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BanglaCAT Leave Policy

Leave Policy

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BanglaCAT Leave Policy


Each employee in the Company has an important role in ensuring the smooth and efficient
handling of daily business activities. When employees are absent, schedules and customer
commitments fall behind and other employees must assume added workloads. Therefore,
employees are expected to report to work as scheduled and on time every business day.

The purpose of this policy is to establish the requirements for reporting absences, to provide
guidelines for the handling of tardiness, early departures, unscheduled absences, and door
access, and to outline employees' need to adhere to established work schedules to maintain
efficient, effective operations throughout the organization. This policy will also support the
employees work -life balance in parallel to the growth and smooth operation of the departmental


All employees of BanglaCAT are covered under the Leave Management Policy. Some of the leave
will have exception which are indicated in the types of leaves.


Head of HR/ Chief People Officer/ Chief Executive Officer/Management to own the policy and
any changes will be discretion to further approval.

HR Division is accountable for formulation and implementation of the policy.

Stakeholders – Human Resources Division, All Employees, All Supervisors


Below are the definitions of terms to be used in the policy:

i. Calendar Year: Calculation of leave shall be based on calendar year starting from July and
ending with June every year.
ii. Types of Leave:

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a. Earned Leave (EL) : This is the Annual Leave or Earned Leave which will be awarded
to employees for serving the company for certain period and this leave must be
earned. Management of the company encourages the employees to avail EL for
personal work-life balance. For 14 Days of continuous work for M Grades and 18 Days
of continuous work, 1 day Earned Leave will be awarded respectively.
b. Casual Leave (CL): Casual leave can be availed by an employee for any justified events
apart from sickness.
c. Sick Leave (SL) : Sick leave is applicable for employees for their illness
d. Maternity Leave: Female employees take the leave during the birth and nursing of
her child for a specific time.
e. Paternity Leave: Male employees take the leave during the birth of his child for a
specific time.
f. Special Leave: Any leave that has been granted with the discretion of management
and does not fall under any of the categorized leaves.
g. Supplementary Leave: These are leaves which employee can take, in case they
worked on the holidays, day
h. Bereavement Leave: Bereavement leave is leave taken by an employee due to the
death of another individual, usually a close relative. The time is usually taken by an
employee to grieve the loss of a close family member, prepare for and attend a
funeral, and/or attend to any other immediate post-death matters.


5.1 Earn leave entitlements are calculated in arrear and on a calendar year basis based on
individuals earning of the leaves –
a. 1 Day for 14 working days for M graded permanent employees.
b. 1 Days for 18 working days of for Non-Management permanent employees.
5.2 Employees can avail the Earned Leave after completion of one calendar year based on
prorate basis.
5.3 Employees must avail 10 days Earn Leave and remaining balance can be carried forward up-
to maximum 40 days which only can be enchased at the time of separation based on last
drawn basic salary. However, anything above 40 days will be forfeited.

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5.4 M graded employees are eligible for 50% of basic salary [ LFA] for availing 10 Days Earn
Leave. However, the new joiners, who does not have minimum 10 Days Earn Leave balance
can avail Earn Leaves and payment on prorate basis.

5.5 For Non-Management employees, en cashment of Earn Leave will be applicable up to 40

days at the time of separation/retirement from employment.

5.6 At the beginning of the year, all employees will submit their leave requirement schedule to
their Supervising Manager for the Function to develop an Annual Leave plan for the
Department, considering the option of the individuals as much as possible.

5.7 Prior approval for leave shall be obtained from the respective Functional Head through
his/her immediate Supervisor not less than seven days before the date of commencement
of leave.

5.8 Earn leave should be taken in one or two instalments of not less than 5 days each except for
adjustment of emergency leave mentioned hereunder.

5.9 A staff member may either prefix or suffix weekly/festival holidays with their annual leave.
He/she cannot claim the benefit of both prefixing and suffixing weekly/festival holidays with
his/her leave.

5.10 The Company may, if exigency of business so requires, waive or deviate from the leave rules
under this manual. However, any waiver or deviation must be approved, in writing, by the
concerned Functional Head with a copy to HR Department.

5.11 No extension of leave will be permitted without prior approval.

5.12 LFA may be claimed up to 2 weeks in advance of proceeding on leave.

5.12.1 If anyone fails to go on leave after having drawn the LFA, he/she will refund the amount.

5.12.2 Staff members will be entitled to LFA at the rates of 50% of Basic and at the time they
proceed on annual leave or as Prorate basis.

