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Man is social by nature.

Hence interaction and communication between human

beings is quite natural. In fact, it has become unavoidable. We may share views
either orally or in writing.
We hold many social functions such as celebrations of birthday, engagement,
wedding, marriage anniversary; appointment, promotion. Invitations form an
important part of social dealings. An invitation is a request to an individual to
come or go somewhere, or to do something.
Invitations can be both formal as well as informal. Formal invitations are formal
letters. They can be printed on cards or can be drafted in the form of social
Formal invitations can be of two types:

 Printed invitation cards inviting guests to be present on a particular occasion.

Such invitations do not include the name of the addressee.

 Formal typed (handwritten) letter addressed to a VIP invited to preside over a

social, cultural and educational function. In these invitations to VIPs the name of
the addressee appears prominently.
Formal invitations are formal and polite, pleasant and courteous.
Informal invitations generally take the shape and form of personal letters. We use
these to invite our friends, relatives and dear ones with whom we have intimate,
personal and friendly relations.

In informal invitations the tone and treatment is relaxed, informal and friendly.
Main Characteristics:
 A formal invitation is normally a single sentence presentation in
third person.
 Formal invitations are generally printed invitation cards. We use
them to invite guests on some auspicious occasion like birthdays,
weddings, inauguration of shops, houses, etc.
 The invitation answers the questions who, whom, when, where,
what time and for what, i.e.,
› the occasion
› name(s) of the invitee
› name(s) of the host
› date, time and venue
 The other details include name, designation and address of the
organiser, sponsor or host or the name(s) of the chief guest or
special invitees, in case of an official invitation.
 Printed formal invitations don’t include the name of the
 Invitations to VIP to preside over a function do carry the name of
VIP prominently.
 Length as per CBSE guidelines is limited to 50 words.
M/s Shyam Lai & Sons are opening a new general store ‘Galaxy Novelties’ in
Geetanjali Enclave, Dwarika, Delhi. The inauguration ceremony is fixed for
Sunday, the 19th of October 20XX at 11 a.m. Prepare a draft of formal invitation
letter for the purpose.
 You are the Secretary of the Old Students’ Association, Mayo School,
Ajmer. The 20th Alumni Meet will be held on Sunday, the 28th Sept. 20XX
at 8.00 p.m. at Palace Hotel. Write invitation letters to ail the old students
of the school to attend the meet.


Old Students’ Association

Mayo School

Dear Alumna/Alumnus,

Sub: 20th Alumni Meet

The 20th Alumni Meet of Mayo School, Ajmer will be held on Sunday, the
28th Sept. 20XX at 8 p.m. at The Palace Hotel Ajmer. Old students, along
with their spouses will be our guests of honour.
Kindly assemble at 8.00 p.m. in the banquet hall for a get-together,
dance and dinner party.
Please confirm your seats by sending ₹ 500 to the undersigned.

Ayush K. Joshi

Main Characteristics:
 Informal invitations follow the pattern of ordinary personal letters.
These letters are written to relatives, friends and acquaintances.
 These letters are first/second person presentations.
 Personal feelings and emotions find an expression.
 The writer’s address is given in the usual place.
 The salutation is usually “Dear’ plus “Name’.
 The date of writing is given, but the year is generally omitted.
 The style and tone are relaxed and informal.
 Different tenses are used as the sense demands.
 The complimentary close is: Tours sincerely’.
You are Leena Sen. The wedding of your elder sister Reena Sen is going
to be held on
the 15th May, 20XX at Hotel Lake View, Udaipur. Write out an informal
invitation to your friend Vinnie requesting her to attend the function.


4357, Vasant Kunj

Raj Nagar

1st May, 2019

Dear Vinnie

You will be pleased to know that the wedding of my elder sister Reena
Sen is going to be held on the 15th May, 2019 at Hotel Lake View,
Udaipur. The whole family will move there in the morning. I invite you to
join us at lunch in the hotel on the 15th. The wedding ceremony will take
place at 8 in the evening.
I do hope you will join us on this auspicious occasion.
Yours sincerely

A formal reply is usually v ery short. It is brief and to the point. The quality of a good reply is that it
must always be pleasant. Ev en while declining the inv itation or expressing inability to attend one
must be polite and courteous. Formal replies demand a formal tone and treatment. There is no
room for unnecessary details or superfluous matter in them.

