Student Instructions-2022 - Capstone - IIMK

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Integrative Business Simulation


This document provides the instructions for the Integrative Business Simulation course. The
Simulation would be done in three stages in eight days from 21st to 27th February & 5th March
2022. The students are expected to dedicate the entire day for the Simulation these days, from
morning 9.00 am to evening 7.30 pm.

The first stage is the Introduction to Simulation and Practice Rounds, scheduled to be held on 21st
February. It will be handled by Mr.Veer Mehta jointly for all the sections. The details of this stage is
given in the 2nd chapter of this document.

The second stage is from 22nd to 27th February, where the students will play the Capsim Capstone
Business Simulation. It will be handled by designated faculty for each section. Each PGP section is
divided into 12 teams as per specific criteria, with five members each. The teams are clubbed together
into groups (or Industry as we call it) of six teams each. In the Capstone Business Simulation, the
teams will be given charge of a company.
The teams would prepare a formal strategy for their company and compete with the five other
competitors in their Industry. The competitor firms are run by the five other student teams in their
Industry. In other words, six teams are clubbed together and made as part of one industry where they
compete against other teams. There are eight rounds in the Simulation, and each round is equivalent to
one year. Essentially, the six teams in each Industry would compete with each other for eight rounds
during the six-day period. The rounds would be automatically processed as per the pre-determined
time as indicated in the timetable. The team needs to upload their decisions for each round within the
stipulated time. At the end of each round, there will be a debriefing by the faculty member. The
objective of the debriefing is to help the teams to understand their own strategy in running their
company and relate various functional and strategic concepts that the students have studied and
integrate them. Debriefing is also an evaluation component in the course. The details are given in the
3rd chapter of this document.

The third stage is Comp-XM, which is equivalent to the End-Term exam. Comp-XM is also a
Simulation in the lines of Capstone Business Simulation, but to be played individually. Comp-XM
will be held on 5th March 2022. It requires five to six hours to complete the decisions in all four
rounds in Comp-XM. The respective faculty would announce the details of Comp-XM to the students
on the last day (27th Feb) of the Capstone simulation.

The Simulation would be conducted in online mode. On the first day (first stage), Mr.Veer Mehta
would handle the session through Zoom Webinar.

For the second stage, each section would get a zoom meeting link with breakout rooms. The students
need to login into the zoom meeting at 9.00 am each day and move to the respective breakout rooms
allotted to them. In parallel, the students also need to login into the Capsim website with their
credentials. The team members discuss and coordinate their decisions in their breakout rooms and
upload the decisions on the Capsim website. The students would continue in the breakout rooms till
the session ends at 7.30 pm. In between, the students can take breaks at their teams’ convenience,
except during Debriefing sessions.

For the Comp-XM, the students need to login to the Capsim website with their credentials and play
the Simulation. Please note that Comp-XM is a self-paced individual simulation.

2. Introduction Session.

Dear Participants,
Welcome to the CAPSTONE® Business Simulation 2022!
Capstone is a compelling and engaging cross functional business simulation in which you
would be running a live dynamic business entity against competition for a number of
financial years.
Capstone is immensely competitive. Capstone is fun. Capstone is teamwork. Your team
details are attached.

THE OPENING CAPSTONE SESSIONS are scheduled on: 21st Feb 2022 from 9.00 am


• We have to first register ourselves for the program online (see instructions below)
• Then complete the mandatory simulation preparatory work (see instructions
below). It is essential that this work is done in time and diligently. This is self-
paced individual work and will take approximately 3~4 hours to complete.

Go to Sign in using using your username and password. Your username and password is
provided in the attached excel file

1. You may like to change your password on first login. Please do not make errors.
In case you face a problem please email (with Cc
to )
2. After logging in, please click on "Capstone".
3. Next, please finish the undermentioned mandatory Pre-Simulation Individual
preparatory work by 21st Feb 2022. This is outlined below:


On the Tabs under the "Getting Started Menu" go through the

following four areas as under:

First: Introductory Lesson Quiz Go through the "Introductory Lesson" video and do
the short quiz that follows it.