6.1 Eligibility: All confirmed employees are eligible for Casual Leave.
6.2 Entitlement
6.2.1 Employees are entitled to apply for ten (10) working days casual leave in a calendar

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In case of non-availability of casual leave, any claimed casual leave will automatically
adjusted from remaining earn leave.
6.2.2 Carry forward of casual leave from one year to another is not allowed.
6.2.3 In case of official joining in the middle of a year, the calculation of casual leave will be
on pro rata basis.
6.2.4 Casual leave can be availed by an employee to attend to unforeseen personal events.
Casual leave is essentially intended for short periods. Such leave of absence cannot be
availed more than 3 days at a stretch, except under special circumstances which will be
justified by HOD’s and HOHR.
6.2.5 Causal Leave can be taken for half day.
6.2.6 Casual Leave cannot be combined with any other kind of leave except Special Casual
leave or vacation. Weekends will not be allowed to be prefixed or suffixed with Causal
6.2.7 Applications for casual leave shall be submitted within 2 working days after the
resumption of duty, with the post fact approval of the employee’s supervisor.

7.1 Eligibility: All confirmed employees are eligible for Sick Leave.
7.2 Entitlement
7.2.1 Employees are eligible to apply for sick leave for their own illness.
7.2.2 Employees are entitled to apply for sick leave up to fourteen (14) working days in a
calendar year.
7.2.3 In case of non-availability of sick leave, any claimed sick leave will automatically be
deducted from casual leave based on the approval of HODs and HOHR.
7.2.4 Carry forward of sick leave from one year to another is not allowed.
7.2.5 An employee’s supervisor is to be informed of absence due to illness as soon as possible
on the same day. If circumstances do not permit this, such information should be

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communicated by any means (e.g. mobile text messaging, informing coworker or

immediate supervisor).
7.2.6 Sick leave for more than three days shall be supported by a certificate from a relevant
registered physician. This certificate is to be submitted within one week of absence
and has to show the diagnosis and the duration of absence from duty. For prolonged
illness (e.g. Typhoid, Jaundice, Dengue etc.) certificates need to be uploaded to “Leave
& Attendance System” and in any case if it is not possible then certificates need to be
sent through email or postal.
7.2.7 The company is entitled to require additional documents or information regarding an
employee’s absence for illness. The company may also require the employee to be
examined by a registered physician nominated by the company after an absence of any
duration and before the employee returns to work.
7.2.8 The company shall have at all times, a right to verify the medical certificate produced
by the staff member or to subject him/her to a medical examination by the company’s
appointed medical officer.
7.2.9 Absence from duty on the fourth day onwards without a certificate from a registered
physician or additional information requested by the company shall be considered as
unauthorized leave. The company may discontinue payment of salary and benefits if
an employee has not submitted satisfactory evidence or reasons for illness within the
time required by the company.
7.2.10 Applications for sick leave shall be submitted on the day of resumption of office, with
copies of documents as required by the company.

8.1 Eligibility: All probationer employees working in the Company.
8.2 Entitlement
8.2.1 The Probationers will be entitled up to 06 (six) days leave during the probation period
only on emergency cases, such as:
▪ Self- Sickness or sickness of first blood / close relatives
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▪ Birth, death or marriage of first blood / close relatives.

8.2.2 In case of leave more than 06 days or late attendance for 3 consecutive days or 5
separate days in a month is a violation and will be adjusted with leave or deducted from
salary (case to case basis).
8.2.3 The confirmed employee’s leaves will be adjusted upon approval from immediate
Supervisor/Reporting and HR.

9.1 Eligibility: Any confirmed female employee who is due to give birth for the first or second
9.2 Entitlement
9.2.1 Female employees are entitled to sixteen (16) calendar weeks’ maternity leave.
9.2.2 Maternity leave may be granted for miscarriage or medical termination of pregnancy
for up to a maximum of four (4) calendar weeks immediately following the day of her
9.2.3 Applications for maternity leave shall be submitted at least thirty days prior to
commencement of the leave. A medical certificate indicating the expected week of
delivery should accompany the application.
9.2.4 Respective Division Heads may recommend such leave subject to this policy with detail
plan for role transition and work back-up.
9.2.5 Maternity Leave cannot be combined with any other kind of leave except special
circumstances. In such case, an application with division head’s recommendation
should be forwarded to HR division for approval.


