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Eating alone

People who eat most of their meals alone may be at increased risk for heart disease and
diabetes, according to new research. A study found that men who dined solo at least twice a
day were more likely to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and prediabetes —
compared to those who always dined with others.
Previous research has also raised concerns about the psychological and physical health effects
of eating alone, and the larger problem of loneliness, especially among older adults.
To study whether these patterns may have an effect on metabolic syndrome, scientists
compared health data and survey responses from 7,725 South Korean adults.
For men, eating alone was associated with a 45% increased risk of being obese and a 64%
increased risk of having metabolic syndrome. Unmarried men who ate alone had the highest
risk for metabolic syndrome, more than three times the risk of men who said they usually dined
with someone else.
The effect was less pronounced for women. Those who ate alone at least twice a day were 29%
more likely to have metabolic syndrome than those who never ate alone.
Previous studies have found that people who tend to eat alone may be lonely, socially isolated
and more likely to choose unhealthier foods, eat fewer fruits and vegetables and eat at
irregular times.

This article was sourced from:

Lesson created by Stephen White. This lesson or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or reused without permission of the author.
Discussion Questions

1) How did this article make you feel?

2) Do you like eating alone? How often do you do so?

3) What is your favourite / most comfortable way to eat?

4) What is your guilty pleasure?

5) Do you think that Koreans are getting healthier or unhealthier?

6) Have you tried any diets or eating habits in the past?

Design a new diet

With your partner, come up with a new diet that you would be able to follow by yourself.


Snack #1


Snack #2


Lesson created by Stephen White. This lesson or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or reused without permission of the author.

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