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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGIONAL OFFICE V ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF NAGA CITY February 2, 2022 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 35_,s. 2022 RANKING FOR TEACHER II AND TEACHER II (Elementary and Junior High School) To: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent CID & SGOD Chiefs and Personnel Public Schools District Supervisors Elementary and Secondary School Heads Elementary and Secondary Teachers \ All Others Concerned 1. Inconsonance with DepEd Order No. 66, s. 2007 “Revised Guidelines on the Appointment and Promotion of Other Teaching, Related Teaching and Non- Teaching Positions” and in accordance to the observance of Equal Employment Opportunity principle set by the Civil Service Commission, an Assessment and Evaluation of Applicants for vacancies to Teacher II and Teacher III positions is hereby declared. 2. 1ool Heads are required to inform ALL QUALIFIED PERMANENT ‘TEACHERS to apply for Teacher II and Teacher IIT tions and to be ready with their documents and submit applications on a specific date set by the school screening committee. The qualified teachers who do not wish to join the ranking shall submit a waiver. 3. Enclosed to this memorandum is the list of current and anticipated vacancies with the basic qualification for Teacher II and Teacher III positions. 4. Only those employees who have obtained at least one (1) year Very Satisfactory (VS) performance rating in his/her current position will be considered for promotion. (Sec. 95 of the CSC 2017 ORA-OHRA) 5. Secondary schools without current vacancies for promotion to T2 and T3 may only proceed with the ranking once a vacancy for their school is posted by the Division Office. 6. Interested and qualified applicants shall submit documents in one (1) photocopy each, to be placed in a while long folder, arranged as listed and fastened at the left side, to wit: ‘Address :Roxas Avenue, Triangulo, Naga City Tel. No. :{054) 871 33-26 Email FEB 04 2022 pn Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGIONAL OFFICE V 8" SCHOOLS DIVISION OF NAGA CITY BASIC REQUIREMENTS ] Original signed Application Letter (stating the position applied for) | Original notarized Omnibus Certification _ Original CSC Form 212 Revised 2017 (Personal Data Sheet) completely filled-out with the latest passport size ID picture and with Work Experience Sheet Photocopy of updated PRC License Photocopy of Updated Service Record Photocopy of last approved Appointment OTHER DOCUMENTS Photocopy of Performance Rating for the last three (9) years which should |” be at least Very Satisfactory (SY 2018-2019, SY 2019-2020, SY 2020- 2021) a. Outstanding Employee Award (earned after the last promotion) ’b. Innovation (after the last promotion) properly documented, approved by immediate head and attested by authorized regional/division official c. Research and Development Project conducted (after the last promotion) d. Publication/Authorship (after the last promotion) e. Consultant/Resource Speakership in | Trainings/Seminars/Workshop/Symposia (after the last promotion) | arranged according to level from international down to district level__| €. Photocopy of Transcript of Records (Baccalaureate and Post Graduate Studies), Special Order and Certification of Completed Academic Requirements (if applicable) D. Photocopy of Certificate of Trainings (attended after the last promotion) arranged according to level/type: a. International (1 training of at least 3 days) c eS ie|e > Beye |= 2 . National (1 training of at least 3 days) . Regional (3 trainings of at least 3 days each) | 4d. Division (3 trainings of at least 3 days each) ¢. District (3 trainings of at least 3 days each) f. Specialized Training (Scholarship Program, Short Courses, Study | | Grants of at least one month) | g. Designation as Chair/Co-Chair in a Technical Planning Committee (with