Secondly, Rehearsal Tutorial The Rehearsal Tutorial introduces

the simulation decision areas in the Capstone Spreadsheet. The tutorial will show you
how to use the spreadsheet to make "what-if" decisions . The Rehearsal also gives you
an opportunity to review the Capstone Courier, a report that shows you how your
company performed against competitors.

To complete the Rehearsal, follow these steps:

• During the tutorial you are making decisions for Round 1. Work through all six
• Take the quiz.
• Process Round 1. Look at the results in the Capstone Courier.
• Optionally, Replay Round 1, this time making whatever decisions you like.
• Optionally, Advance to Rounds 2, 3, and 4.

Please complete the rehearsal tutorial in its entirety. This will help you throughout
the Capstone program and is mandatory. The Rehearsal is done individually and not as a

team. In the rehearsal, you are all in Team Andrews, irrespective of your actual
company. Pay special attention to the Capstone Courier - the industry newsletter.

Thirdly, The Industry Conditions Report This describes in detail

the business environment specific to your simulation. To view the Industry Conditions
Report, click link given. Appraise yourself with the Customer Segments, Drift Rates,
Ideal Spots and Customer Buying Criteria.

Fourthly, Situation Analysis Very simply, the Situation Analysis walks you through
the skills you need to analyze the market (or situation) in Capstone. In the Situation
Analysis, please go through the Introduction, Perceptual Map and Ideal
Spots thoroughly. The remaining four areas (demand, capacity, margin and consumer)
are optional but highly recommended.

Additionally, Download and read the pdf "Guide" under the Help and Support link on
the top on the screen. The Guide will be useful throughout the simulation.

And Finally: You do NOT have to do Capstone practice round 1 -we will do that when
we meet.

3. Evaluation Components in Simulation

This Simulation is a graded course and your performance in the simulation would be
evaluated based on three parameters

Sl.No Component Weight Team/ Individual

1 Balanced Scorecard score of the Team 35% Team
during Capstone Capsim Simulation
3 Competitive Round Debriefing 25% Team
4 Comp-XM Scores 40% Individual

The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Scores for teams’ performance during the competitive rounds
would be considered for this component. Simulation measures each team’s performance on
predefined parameters and calculates BSC scores after every round. The Balanced
Scorecard score is for 1000 points (8 rounds + Recap). After eight rounds, your team’s BSC
score would be taken as your team members’ mark for this component.

Competitive Round Debriefing Assignments: At the end of every round, teams will be given a
set of questions. Teams need to answer those questions based on their strategy and
decisions. The written answers need to be uploaded to the Capsim website within 45 mins
of receiving the questions. The Faculty would visit each team in their respective Breakout
rooms, and the students need to make a brief five minutes’ presentation, providing answers
to the question.

Schedule for Simulation
Day 9.00 am to 12.30 pm 1.00 to 4.30 pm 4.30 to 7.30 pm
21 Introduction by Mr.Veer Practice Round-1 Debriefing - Practice Round
Feb Mehta (upto 1.00 pm) By VM
Students can continue with Practice Round -2. It would be processed at 8.30 am on
Day-2. No Debriefing for Practice Round-2
22 Round-1 Debriefing -1 Round -2
Feb Round-1 processed at 1.00 Round-2 in parallel Round-2 processed at 7.30
pm pm
23 Debriefing -2 Round-3 Debriefing -3
Feb Round-3 in parallel To processed at 3.30 Round-4 in parallel
24th Round-4 Debriefing -4 Round-5
Feb Round-4 processed at Round-5 in parallel Round-5 processed at 7.30
12.30 pm pm
25 Debriefing -5 Round-6 Debriefing -6
Feb Round-6 in parallel To Processed at 3.30 Round-7 in parallel
26th Round-7 Processed at Debriefing -7 Round-8
Feb 12.30 pm Round-8 in parallel Round-8 processed at 7.30
27th Debriefing -8 Final Debriefing Intro about Comp-XM
5 Comp-XM Examination

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