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Evidencia 2 Market Projection

negociación internacional (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje)

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Actividad de aprendizaje 3

Evidencia 2: Market


Eddy Patricia Cáceres García.

Servicio de Nacional de Aprendizaje.


Tecnólogo en Negociación

Internacional. Ficha de Caracterización.

N° 2175893. San José de Cúcuta, Norte

de Santander 2021

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Define what business remains

within your market and how best to
pursue that business

Market Share Projection is How Can a Company Project

Similar to a Gap Analysis its Future Market Share?

current market share

to project its future market
share, the small business
must determine how much of
dividing current business the remaining business it can
by total steal from its
market size competition
Market size

current business
relative potential

small businesses must

consider growth rate your
calculate potential understand how much market by looking at market
consumption within customers could actually share projections
the market purchase within a given
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2. Read the text 8 STEPS FOR THE SUCCESS OF A MARKETING PLAN. Then, take 15 terms from the
article and create your own glossary as it is shown in the following example:

English Spanish Definition Example

Marketing Plan de It is a document in text or Today all companies and
plan marketing presentation format that businesses need to develop
contains all the market a good marketing plan to
studies carried out by the be successful in their
company, the marketing purposes.
objectives to be achieved,
the strategies to be
implemented and the
planning to carry them out.

technological Avance It is an improvement in the Robots, artificial

advancemen tecnológico way productive factors are intelligence are examples
t used in the production of of technological advances
goods and services that can improve the speed,
quality and costs of goods
and services

Marketing Fracaso de means when a strategy Colgate, the popular

failure marketing implemented in the toothpaste brand, launched
marketing plan does not its own line of pre-frozen
work or has the expected meat lasagna ready to
results serve for dinner in 1980,
the product had a
marketing failure

attract Atraer is to make a potential To attract customers it is

customers clientes customer become a buyer. necessary to establish a
link, a lasting relationship
over time that allows that
transaction to be repeated
over time

business plan de The business plan presents The business plan serves as
plan negocios an analysis of the market a compass for the
and establishes the action entrepreneur because it
plan that you will follow to allows a better
achieve the set of objectives understanding of the
that you have proposed. business

Contingency Plan de It is a preventive, predictive In computing, a

plans contingenci and reactive plan contingency plan is an

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a alternative program for a

company to recover from a
computer disaster

customer Comentario It is to know information customer feedback is a

feedback s de los that the company did not vital issue for the growth
clientes know about the product or of any business,

Follow up Hacer It is a detailed and deep It is recommended to

seguimiento observation and follow up with clients
surveillance that is carried periodically to find out if
out on a subject or on a their occupations have
person. changed and if the business
can help them in any way

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