Terms of References, Committee Proposal and Accomplishment Report) E. Other documents relevant to the position applied for 7. The criteria for ranking Teacher I to Teacher II, Teacher I to Teacher III and ‘Teacher Il to Teacher Ill and its corresponding points are as follows: a. Performance - 35 points b. Experience - 5 points c. Outstanding Accomplishments - 20 points c.1 Outstanding Employee Award (4 points) ¢.2 Innovation (4 points) c.3 Research & Development Projects (4 points) ‘Address ‘Roxas Avenue, Triangulo, Naga City Tel. No, (054) 871 33-26 Email Cie) Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGIONAL OFFICE V SCHOOLS DIVISION OF NAGA CITY ¢.4 Publication/Authorship (4 points) .5 Consultant/Resource Speaker in Trainings/Seminars/ Workshops/Symposia (4 points) d. Education - 25 points ¢. Training - 5 points f. Psycho-social attributes - 5 points g. Potential - 5 points TOTAL 100 points 8. The details on how to assign the points for each criterion and the forms to be used are found in the attached Matrix of Equivalent which is in consonance with DepEd Order No. 66, s. 2007. 9. The school rank list for elementary level shall be prepared by a committee of five (5) headed by the School Head assisted by Grade Level Chairpersons/Master Teachers (when applicable) or teachers occupying Teacher III positions. A secretariat shall be assigned to facilitate the documentation and preparation of rank list. 10. For secondary level, it shall be prepared by a committee of five (5) headed by the School Head assisted by four (4) Department Heads/Master Teachers (when applicable) or teachers occupying Teacher II positions. A secretariat shall be assigned to facilitate the documentation and preparation of rank list. 11. The school rank list, prepared together with the individual score sheet of the applicants, shall be submitted in a long folder duly endorsed by the School Head to the Chairman of the Division Review Committee. The teachers’ documents which garnered scores must be submitted along with their individual score sheets and the school rank list on the scheduled date of submission to the Division Office. After review of the Division Review Committee, a copy of the rank list shall be posted in SDO Naga City website and in a conspicuous place in the school. 12. The Division Review Committee shall be composed of the following: Chairman: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Members: Public Schools District Supervisor (where vacancy exist) Head of the School (where the vacancy exists) Administrative Officer V Administrative Officer IV (HRMO) Chief, Education Supervisor (CID) President of (relevant) Teachers’ Association 13. School rank list prepared and signed by the school screening committee should be submitted on or before February 21, 2022. 14. The schedule of the review of documents by the Division Review Committee will be announced later. Address :Roxas Avenue, Triangulo, Naga City Tel. No. :(054) 873 33-26 Email Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education REGIONAL OFFICE V SCHOOLS DIVISION OF NAGA CITY All expenses relative to the activities in this ranking shall be charged against MARIANO B. DE GUZMAN CESO VI Schools Division Superinteydent 15. local funds/MOOE subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 16. _ For information, wide dissemination, guidance, and strict compliance. Enclosures: 1 ~ List of Vacancies and Qualification Standards 2 Evaluation Sheet 3 - Matrix of Equivalent 4- Interview Sheet 5 — Waiver To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: Promotions Ranking ‘Teachers Address :Roxas Avenue, Triangulo, Naga City Tel. No. :(054) 871 33-26 Email Republic of the Dhilippines Department of Education REGIONAL OFFICE V ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF NAGA CITY Enclosure No. 1 to Div. Memo No. 2, s. 2022 List of Current Vacancies and Qualification Standards [Item Number/Position Education [Training | Experience lity [Elementary — = | ‘TEACHER Ill Bachelor in Elementary None | 2yearsof | PBET/LET | OSEC-DECSB-TCH3-391023-2017 | Education or Bachelor's relevant | NCS-1 degree plus 18 professional experience | OSEC-DECSB-TCH3-391012-2017 units in education | RVMES TEACHER Il Bachelorin Elementary | None | year | PBET/LET (OSEC-DECSB-TCH2-390210-2020 | Education or Bachelor's relevant MABOLO ES degree plus 18 professional experience OSEC-DECSB-TCH2-390544-2018 units in education | CALAUAG ES (OSEC-DECSB-TCH2-392532-2017 GES ‘Secondary a ‘TEACHER Ill Bachelor In Secondary None | 2yearsof | PBET/LET CSNHS Education or Bachelor's relevant | OSEC-DECSB-TCH3-398458-1998 degree with 18 | experience OSEC-DECSB-TCH3-398462-1998 | professional units in | OSEC-DECSB-TCH3-398463-1998 | education with appropriate | |_OSEC-DECSB-TCH3-398463-1998 | _ major TEACHER II Bachelor inSecondary | None | lyear | PBET/LET | Carolina NHS Education or Bachelor's | relevant | (OSEC-DECSB-TCH2-390141-2001 degree with 18 experience | professional units in | education with appropriate | | sor | | Address :Roxas Avenue, Triangulo, Naga City Tel. No. :(054) 872 33-26 Email Republic of the Bbilippines 220. 202 Department of Education 5 1: nm REGIONAL OFFICE V - SCHOOLS DIVISION OF NAGA CITY Enclosure No. 2 to Div. Memo. No. ” , s. 2022 EVALUATION SHEET FOR THE POSITION (per DepEd Order No. 66,5: 2007) Name Present Date Last Promoted CS Eligibility Address Contact Number Criteria _ Points Earned |. PERFORMANCE RATING (35 points) I, EXPERIENCE (5 points) Ill. OUTSTANDING ACCOMPLISHMENTS (20 points) ‘A. Outstanding Employee Award ~ 4 points ‘School awardee (.5); Dist. Awardee/DWv. Nominee (1); Div. Awardee/Regional Nominee (2); Regional Awardee/National Nominee (3); National Awardee (4) B, Innovations ~4 points Conceptualized (1); Started the implementation (2); Fully implemented in the School (3); ‘Adopted in the district (3.5); Adopted in the Division (4) . Research and Development Projects ~ 4 points School Level (2}; District Level (3); Division Level (4) D. Publication/Authorship~ 4 points E. Consultant/Resource Speaker in Trainings/Seminars — 4 points District (5); Division (1); Regional (2); National (3); International Level (4) IV. EDUCATION (25 points) CAR (10); Master's Degree (15); CAR for Doctoral (20); Doctoral Degree (25) VV. TRAINING (5 points) A. Specialized Training B. Training. . Chair/Co-Chairina technical/planning committee | pistrict (1); Division (2); Regional (3); National (4); international (5) | [ ‘SUB-TOTAL Address :Roxas Avenue, Triangulo, Naga City Tel. No. (054) 871 33-26 Email VISIONUE HAGA CITY F208 SECTION = akg ee Republic of the Philippines: } ; PA AN 2020851 9 | Bepartment of Education fae REGIONAL OFFICE V B g Sa ‘SCHOOLS DIVISION OF NAGA CITY Enclosure No. 3 to Div. Memo. No.2, s, 2022 MATRIX OF EQUIVALENT (Revised 2021) Criteria MOVs | Maximum 7 Score | ‘A. PERFORMANCE RATING ‘The Performance Rating of the candidate for the last 3 rating | Certification of Performance periods prior to screening should at least be Very Satisfactory | Rating forthe last 3 Rating 35 | (VS). The average of the numerical rating is multiplied by 35%. | Periods duly signed by the Example: 2020-2021: 45 x2=9 authorized official 2019-2020 : 4.499 x2= 8.998 or 2018-2019:35 x2=7 ‘Actual copy of Performance | | Rating for the last 3 R. | Reference of Rating Equivalent for DepEd Periods duly signed and | | 4.55 = Outstanding approved by authorized officials 354.499 = Very Satisfactory 2.5~3.499 = Satisfactory | 41.5 ~2.499 = Unsatisfactory | B. EXPERIENCE Experience must be relevant to the duties and functions of the | Service Record and/or positions to be filled, with every year givena point but not to | Certificate of Employment with | 5 | | exceed 5 points. Every month of service in excess of one (1) _| position and inclusive period | | | year shall be given corresponding points. The reference date | indicated and signed by | should be the date