10.1 Eligibility: Male employees are eligible for (14) fourteen days paternity leave on account of
delivery of baby of his wife.
10.2 Entitlement

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10.2.1 Employees are eligible to enjoy these leaves only for first three children. Employee
may avail this leave part by part but within 03 (three) months of delivery of baby of
his wife.
10.2.2 Respective Divisional Heads may recommend such leave subject to this policy.
10.2.3 Applications for paternity leave shall be submitted at least thirty days prior to
commencement of the leave. A medical certificate indicating the expected week of
delivery of his wife should accompany the application.
11. Bereavement Leave:

11.1 Eligibility: All confirmed employees are eligible.

11.2 Entitlement: 3 (Three) Days Bereavement Leave will be given to employees due to the death
of another individual, usually a close relative. The time is usually taken by an employee to grieve
the loss of a close family member, prepare for and attend a funeral, and/or attend to any other
immediate post-death matters.

11.1 Process:
Any employee wishing to take Bereavement Leave will need to apply for the same to his/her
Head of Division for approval who in turn will forward it to the HR Division followed by HOHR in
consultation with the Management will confirm the approvals in written to the applicants.


12.1 Eligibility: All confirmed employees are eligible
Special leave will be given to employees only in exceptional circumstances purely at the
discretion which could include reasons such as personal sickness or sickness in the immediate
family or other circumstances or special cases and grounds.

12.2 Process:
Any employee wishing to take Special Leave will need to apply for the same to his/her Head of
Division for approval who in turn will forward it to the HR Division followed by HOHR in
consultation with the Management will confirm the approvals in written to the applicants.

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12.3 Leave with Pay:

Leave with Pay is a type of leave which does not fall under the any other leave types and in case
of special circumstances (e.g. hajj, pregnancy, nursing, family issues, accidents etc.) but
employees will be paid monthly salary (on special rules) for these leaves. These leaves are mostly
taken by employees with special recommendation from HOD. The appropriate proof of leave e.g.
Doctor’s certificate, proof of disability etc. in case of any long-term sickness and HR division’s
Under the above circumstance
1) 100% of the monthly total salary will be paid for the first three months
2) 75% of the monthly basic salary will be paid for the second three months

12.4 Leave without Pay:

Leave without Pay is a type of leave which does not fall under the any other leave types and in
case of special circumstances (e.g. pregnancy, nursing, family issues, accidents, personal or family
member’s sickness, higher education etc.) but employees will not be paid monthly salary for
these leaves. These leaves are usually taken by employees through HOD’s recommendation and
approval from Head of HR.

In the event of a prolonged illness and the exhaustion of available sick leave, absence from work
shall be considered as earned leave.


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13.1 Eligibility: Supplementary Leave is eligible for employees who worked (trainings, meetings
or having official business engagements etc.) on the holidays (e.g. festivals, national holidays
etc.) weekends and off-days. Employees can either enjoy half day or full day supplementary
leave according to the time spent in the holidays. However, it is vital to mention the specific
“official engagement” during leave application, so that both Supervisor and HR can assess
the validity. Supplementary leaves will be eligible for employees for some below cases:
13.1.1 Employee having meetings, business appointments or engagements for a reasonable
amount of time. A meeting or appointment held for 2-3 hours will not be considered
for eligibility of Supplementary Leave. For Half Day SL minimum 3 Hrs and for Full Dal
SL minimum 5 Hrs engagement is required.
13.1.2 Employees attending the trainings, workshops and seminars arranged at office or
nominated from office to external places will be considered for Supplementary Leave.
Employees attending trainings personally will not be eligible for Supplementary Leave.
13.1.3 Employees on roster duty will not be considered to be eligible for Supplementary
13.1.4 Employees need to fulfill at least 5 working hours to be eligible for half day
Supplementary Leaves.
13.1.5 Employees will not be allowed to club 2 halves days’ Supplementary leaves.
13.1.6 Employees will not be allowed to take Supplementary leaves in a row or clubbing with
13.1.7 If anyone applies for Supplementary leave will be not eligible for any other

The supplementary leave option is available for employees, so that employees can enjoy the
leave for any unplanned and sudden official engagement because which his personal life has
been hampered. Hence, it is encouraged for employees to make proper use of the benefit.


