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Rejuvenation 4.

Development of RBC substitutes

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It is the process by which ATP & 2,3-DPG levels are
restored or enhanced by metabolic alterations. *not all rbcs are available mas mayo if nay rbcs
Add info: 2,3 -Diphospoglycerate is important in
oxygen binding curve *if A(-), B(-), & AB(-) RBCs are not available convert
to O nalang, oten
◼ Uses rejuvenation solutions such as:
1. PIGPA = phosphate, inosine, glucose, pyruvate &
adenine. Platelet Preservation
2. PIPA Role of platelets in hemostasis:
3. Rejuvesol = the only FDA-approved rejuvenation 1. Initial arrest of bleeding by platelet plug
solution in the US. formation = involves adhesion of platelets to the
endothelium & subsequent aggregation with
How is rejuvenation done?
2. Stabilization of the hemostatic plug by
The RBC unit is incubated at 300C for 1H with 50mL contributing to the process of fibrin formation &
rejuvenation solution. maintenance of vascular integrity.
◼ RBCs are then washed to remove nonmetabolized
rejuvenation solution materials & deleterious Add info:
amounts of extracellular K+.
Hemostasis – stoppage or stopping of a flow of
◼ Rejuvenated RBCs are used within 24H of thawing blood
to prevent the entrance of bacteria.
Homeostasis – maintain balance in our body
◼ Expensive & time-consuming, therefore, it is not
2 stages: primary hemostasis – your platelets are
used often but is invaluable for preserving selected
the one who are active, although the platelet plug
autologous & rare units of blood for later use.
formation is not stable but still maka stop gihapon
Add info: expensive and time consuming ang sa flow sa blood.
rejuvenation process
Kugang- platelet plug
Secondary hemostasis – clotting factor and fibrin
Current Trends in Blood/RBC Preservation formation
Research: Clinical Use of Platelets:
Research & development in RBC preparation & 1. To treat bleeding associated with
preservation is being pursued in 4 directions: thrombocytopenia
1. Development of modified/new additive solutions 2. To prevent bleeding secondary to drug &
2. Development of procedures to reduce the level of radiation therapy
pathogens that may be in RBC units Methods of preparing platelets for transfusion:
3. Development of procedures to convert A(-), B(-), 1. Platelet-rich-plasma (PRP)-derived
& AB(-) RBCs to O(-) RBCs
2. Whole blood-derived platelet concentrates (PC) ◼ Approximately 50mL plasma (range: 45-65mL) is
retained with the platelets in order to maintain a pH
3. Apheresis
of at least 6.2 during storage.
◼ Storage is 5 days at 200C to 240C (RT).
PRP-derived platelets:
◼ Expiration is midnight of day 5.
◼ Approximately 250-300mL in volume.
◼ 1 unit may contain 5.5 x 1010 platelets.
◼ Circulatory overload is the major complication.
◼ if the seal of any PC bag is broken, the platelets
Whole blood-derived PC: need to be transfused within 4H when stored at RT.
➢ Prepared from units of whole blood drawn into
triple or quad collection bag systems.
➢ Harvesting of platelets from whole blood is
◼ Platelets are harvested by drawing blood from a
done using
donor into an apheresis instrument (cell separator)
2 methods:
◼ The instrument separates the blood into
1. PRP method = used in North America components using centrifugation.
2. Buffy coat method = used in Europe ◼ Platelets are retained.
◼ Remainder of the blood is returned to the donor.
◼ Platelets are then concentrated in storage
containers after repeated cycles.

How to obtain PRP-derived platelets?

◼ Units of PRP are separated by a slow
centrifugation step. ◼ Apheresis components contain at least 4-6 x as
many platelets obtained from whole blood (3-4 x
◼ PRP is centrifuged again with hard spin
1011 platelets)
conditions to concentrate the platelets.
How to obtain platelets in the buffy coat
method? Platelet storage:
➢ Units of whole blood are centrifuged with hard ◼ PC prepared from WB & apheresis are routinely
spin conditions to concentrate the platelets in the stored at RT with constant agitation for up to 5
buffy coats. days.

➢ Single or pooled buffy coats are centrifuged with ◼ Flat-bed or circular agitators are available.
slow spin conditions harvesting the platelets in the ◼ Although they can be stored at 1-60C, it is not
plasma supernatant. routinely done.
Reasons why platelets are not preserved in
PRP-derived platelets: cold storage:
1. Cold temperature converts the normal discoid
shape of platelets to irreversibly spherical.
2. Microtubule disassembly.

Why is it necessary to agitate PC?

1. To facilitate O2 transfer into the platelet bag.
2. To facilitate O2 consumption by the platelets.
3. To prevent aggregation or clumping.
Platelet Storage & Bacterial Contamination:
➢ Bacterial growth is the major concern with
platelet storage at RT.
➢ Some reasons for bacterial contamination
1. Unremoved contamination at the phlebotomy
2. The donor has unrecognized bacterial infection.

Current Trends in Platelet Preservation

1. New documentation of platelet storage for 7
days with testing for bacteria.
2. Development of additive solutions or synthetic
3. Development of procedures to reduce the level
of pathogens in the platelet units.
4. Development of platelet substitutes.
5. New approaches for platelet storage at 1-60C.
6. Development of cryopreserved platelets.
Add info: sa manila ang mhar gen kay 5 days
gihapon ang storage

Basa rang uban….end

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