when the teacher was hired as permanent. | authorized official Example: Lyear &5 months = 1 plus 5/10* = 150 4 years & 8 months= 4 plus 8/10* = 4.80 Legend: 10 months refer to 1 school year C. OUTSTANDING ACCOMPLISHMENT (20 POINTS) | C.2. Outstanding Employee Award (4 points) Certificate of highest level of certificate submitted wil be given a point Recognition/Award/Picture of 4 ~ must be earned after the last promotion | Plaque or Trophy To clei for points, there should be a search conducted in that level | approved by higher authorities ee | | a. Awardee in the schoo! (5) cre || | », Nomination in the Division/awardee in the district (1.0) | Dene Nege: | . Nomination in the Region/awardee in the division (2.0) cor ciinsie eerie 4, Nomination in the Department/awardee in the region (3.0) | Soncn was condusted €. National Awardee (4.0) 2. Innovations (4 points) ‘Approved Proposal + Innovative work plan properly documented, approved by _| Accomplishment Report 4 immediate chief and attested by authorized regional/division | Certification of Adoption official. - Must be condueted after the last promotion a. Conceptualized (1.0) b. Started the implementation (2.0) ‘Address :Roxas Avenue, Triangulo, Naga City Tel. No. (054) 871 33-26 Email Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education — - REGIONAL OFFICE V Iba SCHOOLS DIVISION OF NAGA CITY VISION OF NAGA CIT SECTION % «. Fully implemented in the school (3.0) . Adopted in the district (3.5) e. Adopted in the Division (4.0) (C3. Research and Development Projects (@ points) - Research was properly documented, approved by immediate chief and attested by regional/division official. Must be conducted after the last promotion '. Action research conducted in the schoo! level (2.0) b. Action research conducted in the district level (3.0) «. Action research conducted in the division level (4.0) ‘Approved Proposal Copy of Research C.4. Publication/Authorship (4points) -Must be conducted after the last promotion - Article/publication must be related to education. 2. Articles published in journal/newspaper/magazine of wide circulation (1 point for every article but not to exceed 4 points) b. Co-authorship of a book {shall be divided by the number of authors but not to exceed 4 points) Cc. Sole Authorship of a book (4 points) Copy of Article/Book or Certification from publisher and photocopy of the article C5. Consultant/Resource Speaker in Trainings/ ‘Seminars/Workshops/Symposia (4 points) -Only the highest level of certificate submitted will be given a point Must be after the last promotion a. International Level (4 points) b. National Level (3 points) . Regional Level (2 points) 4, Division Level (1 point) «. District Level (0.50 point) Certificate as Resource Speaker/Consultant/Presenter D. EDUCATION (25 POINTS) ‘a, Complete Academic Requirements (CAR) 10 points (a certification from the schoo! should be specific that the ‘opplicant has completed the academic requirements for the course enrolled) b. Master's Degree 15 points . CAR for Doctoral Degree 20 points. 4, Doctoral Degree 25 points, | Bachelor of Laws, Juris Doctor is considered as Master's Degree Transcript of Records/ Certification of CAR 3 | Note: Only trainings sponsored by DepEd or sponsored by other | E, TRAINING (5 POINTS) gov't. agencies/non-gov't. educ. & training institutions | recognized by DepEd shall be given a point | Address :Roxas Avenue, Triangulo, Naga City Tel. No. (054) 871 33-26 Email Department of Education REGIONAL OFFICE V SCHOOLS DIVISION OF NAGA CITY E.1. SPECIALIZED TRAINING (Scholarship Programs, Short | Courses, Study Grants) (A certificate with inclusive dates shall be presented duly signed by proper authorities; 1 point for every month of attendance but not to ‘exceed 5 points) (£2. TRAININGS - {highest level who meets the required no. of certificates will be given a point): a, International Level (5 points) 1 certificate — with a minimum of 3 days inclusive trainings