response to which Pakistan has expelled 50 Indian diplomatic staff from Pakistan
… Continue Reading
75. Human Lives v/s Economy – Which Should be
Given Priority? (Detail Analysis)
In most countries of the world, including Pakistan, other restrictions, including lockdown,
have been eased due to the coronavirus. European countries, including the United States,
have lifted sanctions to avoid further economic losses. Health experts from the same
countries and the WHO are not encouraging immediate lifting of sanctions. Because
… Continue Reading
76. Is America being isolated Globally?
It has been historically proven that all US administrations pursue an “America First” policy.
The current US administration has not abandoned its traditional route but has put aside
all diplomatic etiquette while traveling on this route. Over the past few years, we have
seen several unilateral decisions in which the United States has largely ignored its closest
allies … Continue Reading
77. This
Picture Unveiled the Reality of Oppression by
Indian Forces in Kashmir
India has transformed into a Bollywood movie set. Here, not only the color of reality is
filled in the movies but also real life is made into such a movie that the viewer is left staring
in amazement. It is as if this picture is being watched with astonishment all over the world
in which not a trace of humanity can be found. Numerous Bollywood movies have
… Continue Reading
78. Isn’t it the best Time for Books to Die with Dignity?
For many years our society has not seen any major problem. We had books and stories
about World Wars, and movies never let that fantasy go. But as much as books and films
will convince you, the truth is the truth anyway and it is also a fact that war, epidemic,
famine or anything like that did not shake our society from its foundations … Continue
79. The
Oppression of Blacks in the American Society:
Background & Horrifying Reasons
It is a crime to try to buy a cigarette by giving a fake note, but it is not so big as to take
the life of an unarmed person. However, this is possible in the world’s only superpower.
On the evening of May 25, a white police officer brutally murdered a black George Floyd
for committing the same crime. George had been committing petty crimes in his youth
… Continue Reading
80. BoycottChinese Products Campaign in India –
Who Will Suffer the Most?
India is trying to escalate tensions after a fierce clash between Chinese and Indian troops
in the Galvan Valley on June 15. A campaign to boycott Chinese products is underway
inside India. According to reports, Indian officials are also considering reducing or
stopping trade with China. The question is if India does that, who will suffer? China or
India … Continue Reading

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