An informal reply or priv ate letter may, howev er, express personal feelings or desires in an intimate
style and informal tone.

 Main characteristics:

(a) Formal Replies

 Acknowledge the inv itation.
 Express thanks in third person.
 Mention acceptance/regret.
 Specify the reason for refusal.
 Be brief and specific.
 Be formal in tone and treatment.
 Do not exceed the word limit (usually 50 words).

(b) Informal Replies

 Acknowledge the inv itation in first person.
 Use second person for the sender of inv itation.
 Mention acceptance/regret.
 Specify the reason in case of refusal.
 Use warm and simple language.
 Do not exceed the word limit (usually 50 words).
Draft a formal reply accepting an invitation to be present on the occasion of the wedding
of Ankush S/o Mr & Mrs Shankar of 24, Green Park Road, Kanpur. You are Vikram Gaur of
Raja Ki Mandi, Agra.


Mr and Mrs Vikram Gaur thank Mr And Mrs Shankar for inviting them on the occasion of the
wedding of their son Ankush at 24, Green Park Road, Kanpur on 15th May, 20XX and assure
them that they will be present on the occasion to wish the newly weds a very happy
married life. Mr and Mrs Gaur will reach Kanpur by the Agra Mail which leaves Agra at 8.00

Vikram Gaur
5th May, 20XX

You are Dr Avinash Bhalla. You have received an invitation from the Director, Health
Services, Haryana who has invited leading medical practitioners of the state to attend a
workshop on ‘child care’ on 20th May, 20XX at 10 a.m. in Civil Hospital Ambala. Respond to
the invitation.


Dr Avinash Bhalla has a great pleasure in receiving the invitation from the Director, Health
Services, Haryana to attend a workshop on ‘Child Care’ on 20 th May, 20XX at 10 a.m. in Civil
Hospital Ambala.
He confirms his presence with thanks.

Avinash Bhalla
16th March, 20XX
You are Aakash/Varsha. You have been invited to attend the
wedding of your friend’s sister during summer vacation. Respond
to the invitation, regretting your inability to attend it.


205, Vasant Kunj

New Delhi

4th March, 20XX

Dear Neha
Thank you for your cordial invitation on the occasion of your
sister’s wedding. I, however, regret my inability to be with you on
this happy occasion as we shall be leaving for Shimla for summer
holidays on 1st May, 20XX. Please excuse my absence. Do convey
my regards and best wishes to the couple.
Yours sincerely

You are Manoj /Mini. You have been inv ited to attend a birthday party of your closest friend.
Respond to this inv itation.


217 MIG Flats

Surya Vihar, New Delhi

15th March, 20XX

Dear Shuchi
I hav e receiv ed your inv itation for your birthday party on 25 th March, 20XX at 5 p.m. at Hotel
Janpath. I am extremely happy to know that all our old friends are likely to be there.
I would like to confirm my participation.
Looking forward to the momentous occasion.
With lov e.



Dear Shuchi
I acknowledge with thanks your kind inv itation to your birthday party on the 25th March. I regret to
inform you that I will not be able to join you in the celebrations due to some v ery urgent and
unavoidable prior engagements that may keep me tied down here on that day.
Please accept my heartiest felicitations and lov e.
Kindly accept a small gift that I am sending through courier.
Wishing you a v ery happy birthday.
Yours sincerely

Manoj /Mini
❖ You were invited by the local unit of Boogie Woogie, a talent search
organisation, to make a selection of the local teams for participation in
the zonal competition and performance at the national level. But you
are not in a position to do so because you have met with an accident.
Write a letter to the convener regretting your inability to honour the
request explaining to him your position. You are Arun/Aruna Joglekar.

❖ You have received an invitation to attend the prize giving ceremony on

the occasion of the Regional Social Sciences Exhibition. Write a letter to
the Secretary of the ‘The World View’ (the organiser of the exhibition)
informing him about your inability to attend. Give three reasons.

❖ You are going on a picnic at the Suraj Kund, near Haryana-Delhi border
with a group of your classmates. Send an informal invitation to your
close friend Vipin to join you.

❖ Send a formal invitation to Sh. K.B. Vaid, noted novelist and educationist,
to speak on ‘The importance of dev otion, dedication and discipline’ in
Value Education Club of your school.

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