b. National Level (4 points) 1 certificate — with a minimum of 3 days inclusive trainings €. Regional Level (3 points) 3 certificates with a minimum of 3 days inclusive trainings 4. Division Level (2 point) 3 certificates with a minimum of 3 days training for each conifcate ¢. District Level (2 point) 3 certificates with minimum of 3 days training each cerifcate Certificate of Training with Inclusive dates Certificate of Participation Training | |E3. CHAIR/CO-CHAIR IN A TECHNICAL/PLANNING | comamrree | “Technical/Planning Committee” - a group responsible for | | development or revision of any document or documents | emanating from a technical committee project; their role is to develop practical responses to major regulatory issues and study possible standards and best practices for the department's welfare. = The certificate must be duly signed by proper authorities + Abrief description of the work and output must be properly documented International 5 points National 4 points Regional 3 points Division 2points Distriet Lpoint 1. Certification as Chalr/Co- Chair of a technical/planning committee signed by proper authorities, 2. Documentation Report F. POTENTIAL (5 POINTS) (as found in DepEd Order No. 66, s.2007) G. PSYCHO-SOCIAL ATTRIBUTES (5 POINTS) (as found in DepEd Order No. 66, s. 2007) ‘Address :Roxas Avenue, Triangulo, Naga City Tel. No, (054) 871 33-26 Email RECURDS SECTION. : ps Republic of the Philippines % Fart a 20 He sli Department of Education REGIONAL OFFICE V SCHOOLS DIVISION OF NAGA CITY Enclosure No, 4 to Div. Memo. No. #9 _, s. 2022 INTERVIEW SHEET POTENTIAL (5 POINTS) SCORE 1. Communication Skills Speaks and writes effectively in Filipino and English (1 point) 2. Ability to present ideas Presents well-organized and precise ideas with marked ‘command of the language used (1 point) 3 Alertness Manifests presence of mind and awareness of the environment (1 point) 4, Judgement Demonstrates sound judgement (1 point) sadership Ability Influences others to do the tasks for him (1 point) 5. TOTAL PSYCHO-SOCIAL ATTRIBUTES & PERSONALITY TRAITS (5 POINTS) 1. Human Relations (2 points) a, Adjusts to the variety of personalities, ranks and informal ‘groups present in the organization. .. Internalizes work changes with ease and vigor. c. Accepts constructive criticisms objectively whether from his subordinates, peers or superiors. d. Observes proper decorum in relating with superiors and peers. cc. Takes the initiative to organize work groups, adopts procedures and standards in his own level. 2. Decisiveness (2 points) ‘a. Thinks logically and acts accordingly. b. Considers alternatives and recommends solutions when faced with problem situations. ‘c. Gives convincing recommendations and suggestions 4d. Acts quickly and makes the best decision possible. fe. Exercise flexibility 3. Stress Tolerance (1 point) a. Exercise high degree of tolerance for tension resulting from increasing volume of work, organizational change, ‘environmental conflicts, etc. b. Use coping mechanisms to handle creatively tensions resulting from one’s work. ¢. Controls negative manifestations of emotions, d. Performs satisfactorily his duties and functions in a tension-laden situation. fe. Channels negative emotions to be positive and constructive endeavors. TOTAL Address :Roxas Avenue, Triangulo, Naga City Republic of the Philippines Department of Education ci REGIONAL OFFICE V - — ————— SCHOOLS DIVISION OF NAGA CITY _ Enclosure No. 5 to Div. Memo No. %_, s. 2022 WAIVER Date: The School Principal (School) (District) Dear Sir/Madam: Greetings! This is to inform you that the undersigned hereby waived his/her right to join the annual ranking for position for this School Year 20__-20__. However, this does not necessarily mean that | will be barred to join future rankings. Thank you. Very truly yours, Teacher. Address :Roxas Avenue, Tel. No. (054) 871 33-26 Email iangulo, Naga City

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