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 The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the resultant force
applied to the body, and is in the same direction as the force. F=
 Impulse is the product of the force applied for a certain time. F ∆ t=∆ p
 Principle of conservation of linear momentum, this is when no external force acts on the objects
in consideration. mu=mv
 Elastic collisions is when the energy of a collision if conserved. When the energy isn’t conserved
it is considered an inelastic collision. Ek 1=E k 2
p 1 2 p2
 Particle collisions, because v= , and Ek = m v , Ek = .
m 2 2m
 An electron volt is a unit used to measure tiny amounts of energy 1eV = 1.6 x 10 -19.
 The de Broglie wavelength can be calculated using λ= .
√ 2 Ek m
s 2 πθ
 Radians can be calculated. θ= or θ=
r 360
θ 2π
 Angular velocity is the speed at which something is being turned. ω= or ω= or ω=2 πf .
t T

 The velocity of a rotating object can be calculated, v= or v=rω.
 Centripetal force is the resultant force for an object moving around a fixed point at a constant
m v2
velocity, is can be calculated using. F= or F=mr ω2
 Since Newton’s law states that the resultant force is related to acceleration, a= or a=r ω2.
 When calculating time, the number of revolutions made should be more than required as this
decreases the reaction time or discrepancy by the total number of revolutions made.
 For an object moving at a constant speed against a friction force F, the driving power can be
found as P=Fv .
Electric and Magnetic Fields

 The force felt by a particle is the electric field strength multiplied by the charge of the particle.
 Because of Newton’s second law, a= .
 By knowing the p.d. of a circuit, we will know how much energy is gained by a charged particle
1 2
when it enters the field. Ek = m v =VQ
 The strength of a uniform electric field is a measure of how rapid the potential changes
compared to the distance. E= = .
d Q
 Uniform and radial Fields are show the electric field around an object using equipotentials.
 Equipotentials indicate line up points which have the same potential.
 A charged sphere has radial fields as its points of same potential move further and further apart
the further away they are.
k Q1 Q2
 The force between two charged particles can be calculated as F= , where k = 8.99 x 109
or as or as F=EQ .
 Therefore the radial field strength can be calculated as E= .
 In Milikan’s oil drop experiment the weight of a charged droplet of oil was balanced with the
force of a uniform electric field. Where the g=6 πηvr =QE= . Not being able to measure r
9 ηv 6 πηvd 9 ηv
directly ¿
√ 2 gρ
. Therefore ¿
V √ 2 gρ

 Capacitors are able to store charge, where the capacitance is ¿ .
 The energy that is stored in a capacitor can be found using ¿ QV . Or the area under a p.d.
charge graph.
 The impression of the rate of discharge of a capacitor can be gained by working out the time
constant, ¿ RC . Or from a graph, reading 37% of the original value.
−t ΔQ
 Also, by knowing that an exponential graph has the equation ¿ Q e RC , considering that I =
o Δt
ΔQ −Δt ln Q −t
therefore by the equation τ =RC ,− = . Intergrating the above = .
Q RC ln Qo RC
 A region of space that causes a magnetic pole to feel a force is called a magnetic field.
 The arrows drawn onto magnetic field, lines can be called lines of magnetic flux, the pattern and
the strength of the magnetic field is known as the magnetic flux density, B. Units tesla, T.
 The quantity of flux, ϕ .Units weber, Wb. Indicates the strength of the field area in effect.
ϕ=B sinθA . Where A is the area, θ , is the angle of flux to the area.
 Fleming’s left hand rule, displays the motor effect. The effect where the magnetic field is at right
angles to the current flowing through the wire and the wire feels a force on it, known as the
motion of the wire. First, field. Second, current. Thumb, motion.
 The strength felt by a magnetic field by a wire is determined by the equation F=BIlsin θ .
Where B is the magnetic flux density, I is the current of the wire and l is the length of the wire in
the magnetic field. F=Bqv sin θ, displays the force felt by a charged particle moving at right
angles to a magnetic field.
m v2 q = v
 In a mass spectrometer, Bqv= , . Knowing Br from the calibration of the machine,
r m Br
1 2 qv
we need the v of the particle. It can be found using

q 2V
m v 2=qV , v =
√ m
. Substituting,

squaring and rearranging to get = .To find the difference in the radius of the path
m B2 r 2
2 Vm

curvature we get the root of r in the equation, ¿
√ q B2

An induced emf can is felt when a wire passes through a magnetic field. Where the magnitude
of an induced emf is proportional to the rate of change of flux linkage and the flux linkage is the
combination of the surface area and flux. flux linkage=BAN =Nϕ . The emf induced is found
d ( Nϕ ) dBAN
using ε = =
dt dt
 Lenz’s law states that the direction of an induced emf is such to oppose the change creating it.
 Fleming’s right hand rule, first, field. Second, induced emf. Thumb, motion or thrust.
V Primary N Primary
 For a transformer the = . Where N is the number of turns.
V Secondary N Secondary
Particle Physics

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