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Radical Experiment in Empathy

What did you think of the "Radical Experiment in Empathy" video? Were you able to “step
outside of your thoughts and behavioral patterns” and reserve a part of your mental
capacity to “listen” to and monitor your internal reactions as a means of gaining a deeper
insight into the nature of yourself? What’s your perspective on this notion of “self-
awareness” in the present moment as a tool to learn more about yourself? Was this
“radical experiment” an effective one in terms of helping you understand the concept of

Make some connections between the “Radical Experiment in Empathy” TED Talk and the
ideas you have been reading and learning about this week. Be sure to describe your
connections carefully and use in-text cites as applicable.

Your Answer:

As I watch the length of the “Radical Experiment in Empathy” video I was skeptical it
would lose my attention. But I was mistaken I was drawn into the video and re-watch it
with my boyfriend. I was completely able to “step outside of your thoughts and
behavioral patterns” and reserve a part of your mental capacity to “listen” to and monitor
your internal reactions as a means of gaining a deeper insight into the nature of
yourself. I understood the true meaning of “putting yourself in someone's shoes”.
How empathy is related to having the ability to listen, compromise, and understand is
dependent upon empathy. The photo that he uses is of the American soldier with the
Middle Eastern. I felt all types of emotions as he spoke thought out the video. I was able
to understand different perspectives. How important it is to have the self-awareness to
fully be able to empathize and understand those around us.

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