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14.1 All leave accrues and is calculated according to a calendar year basis (that is, for a year
from January to December), except maternity and paternity leave.
14.2 Leave Roster will be prepared by each Division for the year and Divisional Heads should
ensure the management of staff under him/her is given leave as per the roster.
14.3 Different types of leave shall not be taken consecutively.
14.4 Employee should obtain necessary approval of their supervisor and appropriate head
of the division /second level management. In all the cases mentioned above the
employee must submit a leave application form to obtain Manager’s prior approval.
14.5 Employees are requested to complete the official formalities of leave approval and
submit to leave administration division within six (6) working days of enjoying leave.
14.6 After obtaining the necessary approval, the leave application should be forwarded to
the person designated for the division to maintain leave records.
14.7 If the attendance and leave management official finds any discrepancy at attendance
without any approved leave, the absence would be counted as “Unauthorized Leave”
and it will be adjusted against employee’s salary in cash. No further adjustment would
be done regarding unauthorized leave.
14.8 It is further to be noticed that the leave management officials will not further request
any one to remind his/her to adjust the leave.
14.9 Any leave may be approved, changed, rejected or cancelled at the discretion of the
Company without assigning any reason.
14.10 Employee taking leaves without proper authorization of their supervisor is considered
to be “absence”.


15.1 Catalist L&A System (CLAS) Login & Homepage: Catalist L&A System is recently
initiated intranet network system, which is designed and developed for employees of
BanglaCAT to administer leave and attendance.
a) Employee Leave Management: HR will provide the username and password to
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CLAS at the time of their joining along with the url/link of CLAS through email.
username is the same “Actor ID” assigned for LAWSON. Employees will be
able to
view their leave report in the homepage of CLAS.
b) Manager Leave Administration: Supervisors/Managers will access with their
user “Actor ID” and password to approve the leaves of their team members as
well as to apply their own leaves.
15.2 CLAS Password: Once an employee logs into the system, he/she must change the
password him/herself and keep it strictly confidential. In case any employee forgets the
password he/she must send a request to HR for new password/password reset. HR will reset
the password and email to the respective employee. It is discouraged that employee forgets
his own password frequently.
15.3 Leave Application: Once employee logs into the system, he/she will land onto the
homepage of the system, which will have features to apply leave. Employees will be
required to go to “Leave Apply” page from where he/she will have to access the page and
He/she must fill-up the following information:
▪ Leave Reason: “Cause of leave” must be selected from the given options. If the
causes give in the system is not found, then employees need to notify HR to
add the cause.
▪ Select Leave Type: Selection of “type of leave” is vital. The type should have
relevance with the “cause” selected. For example: if someone selects
“sickness” as cause then the type must be “sick leave”.
▪ Day Status: It is to understand of the employee has taken a “full day” or “half
day” leave which must be selected.
▪ Beginning of Leave: This is the start date from when the employee is taking
leave. Employees must select the exact date of leave start. Any discrepancy in

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the information regarding starting of leave will be investigated and lead to

disciplinary action.
▪ End of Leave: This is the end date of leave, the date till when the employee
enjoyed the leave. Any discrepancy in the information regarding ending of
leave will be investigated and lead to disciplinary action.
▪ Attachment: This is to provide necessary evidence to proof individual’s
sickness, validity of the cause of leave taken. For example: doctor’s certificate,
fitness certificate, due delivery date (in case of maternity, paternity) etc.
▪ Additional Information: This area is optional. Employees can fill up the area if
they wish to add some more information and details to the cause of leave.

After filling up the form, employee must submit the information for his Supervisor’s
approval. Before submission employees must ensure the correct information

15.4 Leave Approval: After submission of the leave Supervisor/HR will jointly receive the
leave request. Supervisors, Managers can access the leaves of his reporting with the same
▪ They will be provided additional features to view their number of team member’s
leave Report and as well as approve the leaves.
▪ It is the sole responsibility of the employee “himself” to get his leaves approved in the
system within the due time.
▪ Supervisors, Managers must complete the approval before 25th of the existing month.
▪ In cases when the leaves are found “pending” in the system, HR will consider the
leaves as “Absence”. HR will follow the appropriate disciplinary and punitive measures
regarding the absences.
▪ Supervisors, Managers can reach HR for any technical, undesirable problems faced
while approving leaves.

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Employees are strongly encouraged to maintain and comply the above leave process. In case
of any difficulties with the system, employees are encouraged to reach HR for special
cooperation, considerations and approvals. Employees are discouraged to submit any manual
documents regarding Leave unless it is purely necessary for official documentation.


Any discipline and administrative issues relating to the leave management will be handled based
on policy of “BanglaCAT Disciplinary “, “Employee Code of Conduct” and “Business Ethics Policy”.

Any Exceptions to this policy requires endorsement by the HOHR and Management.

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