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Research Methods in English


APA: Citations and reference


Granadino Mendoza, Carlos Ernesto

Peñate Góchez, Josselyn Melissa


Blanca Estela Marroquín Valiente

Santa Ana, September 2nd, 2021


When writing a document, it is very important to know which aspects people must

consider regarding the paper, size, fond, and many other things. All of these

aspects can be found in the APA guide. APA stands for “American Psychological



It is used when people are talking about the ideas some authors have said to

give them some mentions. According to APA format, it used the author-date

methods in which people state the author´s full name, and the date when the book

or material was published. There are two types of citation according to the APA

style: textual citation where people write the exact words some author has said,

and paraphrased citation in which people tell the things using their own words.

Besides that, there are two basic format to present the cites in a text: narrative

cites that are based on the author because the name of him or her is written in the

text. For instance: William Shakespeare (1595) said that Love is heavy and light,

bright and dark, hot and cold, sick and healthy, asleep and awake—it's everything

except what it is!  (p. 9). And cites between parenthesis that are based on the text;

in this cites, the name and last name of the author go between parenthesis. For

example: “Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon

understands what it means to be human.” (Tahereh Mafi, 2011, p.145). This type

of citation is called “Parenthetical Citation”.

Moreover, people can use citation with name of the institutions using the

acronym of it; for example, University of El Salvador [UES], 2021, p.18), secondary

cites, and cites where people mention any conversation.

Regarding paraphrased citation, there are two ways in which people can do it: if

the cite has less or 40 words, it could be implied in the text; it is important to write it

between quotations and italics fond. On the other hand, cites with more than 40

words must be written apart from the text without indentation, quotations, and

italics fond. However, there are other creative forms to cite or mention ideas that

follow the APA rules, but it must be including the same important details such as

the author, the year and number of pages.


When people cite in the document, it is important to state it the references. It is a

separate page where people are going to write all the place where they have found

the citated text. In every reference, it is quite important to write at the top of the

page the word “References”; it has to be in the middle of the line and in bond fond.

Each reference must contain the author, the date, the name of the job, and source

for recovery. For example: William Shakespeare. (1595). Romeo and Juliet. Act 1.

Furthermore, in some case it is necessary to make a reference using less than

20 people; in this case, it is acceptable to write all the name of them. On the other

hand, when there are more than 20 people, it necessary to write the number

nineteen and we split them (…) and write the name of the last author. Finally, in
some cases, it necessary to write the link where people can find the online

document in the case of magazines, articles from a newspaper, theses, web

pages, reports, PDF files, etcetera.

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